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Contributed by Zarkob Martianbeast The Mix-Master Plan

Scanned and compiled by Underdogs

for Home of the Underdogs Hun!" Mario cries. He and Toad dash for the transport tube.
The king tries to follow. Koopa Troopas
pursue him, their grubby hands stretched out.
Mario and Toad leap to save the king, but they
end up tumbling into a crevice.
Clinging with his fingernails, Mario hangs
onto the edge. He can see the Monster Mixer.
Bowser Koopa tosses the king into the mixing
bowl, along with a red Koopa Troopa. The
beaters whirl, the bowl spins, and out comes a
creature with the king's crowned head . . . and
the body of a red turtle!
Mario gasps. "That slimy reptile is making
his own creatures and planning to use them
against the Mushroom Kingdom!"
He looks down to tell Toad—and realizes
what a long drop he's hanging over. "Yow!" he
yells as he tumbles down, down, down!

What will happen to Mario and his friends

now? It's up to you to make the decisions
that will get them through this exciting
Nintendo Adventure Books:
By Bill McCoy

Available from ARCHWAY Paperbacks

Published by POCKET BOOKS
Hew York London Toronto Sydney Tokyo Singapore
Dear Game Player:
You are about to guide me through a great adven-
ture. As you read this book, you will help me decide
where to go and what to do. Whether I succeed or
fail is up to you.
At the end of every chapter, you will make choices
that determine what happens next. Special puzzles
will help you decide what I should do—if you can
solve them. The chapters in this book are in a
special order. Sometimes you must go backward in
order to go forward, if you know what I mean.
Along the way, you'll find many different items to
help me with my quest. When you read that! have
found something, such as a hammer, you'll see a box
like the one below:

AN ARCHWAY PAPERBACK and colophon art- *** Mario now has the hammer. ***
registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster Inc. Turn to page 68.
Primed in the U.S.A.
1L5 + Use page 121 to keep track of the things you collect
and to keep score.
Creative Media Applications, Inc.
Series developed by Dan Oehlsen, Lary Rosenblatt & Barbara Stewart
Art direction by Fabia Wargin Design Good luck!
Cover painting by Greg Wray
Puzzle art by Josie Koehne and Beth Haggart Driplessly yours,
Edited by Eloise Flood

Special thanks to Ruth Ashby, Lisa Clancy, Paolo Pepe Mario

& George Sinfield
urry, hur-ry! Step right up to the Koopa
and Kailey Circus." The barker's voice bellows
over cheerful circus music.
Mario twirls the ends of his black mustache
as he looks at the weird creatures in the
sideshow tents. "It's nice to see all these mon-
sters behind bars for a change," he says.
"When they're not, they're usually chasing us."
Ever since they found the pipe that leads
from their Brooklyn plumbing shop to the mag-
ical Mushroom Kingdom, Mario and his
younger brother, Luigi, have come up against
more strange creatures than they could count.
The Mushroom Kingdom is full of them, from
its own fungoid citizens to the evil turtle
hordes who are constantly trying to take over
the kingdom. The Super Mario Bros, are often
called upon to save the day.
This day, though, everything is quiet. Mario
and Luigi look forward to a fun visit.

"I'm hungry," Luigi mumbles through a "I have an idea," says little Toad, the royal
mouthful of popcorn. "Let's get some cotton mushroom retainer. "Let's go to that tent over
there and have a souvenir picture taken." A
"All you care about is your stomach," Mario sign outside the tent says, SNAPSHOTS OF YOU
tells his tall, skinny brother.
WITH THE RICH AND FAMOUS: Inside, Mario sees
"That's not true!" Luigi is very offended. "I life-sized cardboard cutouts of the king, the
also like the tightrope walkers and the trapeze princess—even himself!
The friends line up in front of a camera so
"I like the clowns," the ruler of the huge, the photographer is hidden behind it.
Mushroom Kingdom pipes up. His plump little Before they can even pose, he shouts,
hands comb popcorn crumbs out of his beard. "Okaynowsmile!" A blinding flash goes off.
"They're funny!"
Mario blinks his eyes, trying to make the
"Humph," says his pretty daughter, Prin- green and red stars go away. "Hey!" he shouts
cess Toadstool. "I don't see what's so funny when his vision finally clears. "Something's
about clowns. They're always throwing pies in
people's faces. What a mess!" She adjusts the
little golden crown on her hair. "I think we Solve this puzzle to find out what Mario means:
should have had a flower show instead."
• Here's what the photographer's tent looked
"But, dear, this is an important science like, before—and after—the flash. How puz-
exhibit." The king sounds as if he has memo- zling! Some of the things in picture one are
rized this speech. "The circus has all kinds of missing in picture two. Help Mario figure out
strange animals, like a mix between a Chain how many objects are missing.
Chomp and a Ptooey."
"Science, schmience." The princess wrinkles
her dainty nose. "Who wants to look at more

"Okay," says Toad. He and Mario flop down
on the hill, "I think this is hopeless," the royal
mushroom retainer adds.
Mario smacks a floating block and three
coins fly out. "I think we figured this wrong,"
he sighs, scratching his head.
"Sshh!"Toad says. "Did you hear that? It's
a bird, it's a crane, it's Super—oops." He blush-
es. "Wrong story."
Mario hears a faint thwip-thwip! Then, in
the distance, he spots the Monster Mixer.
"Aha!" He runs after it, counting as he goes.
"What are you doing?" Toad pants.
"Estimating how far away the Monster
If you think there are four things missing, Mixer is," Mario explains. "I'm using an old
turn to page 84.
plumber's formula for finding gurgles in
If you think there are five things missing, drains. Three, four, five ..."
turn to page 108.
If you think there are six things missing, *** Mario collects 3 coins. ***
turn to page 116.
Turn to page 49.
4 5
atch out!" Toad yells suddenly.
Mario looks down. A Chomp-Muncher is
about to snap off the toe of his shoe!
"Yikes!" Mario leaps into the air and crash-
es into a stone block floating overhead. With a
jingling sound, two gold coins fly loose. Mario
is glad to keep the change, but it doesn't solve
his immediate problem.
"What was that about finding another way
out?" he asks. The Chomp-Munchers are
clacking closer and closer.
"Maybe this wall here will help." Toad
points at the side next to the passage. 'There's
a coded message on it." *** Mario collects 2 coins. ***
Solve this puzzle to see what happens next: If Mario has found a hammer, and you think
he should use it to smash the whole place
• There's a secret message in these stones, but down, turn to page 111.
Mario needs your help to decipher it. Can you If Mario doesn't have a hammer, or you think
help him and his friends to escape? the coded message means something else,
turn to page 11.

