Ekr 500 Digital Unit Touch: Installation and Commissioning Manual

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Web Guiding System

Installation and
Commissioning Manual

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch


Translation of the Original Manual

BST eltromat International GmbH
Heidsieker Heide 53
D-33739 Bielefeld
Tel.: +49 (0) 5206 999 0
Fax: +49 (0) 5206 999 999
E-Mail: [email protected]
Internet: www.bst-eltromat.com

This documentation is protected by copyright. The translation as well as reproduction and distribution in any form is forbidden without the approval
of the rights holder and will be pursued under civil and criminal law. Technical modifications reserved.
Table of contents

Table of contents
1 About This Document........................................................................................  7
1.1 What You Need to Know...............................................................................................  7
1.2 Target Group.................................................................................................................  7
1.3 Storage and Distribution ...............................................................................................  7
1.4 Meanings of the Safety Instructions and Symbols ........................................................  7
1.4.1 Safety Instructions ........................................................................................................  7
1.4.2 Symbols.........................................................................................................................  8
1.4.3 Operation Using Keys....................................................................................................  8
1.5 More Detailed Information ...........................................................................................  8

2 About Safety .....................................................................................................  9

2.1 Intended Use.................................................................................................................  9
2.2 Non-intended Use.......................................................................................................  10
2.2.1 Non-intended Infringement of Guidelines..................................................................  10
2.2.2 Non-intended Operation.............................................................................................  10
2.2.3 Non-intended Modification of Electronic Data...........................................................  11
2.3 Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................  12
2.3.1 General Safety Instructions.........................................................................................  12
2.4 Qualification of the Personnel ....................................................................................  14
2.5 Duties of the Operating Company and Personnel ......................................................  15
2.5.1 Duties of the Operating Company ..............................................................................  15
2.5.2 Duties of the Personnel...............................................................................................  16
2.6 Conduct in the Event of Danger and Accidents ..........................................................  16
2.7 Personal Protective Equipment ..................................................................................  17
2.8 Guarantee and Liability...............................................................................................  17
2.8.1 Disclaimer ...................................................................................................................  17
2.8.2 Exceptions to the Disclaimer.......................................................................................  18
2.8.3 License and Liability for Software Supplied ................................................................  18

3 Design and Function......................................................................................... 19

3.1 Design .........................................................................................................................  19
3.1.1 Controller ....................................................................................................................  19
3.1.2 Control Panel ..............................................................................................................  19
3.2 Function ......................................................................................................................  20
3.3 Message Output “System OK“ ....................................................................................  21
3.4 Connectable Components...........................................................................................  22
3.5 Designation of the Sensors .........................................................................................  23
3.5.1 Edge Sensors (Sensor 1/2) ..........................................................................................  23
3.5.2 Line and Contrast Sensor (Sensor 3) ...........................................................................  24
3.5.3 CCD Cameras (Sensor 1/2) ..........................................................................................  25
3.6 Accessories..................................................................................................................  26
3.7 Nameplates .................................................................................................................  26

4 Technical Specifications ................................................................................... 27

4.1 Controller ....................................................................................................................  27
4.1.1 Ambient Conditions ....................................................................................................  27
4.1.2 Protection Category ....................................................................................................  27
4.1.3 Power Supply ..............................................................................................................  27
4.1.4 Analogue Inputs ..........................................................................................................  28
4.1.5 Digital Inputs / Outputs...............................................................................................  29
4.1.6 Output Motor Output Stage .......................................................................................  29
4.1.7 Message Output "System OK" ....................................................................................  30
4.1.8 Bus Interface ...............................................................................................................  30
4.1.9 Weight and Dimensions ..............................................................................................  31
4.2 ekr commander Control Panel ....................................................................................  32
4.2.1 Ambient Conditions ....................................................................................................  32
4.2.2 Protection Category ....................................................................................................  32

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual iii
Table of contents

4.2.3 Power Supply ..............................................................................................................  32

4.2.4 Touchscreen Display ...................................................................................................  32
4.2.5 Weight and Dimensions ..............................................................................................  32
4.3 Power Pack..................................................................................................................  33
4.4 Sensors........................................................................................................................  34
4.4.1 Edge Sensors ...............................................................................................................  34
4.4.2 Line and Contrast Sensor ............................................................................................  36
4.4.3 CCD Cameras...............................................................................................................  37
4.5 Sensor Positioner ........................................................................................................  37
4.6 Electric Motor Powered Actuators..............................................................................  38
4.7 Emissions.....................................................................................................................  40
4.8 RoHS Conformity.........................................................................................................  40

5 Transport, Delivery and Storage ....................................................................... 41

5.1 Transport.....................................................................................................................  41
5.2 Scope of Delivery ........................................................................................................  42
5.3 Unpacking the Delivery ...............................................................................................  42
5.4 Storage........................................................................................................................  42

6 Installation....................................................................................................... 43
6.1 Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................  43
6.2 Selecting the Installation Location ..............................................................................  44
6.3 Installing the Controller ..............................................................................................  45
6.3.1 Installation Positions...................................................................................................  45
6.3.2 Securing Hole Template ..............................................................................................  46
6.3.3 Space Needed to Open the Housing Cover.................................................................  46
6.3.4 Installing the Controller ..............................................................................................  47
6.3.5 Turning the Control Panel ...........................................................................................  48
6.4 Installing the Control Panel.........................................................................................  49
6.4.1 Attachment Alternatives.............................................................................................  49
6.4.2 Cable Extension...........................................................................................................  49
6.4.3 Wall Mounting ............................................................................................................  50
6.4.4 Console Installation.....................................................................................................  52
6.4.5 Magnet Attachment....................................................................................................  55

7 Electrical Connection........................................................................................ 57
7.1 Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................  57
7.2 Cable Routing..............................................................................................................  58
7.3 Connecting the Cables ................................................................................................  59
7.4 EMC Suitable Wiring ...................................................................................................  60
7.5 Ensuring Equipotential Bonding..................................................................................  61
7.6 Connections on the Controller....................................................................................  62
7.7 Terminal Strips ............................................................................................................  63
7.8 Terminal Assignment ..................................................................................................  64
7.8.1 Overview .....................................................................................................................  64
7.8.2 Terminal Strip X1 - Sensor 1/2 (Analogue Connection) ..............................................  65
7.8.3 Terminal Strip X6 - Power Supply................................................................................  65
7.8.4 Terminal Strip X7 - Actuator, OMG 4 ..........................................................................  66
7.8.5 Terminal Strip X8 - Sensor 1/2 (CAN Bus) ...................................................................  67
7.8.6 Terminal Strip X9 - ekr commander Control Panel, Sensor 3, Drive Module 160 .......  67
7.8.7 Terminal Strip X10 - Controller Interlock, OMG 4, OMG 8, CK 37, EFE 1 ....................  68
7.8.8 Terminal Strip X11 - Message Output "System OK"....................................................  68
7.8.9 Terminal Strip X12 - CAN Bus 4 ...................................................................................  68
7.8.10 Terminal Strip X14 - Digital Inputs 1...6, EFE 1000 ......................................................  69
7.8.11 Terminal Strip X15 - Digital Inputs 7...12, EFE 1000 ....................................................  69
7.8.12 Terminal Strip X16 - Digital Outputs 1 ... 4..................................................................  69
7.9 Plug Connection ..........................................................................................................  70
7.9.1 X60 - Actuator Connection EMS 17/18/21/22 ............................................................  70
7.9.2 X70 - Power Supply .....................................................................................................  71

iv ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

Table of contents

7.9.3 X100 ... 103 - Connection of CAN Bus Participants .....................................................  72

8 Commissioning................................................................................................. 73
8.1 Safety Instructions ......................................................................................................  73
8.2 Requirements..............................................................................................................  74
8.3 Setting the DIL Switches of the Controller ..................................................................  75
8.3.1 DIL Switch Overview ...................................................................................................  75
8.3.2 Using the DIL Switch ...................................................................................................  76
8.3.3 Setting DIL Switch S4...................................................................................................  77
8.3.4 Setting DIL Switch S5...................................................................................................  78
8.3.5 Setting DIL Switch S6...................................................................................................  79
8.3.6 Setting DIL Switch S7...................................................................................................  79
8.4 Setting the DIL Switches of the Control Panel ............................................................  80
8.5 Setting the Jumper......................................................................................................  81
8.6 Checking the Device Addresses ..................................................................................  82
8.6.1 Controller Device Address...........................................................................................  82
8.6.2 Control Panel Device Address .....................................................................................  83
8.7 Setting the Terminating Resistors...............................................................................  84
8.7.1 Terminating Resistor of the Controller .......................................................................  84
8.7.2 Terminating Resistor of the Control Panel..................................................................  86
8.8 Calling up the Setup Menu..........................................................................................  88
8.9 Setting the Dimension Unit.........................................................................................  90
8.10 Setting the Motor Rotation Direction .........................................................................  91
8.11 Commissioning the Actuator Without Position Feedback ..........................................  92
8.11.1 Setting the Guiding Direction for Center Positioning..................................................  92
8.11.2 Setting the Gain of the Servo Center Transducer .......................................................  93
8.12 Commissioning the Actuator With Position Feedback................................................  95
8.12.1 Setting the Guiding Direction for Center Positioning..................................................  95
8.12.2 Setting Stroke Limitation and Servo-Center Position..................................................  96
8.12.3 Activating Position Control .........................................................................................  99
8.13 Setting the Guiding Direction....................................................................................  100
8.13.1 Guiding Direction for Web Edge Guiding and Web Center-Line Guiding (Sensor 1/2) . 100
8.13.2 Guiding Direction for Line and Contrast Guiding (Sensor 3) .....................................  100
8.14 Performing the Material Setup .................................................................................  101
8.15 Adjusting the Controller Gain ...................................................................................  101
8.16 Commissioning the CCD Camera...............................................................................  103
8.16.1 CCD Camera Calibration............................................................................................  103
8.16.2 Material Thickness Compensation............................................................................  107
8.16.3 Setting the Material Thickness (After Changing the Material)..................................  110
8.16.4 Entering the Position Offsets ....................................................................................  111
8.17 Commissioning the Sensor Positioner ......................................................................  113
8.17.1 Calling Up the Setting Menu .....................................................................................  113
8.17.2 Overview Setting Menu ............................................................................................  114
8.17.3 Activating Retract Mode ...........................................................................................  115
8.17.4 Activating Automatic Setpoint Acceptance ..............................................................  116
8.17.5 Setting Automatic Sensor Tracking ...........................................................................  117
8.17.6 Activating Automatic Edge Sensor Standardization..................................................  118
8.17.7 Entering the Position Offset for the Sensor Slides ....................................................  119
8.18 Commissioning the Positioning Unit .........................................................................  121
8.18.1 Utilization..................................................................................................................  121
8.18.2 Calling Up the Setting Menu .....................................................................................  122
8.18.3 Overview Setting Menu ............................................................................................  122
8.18.4 Reversing the Operating Direction of the Arrow Keys ..............................................  123
8.18.5 Entering the Position Offset for the Sensor Slides ....................................................  125
8.19 Commissioning the Electronic Remote Precision Adjustment (Optional).................  127
8.19.1 EFE 1..........................................................................................................................  127
8.19.2 EFE 1000....................................................................................................................  128

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Table of contents

9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)...................................................... 129

9.1 Safety Information ....................................................................................................  129
9.2 Digital Inputs / Outputs.............................................................................................  129
9.2.1 Digital Inputs .............................................................................................................  129
9.2.2 Digital Outputs ..........................................................................................................  129
9.2.3 Truth Tables ..............................................................................................................  130
9.2.4 Digital Inputs / Outputs Configuration......................................................................  131
9.3 Remote Control With External Control Keyboard ekr commander ..........................  143

10 Service LEDs ................................................................................................... 144

10.1 Status Display of Remote Control Inputs ..................................................................  145
10.2 Status Display of Digital Outputs ..............................................................................  145
10.3 Display of Bus Status .................................................................................................  146
10.4 Display of Device Status ............................................................................................  146
10.5 Status Display of Message Output "System OK".......................................................  146
10.6 Status Display of Power Supply.................................................................................  146
10.7 Status Display of Controller Interlock .......................................................................  146

11 Accessories and Spare Parts ........................................................................... 147

11.1 Order Address ...........................................................................................................  147
11.2 Accessories................................................................................................................  147

12 Customer Services.......................................................................................... 148
13 Connection Diagram....................................................................................... 149
13.1 Application with Edge Sensors..................................................................................  149
13.2 Application with CCD Cameras..................................................................................  150
13.2.1 Application with CCD CAM 100.................................................................................  150
13.2.2 Application with CCDPro 30000/5000 ......................................................................  151
13.3 Application with Sensor Positioner FVG POS 100 .....................................................  151

Index.............................................................................................................. 152

vi ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

About This Document 1

1 About This Document

1.1 What You Need to Know
These instructions help you to install and start up the system in a
safe manner. The following instructions must be observed in order
to avoid hazards and incorrect operation:
■ Every user that has been assigned with the installation and the
start-up of the system must have read these instructions in full
before working with or on the system.
■ Every user must follow the safety information in these instruc-
■ The basic operation and the system functions are described in
the operating manual. Every user must be familiar with the
operating manual and observe the safety instructions contained

1.2 Target Group

These instructions are directed to all persons that have been
assigned with the installation and the start-up of the system.
The operating company of the entire system and supervising
personnel must also be familiar with these instructions.

1.3 Storage and Distribution

These instructions must be stored at the workplace in such a
manner that the user has access to them at all times.
These instructions and all other applicable documents are a com-
ponent of the product and must be handed over to the operating
company of the system.

1.4 Meanings of the Safety Instructions and Symbols

1.4.1 Safety Instructions
Danger that will lead to death or severe injuries!
► Here you can find how to avoid the danger.

Danger that may lead to death or severe injuries!
► Here you can find how to avoid the danger.

Danger that may lead to medium or minor injuries!
► Here you can find how to avoid the danger.

Danger that may lead to damage to assets!
There is no risk of injury.
► Here you can find how to avoid the danger.

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1 About This Document

1.4.2 Symbols

Information that is essential for successful operation.

Information that makes operation easier.

Action requirements may include the following symbols:

›› Requirements that must be fulfilled for the action steps.
1. Requirement for you to take actions. And ...
2. …in the sequence specified.
► Requirement for you to take actions - without any certain

1.4.3 Operation Using Keys

Operations using the keys are indicated by the following symbols:

► Press key ①.

► Press key ① or key ②.

► Press key ① and key ② at the same time.

1.5 More Detailed Information

► Observe the accompanying documents (e.g. order confirmation)
for this system and the operating instructions of the entire sys-
There are other documents available for this system.
Document Document number
Operating manual
ekr 500 digital Unit Touch
The latest version of these instructions can be obtained in all
available languages at:

8/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
About Safety 2

2 About Safety
The system has been designed according to the state of the art
and fulfils the latest safety standards.
When using the system, risks may occur that could threaten your
life or health or lead to material damage. In order to avoid these
risks, all instructions in this manual concerning safety and all
relevant documentation of the entire system must be observed.

2.1 Intended Use

The system is only determined for web guiding. It permits guiding
according to the web edges, web center-line, printed lines or
contrast edges.
The system is installed in a machine or assembled together to form
a machine with another machine in compliance with the
Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC. All machines of the entire system
must comply with the guidelines of the Machinery Directive after
being installed in the system.

The system and all of its components are only intended for use in
industrial environments.
The system may only be put into operation if the following
guidelines are also complied with:
■ The product must only be installed or operated in a non-
explosive atmosphere.
■ The product and all components must only be used in a perfect
technical condition.
■ All technical safety equipment must be in a perfect technical
■ The product must only be operated using the components that
belong to the system. An exception are such third party com-
ponents that have been supplied by BST eltromat International
or have been explicitly approved for being operated with the
■ Any part found to be working incorrectly must be replaced
using original spare parts immediately.
■ All work on or with the product must only be carried out by
instructed and qualified personnel, see chapter Qualification of
the Personnel, page 14.
■ These instructions and all safety information must be observed.
■ The operating conditions and performance limits specified in
the technical specifications must be observed.

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2 About Safety

2.2 Non-intended Use

Every use is non-intended, that is not described in the chapter
Intended Use or does not comply with the guidelines specified
there, see Intended Use, page 9.

2.2.1 Non-intended Infringement of Guidelines

■ Infringement of operating, maintaining or installation instructions
■ Unsuitable, incorrect or unauthorized use of the product
■ Operating the product in an environment not intended for its
■ Operating the product in breach of the legal safety guidelines
relevant at the location of use
■ Neglecting the warning and safety instructions in the relevant
documents for the product
■ Operating the product under faulty safety and protective condi-

2.2.2 Non-intended Operation

■ Operation by unauthorized or insufficiently qualified personnel
■ By-passing, disassembling, switching off or manipulation of
safety equipment
■ Incorrect or negligent handling by the customer
■ Any intervention, modification or conversions on the product
without the express approval of BST eltromat International
■ The use of unsuitable operating materials or spare parts
■ Operation of the product near to sources of interference, e.g.
electro-magnetic fields (high voltage lines) or sources of heat
■ Operation of the product under the influence of chemical,
electro-chemical or electrical factors

10/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
About Safety 2

2.2.3 Non-intended Modification of Electronic Data

■ No virus scanners, firewalls or similar items may be installed on
any products of BST eltromat International GmbH. Virus scan-
ners or other scan or registration programs must not (be able
to) access products via networks.
■ Writing, deleting and editing of system data / files on BST eltro-
mat products is not permitted. Exempt from this is service work
carried out at the instruction of BST eltromat International
■ Access of any external software to BST eltromat products via
networks is not permitted.
■ USB memory sticks may only be used together with BST eltro-
mat products if they are free of viruses and harmful software.
■ Products or supplied software from BST eltromat International
GmbH must never be modified without permission.
■ All software supplied is protected by copyright and must not be
edited, copied or made available to third parties. Except where
explicit approval has been sought from BST eltromat Interna-
tional GmbH or the respective owner of the copyright.

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2 About Safety

2.3 Safety Instructions

Every user must read and follow the safety instructions in these
instructions before working with or on the system.
The following contains general safety instructions that always
have to be observed. Special safety information that must be
observed for certain work will be specified at the start of the
respective chapter of these instructions.

2.3.1 General Safety Instructions

Danger of death when operated in potentially explosive areas!
► The system must not be installed or operated in potentially
explosive areas.

Danger to life due to moving machine components!
Crushing, shearing, scraping, pulling in or impact injuries of body
parts may occur.
► Never reach into the area containing moving rollers or machine
► Do not wear necklaces, scarves or similar near moving rollers/
machine components.
► Never stay within the swivel/movement range of moving
machine components or reach into these areas.
► Prior to set-up/operation of the system, ensure that no persons
are in the operating range of moving machine components.

Danger to life due to electrocution!
Fatal injuries due to incomplete shut-down or residual currents.
► If insulation defects or defects on live components occur,
immediately shut down the power supply and have the system
repaired by a qualified electrician.
► Completely switch off the system, disconnect it from the power
supply and wait for ten minutes before carrying out any main-
tenance, repair, cleaning or assembly work.
► Secure the system against being switched on again.

Danger of cutting on sharp edges of the material web!
Severe cutting injuries caused by the edges of the moving material
► Never touch the edges of moving material webs.

