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Distribution Monitor (Version 1.8.1) Users' Guide

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-Distribution Monitor (version 1.8.

Users’ Guide
1. INTRODUCTION..................................................................................................................................3
2. TOOLS...................................................................................................................................................4
3. RESTRICTIONS..................................................................................................................................6
4. WORKING WITH THE DISTRIBUTION MONITOR...................................................................7
4.1 PROCEDURE - OVERVIEW...............................................................................................................9
CONVERSION TO UNICODE..........................................................................................................................10

5 RUNTIME REQUIREMENTS.........................................................................................................11
5.1 JAVA.............................................................................................................................................11
5.2 SYSTEM COPY BINARIES...............................................................................................................11
5.3 DATABASE CONNECTION..............................................................................................................11
6 CONFIGURATION............................................................................................................................12
6.1 GENERAL OPTIONS......................................................................................................................12
6.2 PREPARATION MODE (-P) OPTIONS..............................................................................................13
6.2.1 Preparation Mode – General.................................................................................................13
6.2.2 Preparation Mode – Export/Import command files...............................................................14
6.2.3 Preparation Mode – Export/Import command files - host specific........................................18
6.2.4 Preparation Mode – R3ldctl...................................................................................................19
6.2.5 Preparation Mode – R3szchk.................................................................................................19
6.2.6 Preparation Mode – Package splitter....................................................................................20
6.2.7 Preparation Mode – R3ta.......................................................................................................21
6.2.8 Preparation Mode – Distribution...........................................................................................22
6.3 EXPORT MODE (-E) OPTIONS.......................................................................................................24
6.4 IMPORT MODE (-I) OPTIONS........................................................................................................24
6.5 DISPLAY MODE (-D) OPTIONS.....................................................................................................24
7 PREPARATION MODE....................................................................................................................25
7.1 GENERAL......................................................................................................................................25
7.2 LOG AND STATUS FILES...............................................................................................................26
7.3 SPECIAL HANDLING IN CASE OF TABLESPACE CHANGE...............................................................27
7.4 AUTOMATIC CALCULATION OF PACKAGE DISTRIBUTION.............................................................27
8 EXPORT MODE.................................................................................................................................28
8.1 GENERAL......................................................................................................................................28
8.2 LOG AND STATUS FILES...............................................................................................................28
8.3 EXPORT STATE PROPERTIES........................................................................................................29
8.4 ADDITIONAL EXPORT RESULT: SUMG DIRECTORY....................................................................29
9 IMPORT MODE.................................................................................................................................30
9.1 GENERAL......................................................................................................................................30
9.2 LOG AND STATUS FILES...............................................................................................................30
9.3 IMPORT STATE PROPERTIES.........................................................................................................31
9.3.1 Restarting R3load Processes..................................................................................................31
9.4 ADDITIONAL IMPORT RESULT: SAPINSTIMPORT DIRECTORY.......................................................31
10 DISPLAY MODE................................................................................................................................32
10.1 INPUT FILES.................................................................................................................................32

20.07.2021 1
10.2 LOG AND STATUS FILES...............................................................................................................32
10.3 BAR CHARTS WITH PACKAGE RUNTIME (TIME ANALYZER)........................................................32
10.4 PACKAGE STATES.........................................................................................................................33
11 INTEGRATION INTO THE SAPINST COPY PROCEDURE.....................................................34
11.1 EXPORT........................................................................................................................................34
11.2 IMPORT.........................................................................................................................................34
11.2.1 NW2004s...........................................................................................................................34
11.2.2 NW04 SR 1.........................................................................................................................34
11.2.3 WebAS 6.20.......................................................................................................................35
12 EXPLANATION OF WARNING MESSAGES...............................................................................36
13 ERROR ANALYSIS...........................................................................................................................36
14 FAILURE AND REDO SCENARIOS..............................................................................................37
APPENDIX A – ENVIRONMENT FOR DATABASE CONNECTION................................................40
A.1 DB6................................................................................................................................................40
A.2 Oracle.............................................................................................................................................40
A.3 MS SQL Server...............................................................................................................................43
A.4 MaxDB...........................................................................................................................................43
A.5 DB2 z/OS........................................................................................................................................43
APPENDIX B – VERSION HISTORY......................................................................................................45
VERSION 1.4.0............................................................................................................................................45
VERSION 1.5.0............................................................................................................................................45
VERSION 1.6.0............................................................................................................................................45
VERSION 1.7.0............................................................................................................................................45
VERSION 1.7.1............................................................................................................................................45
VERSION 1.8.0............................................................................................................................................46
VERSION 1.8.1............................................................................................................................................46
Appendix C - References................................................................................................................................46

You will always find the newest version of this document attached to SAP note 855772.

20.07.2021 2
4 Introduction
The Distribution Monitor (DM) is a tool which helps you to perform and control the
unload and the load process distributed across multiple machines during the System Copy
procedure. The following figure shows an example where two application servers are
used for the System Copy process.

Export Data Import

commDir Target

Export Data Import

There are three working phases:

 Preparation phase
Generation of control information and distribution of workload among all
involved machines. The preparation operates completely on the commDir. It is
done on one machine (not on each machine).
 Export phase
Unload of the source database. Each machine exports the packages which have
been assigned to the machine during preparation and stores the export dump in a
local data directory. The export needs to be executed on each machine (so export
runs in parallel on all involved machines).
 Import phase
Load of the target database. Each machine imports the packages which have been
assigned to the machine during preparation (and have been stored in the local data
directory of this machine during import). Analogue to the export, the import needs
to be executed on each machine.
Note: The packages are distributed between the machines. Export and import for a given
package run always on the same machine.

20.07.2021 3
The control information is shared among the machines using a shared directory that is
readable and writeable by all machines. This directory is called the communication
directory (commDir). The communication directory can be located on one of the involved
servers. The DM gets setup on each involved server.
The preparation phase needs to be finished before the export and import phase can start.
The export and import phase can run in parallel if the source and the target database are
available at the same time. The target database needs to be created by SAPinst before
starting the import phase. The DM only creates tables and indexes at the target database.
The R3load data files are written to and read from data directories located at the
individual server.
During the process it is possible to monitor the status.

