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I n t e r n a t i o n a l T e l e c o m m u n i c a t i o n U n i o n

ITU-T E.840


Quality of telecommunication services: concepts, models,
objectives and dependability planning – Models for
telecommunication services

Statistical framework for end-to-end network

performance benchmark scoring and ranking

Recommendation ITU-T E.840


Definitions E.100–E.103
General provisions concerning Administrations E.104–E.119
General provisions concerning users E.120–E.139
Operation of international telephone services E.140–E.159
Numbering plan of the international telephone service E.160–E.169
International routing plan E.170–E.179
Tones in national signalling systems E.180–E.189
Numbering plan of the international telephone service E.190–E.199
Maritime mobile service and public land mobile service E.200–E.229
Charging in the international telephone service E.230–E.249
Measuring and recording call durations for accounting purposes E.260–E.269
General E.300–E.319
Phototelegraphy E.320–E.329
International service statistics E.400–E.404
International network management E.405–E.419
Checking the quality of the international telephone service E.420–E.489
Measurement and recording of traffic E.490–E.505
Forecasting of traffic E.506–E.509
Determination of the number of circuits in manual operation E.510–E.519
Determination of the number of circuits in automatic and semi-automatic operation E.520–E.539
Grade of service E.540–E.599
Definitions E.600–E.649
Traffic engineering for IP-networks E.650–E.699
ISDN traffic engineering E.700–E.749
Mobile network traffic engineering E.750–E.799
Terms and definitions related to the quality of telecommunication services E.800–E.809
Models for telecommunication services E.810–E.844
Objectives for quality of service and related concepts of telecommunication services E.845–E.859
Use of quality of service objectives for planning of telecommunication networks E.860–E.879
Field data collection and evaluation on the performance of equipment, networks and services E.880–E.899
OTHER E.900–E.999
Numbering plan of the international telephone service E.1100–E.1199
International network management E.4100–E.4199

For further details, please refer to the list of ITU-T Recommendations.

Recommendation ITU-T E.840

Statistical framework for end-to-end network performance benchmark scoring

and ranking

Recommendation ITU-T E.840 is the first in a series covering benchmarking of end-to-end network
performance. Recommendation ITU-T E.840 presents a framework for the statistical analysis
underlying performance benchmarking of networks and services. The framework describes
benchmarking scenarios, use cases, as well as procedures and statistical techniques for ranking end-
to-end key performance indicators (KPIs) or key quality indicators (KQIs). Recommendation ITU-T
E.840 refers to mobile services and benchmarking campaigns performed using mobile agents (devices)
in drive or walk tests, as well as fixed agents or devices placed at fixed locations (e.g., within shopping
malls, office buildings or stadia).

Edition Recommendation Approval Study Group Unique ID*
1.0 ITU-T E.840 2018-06-13 12 11.1002/1000/13621

End-to-end performance, network performance benchmarking and ranking, statistical framework.

* To access the Recommendation, type the URL http://handle.itu.int/ in the address field of your web
browser, followed by the Recommendation's unique ID. For example, http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/1000/11

Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018) i

The International Telecommunication Union (ITU) is the United Nations specialized agency in the field of
telecommunications, information and communication technologies (ICTs). The ITU Telecommunication
Standardization Sector (ITU-T) is a permanent organ of ITU. ITU-T is responsible for studying technical,
operating and tariff questions and issuing Recommendations on them with a view to standardizing
telecommunications on a worldwide basis.
The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA), which meets every four years, establishes
the topics for study by the ITU-T study groups which, in turn, produce Recommendations on these topics.
The approval of ITU-T Recommendations is covered by the procedure laid down in WTSA Resolution 1.
In some areas of information technology which fall within ITU-T's purview, the necessary standards are
prepared on a collaborative basis with ISO and IEC.

In this Recommendation, the expression "Administration" is used for conciseness to indicate both a
telecommunication administration and a recognized operating agency.
Compliance with this Recommendation is voluntary. However, the Recommendation may contain certain
mandatory provisions (to ensure, e.g., interoperability or applicability) and compliance with the
Recommendation is achieved when all of these mandatory provisions are met. The words "shall" or some other
obligatory language such as "must" and the negative equivalents are used to express requirements. The use of
such words does not suggest that compliance with the Recommendation is required of any party.


