Cf680c2 Engine History

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The document discusses the history and evolution of the CF6 engine family, focusing on the development of the CF6-80C2 model and its market dominance.

The CF6 engine originated from the TF39 military engine and progressed through the CF6-6, -50, and -80 models, with each generation incorporating design improvements to things like core configuration, bypass ratio, and control systems.

The CF6-80C2 was certified for 180-minute ETOPS routes earlier than its main competitor, the PW4000, giving it a strong market lead. It also had a good reliability record and was the preferred engine on many aircraft types where it had a high market share.

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CF6-80C2 engine history

and evolution
Paolo Lironi, senior technical
manager at International
Aviation Services Group
Engine Services analyses the
CF6-80C2 range of engines,
one of the most successful
engine families ever built. He
looks at the family’s
pedigree, technical
characteristics, in-service
difficulties, maintenance
costs, values and future.

ll CF6 engines have a classic making major changes to the core to power their 747, 767, A300, A310
two-shaft design. The engine and thanks to its higher and MD-11 fleets. This allowed
configuration mounts the low- bypass ratio, its fuel economy was General Electric to increase its market
pressure compressor (LPC) and low better than many of its competitors. share and take number one position
pressure turbine (LPT) on the same A later version, the CF6-6D1 was from Pratt & Whitney in the
shaft as the intake fan. To better offered with thrust increased to widebody market.
understand the great success of the 40,300 lb. The -50E is the same basic engine
CF6-80 model, it is necessary to Subsequently, the CF6-50C series as the -50C, but it has variable stator
review its predecessors in the CF6 was designed and produced for the vanes in the HPC. The -50E is rated
range. The CF6 has its origins in the DC-10-30 and the first variants of the at 51,800lbs, has a bypass ratio of
TF39 military engine, the power plant Airbus A300B, the -B2 and -B4 4.24, powers the DC-10-30 and was
for the Galaxy C-5 military transport versions. However, few parts were the first CF6 variant to power the
aircraft. Experience gained by GE on common with the CF6-6 since major 747. The -50C2B is the highest thrust
the TF39 was invaluable to the CF6 changes had been made to core variant of the -50 series and is rated
programme since it allowed the engine engine design and configuration. at 53,200lbs. This version powers the
to be exposed to many of its initial Thanks to the improved highest gross weight variant of the
teething problems, through a large aerodynamics, the HPC was shortened DC-10-30 and higher gross weight
number of flight hours under rigorous from 16 to 14 stages and the LPC models of the 747-200.
operating conditions. These problems stages were reduced to three. The LPC The next engine variant to come
were subsequently overcome. was also reduced by one stage and out of the CF6 stable was the CF6-
The first of the CF6 engines was turbine cooling was also improved. 80A. The CF6-80A series did not
the CF6-6D which had sole supplier Fan size was not changed from the feature any major changes to core
status on the DC-10-10 and was rated original CF6-6 series but the primary engine configuration fan diameter
at 39,300 lb thrust. The CF6-6 series flow had to be increased from the CF6-50 However, earlier
has four LPC stages, 16 HPC stages, considerably, thus decreasing the models received criticism for being
two HPT stages and five LPT stages. bypass ratio to 4.26. The -50C was long, giving the engine a tendency
With a fan diameter of 86.4 inches rated at 50,400 lb. for the shafts to bend in use. The
the -6D achieves a bypass ratio of Since the CF6 was the only engine consequence of this excessive
5.7. GE designed the CF6 to have available to power the DC-10-10, most bending was significant rubbing of
reserve capability for growth without DC-10 operators later selected the CF6 blade tips resulting in a high rate of