5 Tools
The application is located in the SAPCAR archive DISTMON.SAR. The SAR file
encompasses the DM, the Migration Monitor, the Java Split Tool and the Time Analyzer.

Content of the archive file:

 distmon.jar; migmon.jar; split.jar; activation.jar; mail.jar; migtime.jar
 distribution_monitor.sh / distribution_monitor.bat
 distribution_monitor_cmd_<mode>_sample_<os>.properties
 package_splitter_cmd_sample_<os>.properties
 table_splitter_tables_sample_<os>.txt
 distribution_sample_<os>.txt
 OrderBy_sample_<os>.txt
 R3ta_hints.txt
 DistributionMonitorUserGuide.doc, DistributionMonitor.ppt
 MigrationMonitor.pdf, TimeAnalyzer.pdf

Please refer to note 784118 for details about the Migration Monitor, the Java Split Tool
and the Time Analyzer.
o Properties files (export_monitor_cmd.properties, import_monitor_cmd.properties)
needed to run the Migration Monitor are automatically generated by the
Distribution Monitor. This is done mainly during the Preparation Phase. Some
parameters are set later during the Export and Import Phase. Normally it is not
necessary to modify the generated files. However, you could modify them if
needed after the Preparation Phase completed in the <commDir>\<HOSTNAME>
directory before starting the Export and Import Phase.
o For the properties files (package_splitter_cmd.properties;
package_splitter_tables.txt) needed to run the Java Split Tool samples are
provided. You can use them as start to create them in your working directory
before starting the Preparation Phase. For example, package_splitter_tables.txt

20.07.2021 4
contains tables that should be handled in separate packages. You could replace the
default list by the 50 largest tables selected in transaction DB02.
o The Time Analyzer frequency is set using the analyzerFrequency export and
import option. No properties files are used.

20.07.2021 5
6 Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to the current implementation:

 The DM does not support system copies of releases lower than SAP_BASIS 6.20.
 It is strongly recommended to perform read/write actions of R3load data files
(<hostname>.dataDirs) and R3load control files (<hostname>.exportInstallDir,
<hostname>.importInstallDir) only on local file systems. NFS-mounted file
systems sometimes fail on high parallel load.
 Only the net mode of the Migration Monitor is supported with the DM (ftp and
socket mode are not supported).
 Oracle: tablespace changes according to note 425079 require manual handling of
the database template. Please read section 9.3. Oracle specific handling.
 Double stack installation: DM only processes the data of the ABAP stack which
are processed with R3load. For data of the Java stack which are processed with
Jload use standard system copy procedure.

20.07.2021 6
7 Working with the Distribution Monitor
The monitor can be started using:
 The shell script distribution_monitor.sh for UNIX platforms
 The batch file distribution _monitor.bat for Windows platforms

The application allows you to specify options in the command line and/or in the
application property file. The name of the property file is
distribution_monitor_cmd.properties. Templates for these files are included in the
application archive and must be located in the current user’s working directory. The
options specified in the command line take precedence over the corresponding options in
the application property file. Options are case-sensitive. To specify an option in the
command line, enter ‘-optionName optionValue’; in the application property file, insert
the new line ‘optionName=optionValue’.

Example of a command line for a UNIX terminal:

./distribution_monitor.sh -p

Example of a command line for Windows cmd.exe:

distribution_monitor.bat –e –profile export_profile.txt

Start the monitor, it will terminate when all requested jobs are finished. The monitor
processes will run in background. Use monitor *.log files to check monitor processing

This is an example of a distribution_monitor_cmd.properties file with distribution


20.07.2021 7
# Distribution Monitor options

# Common options

# Communication directory

# Path of the R3ldctl executable


# R3ldctl arguments (options –l and –p are set automatically)


# Skip R3ldctl execution


# Path of the R3szchk executable


# R3szchk arguments
r3szchkArgs=-s DB -t db6 C11 620

# Skip R3szchk execution


# Skip execution of Java Package Split tool


# Monitor timeout in seconds


# List of involved machines, separator on Windows ; on UNIX :


#Additional R3load arguments for the TASK and LOAD phase


# Machine specific information



20.07.2021 8
7.1 Procedure - Overview

1. Select machines that you want to use for your System Copy.
Option: hostNames
2. Define the share which is used to communicate between the machines
Option: commDir
3. For each machine:
define number of export and import processes
Rule of thumb is 2-4 export processes and 1-4 import processes per CPU (also
depending on the capacity of the database server; more details about performance
estimation can be found in note 857081)
Option: <hostname>.expJobNum, <hostname>.impJobNum
4. On each machine
(You need a separate distribution monitor directory on each machine)
5. On each machine
Check Java environment. JAVA_HOME must point to JDK 1.4.2 or higher
6. On each machine:
Check availability of matching R3load and databases connection to the source
database (for export)
One way to ensure this is installing a application server instance and run
Distribution Monitor as user <srcsid>adm
7. On each machine:
Check availability of matching R3load and databases connection to the target
database (for import)
One way to ensure this is installing a application server instance and run
Distribution Monitor as user <tgtsid>adm
8. On each machine:
set commDir in distribution_monitor_cmd.properties
9. On the machine where you want to run the preparation step:
Check the availability of Non-Unicode R3load, R3ldctl, R3szchk and the database
connection to the source database
One way to ensure this is installing an application server instance and run the DM
as user <srcsid>adm
10. On the machine where you want to run the preparation step:
enter the options defined in step 1-3 into distribution_monitor_cmd.properties
(and further options if you like)
11. Run the preparation step: distribution_monitor –p
12. After running the preparation mode for the first time it is recommended to save
results of R3ldctl, R3szchk, PkgSplit and (optional) R3ta step and set the
corresponding skip options in distribution_monitor_cmd.properties.
This enables repeating parts of the preparation without repeating unnecessary
13. After changes to table structures R3ldctl and R3zchk have to be repeated

20.07.2021 9
14. If export and import run on separate databases
Prepare the target database (see also chapter 14.2 Import)
Start export and import on each machine
15. Else if export and import run on same database
Start export on each machine
After all exports have finished drop source database
Prepare the target database (see also chapter 14.2 Import)
Start the import on each machine
16. During export and import you can monitor the state with the display mode
(distribution_monitor –d)

7.2 Setting code page information for System Copy of Non-

Unicode systems without conversion to Unicode

The DM can also be used for system copies of Non-Unicode systems without conversion
to Unicode. In this case it is mandatory to set the preparation mode options dataCodepage
and dbCodepage. The value depends on the content of table TCPDB. If the table contains
multiple entries or if it contains a single entry with an ambiguous blended code page, then
both options need to be set to ‘MDMP’. Otherwise both options need to be set to the code
page number listed in TCPDB.