12/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
About Safety 2

Danger to life caused by movements of the setting drive!
If position control is active, the setting drive may execute auto-
matic movements in manual mode . Body parts could be crushed,
sheared or impacted.
► Ensure that no persons remain in the swivel or positioning
range of machine components positioned by the actuator.

Danger of falling and damage to assets caused by stepping/climb-
ing onto components!
Stepping/climbing onto components (e.g. traverse bars or camera
housing) can lead to life-threatening falling accidents and to the
destruction of the components.
► Never climb or step onto components.

Danger to life due to missing Emergency Stop devices!
Severe injuries may occur, if no Emergency Stop device (Emer-
gency Stop button) is installed on the overall machine line. Only an
Emergency Stop device permits an immediate stop of the machine
line in emergencies. It is not permitted to operate the overall ma-
chine line without an Emergency Stop device.
► If one is not already installed, have an Emergency Stop button
and Emergency Stop systems installed by the owner/user/
machine manufacturer prior to using the machine line.

Severe injuries due to unfamiliarity with/non-observance of
Emergency Stop devices and safety information!
► Prior to starting work, familiarize yourself with the Emergency
Stop and rescue devices of the overall machine line, e.g. Emer-
gency Stop button.
► Prior to starting work, ensure that all safety regulations and
instructions are observed.

Damage to electronic components caused by ESD (electrostatic
Destruction/loss of capacity of electronic assembly elements
caused by contact with electro-statically charged persons/objects.
► Only open system components at ESD-compliant workplaces
(according to 61340-5-1).
► If there is no ESD-compliant workplace, take ESD protection
measures (according to DIN EN 61340-5-1) to discharge electro-
static charges in a controlled manner.
► When returning electronic assembly elements, adhere to DIN
EN 100015 (“Protection of protection of electrostatic-sensitive
► To transport electronic components, only use suitably marked,
electrically conductive ESD packaging.

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2 About Safety

Damage to the touchscreen due to faulty operation!
Use of sharp, strong or coarse objects (e.g. pens, gloves) may dam-
age the surface of the touchscreen.
► Touch the touchscreen only using bare fingers or a special input
pen (touchpen).

2.4 Qualification of the Personnel

The qualifications required by the personnel are defined as follows:

Instructed personnel have been instructed comprehensively by

the operating company and informed about the following points:
■ Tasks assigned
■ Possible hazards when carrying out the tasks
■ Possible hazards in the event of incorrect conduct
■ Measures for avoiding the hazards

Moreover, qualified personnel have sufficient experience or

practice in the safe implementation of the tasks assigned.

Specialists are in addition in the position to deal with the follow-

ing tasks by themselves due to their training, knowledge and
experience as well as knowledge in the relevant regulations:
■ Carrying out the tasks assigned to them
■ Recognizing possible hazards
■ Undertaking appropriate measures for avoiding the hazards
Specialists must only carry out tasks according to their profes-
sional training.

Qualified electricians have in addition an electrical engineering

training according to the applicable guidelines (in Germany,
DIN VDE 1000-10).

Moreover, all personnel must satisfy all requirements that are

derived from the following documentation or directives:
■ Operating instructions for the entire system
■ National guidelines, laws and applicable guidelines for protecting
employees, general safety at workplaces and for accident pre-

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About Safety 2

2.5 Duties of the Operating Company and Personnel

2.5.1 Duties of the Operating Company

The operating company of the entire system is responsible for
safety in the workplace as well as for the information and training
of the personnel. In particular, for the entire life-cycle of the system
and the entire system, the operating company must ensure that:
■ All relevant legal safety, accident prevention and environ-
mental guidelines are maintained
■ All hazards are determined that result from the special operating
conditions at the operating location of the system and from the
construction of the entire system
■ All hazards determined are avoided. This means, in particular:
- Constructive prevention of hazards
- Assembly of protection and safety equipment and checking
that these are working properly
- Mounting of warning signs at hazard sites and checking their
correct condition
- Information and training of the personnel for safe conduct,
intended use, safety equipment, prevention of hazards and
conduct in the event of emergencies
- Provision of the necessary personal protective equipment
- Supervision of the personnel with regard to safety-relevant
■ The system is integrated into the safety concept of the entire
■ The system is stopped immediately if the safety of people or
the environment is endangered or changes occur that could
impair the safety
■ All employees have read and understood these instructions
before working on or with the system
■ Only personnel are assigned that are qualified and trained for
the respective task
■ The responsibility of the personnel is determined for the task
to be completed and that the personnel are informed

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2 About Safety

2.5.2 Duties of the Personnel

Each and every employee is responsible for their own safety.
In particular, each and every employee must abide by the follow-
ing instructions:
► Read these instructions completely before working on or with
the system and follow all safety instructions.
► Observe all warning instructions on the system and entire system.
► Observe the operating instructions for the entire system and
the separate machines as well as all safety instructions included
in it.
► If required, wear the necessary personal protective equipment.
► Before starting work, check if the safety equipment is intact.
► Stop the system immediately if the safety of people is at risk
and secure against being switched back on unintentionally.
► The system must be visually inspected for any recognizable
damage or problems at least once per shift.
► If sections of these instructions are unclear, inform your super-
visor and ensure for clarification.

2.6 Conduct in the Event of Danger and Accidents

Preventative Measures
Emergency and rescue equipment must be ready for use in every
company. These include, for example, emergency stop buttons,
fire extinguisher, first aid kit and equipment for reporting acci-
► Always be prepared for emergencies, accidents and fire.
► Familiarize yourself as to where the emergency and rescue
equipment is located and how to use it.
► Keep emergency and rescue equipment at hand and ready for
► Ensure all access routes for rescue vehicles and escape routes
are kept free.

If an emergency is impending or has occurred

1. Press the emergency stop button immediately.
2. Make sure that the system cannot be switched on again.
3. Rescue the persons from the danger zone if your personal
safety is not at risk.
4. Initiate first aid measures.
5. Warn the emergency doctor and / or fire brigade.
6. Inform the responsible person at the operating location.
7. Clear the access route for the emergency vehicles.

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About Safety 2

2.7 Personal Protective Equipment

When carrying out certain activities, you have to wear personal
protective equipment in order to avoid accidents and injuries.
Personal protective equipment includes, depending on the activity:
■ Protective clothing
■ Safety helmet
■ Safety shoes
■ Safety gloves
■ Eye protectors
■ Ear protectors
► Observe the safety information in these instructions and the
information signs on the system for personal protective equip-

2.8 Guarantee and Liability

The warranty terms are specified in the sales documentation.

2.8.1 Disclaimer
BST eltromat International GmbH is not liable for damage or
defects arising from any incorrect or non-intended use of the
product, see Non-intended Use, page 10.
Liability for defects does also not apply if the fault originates from
one or more of the following causes:
■ Catastrophic events and force majeure
■ Natural wear
■ Incorrect operation of the product resulting from the effect of
connected or neighboring third party devices
■ Malfunction of the product due to unsuitable operating
resources, spare parts, chemical, electro-chemical or electrical
■ Unsuitable or faulty execution of the maintenance work
described by the operating company

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 17/155
2 About Safety

2.8.2 Exceptions to the Disclaimer

In the cases listed above BST eltromat International GmbH shall
also not be liable (for damages) unless:
■ The damage results from a willful or grossly negligent breach of
duty on the part of BST eltromat International GmbH or its
legal representatives or vicarious agents
■ The damage is associated with injury to life, body or health and
results from a willful or grossly negligent breach of duty on the
part of BST eltromat International GmbH or its legal represent-
atives or vicarious agents
■ The form of damage can usually and typically be insured
against by means of third-party liability insurance taken out by
BST eltromat International GmbH on reasonable conditions
This applies in particular to claims for damages associated with
fault or negligence occurring before or upon conclusion of the
contract, the infringement of secondary obligations and claims
associated with impermissible actions; this does not affect claims
asserted in accordance with the German Product Liability Act or
those associated with a guarantee.
Otherwise, the specific terms of license of BST eltromat Interna-
tional GmbH apply.

2.8.3 License and Liability for Software Supplied

Software supplied that has not been produced by BST eltromat
International GmbH underlies the respective liability and license
agreements of the manufacturer.

18/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Design and Function 3

3 Design and Function

3.1 Design
The ekr  500  digital  Unit  Touch comprises the controller and the
removable ekr commander control panel.

3.1.1 Controller
The housing of the controller includes the entire control electrics
and connections for all necessary web guiding components
(sensors, actuator, servo center transducer, remote controls, etc.).

3.1.2 Control Panel

Controller with control panel fitted

The ekr  commander control panel is fitted on the front of the
device in the factory.

Fig. 1: Controller with ekr commander control panel fitted

Controller with control panel detached

If necessary (e.g. if the controller is installed in a position difficult
to access on the machine) the ekr  commander control panel can
be detached and installed in a central operator panel or a cus-
tomer-supplied control station. In this case the connection
between the controller and the control panel is completed using a
cable extension that is available as an optional extra.

Fig. 2: Controller with ekr commander control panel detached

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 19/155
3 Design and Function

Controller with additional control panel

Depending on the conditions in the production machine or the pro-
duction demands, it may be necessary to operate the controller
from a remote location on the machine.
In this case an additional ekr  commander control panel can be
connected to the bus interface (socket X101) of the controller.
The connection between the controller and the additional control
panel is completed using a cable extension that is available as an
optional extra.

Fig. 3: Controller with additional ekr commander control panel

3.2 Function
With web edge guiding or web center-line guiding in automatic
mode, one or two edge sensors connected to the controller detect
the current position (ACTUAL position) of the material web and
transmit the respective information to the integrated position
With line and contrast guiding, the sensor CLS Pro 600 detects the
current position (ACTUAL position) of a line or contrast transition
on the material web and transmits the respective information to
the position controller.
The position controller compares the ACTUAL recorded position
against the predetermined SETPOINT position. The controller will
send a relevant correction signal to the actuator if a deviation is
found to exist between the two values. The actuator will move the
guiding device (rotating frame guide or swivel roll guide) until the
material web returns to its SETPOINT position.

20/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Design and Function 3

3.3 Message Output “System OK“

The controller is equipped with a message output with potential-
free changeover contact. In a fault-free state, the message
“System OK” is active at the output. If a fault is detected, the relay
switches and the message output signalizes that a fault is present
in the system.
The message output can, e.g. be used to report faults of the web
guiding system to the machine control.
The following faults are output at the message output:
Fault Fault icon
(display screen)
Supply voltage not present
Limit switch active

Motor overcurrent

Motor control timeout

Supply voltage outside the permissible range

External motor output stage fault

A description of the individual faults can be found in the operating

manual of the ekr 500 digital Unit Touch controller (document
number MD.492).

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 21/155
3 Design and Function

3.4 Connectable Components

The figure shows the standard components of the web guiding
system that you can connect to the controller.

Controller with Controller Additional

control panel detached ekr 500 digital Unit Touch control panel

ekr commander

24 V ⎓ Message output "System OK"

Actuator without
Edge sensors position feedback
IR 2011 OMG 4
IR 2012 OMG 8
US 2010 CK 37
EMS 5, EMS 10, Servo center
Wide array edge sensors EMS 16, ECO EMS 22 transducer

Actuator with
position feedback
IR SEN ..., US SEN ...

Sensors (optional) EMS 17...22

CCD cameras EMS 23


CCDPro* Drive Module 160
48 V ⎓
100 - 240 V∿
Line and contrast sensor box

CLS Pro 600 Electronic remote precision adjustment


Sensor positioner EFE 1 EFE 1000

Remote control, keyboard lock

Bus line
* Required accessory parts see connection diagram

Fig. 4: Connectable components

22/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Design and Function 3

3.5 Designation of the Sensors

You can connect two edge sensors or CCD cameras and one line
and contrast sensor to the controller. In this manual, the sensors
are designated with Sensor  1, Sensor  2 and Sensor  3. In accord-
ance with the BST eltromat definition, the following assignment
applies between the sensors and the selector keys for the guiding
Key Sensor assigned Guiding mode

Sensor 1 Left web edge

Sensor 2 Right web edge

Sensor 3 Line / contrast guiding

3.5.1 Edge Sensors (Sensor 1/2)

For the installation position of the edge sensors (Sensor 1/2), the
following applies:
The sensor that is located on the left of the web in the web run-
ning direction (viewed from the top of the material) is Sensor 1.
The top of the material is also the side of the web that has no
direct contact with the deflection pulleys of the guiding device.

Fig. 5: Examples for the definition of Sensor ① and Sensor ②

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 23/155
3 Design and Function

3.5.2 Line and Contrast Sensor (Sensor 3)

In conjunction with the CLS Pro 600 line and contrast sensor, the
controller permits guiding on continuous or interrupted printed
lines or contrast edges. In this case, the line and contrast sensor is
connected to the controller as Sensor 3.
The following applies for the installation position of the line and
contrast sensor:
The connecting cable of the line and contrast sensor points in the
direction of Sensor 2.

Fig. 6: Installation position Sensor 3

① Outfeed roll ④ Sensor 3

② Sensor 1 ⑤ Connecting cable Sensor 3
③ Sensor 2 ⑥ Printed line

In order to achieve optimum guiding results, the distance

between the sensors and the outfeed roll ① of the guiding
device must be kept as small as possible.

24/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Design and Function 3

3.5.3 CCD Cameras (Sensor 1/2)

The assignment of the web edges to the selector keys for the
guiding mode can be obtained from the following figures.
One-camera system

CAN address = 21


Fig. 7: Web edge guiding with one CCD camera

CAN address = 21

Left Right
edge edge

Fig. 8: Web edge or web center-line guiding with one CCD camera

Dual-camera system

CAN address = 21 CAN address = 31

Left Right
edge edge

Fig. 9: Web center-line guiding with two CCD cameras

Adjustment of the CAN address of the CCD camera(s), see separate

instruction manual.
CCD Camera Instruction Manual
(Document Number)
CCDPro 30000/5000 MD.167
CCD CAM 100 MD.465

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 25/155
3 Design and Function

3.6 Accessories
For accessories and the order address, see Accessories and Spare
Parts, page 147.

3.7 Nameplates
The nameplates are located on the top of the controller and on
the rear of the control panel.
The nameplate displayed is only an example. Please obtain the
current data from the nameplate attached to the product.

Fig. 10: Example of a nameplate

Pos. Field Meaning

① Address Manufacturer address
② RoHS designation
③ CE designation
④ IDC Serial number
⑤ Type Type designation
⑥ U Operating voltage
⑦ Rev Hardware version
⑧ I Nominal current consumption
⑨ IP Protection type
Date of manufacture
⑩ PC
(Year / Calendar week)
Data matrix code,
⑪ Code
Content = 30 digit serial number (IDC)

26/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Technical Specifications 4

4 Technical Specifications

4.1 Controller

4.1.1 Ambient Conditions

Danger of death when operated in potentially explosive areas!
► The system must not be installed or operated in potentially
explosive areas.

Ambient condition Permissible values

Working temperature 0 to +45 °C
Storage temperature -10 to +70 °C
Humidity during operation 5% to 90 %, non-condensing
Place of installation Closed, dry building

4.1.2 Protection Category

When observing the requirements at the installation location,

see Installation Positions, page 45
Protection category IP 54

4.1.3 Power Supply

Terminal strip X6 / plug X70

Voltage 24 V⎓ ± 10% (including ripple)
Current Max. 4 A (including actuator)
Plugged in from the outside
Connection using a 3-pin plug as per CEN
175301-803 (DIN 43650)

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4 Technical Specifications

4.1.4 Analogue Inputs

Analogue sensors (terminal strip X1)

0 … 10 V⎓ or 0 … 20 mA
Input signal sensor 1/2 (can be switched using
DIL switch S7)
Power supply 24 V⎓ / max. Σ 0.3 A
Internally on the spring-cage
terminal block

Position feedback EMS 17 … 22 (terminal strip X7)

Input signal 0 … 10 V⎓
Power supply +12 V⎓
Internally on the spring-cage
terminal block

Servo center transducer, remote precision adjustment EFE 1

(terminal strip X10)
Input signal 0 … 10 V⎓
Power supply +12 V⎓
Current supply Max. Σ +12 V⎓: 150 mA
Internally on the spring-cage
terminal block

Servo center transducer OMG 4, OMG 8, CK 37

(terminal strip X10)
According to Namur
Input signal
According to Namur
Power supply
Internally on the spring-cage
terminal block

28/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Technical Specifications 4

4.1.5 Digital Inputs / Outputs

Digital inputs (terminal strips X14, X15, X16)

Remote control, remote
precision adjustment EFE 1000 < 4 V⎓ (low), > 8 V⎓ (high)
(terminal 9 – 30)
< 4 V⎓ (low), > 8 V⎓ (high)
Switching is carried out via the
Controller interlock
hardware, i.e. not via the
processor or the software.
Galvanic isolation None!
Internally on the spring-cage
terminal block

Digital outputs (terminal strips X15, X16)

Voltage Max. 24 V⎓
Current Max. 0.2 A
Current supply max.
Max. Σ +24 V⎓: 300 mA
(terminal 20 – 30)

4.1.6 Output Motor Output Stage

Terminal strip X7 / plug X60

±24 V⎓
(with lower power supply, the
maximum adjustment force of
the actuator reduces)
Current Max. 1.2 A (Peak current 4 A)
Automatic electric switching off
after approx. 400 ms if over-
current occurs with motor
current in one direction
(no polarity change):
> 1.9 A (EMS 21, EMS 22,
> 1.1 A (EMS 10, EMS 16,
EMS 17, EMS 18)
> 0.4 A (EMS 5)
Connection Socket M12

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4 Technical Specifications

4.1.7 Message Output "System OK"

Terminal strip X11

Voltage Max. 24 V∿/⎓
Current Max. 1 A
Internally on the spring-cage
terminal block

4.1.8 Bus Interface

Connectable components
■ IR 2011, IR 2012
(optical edge sensor)
Terminal strip X8 ■ US 2010
(plug X102, X103) (ultrasonic edge sensor)
■ CCD CAM 100, CCD Pro
(CCD camera)
■ Drive Module 160
(external output stage for
actuator EMS 23)
Terminal strip X9
■ CLS Pro 600
(plug X100, X101)
(line and contrast sensor)
■ Additional ekr commander
control panel
Terminal strip X12 CAN bus extension

Bus interface
24 V⎓ (corresponds to the
supply voltage)
Max. 0.2 A
Max. Σ +24 V⎓: 500 mA
500 kBit/s,
Transfer rate
no galvanic isolation
Plugged in from the outside
Connection using a 4-pin micro style M8
If required, the bus interface
Terminal strip X101 can be switched to galvanic
isolation (Jumper JX1)

30/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Technical Specifications 4

4.1.9 Weight and Dimensions

Controller without control panel

Weight Approx. 1.18 kg

Dimensions (details in mm)

Fig. 11: Dimensions of the controller with ekr commander control panel fitted

Fig. 12: Dimensions of the controller without ekr commander control panel

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 31/155
4 Technical Specifications

4.2 ekr commander Control Panel

4.2.1 Ambient Conditions

Ambient conditions Permissible values

Working temperature 0 to +45 °C
Storage temperature -10 to +70 °C
Humidity during operation 5% to 90 %, non-condensing
Place of installation Closed, dry building

4.2.2 Protection Category

Control panel without controller

When installing the controller
Protection category with the control panel fitted,
the complete unit has
protection category IP54.