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CF6-80C2 characteristics and components control (PMC) jointly acting as the

engine controlling system.
Mechanically controlled engines can
Characteristics Components have their thrust ratings changed by
replacing the MEC and the PMC.
LPC 1 fan
Later, the CF6-80C2B1F version
3 primary stages (powering the B747-400) introduced the
first FADEC system on the CF6 family.
HPC 14 primary stages Such electronically controlled engines
have additional sensors on the engine,
5 stages with variable stator vanes allowing a more precise control of
systems, thereby decreasing specific
HPT 2 primary stages fuel consumption (SFC). On such
engines the MEC and PMC are
LPT 5 primary stages
substituted by the electronic engine
Max diameter (inches) 106 control (EEC). FADEC family models
range from the CF6-80C2B1F to the CF6-
Length (inches) 168 80C2B8F.
One of the CF6-80C2’s notable features
Dry weight (lb) 9.480 - 9,860 was the new commonality concept.
Each variant is interchangeable between
Overall pressure ratio 27.1 - 31.8 all the aircraft types it powers and
at maximum power higher thrust ratings can be achieved
by turning the engine at a faster rate to
Bypass ratio 5 - 5.31 increase air flow. This can be easily
done by changing the rating plug in the
EEC. PMC-controlled engines cannot be
engine performance deterioration and engine stall margin, the engine is modified to FADEC standards.
higher removal and overhaul rates. provided with a variable stator vane
The new -80A series had a shortened (VSV) system. The first five HPC Technical issues
core making the engine stiffer and less stages can change stator vanes angle It is common knowledge that the
prone to bending. The engine also had a depending on the engine operating majority of the technical issues on the
re-matched turbine and improved cooling. regime. The system is controlled by engine are within the HPC. Over the
The CF6-80A series was rated at lower two fuel controlled actuators, past years, several airworthiness
thrusts than the CF6-50 series and moving the VSV levers. directives (ADs) have been issued to
powered the A310-200/-300 and early 767- manage problems with HPC spools:
200 and 767-300 models. The CF6-80A1 is ■ The engine is also equipped with a ■ HPC 3-9 spool
rated at 46,900 lb takeoff thrust, while the variable bleed valve (VBV) in the inspections/installation: Cracks have
CF6-80A2/A3 is rated at 48,800 lbs. booster. Through this system, been found on the 3-9 spool at shop
booster air is vented into the visits since 1997. Improved spools have
Development and technical secondary flow when the engine is in been proposed to operators and based
characteristics the start phase. on IASG experience, only a few engines
In IASG’s view, GE really broke into the with old spools remain in operation.
market with the CF6-80C2 series and this ■ In order to optimise engine fuel ■ HPC 10-14 spool inspection of the
engine was the defining point in creating consumption and minimise stage 14 web: This spool has evidenced
the leadership position which it has since deterioration, the HPT and the LPT cracking in the stage 14 web when
attained. The CF6-80C2 series featured the are cooled externally with air bled inspected at piece part level leading to
first major changes to engine from the HPC. Through control the scrapping of such parts. The
configuration since the development of valves managed by the main engine problem has been known to GE since
the CF6-50 series. The CF6-80C2 has a control (MEC) or full authority 2003 and inspections are in place at the
larger fan and one additional LPC and digital electronic control (FADEC), shop visit level to detect these cracks. A
LPT stage. Primary engine characteristics HPT and LPT tip clearances are new spool design is not yet available.
are listed in the table within this article. optimised for each engine regime. ■ VSV stage 5 lever arms and HPC
VSV new bushing and washer: This is
Major technical characteristics: ■ The first versions of the engine were a primary cause of aborted take offs and
■ In order to minimise fuel mechanically controlled with the in-flight shut-downs. There have been
consumption, and to control the MEC and the power management several instances of lever arm fracture