20.07.2021 10
8 Runtime requirements
The following prerequisites must be fulfilled in order to run the DM on a host.

8.1 Java
JRE version 1.4.1 or higher
The environment variable JAVA_HOME must point to the JRE directory

8.2 System copy binaries

For Preparation mode (Unicode/Non-Unicode and database type matching to the source
o R3ldctl
o R3szchk (optional)
o R3ta
o R3load

For Export mode (Unicode/Non-Unicode and database type matching to the source
o R3load

For Import mode (Unicode/Non-Unicode and database type matching to the target
o R3load

For the Unicode executables also the Unicode shared libraries (libsapu16, icu libraries;
UCLIB.SAR package on http://service.sap.com/swdc) are required.

All shared libraries must be contained in the OS specific shared library search path (see
note 981133).

Note: Migration Monitor, Time Analyzer and Package Splitter come with the
DISTMON.SAR package.

8.3 Database connection

Preparation mode and Export mode need connection to the source database, Import mode
needs connection to the target database.

For database connection the following is needed:

- database client software
- SAP database interface library (db<dbtype>slib)
- Environment for database connection (see Appendix A)
You can use the –test option to check whether database connection for the Distribution
Monitor is working.

20.07.2021 11
9 Configuration
The DM provides the following options. To specify an option in the command line, enter
‘-optionName optionValue’; in the application property file
distribution_monitor_properties.cmd, insert the new line ‘optionName=optionValue’.
All option names are case sensitive.
Additionally to the options, there are several configuration files that influence the DM
behaviour (e.g. table_splitter_tables.txt, unsorted_export.txt). DM looks in the working
directory for these configuration files and uses them if they are present.

9.1 General Options

Option name Mandatory Default Description

help One of these Displays DM options

options must
p be used Call DM for preparation

e Call DM for export

i Call DM for import

d Call DM to display status files of

involved machines

commDir X Shared directory used for

communication between all
involved machines.
Must exist and must be readable
and writable for all involved

profile File with environment settings

for the tools that are started by
DM (e.g. for DB connect).
The file should contain rows of
the following structure:

trace all Trace level; one of:

all, off, 1 (error), 2 (warning), 3
(info), 4, 5, 6, 7

20.07.2021 12
test Database test connect
- preparation/export mode
test connect to source DB
- import mode:
test connect to target DB
- display mode:
not available

9.2 Preparation Mode (-p) Options

 The Preparation Mode should always be executed with the environment profile of
the source database.

9.2.1 Preparation Mode – General

Option name Mandatory Default Description

hostNames X List of machines used for export/import

Separator on Windows: ‘;’
Separator on UNIX: ‘:’

monitorTimeout 30 Sleeping time for Monitor threads

which analyze/copy the log files

dbType dbms_type Type of the database system; one of:

environment ADA, DB2, DB4, DB6, INF, MSS, ORA

cleanAll Remove results of preparation phase.

contains list of cleaned
directories/deleted files

20.07.2021 13
9.2.2 Preparation Mode – Export/Import command files

Option name Mandatory Default Description

dataCodepage Only for Unicode (UTF-16) Code page of exported data

non- codepage with files
Unicode endianess matching Do not set this option in
system to the application case of Unicode conversion
copy server (4102/4103) or Unicode system copy.

dbCodepage Only for Unicode (UTF-16) Code page of target

non- codepage with database
Unicode endianess matching Do not set this option in
system to the application case of Unicode conversion
copy server (4102/4103) or Unicode system copy.

r3load.export.taskArgs Additional arguments for

r3load.export.loadArgs R3load TASK and LOAD
r3load.import.taskArgs phase

r3load.import.extFiles database dependent Defines if EXT files are

needed for import
Possible values:
yes, no

migrationKey Migration key in case of

heterogeneous system copy

migmonArgs Additional arguments for

Migration Monitor in
command line format:
-option [value] …

20.07.2021 14
SMIGR_CREATE_DDL Directory with SQL files
generated by report
(notes: 777024 (6.20),
771209 (6.40), 888210
These SQL files are copied
to DB/<dbtype> subdirectory
of <hostname>.dataDirs
before import (they are
evaluated by R3load during

unsortedExport read package list Packages that should be

from file exported unsorted
reduce load on source
database host
Possible values:
- All
(besides those that may
not be exported
- none

- file
(read package list from

- separate
(all tables that are put
into separate packages)
If option is not specified
and file
unsorted_export.txt exists,
package list is taken from
this file.
For unsorted export
template file is required.

20.07.2021 15
parallel_index_import read package list Packages for which index
from file creation should be
parallel_index.txt parallelized during import.
Speed up index creation for
large tables
Possible values:
- none
- file (read package list
from file
- separate (all tables that
are put into separate
If option is not specified
and file
parallel_index.txt exists,
package list is taken from
this file.
For parallel index creation
during import
template file is required.
Currently only supported by
Oracle database

splitTabSeqImport if this option is set, tables

that have been split, are
imported sequentially
better performance on some

20.07.2021 16
Filename Mandatory Description

unsorted_export.txt List of packages that should be exported

package name
(for split tables: table name only)

parallel_index.txt List of packages for which index creation

should be parallelized during import
package name
(for split tables: table name only)

DDL<dbtype>_LRG.TPL If unsorted Database template file for unsorted export

export or and parallel index creation during import
parallel index This file is required if one of these
creation is features is used. DDLORA_LRG.TPL,
used DDLDB2_LRG.TPL and
DDLDB6_LRG.TPL are created
automatically by R3ldctl, for other
databases the file must be created
manually and copied to the working
See also note 954268.

