T-TESS Appraiser Sample Conferencing Quesions
T-TESS Appraiser Sample Conferencing Quesions
T-TESS Appraiser Sample Conferencing Quesions
How are students backgrounds, language and/or cultural differences used to plan for
How are students social-emotional needs incorporated into planning for lessons?
1.4 Activities
Why is it important for teachers to ask higher order questions during a lesson?
How do you plan for questions and opportunities for students to engage in higher order
thinking and problem- solving?
How do you decide on the instructional grouping of students before/during a lesson?
How do you hold groups and individuals accountable for work completed within a group?
How do you decide on the roles and responsibilities individuals will have when working in
In what ways do the activities, resources, technology, and instructional materials align to the
instructional goals?
How are activities varied to address different ability levels and learning needs?
What opportunities do you provide for students to set individual goals and hold each other
accountable for meetings those goals? How does goal setting happen within instructional
How do you ensure that the activities planned are engaging and keep students focused and
motivated to learn? How do they engage students in ownership of their own learning?
2.1 Achieving Expectations
Why is it important to have academic expectations for students that are high and demanding?
How will you obtain evidence that most students have demonstrated mastery of the objective?
How will students take initiative for their own learning and self-monitor their progress?
What are some examples of high expectations with this unit of study/lesson/activity?
What opportunities do you provide for students to set high social-emotional expectations for
How are students expected to persist with instruction to demonstrate progress towards
mastery of learning? What types of strategies do you use to keep them motivated and
How do you anticipate student mistakes and/or misunderstandings? What types of common
learning pitfall do you generally see with this lesson/unit?
When you know students will struggle with what is presented, what do you do?
In what ways are students expected to take initiative for their own learning? What role do you
play in this?
2.2 Content Knowledge and Expertise
How do you develop or select instructional strategies to teach specific skills?
How do you decide on ways in which you will connect the content to other disciplines and realworld experiences?
How will you sequence the instruction so that students understand how the lesson fits within
the discipline and real- world scenarios?
How do you plan for opportunities for students to engage in different types of thinking?
What are some examples related to how you model thinking for students?
What do you believe are the key concepts with this unit of study/lesson?
How do you know when to provide differentiated explanations for students?
What content, if any, do you anticipate will present challenges for students? What cues will
tell you that they do not understand what is presented? What might you do to prepare for
these misunderstandings up front? What techniques do you/might you use to mitigate those
How is instruction sequenced to allow students to see the connections within and across
What are some examples of how you continuously refine your knowledge and expertise?
How do you stay current in the field?
2.3 Communication
How will the goals for learning be communicated to students?
How will you provide opportunities for students to elaborate and extend their learning?
How do you provide for wait time when questioning during a lesson?
Why is it important for teachers to ask higher order questions that are aligned to the lessons
How do you communicate your expectations to students?
How is student-to-student communication encouraged and established during instruction?
How do you make decisions about the types of technology and/or visual tools to use during the
How are technology and visual tools used to engage students and communicate learning?
How do you know when your explanations or direct teach are clear and coherent? What
strategies do you use to assess whether students understood what was explained? What
happens when students do not understand?
How are questions leveled to increase complex thinking during the lesson? In what ways
do they promote deeper thinking and a broader understanding of the objective(s)?
What are some strategies you use to provoke and guide discussions with students?
How are students expected to communicate what they have learned?
2.4 Differentiation
How will the instructional strategies address all students learning needs?
How do you provide differentiated instructional methods within your lesson?
How will the lesson engage and challenge all students of all levels?
Why is it important to provide varied options for student mastery?
Why is it important to provide multiple strategies to teach and assess students?
How are lessons adapted and presented using a variety of strategies to reach all students?
In what ways do you monitor student participation and performance? What do you do when
these expectations are not present?
What student behaviors do you look for during the lesson as signals that differentiation may be
How do you know when students are confused?
What do you do when students become disengaged? How do you refocus instruction?
2.5 Monitor and Adjust
How will you check for understanding during the lesson?
How will you use student feedback to make adjustments to your instruction?
How does student engagement impact student performance?
What strategies do you use to gather input from students? How is this information used
to monitor and adjust instruction?
How are activities adjusted to align with the lesson objective and yet meet students needs?
How is pacing monitored and adjusted to maximize learning and keep students progressing
towards mastery? What behaviors might you see to indicate that pacing needs to be
What strategies do you use for ongoing checks for understanding?
What kinds of questions do you ask when purposefully checking for understanding?
What are some examples of specific, academic feedback you provide to students? How do
students provide academic feedback to each other? What are students expected to do with
the feedback?