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and bushing wear. In both instances, 2001, GE has required a regular on-
the vane is free to move in the flow wing inspection to be carried and
path, either generating an engine stall replacement of the complete set of
or physically breaking-up and blades at first shop visit. The latest
liberating debris into the gas path blades have improved geometry and
which leads to engine damage. Since materials to reduce stress and cracking
2002, GE has provided newly designed and IASG believes that half of the
For the potential lessor and
VSV lever arms and bushings. IASG engine population has been modified to
experience shows that around 30 per the new standard. debt provider, the CF6-80C2
cent of the engine population still have appears to be a robust asset
the old configuration. For pre- More recent issues include: with a strong market base
modification engines, a repetitive on- ■ Stage 11 HPC rear case wear: Wear
wing inspection has to be carried out. has been found on the HPC case at the which has a very good credit
Bushings to the new design can be stage 11 vane rail track. This problem rating. Since the FADEC family
installed only in some locations with can lead to vane separation and internal is more recent and flexible, its
the engine on-wing although IASG engine damage. An on-wing inspection
believes that this practice only provides is required and an inspection has to be value is proportionally higher.
minor benefit. carried out when the engine is removed
■ HPC stage 3 to 5 blades: A new for a shop visit. The fix for this
design of blades was introduced into problem is the introduction of
service by GE and experience has differently coated stage 11 vanes.
shown that these are susceptible to ■ Inlet gearbox (IGB) Teflon seal: A
impact damage and when FOD is similar problem of IDG Teflon seal
experienced they can fracture and cause leakage and failure has been
further internal engine damage. Since experienced by CF6-50 operators. Some

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IGB horizontal gear shafts have been

CF6-80 engines found to be dis-bonding resulting in
the loosening and separation of pieces
Engine Thrust No. of Flat rated No. of a/c type of the Teflon seal. Ultimately, the
model rating (lb) engines temp (°F) aircraft scavenge screen becomes clogged or the
IGB fills up with oil, leading to oil in
the HPC and in the cabin. GE has
indicated thresholds for IGB Teflon seal
CF-80C2A1 59,000 12 86 6 A300B4-600 replacement at shop visit, depending on
the hour-to-cycles ratio operated by the
CF-80C2A2 53,500 158 111 79 A310-200/-300
■ Stage 1 HPT disk inspection: This
problem appeared in 2000 with some
CF-80C2A3 60,200 22 86 11 A300B4-600 cracks being found on disks with
particular part numbers during shop
level inspections. Investors need to be
CF-80C2A5 61,300 148 86 74 A300B4-600R aware that some part numbers are more
likely to be scrapped because of this
additional inspection being carried out
CF6-80C2A5F 61,300 84 86 42 A300B4-600R during a shop visit.
■ HP Stage 2 nozzle: Old HPT nozzles
were cracking in the outer platform
CF6-80C2A8 59,000 52 95 26 A310-300 producing rearward movement of the
airfoil and inner platform causing
CF6-80C2B1 56,700 36 86 9 VC25, B747-300
contact with the leading edges of the
HPT stage 2 blades, resulting in blade
fracture. For a few years now, GE has
CF6-80C2B1F 58,090 1108 90 277 B747-400 made available a new material vane and
IASG believes that all operators are
replacing the vanes at the shop visit.
CF6-80C2B2 52,500 66 90 33 B767-200/-300 Few engines have the old configuration
still installed.
■ Thicker LPT shroud: This problem
CF6-80C2B2F 52,700 80 90 40 B767-200/-300 had already been experienced on CF6-
50 engines with old LPT Stages 2, 3 and
4 shrouds not being efficient in
CF6-80C2B4 57,900 46 90 23 B767-200/-300
containing of LPT blades. Since 2001,
GE has released a thicker shroud to
CF6-80C2B4F 57,900 52 90 26 B767-200/-300 solve the problem. Operators are
incorporating these modifications on an
attrition basis although the LPT module
CF6-80C2B5F 60,800 52 86 13 B767-200/-300 is not accessed every shop visit.
■ HPT stage 2 blades: Certain blades
with particular part numbers have
CF6-80C2B6 60,800 240 86 120 B767-300 experienced airfoil and shank
separations. This is an old problem
and GE has provided new blades since
CF6-80C2B6F 60,800 266 86 133 B767-200/-300 1999. IASG believes that only a few
engines have the old blades still
CF6-80C2B7F 60,800 110 86 55 B767-200/-300
■ Turbine rear frame (TRF) oil
coking: Bearing failure as a result of
CF6-80C2B8F 61,960 74 86 37 B767-400 oil starvation is a major issue on the
engine and GE has issued several
recommendations to operators on
CF6-80C2D1F 61,960 351 86 117 MD11 this subject. The main issue is the oil
coke found on the TRF which causes
clogging of the oil supply lines.

