School Self Evaluation Workbook Blank

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Your School Self Evaluation Process

As a school leader, knowing your school is critical to its continuous improvement.
Knowing your school is really only possible through collecting information, reflecting on
and analyzing that information. The most effective decisions are those based on
evidence and School Self Evaluation (SSE) can provide that evidence. SSE is one of
the most important steps in creating a culture that drives school improvement. It
provides an opportunity for the entire school community to take ownership of school
improvement through active participation and objective reflection on the school’s
achievement against an established set of standards. In other words the process of self
evaluation should be used to identify the school’s strengths and weaknesses to explore
and options and strategies for change that will lead to the desired goals of the school
community. Hence, it both recognizes and celebrates successes and focuses on areas
where student outcomes can be better.

The SSE is not new as it is really intended to formalize things schools already do and to
direct and record the outcomes of your improvement efforts. All conclusions should
therefore be fully supported by evidence. Self-Evaluation helps you to understand how
you know what you know.

The NEI will make considerable use of your SSE. It will be used as a guide in the
inspection of your school and the use of your school self-evaluation in helping to bring
about improvement will be an important factor in the assessment of your school’s
capacity to improve in the future.

How to complete the form

Principals and senior managers are not expected to complete the SSE on their own.
Your self evaluation exercise should involve members of your school board, teachers,
students and other stakeholders. Completing the form collectively is an excellent way to
strengthen partnerships and foster ownership of the school’s goals and improvement

NEI School Self Evaluation 2 2014 1

Pre-Inspection School Self-Evaluation Proforma

School: _________________________________

What are the school’s strengths?

What are the things you most want to improve?

1. How effectively is the school led and managed?

Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

How do you know?

Do you have a SIP? How and how often is your SIP Action Plan monitored? How often
do you observe teachers in your school? How well are the teachers prepared for their
lessons? How do you assess their level of preparation? How often are staff and
departmental meetings held? How effective are HODs and Grade Supervisors in
guiding teachers and students in the school? Does your school have records? If so
which ones? Are your records well kept? How effective are your teachers’ academic
records? How often do you check these records? Do you have a training programme
for your teachers? How effective is your beautification programme?

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What is the school’s relationship with the community?
Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

What is the nature of that relationship?

Is the school serving the needs of the community? Is the community involved in the
planning and execution of the school’s activities and programmes? Does the community
participate in the school’s development? What is the percentage of the community
participation in running the school? How many projects has the community executed in
the school?

How do you rate the relationship with students and stakeholders?

Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

What do stakeholders think of your school?

Are the students happy to come to the school every day? How well do parents
relate to the school? How do you know? How do you get feedback from students
and their parents/guardians?

What are the problems facing the school in recent times?

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What is being done to rectify these problems?

2. How effectively does teaching support learning?

Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

How do you know?

How often do SMT observe teachers in class? What percentage of your teachers can
you describe as being competent? How effective are your teachers in subject delivery?
How effective is the teaching and learning process taking place in your school? Are the
students learning as much as expected? How do you know? Are students given
homework? How do you encourage your teachers to do self-evaluation? Does the
school engage in continuous assessment? How do they use this information? How
punctual are teachers and students to their lessons?

3. How well do students perform in relation to national and/or regional tests

and examinations? (For the very young (grade 1), in relation to age-related

Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

How do you know?

Prompts: How good is your students’ performance in external tests & examinations?
How do you rate the school’s academic performance?

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In what subjects/classes do they do best, and why?

In what subjects/classes is improvement needed, and what are you doing about it?

4. How well do students progress (in relation to their starting points)?

Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

How do you know?

Prompts: Do your students make good progress from their different starting points?
Do you measure the achievement of your students when they start attending your
school? What do you find? Do you measure the achievement of your students when
they leave your school? What do you find? Is individual student performance tracked in
relation to their different starting points.

5. How good is the students’ personal and social development?

Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

How do you know?

Prompts: How disciplined are your students? Have you had many reports of indiscipline
over the last year?
What would you say about your school’s ethos? Do students demonstrate proper
conduct at break time? Do students move about the school in an orderly manner? Is
there violence between students in your school? How do you manage it? In what ways

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do your students make contributions to the school and the community beyond the
school? Are economic and/or environmental issues covered in curriculum plans for
either lessons or assemblies? What steps do you take to encourage students to attend
regularly? How does the school develop the students’ sense of self awareness and
spiritual awareness. Consider also co-curricular, sports and arts activities available to
students. Do your students win awards in sports, culture and the arts or any other

6. How effectively does the school use the human and material resources
at its disposal to help the students achieve as well as they can?
Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

What are the best features?

Do you have adequate teaching materials/ resources in your school? Do teachers use
these instructional materials effectively? Do your students have relevant textbooks?
Pupil/ textbook ratio. Do you have a library in your school? How well stocked is it?
How adequately is your school funded? Do you have appropriately qualified staff? Are
they deployed efficiently? Is the accommodation available suitable?

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What aspects need improvement, and why?

How do you rate the quality of your staff?

Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

What are their best features?

Is your staff appropriately qualified? How regular is their attendance? Are they
interested in the academic and social development of their students?

In what areas does your staff need improvement? Why?

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7. How well is the curriculum planned, adapted and enriched to meet
students’ needs?
Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

How do you know?

Do all students have access to the full curriculum? Is the curriculum modified for children
with special education needs, and for the gifted?

What are the strongest features?

What needs improvement and what action is being taken?

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8. How well does the school ensure everyone’s security, health, safety and
Poor Excellent
1 2 3 4 5

How do you know?

Does the school provide a safe and secure environment for staff and students? Does
the school have a safety and security policy? In what ways are students encouraged to
live healthy lives? How are students from disadvantaged groups helped to join in fully in
school life? Do students and staff have access to medical facilities if required?

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