Signature Assignment: Bowen Theory Paper
Signature Assignment: Bowen Theory Paper
Signature Assignment: Bowen Theory Paper
As you have learned through this course, the work of Bowen has helped therapists in the field of marriage and family therapy to clinically
conceptualize intergenerational patterns of behavioral disruption found in families. Such patterns have been the underlying source of maladaptive
behaviors displayed as individuals while interacting with their families. This assignment challenges you to draw from your readings and your
research on this subject (6 minimum peer reviewed journal articles) to create a 12 to 15-page paper double spaced (not including cover page and
references) about Bowen’s family systems therapy. By examining the relational dynamics, intergenerational influences, levels of differentiation per
member of the family, and articulating the presence of triangles, you will be better prepared to utilize this theory while working with clients in the
future. Please review the vignette (more than once) and address all items identified below under the assignment section in your paper.
Watch the Carlsbad session.
Paper Outline
1. In this section you should clearly introduce your paper and share what you plan to address in the pages ahead.
Bowen’s Theory:
2. In this section fully demonstrate your understanding of the Bowenian model of treatment. Be sure to address the role of anxiety,
intergenerational anxiety, and how changes brought about while using the theory. It is also important that you articulate the eight interlocking
concepts of the theory and begin to discuss the relational dynamics projected by the Carlsbad family. Please do not forget to cite your sources.
P a g e 1 | 15
3. In the section please construct a genogram and develop a minimum of two paragraphs explaining the intergenerational dynamics portrayed by
the Carlsbad family. Please do not forget to cite your sources.
Relational Dynamics:
4. In this section please articulate the presented relational dynamics displayed by the Carlsbad family. Be sure to include triangles (no less than
3), emotional cutoff, fusion, and differentiation of self (differentiation and the level of differentiation per family member. and share how the
differentiation levels are influenced by intergenerational transmissions) amongst other relational dynamics. Please do not forget to cite your
5. In the section of the paper please offer a clear clinical conceptualization that highlights your ability to analyze and interpret the presented
behaviors and interactional challenges. The language of the theory must be used in this section. Please do not forget to cite your sources
Treatment Plan:
6. In the section of the paper please address your treatment plan for the family. The section must include all three stages of treatment along with
relevant interventions you would employ the therapist to help the family develop different interactional patterns. Please do not forget to cite
your sources and do not use bullet points to cover this section.
7. Summarize what you presented in the previous pages and draw a summative conclusion.
1. Please submit your completed paper under the Turnitin assignment link found in the week 4 tab. The assignment is due by Sunday at 11:59
pm of the same week (4). Please remember that this is your signature assignment for this class and must be completed.
2. The paper should be between 12 – 15 pages in length not including the title and reference page.
3. As outlined in the rubric, this paper should have a clear introduction and conclusion.
4. This paper should contain at least 6 peer reviewed reference (Wikipedia is not a peer reviewed reference) other than the text.
5. This paper should adhere to strict APA guidelines (6th edition) (Failure to comply will result in a 10% reduction of your overall score)
b. Font Style should be Times New Roman and font size should be the standard 12.
6. As a reminder, when you cite or quote any source please be sure to cite that source and give credit in the body of the paper and on the
reference page.
7. Save your paper as a doc or rtf with your name and the assignment name in the file, using Last Name_Assignment. So, if your name was
Alicia Jackson, and this is Essay 1, you would title it Jackson_Essay 1.