4.2.3 Power Supply

Power supply from the controller

Voltage 24 V⎓

4.2.4 Touchscreen Display

LCD touchscreen display

Resolution 320 x 240 pixels
Illumination LED background lighting

4.2.5 Weight and Dimensions

ekr commander control panel

Weight Approx. 0.28 kg

32/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Technical Specifications 4

Dimensions (details in mm)

Fig. 13: ekr commander control panel dimensions

4.3 Power Pack

Only the following power packs may be used for the power supply
of the controller including the BST eltromat components connected:
Power pack from Puls GmbH
Type ML100.100
BST eltromat order number 103 837
Power pack with the following specifications
24 V⎓ ± max. 10%
Output voltage
(including ripple)
Output power Max. 100 W
The power packs must fulfill the requirements of the IEC 61010-1
for energy limited current circuits. When being used in countries
that have defined deviations to IEC 61010-1, these must also be

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 33/155
4 Technical Specifications

4.4 Sensors

4.4.1 Edge Sensors

Optical edge sensor IR 2011
Fork width 40 mm 70 mm
24 mm 20 mm
Digital mode
Measuring (±12 mm) (±10 mm)
range 16 mm 16 mm
Analogue mode
(±8 mm) (±8 mm)
Supply voltage 12 to 30 V⎓ (including ripple)
Current consumption 20 mA (24 V⎓)
Light emitter wave length 630 nm
Output signal (analogue mode) 0 to 10 V⎓ (±2.5%)
Output signal (digital mode) CAN bus
Polarity reversal protection
Short circuit protection
(analogue output)
Operation display LED (2-coloured)
Electrical connection M8 plug, 4-pin
Ambient temperature
0 to +60 °C
during operation
Storage temperature -10 to +70 °C
Protection category IP 54
Noise emission < 70 dB
Weight < 400 g < 500 g
Housing dimensions See separate product data sheet
RoHS conformity yes

34/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Technical Specifications 4

Optical edge sensor IR 2012

Fork width 40 mm 125 mm
Measuring range 12 mm (±6 mm)
Supply voltage 12 to 30 V⎓ (including ripple)
Current consumption 20 mA (24 V⎓)
Light emitter wave length 950 nm
Output signal (analogue mode) 0 to 10 V⎓ (±2.5%)
Output signal (digital mode) CAN bus
Polarity reversal protection
Short circuit protection
(analogue output)
Operation display LED (2-coloured)
Electrical connection M8 plug, 4-pin
Ambient temperature
0 to +60 °C
during operation
Storage temperature -10 to +70 °C
Protection category IP 54
Noise emission < 70 dB
Weight < 500 g
Housing dimensions See separate product data sheet
RoHS conformity yes

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4 Technical Specifications

Ultrasonic edge sensor US 2010

Fork width 40 mm 70 mm
Measuring range 12 mm 12 mm
Supply voltage 12 to 30 V⎓ (including ripple)
Current consumption 40 mA (24 V⎓)
Ultrasonic frequency 164 kHz
Output signal (analogue mode) 0 to 10 V⎓ (± 2.5%)
Output signal (digital mode) CAN bus
Polarity reversal protection
Short circuit protection
(analogue output)
Operation display LED (2-coloured)
Electrical connection M8 plug, 4-pin
Ambient temperature
0 to +60 °C
during operation
Storage temperature -10 to +70 °C
Protection category IP54
Noise emission < 70 dB
Weight < 400 g < 500 g
Housing dimensions See separate product data sheet
RoHS conformity yes

4.4.2 Line and Contrast Sensor

Technical specifications, see separate operating manual of the
CLS Pro 600 line and contrast sensor, document number MD.323.

36/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Technical Specifications 4

4.4.3 CCD Cameras CCDPro 30000/5000

Technical specifications, see separate operating manual of the
CCDPro 30000/5000 CCD camera, document number MD.167. CCD CAM 100

Technical specifications, see separate operating manual of the
CCD CAM 100 CCD camera, document number MD.465.

4.5 Sensor Positioner

Technical specifications, see separate operating manual of the
FVG POS 100 sensor positioner, document number MD.476.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 37/155
4 Technical Specifications

4.6 Electric Motor Powered Actuators

Type Stroke Gearbox Spindle Nominal Nominal

ratio dimensions actuating force actuating speed
[mm] [mm] [N] [mm/s]

EMS 5 20

1:1 8x1 80 17



EMS 10 32
56 1:1 12 x 2 420 20
2.4 : 1 420 20
EMS 16 5:1 840 10
2.4 : 1 420 20
100 16 x 5
5:1 840 10
2.4 : 1 420 20
5:1 840 10
2.4 : 1 420 20
EMS 17 5:1 840 10
2.4 : 1 420 20
100 16 x 5
5:1 840 10
2.4 : 1 420 20
5:1 840 10
1.3 : 1 200 40
50 2.4 : 1 420 20
4.2 : 1 840 10
EMS 18/C
1.3 : 1 200 40
100 2.4 : 1 16 x 5 420 20
4.2 : 1 840 10
1.3 : 1 200 40
200 2.4 : 1 420 20
4.2 : 1 840 10

38/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Technical Specifications 4

Type Stroke Gearbox Spindle Nominal Nominal

ratio dimensions actuating force actuating speed
[mm] [mm] [N] [mm/s]
1.3 : 1 200 40
50 2.4 : 1 420 20
4.2 : 1 840 10
1.3 : 1 200 40
100 2.4 : 1 16 x 5 420 20
4.2 : 1 840 10
1.3 : 1 200 40
200 2.4 : 1 420 20
4.2 : 1 840 10
1.3 : 1 200 40
50 2.4 : 1 420 20
EMS 18/F 4.2 : 1 840 10
1.3 : 1 200 40
100 2.4 : 1 16 x 5 420 20
4.2 : 1 840 10
1.3 : 1 200 40
200 2.4 : 1 420 20
4.2 : 1 840 10
EMS 21 2.5 : 1 840 20
5:1 1,680 10
20 x 5
2.5 : 1 840 20
5:1 1,680 10
EMS 22 2.5 : 1 1,125 20
5:1 2,250 10
20 x 5
2.5 : 1 1,125 20
5:1 2,250 10
EMS 23 7:1 4,300 20
14.5 : 1 9,000 10
25 x 5
7:1 4,300 20
14.5 : 1 9,000 10
195 5:1 20 x 5 1,600 16

* Tolerance stroke max. -2 %

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 39/155
4 Technical Specifications

4.7 Emissions
Continuous sound level (A evaluated, equivalent)
< 70 dB(A)

4.8 RoHS Conformity

This product complies with the EC Directive  2011/65 (so-called
RoHS* Directive). The limits values for hazardous substances in
electrical and electronic equipment specified there are not ex-
ceeded by this product.
* Abbreviation for Restriction of Hazardous Substances

40/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Transport, Delivery and Storage 5

5 Transport, Delivery and Storage

5.1 Transport
Danger of death and material damage caused by incorrect trans-
Death and crushing from goods being transported falling.
► The lifting gear must not be fixed on the handles.
► Never stand under the suspended goods being transported.
► Never stand in the area of movement of the goods being trans-
► Transport to be carried out by qualified and trained personnel

Risk of injury from carrying weight being too high!
► Lift maximum 15 kg (females) or 25 kg (males) per person.
► Use handles.

The following personal protective equipment is required for trans-

■ Safety gloves
■ Safety shoes
■ Safety helmet when using lifting gear
► Observe the applicable guidelines (e.g. accident prevention
► Wear personal protective equipment.
► Use only suitable lifting gear (e.g.  lifting straps, chains) and
lifting devices according to the type and weight of the goods to
be transported.
► Attach the lifting gear only at the intended fixing points and
only when using suitable slings. Lifting gears must not be fixed
on handles.
► Attach the lifting gear in such a way that the lifting force at the
fixing point only operates in a vertical direction. If necessary,
use a lifting device with a cross beam, see figure.
► Secure the bearing ropes so that they cannot slip.
► Transport the system components only in the original pack-
aging and in the position marked on the packaging.
► If transport restraints have been supplied, always transport the
system components using transport restraints.
► Secure the goods to be transported on the transport device so
that they cannot slip, fall-over, knock or fall down, e.g. using
lashing straps and edge protectors.
► Lift and put the transport goods down carefully.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 41/155
5 Transport, Delivery and Storage

5.2 Scope of Delivery

Obtain the scope of delivery from the delivery documents or con-
firmation of order.

5.3 Unpacking the Delivery

1. Check the packaging for external damage and, if necessary,
make a complaint to the supplier.
2. Carefully open the packaging.
3. Check the delivery for completeness and visible damage.
4. Store the packaging for the event that components have to be
stored or transported.
5. If components are not installed immediately, store the compon-
ents in the original packaging, see chapter Storage, page 42.

5.4 Storage
Damage to the system caused by incorrect storage!
► Never store the system and its components outdoors.
► Adhere to the following storage conditions.

The system and components must be stored as follows:

■ In a well ventilated and dry room
■ In the original packaging
■ On palettes or on a shelf to protect against moisture on the
■ Protected against dust and dirt (e.g. covered with film)
For permissible ambient temperatures and humidity, see chapter
Technical Specifications, page 27.

42/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Installation 6

6 Installation

6.1 Safety Instructions

Danger of death and material damage caused by incorrect
► Have the installation carried out only by qualified personnel
that have been instructed by BST eltromat service staff or
authorized personnel.

Danger of death caused by the machine starting up!
Parts of your body could be crushed, cut, drawn in or hit.
► Switch off the machine completely and secure it against it being
switched back on.

Damage to the system from drilling dust and loose parts!
Drilling dust, splitter and loose parts may damage the machine.
► Before carrying out drilling or installation work, cover the
affected area of the machine with film or paper.
► After installation work, check that the bolts are screwed tight.

Before starting with the installation work

► Read the safety instructions in the operating instructions of the
machine in which the BST eltromat components are to be
► Observe the complete safety concept of the machine.
► Cordon-off the work area in order to prevent access by un-
authorized persons (e.g. by setting up barriers).
► Make sure that all parts of the machine where the BST eltromat
components have to be installed have a sufficient load bearing

During installation work

► Observe all safety instructions and hazard warnings on the BST
eltromat components and the machine.
► Do not deactivate or remove any protection and safety equip-
ment belonging to the machine. If the protection and safety
equipment has to be removed for the installation of the BST
eltromat components, these must be re-installed immediately
after completing the installation work.
► Escape routes and access to safety equipment must not be
blocked by the installation of BST eltromat components.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 43/155
6 Installation

► Make sure that no parts (e.g. screws, washers, tools) can fall
into the machine. Cover the affected area of the machine with
film or paper. Parts falling down may damage the machine.
► Do not climb onto or walk on BST eltromat components or
unsuitable parts of the machine.
► Ensure that there is sufficient free headroom. If the free head-
room is restricted, the relevant components causing the height
restrictions must be padded and danger-warning signs must be
attached to them (yellow / black).

After completing the installation work

► Install all safety equipment and protective covers that had to
be removed for the installation work.
► Check that the bolts are screwed tight.
► Remove all tools and auxiliary aids used from the machine.
► Before commissioning, remove any transport locks present
from the BST eltromat components.

6.2 Selecting the Installation Location

Danger of death when operated in potentially explosive areas!
► The system must not be installed or operated in potentially
explosive areas.

In addition to the basic ambient conditions (see Ambient Condi-

tions, page 27), the following conditions also have to be fulfilled:
■ Installation location dry, vibration-free and level
■ Ergonomic positioning of the control panel
■ No direct light irradiation onto the display of the control panel
■ Minimum clearance of 100 mm to electro-magnetic fields
(energy sources or high voltage lines)
■ No sources of heat in the immediate vicinity

44/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Installation 6

6.3 Installing the Controller

This chapter describes the procedure for installing the controller
with control panel fitted.

6.3.1 Installation Positions

You can install the controller in four different positions (see figure).
Horizontal installation Vertical installation

When delivered, the controller is prepared for installation in posi-

tion ①. The control panel is fitted on the front of the controller.
If you want the controller installed in another position, you must
turn the control panel accordingly (see Turning the Control Panel,
page 48).

The controller and the control panel must be installed on a ver-
tical area (standing). Installation on a horizontal area (lying down)
is not permitted!

Fig. 14: Permitted installation position (standing)

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6 Installation

6.3.2 Securing Hole Template

Fig. 15: Securing hole template for the controller

6.3.3 Space Needed to Open the Housing Cover

The figure shows the free space around the housing of the con-
troller that is needed to open the housing cover completely.

Fig. 16: Space needed to open the housing cover

46/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Installation 6

6.3.4 Installing the Controller

Damage to the system from drilling dust and loose parts!
Drilling dust, splitter and loose parts may damage the machine.
► Before carrying out drilling or installation work, cover the
affected area of the machine with film or paper.
► After installation work, check that the bolts are screwed tight.

Fig. 17: Installation of the controller

1. Make the securing boreholes in the frame of the machine ac-

cording to the hole template (see Securing Hole Template, page
2. Unscrew the screw of the housing cover ① and then open the
cover carefully.
3. Screw on the housing using two securing screws ② (hexagon
socket screws M5) and washers.
4. Carry out the electric wiring or plug in the required cable con-
nections (see Electrical Connection, page 57). Observe the in-
structions of the correct EMC wiring (see EMC Suitable Wiring,
page 60)!
5. Close the housing cover ① and screw it in place.
6. If necessary, adapt the position of the control panel to the
installation position of the controller (see Turning the Control
Panel, page 48).

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6 Installation

6.3.5 Turning the Control Panel

When using the controller with the control panel fitted, you can
change the position of the control panel as described below.

Fig. 18: Detaching the control panel

1. Unscrew the securing screws ① of the control panel ②.

2. Carefully pull the control panel ② forwards from the control-
ler ③.
3. Turn the control panel ② to the desired position.
4. Adapt the cable routing of the connecting cable ④ to the new
installation position on the rear of the control panel. There are
four recesses in the control panel housing that the cable can be
fed through to the outside.
5. Use the four securing screws ① to attach the control panel ②
to the controller.

Fig. 19: Cable routing on the rear of the control panel

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Installation 6

6.4 Installing the Control Panel

This chapter describes the procedure for installing the control
panel when using the controller with the control panel detached
(see Control Panel, page 19).

Strong electro-magnetic fields in the immediate vicinity

of the control panel may result in malfunctions. Do not
install the control panel in the vicinity of components or
lines that use mains power. Always maintain a minimum
clearance of 100 mm!

6.4.1 Attachment Alternatives

The control panel housing permits different attachment alternat-
Attachment alternative Description Accessories required
Installation on a level surface.
Wall mounting
Procedure, see Wall Mounting, page 50.
Installation in an existing on-site operator panel or a
Installation kit
Console installation control station.
(order number 133 459)
Procedure, see Console Installation, page 52.
Installation on a ferromagnetic surface. Magnet installation set
Magnet attachment
Procedure, see Magnet Attachment, page 55. (order number 148 887)

6.4.2 Cable Extension

You need an optional cable extension for connecting the control
panel to the controller. Cable extensions are available in the fol-
lowing lengths:
Cable length Order number
2 m 131 993
5 m 131 994
10 m 131 995

It is also possible to combine cable extensions of different

lengths. However, the maximum permitted full length of
20 m of the connecting cable between the controller and
the control panel must never be exceeded!

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6 Installation

6.4.3 Wall Mounting Securing Hole Template

Fig. 20: Securing hole template control panel Installing the Control Panel

Damage to the system from drilling dust and loose parts!
Drilling dust, splitter and loose parts may damage the machine.
► Before carrying out drilling or installation work, cover the
affected area of the machine with film or paper.
► After installation work, check that the bolts are screwed tight.

1. Disconnect the plug ① on the connecting cable ② for the

control panel from the controller.

50/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Installation 6

2. Unscrew the four securing screws ③ of the control panel ④

and store in a safe place. These screws are required for the wall
mounting of the control panel.
3. Pull the control panel ④ off forwards from the controller ⑤.
In doing so, pull the connecting cable and the plug ① carefully
through the hole ⑥ in the controller housing.

4. Fit the M3 threads in the holes as shown in the securing hole

template (see Securing Hole Template, page 50).
5. Use the four M3 screws ③ to screw the control panel ④ on.
The four hexagon socket screws that secured the control panel
to the controller when the unit was delivered can be used for

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6 Installation

6. Use the optional cable extension to connect up the control

panel to the controller (see Cable Extension, page 49).
7. Plug the cable extension plug into socket X100 on the controller.

6.4.4 Console Installation Installation Cut-Out

Fig. 21: Installation cut-out Installing the Control Panel

Damage to the system from drilling dust and loose parts!
Drilling dust, splitter and loose parts may damage the machine.
► Before carrying out drilling or installation work, cover the
affected area of the machine with film or paper.
► After installation work, check that the bolts are screwed tight.

To install the control panel in the operator panel, you

need the optional installation kit (order number 133 459).

52/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Installation 6

1. Disconnect the plug ① on the connecting cable ② for the

control panel from the controller.

2. Unscrew the four securing screws ③ of the control panel ④

and store in a safe place. These screws are required for the wall
mounting of the control panel.
3. Pull the control panel ④ off forwards from the controller ⑤.
In doing so, pull the connecting cable and the plug ① carefully
through the hole ⑥ in the controller housing.
4. Make an installation cut-out (see Installation Cut-Out, page 52).

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6 Installation

5. Carefully push the control panel ④ into the installation cut-

6. Use two screws to screw the two securing plates ⑧ (part of
the installation kit) onto the rear of the control panel ④. The
four hexagon socket screws that secured the control panel to
the controller when the unit was delivered can be used for this.

Fig. 22: Top view, Console installation

7. Screw the four threaded pins ⑦ into the securing plates ⑧

until the control panel ④ is held firmly in place.
8. Use the optional cable extension to connect up the control
panel to the controller (see Cable Extension, page 49).
9. Plug the cable extension plug into socket X100 on the controller.

54/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Installation 6

6.4.5 Magnet Attachment

The optionally available magnet installation set (order no. 148 887)
enables the control panel to be fitted to a level ferro-magnetic sur-
face (e.g. on the machine frame). Safety Instructions

Neodymium magnets have special features with which the users
must be familiar so that they do not harm themselves or cause
damage to their surroundings.

Danger of death for persons with pacemakers!
Impairment of the pacemaker caused by strong magnetic fields!
► Keep a minimum spacing of 20 cm between magnet and im-
planted pacemaker.

Severe injuries cause by improper handling of neodymium
Neodymium magnets can cause crushing injuries due to their
strong force. The magnetic force towards each other is so strong
that the impact cannot be controlled and splinters could be
ejected. The basic material of the magnets is inflammable.
► Carefully guide magnets towards other magnets or magnetic
iron parts.
► Wear protective gloves and protective goggles.
► Only use the original holes intended for this purpose to fasten
the magnets. Chip removal machining of magnets is forbidden.

