Nonfiction Writing Rubric
Nonfiction Writing Rubric
Nonfiction Writing Rubric
Research Graphic organizer has been Graphic organizer has Graphic organizer is Graphic organizer has
completed and shows clear been completed and mostly completed and not been completed
and sufficient details for shows clear details for shows clear details for and/or is completed with
each research question. most of the research some of the research missing or inaccurate
questions. questions. information.
Information Both background knowledge Both background Background knowledge Little background
and research were used to knowledge and and/or research were knowledge and/or
include accurate and research were used to used to include accurate research was included.
sufficient information on the include accurate information. Some Topics were not
animal. All topics were information on the topics were covered. sufficiently covered.
covered. animal. Most topics
were covered.
Writing Mechanics Grammar, capitalization and Grammar, capitalization Grammar, capitalization Grammar, capitalization
punctuation are used and punctuation are and punctuation are and punctuation are
correctly throughout the mostly used correctly somewhat used used ineffectively
product. throughout the product. correctly throughout the throughout the product.