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Alexander Hamilton Elementary School #145

Understanding The Performance Based Evaluation System

Charlotte Jackson, Principal Ken Romano, Assistant Principal 2006-2007

This is the value of the teacher, who looks at a face and says theres something behind that and I want to reach that person. I want to influence that person, I want to encourage that person, I want to enrich, I want to call out that person who is behind that face, behind that color, behind that language, behind that tradition, behind that culture, I believe you can do it. I know what was done for me.

Maya Angelou
Ask yourself the following reflective questions:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.


What will I do to increase student achievement and attendance for all students? How will I maintain and document student work and efforts utilized to increase student learning and parent involvement? Am I adept at charting, using, and analyzing data sources consistently to document and plan for student instructional needs? How will I use information from student IEPs to acknowledge student learning styles and individual learning needs? Does my classroom environment maximize student learning time and maintain rigorous high expectations for behavior and achievement? Is my spoken and written language clear and correct and do I know my designated content areas of instruction? Have I initiated or volunteered for a leadership role within my school and are all my responsibilities and reports indicative of Honoring Time?

If you were able to answer the preceding questions thoughtfullythen your Initial Planning Conference is 90% complete. The next slides will allow us to examine in greater detail, the essential elements that comprise the Performance Based Evaluation System (PBES) for the Baltimore City Public School System.

The Individual Development Plan {IDP}

He who dares to teach must never cease to learn. Richard Henry Dann
Items To Bring:
Your IDP Form from SY 2005-2006

Be Prepared To Discuss and/or Record:

Coursework or relevant experiences that document your professional growth and development Plans to address areas in need of improvement as identified weak or marginal as identified in the Performance Based Evaluation System

The Initial Planning Conference

Goals determine what you are going to be. Julius


Items To Bring: Individual Development Plan (IDP)

Initial Planning Conference Form

Be Prepared To Discuss Student achievement data; Your plans to address students strengths and weaknesses, and what happens if what is taught is not learned; Instructional strategies or support to increase student achievement; and Artifacts you will maintain and share at future evaluation conferences{Mid-year and Final Evaluations}

Formal Observations

The man who can make hard things easy is the educator. Ralph Waldo Emerson
The Pre-Observation Conference is the time to discuss:

Objectives, criteria for content, curriculum sequence, etc.; the activity/activities to be observed; Ways in which the lesson/activity fits into the teacher's long-range planning; Pertinent information concerning the group or activity observed; Student progress toward mastery/achievement; and means for assessing activity

Formal Observations

The process of teaching and learning stimulate one another. Confucius

The Formal Observations are conducted in the following manner:
Formal observations are opportunities to observe teacher performance and provide information for the preparation of the evaluation. There must be at least two formal observations of each BCPSS teacher every year [COMAR 13A.07.04.02A(4)]. An unsatisfactory evaluation shall include at least one formal observation by an individual qualified to conduct the observation, other than the teacher's immediate supervisor. Formal observations will be conducted with the prior knowledge of the teacher. There will be a preobservation conference and a post-observation conference. A written observation report must be prepared for each formal observation and should be discussed during the post-observation conference. The observer's notes and comments should provide helpful feedback to the teacher. An observation report provides a place for written comments and reactions by the teacher being observed. The observation report will be signed by the observer and the teacher, with copies given to the teacher. If a teacher is assigned to more than one location, the payroll principal will coordinate the formal observation process and the evaluation.


Performance Domains
Planning and Preparation Check one assessment for each domain Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments mandatory for Unsatisfactory Assessment

The Learning Environment

Instruction/Instructional Support

Professional Responsibilities


Performance Domains
Planning and Preparation PIP Required
Proficient Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Comments mandatory for Unsatisfactory Assessment



The Learning Environment PIP Required



Instruction/Instructional Support PIP Required



Professional Responsibilities PIP Required



Total Points


Statement of Area(s) Targeted for Improvement

Planning and Preparation

Actions Teacher Will Take To Correct Problem(s)

I will complete my lesson plans on a daily basis.

Assistance Teacher Will Need From Principal to Help Correct Problem(s)

Help in understanding the VSC and purpose of pacing guides.

Action Plan
Actions/Activities/Events Target Date Review Date2 Assessment of Progress

Work with IST to plan lessons using VSC



Turn lesson plans in one day in advance to principal, beginning 9/25.

Youre The Principal!

Examine the following scenarios in your group. Based on the Performance Based Evaluation System, assign a rubric score for the mid-year and final evaluation rating for each teacher. Refer to the handout distributed for the details that will inform your decision making. Enjoy your task!

KEEP IN MIND THE FOLLOWING: Each domain is 25% of the evaluation. Each rating level has a set point value. There is no deviation in the assignment of points for a domain. Proficient DOMAIN 1 DOMAIN 2 DOMAIN 3 DOMAIN 4






Mr. Alexander
Mr. Albert Alexander is a eight year veteran in the school system. He is fifteen to twenty minutes late everyday. He turns all reports and information in on time. He has difficulty managing the female students in his class. He has detailed lesson plans everydaybut they are on the computer. His classroom environment is the best in the school. Student test scores are slightly above average. He is the grade level chairperson.
Domain 1
Planning & Preparation

Domain 2
Learning Environment

Domain 3 Instruction

Domain 4
Professional Responsibilities





Ms. Elementary
Ms. Ethel Elementary is highly qualified according to NCLB. She is a third year teacher. Her activities planned are not suitable for first graders, which often results in office referrals. It has been reported to you that Ms. Elementary often yells, screams, and sometimes uses profanity to students. She is not a team player and often comes late or not at all to professional development and staff meetings. She knows how to implement student IEPs and is a whiz at using data to inform instruction.

Mrs. Hamilton
Mrs. Hattie Hamilton has twelve years experience in teaching. She has a conditional certificate. She continuously monitors and communicates clear assessment criteria and standards to provide opportunities for students to review their progress. Her class scores on state, system, and/or standardized tests are maintained and updated regularly. Her planning and preparation consistently reflects the use of data to diagnose students strengths and weaknesses. Her classroom culture maximizes academic learning. She is the SIT chairperson and always interacts professionally with all members of the learning community

Mr. School
Mr. Simon School has 35 years experience as a classroom teacher. He arrives at school on time everyday and has not missed a day of work in 15 years. He works collaboratively to contribute to a safe, orderly and productive school environment. His students love him, but their Baltimore Benchmark scores indicate that their performance is below average when compared to other 4th graders in the city. Mr. School often lectures and rarely does small group instruction because he cant have total control over the class. His classroom is cluttered, disorganized, and dislikes students with special needs in his class.

Qualities of Effective Teachers According to James Strong (2002 Copyright)

The Teacher as a Person

Responds to individual misbehavior, demonstrates respect, wants students to succeed Participates in a collegial, collaborative work environment, and engages in reflective practice Involved in graduate study and holds high expectations of themselves and maintains a strong positive belief in their own efficacy

Classroom Management and Organization


Moves throughout the classroom to encourage attention and anticipates problems and resolves minor distractions before they become major disruptions Has materials prepared in advance of the lesson, including extra materials

Organizing, Orienting, and Implementing Instruction


Has clarity in lesson delivery and the learning objectives are carefully linked with appropriate activities Applies hands-on learning and ensures student engagement is maximized with authentic activities related to the content under study

Monitoring Student Progress


Uses pre-assessments to support targeted teaching of skills and provides specific feedback Re-teach materials to students who did not get it, and offers tutoring to students needing help Is effective with the full range of student abilities in their classregardless of how academically diverse the students are

A child miseducated is a child lost.

John F. Kennedy

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