Malfunctions or loss of data due to strong magnetic fields!
► Keep sufficient distance between magnetic data carriers (e.g.
credit cards, EC cards, disks, etc.), electronic devices (e.g.
monitors, computers, clocks, etc.), hearing aids, pacemakers
and magnetic fields.

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6 Installation Installing the Control Panel

1. Fix the four magnets ④ from the magnet installation set to the
control panel ③ using the M3 x 25 countersunk screws ⑤,
hexagon nuts ① and serrated washers ②.
2. Carefully fix the control panel ③ to a ferro-magnetic surface.
3. Use the optional cable extension to connect up the control
panel to the controller (see Cable Extension, page 49).
4. Plug the cable extension plug into socket X100 of the controller.

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Electrical Connection 7

7 Electrical Connection

7.1 Safety Instructions

Mortal danger from electric shock!
Life threatening injuries caused by incomplete switching off or
residual current.
► Switch the machine off completely, switch to zero potential and
wait 10 minutes before carrying out the electrical connection.
► Check that the unit is voltage-free.
► Secure the machine against being switched back on.
► Cover or fence off any adjacent parts that are still live.

Mortal danger and property damage caused by incorrect electric
connections / insufficient PE connection!
Life-threatening electric shock and destruction of system compon-
ents caused by short-circuits.
► Have electrical connections carried out by qualified electricians
► Carry out PE connections for all live system components profes-
► Use suitable safety equipment (RCD switch) upstream for all live
system components.

Damage to components resulting from incorrect voltage connec-
Damage to components caused by connecting to the wrong mains
voltage, incorrect terminal connection or from incorrect polarity.
► Before connecting, observe the connecting diagram and cable
► Before connecting, make sure that the mains voltage corres-
ponds with the details specified on the nameplate of the com-
► Select the correct terminals and polarity when connecting the
power supply.

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7 Electrical Connection

7.2 Cable Routing

Severe injuries and damage to assets caused by incorrect cable
Poorly routed cables can cause tripping, spills and consecutive acci-
► Always route cables strain-relieved and well anchored.
► Ensure that no tripping or catching points are generated.
► Do not bend/kink cables; observe the minimum bending radius.

► Maintain a minimum distance of at least 25  mm between the

cables and moving parts of the machine.
► Route the cables so that they do not rub or become crushed,
cut or caught.
► Tighten up the securing screws in the plug connections.
► Route signal cables separately from supply cables as signal
cables are sensitive to interference.

Fig. 23: Separate routing of signal and supply cables

① Cable duct ③ Supply cable

② Signal cable

► Establish cable connections between the components according

to the connecting diagram.

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Electrical Connection 7

7.3 Connecting the Cables

Cables up to 0.75 mm2

Use core end sleeves with collar for the connections (DIN 46228/
Part 4).
■ The crimping must be carried out gas tight (no cross-crimping).
■ There must be no gaps between the conductor and the core
end sleeve
■ The length of the metal sleeves fitted on the core end sleeve
must be at least 8 mm.

For crimping, we recommend the crimping pliers

VarioCrimp-4-Zange 206-204 from Wago.

Cables from 0.75 mm2 to max. 1.5 mm2

Connect the cables without core end sleeve.
■ For fine and multi-core cables and for fine-wired cables, whose
kink resistance is not sufficient due to the small diameter, in
order to overcome the contact force of the clamping springs,
the clamp must be properly opened using a screwdriver.

► After connecting, in both cases check the correct fit of the cable.

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7 Electrical Connection

7.4 EMC Suitable Wiring

Figure Wiring step

► Unscrew the union nut on the cable gland.

► Pull out the clamping insert from inter-

mediate support.
Attention! When pulling out the clamping
insert, do not bend it (do not press too

► Strip cable back by 8 mm so that the screen

braiding is uncovered.

► Pull the union nut onto the cable.

► Feed the cable into the clamping insert and

bend the screen braiding back over the
clamping insert.

► Push the clamping insert into the inter-

mediate support.

► Fit the screws.

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Electrical Connection 7

7.5 Ensuring Equipotential Bonding

Electrostatic charges (ESD) must not discharge via the system.
Devices for discharging must be installed before and after (in the
web running direction) the installed system.
In the contact areas of connections, remove the paint as this act
as an insulator and prevents equipotential bonding.
► Install conducting connections that permit equipotential
bonding of low and high frequencies between the individual
machine parts or cable ducts.
► Install ESD discharge devices before and after the installed
► Connect all components of the system with the same earth that
is connected to the machine.
► In the case of screwed connections, use serrated washers to
ensure a conducting connection with the unpainted surface
(see illustrations).
► Remove the paint coating in the contact area.

Through-hole Threaded hole

Fig. 24: Use of fan type washers

① Screw ④ Washer
② Nut ⑤ Grounding cable
③ Serrated washer

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7 Electrical Connection

7.6 Connections on the Controller

The connector sockets and cable glands are located on the bottom
of the controller housing. These allow different web guiding
components to be connected. The figure shows the arrangement
of the connections for both housing types.

Fig. 25: Connector sockets on the controller

Designation Socket Function Note

Leads internally to terminal

X70 Connection power supply 24 V⎓
strip X6

Leads internally to terminal

X60 Connection actuator
strip X7

Leads internally to terminal

X100 Connection ekr commander control panel
strip X9
Connection Drive Module 160 (external
output stage for actuator EMS 23)*
Connection line and contrast sensor Leads internally to terminal
CLS Pro 600 (Sensor 3)* strip X9
Connection additional ekr commander
control panel
Leads internally to terminal
X102 Connection sensor 1 (CAN bus)
strip X8

Leads internally to terminal

X103 Connection sensor 2 (CAN bus)
strip X8

* An optionally available CAN bus distributor is required for the

simultaneous connection of several bus participants to the con-
troller (see separate operating instructions of the components to
be connected).

If you want to connect two edge sensors to the controller,

you have to connect both sensors either via the CAN bus
or in analogue.

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Electrical Connection 7

The connector sockets of the controller are not Hot-Plug


► Before adding or removing system components on the con-

nector sockets, electrically isolate the controller.

7.7 Terminal Strips

The following figure shows the position of the terminal strips (X…)
on the processor board of the controller.

Fig. 26: Terminal strips on the processor board

① Nameplate
② Hardware version

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7 Electrical Connection

7.8 Terminal Assignment

7.8.1 Overview

Terminal strip Socket Function Note

(Processor board) (Housing)
X1 Connection sensor 1 (analogue) Guiding mode

Connection sensor 2 (analogue) Guiding mode

X6 X70

Power supply 24 V⎓

X7 X60 Connection actuator

Position feedback actuator
(EMS 17 … 22)
Connection servo center transducer OMG 4
Connection sensor 1 (CAN bus) Guiding mode

Connection sensor 2 (CAN bus) Guiding mode

Connection ekr commander control panel

Connection Drive Module 160
(external output stage for actuator EMS 23)
Connection Sensor 3 (CLS Pro 600) Guiding mode

Connection additional ekr commander

control panel
Connection servo center transducer
X10 OMG 4, OMG 8, CK 37
Connection electronic remote precision
adjustment EFE 1
Controller interlock
Message output “System OK”

64/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Electrical Connection 7

Terminal strip Socket Function Note

(Processor board) (Housing)
CAN bus extension

Digital inputs 1 … 6
Remote control,
electronic remote
X15 precision adjust-
ment EFE 1000
Digital inputs 7 … 12

Digital outputs 1 … 4

X42 Programming in the

Programing interface (USB)

7.8.2 Terminal Strip X1 - Sensor 1/2 (Analogue Connection)

X1 Function Comments
50 +24 V⎓ Power supply sensor 1
51 Input sensor 1 0 … +10 V⎓ / 0 … 20 mA, can be switched using DIL switch S7
52 GND Ground power supply sensor 1
53 +24 V⎓ Power supply sensor 2
54 Input sensor 2 0 … +10 V⎓ / 0 … 20 mA, can be switched using DIL switch S7
55 GND Ground power supply sensor 2
56 Speed Input machine speed 0 … +10 V⎓
57 GND Ground machine speed

7.8.3 Terminal Strip X6 - Power Supply

X6 X70 Function Wire colour Comments

Terminal Pin
39 2 GND white Ground power supply
40 1 +24 V⎓ brown
41 Equipotential bonding green Connected to the enclosure

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7 Electrical Connection

7.8.4 Terminal Strip X7 - Actuator, OMG 4

Connection actuator EMS 5/10/16/17/21/22, servo center

transducer OMG 4 (Wiring on terminal strip X7)
X7 Function Wire colour Note
5 10/16 17/21/22 EMS 22
Power supply actuator /
OMG 4 (see also Terminal
31 +24 V⎓ pink yellow Strip X10 - Controller Inter-
lock, OMG 4, OMG 8, CK 37,
EFE 1, page 68)
32 Actuator A (+) brown brown red Output A to actuator
33 Actuator B (-) white white black Output B to actuator
34 GND yellow Ground
35 —
36 —
37 —
Position feedback / OMG 4
(see also Terminal Strip X10 -
38 Position grey grey Controller Interlock, OMG 4,
OMG 8, CK 37, EFE 1, page
green Not used (insulate)

Internal wiring to bush X60

X7 X60 Function Wire colour Note
Terminal Pin
31 1 +24 V⎓ white Power supply actuator
32 2 Actuator A (+) brown Output A to actuator
33 3 Actuator B (-) green Output B to actuator
34 4 GND yellow Ground
35 5 Actuator A (+) grey Output A to actuator
36 6 Actuator B (-) pink Output B to actuator
37 7 Identification actuator blue Identification actuator
38 8 Position red Position feedback

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Electrical Connection 7

7.8.5 Terminal Strip X8 - Sensor 1/2 (CAN Bus)

X8 X102 Function Wire colour Comments

Terminal Pin
58 1 +24 V⎓ brown Power supply sensor 1
59 2 CAN1-H white CAN 1 high
60 3 GND blue Ground CAN 1
61 4 CAN1-L black CAN 1 low

X8 X103 Function Wire colour Comments

Terminal Pin
62 1 +24 V⎓ brown Power supply sensor 2
63 2 CAN2-H white CAN 2 high
64 3 GND blue Ground CAN 2
65 4 CAN2-L black CAN 2 low

7.8.6 Terminal Strip X9 - ekr commander Control Panel, Sensor 3, Drive Module 160

X9 X100 Function Wire colour Comments

Terminal Pin
42 1 +24 V⎓ brown Power supply ekr commander control panel
43 2 CAN3-H white CAN 3 high
44 3 GND blue Ground CAN 3
45 4 CAN3-L black CAN 3 low

X9 X101 Jumper JX1 plugged Jumper JX1 unplugged Wire Comments

Terminal Pin (no galvanic (galvanic colour
separation) separation)
Power supply Sensor 3
(CLS Pro 600) /
46 1 +24 V⎓ Not used brown Drive Module 160 /
additional ekr commander
control panel
47 2 CAN6-H CAN6-H (insulated) white CAN 6 high
48 3 GND blue Ground CAN 6
(not connected to GND)
49 4 CAN6-L CAN6-L (insulated) black CAN 6 low

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7 Electrical Connection

7.8.7 Terminal Strip X10 - Controller Interlock, OMG 4, OMG 8, CK 37, EFE 1

X10 Function Wire colour Note

Terminal OMG 4 OMG 8, CK 37 EFE 1
1 +24 V⎓ Output +24 V⎓ for controller interlock
Controller Applies for all operating modes
2 interlock (Automatic, Manual mode, Center positioning).
(blocking) Bridge with terminal 1 if not used.
3 GND Ground for controller interlock
Power supply +12 V⎓
for OMG 4 (see also Terminal Strip X7 -
4 +12 V⎓ pink brown / black
Actuator, OMG 4, page 66), OMG 8, CK 37
(Namur A)
5 Namur blue Input OMG 8, CK 37 (Namur B)
6 +12 V⎓ pink Power supply +12 V⎓ for EFE 1
Input EFE 1
1) Standard: 0 … +12 V⎓, centre = +6 V⎓
2) Optional: 0 … +10 V⎓, centre = +5 V⎓
7 EFE grey
Prerequisite for 2):
■ No OMG 8 is connected.
■ Jumper between terminal 4 and 5 is attached.
8 GND yellow Ground for EFE 1

7.8.8 Terminal Strip X11 - Message Output "System OK"

X11 Function Wire colour Note


70 Relay – N/O contact

If there are no faults, the N/O

71 Relay – Change-over contact
contact is closed.
72 Relay – N/C contact
(only EFE 1000)

7.8.9 Terminal Strip X12 - CAN Bus 4

X12 Function Wire colour Comments

66 +24 V⎓ Power supply CAN 4
67 CAN4-H CAN 4 high
68 GND Ground CAN 4
69 CAN4-L CAN 4 low

68/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Electrical Connection 7

7.8.10 Terminal Strip X14 - Digital Inputs 1...6, EFE 1000

X14 Function Wire colour Note

Terminal EFE 1000
Connect with
9 +24 V⎓ Output +24 V⎓, max. 200 mA
terminal 71 (X11).
10 Input 1
11 Input 2
12 Input 3 See the truth table for digital inputs
13 Input 4 (Truth Tables, page 130)
14 Input 5
15 Input 6 yellow*
16 GND brown Ground for inputs 1 … 6
To reverse the working direction of the arrow keys of the
EFE 1000, the lines on terminals 15 and 18 must be swapped.

7.8.11 Terminal Strip X15 - Digital Inputs 7...12, EFE 1000

X15 Function Wire colour Note

Terminal EFE 1000
17 +24 V⎓ green Output +24 V⎓, max. 200 mA
18 Input 7 pink
19 Input 8
20 Input 9 See the truth table for digital inputs
21 Input 10 (Truth Tables, page 130)
22 Input 11
23 Input 12
Ground for inputs 7 … 12 and power supply
24 GND
EFE 1000
To reverse the working direction of the arrow keys of the
EFE 1000, the lines on terminals 15 and 18 must be swapped.

7.8.12 Terminal Strip X16 - Digital Outputs 1 ... 4

X16 Function Wire colour Note

25 +24 V⎓ Output +24 V⎓, max. 200 mA
26 Output 1
27 Output 2 See the truth table for digital outputs
28 Output 3 (Truth Tables, page 130)
29 Output 4
30 GND Ground for outputs 1 … 4

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7 Electrical Connection

7.9 Plug Connection

7.9.1 X60 - Actuator Connection EMS 17/18/21/22

The actuator is connected to the controller using an 8-pin micro-
style connector M12 according to DIN IEC 61076.

For connecting the actuators EMS  17, EMS  21 and

EMS  22, you require an optional adapter cable (order
number 154 374), see also Accessories, page 147

View X


View X


Fig. 27: Contact assignment in the plug connector

Contact Signal Wire colour Note

1 +24 V⎓ white
2 PWM (+) brown
3 PWM (0 V⎓) green
4 0 V⎓ yellow Leads internally to
5 PWM (+) grey terminal strip X7
6 PWM (0 V⎓) pink
7 Internal Pull UP blue
8 0 – 10 V⎓ / 0 – 24 V⎓ red

70/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Electrical Connection 7

7.9.2 X70 - Power Supply

The power supply is connected to the controller using a 3-pin plug
according to CEN 175301-803, DIN 43650 (3 x 0.75 mm2, cable dia-
meter 4.5 mm to 6 mm).

Panel connector Coupling

Fig. 28: Contact assignment in the plug connector

Contact Signal Wire colour Comments

1 +24 V⎓ brown Leads internally to
2 GND white terminal strip X6
Connected to the
Equipotential bonding green

The contact marked by the symbol is only used for

establishing the equipotential bonding (working earth).
The contact is not a connection for protective earth.
This unit does not require protective earthing.

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7 Electrical Connection

7.9.3 X100 ... 103 - Connection of CAN Bus Participants

The CAN bus participants (ekr  commander control panel, digital
edge sensors, additional ekr  commander control panel, ...) are
connected to the controller using a 4-pin micro-style plug M8.

View X


View X


Fig. 29: Contact assignment in the plug connector

Contact Signal Wire colour Comments

1 +24 V⎓ output brown
2 CAN-H white Leads internally to
terminal strip X8
3 CAN-GND green or X9
4 CAN-L yellow

72/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

8 Commissioning

8.1 Safety Instructions

Danger of death and material damage caused by incorrect com-
► Have the commissioning carried out by BST eltromat service
personnel or authorized personnel only.

Danger of death caused by the machine starting up!
Parts of your body could be crushed, cut, drawn in or hit.
► Switch off the machine completely and secure it against it being
switched back on.

Danger of death from electric shock!
Life threatening injuries caused by incomplete switching off or
residual current.
► Electrically isolate the controller.
► Secure the power supply against being switched back on.
► Check that the unit is voltage-free.
► Earth the controller.
► Cover or fence off any adjacent parts that are still live.

► Open the housing of the controller only at zero potential.

Danger of death from actuator movements!
During function tests, parts of your body may be crushed, cut or
► Before starting the commissioning work, make sure that no per-
sons are in the vicinity of the pivot / traversing area of machine
components that are positioned by the actuator (e.g. pivoting
frame guide, swiveling roller guide, rewind, unwind).
► Cordon off the work area before starting the commissioning
work to prevent access by unauthorized persons.

Damage to the actuator when operating with transport safety
device fitted!
► Before commissioning, remove the transport safety device on
the actuator and guiding device.

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8 Commissioning

Damage caused by operating the actuator in generator mode!
Operating the actuator in generator mode can lead to the destruc-
tion of the controller or the actuator.
► Provide suitable measures for removing or converting the
resulting energy (e.g. external ballast circuit or electrically
isolating the actuator from the controller).

The controller is not fitted with a ballast circuit (brake chopper).

If the guiding device is moved by external mechanical forces (e.g.
when inserting rolls using a forklift in winding applications), the
actuator acts as a generator. In this case, suitable measures must
be provided for removing or converting the resulting energy.

Damage to the touchscreen due to faulty operation!
Use of sharp, strong or coarse objects (e.g. pens, gloves) may
damage the surface of the touchscreen.
► Touch the touchscreen only using bare fingers or a special input
pen (touchpen).

8.2 Requirements
■ The web guiding system has been fully wired up, i.e. the cable
connections between the separate web guiding components
(controller, sensors, actuator, ...) have been made.
■ The controller is connected to the power supply.
■ All transport locking devices on the guiding device and actuator
have been removed.

74/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

8.3 Setting the DIL Switches of the Controller

Before commissioning the web guiding system, you must set the
DIL switches on the processor board of the controller according to
the application.

Damage to the components from working on live parts.
► Before opening the controller, switch off the power supply.

You can display the position of the switches on the

processor board of the controller using a special service
display. The procedure for calling up the service display is
described in the operating manual of the ekr 500 digital
Unit Touch controller, document number MD.492.

8.3.1 DIL Switch Overview

The following figure shows the position of the DIL switches S4 to
S7 on the processor board of the controller.

Fig. 30: DIL switches on the processor board

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8.3.2 Using the DIL Switch

Damage to the DIL switch from incorrect use!
Deformation of the movable sliders or contacts may lead to mal-
► Observe the DIL switch instructions for use.

Precautionary measures
► For setting the DIL switch, use plastic tweezers with smooth
surface and rounded ends (optimal) or a ball-point pen. Do not
use objects with a sharp tip!