6 7
Solve this puzzle to find out what happens:
• Mario has his hands full with these mixed-
up creatures! Can you find the two who are
exactly alike?

"We can't waste time while that monster

has Luigi!" Mario shouts as he races forward.
Suddenly, he freezes. The valley ahead is
ful! of strange-looking troops. The few normal
creatures in the ranks are far outnumbered by
mutants, like Goombas with Piranha plant
heads, Firesnakes with Beezo bodies, and
Koopa Troopas with Goomba heads.
"Goomby! Foomby!" shouts a Goomba
Troopa. "Look over there!"
They've seen us!" the king quavers.
"Don't sweat it, Sire," Mario says. "I recog-
nized the names of their leaders, the
Goombada twins, Goomby and Foomby. If I
can take care of them, the rest will scatter."
He dashes toward the army and returns in a
moment, juggling four Goomba prisoners. ''I If you think A and C are alike, turn to page 51.
have to figure out which two are twins," he If you think B and D ate alike, turn to page 82.
pants. "The other two are Goombombs, and
they're about to blow sky high!"

8 9
en, eleven, twelve—" Mario says. ll goes down.' I'm not sure what that
"You're still counting?" Toad asks. He rolls means," Toad says thoughtfully.
his eyes. Then he turns pale. "Eep," he says, "It's right in front of you," Mario says. "'To
and points to the sky.
get out, all goes down!' We've got to knock
Mario looks up, too. "I didn't count on this," everything down." He tugs his red plumber's
he gulps.
cap down firmly over his hair. "This will take
The shadow of an enormous flying turtle—a some headwork."
Soopa Koopa Paratroopa—falls over them. Toad stares at the mysterious message.
The Soopa Paratroopa is on top of Mario and "Wait, Mario. Did you notice this? The word
Toad before they know it. They have no place 'all' in the message is on one block of stone."
to run, nowhere to hide.
"So?" Mario says. He backs up, then runs at
They crouch in horror as the huge figure the wall, using his head as a battering ram.
swoops down. They can't possibly fight a thing "Ouch. Ow!"
that big. Enormous claws reach down, closer "What if 'all' doesn't mean everything?" Toad
and closer to the horrified victims! muses. "What if it only means the block with
the word 'all' on it?"
Turn to page 26. Mario stops in mid-charge and straightens
up, smashing a floating block that releases two
gold coins. He rubs his head. "Maybe you
have a point," he says. "Let's take a look."
10 11
They poke and pry at the stone with the The contraption whirs ominously as it zooms
word 'all' on it. There's a grating sound. along. Dozens of strange creatures come flying
It's not easy, but at last they get it down, out out of the bowl at its back.
of the wall. Mario pokes his head through the "There's a Koopa Troopa with a Chain
hole. There's a tunnel here. It leads out of the Chomp head!" cries Toad.
chamber. Let's go!" "And a Buzzy Beetle with Goomba feet,"
One by one, they wiggle through the hole in Mario says. "You know, we've been bumping
the wall. And just in time. The Chomp- into a lot of mixed-up monsters lately."
Muncher creatures have pulled themselves Toad agrees. "They must be coming from
right out of their flowerpots! Mario, the king that machine." He turns pale. "And it's com-
and Toad race down the tunnel. ing toward us!"
"I'm glad we got away at all," says the king. "I think we should stay inside the cave,"
"Or is that through all?" His face lights up. "I Mario says.
think I just made a joke! Get it? Through 'all?' There's a pipe ahead of us. This cave smells
The stone said ..."
like old socks," Toad objects.
"We got it!" Mario and Toad both shout. "Whatever we do," says the king, "let's do it
Ahead of them, the passage gets brighter. fast. The machine has landed!"
"Here's the exit!" Mario shouts.
"It's nicer to be outside than in," says the *** Mario collects 2 coins. ***
king. There's fresh air, and sunshine, and a
If you think they should stay in the cave,
weird machine flying toward us." turn to page 118.
Toad and Mario both whip around to see
If you think they should run for the tube,
where the king is looking. Sure enough, a turn to page 71.
machine is flying through the sky. It looks as if
two helicopters got blended together with a
giant, old-fashioned kitchen mixer.

12 13
Solve this puzzle to see what happens:
* Can Mario and his friends zig-zag through
the maze while staying away from the ham-
mers? Help them find the best way. And re-
member, there's no turning back on the paths.

kay," Mario says in annoyance. "Who

wants to go to the big top?"
Sure enough, the king and Luigi raise their
hands. So do all the clowns.
"But—but—but—" Mario sputters.
"Do I hear a motorboat?" says the king.
They hurry to the red-and-white-striped cir-
cus tent, barging in right in the middle of a jug-
gling act. The mushrooms in the audience all
look scared. And the jugglers look unpleasant-
ly familiar.
The Hammer Brothers!" Luigi exclaims.
As soon as they see Mario and his friends,
the giant turtle twins send hammers flying in
their direction. Zing! One of them narrowly
misses Luigi. Zang! Another whips past the
king. Flop! Mario drops to the ground as a
third skims his ear.
"Don't let the hammers squash you!" Mario
If you ended up at the clown, tun to page 92.
yells. "Zig-zag!"
If you ended up at the turtle, turn to page 30.
14 15
"We'll try number one," Mario declares. ario kicks a block of stone toward the
Immediately, three gold coins fall into his Chomp-Munchers. It sends them flying. That
outstretched hand. Then without warning, the bowled 'em over," he laughs. The king
wind starts blowing hard. applauds as a killer flower whizzes over his
"Hey!" Toad cries, spinning around. head. It hits the wall behind him and poofs out
"This must be magic wind!" Mario bawls as of existence.
they whiz in a tight circle. Then the whole wall begins to glow!
Whoosh! The wind shrieks, then suddenly "Look," says Toad. "Pictures!"
dies. Mario and Toad find themselves standing Here's what they see:
in a big field. "Hey! I know where we are,"
Mario declares. "Koopa's Castle. I'd recognize
those moldy walls anywhere." He turns happi-
ly to Toad. Then he gasps.
A horde of Koopa creatures is moving like a
tidal wave, straight for them!
"Run!" Toad shrieks.

*** Mario collects 3 coins.***

Turn to page 119.
"It's like that game where you turn over
cards and match the pictures on the other
16 17
side," Mario says. "But these cards are already "Look, the hammer card in the lower left cor-
turned over!" ner is opening like a door!" Mario cries. "Am I
Suddenly there's a blinding flash. When supposed to go through? Boy, what a choice!
Mario can see again, the wall looks like this: What should I do?"

If Mario has found a hammer and you think

he should use it to smash his way out,
turn to page 111.
If you think Mario needs a hammer, send him
through the magic door and turn to page 30.
If you think he should look at whatever Toad
is talking about, turn to page 6.