ITU draws attention to the possibility that the practice or implementation of this Recommendation may involve
the use of a claimed Intellectual Property Right. ITU takes no position concerning the evidence, validity or
applicability of claimed Intellectual Property Rights, whether asserted by ITU members or others outside of
the Recommendation development process.
As of the date of approval of this Recommendation, ITU had not received notice of intellectual property,
protected by patents, which may be required to implement this Recommendation. However, implementers are
cautioned that this may not represent the latest information and are therefore strongly urged to consult the TSB
patent database at http://www.itu.int/ITU-T/ipr/.

 ITU 2018
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, by any means whatsoever, without the prior
written permission of ITU.

ii Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018)

Table of Contents
1 Scope............................................................................................................................. 1
2 References..................................................................................................................... 1
3 Definitions .................................................................................................................... 1
4 Abbreviations and acronyms ........................................................................................ 1
5 Conventions .................................................................................................................. 1
6 Benchmarking scenarios ............................................................................................... 2
7 Benchmarking conditions ............................................................................................. 3
.8 Benchmarked services .................................................................................................. 4
9 Statistical framework .................................................................................................... 4
9.1 Data cleansing ................................................................................................ 4
9.2 Measurement statistical distribution ............................................................... 5
9.3 Statistical performance metrics, standard errors and statistical
significance of the benchmarking results ....................................................... 5
9.4 End-to-end KPI or KQI scoring and ranking ................................................. 6
Annex A – Statistical significance to be applied in mobile networks benchmarking
analysis ......................................................................................................................... 8
Annex B – Statistical scoring and ranking of the performance of a network .......................... 9
Appendix I – A possible technique for the statistical scoring and ranking of a network ........ 11
Bibliography............................................................................................................................. 13

Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018) iii

Recommendation ITU-T E.840

Statistical framework for end-to-end network performance benchmark scoring

and ranking

1 Scope
The Recommendation specifies a statistical framework, as well as benchmarking scenarios and
conditions within which it can be applied, whose use is required by operators and regulators when
qualifying and quantifying performance differences between end-to-end key performance indicators
(KPIs) or key quality indicators (KQIs) affecting the user experience.
The need for this Recommendation arises because, in the intense race to satisfy increasingly
demanding existent users while expanding customer bases at optimal cost, operators have improved
network performance to such an extent that differences between them have become smaller and

2 References
The following ITU-T Recommendations and other references contain provisions which, through
reference in this text, constitute provisions of this Recommendation. At the time of publication, the
editions indicated were valid. All Recommendations and other references are subject to revision;
users of this Recommendation are therefore encouraged to investigate the possibility of applying the
most recent edition of the Recommendations and other references listed below. A list of the currently
valid ITU-T Recommendations is regularly published. The reference to a document within this
Recommendation does not give it, as a stand-alone document, the status of a Recommendation.
[ITU-T E.800] Recommendation ITU-T E.800 (2008), Definitions of terms related to quality of
[ITU-T E.804] Recommendation ITU-T E.804 (2014), KPI aspects for popular services in mobile

3 Definitions

4 Abbreviations and acronyms

This Recommendation uses the following abbreviations and acronyms:
KPI Key Performance Indicator
KQI Key Quality Indicator
QoE Quality of Experience
MOS Mean Opinion Score
RF Radio Frequency
TCP Transmission Control Protocol

5 Conventions
5.2.1 StatScore: This represents statistical score, i.e., the relative overall quality across various
networks or operators against the best performing network. StatScore is calculated per service.

Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018) 1

5.2.2 GlobalNetScore: This represents global network score, i.e., the relative overall quality across
various networks or operators against the best performing network. GlobalNetScore is calculated
across all services.
5.2.3 StatDiff: This represents the statistically significant difference between two compared key
performance indicators (KPIs) or key quality indicators (KQIs).
5.2.4 THrelv: This represents the minimum difference between values of two specific key
performance indicators (KPIs) or key quality indicators (KQIs), which is relevant to the user of a
service and above which statistical significance takes precedence.

