1MA180 2e FSH4Remote
1MA180 2e FSH4Remote
1MA180 2e FSH4Remote
Table of Contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................ 3
6 Appendix ............................................................................... 15
6.1 References ..................................................................................................15
6.2 Additional Information ...............................................................................15
6.3 Ordering Information .................................................................................15
The following abbreviations are used in this application note for Rohde & Schwarz test
1 Introduction
FSH4Remote is a program for connecting the R&S®FSH4/8 Handheld Spectrum
Analyzer, the R&S®FSC Spectrum Analyzer or the R&S® ZVH Cable and Antenna
Analyzer to a computer for providing remote control of the functions.
The physical connection can be either with a USB cable or via LAN / Internet.
Use FSH4Remote from a computer to remote control the functions of the instruments
or to read out any measurement data. Undertake a diverse range of monitoring tasks
such as spectrum analysis or power meter measurements.
For controlling the R&S®FSH3/6/18 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer use FSHRemote.
2 Software Features
FSH4Remote is simple to install and simulates the user interface of the instruments in
a comfortable on the screen of the PC. The following functions are provided:
● FSC firmware version V1.1 or later
● ZVH-K40 remote control option and ZVH-K1 spectrum analysis application must be
activated in the ZVH (keycode)
● ZVH firmware version V1.11 or later
● Microsoft operating system (XP, Vista, 7)
● VISA runtime
● Kernel 2.6.9.* or later
● NI VISA 15 or later (NI VISA has been tested on different distributions; please visit
www.ni.com for more information)
● Qt library 5.5.1 or later
Follow the instructions from the wizard. During installation, select the directory where
you want the program to be installed.
For deinstallation, Rohde & Schwarz supplies the program uninstall.exe, which
removes FSH4Remote completely from the computer.
In addition to the installer a zip file is provided alternatively. Simply unzip the archive to
a place of your choice.
To install FSH4Remote, simply unzip the FSH4Remote_<version number>.tar.gz
archive to a place of your choice in your /home/<user name>/ directory.
To start the program, simply navigate with a file manager to this directory and start the
FSH4Remote executable.
To start the program, select FSH4Remote from the Program submenu in the Windows
Start menu or use the desktop icon.
5 Operating FSH4Remote
After the program starts, the following screen appears:
5.1 Connecting
First, the instrument must be connected to the PC. The IP address of the FSH4 has to
be entered under Device.
You can enter the IP address of the FSH4 either directly in the instrument under
SETUP/INSTRUMENT SETUP in the LAN PORT area, or you can read it directly
when DHCP is used (Figure 3).
If a USB connection is used, then the IP address must be set to
Then click the Connect! button; after a short period of time the instrument connection
should be established (Figure 4 and Figure 5).
Figure 4: Connection to the instrument established in FSH4Remote, the address is greyed out,
Disconnect button appears.
Figure 5: The successful connection can be seen on the FSH4Remote status bar.
After the instrument has been successfully connected, all other functions can be used.
Note that after the FSH4Remote connection has been established, a preset is
executed on the instrument. The instrument is switched to the spectrum analyzer mode
and the "sample detector" is activated.
5.2 Trace
In the Trace area, the current instrument screen and additional data can be read out
and displayed in FSH4Remote. Simply click the Refresh Trace button. The instrument
executes a single measurement, and the trace plus the current data are displayed on
FSH4Remote. When the Continuous Refresh button is clicked, the instrument
continuously repeats the measurement until Stop! is clicked.
The trace data obtained from the instrument can be saved under Export.
Under Save as CSV, the individual points on the trace are saved to the hard disk as a
comma-separated file. In addition to the actual trace points, trace data, such as the
current frequency, is saved at the beginning of the file.
This file can be displayed and processed with a free program such as FSH4View,
FSCView, or ZVHView. These programs contain enhanced marker and zoom
Under Save as Image, the trace can be saved as an image. The following formats are
● png
● jpg
● bmp
● xpm.
Instrument settings and measurement results can be saved and recalled at a later date
under “Save / Recall Instrument Settings”:
Figure 9: “Save”-Dialog
This dialog allows to specify a file name and a directory. The file extension for this kind
of files is .SET. By pressing Save the data set is saved to the directory and the name
that has been given. To quit press Cancel.