► Avoid applying point-shaped force impact on the movable


Correct procedure for setting the DIL switch

1. Position the tweezers on the DIL switch as follows:
One end of the tweezers engages behind the switch housing.
The other end of the tweezers engages on the movable slider.

2. Move both ends of the tweezers towards each other applying a

little pressure in order to move the slider to the desired position.

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8.3.3 Setting DIL Switch S4

Using DIL switch S4, carry out the following settings:
■ Reverse the guiding direction
■ Activate electronic remote precision adjustment EFE 1
■ Select the actuator to be used
■ Select the servo center transducer to be used

DIL switch Function

Reverse the guiding direction for automatic mode
(Sensor 1, Sensor 2, Web center-line guiding)
Reverse the guiding direction for the servo center
transducer (see also Function of DIL switch S5.1)
Electronic remote precision adjustment EFE 1 active
S4.3 = ON (adjustment of the guiding setpoint is not possible
using the arrow keys)

DIL switch Actuator used

S4.4 S4.5 S4.6
OFF OFF OFF EMS 10, EMS 16, EMS 17, EMS 18
OFF ON OFF reserved
ON ON OFF CompactGuide
ON OFF ON reserved
OFF ON ON reserved
ON ON ON EMS 23, PLG 320 (brushless)*
The actuator EMS 18 is automatically detected by the controller.
The settings of the DIL switches S4.4 to S4.6 are disregarded in
this case.
DIL switch Servo center transducer used
S4.7 S4.8
Position feedback EMS 17 … 22**
No servo center transducer
OFF ON (operating mode Center positioning
cannot be selected)
* in conjunction with Motordrive ECO
** not for actuator ECO EMS 22

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8.3.4 Setting DIL Switch S5

Using DIL switch S5, carry out the following settings:
■ Reverse the actuator motor rotation direction
■ Adjust the assignment of sensors
■ Activate the remote control
■ Configure CAN bus parameters

DIL switch Status Function

Reversing the motor rotation direction
(see also function of DIL switch S4.1 and S4.2)
Analogue input for sensor 1 deactivated
(connection of a digital sensor via CAN bus)
Analogue input for sensor 1 activated
(connection of an analogue sensor via CAN bus)
Analogue input for sensor 2 deactivated
(connection of a digital sensor via CAN bus)
Analogue input for sensor 2 activated
(connection of an analogue sensor via CAN bus)
Invert the sensor signal for sensor 1 and
sensor 2
OFF Remote control inputs activated
ON Remote control inputs deactivated
Connector socket X101 is configured as
internal BST eltromat CAN bus, i.e. it behaves
in the same manner as connector sockets
S5.6 X100, X102, X103
Connector socket X101 is configured as
external CAN bus (networked)

DIL switch Baud Rate Note

S5.7 S5.8
OFF OFF 500 kBit Applies only for connector socket X101
ON OFF 125 kBit with galvanic separation. The connector
sockets X100, X102, X103 are always
OFF ON 250 kBit operated with 500 Kbit and without
ON ON 1 Mbit galvanic separation.

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8.3.5 Setting DIL Switch S6

Using DIL switch S6, carry out the following settings:
■ Activate the Master-Slave guiding
■ Deactivate the evaluation of the DIL switches

DIL switch Function Note

S6.1 – S6.5 Reserved
Master-Slave guiding
S6.6 = ON
is activated
S6.7 Reserved
The DIL switches S4, S5 and
Evaluation of DIL
S6 are not read-in.
S6.8 = ON switches S4, S5 and
Default values are used for
S6 is deactivated
the respective functions.

8.3.6 Setting DIL Switch S7

Using DIL switch S7, carry out the following settings:
■ Configure analogue inputs for sensor 1 and sensor 2

DIL Sensor Condition Function Comments

Voltage input
OFF Activate analogue
0 …+10 V⎓
S7.1 Sensor 1 input for sensor 1
Current input (S5.2 = ON)
0 … 20 mA
Voltage input
OFF Activate analogue
0 …+10 V⎓
S7.2 Sensor 2 input for sensor 2
Current input (S5.3 = ON)
0 … 20 mA

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8 Commissioning

8.4 Setting the DIL Switches of the Control Panel

Before commissioning the web guiding system, you must set the
DIL switch S2 on the control panel board according to the applica-
tion. The DIL switch S2 is mounted behind the stopper A on the
rear of the control panel.

Fig. 31: DIL switch S2 on the control panel board

DIL ekr commander
switch Control panel Additional control panel
of the controller (remote control)
S2.1 reserved for function enhancements
S2.4 ON ON

Setting DIL switch S2

Damage to the components from working on live parts.
► Before opening the housing, disconnect the plug on the con-
necting cable for the control panel from the controller.
1. Disconnect the plug on the connecting cable for the control
panel from the controller.
2. Carefully remove stopper A from the rear of the control panel.
3. Check the correct setting of the DIL switches S2.2 to S2.4 on
the control panel board.
4. If necessary, correct the position of DIL switches S2.2 to S2.4
according to the application.
5. Re-insert stopper A.
6. Connect the plug on the connecting cable for the control panel
into socket X100 (standard control panel) or X101 (additional
control panel).

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8.5 Setting the Jumper

Using jumper JX1 on the processor board of the controller,
activate the galvanic separation (electrical isolation) for the
connector socket X101 of the controller.

Fig. 32: Jumper JX1 on the processor board

Jumper Function Application

Electrical isolation not active.
24 V⎓ is available at Factory settings
connector socket X101.

Electrical isolation active.
Networking with
24 V⎓ is not available at
customer CAN bus
connector socket X101.

Damage to the components from working on live parts.
► Before opening the controller, switch off the power supply.

► Plug in or remove jumper JX1 according to the application.

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8 Commissioning

8.6 Checking the Device Addresses

The device addresses for the controller and the control panel are
pre-set in the factory. The settings usually do not have to be modi-
fied. In event of malfunction or non-defined behaviour of the con-
troller or control panel, the settings for the device addresses must
be checked.

8.6.1 Controller Device Address

The device address of the controller has been pre-set to 1 in the
factory (delivery state).

The device address must only be edited in agreement

with the manufacturer!

You can set the device address of the controller using the rotary
switch S1 on the processor board.

Fig. 33: Rotary switch S1 on the processor board

Checking the device address

Damage to the components from working on live parts.
► Before opening the controller, switch off the power supply.

1. Electrically isolate the controller.

2. Open the controller’s housing cover.
3. Check the setting of the rotary switch S1 on the processor
board. The rotary switch S1 must be set to position 1.
4. Switch the rotary switch S1 to position 1 if necessary.
5. Close the controller’s housing cover.

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8.6.2 Control Panel Device Address

The device address of the control panel has been pre-set to 1 in
the factory (delivery state).

The device address must only be edited in agreement

with the manufacturer!

You can set the device address of the control panel using the
rotary switch S1 on the control panel board. The rotary switch S1
is mounted behind the stopper B on the rear of the control panel.

Fig. 34: Rotary switch S1 on the control panel board

Checking the device address

Damage to the components from working on live parts.
► Before opening the housing, disconnect the plug on the con-
necting cable for the control panel from the controller.

1. Disconnect the plug on the connecting cable for the control

panel from the controller.
2. Carefully remove stopper B from the rear of the control panel.
3. Check the setting of the rotary switch S1 on the control panel
board. The rotary switch S1 must be set to position 1.
4. Switch the rotary switch S1 to position 1 if necessary.
5. Re-insert stopper B.
6. Connect the plug on the connecting cable for the control panel
into the socket X100 of controller.

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8 Commissioning

8.7 Setting the Terminating Resistors

The internal terminating resistors for the controller and the con-
trol panel are switched on in the factory (delivery state).

8.7.1 Terminating Resistor of the Controller

Using sliding switch S3 on the processor board, switch the internal
terminating resistor for the connector socket X101 on or off
depending on the application.

Fig. 35: Sliding switch S3 on the processor board

Application Switch S3 Function

Operation of the Internal terminating resistor
controller without ON is switched on
other bus participants (default factory setting)
Operation of the
Internal terminating resistor
controller with other OFF
is switched off
bus participants
Other bus participants that can be connected up to the ekr 500
digital Unit Touch controller are, for example:
■ Drive Module 160 (external output stage for actuator EMS 23)
■ CLS Pro 600 line and contrast sensor
■ Additional ekr commander control panel (remote control)
The procedure for setting the internal terminating resistors of the
other bus participants can be obtained from the separate operating
instructions of the devices connected.

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Setting the terminating resistor

Damage to the components from working on live parts.
► Before opening the controller, switch off the power supply.

1. Electrically isolate the controller.

2. Open the controller’s housing cover.
3. Check the setting of the sliding switch S3 on the processor
4. If necessary, change the position of the sliding switch S3.
5. Close the controller’s housing cover.
6. Switch on the power supply again.

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8.7.2 Terminating Resistor of the Control Panel

The internal terminating resistor of the control panel is switched
on in the factory (delivery state).

The internal terminating resistor must only be switched

off in agreement with the manufacturer!

In event of malfunction or non-defined behaviour of the controller

or control panel, the setting for the terminating resistor must be
checked. You can set the internal terminating resistor of the con-
trol panel using the rotary switch S2.4 on the control panel board.
The DIL switch S2 is mounted behind the stopper A on the rear of
the control panel.

Fig. 36: DIL switch S2 on the control panel board

DIL switch Condition Function Comments

Internal terminating
resistor switched off
Internal terminating
ON Factory setting
resistor switched on

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Checking the terminating resistor

Damage to the components from working on live parts.
► Before opening the housing, disconnect the plug on the con-
necting cable for the control panel from the controller.

1. Disconnect the plug on the connecting cable for the control

panel from the controller.
2. Carefully remove stopper A from the rear of the control panel.
3. Check the setting of the DIL switch S2.4 on the panel board.
The DIL switch S2.4 must be set to the ON position.
4. If necessary, switch DIL switch S2.4 to position ON.
5. Re-insert stopper A.
6. Connect the plug on the connecting cable for the control panel
into socket X100 of controller.

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8 Commissioning

8.8 Calling up the Setup Menu

In the setup menu, activate the different setting functions and
service displays of the controller. The setup menu comprises
several pages.

Fig. 37: Setup menu

In the setup menu only symbols are displayed for setting

functions used for components that are connected to the

Calling up the setup menu

1. Press the Manual mode key.
The LED of the key illuminates.
The controller switches to manual mode.
2. Press the SETUP key.
The controller changes to setup mode.

The first page of the setup menu appears in the display.

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3. To call up the next page of the setup menu, keep pressing the
right arrow button until the desired menu page is shown in the
4. Tap the symbol of the desired setting function or service dis-
play on the touchscreen.
The setting menu or service display selected appears in the display.
The meaning of the different symbols is explained in the following
Symbol Component/Function Setting/Display Function Description

Performing the automatic

material setup
Edge sensor See operating manual*
Performing the manual
material setup

See Setting Stroke

Actuator with Setting the stroke limitation
Limitation and Servo-Center
position feedback and servo-center position
Position, page 96

See Selection of Function

Digital inputs / outputs Selecting a function table
Table, page 131

Oscillation Defining the basic settings See operating manual*

Calibrating the width

See operating manual*
Width measurement
Setting the warning and
Setting See operating manual*
error limits
See CCD Camera
Calibrating the CCD camera
Calibration, page 103

Carrying out the material See Material Thickness

CCD camera
thickness compensation Compensation, page 107

See Entering the Position

Entering the position offsets
Offsets, page 111

Activating the displays and

Configurable displays
setting menus that can be
and setting menus See operating manual*
displayed using the swiping
(swiping function)

Commissioning the See Commissioning the

Positioning unit
positioning unit for sensor 3 Positioning Unit, page 121

Commissioning the sensor See Commissioning the

Sensor positioner
positioner Sensor Positioner, page 113

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8 Commissioning

Symbol Component/Function Setting/Display Function Description

Setting the dimension unit
See Setting the Dimension
Dimension unit for the display and input of
Unit, page 90
values (mm or inch)
Showing the installed hard-
ware, firmware and boot See operating manual*
control panel
loader versions

Showing the system

System components See operating manual*
components connected
Link to the company Calling up the BST eltromat
See operating manual*
website homepage

See installation and operat-

C2E Coupler (CAN-to- Showing the network
ing manual C2E Coupler,
Ethernet coupler) settings of the C2E Coupler
document number MD.420
* Operating manual ekr 500 digital Unit Touch, document number

8.9 Setting the Dimension Unit

Using this setting menu you specify the dimension unit (mm or
inch) that you want to use. All displays and entries are made in the
dimension unit selected.

Fig. 38: Setting menu for the dimension unit

Calling up the setting menu

1. Activate the Dimension unit setting menu in the setup menu
(see Calling up the Setup Menu, page 88).
The selection menu for the dimension unit is shown in the display.
2. Select the desired dimension unit (mm or inch) by tapping on
the corresponding button on the touchscreen.
The button of the selected dimension unit is displayed with a
blue background.
3. Confirm your selection with the button.
The setup menu is displayed.

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8.10 Setting the Motor Rotation Direction

When commissioning, you have to check the assignment of the
arrow keys to the positioning direction (motor rotation direction)
of the actuator.
The definition of the sensors (Sensor 1, Sensor 2, Sensor 3) is
described in chapter Designation of the Sensors, page 23.

Checking the motor rotation direction

Danger of death from actuator movements!
During function tests, parts of your body may be crushed, cut or
► Make sure that no persons remain in the vicinity of the pivot /
traversing area of machine components that are positioned by
the actuator.

1. Press the Manual mode key.

The LED of the key will illuminate.
The controller switches to manual mode.
2. Press the left arrow key and observe the guiding device.
The guiding device must move in the direction of Sensor 1.

3. Press the right arrow key and observe the guiding device.
The guiding device must move in the direction of Sensor 2.
If only one CLS  Pro  600 line and contrast sensor (Sensor 3) is
connected to the controller then the guiding device must move
in the direction of the cable connection on the line and con-
trast sensor.
If the guiding device moves in the opposite direction then you
have to reverse the motor rotation direction.

Reversing the motor rotation direction

The procedure depends on the type of actuator connected.
Actuator Procedure
EMS 5 … 22, Change DIL switch S5.1 on the processor board of
ECO EMS 22 the controller (see Setting DIL Switch S5, page 78).
Change DIL switch S4.6 on the processor board of
Drive Module 160 (see separate operating
EMS 23
instructions Drive Module 160, document number

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8 Commissioning

8.11 Commissioning the Actuator Without Position Feedback

Actuators without positions feedback:
EMS 5, EMS 10, EMS 16, ECO EMS 22

8.11.1 Setting the Guiding Direction for Center Positioning

If you use a servo center transducer (OMG 4, OMG 8, CK 37), you
have to check the guiding direction for the operating mode Center

Checking the guiding direction

Danger of death from actuator movements!
During function tests, parts of your body may be crushed, cut or
► Make sure that no persons remain in the vicinity of the pivot /
traversing area of machine components that are positioned by
the actuator.

► Press the Center positioning key and observe the guiding device.
The guiding device must move into its central position.

If the guiding device moves into one of its end positions then you
have to reverse the guiding direction.

Reversing the guiding direction

► Change DIL switch S4.2 on the processor board of the controller
(see Setting DIL Switch S4, page 77).

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8.11.2 Setting the Gain of the Servo Center Transducer

If you use a servo center transducer (OMG 4, OMG 8, CK 37), then
you have to set its gain.

Fig. 39: Display the controller gain of the servo center transducer

Setting the gain

Danger of death from actuator movements!
During function tests, parts of your body may be crushed, cut or
► Make sure that no persons remain in the vicinity of the pivot /
traversing area of machine components that are positioned by
the actuator.
1. Press the Center positioning key.
The LED of the key will illuminate.
The guiding device moves to its central position.
2. Press the SETUP key.
The set gain of the servo center transducer is displayed at the
bottom edge of the display using a bar indicator ① and as a
numeric value ②.
3. Keep increasing the gain using the right arrow key until control
oscillations occur (the guiding device starts to tremble).

4. Keep reducing the gain using the left arrow key until the oscilla-
tion ceases (stable guiding operation).
If you desire a slower reaction of the control, you can reduce
the gain even further.
Pressing both arrow keys at the same time will reset the gain to
a value of 20.0.
5. Press the ENTER key.
The gain setting is complete.

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If control oscillations do not occur we recommend setting

the maximum gain.

When commissioning, the gain should be adjusted as

described above because the optimum gain value for the
application is not known at this stage. During operation
the gain can also be adjusted using the touchscreen

For setting the gain using the touchscreen function please refer to
the operating manual ekr 500 digital Unit Touch, document num-
ber MD.492.

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8.12 Commissioning the Actuator With Position Feedback

Actuators with position feedback:
EMS 17, EMS 18, EMS 21, EMS 22, EMS 23

8.12.1 Setting the Guiding Direction for Center Positioning

If you use an actuator with position feedback, you have to check
the guiding direction for the operating mode Center positioning.

Fig. 40: Position display of the actuator

Checking the control direction

Danger of death from actuator movements!
During function tests, parts of your body may be crushed, cut or
► Make sure that no persons remain in the vicinity of the pivot /
traversing area of machine components that are positioned by
the actuator.

1. Press the Manual mode key.

The LED of the key will illuminate.
The controller switches to manual mode.
2. Press the left arrow key and observe the position display ① of
the actuator in the display.
The bar indicator must move to the left.
3. Press the right arrow key and observe the position display ①
of the actuator in the display.
The bar indicator must move to the right.
If the position indicator in the display moves in the opposite direc-
tion then you have to reverse the guiding direction.

Reversing the guiding direction

► Change DIL switch S4.2 on the processor board of the controller
(see Setting DIL Switch S4, page 77).

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8 Commissioning

8.12.2 Setting Stroke Limitation and Servo-Center Position

For actuators with position feedback, you must set the position of
the software limit switches for the stroke limitation and the servo-
center position. The setting is carried out with the assistance of a
special setting menu.

Calling up the setting menu

► Activate the Actuator setting menu in the setup menu (see
Calling up the Setup Menu, page 88).
The setting menu for actuators with position feedback appears
in the display.

Fig. 41: Setting menu for actuators with position feedback

Button for switching the position control on / off,

display of the operating state of the position control (on / off)
Button for saving the position for the software limit switch 1,

display of the current position for software limit switch 1
Button for saving the servo-center position,

display of the current servo-center position
Button for saving the position for the software limit switch 2,

display of the current position for software limit switch 2
⑤ Current position of the actuator (numeric display)
⑥ Current position of the actuator (graphical display)

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When new position values are taught in, the factory default set-
tings will be overwritten. The relevant symbol (sensor 1, sensor 2
or servo-center position) will be inversely displayed after teaching
in a new value.

Danger of death from actuator movements!
During function tests, parts of your body may be crushed, cut or
► Make sure that no persons remain in the vicinity of the pivot /
traversing area of machine components that are positioned by
the actuator.

Setting the position for the software limit switch 1

›› The Actuator setting menu is displayed.
1. Using the arrow keys, move the guiding device to the desired
position for software limit switch 1 (in the direction of sensor 1).
The position indicator of the actuator displays the value sup-
plied by the position feedback.
2. Press the Software limit switch 1 button.
The current position is accepted as position for software limit
switch 1.
The button is displayed with a blue background.
The new position value (-1800 in the example) is displayed on
the button.