20.07.2021 17
9.2.3 Preparation Mode – Export/Import command files - host specific

Option name Mandatory Default Description

<hostname>. X Points to the directory where

dataDirs the R3load dump files will
be written to and read from.
(Currently only the first
directory of the list is used.)
Please note that data
directories must not be
shared among machines.
<hostname>. exportInstallDir Directory where the R3load
exportInstallDir TSK and log files will be
written. Must exist and must
be readable and writable for
this machine.
Please note that data
directories must not be
shared among machines.
During Unicode conversions
also xml files are written to
this directory. The xml files
can be quite large, please
make sure that enough space
is available.

<hostname>. R3load Path of the R3load

exportR3loadExe executable for export.
Default expects R3load
reachable via the
environment variable PATH

<hostname>. 2 Number of parallel R3load

exportJobNum processes during export
Number of CPU on export
host * 2 is a typical value

20.07.2021 18
<hostname>. importInstallDir Directory where the R3load
importInstallDir TSK and log files will be
written. Must exist and must
be readable and writable for
this machine.

<hostname>. R3load Path of the R3load

importR3loadExe executable for import.
Default expects R3load
reachable via the
environment variable PATH

<hostname>. 2 Number of parallel R3load

importJobNum processes during import
Number of CPU on import
host * 2 is a typical value

9.2.4 Preparation Mode – R3ldctl

Option name Mandatory Default Description

r3ldctlExe R3ldctl Path of the R3ldctl executable.

Default expects R3ldctl reachable via
PATH environment variable

r3ldctlArgs Additional R3ldctl options.

Option –l and –p are already set by DM

skipR3ldctl Skip R3ldctl execution.

Use if the R3load control files (*.STR,
*.TPL) are already created.
The value of skipR3ldctl specifies the
directory from where DM fetches
control files
If no directory is specified
<commDir>/R3ldctl is used

9.2.5 Preparation Mode – R3szchk

Option name Mandatory Default Description

r3szchkExe R3szchk Path of the R3szchk executable.

20.07.2021 19
Default expects R3szchk reachable via
PATH environment variable

r3szchkArgs X Additional R3szchk options.

Option –l and –p are already set by DM
Typically needed options are:
-s DB –t <dbtype> <sid> <release>

skipR3szchk Skip R3szchk execution.

Use if the size info (*.EXT) are already
created or if the size information is
intentionally not wanted.
The value of skipR3szchk specifies the
directory from where DM fetches EXT
If the option is set, but no directory is
specified, <commDir>/R3szchk is used.

Note: In case of performance problems with R3szchk on Oracle databases use note

9.2.6 Preparation Mode – Package splitter

Option name Mandatory Default Description

skipPkgSplit Skip execution of package splitter..

Use if splitting of STR files in smaller
packages has already been done.
The value of skipPkgSplit specifies the
directory from where DM fetches STR
If no directory is specified
commDir/PkgSplit is used

20.07.2021 20
Filename Mandatory Description

package_splitter_tables.txt One of these is List of tables that should be put in

mandatory if separate packages
package_splitter_cmd.properties splitting is not Command file for the package splitter
skipped If this command file exists, the package
splitter needs the *.EXT files provided by

9.2.7 Preparation Mode – R3ta

Note: for availability of R3ta tool see note 952514 “Using the table splitting feature”

Option name Mandatory Default Description

r3taExe R3ta Path of the R3ta executable.

Default expects R3ta reachable via
PATH environment variable

skipR3ta Skip R3ta execution.

Use if the WHR files are already
The value of skipR3ta specifies the
directory from where DM fetches the
WHR files
If no directory is specified commDir/R3ta
is used
Creation of WHR files consists of two
- R3ta run to determine split
- where_splitter to create split
WHR files with one condition

skipWhrChk skip check for consistency of WHR file

20.07.2021 21
parallelR3ta 1 Number of parallel R3ta processes.

Running R3ta for multiple tables in

parallel may speed up the total time
needed for table splitting. The optimum
number depends on the available
database performance and the other
workload on the database

Filename Mandatory Description

table_splitter_tables.txt List of tables that should be put in

separate packages

9.2.8 Preparation Mode – Distribution

Option name Mandatory Default Description

timeDir Directory containing files with time

analyzer result of previous run (<export|

The information about package runtimes

will be used to balance the distribution of
packages between hosts.

20.07.2021 22
Filename Mandatory Description

distribution.txt Predefined distribution of packages to

servers. The distribution can be predefined
for all, some or none of the packages.
All parts of a split table are distributed to
the same host. A split table can be
assigned to a host with

OrderBy.txt Predefined export order for packages. All

packages not listed in this file are exported
after the ones listed in this file.
For split tables, the table parts need to be
entered (<table>-1, <table>-2, …)

pkgsize.txt The file contains package load

information. It is written to the
<commDir>\info directory. In order to
reuse the load information for succeeding
DM runs, copy the file to the working
directory before restarting the Preparation.
The package load information is then used
to balance the distribution of packages
between hosts.

DB02Packages.info The file contains package load

information. It is written by the ABAP
(note 857081). Copy the file to the working
directory before starting the Preparation,
then the package load information is used
to balance the distribution of packages
between hosts unless a pkgsize.txt file
also exists.

9.3 Export Mode (-e) Options

20.07.2021 23
Option name Mandatory Default Description

cleanAll Removes all exported data and state

Export can be started from scratch
contains list of cleaned
directories/deleted files

analyzerFrequency 5 Time between two time analyzer calls in


9.4 Import Mode (-i) Options

Option name Mandatory Default Description

cleanAll Removes all import state information

Does not remove any data from target
To restart import from scratch, also
database tables have to be dropped from
target DB
contains list of cleaned
directories/deleted files

analyzerFrequency 10 Time between two time analyzer calls in


9.5 Display Mode (-d) Options

Option name Mandatory Default Description

hostNames X List of machines used for export/import

Separator on Windows: ‘;’
Separator on UNIX: ‘:’

20.07.2021 24
10 Preparation Mode
10.1 General
During the preparation phase the DM gets called in preparation mode on one machine.
The following subdirectories will be created during the preparation phase:

o <commDir>\R3ldctl – containing the result of R3ldctl execution,

o <commDir>\R3szchk – containing the result of R3szchk execution,
o <commDir>\STR4Split – the *STR files of the R3ldctl execution are
copied to this directory for the package split process
o <commDir>\EXT4Split – the *EXT files of the R3szchk execution are
copied to this directory for the package split process
o <commDir>\PkgSplit – containing the result of the package split process
o <commDir>\R3ta – containing the WHR files with the WHR conditions to
export/import pieces of a table as one package
o <commDir>\<HOSTNAME> - there is a subdirectory for each machine
listed in hostname parameter; containing the generated
export_monitor_cmd.properties and import_monitor_cmd.properties
needed for the Migration Monitor execution.
o <commDir>\MigrDdl – contains <TABART>.SQL files created by
SMIGR_CREATE_DDL (if existing)
o <commDir>\Sapview – containing SAPVIEW.STR and signal files as a
result of the package distribution.