Glowing letters suddenly appear: NOTICE

"Well, I'll be a plumber's helper!" Mario
exclaims. 'Two cards have moved. That ham-
mer is where a coin used to be."
"I think some mushrooms and stars changed
places," Toad says. "But look over here at this
wall. There's another message."
"No, I understand the hint," Mario says. "I
should use a hammer to knock my way out."
"I really think you should read this," Toad
says, tugging on Mario's arm. But the excited
plumber ignores him.
18 19
"Why hang around?" Mario says. "It's a We'll go by Paratroopa Express," Mario
black and white choice. The easiest route is says, smiling.
the way out. Come on." The Soopa Paratroopa has to run a bit to
Toad looks dubious as they head down a pas- build up the speed to fly. This takes the enor-
sageway. It leads to another, and another, and mous creature right past Mario and Toad's
finally ends in a big metal door that looks as if hiding place. They jump, and land right on the
Bowser stole it from a bank. creature's back. It's so big, it doesn't even
Mario raps the polished steel with his fist. notice them.
"All we have to do is get through this, and Looking down from on top of a creature fif-
we're out of here." teen times taller than they are is scary. "That's
The door isn't locked, but it's very, very a long drop," Toad squeaks.
heavy. After much tugging, pulling and grunt- The drop becomes a lot bigger when the
ing, it finally swings open. Soopa Paratroopa starts flapping its wings.
"Oh, Mario," Toad says reproachfully. Soon they're high in the sky, and the world
Oh, no! They've opened the secret entrance below looks more like a map than the land they
to the Magma Pits. And hot lava isn't good for know.
the complexion! The ground scrolls by rapidly underneath
them. At times, the Soopa Paratroopa is flying
GAME OVER! so fast, they can't make anything out.
Everything is just a blur.

20 21
Finally, Mario sees a familiar landmark.
"Don't worry, little friend," he tells Toad.
"We're getting close. Keep an eye out for a big
hill. Koopa's Castle is right beyond it."
"Great!" chirps Toad, glad the ride is over.
"We'll land right at his front door." He looks at
the ground, far below. "But how do we get well keep going if you say so, Mario,"
down?" Toad agrees.
"We'll jump," Mario says. No sooner do Mario and Toad start toward
Toad turns green. "Isn't there some other the tanks than they're spotted. Turrets turn on
way?" he quavers. them, and Koopa cannons belch spitballs.
Mario pulls out a wrench from his overalls The two heroes flop to the ground, rolling
pocket. "It's a desperate move," he says grave- down the hillside. Bullet Bills whistle over
ly. "But if you really want me to do it, I'll try to their heads.
force this beast down." "Look! There they are!" one of the flying
missiles screams. "Get them!"
If you think they should wait for a good "I can't turn," another missile yells. "Can
moment to jump, turn to page 41. you?"
If you think they should try to force the Trust those fools to use the wrong kind of
creature down, turn to page 93. ammunition," complains the first bullet.
"Watch out! We're going off the scree—"
His words cut off as he vanishes. But many
more Bullet Bills come whizzing toward Mario
and Toad, who take cover in a small hole in the
ground. Mario gets an idea from the two stone
walls that rise up on either side of the hole.

22 23
He leaves their foxhole, and returns a
moment later with a prisoner—a Koopa Troopa
shell. "It has a Goomba head and feet," he
explains to Toad. "But they're pulled in."
Mario starts the turtle shell bouncing
between the two walls. The first block it hits
sends off two gold coins. Even better, as Bullet
Bills whiz by, they hit the shell and blow up.
"How many of those talking bullets are
there?" Toad asks. "I can't even see to count
them all."
"It's a puzzle," Mario says. "Let's count."

Solve this puzzle to find out

where to turn next:
* How many Bullet Bills do you see whizzing
around this picture? Count all the ones you
can find. It's not as easy as it looks!

*** Mario collects 2 coins. ***

If you think there are 12, turn to page 10.
If you think there are 10, turn to page 49.

24 25
It seems that being mixed-up isn't healthy.
A lot of feathers are falling from the Soopa
Paratroopa's huge wings.
One feather falls past Mario, and he grabs
it. "My secret weapon!" he cries.
"What are you going to do with it?" Toad
otcha!" The Soopa Koopa Paratroopa asks. "Hey, maybe you should wave it under
grabs Mario in one claw and Toad in the other, the monster's noses and make it sneeze. It
before they have a chance to make a move! might drop us."
"Thought I wouldn't see you, huh?" the mon- "Maybe." Mario considers for a moment.
ster asks. Its wings flap, carrying Mario and "Or maybe I should use it to tickle the monster
Toad ever higher. They pass through clouds, and make it put us down."
and finally come to an open spot where they
can look down—and down—and down. 11 you think he should try to tickle the Soopa
The view is lovely, but Mario isn't sure he Paratroopa, turn to page 93.
likes seeing it while clutched in somebody's If you think should try to make the creature
claw. What if the Soopa Paratroopa were to sneeze, turn to page 34,
drop him?
"Hmmmm," the intrepid plumber thinks. "If
I could make this monster let me go at the
right time . . . But how?"
After a while, one of the Soopa Paratroopa's
three heads speaks up. "I'm getting tired," it
announces. "Let's fly closer to the ground."
"I'm bushed, too," another head agrees. "The
Monster Mixer takes a lot out of you."

Solve this puzzle to see what Mario
is up against:
• Help Mario find the mixed-up monsters in
this cave. How many are there?

"It's a tunnel, all right," Mario says, peering

in. The passage twists and turns, leading the
friends farther into the ground.
The deeper they go, the brighter the odd,
golden glow around them becomes. "I hope
this leads to someplace good," says Toad.
Suddenly, the passage opens into a huge
chamber. "Wow!" Mario exclaims. It's full of
coins! The gold is glowing so much, it makes
the whole place as bright as day.
Then the plumber frowns. He knows there's
almost always a trap in a coin room.
Aha! Mario spots a Muncher plant. Or is it
a Chain Chomp? He strains for a better look.
The creature has the head of a Chain Chomp,
like a bowling ball with fangs.
"Holy hosepipes! It's a Muncher bottom
If you think there are five mixed-up monsters,
with a Chain Chomp top!" Mario cries. "I'm
turn to page 99.
not going in until I know how many of those
If you think there are seven, turn to page 36.
mixed-up monsters are around."