Setting the position for the software limit switch 2

›› The Actuator setting menu is displayed.
1. Using the arrow keys, move the guiding device to the desired
position for software limit switch 2 (in the direction of sensor 2).
The position indicator of the actuator displays the value sup-
plied by the position feedback.
2. Press the Software limit switch 2 button.
The current position is accepted as position for software limit
switch 2.
The button is displayed with a blue background.
The new position value (1800 in the example) is displayed on
the button.

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8 Commissioning

Setting the servo-center position

The servo-center position must be located within the positioning
range of the actuator which is limited by both software limit
›› The Actuator setting menu is displayed.
1. Using the arrow keys, move the actuator to the desired position
for the central position of the guiding device.
The position indicator of the actuator displays the value sup-
plied by the position feedback.
2. Press the Center positioning button.
The current position is accepted as the servo-center position.
The button is displayed with a blue background.
The new position value (0 in the example) is displayed on the

Exiting the settings

To save the new position values, you must quit the Actuator
setting menu as follows:
1. Press the button.
The setting menu is closed.
All edited parameter values are saved.
The setup menu is displayed.
2. Press the SETUP key to return to the operation display.

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8.12.3 Activating Position Control

The position control is only available for actuators with position
feedback (EMS  17  …  23). With position control switched on, the
actuator stops in the traversed to position when in manual mode,
independently of any external forces acting on the drive.
You activate the position control in the Actuator setting menu.

Fig. 42: Actuator setting menu

The button ① on the left side of the setting menu indicates

whether the position control is switched on or off.

Position control is switched on

Position control is switched off

Switch the position control on / off

Danger to life caused by movements of the setting drive!
If position control is active, the setting drive may execute auto-
matic movements in manual mode . Body parts could be crushed,
sheared or impacted.
► Ensure that no persons remain in the swivel or positioning
range of machine components positioned by the actuator.

1. Activate the Actuator setting menu in the setup menu (see

chapter Calling up the Setup Menu, page 88).
The setting menu for actuators with position feedback appears
in the display.
2. Switch the position control on or off by pressing the adjacent
When the position control is switched on, the button is dis-
played with a blue background.

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8 Commissioning

3. Press the button to confirm the setting.

The setting menu is closed.
The setup menu is displayed.
4. Press the SETUP key to return to the operation display.

8.13 Setting the Guiding Direction

8.13.1 Guiding Direction for Web Edge Guiding and Web Center-Line Guiding (Sensor 1/2)
When commissioning, you have to check the assignment of the
selector keys for the guiding mode to the positioning direction of
the actuator.
Checking the guiding direction
Danger of death from actuator movements!
During function tests, parts of your body may be crushed, cut or
► Make sure that no persons remain in the vicinity of the pivot /
traversing area of machine components that are positioned by
the actuator.
1. Press the Sensor 1 or Sensor 2 key.
The LED of the key will illuminate.
The guiding mode selected is active.
2. Press the Automatic key.
The LED of the key will illuminate.
The controller switches to automatic mode.
3. Hold material (e.g. thick paper) in the scanning area of the
selected sensor and observe the guiding device.
The guiding device must move away from the selected sensor.

4. Remove the material from the sensor scanning area and ob-
serve the guiding device.
The guiding device must move in the direction of the selected
If the guiding device moves in the opposite direction then you
have to reverse the guiding direction.
Reversing the guiding direction
► Change DIL switch S4.1 on the processor board of the controller
(see Setting DIL Switch S4, page 77).

8.13.2 Guiding Direction for Line and Contrast Guiding (Sensor 3)

The guiding direction for the line and contrast guiding must be set
on the CLS Pro 600 line and contrast control sensor (see separate
operating instructions Line and contrast sensor CLS Pro 600, docu-
ment number MD.323).

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8.14 Performing the Material Setup

In order to achieve optimal guiding results, you have to carry out a
material setup during the initial commissioning of the web guiding
system. The procedure is described in the operating manual
ekr 500 digital Unit Touch, document number MD.492.
During the material setup the controller is automatically adjusted
to the properties of the material to be scanned.

8.15 Adjusting the Controller Gain

During commissioning, you have to set the controller gain.

You have to set the gain for each guiding mode separately.

Fig. 43: Display of the controller gain

Adjusting the controller gain

Danger of death from actuator movements!
During function tests, parts of your body may be crushed, cut or
► Make sure that no persons remain in the vicinity of the pivot /
traversing area of machine components that are positioned by
the actuator.

›› The material web is pulled in and is tensioned.

›› The guiding device is not in an end position.

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8 Commissioning

1. Select the desired guiding mode.

Guiding to the left web edge (Sensor 1):

Press the Sensor 1 key.


Guiding to the right web edge (Sensor 2):

Press the Sensor 2 key.


Web center-line guiding (Sensor 1 and Sensor 2)

Press the Sensor 1 and Sensor 2 keys at the same time.


Line / contrast guiding (Sensor 3)

Press the Sensor 3 key.

2. Press the Automatic key.

The LED of the key will illuminate.
The controller switches to automatic mode.
3. Press the SETUP key.
The set gain is displayed at the bottom edge of the display
using a bar indicator ① and as a numeric value ②. If the
numerical value is displayed in blue, it can be adjusted using
the arrow keys.
4. Keep increasing the gain using the right arrow key until control
oscillations occur (the guiding device starts to tremble).

5. Keep reducing the gain using the left arrow key until the
oscillation ceases (stable guiding operation).
If you desire a slower reaction of the control, you can reduce
the gain even further.
Pressing both arrow keys at the same time will reset the gain to
a value of 5.0.
6. Press the ENTER key.
The gain setting is complete.

If control oscillations do not occur we recommend setting

the maximum gain.

When commissioning, the controller gain should be ad-

justed as described above, because the optimum gain
value is still unknown. During operation, the controller
gain can also be adjusted via the touchscreen function.

For setting the controller gain using the touchscreen function

please refer to the operating manual ekr 500 digital Unit Touch,
document number MD.492.

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Commissioning 8

8.16 Commissioning the CCD Camera

8.16.1 CCD Camera Calibration

The CCD cameras connected are calibrated either by means of the
ekr 500 digital Unit Touch controller or directly on the CCD camera
depending on the camera type and operating mode (see table).
Camera type Operating mode DIL switch Calibration
S1.1 S1.2
CCDPro 5000/30000 — — —
Calibration is carried out by means of the
CCDPro 5000 ON OFF
ekr 500 digital Unit Touch controller
CCDPro 30000 OFF ON

CCD CAM 100 Calibration is carried out on the

CCD CAM 100 camera
Procedure see installation and operating manual
CCD CAM 100, document number MD.465 When Does a CCD Camera Have to Be Calibrated?

During the calibration of the CCD camera, a linearization of the
measuring range is carried out. In doing so, the measuring devi-
ations that are caused by the optic properties of the zoom lens are
automatically compensated.
With high demands to the measuring accuracy, a CCD camera
must be calibrated during / after the following work:
■ For the first start-up of the CCD camera
■ After cleaning a dirty camera lens Calibration Steps

The calibration of the CCD camera is carried out in the following
Calibration step Procedure Note
See Inserting the
Inserting the
Calibration Template,
calibration template
page 105
CCD camera See CCD Camera
calibration Calibration, page 106
See Performing a
Material thickness Recommended
Material Thickness
compensation for thick materials
Compensation, page 107
With a dual-camera system, each CCD camera must be calibrated

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 103/155
8 Commissioning Calibration Template

You need a calibration template for the calibration of the CCD

Standard calibration template

Fig. 44: Standard calibration template

* Other lengths on request

The bar width and the hole width of the standard calibration
template (order number 229 894) are each 10 mm.

Width of hole Width of bar

10 mm 10 mm

Fig. 45: Hole and bar width of the standard calibration template

Calibration template (customer-specific)

Width of hole) Width of bar)

Fig. 46: Hole and bar width of the customer-specific calibration template

If you are using a calibration template with another bar and / or

hole width, you have to adapt the values of the corresponding
parameters (width of bar µm, width of hole µm) in the public list
of parameters WebWidthCalib. The parameters of the public list
of parameters WebWidthCalib are described in the operating
manual ekr 500 digital Unit Touch, document number MD.492.

104/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8 Inserting the Calibration Template

Danger of death caused by the machine starting up!
Parts of your body could be crushed, cut, drawn in or hit.
► Switch off the machine completely and secure it against it being
switched back on.
► Insert the calibration template only when the production
machine is stationary.
Before you start with the calibration, you have to insert the
calibration template into the field of vision of the CCD camera and
secure it in place (see figure).

Fig. 47: Correct alignment of the calibration template

① CCD camera ② Cover (impervious to light)

③ Light source ④ Calibration template
⑤ Material web
Observe the following points during the alignment of the calibration
■ The upper side of the calibration template ④ should (where
technically possible) be located at the height of the material
top side.
■ The angle α between the calibration template ④ and the view
axis of the CCD camera ① must be 90°.
■ The angle β between the calibration template ④ and the web
running direction must be 90°.
■ If the light source ③ is longer than the calibration template
④, the area to the left of the of the first hole and the right of
the last hole of the template must be covered by a material ②
impervious to light.

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8 Commissioning CCD Camera Calibration

Danger of death caused by the machine starting up!
Parts of your body could be crushed, cut, drawn in or hit.
► Switch off the machine completely and secure it against it being
switched back on.

► Carry out the calibration of the CCD camera only when the pro-
duction machine is stationary.
The calibration of the CCD camera is carried out using a special
setting menu.
›› The CCD camera is aligned precisely mechanically. The procedure
for alignment is described in the operating manual of the CCD
›› The calibration template is located in the field of vision of the
CCD camera and is aligned correctly (see Inserting the Calibra-
tion Template, page 105).
1. Select the CCD camera that has to be calibrated (sensor 1 or
sensor 2).
With a dual-camera system, both CCD cameras must be
calibrated one-after another.
2. In the Setup menu, activate the setting menu Camera calibration
(see Calling up the Setup Menu, page 88).
The setting menu for the calibration of the CCD camera
appears in the display.

Fig. 48: Setting menu for the calibration of the CCD camera.

① Number of contrast transitions detected

② Number of visible contrast transitions

3. Press the > arrow button.

The calibration procedure starts.

During the calibration, the symbol of an hour glass appears in

the display for approx. 30 seconds.

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Commissioning 8

Once the procedure has finished, the results of the calibration

are displayed.
Both values displayed (detected and visible contrast transitions)
should be identical (in ideal cases) or where possible, be posi-
tioned as close to one-another as possible.
4. Press the > arrow button to conclude the calibration.
The setting menu is closed.
The edited parameter values are saved.
ð The setup menu is displayed.

If you want to carry out a compensation of the material

thickness after the calibration of the CCD camera (recom-
mended for thick materials), do not remove the calibra-
tion template.

8.16.2 Material Thickness Compensation

Danger of death caused by the machine starting up!
Parts of your body could be crushed, cut, drawn in or hit.
► Switch off the machine completely and secure it against it being
switched back on.

► Carry out the material thickness compensation only when the

production machine is stationary. When Does the Material Thickness Compensation Have to Be Carried Out?
In order to attain the optimum guiding / measuring results, we
recommend that a material thickness compensation is carried out
for thicker materials. This function can be used to compensate
measurement errors that result from the material thickness. Performing a Material Thickness Compensation

The parameters for the material thickness compensation are
entered via a special setting menu.
›› The CCD camera has been calibrated (see CCD Camera Calibra-
tion, page 106).
›› The calibration template is inserted and is aligned correctly
(see Inserting the Calibration Template, page 105).
1. Select the CCD camera where the compensation of the material
thickness should be carried out (sensor 1 or sensor 2).
With a two-camera system, the material thickness compensa-
tion must be carried out after each other for both cameras.

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8 Commissioning

2. In the Setup menu, activate the setting menu Material thick-

ness compensation (see Calling up the Setup Menu, page 88).
The following setting menu appears in the display:

Application with CCD camera "CCDPro" Application with CCD camera "CCD CAM 100"

Fig. 49: Entry of the distance between the camera housing and calibration template

① Distance value set ③ Light source

② Increment for the entry ④ Calibration template
3. Determine the distance A of the camera housing to the upper
edge of the calibration template.

Application with CCD camera "CCDPro" Application with CCD camera "CCD CAM 100"

Marking of the
sensor level

Definition of distance A: Definition of distance A:

Distance from the lower edge of the camera housing Distance from the sensor level of the CCD camera
to the upper edge of the calibration template to the upper edge of the calibration template

Fig. 50: Definition of the distance A

108/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

4. Enter the distance value determined into the editing field.

5. Press the button.
The new distance value is saved.
The following appears in the displayed:

Fig. 51: Entry of the material thickness

① Material web ③ Material thickness set

② Light source
6. Determine the thickness of the material web to be scanned.
7. Enter the material thickness determined into the editing field.
8. Press the button.
The new value for the material thickness is saved.
The following appears in the displayed:

Fig. 52: Entry of the distance between the calibration template and material

① Material web ③ Distance value set

② Calibration template
9. Determine the distance from the upper edge of the calibration
template to the bottom side of the material.
10. Enter the distance value determined into the editing field.
11. Press the button.
The new distance value is saved.
The setting menu is closed.
ð The setup menu is displayed.

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8 Commissioning

8.16.3 Setting the Material Thickness (After Changing the Material)

This setting is necessary if you want to process materials with
different thicknesses in the production. In order to attain optimum
guiding / measurement results, after changing the material the
new material thickness must be entered on the controller. Use the
setting menu Material thickness compensation for the entry.
Procedure, see Performing a Material Thickness Compensation,
page 107, step 7.

Fig. 53: Entry of the material thickness

① Material web ③ Material thickness set

② Light source

110/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

8.16.4 Entering the Position Offsets

With the position offsets, you can create a reference system with
an absolute reference point for the position of the web edges
scanned by the CCD cameras. This reference point can be a dis-
tinctive point on the machine (e.g. machine wall or center of the
machine). The set offset value (position offset) is added to the
detected position of the web edge and then results in the abso-
lute distance of the web edge to the reference point selected. This
distance is displayed in the operating display under the symbol for
the CCD camera.

Example 1: Reference point = Machine frame

CCD camera 1 CCD camera 2
Machine frame

Position offset
CCD camera 1
Position offset
CCD camera 2

Center of measuring range Center of measuring range

CCD camera 1 CCD camera 2

Example 2: Reference point = Center of the machine

CCD camera 1 CCD camera 2

Position offset Position offset

CCD camera 1 CCD camera 2

Center of measuring range Center Center of measuring range

CCD camera 1 of the machine CCD camera 2

Fig. 54: Examples for the determination of the position offsets

If you use the center of the machine as a reference point (see

example 2), a negative position offset results for one CCD camera
(in the represented example, CCD camera 1). In this case, the
position value of the web edge appears in the operating display
with a negative prefix sign. When entering the position offset, it
is essential to observe the prefix sign (+/-).

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8 Commissioning

Determining and entering the position offsets

›› One or two CCD camera(s) of the CCD CAM 100 type are con-
nected to the controller.
›› The CCD cameras connected are in the CCD CAM 100 operating
mode (DIL switches S1.1 and S1.2 = OFF).
›› On the CCD cameras [µm] is set as unit for the output of the
measured values (DIL switch S1.4 = ON).
1. Activate the Position offset for CCD cameras setting menu in
the setup menu (see Calling up the Setup Menu, page 88).
The setting menu for the position offsets is displayed.

Fig. 55: Setting menu for the position offsets for CCD cameras

① Position offset ② Position offset

for CCD camera 1 for CCD camera 2

2. Determine the position offsets for the present CCD cameras.

For this purpose, measure the distance from the center of the
camera measuring range to the reference point selected (e.g.
machine wall).
3. Enter the distance value measured into the input field for the
respective CCD camera.
Note: Depending on the reference point selected, it may be
necessary to enter a negative prefix sign for the distance value
determined (see example 2).

4. Confirm your entry with the button.

The position offsets entered will be accepted.
The setup menu is displayed.

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Commissioning 8

8.17 Commissioning the Sensor Positioner

8.17.1 Calling Up the Setting Menu

Commissioning of the sensor positioner is carried out with the
assistance of a special setting menu.
1. Activate the Sensor positioner setting menu in the setup menu
(see Calling Up the Setting Menu, page 113).

The setting menu for the FVG POS 100 sensor positioner is dis-

The setting menu includes a list of different functions that goes
beyond the height of the display.
An overview of the available setting functions can be found in
chapter Overview Setting Menu, page 114.
2. Using the scroll bar on the right side of the menu, navigate to
the desired setting function in the menu.
3. Switch the desired setting function on or off by tapping on the
respective button, or enter the parameter values in the input
Buttons for switched on functions are displayed with a blue
4. Press the SETUP key.
The settings made are saved.
The setup menu is displayed.

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8 Commissioning

8.17.2 Overview Setting Menu

The following table shows an overview of the functions and set-
tings than can be selected in the Sensor positioner setting menu.

Button Designation Meaning

Upon switching to the Center positioning operating mode,
Retract mode
the sensor positioner sensor slides run to their park position
“Center positioning”
(Home Position).
Upon switching to the Manual mode operating mode, the
Retract mode
sensor slides of the sensor positioner run to their park position
“Manual mode”
(Home Position).
Upon switching to the Automatic operating mode, the sensor
Automatic positioner automatically carries out edge detection.
setpoint acceptance The position of the web edge detected is taken over as the set-
point for guiding.
For applications with, e.g. "flattering" web edges, a hysteresis
can be specified for the automatic sensor tracking.
Hysteresis for automatic
The sensor slides of the sensor positioner only follow the web
sensor tracking
of material after the web edge has left the specified hysteresis
area in the sensor measuring range.
With each edge detection, an automatic bright and dark value
Automatic edge sensor
standardization is carried out (only for optical edge sensors
IR 2011 and IR 2012).

Reference run Approaching the reference position: The sensor slides (one or
of the sensor slides both) are run to the middle of the respective traversing range.

Position offset Input of the distance of the left sensor slide to the reference
for the left sensor slide point.

Position offset Input of the distance of the right sensor slide to the reference
for the right sensor slide point.

The different functions and settings are described in detail in the

following chapters.

114/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

8.17.3 Activating Retract Mode

With the retract mode, you specify at which operating mode
changes the sensor positioner sensor slides should run to their
park position (outer end position). The following retract modes
can be selected:
Retract mode “Center positioning”
Upon switching to the Center positioning operating mode, the
sensor slides run to their park position.
Retract mode “Manual mode”
Upon switching to the Manual mode operating mode, the sensor
slides run to their park position.
You can activate one of the two retract modes or both retract

Activating retract mode

›› The Sensor positioner setting menu is open.
1. Press the button for the desired retract mode (Center position-
ing and / or Manual mode).
The button selected is displayed with a blue background.
The corresponding retract mode is activated.
2. Press the SETUP key.
The settings made are saved.
The setup menu is displayed.

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8 Commissioning

8.17.4 Activating Automatic Setpoint Acceptance

If the Automatic setpoint acceptance function is activated, after
switching to Automatic operating mode, the sensor positioner
carries out an automatic edge detection. In doing so, the sensor
slides run towards the web of material until the sensors have
detected a web edge. The position of the web edge detected is
taken over as the setpoint for guiding.