It is possible to repeat the preparation phase as often as needed, e.g. when the default split
options need to be changed. This can be done by editing the
package_splitter_cmd.properties file.
You can skip the generation of some of the control files by using the option -skipR3ldctl
(skipR3ldctl= ) or -skipR3szchk (skipR3szchk= ). This is done when the files are already
available from previous runs. It is possible to pass a directory with the skip options. This
needs to be done when the control files are not located in the commDir R3ldctl/R3szchk

At the end of the preparation phase a signal file <hostname>.SGN for each machine is
written to <commDir>.

You can check the distribution of STR files in the <commDir>\<HOSTNAME>

directories. This is the workload for each machine when the export starts. If you want a
specific package to be handled by a specific server, then you can specify this in the file

The rest of the packages will be distributed automatically.

20.07.2021 25
Note: Once the export started no more changes should be made.

In the following you can see the program flow chart for the preparation mode:
hostNam Create machine
es commDir\HOSTNAM
subdirectories E

Machine Generate export_monitor_cmd.prop
specific Migration erties
information Monitor import_monitor_cmd.prop
Properties erties
Call R3ldctl commDir\R3ldctl\*.ST
*.STR Call
R3szchk commDir\R3szchk\*.EX

*.STR Call Java commDir\PkgSplit\*.STR

[*.EXT] Split Tool [*.EXT]

*.STR Call R3ta


commDir\Pk Distribute
gSplit\*.STR Workload commDir\HOSTNAME\*.S

10.2 Log and Status Files

o distribution_monitor_prepare.log
o DistributionMonitor.console.log
o <commDir>\R3ldctl\ R3ldctl.log
o <commDir>\R3szchk\R3szchk.log
o str_splitter.log
o PackageSplitter.console.log
o tableSplitter.log
o where_splitter.log
o <commDir>\distribution.status
o <commDir>\hosts.txt
o <commDir>\prepare_properties.txt

20.07.2021 26
o <commDir>\str_splitter_properties.txt
o <commDir>\separately_packaged_tables.txt
o <commDir>\split_tables.txt

10.3 Special handling in case of tablespace change

Please check whether there is a tablespace configuration change between your source and
target database (see note 957917 for Oracle, see DB2 z/OS specific information in
appendix A.5). If this is the case, you need to use the DDL<DBTYPE>.TPL file of the
target database. Per default the DM takes the template file from the commDir\R3ldctl
directory for export and import. This is the template file of the source database. In order
to use the new template do the following:

 After the preparation phase is completed rename the DDL<DBTYPE>.TPL file in

 Copy the new DDL<DBTYPE>.TPL file from the installation directory of the
target system to commDir\R3ldctl
Note: if available copy also new DDL<DBTYPE>_LRG.TPL
 Start the DM for export and import.

It is possible to use the new DDL<DBTYPE>.TPL file also for the export since the
table-tablespace mapping contained in this file is only used during the import, it is not
used during the export.

10.4 Automatic calculation of package distribution

The workload is distributed proportional to the number of export jobs on each machine
(option <hostname>.expJobNum).
The overall workload and the size of individual packages is taken from (in this order)
a) file pkgsize.txt
b) option –timeDir
c) EXT files
d) file DB02packages.info
If none of these information exist, the size of all package is assumed to be equal.

20.07.2021 27
11 Export Mode
11.1 General
The export_monitor_cmd.properties file will be copied from commDir\HOSTNAME to
the local working directory. Those properties are then used to start the Migration Monitor
in export mode. After the Migration Monitor export is finished the Time Analyzer is
called to provide an overview of package and table processing times.

You can check the database connect environment before starting the export by using the
testconnect option “-test”. If additional environment variables need to be set, it is possible
to pass them in a file via the profile option. When the export is finished the log files are
copied to the commDir\HOSTNAME directory. The Time Analyzer results are copied
directly to the commDir\export_time_<HOSTNAME>.html.

It is possible to repeat the export of packages. For this purpose you can change the status
in the export state properties file, please view 8.2.1. Export State Properties. To repeat the
export just call the DM the same way again, e.g. distribution_monitor.bat –e –profile

11.2 Log and Status Files

o <commDir>\<HOSTNAME>\exportInstallDir\<package>.log – if the
<HOSTNAME>.exportInstallDir option was not set differently
o distribution_monitor_export.log
o DistributionMonitor.console.log
o export_monitor.log
o ExportMonitor.console.log
o export_state.properties
o <commDir>\export_time_<HOSTNAME>.txt
o <commDir>\export_time_<HOSTNAME>.html
o export_time.log
o TimeAnalyzer.console.log
o <commDir>\info\export_props_<HOSTNAME>.txt

20.07.2021 28
11.3 Export State Properties

The export state file contains package state lines such as the following:

The format of the lines is <PACKAGE>=<STATE>. The possible values for state are as

0 Package export not yet started.

? Package export in progress.
- Package export finished with errors.
+0 Package export finished successfully;
package transfer not yet started.

+? Package transfer in progress.

+- Package transfer finished with errors.
++ Package transfer finished successfully.

11.4 Additional Export Result: SUMG directory

After last export <commDir>\SUMG\SUMG.TXT contains a list of all XML files created
by R3load. After an MDMP to Unicode conversion this file can be provided to SUMG
for automatic post processing (SUMG.TXT contains directory names as seen from
Distribution Monitor, if the directory structure looks different for the Application server,
the path names need to be adapted).