Script for the Video to be developed:
Narrator/therapist: The Carlsbad’s are a blended family that come to see you due to multiple interactional and communication challenges between members of
the family. Kristen is a 49-year-old aeronautical engineer and mother of three. Tony is a 51-year-old groundskeeper at the local golf club and a father of two and
a stepfather to one. This is Kristen’s second marriage and Tony’s first. Tony has a close relationship with his father, Brian (63 years of age, retired Lieut. Col. in
the Army) and his mother, Patrice (62 years of age, school counselor). Living in the home along with Kristen and Tony are Kristen’s mom (Juana) who is 69 years
of age and a retired kindergarten teacher, Kristen’s first son (Ronnie) who is 22 years of age and working on discovering his passions in life, Kristen and Tony’s
oldest daughter (Sophie) who is 17 and a junior in high school, Kristen and Tony’s second daughter (Brittany) who is 16 years of age and a sophomore in high
school, and Kristen and Tony’s last born (Tanya) who is 14 years of age and a freshman in high school. Kristen comes from an alcohol consuming and verbally
abusive family. She developed and maintains patterns that allow for the abusive behaviors to persist in her current family. Kristen’s mother (Juana) also comes
from an alcohol consuming and verbally (sometimes physically) abusive family. Over the recent years, Juana’s joy has been to help her daughter raise Ronnie.
Tony comes from a close-knit family where they all see each other at least twice a week. Tony does not understand how Kristen and Juana can be so abrasive at
Upon arrival all members seem distracted except for Brittany and Tanya who were full of smile and genuinely happy to see the therapist. Ronnie looked upset
and frustrated with everyone.
Seating arrangement: Juana close to Ronnie and across from Tony and his daughters. Kristen is sitting closest to Tanya and almost centered between
Juana/Ronnie and Tony.
Therapist: (with a smile and a welcoming demeanor) it is a pleasure to see each and every one of you here today. I enjoyed meeting each of you last week for
the first time as we explored some of the challenges that have been influencing your family. With that said, who would like to share how your week has been?
Ronnie: (in a sarcastic tone) the week has been just splendid
Therapist: (in a reassuring voice) that is exactly what I was hoping to hear but I can also tell by the tone of your voice that you don’t mean splendid the way most
people would use the term. Would you like to elaborate?
Juana: (in a defensive tone) they must have all got to you. It looks like you’re now starting to pick on Ronnie the way everybody else does.
Therapist: (in a calm voice) I’m wondering if you can tell me what you mean by “they must have gotten to me.”
Juana: (in a defensive tone) I mean everybody sitting in this room and other family members.
Sophie: (with her eyes rolled back in a disapproving look on her face says) no one picks on Ronnie grandma, he was being sarcastic, in my opinion stupid but I’ll
try to hold that myself, and the therapist was simply asking for him to clarify.
Juana: (in a low compassionate tone) you know I love you Sophie, but sometimes you do not know how to simply keep your mouth shut.
Sophie: (pulled back in her seat and folds her arms across her chest)
Tony: (in a frustrated tone) this right here is the issue. No one can say anything to Ronnie without his grandmother stepping into either save him, protect him, or
make it seem as though the world is against him. He is a 22-year-old man who is being treated as a 12-year-old boy.
Juana: (in a defensive and angry tone) you have never liked him from the time you’ve met him.
Kristen: (in a loud tone) mother! That is unnecessary and unfair. Tony has been there for Ronnie and only wants to see him make better choices. We all do.
Ronnie: (rolls his eyes and moves even closer to his grandmother)
Tony: (in a frustrated tone) these accusations are uncalled for and untrue. I love Ronnie but that does not mean I should allow for him to do ad he pleases in my
Therapist: (in a calm tone and redirecting the conversation) I’m wondering if Brittany and Tonya can share their thoughts on what is happening with your family.
Brittany: (with a smile on her face) we are the classic definition of dysfunctional. What can go wrong always goes wrong.
Brittany: (in a calm voice) it means that mom and dad argue all the time. It means that grandma loves Ronnie more than she loves the rest of us. It means that
Tanya and I are always forgotten. It means that Sophie is now always angry with everyone, all the time. It means I want to get away from this family.
Therapist: (in a calm and soothing voice) Tanya, what you think is happening with your family.
Tanya: (in a teary and sad voice) I, I don’t know. We just attack each other all the time and I wish it would stop. We all say that we love each other, but we never
show love.