Activating automatic setpoint acceptance

›› The Sensor positioner setting menu is open.
1. Press the Automatic setpoint acceptance button.
The button is displayed with a blue background.
The function Automatic setpoint acceptance is activated.
2. Press the SETUP key.
The settings made are saved.
The setup menu is displayed.

If the Automatic setpoint acceptance function is activated, in the

lower left corner of the operation display, the button Automatic
setpoint acceptance is displayed.

► To switch the function Automatic setpoint acceptance on / off,

press the adjacent button.
When the function is switched on, the button is displayed with
a blue background.

116/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

8.17.5 Setting Automatic Sensor Tracking

For applications with, e.g. "flattering" web edges, a hysteresis can
be specified for the automatic sensor tracking. If the function is
activated, the sensor slides of the sensor positioner only follow
the web of material after the web edge in the sensor measuring
range has left the set area. The size of the hysteresis area in which
no sensor tracking takes place is defined with the distance value A
(see figure).

Starting situation:
The web edge is located in the middle of the sensor measuring range

Web of material

sensor measuring range

Start of the automatic sensor tracking

Sensor tracking Sensor tracking

Fig. 56: Function principle of automatic sensor tracking

Activating the hysteresis for automatic sensor tracking

›› The Sensor positioner setting menu is open.
1. Press the Automatic sensor tracking button.
The hysteresis function of the automatic sensor tracking is
The button is displayed with a blue background.
2. Enter the desired distance value A (2.5 mm in the example) to
define the hysteresis area in the input field.

3. Press the SETUP key.

The settings made are saved.
The setup menu is displayed.

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8 Commissioning

8.17.6 Activating Automatic Edge Sensor Standardization

When processing transparent materials, this standardization
mode is used for the calibration of optical edge sensors (IR 2011,
IR 2012).
During automatic edge sensor standardization, the edge sensors
will be adjusted to the optical properties of the material to be
scanned. For the calibration, the device determines the bright
value (no material in the sensor measuring range) and the dark
value (material in the sensor measuring range).
If the Automatic edge sensor standardization function is activated,
after switching to the Automatic operating mode, the sensor
slides automatically run towards the web edge until the sensor
measuring range is covered to determine the dark value. The dark
value is saved. Then the sensor slides run back until the web edge
is located in the middle of the sensor measuring range.

Activating automatic edge sensor standardization

›› The Sensor positioner setting menu is open.
1. Press the Automatic edge sensor standardization button.
Automatic edge sensor standardization is activated.
The button is displayed with a blue background.
2. Press the SETUP key.
The settings made are saved.
The setup menu is displayed.

118/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

8.17.7 Entering the Position Offset for the Sensor Slides

With the position offset, you can create a reference system with
an absolute reference point for the position of the sensor slides.
This reference point can be a distinctive point on the machine
(e.g. machine wall or center of the machine). As an alternative,
you can also use the park position of a sensor slide or the middle
of the sensor positioner as reference point. The set offset value
(position offset) is added to the current position of the sensor
slide and then results in the absolute distance to the reference
point selected. This distance is displayed in the operating display
under the symbol for the sensor slides.

Example 1: Reference point = Machine frame

Machine frame

Position offset
sensor slide 1

Position offset
sensor slide 2

Center of measuring range sensor 1 Center of measuring range sensor 2

(notch in the sensor housing) (notch in the sensor housing)

Example 2: Reference point = Middle of sensor positioner

Position offset Position offset

sensor slide 1 sensor slide 2

Center of measuring range sensor 1 Center of measuring range sensor 2

(notch in the sensor housing) (notch in the sensor housing)
of the sensor positioner

Fig. 57: Example for the determination of the position offset

If you use the middle of the sensor positioner as a reference point

(see example 2), a negative position offset results for one sensor
slide (in the represented example, sensor slide 1). In this case, the
position value of the sensor slide appears in the operating display
with a negative prefix sign. When entering the position offset, it
is essential to observe the prefix sign (+/-).

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8 Commissioning

Determining and entering the position offset

Risk of crushing from motorized traversing of the sensor slides!
Parts of your body could be crushed, cut or hit.
► Never reach into the traversing area of the sensor slides.
► Before setting up / operating, ensure that no other persons are
in the traversing area of the sensor slides.

›› No material web has been threaded in. With web of material

threaded in, damage may be caused to the web during the
reference run!
›› The Sensor positioner setting menu is open.
1. Using the scroll bar in the Sensor positioner setting menu,
scroll down until the adjacent menu for entering the position
offset is shown in the display.

2. Press the Reference run button.

The red START button is faded in on the display.

3. Make sure again that no web of material has been threaded in
and that no persons are in the danger area of the sensor slides.
4. To start the reference run, press the START button.
The sensor slides move to their reference positions.

The yellow STOP button is faded in on the display.

5. To cancel the reference run prematurely, press the STOP button.
6. Wait until the reference run of the sensor slides has finished.
7. Determine the position offset for the present sensor slides.
For this purpose, measure the distance from the center of the
sensor measuring range (notch in the edge sensor housing) to
the reference point selected (e.g. machine wall).
8. Enter the distance value measured into the input field for the
respective sensor slide.
Note: Depending on the reference point selected, it may be
necessary to enter a negative prefix sign for the distance value
determined (see example 2).

9. Press the SETUP key.

The settings made are saved.
The setup menu is displayed.

120/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

8.18 Commissioning the Positioning Unit

8.18.1 Utilization
The ekr 500 digital Unit Touch controller has connections for two
positioning units. The positioning units enable the motorized
positioning of sensors or tools. The main field of application of the
positioning unit is the motorized positioning of a BST  eltromat
CLS  Pro  600 line and contrast sensor (Sensor  3) across the web
running direction in slitter-winders.

Control panel
ekr commander

Control panel
CLS Pro 600

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch

CAN bus distributor

ning un

Line and contrast sensor

CLS Pro 600

Fig. 58: Motorized positioning of a CLS Pro 600 line and contrast sensor (example)

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8 Commissioning

8.18.2 Calling Up the Setting Menu

Commissioning of the positioning unit is carried out with the
assistance of a special setting menu.
1. Activate the Positioning unit setting menu in the setup menu
(see Calling Up the Setting Menu, page 113).

The setting menu for the positioning unit for Sensor  3 is dis-
The setting menu includes a list of different functions that goes
beyond the height of the display.
An overview of the available setting functions can be found in
chapter Overview Setting Menu, page 122.
2. Using the scroll bar on the right side of the menu, navigate to
the desired setting function in the menu.
3. Switch the desired setting function on or off by tapping on the
respective button, or enter the parameter values in the input
Buttons for switched on functions are displayed with a blue
4. Press the SETUP key.
The settings made are saved.
The setup menu is displayed.

8.18.3 Overview Setting Menu

The following table shows an overview of the functions and set-
tings than can be selected in the Positioning unit setting menu.

Button Function Description

Reversal of the operating direction of the arrow keys for
arrow keys operating direction
positioning unit 1
positioning unit 1
Reversal of the operating direction of the arrow keys for
arrow keys operating direction
positioning unit 2
positioning unit 2
Approaching the reference position: The sensor slides
Reference run
(one or both) are run to the middle of the respective
of the sensor slides
traversing range.

Position offset Input of the distance of the sensor slide of positioning

for positioning unit 1 unit 1 to the reference point

Position offset Input of the distance of the sensor slide of positioning

for positioning unit 2 unit 2 to the reference point

The different functions and settings are described in detail in the

following chapters.

122/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

8.18.4 Reversing the Operating Direction of the Arrow Keys

When commissioning, you have to check the operating direction
of the arrow keys for the positioning of the sensor slide. Depend-
ing on the installation position of the positioning unit, it may be
necessary to reverse the operating direction of the arrow keys of
the ekr commander control panel.

Checking the operating direction of the arrow keys

Risk of crushing from motorized traversing of the sensor slides!
Parts of your body could be crushed, cut or hit.
► Never reach into the traversing area of the sensor slides.
► Before setting up / operating, ensure that no other persons are
in the traversing area of the sensor slides.

Operation of the positioning unit is carried out with the assistance

of a special menu which can be reached from the operation dis-
play using the swiping function.
›› The Positioning unit menu is activated in the setup menu for
the configurable displays and settings menus.
›› The display shows the operation display.
›› The sensor slide is located in the middle of its traversing range
(not in one of its outer end positions).
1. Call up the Positioning unit menu by swiping on the touch-

2. Switch on the positioning of the sensor slide with the arrow

keys of the ekr commander control panel by tapping the corres-
ponding button.
When switched on, the button is displayed with a blue back-
3. Press the left or right arrow key and observe the sensor slide.
The sensor slide must move in the desired direction (to the left
or to the right).
If the sensor slide moves in the opposite direction, you must re-
verse the operating direction of the arrow keys for the positioning
unit selected.

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8 Commissioning

Reversing the operating direction of the arrow keys

1. Call up the Positioning unit setting menu in the setup menu
(see Calling Up the Setting Menu, page 122).

The setting menu for the positioning unit is displayed.

2. Reverse the operating direction of the arrow keys for the posi-
tioning unit selected by tapping the corresponding button.
If the operating direction is reversed, the button is displayed
with a blue background.

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8.18.5 Entering the Position Offset for the Sensor Slides

With the position offset, you can create a reference system with
an absolute reference point for the position of the sensor slides.
This reference point can be a distinctive point on the machine
(e.g. machine wall or center of the machine). As an alternative,
you can also use the park position of a sensor slide or the middle
of the positioning unit as reference point. The set offset value
(position offset) is added to the current position of the sensor
slide and then results in the absolute distance to the reference
point selected. This distance is displayed in the operating display
under the symbol for the sensor slide.

Example 1: Reference point = Machine frame

Positioning unit 1 Positioning unit 2

Position offset
positioning unit 1
Position offset
positioning unit 2

Center Center
of sensor measuring range of sensor measuring range

Example 2: Reference point = Center of the machine

Positioning unit 1 Positioning unit 2

Position offset Position offset

positioning unit 1 positioning unit 2

Center Center of the machine Center

of sensor measuring range of sensor measuring range

Fig. 59: Examples for the determination of the position offsets

If you use the center of the machine as a reference point (see

example 2), a negative position offset results for one positioning
unit (in the represented example, positioning unit 1). In this case,
the position value of the sensor slide appears in the operating
display with a negative prefix sign. When entering the position
offset, it is essential to observe the prefix sign (+/-).

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8 Commissioning

Determining and entering the position offsets

Risk of crushing from motorized traversing of the sensor slides!
Parts of your body could be crushed, cut or hit.
► Never reach into the traversing area of the sensor slides.
► Before setting up / operating, ensure that no other persons are
in the traversing area of the sensor slides.

›› No material web has been threaded in. With web of material

threaded in, damage may be caused to the web during the
reference run!
›› The setting menu for the commissioning of the positioning unit
is open.

1. Press the Reference run button.

The red START button is faded in on the display.

2. Make sure again that no web of material has been threaded in
and that no persons are in the danger area of the sensor slides.
3. To start the reference run, press the START button.
The sensor slides move to their reference positions.

The yellow STOP button is faded in on the display.

4. To cancel the reference run prematurely, press the STOP button.
5. Wait until the reference run of the sensor slides has finished.
6. Determine the position offsets for the sensor slides of the
present positioning units.
For this purpose, measure the distance from the sensor slide to
the reference point selected (e.g. machine wall).
7. Enter the distance value measured into the input field for the
respective positioning unit.
Note: Depending on the reference point selected, it may be
necessary to enter a negative prefix sign for the distance value
determined (see example 2).

8. Press the SETUP key.

The settings made are saved.
The setup menu is displayed.

126/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Commissioning 8

8.19 Commissioning the Electronic Remote Precision Adjustment (Optional)

If an optional electronic remote precision adjustment EFE  1 or
EFE 1000 is connected to the controller, you must check the oper-
ating direction of the control elements (potentiometer or arrow
keys) during commissioning.

8.19.1 EFE 1

Fig. 60: Electronic remote precision adjustment EFE 1

Checking the operating direction of the potentiometer

1. Press the Automatic key.
The LED of the key will illuminate.
The controller switches to automatic mode.
2. Turn the potentiometer ① clockwise and observe the indicator
of the guiding setpoint ② in the display.
The indicator must move to the right (the numeric value dis-
played increases).
If the indicator of the guiding setpoint moves in the opposite
direction (the numeric value displayed decreases), reverse the
operating direction of the potentiometer.

Reversing the operating direction

► Swap the connecting cables of the remote precision adjustment
at terminals 6 and 8 of terminal strip X10 in the controller.

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8 Commissioning

8.19.2 EFE 1000

Fig. 61: Electronic remote precision adjustment EFE 1000

Checking the operating direction of the arrow keys

1. Press the Manual mode key.
The LED of the key will illuminate.
The controller switches to manual mode.
2. Press the left arrow key of the remote precision adjustment
and observe the guiding device.
The guiding device must move in the direction of Sensor 1.
3. Press the right arrow key of the remote precision adjustment
and observe the guiding device.
The guiding device must move in the direction of Sensor 2.
If only one CLS  Pro  600 line and contrast sensor (Sensor 3) is
connected to the controller then the guiding device must move
in the direction of the cable connection on the line and con-
trast sensor.
If the guiding device moves in the opposite direction, reverse the
operating direction of the arrow keys.

Reversing the operating direction of the arrow keys

► Swap the connecting cables at terminals 15 and 18 of terminal
strips X14 and X15 in the controller.

128/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs) 9

9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)

9.1 Safety Information

Mortal danger from remote controlled movements of the actuator!
When controlling the controller remotely from an external source
(remote control inputs, external control keyboard), the actuator
carries out adjusting movements automatically. Parts of your body
could be crushed, cut or hit.
► Make sure that no persons remain in the vicinity of the pivot /
traversing area of machine components that are positioned by
the actuator.

9.2 Digital Inputs / Outputs

9.2.1 Digital Inputs

The digital inputs of the controller permit a remote control of the
functions via an external switch or using PLC signals.

Signals that are located on the remote control inputs of

the controller block the keys on the control panel with
counter functions.

If a remote control signal (+24  V⎓) is activated at the respective

terminals of the controller, the assigned LED H1 to H12 lights up
on the processor board of the controller (see Status Display of
Remote Control Inputs, page 145). The corresponding function can
no longer be switched via the control panel!

9.2.2 Digital Outputs

The digital outputs of the controller permit the output of status
information to the machine control system.
If a signal (+24 V⎓) is activated at the respective terminals of the
controller, the corresponding LED H13 to H16 lights up on the
processor board of the controller (see Status Display of Digital
Outputs, page 145).

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9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)

9.2.3 Truth Tables

Digital inputs
Function Terminal strip X14 X15
Terminal 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 23
LED H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 H6 H7 H8 H9 H10 H11 H12

Automatic X X X X X X X X —

Manual operation X X X X X X X X —

Centre position X X X X X X X X —

Web edge guiding

X X X X X X X X X —
Sensor 1
Web edge guiding
X X X X X X X X X —
Sensor 2

Web center-line guiding X X X X X X X X X —

Left arrow key

X X X X X X X X X —
(only in manual mode)
Right arrow key
X X X X X X X X X —
(only in manual mode)
Line / contrast guiding
X X X X X X X X X X —
Sensor 3*

Keyboard interlock* X X X X X X X X X X —

Controller interlock*
X X X X X X X X X X —
(only for automatic mode)

Setup lock* X X X X X X X X X X —

Digital outputs
Function Terminal strip X16
Terminal 26 27 28 29
LED H13 H14 H15 H16

Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic X X X

Software limit switch active / motor overcurrent / guiding device in end position X X X

Brake function (actuator EMS 23B) X X X

Not used X X X

1 = high (+24 V⎓) — = reserved
0 = low (0 V⎓ (GND) or terminal open) * 1 = function active, 0 = function inactive
X = not relevant tlow, thigh: min. 100 ms

130/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs) 9

You can deactivate the remote control function using the DIL
switch S5.5 in order to simplify commissioning (see Setting DIL
Switch S5, page 78).

9.2.4 Digital Inputs / Outputs Configuration

You configure the allocation of the digital inputs and outputs of
the controller using the function tables. Several pre-configured
function tables are available for the adaptation of the inputs / out-
puts to your individual applications. Selection of Function Table

In the Function table setting menu, you select the desired table.

Fig. 62: Selection of the function table

① Function table selected

② List of the function tables available

Selecting a function table

1. In the setup menu, activate the Function table setting menu
(see Calling up the Setup Menu, page 88).
The selection menu for the function tables appears in the dis-
play. The currently selected function table is displayed in the
field with blue background (function table 0 in the example).
2. Tap on the field with blue background on the touchscreen to
select another function table.
A list opens including all function tables available.
The currently selected function table is displayed in the list with
blue background.
3. Use the scroll bar on the right side to scroll the list up or down
until the desired function table is displayed.

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9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)

4. Tap on the desired function table in the list.

The list is closed.
The function table selected is displayed in the field with blue
5. Press the button to confirm the selection.
The allocation of the digital inputs and outputs of the controller
is changed according to the function table selected.
ð The setup selection menu is displayed. Function Tables

Function table 0, factory setting

Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Setup lock
12 23 Not used
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Controller interlock (blocking)

132/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs) 9

Function table 1
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Selection of parameter sets 1 to 4 for the guiding setpoint (terminal assign-
12 23 ment, see Selection of Parameter Set For The Guiding Setpoint, page 142)
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Not used

Function table 2
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 External limit switch 1 (stroke limitation)
12 23 External limit switch 2 (stroke limitation)
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Not used

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9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)

Function table 3
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Setup lock
12 23 1 = OK relay is used for status of the line monitoring
1 26 Warning line position
2 27 Error line position
3 28 Warning line width
4 29 Error line width

134/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs) 9

Function table 4
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
Accept the current web position analogue Sensor 2 as guiding setpoint for
6 15
analogue Sensor 1 or vice-versa
Inputs Inversion of the value accepted for the guiding setpoint
7 18
(0 = value not inverted, 1 = value inverted)
When accepting the guiding setpoint, the input signal of the EFE 1 is included.
8 19
DIL switch S4.3 must be OFF.
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Selection of parameter sets 1 to 4 for the guiding setpoint (terminal assign-
12 23 ment, see Selection of Parameter Set For The Guiding Setpoint, page 142)
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Not used

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9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)

Function table 5
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Accept current position of a web edge as guiding setpoint
12 23 Not used
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Not used

Function table 6
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Accept current position of a web edge as guiding setpoint
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Selection of parameter sets 1 to 4 for the guiding setpoint (terminal assign-
12 23 ment, see Selection of Parameter Set For The Guiding Setpoint, page 142)
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Not used

136/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs) 9

Function table 7
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Setup lock
12 23 Not used
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Automatic
3 28 Manual mode
4 29 Centre positioning

Function table 8
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Setup lock
12 23 Oscillation on/off
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)

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9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)

Function table 9
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Setup lock
12 23 Not used
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Width measurement warning
3 28 Width measurement error
4 29 Not used

Function table 10
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Moving the sensor slide of positioning unit 1 to the left
9 20 Moving the sensor slide of positioning unit 1 to the right
10 21 Moving the sensor slide of positioning unit 2 to the left
11 22 Moving the sensor slide of positioning unit 2 to the right
12 23 Not used
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Not used

138/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs) 9

Function table 11
Input / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Setup lock
12 23 Not used
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Material in Sensor 1*
4 29 Material in Sensor 2*
* Indicates that there is material within the sensor scanning area
(even with full coverage of the sensor scanning area)

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 139/155
9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)

Function table 12
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Keyboard interlock
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Setup lock
12 23 Not used
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 The selected sensor has detected a web edge.**
3 28 Sensor 1 has detected a web edge.**
4 29 Sensor 2 has detected a web edge.**
** With full coverage of the sensor scanning area no web edge will
be detected.