6 Benchmarking scenarios
Network benchmarking generally has two main use cases: internal and competitive. Internal
benchmarking is focused on continuous cost-efficient network performance assurance and
improvements requiring evaluation on initial roll-out of a network as well as during its development,
as well as new service and new device launches. Internal benchmarking is also performed in well-
established and mature networks. In addition, regions with highways and cities, as well as areas of
interest (e.g., workplaces, shopping malls, stadia and residential premises) require consideration
during evaluation campaigns. Competitive benchmarking performed by operators themselves (or
service companies on behalf of operators), as well as by regulators for checking out competition and
self-ranking is generally used across regions, transport routes (highways, railways) and cities, even
countries in the case of multinational operator groups and for mature networks.
A summary of these use cases, recommended types of tools and techniques are presented in Figure 1.
Areas (such as shopping malls, stadia and workplaces, generally indoors) are often benchmarked
using walk tests. Besides traditional route-based drive or walk testing campaigns, internal, and to
some extent competitive benchmarking, as well as indoor scenarios benefit from fixed probe-based
tools. The latter having the advantages of fast and remote scalability and of device independence.
Therefore, these tools are very suitable for indoor test scenarios and new services launched in areas
of interest, and cities to some extent. In addition, it can be seen that either a posteriori or a-priori
analysis techniques can be applied. In the first case, mostly used in benchmarking, data are collected
and statistical significance is used to evaluate and rank end-to-end KPI or KQI performance; the
measurement accuracy is, by default, embedded in the statistical significance level. A-priori
techniques involve advance calculation of the number of test probes needed for a specified statistical
significance and measurement accuracy. This technique is generally used when test probes are costly
or testing time is limited.

2 Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018)

Figure 1 – Benchmarking use cases, recommended types of tool and technique

7 Benchmarking conditions
Regardless of the use case, the benchmarking framework needs to rely on a set of prerequisites that
should ensure consistency, validity, reliability and repeatability. Table 1 presents these prerequisites
for each benchmarking phase: equipment set-up, test configuration, data collection, data processing
and analysis. It should be noted that Table 1 refers to the minimum required prerequisites in order to
ensure a fully controlled test environment, as well as a valid statistical analysis. Specific details of
measurements are given in other ITU-T Recommendations (e.g., [ITU-T E.804]).

Table 1 – Guidance on minimum required prerequisites

Benchmarking Benchmarking prerequisites
Equipment set-up to be consistent across networks, platforms and devices; same
device models to be used for competitive comparative ("like for like")
Equipment set-up benchmarking.
Equipment to run in proper conditions, as described by the test equipment vendor
(e.g., overheating avoidance since it can negatively impact device performance.
Test set-up to represent real user experience; guidance can be found in
[b-ETSI TR 102 581].
Test set-up and Test set-up settings to avoid artefacts that can artificially impact network
configuration performance: e.g., data server location and set-up with transmission control
protocol (TCP) parameters should be verified to ensure good throughput for all
compared operators. This test should be performed before proceeding with data

Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018) 3

Table 1 – Guidance on minimum required prerequisites
Benchmarking Benchmarking prerequisites
Test set-up scripting of various scenarios reflecting user behaviour (e.g., use of
TCP, various file, video or voice call lengths) while minimizing intrusiveness for
not artificially overloading the network.
Collect measurement data to reflect user experience [e.g., mean opinion score
(MOS) per service as well as the main network end-to-end KPIs or KQIs
impacting it]. The measurements should be based on adequate metrics or
measurement techniques according to guidelines provided by vendors or in the
Data collection relevant Recommendations.
Collect measurement data under various geographical or demographic conditions
at different time windows (rush or non-rush hour, weekend or weekday, vacation
or non-vacation season).
Compare data collected with the same devices within the same area and during the
Data processing and same time window – "like for like" comparison.
analysis Use statistical significance to run meaningful comparisons.
Analysis to be performed per KPI or KQI

.8 Benchmarked services
The list of traditionally benchmarked mobile services and their KPIs or KQIs along with their
triggering points lie outside the scope of this Recommendation. See [ITU-T E.800] and [ITU-T E.804]
for more details.
If the scope of mobile benchmarking is to perform a detailed comparative analysis per service, a task
generally undertaken during the internal benchmarking use case (e.g., scenarios such as new device,
new technology add-on), then it is recommended that a comprehensive set of end-to-end KPIs and
KQIs be used for analysis (here, KQIs are measurements obtained by using quality-estimation
models, such as [b-ITU-T P.863] for voice or [b-ITU-T P.1203] for video streaming). In addition, it
is recommended that the main root causes of possible poor performance be analysed based on this
On the other hand, if end-to-end KPI or KQI performance ranking is the goal of mobile benchmarking,
a task generally undertaken during the comparative benchmarking use case, as well as in some internal
benchmarking scenarios (such as market comparisons, periodic market performance evaluation), then
scoring and ranking can consider a smaller set of KPIs or KQIs impacting quality of experience (QoE;
see [b-ITU-T P.10/G.100]) per service and across all benchmarked services.
This Recommendation refers to the latter case of competitive benchmarking. Other ITU-T
Recommendations in the benchmarking series cover details of sets of such KPIs or KQIs.