28 29
coins fly out of a seemingly solid block.
"Yippee!" Mario yells, landing a punch to a
third block. The other Hammer Brother takes
a clumsy dive. He lands on his padded helmet.
Poof! He vanishes.
Mario turns to his friends, who are standing
ario takes a step forward. A hammer by the entrance. "Fancy footwork," says the
comes flying at his head. Then comes another, king admiringly.
and another. Mario dashes over to his friends, then stops
"Yipe!" he exclaims. "I didn't bargain for as a treasure chest floats down from the sky.
this!" He dodges madly back and forth. In "Hey, that's right," he says. "I beat the
front of him, the Hammer Brothers stand on a Hammer Brothers. I get a prize."
floating stone platform, juggling their deadly He opens the chest, to find a big hammer.
spinning hammers. "Just what I need," Mario says, pleased. He
Mario zigs and zags, charging ahead. tucks the hammer into a spacious overall pock-
Hammers whiz past him, missing by barely et. Then he gives the box a kick, just in case it
half a hair. still contains hidden treasure.
He reaches the platform in a storm of
whirling hammers. The stone blocks float *** Mario collects 2 coins, and he now has a
magically over his head, the way blocks always hammer. ***
float in the Mushroom Kingdom. Mario jumps, Turn to page 82.
punches . . . there goes a block, and one
Hammer Brother with it!
Leaping over a low-flying hammer, Mario
bounces around, then throws another punch.
He's rewarded by a tinkly sound as two gold

An army of mixed-up creatures pours out of
the bowl. Mario sees a gasping Cheep Cheep
head on a Koopa Troopa body, a Piranha plant
with Paratroopa wings, and a very nervous-
looking Goomba head topping off a Bob-omb.
Mario doesn't wait to see more. "Run!" he
"I guess six coins are enough. Let's leave." cries. Then he skids to a stop, looking over his
Mario leads the way to another tunnel, jingling shoulder. "Oh, no! The king!"
his golden treasure as he walks. The farther "What's he doing there?" Toad moans.
they get from the coin room, the darker the The king is doing what the king does best:
tunnel becomes. Finally, they're walking along getting into trouble. He's running dangerously
in pitch blackness. close to a deep crevice in the ground, with a
All of a sudden, they turn a corner and step bunch of Koopa creatures in hot pursuit.
into sunshine. "We're out of the cave!" Toad "I'm so confused!" Mario wails. "How did the
says happily, blinking in the light. king get there? What do we do?"
"I can hardly see." Mario cocks an ear.
"What's that funny whirring noise?"
If you think Mario should fight the Koopas to
The thwip-thwip! comes from a huge save the king, turn to page 38.
machine landing in front of them. It has rotors
If you think he, Toad and the king should race
like a helicopter, but the rest of it looks more the Koopas and escape, turn to page 71.
like a kitchen mixer, with beaters and a huge
bowl on the hack.
A weird wave of dizziness oozes from the
contraption, leaving Mario all mixed up.
"What is that machine?" he gasps. "It looks like
a souped-up Mixmaster."

Solve this puzzle to find out what happens:
• Can Mario make it to Koopa's Castle? Look
for one straight line that leads right through the
sleeping guards—if you can find it!

ah," Mario says after a minute. "I like

your plan better, Toad." He waits until they're
passing a tall hill, deep in Koopa territory.
Then he flings the feather under the Soopa
Paratroopa's mammoth nostrils.
It works! Three different voices chime in.
The huge monster's sneeze sounds like a
clap of thunder. It's so strong, it actually jars
Mario and Toad loose. They fall to the hilltop
and roll into some bushes, where they hide
until the Soopa Paratroopa flies off.
They sneak along the hill until the outer
wall of Bowser's castle is in sight. There are
lots of guards, but they're all asleep.
"How can we get past without waking up all
those Goomba guards?" Toad asks.
"I don't know," Mario admits. "Let's rest for If you think it can be done, turn to page 48.
a moment while I think up a plan."
If you think there's no way to get past the
Goomba guards, turn to page 5.

Mario steps into the tunnel. Beady eyes
peer out at him. "Excuse me," he says.
Clack! Jagged teeth snap, inches away from
his nose. A round, black head surrounded by
shiny leaves snarls at him. "Roar!"
"Yikes! Weird monsters!" Mario shouts. He
"Seven!" says Mario. Suddenly he finds his dashes back to Toad and the king.
legs pumping madly in thin air. He plummets Now they hear the clack-clack! of hungry
until he hits a stony floor. Someone lands on jaws. The first of the monsters appears. It has
top of him. "Ow!" he grumbles. "Luigi, get off!" a Chain Chomp head, like a nasty bowling ball
"Luigi isn't here. It's me," Toad says. with teeth. But instead of being chained down,
Mario stands up. "Sorry," he says. "Usually this head is on a flexible Muncher plant stalk!
Luigi lands on me." More Chomp-Munchers appear. They
Flop! Mario gets flattened again, this time stretch toward the friends, chomping away.
by the king. "I thought we were goners," the "Is there another exit?" Toad quavers.
king says, mopping his brow. "But where have Mario rolls up his sleeves. "We need some
we gone to?" pest control," he says to his friends.
Meanwhile, Mario looks up hopefully. "I
don't think Luigi is coming," says Toad. *** Mario collects 2 coins. ***
"Then let's explore," Mario says. "Luigi can If you think Mario should try to get rid of the
take care of himself." He leaps up and bangs monsters, turn to page 17.
into a stone block. Two shiny gold coins fly out. If you think they should try to find some other
The plumber pockets the coins and looks way out, turn to page 6.
around. They're in an underground room, sur-
rounded by stone walls. A pitch-black passage
is the only way out.

36 37
only thing to do is fight!" Mario cries. It's a tough choice, but...
He leaps into action. "We'll follow Luigi," Mario decides. "Maybe
Unfortunately, his way is blocked by more that will lead us to the princess."
than a million Koopa creatures. They swarm The three friends can see the Soopa
all around the heroic plumber. Mario does his Paratroopa flapping away across the weird
best, bopping and hopping, jumping and landscape of floating platforms and transport
thumping. But even the greatest hero gets tube tops. But the creature is far above the
tired after a while. highest point they can reach. It looks like a
Mario thinks about how simple life was in medium-size cloud. Lemmy Koopa's laughter
Brooklyn. "All I had to worry about was is only a faint giggle.
blocked drains," he says mournfully, as he Keeping his eyes on the escaping monster,
jumps over a skittering blue snapping turtle. Mario plunges down the hillside.
A Cheep Cheep head with a Firesnake body "Mario, watch out for that rock! You're going
swoops down just as Mario lands. to-whoooahr The king and Toad manage to
"Hot seat for Mario!" the creature says. stop Mario from going off a sheer cliff. But,
Whoops! staring upward all the time, Mario pulls them
down a steep slope at top speed.
GAME OVER! Even as they rush on, the Soopa Paratroopa
is outpacing them. With each beat of the crea-
ture's wings, they fall farther behind.