Therapist: (in a calm voice while looking at Ronnie) can you share with me what specifically you agree with?
Ronnie: (in a shaky voice shares) my mother and grandmother argue, yell at each other, and sometimes physically fight with one another just like my
grandmother once did with my great-grandmother. If my mother is not fighting with my grandmother, she’s fighting with Sophie. If my grandmother is not
fighting with my mother, she’s verbally and sometimes physically attacking Tony. When Tony is not been attacked by my mother or grandmother he is always on
my case trying to make me do something I don’t want to do like get a job at the fast food place around the corner from our house or enroll at the junior college.
Tanya: (in a confident tone) Ronnie also attacks Sophie, Brittany, and me. At times he can be the nicest big brother but then he becomes possessed and tries to
use us as a punching bag. That is why daddy yells at Ronnie. It is to protect us.
Kristen: (in a sad and disappointing voice says) Ronnie reminds me of my father, Al and my ex-husband, Daryll – 53 years old, unemployed, an alcoholic, and an
abusive person. There are moments where they were the most kind and compassionate people you would ever meet but most of the time, they were
functioning alcoholics that enjoyed putting others down verbally and sometimes physically. Both men are now dead, and I am afraid that Ronnie is behaving like
Juana: (in a protective tone) Yes, Ronnie also reminds me of my father, Robert who died a few years back. He was the kind of soul but once he started drinking,
he became unbearable. He would attack anyone in his way and we sometimes find ourselves hiding under the bed or running away to a neighbor’s house most
nights. My mother, Sarah would fight him off to protect us at times and suffered dearly because of us. She is now in a nursing home battling her own demons.
She is 92 years old and refuses to give in to death. She remains a protector, but I do not have the best relationship with her, but that story for another time.
Ronnie is a good boy and needs to be protected.
Ronnie: (in a childish voice and looking at Kristen) my father and grandfather left me, and you should have never replaced my father with Tony, and I will do
what I want just like them.
Kristen: (in a reassuring voice) no one replaced your father. He was out drinking and while driving home was in a car accident, and you know this. Tony has been
there for you but has never tried to replace your father.
Therapist: (in a clear and direct tone, looking right at Ronnie) Ronnie, when you say you will do what you like just like your father and grandfather, what is it that
you mean?
Ronnie: (with hesitancy in his voice) I mean I want to be just like them. I want to have a family of my own, I want to control everyone, I want to be the most
powerful person in the world.
Therapist: (in a low tone) does this also mean that you are using alcohol and or other drugs?
Tanya & Brittany: (together in exuberance and with a shocked look on their face) I told you we could not hide..
Juana: (in a defensive and loud tone and looking at Kirsten) How dare you share Ronnie’s problems with a person we do not even know.
Sophie: (in a direct and confident tone) Grandma, the only person who told on himself was Ronnie. He is 22 and you and mom treat him like he is 8 years old.
Ronnie is just like grandpa and Daryll and getting worse each day.
Kristen: (in a motherly tone): Sophie, stop talking about your brother.
Sophie: (rolls her eyes and in a heartbroken whisper) is this what I have to do to get you to speak to me, to acknowledge that I exist?
Tony: (in a commanding yet desperate voice while looking at the therapist) What can we do to fix this?
Strength of 5 4 3 2 0
Introduction /
Clearly states Effectively states Offers a general purpose for Fails to offer a purpose for The submitted
thesis/purpose of paper thesis/purpose of paper the paper the paper assignment did not
include an introduction.
Sets the stage for Sets the stage for Sets the stage for Sets the stage for
information to come information to come (does information to come (does
information to come
not mention all sections of not mention all sections of
Provides a rationale for the paper) the paper)
the paper Provides a rationale for the
paper Provides a rationale for the Provides a rationale for the
Catches readers’ paper paper
Student clearly Student demonstrate Student demonstrate Student struggles to The submitted
demonstrate their their understanding of their understanding of demonstrate their assignment did not
understanding of the the genogram by the genogram by creating understanding of the include a genogram.
genogram by creating creating and presenting and presenting a familial genogram by creating
and presenting a a familial genogram for genogram for the client and presenting a familial
familial genogram for the client family. family. genogram for the client
the client family. family.