20.07.2021 29
12 Import Mode
12.1 General
The import_monitor_cmd.properties file will be copied from commDir\HOSTNAME to
the local working directory. Those properties are then used to start the Migration Monitor
in import mode. After the Migration Monitor import is finished the Time Analyzer is
called to provide an overview of package and table processing times.

You can check the database connect environment before starting the import by using the
testconnect option “-test”. If additional environment variables need to be set, it is possible
to pass them in a file via the profile option. When the import is finished the log files are
copied to the commDir\HOSTNAME directory. The TimeAnalyzer results are copied
directly to the commDir\import_time_<HOSTNAME>.html.

It is possible to repeat the import of packages, e.g. when a tablespace overflow occurred.
Therefore you can change the status in the import state property, please view 9.1.1.
Import State Properties. To repeat the import just call the DM the same way again, e.g.
distribution_monitor.bat –i –profile import_profile.txt.

The import of the SAPVIEW package is controlled automatically. The last importing
machine will call R3load directly to handle the SAPVIEW.STR file of the
commDir/Sapview directory.

12.2 Log and Status Files

o <commDir>\<HOSTNAME>\importInstallDir\<package>.log – if the
<HOSTNAME>.importInstallDir option was not set differently
o distribution_monitor_import.log
o DistributionMonitor.console.log
o import_monitor.log
o ImportMonitor.console.log
o import_state.properies
o <commDir>\import_time_<HOSTNAME>.txt
o <commDir>\import_time_<HOSTNAME>.html
o import_time.log
o TimeAnalyzer.console.log
o <commDir>\info\import_props_<HOSTNAME>.txt
o <commDir>\info\combined_time.txt
o <commDir>\summary.txt

20.07.2021 30
12.3 Import State Properties

Both the import state file contains package state lines such as the following:

The format of the lines is <PACKAGE>=<STATE>. The possible values for state are as
0 Package import not yet started.
? Package import in progress.
- Package import finished with errors.

+ Package import finished successfully.

12.3.1 Restarting R3load Processes

The state file allows package states to be manually updated to restart failed R3load
For example, if package processing failed and the package state has the value –, the state
can be set to 0 and processing of the package will be started again.

To restart package processing, set the package state from – to 0.

To skip package processing, set the package state from 0 or – to +.
(This is not recommended because it can cause inconsistent data files or database
If the package is currently being processed (the package state is ?) then any manual
modifications of the package state are ignored.

12.4 Additional import result: SapinstImport directory

The TSK and STR files from all Imports are collected in <commDir>/SapinstImport.
This directory can be provided to SAPinst when it checks if all packages have been
imported successfully.

20.07.2021 31
13 Display Mode
You can start the DM in display mode any time. A GUI session comes up with a
overview panel and a panel for each machine and with the list of packages involved in the
system copy.
The overview panel shows you the rough overview information on source and target
system and the involved machines.
The machine panel is called as the machines hostname. It tells you
 export and import state.
 export and import processing times
On a Unix system please make sure that the DISPLAY environment variable is set
To refresh the display please select Status -> Refresh. Only the active panel will be

13.1 Input Files

o <commDir>\<HOSTNAME>\export_state.properties
o <commDir>\<HOSTNAME>\import_state.properties
o <commDir>\distribution.status
o <commDir>\<HOSTNAME>.SGN
o <commDir>\export_time_<HOSTNAME>.txt
o <commDir>\import_time_<HOSTNAME>.txt

13.2 Log and Status Files

o distribution_monitor_display.log
o DistributionMonitor.console.log

13.3 Bar charts with package runtime (Time Analyzer)

The bar charts with package runtimes created by the time analyzer are stored in

20.07.2021 32
13.4 Package states
The state view for export and import shows the following information:

Total Total number of packages to be processed

Note: for each split table there are 2 more packages for import than for
Initial Number of packages that are ready for processing and processing has not
been started yet
- For import a package is counted as initial, if export is completed and
import not yet started

-Number of initial processes is 0 if the Distribution Monitor

export/import has not been started or if the first status information
from Distribution Monitor is not yet available
Running Number of packages that are currently processed
Completed Number of packages that have been successfully processed
Failed Number of packages of which the processing has been aborted with an error

Total = Initial + Running + Completed + Failed
is not always true
- Initial, Running, Completed and Failed are 0 until running Distribution Monitor
import/export transfers status information to <commDir> for the first time
- A package is not counted for import before export is completed (the package is
not initial since it is not ready for importing)

20.07.2021 33
14 Integration into the SAPinst Copy Procedure

14.1 Export
The export preparation task (R3ldctl, R3szchk, package splitting, table splitting) are done
during distribution monitor preparation. So SAPinst is not needed for export.

14.2 Import
14.2.1 NW2004s
1. Install the Database instance and the Central Instance.
Attention: If you want to start the installation of the target system before the
export of the source system has been started, make sure that at least the files
<importDir>/DB/<your database>/DBSIZE.{TPL|XML}
<importDir>/DB/DDL<your database>.TPL
exist and contain the correct data.
2. Select the SAPinst option “Installation using Migration Monitor”.
3. After the exit step, stop SAPinst.
4. Start the DM Import.
5. After all packages have been loaded successfully, restart the installation tool and
finish the installation. <commDir>/SapinstImport contains collection of all
STR and TSK files so that SAPinst can check successful load.

14.2.2 NW04 SR 1
1. Install the Central Instance.
2. Run the installation of the Database Instance.
Attention: If you want to start the installation of the target system before the
export of the source system has been started, make sure that at least the files
<importDir>/DB/<your database>/DBSIZE.{TPL|XML}
<importDir>/DB/DDL<your database>.TPL
exist and contain the correct data.
3. Select the SAPinst option “Installation using Migration Monitor”.
4. After the exit step, stop SAPinst.
5. Start the DM Import.
6. After all packages have been loaded successfully, restart the installation tool and
finish the installation. <commDir>/SapinstImport contains collection of all
STR and TSK files so that SAPinst can check successful load.