38 39
The Soopa Paratroopa—with Lemmy and
Luigi—is just a tiny dot in the sky now. Mario
zooms after it like a guided missile. He doesn't
notice that he's thumping and bumping
through a rocky valley.
"Mario," Toad says. "Mario? Mario!"
Finally, he yanks Mario's hand, digs in his feet "Let's go for the front door," Mario says to
and brings his flying friend to a halt. Toad. "Geronimo!"
"What is it?" Mario pants. Together, they drop to the ground, then scut-
The royal mushroom retainer points to a wall
tle forward.
of rock where the valley curves. "Maybe we "It wasn't easy," Mario whispers. "But we
should see what's in that crack over there before made it to Koopa's Castle."
charging ahead. It might be a cave, or a tunnel. Toad looks doubtfully at the door. "The
And it might have something useful in it!" question is, how do we get in?"
Mario sighs. Since the last time he was here
If you think they should check before they to rescue the princess, Bowser Koopa has put a
charge, turn to page 28. new lock on the door! This one is made of two
If you think they should rush ahead so they geared wheels. Each has Bowser's lumpy pro-
won't lose sight of Luigi, turn to page 8.
file on it.
"I've read about this in the Daily
Mushroom," Toad says. "You roll the left-hand
wheel around the right-hand wheel. If you can
figure out which way the picture on the left-
hand wheel will end up, the door will open.
But you have to guess correctly."
"Sounds complicated." Mario rummages in

40 41
his pockets for something to smash the door,
"Maybe I should just knock it down."
"No! That's too noisy," Toad objects. He
squints at the lock. "I think the picture of
Bowser would end upside down."
"I think he'll be rightside up," says Mario.
"But enough guessing." He reaches for the
wheel. "Let's find out!"

Solve this puzzle to find out:

• To unlock the gate, roll wheel A around the
edge of wheel B. When wheel A reaches the
other side of wheel B, which way will the por-
trait of Bowser on wheel A face?

If you think Bowser will look like choice 1,

turn to page 112.
If you think Bowser will look like choice 2,
turn to page 44.

42 43
terrible. I used all my tissues—and
Luigi's—getting this chair clean enough to sit
on." The princess is obviously upset. "And look
what that dreadful Bowser did to Daddy!"
A little late, Mario realizes there's a guard in
the cell. The thing has the king's pudgy face
a little fiddling, the wheel drops into and onion-shaped crown, on top of the rotund
place and the doors swing open. "See?" Mario body of a red Koopa Troopa.
says to Toad. "I told you Bowser would end "Your Majesty! You're all mixed up!" Mario
rightside up." cries, shocked.
They creep through the dark castle, search- "Don't mind me. I'm used to it," the king-
ing for their friends. Mixed-up guards are Troopa says serenely. He looks at the princess.
everywhere. There are traps to watch out for, "Dear, Mario might like to rescue his brother
like slime cannons and lava pits, as well as the before any mixing begins."
perils of Koopa housekeeping. "Ow!" Mario "Right," the princess says. "Mario, Bowser's
cries as he stumbles. That's the first time I've going to put Luigi hi his Mixer!"
ever tripped over dust." "Sufferm' sumpwater! I've got to save him!"
There is also a reward. When Mario trips, Mario says. He thinks for a moment. "But
he hits his head on a block in the floor, which maybe I should rescue you first."
spits out six shiny coins.
At last Mario and Toad find Princess *** Mario collects 6 coins. ***
Toadstool's prison. It's a grungy cell piled high If you think Mario should rush to Luigi's
with newspapers. From the smell, Mario rescue, turn to page 70.
guesses they were once used to wrap fish. If you think he should help the others before
"Mario! Toad! You're here to rescue us. he looks for his brother, turn to page 97.
How wonderful!" cries the princess. "It's been

44 45
super-duper plumbers dance on their heads
two at a time. Lemmy faints dead away when
he sees Mario and Luigi coming for him.
Bowser dives behind his throne.
The power plumbers leap onto the Monster
Mixer, and start tap-dancing on that. In sec-
"You hit it!" Luigi yells. "Now jump, Mario!" onds, the awful machine is nothing but a pile of
The Starman, a glowing blue star, drifts down scrap iron.
into the mixer bowl as the brothers leap in. If When the Super-Duper Marios finally turn
they can touch the Starman, they'll be unbeat- to Bowser, he's nowhere in sight. "Rats!"
able! exclaims the Luigi head. "He had a secret exit
The bowl turns for a moment, then stops behind the throne."
with an awful crash. Two heads poke out of a "So I see." The Mario head peers behind the
huge crack. It's Mario and Luigi. "Hey!" Mario throne and wrinkles its nose. "There are about
says. "Two heads are better than one." fifteen years of leftovers piled to the ceiling."
They leap out, to reveal that they share the Then the Mario head smiles. "Oh, well, well
same body! The double plumber is as tall as get him next time. For now, we need to find a
two Luigis, and it blinks with the light of invin- way to un-mix the creatures from the Monster
cibility that the Starman gives the Mario Bros. Mixer."
When the Koopa army sees the Super- Princess Toadstool looks thoughtful. "Maybe
Duper Mario Bros., they panic. "Run! Hide!" a soup-strainer..." she suggests.
scream the Troopas, scrambling over each
other to escape. Chaos reigns. A Koopa *** Mario collects 20 coins. ***
Troopa sails into the air and hits another float- GAME OVER. YOU WIN!
ing block. Twenty gold coins fly out!
The Koopa kids try to put up a fight, but the