The genogram covers a The genogram covers a
The genogram covers a minimum of two minimum of 1 generation The genogram covers a
minimum of three generations and the and no generational and minimum of 1 generation
generations and the generational and intergenerational and no generational and
generational and intergenerational patterns are visible and intergenerational
intergenerational patterns are clearly explained. patterns are visible and
patterns are clearly visible and explained. explained.
visible and explained.
Relational 10 – 9 8–7 6–3 2–1 0
Student clearly identifies Student identifies and Student identifies and Student identifies and The submitted
and articulates three articulates three articulates a minimum of articulates one assignment did not
intergenerational intergenerational patterns two intergenerational intergenerational pattern include an articulation of
patterns and behaviors. and behaviors. patterns and behaviors. and behavior. relational dynamics.
Student clearly Student articulates the link Student struggles to Student struggles to
demonstrates the link between the articulate a link between articulate a link between
between the intergenerational patterns the intergenerational the intergenerational
intergenerational expressed by the client patterns expressed by the pattern expressed by the
patterns expressed by the family and theory. client family and theory. client family and theory.
client family and theory.
Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a Student demonstrates a
Student demonstrates an limited understanding of limited understanding of limited understanding of
understanding of how the how the intergenerational how the intergenerational how the intergenerational
intergenerational patterns affect the patterns affect the patterns affect the
patterns affect the engagement between engagement between engagement between
engagement between family members. family members. family members.
family members.
Student supports their Student struggles with Student struggles with
Student supports all their assertions by offering support their assertions by support their assertions by
assertions by offering citations. offering citations. offering citations.
Student clearly identifies Student identifies and Student identifies and Student identifies and The submitted
and explains three or explains three triangles explains a minimum of two explains a single triangle assignment did not
more triangles presented presented by the client triangles presented by the that was presented by the include a section that
by the client family. family. client family. client family. discussed triangles.
Student clearly explains Student explains (in their Student struggles to explain Student struggles to explain
(in their own words and own words and supported (in their own words and (in their own words and
supported with citations) with citations) the nature supported with citations) supported with citations)
the nature of each of each triangle but the nature of each triangle the nature of each triangle
triangle and how it struggles with drawing the but struggles with drawing and fails to draw the
influences the presenting connection between the the connection between connection between the
problem. triangle and how it the triangle and how it triangle and how it
influences the presenting influences the presenting influences the presenting
problem. problem. problem.
Differentiation 10 – 9 8–7 6–3 2–1 0
Student clearly identifies Student clearly identifies Student defines Student defines The submitted
members of the family members of the family differentiation but struggles differentiation and fails to assignment did not
with a high level of with a high level of to identify members of the identify members of the include a section that
differentiation as well as differentiation as well as family with a high level of family with a high level of discussed differentiation.
those with a low level of those with a low level of differentiation as well as differentiation as well as
differentiation. differentiation. those with a low level of those with a low level of
differentiation. differentiation.
Student offers a clear Student offers a somewhat
rationale for why each clear rationale for why Student struggles to offer a Student fails to offer a
member is designated each member is rationale for why each rationale for why each
with a high or low level of designated with a high or member is designated with member is designated with
differentiation. low level of differentiation. a high or low level of a high or low level of
differentiation. differentiation.
