Summative Test Las 1st Quarter

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MELC 3 Summative Test

My Own Cartoon Character

Materials: pencils, oslo paper (margin: 1 inch in all sides), crayons, felt tip pen or
1. Create your own cartoon character that represents today’s society.
2. Finalize the details of your cartoon character. Make a clear outline by
using a sharp marker to trace over the lines carefully then color it.
3. Below the image you have drawn, give your completed cartoon
character a suitable name. Then, answer this questions:
Tell something about the cartoon character you created. What
inspired you to make such a character? What tips did you find
help to create such cartoon character?
4. Attach your work on this page.

Craftmanship &
Imagination/ Essay
Points Neatness
Originality (x1 pt)
(x2 pts)
(x2 pts)
Work done with Used own imagination Answered all
exceptional care and and thought of questions (see
attention to detail and different out-of-the- Procedure number 3
3 neatness. There is no box approaches. on Summative Test)
color smudges and substantially
major defects like demonstrating strong
folds and rips. development of ideas.
Work done with good Thought of new ideas, Answered all
care and attention to but copied some questions (see
detail and neatness. ideas in the internet. Procedure number 3
2 There is no color on Summative
smudges but there are Test)sufficiently
little rips and folds. demonstrating
adequate explanation.
Work done with basic Ideas were not very Answered only 1
care and attention to original and copied question (see
detail and neatness. most ideas on the Procedure number 3
Small amount of color internet. on Summative
smudges can be seen Test)with limited
Total possible points= 15
and there are little rips content and
and folds . explanation. Your score ________/100= _______%
Grade: __________
MELC 2 Summative Test
Instruction: Write the letter of your answer on the blank.
______1. It is a drawing tool that allows you to sketch, paint or draw with your fingers.
A. Microsoft Excel C. Sketch N’ Draw Pad HD
B. Adobe Illustrator D. MS Paint
______2. It is a computer program used to create electronic spreadsheets. Users can
also organize data, chart, perform calculations and even create an artwork.
A. Microsoft Excel C. Sketch N’ Draw Pad HD
B. Inkscape D. MS Paint
______3. It is a basic graphics/painting utility that is included in all the Microsoft
Windows versions. It can be used to draw, colour and edit pictures, including
imported pictures from a digital camera for example.
A. Microsoft Excel C. MS Paint
B. Inkscape D. Adobe Illustrator
______4. It is used to create a variety of digital and printed images, including cartoons,
charts, diagrams, graphs, logos, and illustrations.
A. Adobe Illustrator C. MS Paint
B. Inkscape D. Microsoft Excel
______5. It is a Free and open source vector graphics editor for GNU/Linux, Windows
and MacOS X. It offers a rich set of features and is widely used for both artistic
and technical illustrations such as cartoons, clip art, logos, typography,
diagramming and flowcharting.
A. Sketch N’ Draw Pad HD C. MS Paint
B. Inkscape D. Microsoft Excel
______6. Aside from Microsoft Excel, you may use another software application to
create a cartoon character EXCEPT:
A. Sketch N’ Paint Pad HD C. MS Paint
B. Inkscape D. Sketch N’ Draw Pad HD

Instruction: Write the steps on how to create a Cartoon Character using Microsoft
Excel Pixel Art. You may use the back of this bond paper to write
your answers. (7-15)
MELC 1 Summative Test
Instructions: Copy the image of a cartoon character using the pixel art method by
hand on the provided grid box.

Materials: pencil & crayons or any coloring materials.

Procedure: 1. Fill in the boxes with the same color of the image below.
2. There should not be half colored boxes.
3. Color each box on the grid one color at a time to create a whole

Use of Elements and Craftmanship & Following Directions/
Points Principles Neatness Instructions/ Procedures
(x2 pts) (x2 pts) (x1 pt)
Exceptional understanding Work done with All directions/
and application of the exceptional care and instructions/procedures
elements of art and attention to detail and were followed accurately.
3 principles of design. neatness. There is no color
smudges and major defects
like folds and rips.

Good understanding and Work done with good care Some directions/
application of the elements and attention to detail and instructions/procedures
of art and principles of neatness. There is no color were followed accurately.
2 design. smudges but there are little
rips and folds on the
graphing paper.

Basic understanding and Work done with basic care Only 1 direction/
application of the elements and attention to detail and instruction/procedure were
of art and principles of neatness. Small amount of followed accurately.
1 design. color smudges can be seen Total possible points= 15
and there are little rips and
folds on the graphing
Your score ________/100= _______%
paper. Grade: __________

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