20.07.2021 34
14.2.3 WebAS 6.20
Please check note 857734, it might be possible to use NW 04 SR 1 tools. Otherwise
1. Install the Central Instance.
2. Run the installation of the Database Instance.
Attention: If you want to start the installation of the target system before the
export of the source system has been started, make sure that at least the files
<importDir>/DB/<your database>/DBSIZE.{TPL|XML}
<importDir>/DB/DDL<your database>.TPL
exist and contain the correct data.
3. Interrupt the installation after all files are copied to the installation directory.
4. Modify the file control.xml
a) Add an exit step as a follow-on step to the component that is
processed immediately before the database load.
b) Remove the subcomponent call of DatabaseLoad from the
5. Restart the installation from the installation directory.
6. After the exit step, you can start the DM Import.
7. After all packages have been loaded successfully, restart the installation tool
and finish the installation. <commDir>/SapinstImport contains collection
of all STR and TSK files so that SAPinst can check successful load.

20.07.2021 35
15 Explanation of warning messages

  Message     Description     Action  

Execution of When the Export or Import phase is This warning can
TimeAnalyzer failed with started, then the Time Analyzer is be ignored.
rc = 102. started automatically. During the first
call of the Time Analyzer it could
happen that not all control files are
available yet.
File '< working directory During each Export Phase an Verify the Export
>\export_state.properties' export_state.properties file is written. state settings. If
already exists. Restarting the Export when this file everything needs to
exists might lead to unexpected be repeated, you
results. E.g. you want to repeat the could use the
export of package CDCLS.STR. If cleanAll option of
there is an export_state.properties the Export phase to
with the entry CDCLS=++, then the remove old state
export assumes that the processing of files and data files
this package is already finished and
does not start the export of this
package again.
File '< working directory During each Import Phase an Verify the Import
>\import_state.properties' import_state.properties file is written. state settings. If
already exists. Restarting the Import when this file everything needs to
exists might lead to unexpected be repeated, you
results. E.g. you want to repeat the could use the
import of package CDCLS.STR. If cleanAll option of
there is an import_state.properties the Import phase to
with the entry CDCLS=+, then the remove old state
import assumes that the processing of files (Attention:
this package is already finished and imported database
does not start the import of this content is not
package again. removed)

16 Error analysis
See note 989116.

20.07.2021 36
17 Failure and Redo Scenarios
When a conversion or parts of it failed, you can take appropriate action and repeat the
conversion or parts of it. The following table shows some failure scenarios and possible
Repeating steps of a conversion requires modification of R3load and/or Migration
Monitor status information.

Restarting the conversion is only safe, if neither source nor target system have been
started in the meantime. Otherwise you either have to be sure, that the data that belong to
the restarted package have not been touched in the source and target system or you have
to redo the complete conversion.
The conversion of nametab package can be repeated, if neither in the source, nor in the
target system dictionary changes have been done and no transports have been applied.

Scenario: Reaction:

1. Repeat export/import of a failed After fixing the cause of the problem, determine
package P after DistMon is finished host (H) converting P.

On this host restart DistMon.

The tools used automatically identify the steps

to be repeated by the available status

2. Repeat export/import of package P After fixing the cause of the problem, determine
on which R3load terminated host (H) converting P.
irregularly (either due to a core dump Merge P .TSK and P .TSK.bck files as
or R3load process aborted by the described in note 455195.
user) after DistMon is finished Then restart DistMon on this host

Scenario 2 can be distinguished from TSK.bck files contain package status before
scenarion 1 by the existence of R3load was started, TSK file contains status of
<package>.TSK.bck files. package parts that have been processed.
R3load refuses to export/import while
TSK.bck files exist.

3. Repeat export/import of a Determine host (H) converting P.

completed package P after DistMon In the DM work directory on H change the
processing has been finished. export/import status, in
export_state.properties from ++ to 0,
(That requires that R3load deletes and/or in
data/indices that have been already import_state.properties from + to –.
imported to DB.)

20.07.2021 37
Change task file status, in file P.TSK in
directories dataDir/exportInstallDir and
importInstallDir, from ok to err.
From the export data directory delete data files
(P.00*) and table of content file (P.TOC) of P.
On H restart export (DM -e) and import (DM -i)
with parameters of original conversion.

If TSK status of a step is set to err R3load

cleans previous results of this step, before
starting execution of the step.

4. Repeat export/import of a failed Determine host (H) converting P.

package P while DistMon is running. In the DM work directory on H change the
export/import status, in
export_state.properties and/or in
import_state.properties from – to 0.
This is not possible while the package is in
process (state ?).

See also chapter 9 “Restarting R3load

Processes” of MigrationMonitor.pdf.

5. Repeat export/import of completed Determine host (H) converting P.

package P while DistMon is running.
Change task file status, in file P.TSK in
directories dataDir/exportInstallDir and
importInstallDir, from ok to err.
From the export data directory delete files of P.

In the DM work directory on H :

Set the state of package P from +/++ to 0 in
export_state.properties and/or
This is not possible while the package is in
process (state ?).

See also chapter 9 “Restarting R3load

Processes” of MigrationMonitor.pdf.

6. Due to a problem with DistMon you In the distribution_monitor_<phase>.log you

need to start MigMon or R3load find the command line that is used by DistMon
directly. to call MigMon.

In the <phase>_monitor.log file you find the

20.07.2021 38
command line that is used by MigMon to call

Take the command line from the log file and

adapt it to your needs. (you need also correct
environment for DB connection (e.g. use user
<sid>adm) )

7. Host H fails; all exports and imports Find replacement host HH.
that ran on H are affected.
Install the DM on HH.
Status information local on H is
unavailable. enter commDir and hostnames

Create directory for new host HH: commDir/HH

Copy commDir/H to commDir/HH.

In commDir/HH:
- remove export and import install directories;
per default: exportInstallDir,
- adapt export_monitor_cmd.properties
for HH ; same for
Create commDir/HH.SGN

Start DM export and import on HH.

The import will fail for steps already

successfully imported by H.