Student clearly articulates Student summarizes or Student uses quotes to Student uses quotes to The submitted
(in their own words) a paraphrases information summarize information summarize information assignment did not
clinical conceptualization shared by the clients to shared by the clients to shared by the clients to include a
that highlights the demonstrate a clinical demonstrate a clinical demonstrate a clinical conceptualization section.
student’s ability to conceptualization. conceptualization. conceptualization.
analyze the presenting
problem. Student struggles to Student struggles to Student struggles to
highlight their ability to highlight their ability to highlight their ability to
Student appropriately analyze the presenting analyze the presenting analyze the presenting
attributes the presented problem using the problem using the problem using the
relational dynamics to the Bowenian model of Bowenian model of Bowenian model of
familial engagement treatment. treatment. treatment.
structure that
perpetuates the Student attributes the Student struggles to Student struggles to
presenting problem and presented relational attributes the presented attributes the presented
offers a clear clinical dynamics to the familial relational dynamics to the relational dynamics to the
rationale for its presence. engagement structure that familial engagement familial engagement
perpetuates the structure that perpetuates structure that perpetuates
Student effectively presenting problem but the presenting problem and the presenting problem and
demonstrates their ability struggles to offers a clinical struggles to offers a clinical fails to offer a clinical
to restructure the rationale for its presence. rationale for its presence. rationale for its presence.
presenting problem using
the language of the Student uses the Student uses the Student struggles to uses
theory. statements provided by statements provided by the the statements provided by
the clients to restructure clients to restructure the the clients to restructure
the presenting problem by presenting problem by the presenting problem and
sporadically using the sporadically using the does not employ the
language of the theory. language of the theory. language of the theory.
Treatment plan: 10 – 9 8–7 6–3 2–1 0
Stages of
Student clearly articulates Student identifies the Student struggles to identify Student struggles to identify The submitted
the three stages of three stages of treatment the three stages of the three stages of assignment did not
treatment using the but struggles with using treatment and struggles treatment and struggles include the stages of
Bowenian language. the Bowenian language. with using the Bowenian with using the Bowenian treatment.
language. language.
Student clearly Student demonstrates
demonstrates their their understanding of the Student struggled to Student fails to
understanding of the theory by explaining the demonstrate their demonstrate their
theory by explaining the link between stages of understanding of the theory understanding of the theory
link between stages of treatment and by explaining the link by explaining the link
treatment and interventions. between stages of between stages of
interventions. treatment and treatment and
interventions. interventions.
Surprisingly and Takes ideas, theories, Sometimes, takes ideas, Rarely or never takes
insightfully takes ideas, processes, and/or theories, processes, ideas, theories, Student failed to
theories, processes, principles into new and/or principles into processes, and/or demonstrate the ability
and/or principles into territory, broader new territory, broader principles into new of synthesizing
new territory, broader generalizations, hidden generalizations, hidden territory, broader information.
generalizations, hidden meanings and meanings and generalizations, hidden
meanings and implications. implications. meanings and
implications. implications.
Evaluates the power and Sometimes, evaluates
Clearly evaluates the relevance of presented the power and relevance Rarely or never evaluates
power and relevance of ideas. of presented ideas. the power and relevance
presented ideas. of presented ideas.
Student includes Student includes
Student includes citations from 4 or 5 citations from 2 or 3 Student includes
citations from 6 or relevant peer reviewed relevant peer reviewed citations from 1 or less
more relevant peer articles or books on the articles or books on the relevant peer reviewed
reviewed articles or subject matter. subject matter. articles or books on the
books on the subject subject matter.
Strength of 5 4 3 2 0
Summary /
Conclusion Summary/Conclusion is Summary/Conclusion is Summary/Conclusion is Summary/Conclusion is The submitted
clearly driven by the supported by the not always supported by not supported by the assignment did not
content, information, content, information, the content, information, content, information, include a summary or
and/or arguments and/or arguments and/or arguments and/or arguments
presented. presented. presented. presented.
Provides the reader Provides the reader with Provides the reader with Does not provide the
with a strong, clear, clear support for the some support for the reader with sufficient
succinct support for purpose and value of purpose and value of the support for the purpose
the purpose and value the work. work. and value of the work.
of the work.