9 Statistical framework
The recommended framework aims to score and rank network end-to-end performance from a user
perspective and it can be used for both competitive and internal benchmarking. The framework
defines procedures for data validation, statistical evaluation metrics and significance testing, as well
as general guidelines for ranking and scoring.

9.1 Data cleansing

To ensure that benchmarking results are meaningful and accurate, a validation of the data used as
input for the analysis is required. The validation mainly consists of data cleansing, meaning that any

4 Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018)

measurement-specific artefacts and incomplete data are removed. It is recommended that missing
data be replaced with newly collected data. If 5% or more of the data contain artefacts or are missing,
then it is recommended that new data be collected. Measurement-specific artefacts include, but are
not limited to: silent calls in the case of voice or video conversational services, periods of data or
video server unavailability (e.g., server down) in the case of video streaming services, consistently
unexpected very low MOS values for voice, video conversational or streaming. Here, any type of
degradation that is not caused by the network itself, but rather by either the test equipment or the test
device, should be considered as a measurement-specific artefact.
Benchmarking data need to be filtered from these artefacts, in order to ensure the validity of the
assumptions made when applying the statistical models.

9.2 Measurement statistical distribution

Generally, the statistical distribution of the values of any measured KPI or KQI can be approximated
by a Gaussian distribution, based on the central limit theorem [b-Shaum]; typically, the larger the
number of samples, the better the accuracy of the approximation to the Gaussian distribution
becomes. It is recommended that the statistical distributions of all KPI or KQI values be verified.
This can be performed in two ways. One possibility is to generate distribution charts of the
measurements for the KPI or KQI analysed and verify its normality by observation. Another
possibility is to use goodness-of-fit tests for normality verification such as Kolmogorov-Smirnov,
Anderson-Darling or Shapiro-Wilk [b-Mehta]. In addition, in the rare or extreme case of non-
Gaussian distributions, non-parametric tests can be applied. Tests showing experimental distributions
of various KPIs or KQIs, tests for verification of distribution normality, as well as special cases of
non-Gaussian distributions, are discussed in other ITU-T Recommendations in the benchmarking

9.3 Statistical performance metrics, standard errors and statistical significance of the
benchmarking results
9.3.1 Statistical performance metrics
Benchmarking analysis should be based on statistical performance metrics that reflect the average
network performance (represented by mean values, m) or its consistency (represented by the
probability Pth to be above a pre-defined threshold value). This Recommendation refers to the mean
statistical performance metric, as an example. Similar techniques can be applied for consistency.
9.3.2 Standard error
The standard error at the 95% confidence level for the mean or Pth is calculated assuming a gaussian
distribution of the KPIs or KQIs measured (see clause 9.2).
Therefore, depending on the type of KPI or KQI, continuous scores such as radio frequency (RF)
parameters or MOS or discrete ones such as success to failure ratio (r), the standard error at the 95%
confidence level is given by:
StdError(m)=z_95% *std/sqrt(N)= 1.96*std/sqrt(N)
StdError(r)= z_95% * sqrt ( r*(1-r)/N) = 1.96 * sqrt ( r*(1-r)/N)
If fewer than 30 samples are available, then the gaussian quantile z_95% should be replaced by the
Student t_95% (N-1), tabulated value, where N represents the number of available samples.
NOTE – Standard errors represent the measurement accuracy. Therefore, if a specific accuracy is required and
an estimate for the standard deviation is known, then the minimum required number of samples to meet that
accuracy with a selected confidence level can be determined, based on the equations in paragraph 2. This can
be used for an a-priori technique as shown in Figure 1 and is also used in [b-ITU-T E.802] for the calculation
of the minimum number of samples.

Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018) 5

9.3.3 Statistical significance
Confidence intervals describe the standard error margins for a given statistical confidence level,
generally 95%. However, two compared KPIs or KQIs with close values and overlapping confidence
intervals are not necessarily statistically the same. An accurate comparison between KPIs or KQIs
should be based on statistical significance. This ensures that the chance of falsely rejecting the
hypothesis that two KPI or KQI values are the same, when they are actually the same, remains at 5%.
Based on the statistical significance test, it can be concluded that one operator performs better than
another (in the competitive benchmarking use case), as well as determining whether a new technology
or feature brings significant improvement (in the internal benchmarking use case).
In addition to statistical significance, KPI- or KQI-specific relevant difference-thresholds must be
used, whenever the differences are irrelevant or within the measurement accuracy of each KPI or
KQI. KPI- or KQI-specific relevant difference-thresholds (THrelv) are defined in other ITU-T
Recommendations in the benchmarking series.
An example of how KPI or KQI comparisons must be performed is presented in Table 2. To maintain
the generality of this Recommendation, KQI1 and KQI2 are used as examples of metrics to be
compared. Therefore, KQI1 and KQI2 can be any of the KQIs chosen for a particular service (KPIs
can also be used). The mean and standard deviation values are calculated for KQI1 and KQI2. Using
the number of available test samples and applying hypothesis test Equations A-1 and A-2, shows that
the quality delivered by network 1 and 2 for KQI1 and KQI2 metrics is statistically the same. In
addition, it can be seen that the differences for each of the KQIs, KQI1 and KQI2, remains below
THrelv. The performance of network 1 and 2 is statistically different in the case of the third metric,
KQI3. However the difference (0.02) remains below THrelv (0.025) and therefore it must not be
concluded that the performances of network 1 and 2 are different.

Table 2 – Statistical significance example

Network 1 Network 2 Statistics
Service KQI @95% CL THrelv
Mean std N Mean std N f
KQI1 3.27 0.3 287 3.35 0.6 212 1.78 No 0.09
Service 1 KQI2 0.02 0.14 12 0.015 0.12 10 0.09 No 0.006
KQI3 0.93 0.26 69 0.91 0.29 71 2.04 Yes 0.025

This kind of analysis applied to detailed benchmarking results may be extended to various services
as well as a larger set of KPIs or KQIs per service, as mentioned in clause 8. In addition, based on
statistical significance results (Z statistics @ 95%CL, Table 2), individual KPIs or KQIs may be
ranked across networks as described in clause 9.4.
It must be noted that claiming that one network or service configuration can be considered as "better"
than another requires – besides statistical significance – a KPI- or KQI-specific relevant difference-
threshold definition and measurement accuracy information, as defined in other ITU-T
Recommendations in the benchmarking series.
9.3.4 Results reporting
The benchmarking statistical analysis and results must be reported along with the detailed description
of the test scenarios and conditions used for benchmarking; otherwise the interpretation of results can
be wrong and consequently meaningless.

9.4 End-to-end KPI or KQI scoring and ranking

Network end-to-end KPIs or KQIs can be scored and ranked across each of the areas considered in
the benchmarking campaign. In addition, as already mentioned in clause 9.3.3, it needs to rely on
statistical significance in order to be able to discriminate fine performance differences that tend to be

6 Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018)

more and more frequent between current operator networks. Comparisons against KPI- or KQI-
specific relevant difference-thresholds must be used if differences are irrelevant or within
measurement accuracy as described in other ITU-T Recommendations in the benchmarking series.
The statistical scoring and ranking methodology for a set of KPIs or KQIs is presented in Annex B
and an example is shown in Table 3.

Table 3 – Example of statistically significant end-to-end KPI or KQI scoring and ranking
Network 1 Network 2

KPI/KQI std N StatDiff KPI/KQI std N StatDiff THrevl

KPI1/KQI1 0.95 0.22 87 0.05 0.97 0.17 69 0.00 0.018
KPI2/KQI2 0.93 0.26 87 0.00 0.91 0.29 69 0.23 0.019
KPI3/KQI3 3.89 0.50 2600 0.00 3.56 0.70 2070 17.15 0.31
KPI4/KQI4 105.00 5.00 435 42.67 70.00 15.00 350 0.00 34
KPI5/KQI5 1 200.00 300.00 87 0.00 1 800.00 275.00 69 12.31 596
Table 3 shows the aggregated values across the same area during the same time window, for "a like
to like" comparison (see guidance in Table 1). Along with the performance values, the standard
deviations are calculated and the number of test samples is shown. The StatDiff (as described in
Annex B) is calculated for each KPI or KQI as a statistically significant difference against the best
performing KPI or KQI (highlighted in yellow in Table 3) at the 95% confidence level (see Annex B).
The lower the StatDiff, the closer the value to the best performing KPI or KQI; StatDiff = 0 represents
the best performing KPI or KQI. In addition, it can be noted that in all cases, the differences between
the KQIs coming from the two networks are higher than THrevl, meaning that the statistical
significance analysis takes precedence.
Based on this analysis, the KPI or KQI ranking is shown in Table 4.