46 47
Mario and Toad tiptoe through the sleeping rat!" Mario says. "I lost count."
guards. They're almost to the castle when they Then he and Toad hear an odd sound right
hear loud voices singing: overhead. They look up to see a Bob-omb with
Koopa, Koopa, rah, rah, rah! desperately fluttering Buzzy Beetle wings
Koopa, Koopa, sis-boom-bah! plunging toward them.
Who's the meanest one of all? "I think this calls for more than a 'Drat!'"
Koopa! Koopa! That's our call! says Toad. "How about Aaaaaagh?"
The silly song warns Mario that more Koopa Mario smiles confidently. "How about
troops are corning. He quickly grabs three 'punt!'" Before the Buzz-Bomb lands, he kicks
coins from one of the sleeping soldiers. "We'd it sky-high. Then he and Toad peek over a low
better hide, Toad!" stone wall to see it fall in the middle of an
Toad glances around. "All I see is a pile of advancing army of mixed-up Koopa creatures.
rocks ahead of us, and a patch of bushes A Koopa Troopa with a Piranha plant's flower-
behind us. Which should we choose?" pot bottom hops madly away from the impact
***Mario collects 3 coins.*** The Buzz-Bomb hits with a kaboom! and
If you think they should head for the rocks, part of the advancing army disappears. A tur-
turn to page 88. tle shell flies off from the blast and ricochets off
If you think they should head for the bushes, a floating block. A gold coin flies out, right into
turn to page 103. Mario's hand.
"That's one up for us, and forty-seven down
for the Koopas," he says. But the army keeps
"This looks bad," Mario says.
"Right," Toad agrees. "And gee, isn't it get-
ting kind of dark?"
Mario looks up to see what's gotten in the ario tosses two Goombas in the air.
way of the sun. He gulps loudly. Kaboom! They explode. "Yipe!" Mario yells as
Swooping down on them is an enormous Goombomb shrapnel shoots through the air.
Soopa Koopa Paratroopa. The flying turtle is 'You're it," he tells his two remaining cap-
fifteen times bigger than they are! tives. "Take that!" He juggles them so they
"It's another one of Bowser's ridiculous crea- crash together. Clonk! They fall unconscious
tures!" Mario yells. "Hit the dirt!" to the ground.
"It's going to get us!" Toad screams. "Run for "Let go! Unhand me, I say!" someone
your life!" shouts. Mario glances up from his knocked-
out enemies to see real trouble. Two Koopa
*** Mario collects 1 coin. *** Troopas have grabbed the king!
If you think they should hit the dirt, turn to "Cut it out now!" cries the struggling
page 76. monarch. "Let me go! Ooooh! Whoo! Hoo!
If you think they should run, turn to page 119. Hahahahahaha! That tickles!"
"That's vicious!" Mario is shocked.
The king tries to fight, but the Troopas tickle
him into submission. By the time Mario strug-
gles through a wall of enemies, the two turtle
bullies have carried the king off, still laughing

"What are we going to do?" Toad cries. "Heh, heh, heh," Bowser rubs his hands as
"There's a cave over there." Mario points to a he gloats over his prisoner.
crevice in the valley wall. "Let's run for cover. "How do you like my boy Iggy's newest
Then well talk about how to rescue the king." invention?" he asks the king. "I call it my
Koopa Troopas and other creatures try to Monster Mixer. Put two people in, and they
block the way. But Mario and Toad manage to come out as one, monstrously mixed up."
dodge their enemies till they reach' the cave The king shrugs scornfully. "Who needs a
mouth. Now the mixed-up troops can only machine for that?" he says. '"Im always all
come at them from one direction. mixed up."
Mario tosses a turtle shell away. It strikes a Bowser pays no attention. Instead, he
floating block, and three gold coins fly over to points to his crazy-looking troops. "I've been
Mario's pocket. doing a little experimenting. But now I'm
Suddenly, from overhead, they hear a thwip- ready to start my master plan. I'm going to
thwip-thwip! sound. Then Mario sees a use the mixer on the Mushroom Kingdom!"
strange, enormous flying machine land on the He starts up the mixer, and the bowl starts
valley floor. "Ill be!" he exclaims. "It looks like spinning. A weird wave of dizziness spreads
my Mom's old kitchen mixer. A bit bigger, out in all directions. Even in their hiding
though." place, Mario and Toad are hit by it. Suddenly,
Out of the cockpit hops someone tall, green, Mario feels horribly mixed up. It's all he can
and scaly. It's Bowser Koopa, the evil king of do to remember his own name!
the turtles! He tips his crown at a jaunty angle "Setting up my circus near your castle gave
and slides down the machine. my kid Lemmy a chance to sneak in and kid-
When they see him, Bowser's mixed-up nap people," Bowser shouts over the clanking
troops rush to the turtle king. machinery. He continues, "I have a special
"Boss! Boss!" yell the two Troopas carrying experiment in mind for you, King." He turns to
the king. "Look what we got!" his troops. "Where's Elmo?"

52 53
Smiling evilly, he explains, "Red Koopa
Troopas are very stupid, and Elmo is the
dimmest of them all. I was wondering what
would happen if I mixed you and Elmo."
"Oh, no!" Toad whispers, wincing.
All the troops crowd around eagerly.
Toad stares at the Koopa creatures. "I guess kay," Mario says to the king-Troopa.
we should wait here and see what happens," he "Show us the way."
says. "Maybe we'll get a chance to rescue The king-Troopa leads the group on some
everybody who's been kidnapped." high-speed sneaking. Whenever they come to a
Mario shakes his head. The dizziness wave bend in the passage, they take only a second for
still has him all mixed up. "Bowser and his a quick peek, then scurry along. Around them
troops have forgotten about us," he says to they hear the constant clatter of turtle feet.
Toad. "I think we should rescue the king." "This is risky," Mario objects. "What hap-
pens if we find a locked door in front of us and
*** Mario collects 3 coins. *** a bunch of guards behind?"
If you think they should save the king, "We're about to find out," the princess says,
turn to page 38. pushing fruitlessly against a pair of big metal
If you think they should stay put, gates blocking the way. The sound of marching
turn to page 77. feet comes closer.
"It's a trick lock," the king-Troopa explains.
The design on the gate is a portrait of Bowser,
drawn by Abstracto Tortuga, the great turtle
artist. If you can trace the whole picture with-
out lifting your pen, the door will open. But
you have to start at the right place." The king-

Troopa frowns. "Now, let me see if I can Solve this puzzle to see what happens:
remember where to start. Is it the tip of the
• There's only one place where Mario can
crown? Or the bottom of Bowser's nose?"
begin tracing each line of the picture without
"I'll figure that part out, your Majesty," lifting his pencil, and without going over a line
Mario says impatiently. "Is there anything else
twice. Can you help him find it?
I need?"
The king-Troopa looks slightly offended.
"Well, of course," he sniffs, "you need just the
right gold pen."
"What kind of pen?" Toad asks.

If Mario hasn't found a golden pen in his

travels, turn to page 94.
If he has, go on to the puzzle below.

