Ship Familiarization Checklist - Engines - Valve

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pendant 30 jours

 No: S-07
Page: 1 of 5
Date: 01/06/11

Titres liés
LTD. Rev.:  0

(As per STCW Section A-I!" #n$ A- "!"%&

To be completed by all new joiners, pri r departure p rt r within 24 h urs f j ining (whichever c mes first)  and handed to
the Master on completion. The afety !fficer or his deputy to provide the following basic safety training to the joining seafarer. 

Name of Seafarer :
Code of Safety for Ug Project Title 2 Activities Dec Procedures FINAL_BUFFALO_D Charles Cv Food menu Breakaway from
Fishermen and… 09 10 2010 Emergency Good jetty during…
Ship : Rank :

Port of Joining : Date of Joining :

Joining officers/ratings to tick the following to acknowledge their understanding of the following :

For all seafarers :

  I know the location of muster lists, my muster point  emergency duties, particularly for fire /
a!andonship / oil pollution
  I know the "arious alarm signals particularly for fire / a!andonship / oil pollution#
  I know where  how to raise an alarm and actions to !e taken when I hear an alarm#
  I know the location of my life $acket and thermal protecti"e aid and the method of wearing them#
  I know the emergency escape routes from my ca!in / work station to my muster point
  I know the location, donning  usage of emergency escape !reathing de"ice %&&'D(#
I know the location and operation of life sa"ing e)uipment  fire fighting e)uipment
  I know the location and operation of life sa"ing e)uipment  fire fighting e)uipment#
  I ha"e identified "arious safety sym!ols and signs posted on!oard andLisez
shown in fire/safety plan#
pendant 30 jours
  I know what to do immediately in case of man o"er!oard or fire/smoke detected#
  I ha"e recei"ed a copy of my *Job Description+ and fully understand my duties and responsi!ilities#
  I can communicate with others on!oard in a common language, particularly on safety matters#
Titres liés  

I fully understand the information pro"ided in the 'asic Safety amiliari-ation !ooklet#
  I ha"e identified the Solas .raining anual, 0S1 / 1 manual and understand the contents#
  I know what to do immediately in case of accidents or medical emergencies#
  I know closing and opening of water2tight, weather2tight and fire doors of the ship#
  I ha"e read and understood the 3ompany+s Safety  &n"ironment Protection Policy and agree to

strictly a!ide !y it#
  I ha"e read and understood the 3ompany+s Drug  1lcohol Policy, and agree to strictly a!ide !y it#
Code of Safety for
  Ug Project Titlerecei"ed
I ha"e 2 Activities
the Dec
personal Procedures FINAL_BUFFALO_D
protecti"e working clothes# Charles Cv Food menu Breakaway from
Fishermen and… 09 10 2010 Emergency Good jetty during…

For joining Officers only:

 44444 Identify Safety anagement System anual, 5essel 6perations anual, 3ompany 3irculars ile,
S6P&P anual and &mergency Response Plans#
 44444 7a"e rele"ant instruments, pu!lications, documents and e)uipment !een recei"ed from outgoing
officer 8 1 signed hando"er / in"entory list confirming receipt of the a!o"e property to !e handed to the
aster/3hief &ngineer !efore offsigner lea"es the "essel#

Signature of new $oiner 44444444444444444Signature of trainer 44444444444444444444Date44444444444 

This familiarization checklist to be completed by ALL new joiners within 2 weeks of joining.


Lisez gratuitement
pendant 30 jours

 No: S-07
Page: 2 of 5
Date: 01/06/11

Titres liés
LTD. Rev.:  0

No CHECK !S"  #es $ No
&' 7a"e you fully understood the functioning of the Safety anagement System %SS( on!oard
2. 7a"e you read and understood the 3ompany+s Safety and &n"ironmental Protection Policy
3.  1re you fully aware of your duties and responsi!ilities as per the 5essel 6peration anual
and your Jo! Description, and to whom you will report 8