8. Completely reset DistMon results Drop all tables and views from target database
(e.g. to repeat a test conversion) run DistMon –i –cleanAll and DistMon –e –
cleanAll on all hosts
run DistMon –p –cleanAll on preparation host

20.07.2021 39
Appendix A – Environment for database connection

A.1 DB6

The database client software is available on a machine, but the database connection to the
source and target system is not set up yet. You must catalog nodes for the remote servers
of the databases first, afterwards catalog the databases at the corresponding node. When
the source and the target database have the same SID, then one of them needs to be
cataloged using an alias that is different from the SID. In the example SID C11 is used.
Please make sure that the parameter DB2DBDFT is set to this alias in the profile.

Here is a sample of the node creation statement for the database servers. The source
system with alias C11_NUC is located at host h0001; the target system with alias
C11_UC is located at host h0002.

Here is a sample of how to catalog the source and target databases:


Here is a sample export profile:

# Filename: export_profile
JAVA_HOME= C:\jdk1.4.2

A.2 Oracle

The database client software is available on a machine and the database connection to the
source and target system needs to be set up, but both use the same SID. Different names
for the databases can be specified in the tnsnames.ora file. Please make sure that the
same name is used to set the parameter dbs_ora_tnsname.

20.07.2021 40
Here is a sample tnsnames.ora file for a system called C11. The source system with
alias C11_NUC is located at host h0001; the target system with alias C11_UC is located
at host h0002.

<Shared library search path> means OS specific shared library search path (see note

# Filename: tnsnames.ora

(SDU = 32768)
(HOST = h0001)
(PORT = 1529)
(SID = C11)

(SDU = 32768)
(HOST = h0002)
(PORT = 1527)
(SID = C11)

20.07.2021 41
Here is a sample export profile:

# Filename: export_profile
<Shared library search path>=/usr/lib:/lib:/conversion/exe_nuc:<oracle
client dir>
The name of the environment variable <Shared library search path> is
platform dependent (e.g. PATH on Windows, LD_LIBRARY_PATH on most Unix
systems, LIBPATH on AIX)

Here is a sample import profile:

# Filename: import_profile
<Shared library search path>=/usr/lib:/lib:/conversion/exe_uc:<oracle
client dir>

20.07.2021 42
A.3 MS SQL Server

The database client software is available on a machine and the database connection to the
source and target system needs to be set up.
For example, the source system C11 is running on server h0001. It is possible to connect
via NT-User authentication or SQL-Login. Here is a sample export profile for the
connection to the source system using SQL-Login:

# Filename: export_profile

In case NT-User authentication is used for the connection, then

The environment settings are described in SAP note 128126. When source and target
system have the same SID the distinction between the two systems is done via the

SQL2005 users should check SAP note 734034 to avoid the connection error “You must
use SNAC to access SQL 9.0 or later.” (ERROR: DbSlConnect rc= 99).

A.4 MaxDB
The database client software is available on a machine and the database connection to the
source and target system needs to be set up.

PATH =/sapdb/programs (+ /sapdp/programs/pgm on Windows)

<Shared library search path> = /sapdb/programs/lib (UNIX only)

For XUSER settings see note 39439

A.5 DB2 z/OS

With DB2 z/OS you always have to copy the DDLDB2.TPL file from the installation
directory as described in chapter 7.3. This is necessary because in an installation phase
database and tablespace names are changed to match the target DB2 system. This is done
in a database build phase right before Dist Mon can be called. If you want to have a file

20.07.2021 43
for optimized import (e.g. DDLDB2_LRG.TPL) you need to copy DDLDB2.TPL and
change as appropriate. This is necessary as in the database build phase only the file
DDLDB2.TPL is changed.

If you get the following error when R3szchk is called:

(TFH) ERROR: Unable to open DDLDB2.TPL
Please add the following argument to your r3szchkArgs property:
-q <commDir>/R3ldctl
Where <commDir>/R3ldctl is the directory containing file DDLDB2.TPL.

20.07.2021 44
Appendix B – Version History

Version 1.4.0
First version with general availability

Version 1.5.0
- Check if WHR files are consistent and cover table completely and that split
condition does not use more then one column (for performance reasons)
Manually created WHR files (not recommended) may fail the test
Check can be skipped with option -skipWhrChk
- Option -SMIGR_CREATE_DDL to support SQL files created by report
- Directory <commDir>\SapinstImport with all STR and TSK files to show
SAPinst complete import state
- Time overview page for display mode

Version 1.6.0
- Support unsorted export and parallel index creation during import (by using of db
template DDL<dbtype>_LRG.TPL instead of DDL<dbtype>.TPL for certain
- Support sequential import of split tables
- Fix: table splitting for tables with ‘/’ in table name
- Fix: WHR file check accept numeric conditions
- Fix: WHR file check option –skipWhrChk during export was not working
- Fix: parameter dbCodepage was not working
- Fix: in cleanAll toUpper case conversion of host names was missing

Version 1.7.0
- Move default for export- and importInstallDir from commDir to local data
directory (to avoid NFS synchronisation problems)
- Fix: OrderBy for tables with ‘/’ in table name
- Fix: package ordering failed sometimes on packages with size 0 with message '/
by zero'

Version 1.7.1
- Wait 10 seconds between R3load task file creation and R3load import/export (to
avoid NFS synchronisation problems)
- Check TSK file consistency after MigMon finished
- Check if WHR files exists if option skipR3ta contains a value
- Fix: SAPVIEW was not imported if additional r3load arguments have been

20.07.2021 45
Version 1.8.0
- Calculation of package distribution
a) based on explicit description of package size (file pkgsize.txt)
b) based on results from previous run (option –timeDir)
c) based on EXT files
d) based on results from report UMG_R3LOAD_RUNTIME_PREDICTION
(note 857081; file DB02Packages.info)

- support parallel execution of table splitter

- Fix: ignore empty lines in file table_splitter_tables.txt
- Fix: add DB2 specific procedure for copying the DDLDB2.TPL file to

Version 1.8.1
- Prevent multiple start of export and import on the same machine
- Prevent start of preparation during export and import
- Write orderBy file for import of tables
- Fix: orderBy for tables with slash in table name

Appendix C - References
 SAP note 784118
 Migration Monitor Users’ Guide
 Java Split Tool Users’ Guide
 Time Analyzer Users’ Guide

20.07.2021 46

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