Table 4 – Example of statistical ranking of KPIs or KQIs

KPI/KQI Network 1 Network 2
KPI1/KQI1 Rank 2 Rank 1
KPI2/KQI2 Rank 1 Rank 2
KPI3/KQI3 Rank 1 Rank 2
KPI4/KQI4 Rank 2 Rank 1
KPI5/KQI5 Rank 1 Rank 2
This ranking may be extended to a larger set of KPIs or KQIs, as can be considered for detailed
benchmarking as well as for the internal benchmarking use case.
In some benchmarking cases, a network statistical score per service and over all services can be
required. Annex A presents a possible technique of how this can be performed. However, it should
be noted that this kind of technique has validity only if fully described and based on technically
backed-up assumptions and conditions.

Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018) 7

Annex A

Statistical significance to be applied in mobile networks benchmarking analysis

(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)

Benchmarking analysis refers to the comparison between KPIs or KQIs describing the performance
of various operator networks. Meaningful comparison should rely on statistical significance tests
(hypothesis tests) that depend on the types of KPIs or KQIs compared, continuous (e.g., MOS, RF
parameters) and ratios (e.g., completion or failure ratios).
In the first case, Equation A-1 determines significant difference [ITU-T P.1401]:
Z = StatDiff/sqrt(std1^2/N1 +std2^2/N2) > Zth (A-1)
where StatDiff denotes the difference between compared metrics, std1 and std2 their standard
deviations and N1 and N2 the total numbers of samples used in the comparison for each metric. In
other words, if Z is higher than Zth (based on a gaussian distribution for more than 30 samples, at
CL% confidence level), then StatDiff is a statistically significant difference at CL% confidence level.
In the second case, the KPI or KQI ratio type is described by p number of successes or failures out of
the total number of samples. The significant difference is given by Equation A-2 [b-ITU-T P.1401]
Z = StatDiff/sqrt(p1*(1-p1)/N1 + p2*(1-p2)/N2) > Zth (A-2)
where p1 and p2 represent the numbers of successes or failures of each of the compared metrics.
Table A.1 shows the mapping between the significance thresholds Zth at different levels of

Table A.1 – Mapping between significance thresholds at different levels of confidence

CL% 90 95 96 97 98 99
Zth 1.64 1.96 2.05 2.17 2.33 2.58

If fewer than 30 samples are available, then a t-Student distribution should be used, in which t-Student
(n) where n = N-1 is the number of degrees of freedom, with a total number N of test samples.
It should be noted that, along with statistical significance, KPI- or KQI-specific relevant difference-
thresholds must be used, whenever the differences are irrelevant or possibly within each KPI or KQI
accuracy of measurement. KPI- or KQI-specific relevant difference-thresholds (THrelv) are defined
in other ITU-T Recommendations in the benchmarking series.

8 Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018)

Annex B

Statistical scoring and ranking of the performance of a network

(This annex forms an integral part of this Recommendation.)

This annex describes the algorithm used to score and rank end-to-end performance of networks used
in the calculations in Table 3.
– Calculate end-to-end KPIs (KQIs can also be used) for the service analysed for each network
or operator:
• KPI_1...KPI_i…KPI_N, i=1,n which can be either average or median or proportions
– Build a benchmarking matrix for j=1,M networks (operators) per service described by N KPI
or KQI metrics – see Table B.1.