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The CF6-80C2 is the most successful

generation of the CF6 and has
acquired the highest market share on
all of the aircraft types it powers. It
has also been at the forefront of 120
minute and 128 minute ETOPS flight
qualification on the Airbus A300,
A310-300 and B767-200/-300/-400.
The CF6-80C2 series has thrust
ratings between 52,000lb and
All variants of the CF6-80C2 now
have 180-minute ETOPS approval for
the Airbus A300B4-600, A310-200/-
300 and B767-200/-300/-400. With
the exception of the A300, the CF6-
80C2 has the majority market share
on all widebody twins. The biggest
factor in this dominance was Pratt &
Whitney’s requirement to develop a
successor to the JT9D and its
subsequent need to accumulate
several thousand hours of operating
experience with the PW4000 before
it could be certified for ETOPS. The
CF6-80C2 was certified for 180-
minute ETOPS routes 12 months
earlier than the PW4000 giving the
CF6 a decisive lead in the market. levels. CF6-80 maintenance shop visits or so, or until such time that next
will be few and far between as gas path generation engines proliferate with
Value and maintenance cost deterioration is commendably low when better operating economics. Only
For the potential lessor and debt the engine is utilised on long-haul retrospective emissions and noise
provider, the CF6-80C2 appears to be a operations. legislation could affect the natural
robust asset with a strong market base When shop visits do occur, however, operating economic life cycle of this
which has a very good credit rating. one should expect an invoice in the engine and there are still some re-
Since the FADEC family is more recent region of $1,600,000 to $1,800,000 for engine applications that have yet to
and flexible, its value is first run engines. Subsequent shop be explored. There is fluidity in the
proportionately higher. In IASG’s visits will see such invoices increase by market for the engines and for the
experience, General Electric will not 10 per cent. Maintenance reserves need aircraft in which they are installed
give significant discounts on new to be in the region of $178 per cycle and there is no predominant market
engines but will add value through plus $115 to $165 per hour depending monopoliser to deter would-be-
‘concessions’. One should expect to on engine thrust power de-rate policies, investors or buyers.
pay in the region of $6,250,000 for a airframe weight, the particular The CF6 programme represents the
new engine depending on the application of the aircraft and the most successful programme in GE’s
manufacturer’s concessions. Such hours-to-cycle ratio of the lessee or loan history. The current installed base, the
concessions can be healthy and recipient. number of orders in GE’s books and
include significant discounts on spare IASG has seen first-run engines stay the new versions released will
parts, accessories and enhanced on-wing for between 20,000 and 24,000 guarantee that GE retains the lead in
warranty coverage. A spare QEC will hours prior to requiring maintenance this market segment for the foreseeable
cost in the range of $750,000. for performance restoration. Second and future. The CF6 market is stable and
Although the engine had a very good subsequent runs should achieve wide and thus offers a good
reliability record at the beginning of its between 16,000 and 18,000 hours on- opportunity for investors.
life, the -80C2 suffered several HPC wing depending on the hours-to-cycle The forgoing is a shortened version of
spool problems, as mentioned above. ratio and the operational environment. a much larger IASG assessment of the
Several ADs have been released to CF6-80. In the event that any reader has
manage such problems but now that Future questions relating to the CF6 family
solutions are available the reliability of The future of the CF6-80C2 engine please do not hesitate to contact Paolo
the -80C2 is increasing to even higher appears healthy for the next 10 years Lironi on email: [email protected]. ■

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