If you think Mario should begin at Point A,

turn to page 86.
If you think Mario should begin at Point B,
turn to page 112.
56 57
"We need a fresh start," Mario says. He "Let's head for the hills," Mario says. He
presses the RESET button. turns. "What are you doing, Luigi?"
Snap! Crackle! Mario and Toad feel aw if His brother is running around in circles and
giant spiders are running up and down their flapping his arms. "Oh," he says, embarrassed.
bodies. "Help!" Toad wails. "I forgot I wasn't wearing a flying suit. I was
Suddenly everything goes black. A crushing trying to take off."
weight comes down on Mario's head. With a "Brilliant, drain-brain," Mario laughs. "We
groan, he passes out cold. left our flying gear in Brooklyn. The only way
When he conies to again, he and Toad are at up is by foot." He points to the tall hill beyond
the Mushroom Kingdom fairgrounds. Luigi, the the circus. "Up there, well have a view of all
king and Princess Toadstool are standing near- the land around here."
by, admiring a weird-looking monster in a cage. Luigi sighs. "Let's start climbing."
Mario's mind is blank. He can't remember The circus music has become faint and far-
anything that just happened to him. "What away by the time they reach the hilltop.
are we doing here?" he asks Toad. "Why, the people at the circus look like ants
Toad shrugs. "I don't even know where from up here!" the king exclaims, peering
we've been. But, boy, am I tired!" down.
"Your Majesty, those are ants." Toad turns
Turn to page 1. the king around. "There's the circus."
Mario cups his hands around his eyes, and

58 59
tries to see into the distance. "There's a bunch
of Pidgits flying in circles down the slope from
us," he reports. "No sign of the princess,
though. What do you see, Luigi?"
Luigi shrugs. "Just a big cloud in the dis-
tance. Hmmm, that's funny . . . the cloud is
moving against the wind."
His mustache suddenly bristles. "Wait a ell vote on what to do next," says Mario.
"But clowns don't vote!"
minute! That's not a cloud! It's a Koopa
Paratroopa! And it's coming this way!" "I can't vote, then," the king says sadly.
The flying turtle is the largest Mario or Even though they decide to follow the trail
Luigi has ever seen. It's even bigger than the to the Pin-the-tail-on-the-Koopa tent, Mario
huge Koopa Paratroopas in Giantland. This and his friends have trouble getting there. The
one is a Soopa Koopa Paratroopa. clowns invite themselves along, distracting
"Haha-hoo-hoo-hoo-ha-ha!" Someone is rid- Mario so much he doesn't even notice where
ing the Soopa Paratroopa. It's Lemmy Koopa, he's going until he humps into a tent flap.
and he's laughing like a loon! "We're here," he says. "Let's look around.
But keep out of trouble!"
Inside the tent, a large portrait of Bowser
Turn to page 64.
Koopa, king of the turtles, stands against one
wall. The picture is incredibly lifelike, down to
the unsightly cluster of green warts on
Bowser's right ear. "Amazing," murmurs the
Crowds of blindfolded mushrooms are wan-
dering around, holding out paper tails with
pins on them.
"How about you?" the clown in pink asks
Mario and his friends. "If you pin the tail in
the right place, you win two gold coins!"
Mario's eyes light up. "Gold coins! Let me
at 'em," he says.
Soon, he and his friends are all blindfolded
and moving forward. "Ouch! Watch that pin!"
Mario yelps as something sharp catches him in
the back.
"How can I watch it with my eyes covered?"
the king asks, baffled.
"Just be quiet, your Majesty," Mario says.
"I'm going for the gold."
His hands stretched out in front of him, the
plumber walks forward. "I'd better count my
steps," he thinks. "One, two, three, four, five,
six... aha!"
Mario thinks he feels something in front of
him. He reaches out with the tail in his hand.
Then he takes one more step, as he removes
his blindfold.

Solve this puzzle to see what Mario finds:

• Help Mario and his friends find the path to If you ended up at Bowser, give Mario 2 coins
Bowser's picture. But be careful! Once you and turn to page 82.
choose a path, you can't turn back. If you ended up at the pipe, turn to page 36.

62 63
Solve this puzzle to find out what happens:
• Mario is trying to follow Luigi, but he's hav-
ing trouble finding the other plumber's foot-
prints. Do you know where Luigi is going?
Pick out his footprints and follow them to the
next part of this adventure.
W -where did that come from?" Toad whis-
pers, staring up at the flying monster.
Every flap of its enormous wings brings the
Soopa Paratroopa closer. On its back, Lemmy
Koopa cackles with laughter. Multi-colored
hair flops over his green forehead.
"Let's fight!" cries Mario.
"Is it too late to hit the RESET button?" asks
"Maybe we can hide," the king suggests.
Unfortunately, the hilltop is bare and
"Well, what should we do?" Mario says.
"Run!" screams everyone else.
Mario takes off with the others close behind
him. "I'd better follow Luigi and keep him out
of trouble," he says to himself. "Hmm. Is this
footprint from his size eight shoe or my size If you landed on the star, turn to page 36.
seven shoe? How do I know I'm on the right If you landed on the mushroom,
track?" turn to page 101.

64 65
dark inside. "Come on," he says, "the coast is
He leads the way into the blackness. "All we
have to do is find a light."
"Coming right up," a raspy voice says.
Click! The tent is flooded with light.
"Maybe you're right," Mario says. "We There's the princess, tied to the pole that
should check out the Hall of Horrors." holds the tent up. The rest of the tent is filled
He leads the way toward the tent. This one with more Koopa Troopas than anyone would
doesn't have any visitors. "My subjects aren't ever want to see at one time. Standing by the
very brave," the king confesses. light switch is Morton Koopa, one of Bowser's
Most of the other tents in the circus seven slimy kids. He grins.
sideshow are so colorful, they're almost blind- "This is horrifying!" squeaks Toad.
ing. Mario sees one with yellow walls, a "Why did we ever listen to the king?" Mario
bright-blue top, and purple stripes. Another is groans.
lime-green with shocking pink polka-dots. "Get them!" Morton screams. He cackles as
"Looks like something from the king's his henchmen subdue the three adventurers.
wardrobe," Mario whispers. "I thought that I would have to settle for just
But the Hall of Horrors is all one color—a one mushroom royal to add to Pop's mushroom
sort of dingy gray. The only way to tell it's a mixing experiments," he says. "But when I
Hall of Horrors is by the sign outside. It's deliver all of you to him, I'm sure to get that
painted in shaky red letters, with a crude pic- new Koopa Motor Skooter I've been wanting.
ture of a skull. Ha, ha, ha!"
"This place doesn't look very scary to me,"
sniffs the king. GAME OVER!
Mario pokes his head into the tent. It's pitch-