4. Do you feel any language pro!lems or communication difficulties 8
5.  1re you fully familiar with the contents of the S601S .raining anual and 0S1 / 1 .raining
Code of Safety for Ug Project Title 2 Activities Dec Procedures FINAL_BUFFALO_D Charles Cv Food menu Breakaway from
Fishermen and…
 aintenance2010
09 10
anuals 8 Emergency Good jetty during…
6.  1re you thorough with the location and operation of the "essel+s fire2fighting gear 8
7.  1re you thorough with the location and operation of lifesa"ing gear 8
8. Do you know the location and usage of the "essel+s pollution pre"ention e)uipment 8
9. Do you know what you ha"e to do in "arious ship!oard emergencies 8
10. 7a"e you participated in any life!oat / fire drill as yet#
11. 7a"e you read and understood the safety precautions and emergency actions mentioned in
the *aterial Safety Data Sheets+ for "arious paints, chemicals, "arious cargoes, etc# handled
on !oard#
12. Do you know the location, closing and opening procedure of the "arious "ents, flaps 
openings 8
13. Do you know the general safe working procedures  practices on!oard 8
14. Do you know the procedure for reporting *Near isses+
15.  1re you fully aware of the procedures to !e followed while keeping watch and changing o"er
16.  1re you familiar with the operation and maintenance of all the machinery, e)uipment and
systems rele"ant to you 8
17.  1re you familiar with switches for "arious e)uipment, lights, emergency stops, alarms etc#
18.  1re you familiar with the grade of lu!2oils to use for different machinery#

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pendant 30 jours

 No: S-07
Page: 4 of 5
Date: 01/06/11

Titres liés
LTD. Rev.:  0

26.  1re you familiar with the S6P&P and &mergency Response Plans anual 8
27.  1re you aware of the procedures to !e followed prior to departure  arri"al ports 8
28. Do you know which engine manuals and operating  1re you aware of the !ridge procedures, rules and
instructions are a"aila!le on!oard and their regulations for na"igation and the distress procedures 8
29. 3an you locate and operate of the engine room fire2 Do you know how to acti"ate the emergency 
fighting gear 8 communications e)uipment including <DSS 8
30. 3an you locate and understand the operation of emergency stop mechanism of ain engine including other
emergency stop switches, "al"es / )uick closing "al"es 8
Code of Safety for 31. Ug Project
 1re youTitle 2 Activities
familiar with theDec Procedures of the FINAL_BUFFALO_D
general arrangement Charles
 1re you familiar with Cv
the general Food menu
arrangement of the Breakaway from
Fishermen and… 09 10&/R, ain engines,2010 au=iliary engines,
!oilers, Good "essel, arrangement, location and operation of pollution jetty during…
electrical plant, pumps, fans etc#  their safety pre"ention e)uipment, safety e)uipment and
de"ices, alarms and actions to take when any alarm emergency e)uipment 8
sounds 8
32. Do you know the pollution pre"ention regulations Do you fully understand the safety and pollution
applica!le for the operating area and are you pre"ention checks to !e carried out for carrying out
familiar with the operation of pollution pre"ention cargo operations and the records to !e kept during a
e)uipment in the &ngine Room 8 cargo watch 8
33.  1re you familiar with the engine room piping and Do you know the arrangement, layout and operation of
"al"es layout 8 cargo and !allast systems 2 tanks, pumps, lines, "al"es,
manifolds  associated systems / e)uipment 8
34.  1re you familiar with the emergency !ilge pumping  1re you familiar with the steering controls, telephones,
arrangements on your "essel 8 telegraph and other !ridge e)uipment and displays 8
35. Do you know the location, closing and opening of 7a"e you familiari-ed with the arrangement, layout and
the &/R "ents  !lowers, skylights  other openings operation of all na"igational and radio e)uipment and
8 systems rele"ant to you 8
36. Do you know the location and operation of engine  1re you familiar with the operational limitations, routine
room sea "al"es 8 checking  maintenance of na"igational e)uipment 8
37.  1re you aware of the entries you ha"e to make in  1re of aware of the entries you ha"e to make in the
the "arious log !ooks of the &ngine Room8 "arious log !ooks of the 'ridge  3argo 6ffice 8
38.  1re you familiar with the stern tu!e lu!rication  1re you familiar with the operation of "essel+s lifting
system and the location / change2o"er procedure of gear, anchor windlass, mooring winches and other deck
gra"ity tanks machinery
gra"ity tanks machinery
39.  1re you familiar with the enclosed space entry and hot work procedures and associated checklists 8
Lisez gratuitement
40.  1re you familiar with theRecherche
current schedule of the planned maintenance system %PS( on!oard, particularly the
pendant 30 jours
forthcoming $o!s for the machinery / e)uipment / pu!lications under your care 8
41. 3an you locate the 36; / 7alon / oam room, and their release procedure for &/R, Pump2room, cargo tanks or
42. Do you know the procedures for reporting "essel+s engineering / technical defects and Non23onformities 8
Titres liés 43. 3an you operate the following emergency machinery !y yourself without any help :