140/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs) 9

Function table 13
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Keyboard interlock
5 14 Web edge guiding Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Web edge guiding Sensor 1
10 21 Controller interlock (only for automatic mode)
11 22 Setup lock
12 23 Not used
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Not used

Function table 14
Reserved for special applications

Function table 15
Reserved for special applications

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 141/155
9 Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs)

Function table 16
Inputs / No. Terminal Function
1 10
2 11 Automatic, Manual mode, Centre positioning
3 12
4 13 Web edge guiding Sensor 1, Web edge guiding Sensor 2,
5 14 Web centre-line guiding Sensor 1 and Sensor 2
6 15
Inputs Arrow key right, arrow key left
7 18
8 19 Line / contrast guiding Sensor 3
9 20 Controller interlock web edge guiding Sensor 1
10 21 Controller interlock web edge guiding Sensor 2
11 22 Keyboard interlock
12 23 Not used
1 26 Position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode automatic
2 27 Software limit switch active/Motor overcurrent/Guiding device in end position
3 28 Brake function (actuator EMS 23B)
4 29 Controller interlock (blocking) Selection of Parameter Set For The Guiding Setpoint

The selection of parameter sets (1 to 4) is carried out via a digital
input signal at terminals 22 and 23 of the controller.

Function table 1 (Table 1) or 4 (Table 4) for allocation of the digital
inputs and outputs is active (see Selection of Function Table, page

Terminal assignment
Terminal Parameter set
1 2 3 4
22 0 1 0 1
23 0 0 1 1
1 = high (+24 V⎓)
0 = low (0 V⎓ (GND) or terminal open)

142/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Remote Control (Digital Inputs / Outputs) 9

9.3 Remote Control With External Control Keyboard ekr commander

Depending on the conditions in the production machine or the pro-
duction demands, it may be necessary to operate the controller
from a remote location on the machine.
In this case an additional ekr  commander control panel used as
remote control can be connected to the bus interface (socket X101)
of the controller.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 143/155
10 Service LEDs

10 Service LEDs
There are seven groups of service LEDs on the processor board of
the controller indicating the operational status of the controller.
The following figure shows the position of the service LEDs H1 to
H53 on the processor board of the controller.

Fig. 63: Service LEDs on the processor board

Service LED Display function

H1 – H12 Status of the remote control inputs
H13 – H16 Status of the outputs
H17 – H18 Bus status
H19 Device status
H21 Status of the message output “System OK”
H28 – H29 Status of the power supply
H30 Status of the internal Ethernet interface
H53 Status of the controller interlock

144/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Service LEDs 10

10.1 Status Display of Remote Control Inputs

LED Meaning
Remote control input 1 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 10)
Remote control input 2 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 11)
Remote control input 3 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 12)
Remote control input 4 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 13)
Remote control input 5 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 14)
Remote control input 6 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 15)
Remote control input 7 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 18)
Remote control input 8 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 19)
Remote control input 9 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 20)
Remote control input 10 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 21)
Remote control input 11 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 22)
Remote control input 12 active
(1 signal (+24 V⎓) on terminal 23)
The terminal assignment of the remote control inputs can be ob-
tained in chapter Terminal Assignment, page 64. The truth table
for the remote control inputs can be found in chapter Truth
Tables, page 130.

10.2 Status Display of Digital Outputs

LED Meaning
Output 1 active
H13 (position of the guiding device corrected in operating mode
Output 2 active
H14 (software limit switch active / motor overcurrent /
guiding device in end position)
H15 Output 3 active
H16 Output 4 active

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 145/155
10 Service LEDs

10.3 Display of Bus Status

LED Name Condition Bus designation Meaning

The unit is in the initialization phase.
No data transfer takes place.
The device is in PREOPERATIONAL mode.
FLASHING PREOPERATIONAL The initialization is completed.
The device can be started.
The module is working correctly.
No problems exist.
FLASHES x3 SYNC ERROR A SYNC report has been received.
ON BUS OFF The interface controller is located in Bus-Off mode.

10.4 Display of Device Status

LED Name Condition Meaning

OFF The unit is in an undefined state.
H19 PROG FLASHING The unit program is running correctly.
ON The unit is in an undefined state.

10.5 Status Display of Message Output "System OK"

LED Name Condition Meaning

OK OFF Error
relay ON No error

10.6 Status Display of Power Supply

LED Name Condition Meaning

OFF Operating voltage 12 V⎓ not available
H28 12 V
ON Operating voltage 12 V⎓ available
OFF Operating voltage 3.3 V⎓ not available
H29 3.3 V
ON Operating voltage 3.3 V⎓ available

10.7 Status Display of Controller Interlock

LED Name Condition Meaning

OFF Controller is enabled
H53 LOCK Controller is blocked
(motor output stage is switched off)

146/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Accessories and Spare Parts 11

11 Accessories and Spare Parts

11.1 Order Address

BST eltromat International GmbH
Heidsieker Heide 53
D-33739 Bielefeld
Tel.: +49 (0) 5206 999 767
Fax: +49 (0) 5206 999 999
E-Mail: [email protected]
http: www.bst-eltromat.com

11.2 Accessories

Pos. Order Designation Utilisation

Installation of the control panel in an existing on-site
1 133 459 Installation kit
operator panel or a control station
Installation of the control panel on a ferromagnetic
2 148 887 Magnet installation set
3 131 993 Cable extension 2 m
Connection control panel,
4 131 994 Cable extension 5 m
Connection of sensors (CAN-Bus)
5 131 995 Cable extension 10 m
6 168 176 Spiral cable 0.5 m / 2 m Connection of sensors (CAN-Bus)
7 118 447 Connection cable 3 m Connection actuator EMS 17/18/21/22
8 118 448 Connecting cable 5 m For connecting the actuators EMS 17/21/22, you
9 118 449 Connecting cable 10 m require an additional adapter cable (see pos. 10)

10 154 374 Adapter cable Connection actuator EMS 17/21/22

Connection of several bus participants,
11 167 205 CAN bus distributor
Connection CCD camera CCDPro*
12 220 395 CAN-Bus adapter M12 / M8 Connection CCD camera CCDPro*
CAN-Bus power adapter
13 220 406 Connection CCD camera CCDPro*
M8 4-pin / M8 3-pin
14 229 894 Calibration template CCD camera calibration
* The following accessory parts are required for connecting one
CCD camera:
■ 1x CAN bus distributor (pos. 11)
■ 1x CAN-Bus adapter (pos. 12)
■ 1x CAN-Bus power adapter (pos. 13)

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 147/155
12 Customer Services

12 Customer Services
Do you have any questions about this product? Or for any of the
other products or services of BST eltromat International?
Then please contact the following address.
In order to be able to reply to your request as soon as possible,
please provide us with the following data (where available):
■ Product name
■ Job number
■ EDP number and software version
■ Serial number and date of manufacture (see name plate)

Customer Services Address

BST eltromat International GmbH
Heidsieker Heide 53
D-33739 Bielefeld
Tel.: +49 (0) 5206 999 767
E-Mail: [email protected]
http: www.bst-eltromat.com

148/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Connection Diagram 13

13 Connection Diagram

13.1 Application with Edge Sensors

Extension cable or spiral cable 0.5 m / 2 m (168 176)

2 m (131 993)
5 m (131 994)
10 m (131 995)
ekr commander
Connecting cable
3 m (118 447)
5 m (118 448)
10 m (118 449)

ekr 500 digital

Unit Touch


EMS 18
CLS Pro 600

IR 2011 IR 2011
IR 2012 IR 2012
US 2010 US 2010

Fig. 64: Connecting diagram for standard applications with edge sensor

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 149/155
13 Connection Diagram

13.2 Application with CCD Cameras

13.2.1 Application with CCD CAM 100

Extension cable or spiral cable 0.5 m / 2 m (168 176)

2 m (131 993)
5 m (131 994)
10 m (131 995)
ekr commander
Connecting cable
3 m (118 447)
5 m (118 448)
10 m (118 449)

ekr 500 digital

Unit Touch


CLS Pro 600 EMS 18


Fig. 65: Connection diagram for applications with CCD CAM 100

150/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual
Connection Diagram 13

13.2.2 Application with CCDPro 30000/5000

Extension cable or spiral cable 0.5 m / 2 m (168 176)

2 m (131 993)
5 m (131 994)
10 m (131 995)

Connecting cable ekr commander

3 m (118 447)
5 m (118 448)
10 m (118 449)

CAN bus distributor (167 205)

CAN bus power adapter (220 406)

CAN bus adapter (220 395)

ekr 500 digital

Unit Touch


EMS 18
CLS Pro 600

X1 X1

X2 X2


Fig. 66: Connection diagram for applications with CCDPro 30000/5000

13.3 Application with Sensor Positioner FVG POS 100

You will find the connection diagrams for applications with the
FVG POS 100 sensor positioner in the separate operating instruc-
tions FVG POS 100 sensor positioner, document number MD.467.

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 151/155


A Inserting the calibration template ...............  105

CCD CAM 100.................................................. 37
Accessories ................................................... 147 CCDPro............................................................ 37
Adapter cable...............................................  147
Cable extension............................................  147
CLS Pro 600 ..................................................... 36
Calibration template ....................................  147 Commissioning
CAN bus distributor......................................  147 Requirements.................................................  74
Connection cable .........................................  147 Components
Installation kit ..............................................  147 Intended use ....................................................  9
Magnet installation set ................................  147 Connectable components............................... 22
Spiral cable...................................................  147 Connection cable .......................................... 147
Actuator Connection diagram
Adapter cable...............................................  147 Application with CCD camera CCD CAM 100.  150
Checking the motor rotation direction ..........  91 Application with CCD camera CCDPro
Connection cable .........................................  147 30000/5000 ............................................  151
Position control..............................................  99 Application with edge sensors .....................  149
Reversing the motor rotation direction ...  78, 91 Contacting BST International ........................ 148
Selecting.........................................................  77
Control panel .................................................. 32
Servo-center position.....................................  96
Software limit switch .....................................  96 Attachment alternatives ................................  49
Stroke limitation ............................................  96 Cable extension......................................  49, 147
Technical specifications .................................  39 Cable routing..................................................  48
with position feedback ..................................  95 Console installation..................................  49, 52
without position feedback .............................  92 Device address ...............................................  83
DIL switches ...................................................  80
Adapter cable................................................ 147
Dimensions ....................................................  33
Additional control keyboard ekr commander  143 Installation .....................................................  49
Ambient conditions ........................................ 27 Installation cut-out ........................................  52
Control panel .................................................  32 Installation kit ........................................  49, 147
Analogue input Magnet attachment ...........................  49, 55, 56
Activating .......................................................  79 Magnet installation set ..........................  49, 147
Analogue inputs.............................................. 28 Power supply .................................................  32
Automatic edge sensor standardization ....... 114 Protection category .......................................  32
Securing hole template..................................  50
Automatic setpoint acceptance.................... 114
Technical specifications .................................  32
Terminating resistor.......................................  86
B Touchscreen display.......................................  32
Turning...........................................................  48
Bus interface................................................... 30 Wall mounting .........................................  49, 50
Weight ...........................................................  32
C Controller........................................................ 19
Analogue inputs .............................................  28
Cable Bus interface ..................................................  30
Connecting .....................................................  59 Connections ...................................................  62
Routing...........................................................  58 Device address ...............................................  82
Cable extension ...................................... 49, 147 Digital inputs ..................................................  29
Calibration template..................................... 147 Digital outputs ...............................................  29
CAN bus distributor ...................................... 147 DIL switches ...................................................  75
CCD camera Dimensions ....................................................  31
Calibration............................................  103, 103 Installation ...............................................  45, 47
Entering position offsets..............................  111 Installation positions......................................  45
Installation position .......................................  25 Message output SystemOK............................  30
Material thickness compensation................  107 Output motor output stage ...........................  29
Material thickness setting............................  110 Power supply .................................................  27
CCD camera calibration ................................ 106 Processor board .............................................  63
Calibration steps ..........................................  103 Protection category .......................................  27
Calibration template ....................................  104 Securing hole template..................................  46

152/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

Service LEDs .................................................  144 Electricians

Space needed to open the housing cover......  46 Qualification...................................................  14
Terminal assignment......................................  64 Electronic remote precision adjustment
Terminal strips .........................................  63, 64 Commissioning.............................................  127
Terminating resistor.......................................  84 EMC suitable wiring ........................................ 60
Weight ...........................................................  31
with additional control panel.........................  20 Emergency ...................................................... 16
with control panel detached..........................  19 Equipment
with control panel fitted ................................  19 Protective.......................................................  17
Controller interlock....................................... 130 Equipotential bonding .................................... 61
Core end sleeve
Use .................................................................  59 F
Customer services......................................... 148
Firewalls.......................................................... 11
Function .......................................................... 20
D Function table
Design ............................................................. 19 Selection ......................................................  131
Device address FVG POS 100 ................................................... 37
Checking.........................................................  82
Controller .................................................  82, 83 G
Digital inputs........................................... 29, 129
Configuration ...............................................  131 Guiding direction
Digital outputs ........................................ 29, 129 Line / contrast guiding .................................  100
Configuration ...............................................  131 Operating mode center positioning...............  95
Reversing .......................................................  77
DIL switch
Setting..........................................................  100
Deactivating evaluation .................................  79 Web edge guiding / web center-line guiding.  100
Overview........................................................  75
Setting DIL switch S4......................................  77
Guiding setpoint
Setting DIL switch S5......................................  78 Parameter set selection ...............................  142
Setting DIL switch S6......................................  79
Setting DIL switch S7......................................  79 I
Use .................................................................  76
DIL switches .............................................. 75, 80 Installation
Control panel .................................................  49
Dimension unit Controller .......................................................  45
Setting............................................................  90
Installation kit ............................................... 147
Installation location ........................................ 44
Control panel .................................................  33
Controller .......................................................  31 Instructed personnel ...................................... 14
Drive Module 160 IR 2011
Connection.....................................................  62 Technical data ................................................  34
IR 2012
Technical data ................................................  35
EC Directive 2011/65 J
so-called RoHS Directive, cfr. RoHS................  40
Edge sensors Jumper
Installation position .......................................  23 Setting jumper JX1 .........................................  81
Technical data ................................................  34
Activating .......................................................  77
Commissioning.............................................  127 Keyboard interlock........................................ 130
EFE 1000
Commissioning.............................................  128 L
Electrical connection
Liability for defects ......................................... 17
Cable routing..................................................  58
Line and contrast sensor CLS Pro 600............. 36
Electrical isolation
Installation position .......................................  24
Activating .......................................................  81

ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual 153/155

Machinery Directive 2006/42/EC ..................... 9 Qualified electricians ...................................... 14
Magnet installation set ................................. 147 Qualified personnel ........................................ 14
Master-Slave guiding
Activating .......................................................  79 R
Material damage............................................... 9
Material setup .............................................. 101 Reference position........................................ 114
Material thickness compensation Reference run ............................................... 114
Performing ...................................................  107 Remote control
Mechanical sensor tracking .......................... 114 Activating .......................................................  78
Inputs ...........................................................  129
Message output SystemOK............................. 21
Interface conditions .....................................  130
Motor rotation direction with external control keyboard ekr commander
Checking.........................................................  91 ................................................................  143
Reversing .................................................  78, 91 Retract mode ................................................ 114
N Restriction of Harzadous Substances.............  40
Nameplates..................................................... 26
O Safety instructions .......................................... 12
Operating company Scope of delivery ............................................ 42
Duties.............................................................  15 Securing hole template
Operating manual Control panel .................................................  50
Distribution ......................................................  7 Controller .......................................................  46
Latest version...................................................  8 Sensor 1
Storage.............................................................  7 Installation position .......................................  23
Sensor 2
Installation position .......................................  23
P Sensor 3
Personnel Installation position .......................................  24
Duties.............................................................  16 Sensor positioner
Instructed personnel......................................  14 Activating automatic edge sensor standardiza-
Qualification...................................................  14 tion .........................................................  118
Plug assignment Activating automatic setpoint acceptance ..  116
Actuator connection ......................................  70 Activating retract mode ...............................  115
Connection of CAN bus participants ..............  72 Commissioning.............................................  113
Power supply .................................................  71 Entering the position offset .........................  119
Position control FVG POS 100 ..................................................  37
Activating .......................................................  99 Setting menu................................................  114
Positioning unit Setting the automatic sensor tracking .........  117
Commissioning.............................................  122 Sensors
Entering the position offset .........................  125 CCD CAM 100.................................................  37
Setting menu................................................  122 CCDPro ...........................................................  37
Utilization.....................................................  121 Definition Sensor 1 / Sensor 2 / Sensor 3 ......  23
Power pack Designation ....................................................  23
Technical specifications .................................  33 IR 2011 ...........................................................  34
Power supply IR 2012 ...........................................................  35
Control panel .................................................  32 Line and contrast sensor CLS Pro 600 ............  36
Controller .................................................  27, 33 Technical data ................................................  34
US 2010..........................................................  36
Processor board.............................................. 63
Service LEDs
Product - Use .................................................... 9 Display of bus status ....................................  146
Protection category Display of device status ...............................  146
Control panel .................................................  32 Overview......................................................  144
Controller .......................................................  27 Status display of controller interlock ...........  146

154/155 ekr 500 digital Unit Touch – Installation and Commissioning Manual

Status display of digital outputs...................  145 Controller .......................................................  31

Status display of message output SystemOK.  146
Status display of power supply ....................  146
Status display of remote control inputs.......  145
Servo center transducer
Selecting.........................................................  77
Setting the gain ..............................................  93
Setting the guiding direction..........................  92
Setup menu
Calling up .......................................................  88
Service displays ..............................................  89
Setting function..............................................  89
Spare parts.................................................... 147
Specialists ....................................................... 14
Spiral cable.................................................... 147
Storage............................................................ 42
Intended use ....................................................  9

Target group ..................................................... 7
Technical data
Edge sensors ..................................................  34
Sensors...........................................................  34
Technical specifications
Actuator .........................................................  39
Ambient conditions........................................  27
Control panel .................................................  32
Power pack ....................................................  33
Terminal assignment ...................................... 64
Terminal strips ................................................ 63
Terminating resistor ....................................... 84
Control panel .................................................  86
Controller .......................................................  84
Touchscreen display ....................................... 32
Transport ........................................................ 41
Truth tables................................................... 131

Unpacking ....................................................... 42
US 2010
Technical specifications .................................  36
Non-intended.................................................  10

Virus Scanners ................................................ 11

Warranty terms .............................................. 17
Control panel .................................................  32

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