Previously saved measurement results and settings can be recalled by pressing the
button Recall. The following dialog allows to configure the operation:
The dialog shows a list of all data sets that have been saved to the specified directory.
If the directory was changed, the button Open allows to refresh the selection. After
selecting press Recall to load the settings of the selected data set or Cancel to quit.
The default directory path is “\Public\Datasets”. Removable disks like a SD card or a
memory stick can be used over the instrument file system. They are set by the
specified directory. Use “\Storage Card\...” for a SD card and “\USB\...” for a memory
The built-in cursor shows the amplitude of a certain frequency, making it possible to
obtain individual measured values directly. Position the mouse on the graph; click and
hold the left mouse button while moving the mouse. Release the mouse button when
you reach the point of interest; the cursor remains in this position. The frequency and
level are shown in the upper right of the graph. At the same time, the current
measurement value is automatically copied to the clipboard. The right mouse button
releases the cursor.
Figure 11: Selecting a value with the FSH4Remote cursor; in the upper right corner frequency and
level are displayed
5.3 Set
In the FSH4Remote set area, individual settings can be transferred to the instrument.
The instrument’s hardkeys are represented as tabs in FSH4Remote. Select a tab to
see more parameters. All parameters that can be set in the instrument by pressing a
hardkey can also be set in FSH4Remote.
Simply enter a numeric value in the appropriate field and click Set to transfer the
setting. Note that the numeric value is always based on the base unit (such as Hz).
You can also use standard prefixes such as G for Giga in the numeric area. Scientific
notation is also supported, which means that there are three ways to enter a number.
Figure 12: Operating example in FSH4Remote for the set area: here the span settings
Prefixes in FSH4Remote
Prefix FSH4Remote notation
Peta P
Tera T
Giga G
Mega M
Kilo k
Milli m
Micro u
Nano n
Pico p
Femto f
Atto a
In addition to manual setting, some parameters can also be operated in the auto mode.
The deactivated (greyed out) auto button in FSH4Remote shows the auto mode. When
a value is set using the set button, the auto mode is automatically deactivated.
Figure 13 shows an example for the bandwidth (BW).
5.4 Misc
Several functions are supported in the Misc(ellaneous) area.
Clicking the Preset button changes all instrument settings to the default settings
(presets) and then activates the sample detectors.
Power Meter
First select which sensor is connected (Figure 16) and then click the lock button.
Figure 17 shows the FSH4Remote power meter mode. The measured power is shown
at the top. Several settings can be made in the bottom area. FSH4Remote offers all
settings which are available also in manual operation.
Closing the power meter mode window (Close button) switches the instrument back to
the spectrum analyzer mode.
Here you can send individual remote commands to the instrument and receive
corresponding responses. Click the SCPI button to bring up the SCPI interface (Figure
18). Write the remote command in the write buffer and click the Write button. Click the
Read button to display any responses from the instrument in the read buffer. Click the
Close button to close the SCPI window.
A complete list of SCPI commands for the R&S®FSH4/8 in the Manual FSH-K40 [3], for
the R&S®FSC in the Manual FSC [4] and for the R&S®ZVH in the Manual ZVH-K40
5.5 FSH4Remote
A variety of information is available in the FSH4Remote area.
Clicking the Help button opens a window that contains links to Rohde & Schwarz help
documentation. There you will find links to the instrument manuals and the remote
control instructions (K-40 option).
Clicking these links opens them in your standard browser.
Clicking the About button opens a window containing information about the
FSH4Remote software version.
There you will also find links to the latest version of this application note and the
"Terms of Use".
Clicking these links also opens them in your standard browser.
The exit button ends the connection between FSH4Remote and the device, and ends
the program.
5.6 Status
All FSH4Remote status information is written to this area. Figure 19 shows an
6 Appendix
6.1 References
[1] Rohde & Schwarz: 1MA170: FSHRemote, Application Note, March 2007
[2] Rohde & Schwarz: Manual FSH4 View, Manual, August 2008
[3] Rohde & Schwarz: Manual FSH-K40, Manual, August 2008
[4] Rohde & Schwarz: Manual FSC, Manual, August 2008
[5] Rohde & Schwarz: Manual ZVH-K40, Manual, December 2010
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