&mergency fire pump / &mergency generator / &mergency air compressor / 0ife !oat engine8
44.  1re you aware of the on!oard safety committee meetings and their purpose 8
45.  1re you familiar with the steering gear, and change2o"er procedures in case of an emergency 8
46. Do you know the procedure for closing and opening of the watertight hatches, lids and doors 8

Signature of new $oiner 44444444444444444Signature of trainer 44444444444444444444Date4444444444 

Code of Safety for Ug Project Title 2 Activities Dec Procedures FINAL_BUFFALO_D Charles Cv Food menu Breakaway from
Fishermen and… This 09 10
is an additional2010 Emergency
selffamiliarization Goodto be completed by all joining Masters ! "hief Engineers
checklist jetty during…
2 weeks of joining   and shall be handed to the Master upon completion.

 # $ N
 %DD!"!ON%# FO) JO!N!N( +%S"E)S , CH!EF EN(!NEE)S ON#
7'  1re you fully familiar with the entire contents of 3ompany+s SS  56 anuals
48. 7a"e you fully familiari-ed yourself with the &mergency Response Plans anual, S6P&P
anual, and "erified that the contingency plans mentioned therein are specific and suita!le to
your "essel#
49. 7a"e you "erified the ;> hour contact num!ers of the "arious 3ompany ?ey Personnel,
particularly the DP1#
50. 7a"e you posted your standing orders and are writing your night orders e"ery night#
51. 7a"e you re"iewed all log !ooks, records, certificates of the "essel, her e)uipment  the crew
and found satisfactory# If not, please write your comments !elow#

Lisez gratuitement
pendant 30 jours

 No: S-07
Page: 5 of 5
Date: 01/06/11

Titres liés
LTD. Rev.:  0

52. 7a"e you "isited the entire "essel, and are satisfied with the hull, e)uipment  machinery
condition, spare parts  stores in"entory#


Code of Safety for Ug Project Title 2 ActivitiesEN(!NEE)S

CH!EF Dec Procedures FINAL_BUFFALO_D Charles Cv
+%S"E)S Food menu Breakaway from
Fishermen and… 09 10 2010 Emergency Good jetty during…
0ocated the following original manuals, 0ocated the following original class appro"ed
studied  understood them# manuals, studied  understood them#
53. /& 6peration anual  Spare parts list 0oading anual
54.  1/& 6peration anual  Spare parts list .rim  Sta!ility 'ooklet
55. 'oiler 6peration anual  Spare parts list 7ydrostatic .a!les
56. @A ppm 6ily Bater iltering &)pt# 6peration 0oadicator anual
anual  Spare parts list
57. Sewage plant 6peration anual 36B anual
58. Incinerator 6peration anual P  1 anual
59. I<S 6peration, aintenance anuals  S6P&P anual
Spare parts lists
60. Purifiers operation manuals  Spare parts list 6D& anual
61. Steering system operation  maintenance I<S anual
manuals  drawings
62. Stern .u!e drawing  layout of gra"ity tanks Damage Sta!ility 'ooklet
 piping / "al"es
63. achinery Space drawings %inished Plans( 7ydrostatic 'alanced 0oading anual
64. Spare Parts 0ists for all achinery Ship+s Drawings %inished Plans(
65 S P I h i ll ifi d

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