Table B.1 – Benchmarking matrix

Netwk_1…… Netwk_j…….. Netwk_M
KPI_1… KPI_1,1 KPI_1,j KPI_1,M
KPI_i.. KPI_i,1 KPI_i,j KPI_i,M
– Calculate the statistical significance distance for each KPI_i,j in the matrix.
For i=1,N
• select the best value KPI_i,best, with "best" being the network j with the best network
• calculate the statistical significance difference StatDiff_i,j per KPI_i,j against the best
value KPI_i,best based on Equations B-1 and B-2 depending on the type of metric
StatDiff_i,j = max {0,(KPI_i,best-KPI_i,j)/sqrt (std1^2/N1 +std2^2/N2) – Zth} (B-1)
StatDiff_i,j = max {0,(KPI_i,best-KPI_i,j)/sqrt (p1*(1-p1)/N1 + p2*(1-p2)/N2) – Zth} (B-2)
NOTE – Zth is F(0.05, N1, N2), the statistical result at 95% significance with N1 and N2 degrees of freedom.
– Determine rank 1 network or operator ("best performing") for the tested service with the area.
Rank 1 is attributed to the network with the minimum statistical significant quality distance
of the service under test across networks or operators.
For j=1,M
Rank 1 = Rank(j) if StatDiffQuality_min=min(j=1,M) {SUM (i=1,N) {StatDiff_i,j * w_i}}
where StatDiff_i,j are as defined in Equation B-1 or B-2 and w_i represent pre-established
weights per service; if it is desired to use weights. Otherwise, equal unitary weights can be
Determine the ranks for all other networks or operators considered in the benchmarking
For j=1,M
If Dist(j) =max (0,StatDiffQuality/StatDiffQuality_min – Zth ) = 0
Rank (j)= Rank 1

Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018) 9

(determines all networks showing the same statistical performance with rank 1)
Order ascendingly Dist(j)
Rank (j) = position in vector Dist(j)
It should be noted that the ranking must be applied based on the statistical significance along with the
KPI- or KQI-specific relevant difference-thresholds THrelv, whenever the differences are irrelevant
or within each KPI or KQI accuracy of measurement. KPI or KQI-specific relevant difference-
thresholds (THrelv) are defined in other ITU-T Recommendations in the benchmarking series.

10 Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018)

Appendix I

A possible technique for the statistical scoring and ranking of a network

(This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

Sometimes it may be desirable that an overall network statistical score be determined. To this end,
network performance per service type is often used as an underlying criterion. Such a score should
be reported for each area as well as aggregated across regions, as shown in Figure 1.
The statistical score per service may be defined by all considered end-to-end KPI_i or KQI_i (i=1,N)
metrics affecting the overall end-to-end quality of the service analysed. Thus, the score can be defined
by a weighted sum of the StatDiff_i (see Annex B) of each KQI versus those best performing, as
described in clause 9.4. If available, the StatDiff_i value is corrected in terms of the relevant
difference threshold values. The final outcome, the StatScore, describes end-to end performance of
the compared networks against the best performing network.
StatScore = (w_i*StatDiff_i)
Here, w_i is the weight allocated to each KPI or KQI metric contributing to the quality of the service.
The lower the StatScore, the better the performance (or closer to the best performing network) and
the corresponding rank.
Table I.1 is a new version of Table 3, in which some examples of weightings have been added; these
are just informative, since weight definition lies outside the scope of this Recommendation. The
weightings can also be unitary if it is decided that all KPIs or KQIs have equal importance in the
overall statistical score of network performance. However, it should be noted that, even if equal
unitary weights are considered, if the number of KPIs or KQIs is increased or decreased, the statistical
score of the network can change and provide different statistical results.
Therefore, the statistical scoring and ranking of a network in this Recommendation is only valid with
a detailed description and motivation of the selection and underlying selected weights of the KPIs or
KQIs. Without this transparency, the statistical scoring and ranking of the network is not valid.
For the example in Table I.1, network 1 receives the best rank 1, with a minimum score of 2.15, based
on the given weights. In addition, it can be noted that in all cases, the differences between the KPIs
or KQIs coming from the two networks are higher than the appropriate THrevl, meaning that the
results of the statistical significance analysis are valid.

Table I.1 – Example of statistical scoring and ranking

Network 1 Network 2

KPI std N StatDiff KPI std N StatDiff THrevl

KPI1/KQI1 0.95 0.22 87 0.05 0.97 0.17 69 0.00 0.018
KPI2/KQI2 0.93 0.26 87 0.00 0.91 0.29 69 0.23 0.019
KPI3/KQI3 3.89 0.50 2600 0.00 3.56 0.70 2070 17.15 0.31
KPI4/KQI4 105.00 5.00 435 42.67 70.00 15.00 350 0.00 34
KPI5/KQI5 1 200.00 300.00 87 0.00 1 800.00 275.00 69 12.31 596
StatScore 2.15 5.83
Rank 1 2
A complete benchmarking campaign may target the calculation of a global statistical score for each
network under test for all supported services (j=1,M number of supported services). It must be noted

Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018) 11

that any such global score must be well motivated and respective service-weightings be made
explicitly transparent to comply with this Recommendation.
Such a score may be calculated by adding all statistical scores per service calculated as in Annex B
and shown in the example in Table I.1. In this case, the best performing network has a global statistical
score of zero. The lower the score, the better is the corresponding network performance as defined by
the respective instantiation of the per-service KPI- or KQI-weighting and summing. The score
resulting from such an operation is often used to represent a global network ranking of the compared
networks against that best performing:
GlobalNetScore = (Wser_i*StatScore_j)
The definition of the weights Wserv_j for the GlobalNetScore lie outside the scope of this
Recommendation. However, some guidance is provided.
Depending on operator policies or business focus, the GlobalNetScore can be calculated as a weighted
sum, similar to the weights used for the calculation of StatScore. The weights, as well as how many
or what services to be considered in the calculation of the GlobalNetScore can be at the choice or
decision of operators, if the internal benchmarking scenario (Figure 1) is considered.
Alternatively, weights can be decided based on user statistics analysis (e.g., crowd sourcing); types
of service used and usage percentage for various types of area.
However, the validity of the global score depends on the detailed description and motivation of KPI
or KQI selection and their underlying selected weights per service as well as each service weighting
in the global score. Without this transparency, the statistical global scoring and ranking of a network
is not valid. Moreover, as stated in the main body of this Recommendation, the underlying StatDiff
scores must be handled in light of the relevance of between-service differences for the various KPIs
or KQIs and should be set to 0 if any difference may be significant, but this does not contribute to a
better performance of the network from the user perspective.

12 Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018)


[b-ITU-T E.802] Recommendation ITU-T E.802 (2007), Framework and methodologies for
the determination and application of QoS parameters.
[b-ITU-T P.10] Recommendation ITU-T P.10/G.100 (2017), Vocabulary for performance
and quality of service.
[b-ITU-T P.863] Recommendation ITU-T P.863 (2018), Perceptual objective listening
quality prediction.
[b-ITU-T P.1203] Recommendation ITU-T P.1203 (2017), Parametric bitstream-based quality
assessment of progressive download and adaptive audiovisual streaming
services over reliable transport.
[b-ITU-T P.1401] Recommendations ITU-T P.1401 (2012), Methods, metrics and procedures
for statistical evaluation, qualification and comparison of objective quality
prediction models.
[b-ETSI TR 102 581] ETSI TR 102 581, V1.2.1 (2015), Speech processing, transmission and
quality aspects (STQ); A study on the minimum additional required
attenuation on the antenna path of the field test equipment.

[b-Mehta] Mehta, S. (2014). Statistics topics. CreateSpace. 160 pp.

[b-Shaum] Spiegel, M.R., Schiller, J.J., Srinivasan, R.A. (2013). Schaum's outlines:
Probability and statistics, 4th edition. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
424 pp.

Rec. ITU-T E.840 (06/2018) 13


Series A Organization of the work of ITU-T

Series D Tariff and accounting principles and international telecommunication/ICT economic and
policy issues

Series E Overall network operation, telephone service, service operation and human factors
Series F Non-telephone telecommunication services

Series G Transmission systems and media, digital systems and networks

Series H Audiovisual and multimedia systems

Series I Integrated services digital network

Series J Cable networks and transmission of television, sound programme and other multimedia
Series K Protection against interference
Series L Environment and ICTs, climate change, e-waste, energy efficiency; construction, installation
and protection of cables and other elements of outside plant
Series M Telecommunication management, including TMN and network maintenance
Series N Maintenance: international sound programme and television transmission circuits
Series O Specifications of measuring equipment

Series P Telephone transmission quality, telephone installations, local line networks

Series Q Switching and signalling, and associated measurements and tests
Series R Telegraph transmission

Series S Telegraph services terminal equipment

Series T Terminals for telematic services

Series U Telegraph switching
Series V Data communication over the telephone network

Series X Data networks, open system communications and security

Series Y Global information infrastructure, Internet protocol aspects, next-generation networks,
Internet of Things and smart cities

Series Z Languages and general software aspects for telecommunication systems

Printed in Switzerland
Geneva, 2018

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