6E 67
Solve this puzzle to help Mario and Toad find
their way:
• Paths through the clouds are a-maze-ingly
hard to find! Trace a route along the thick
black lines to find out where Mario and Toad
are going. Where two lines intersect, you
"Trust me," Mario says.
choose which way to go. But remember, if the
"I'm trying," Toad answers bravely.
line you're on comes to an end before the end of
Hoping to lose the Soopa Paratroopa, Mario
the maze, you must start all over again!
and Toad plunge deeper into the clouds. But
the farther they go, the harder it is to find their
way. Mario starts counting their steps, hoping
it will help them find the way back. "Twenty,
twenty-one, twenty-two—"
"Have we lost the monster yet?" Toad asks.
"I feel like I've run fifty miles."
"I wish you wouldn't use numbers," Mario
pants. "Fifty-one, fifty-two..."
At last, Mario looks behind them. "We lost
it. Let's find the mixer again!"
He bounds off in a new direction, taking
three steps, two steps—one. Then he stops.
Where is that mixer? "I don't suppose you
remember how far we've gone?" he asks Toad. If you end up at the Soopa Paratroopa,
Toad moans. "We lost everything, and now turn to page 10.
we're lost—lost in a maze of clouds!" It you end up at the Mixer, turn to page 80.
68 69
"We've got to rescue Luigi!" Mario cries. un this way!" Mario cries. He and Toad
"Where's the Monster Mixer?" dash for the nearby transport tube.
The princess shrugs. "I don't know." The king tries to follow, but finds himself
The combination king/Koopa Troopa raises teetering on the edge of a crevice. Koopa
his hand. "Koopa mixed me with a dumb Troopas pursue him, their grubby hands
Troopa. But oddly enough, I feel twice as stretched out to seize him.
bright." Mario and Toad race over and leap to grab
"Do you know where the mixer is?" Mario the king. But they miss, and tumble down into
asks, looking suspicious. the crevice. Clinging with his fingernails,
"Not positively," the king-Troopa says. "But Mario hangs onto the edge.
I've deduced the only place in the castle it can He can still see the huge mixer. Bowser, an
be. Ill lead you there." evil grin on his warty green face, tosses the
"Hmmm," Mario says, thinking. He's not king into the bowl, along with an extremely
sure he should trust the creature. It's only half dumb-looking red Koopa Troopa.
king. The other half is pure Koopa. The beaters whir, the bowl spins, and out
comes a creature with the king's crowned head
If you think Mario should trust the king-Troopa, and the body of a red turtle.
turn to page 55. Mario gasps. "That slimy reptile is making
If you think Mario shouldn't take up the offer, his own creatures and planning to use them
turn to page 114. against the Mushroom Kingdom!" He looks
70 71
down to tell Toad what's going on—and realizes
what a long drop he's hanging over.
"Yow!" he yells as he goes tumbling down the
crevice. He lands beside Toad in a cold, dank
room with solid stone walls. The royal mush-
room retainer is studying two blocks in the
wall, which have strange marks on them.
"I think they're magic blocks," Toad says.
"But I can't figure out what they do."
"I've figured out garbage disposals," Mario
says with determination. "I can figure this

Solve this puzzle to see what happens:

• Help Mario fill in the missing parts of these
letters. What does the message say? Which
block should he choose?

If you think Mario should choose block 1,

turn to page 16.
If you think he should pick block 2,
turn to page 58.

72 73
king—" Mario sputters in rage. This is the
stupidest adventure I've ever been on."
He looks around grumpily. "Now what are
we supposed to do?"
At that moment, they hear a familiar
whirring sound. Mario and Toad run to the
et's try the second choice," Mario says. He edge of the cloud bank and peek over.
takes a step. The mysterious mixer whooshes by, just
The world suddenly disappears in a blinding below them!
glow. A weird force seizes Mario, squeezing, "Follow that mixer!" Mario yells.
stretching, then—pop! He's free. "But how?" Ibad asks.
"I hate travelling by magic!" Mario mutters. "Well," Mario says, "we can track it along the
His eyes have been scrunched tight since he clouds."
felt the magic start to work. Now he opens "Or we can get back down to the ground and
them to see where he is. There's only fluffy chase it from there." Toad looks around. "We
whiteness wherever he looks. Beside him is can hop onto that hill down there." He points
Toad. They're surrounded by clouds, high in at a slope not far below their feet.
the sky! "Right," Mario says. "Let's move!"
Four coins float in the air. Mario grabs them
before flopping down on a cloud. "That's it!" he *** Mario collects 4 coins. ***
says in disgust. "I'm never trusting another If you think they should chase the mixer
magic exit again. Stuck in the middle of across the clouds, turn to page 105.
nowhere, all alone—" If you think they should get down to the
"We do seem to be all alone," Toad agrees, ground to follow the mixer, turn to page 5.
looking around.
"Right. Losing the princess, Luigi and the

own!" Mario yells.
oad and Mario decide to lie low and see
He and Toad fling themselves headlong. It
what happens next.
seems like it takes forever until they actually
Bowser Koopa scrapes his filthy toes on the
crash to the ground.
ground as he waits for the dumbest turtle in
Their belly-flop lands them on a slope. They
his army to appear. But nothing happens.
slide down, faster and faster. Finally, they
"What's the problem?" Bowser calls. "Has
tumble to a stop in a small valley.
Elmo forgotten his name again? Doesn't he
"Ow! That hurt!" Mario rubs at bruises.
know which way to go? Will somebody take his
"But at least we lost that horrible monster."
hand and bring him up here?"
Toad looks up, groans, and falls into a dead
Still no Elmo.
"I'm going to count to thirty. If Elmo isn't
The ground grows dark again. It's as if
here by then, heads will roil." Bowser folds his
night has fallen. "Then again, maybe not,"
arms and taps his scaly foot. He is obviously
M a r i o says. He stares up as the Soopa
quite peeved.
Paratroopa comes flapping down. It brakes
"Okay!" he yells at last. "Time's up. Who's in
until it's in a sitting position.
charge here?"
"I guess this is the end! Mario sighs.
"Er, me," says a small voice from the back of
the army.
GAME OVER! "Who's that?" Bowser shouts. His creatures
stand aside to show a short, squat turtle war-
rior. "Boom-Boom!" Bowser exclaims. "What Solve this puzzle to see what happens next:
are you doing here? Where's Elmo?" • Mario must decide his next move by figuring
"Um, well," Boom-Boom says nervously, "I out where the pipes go. Help by unscrambling
wanted to get out of the fortress for a while. So the words on the signs.
I took command out here, and, er, ah, left
Elmo in charge back there."
Bowser's green face turns purple. "You left
him in charge? I'll fix you! Get him!"
Boom-Boom gasps. Eager hands toss him
into the mixer bowl, along with a Firesnake.
"Yow!" exclaims the creature that's flung out.
It has Boom-boom's body, and the Firesnake's
head. It also keeps fanning itself. "I'm burn-
ing up! Help! Water!"
"The first of the red-hot Troopas," Bowser
In their hiding place, Mario turns to Toad.
"Let's get out of here."
A little farther into the cavern, Mario and
Toad find three pipes in the ground. There are
signs over them, but the letters have been If you think Mario's best choice is sign 1,
mixed up by Bowser's Monster Mixer. turn to page 16.
Mario stares for a moment, then leaps for- If you think his best choice is sign 2,
ward. "I know what to do!" turn to page 74.
If you think his best choice is sign 3,
turn to page 94.

78 79
"Boss!" one of his Troopas calls out. "There's
something coming in for a landing."
It's a big something. Koopa creatures
scramble out of the way as the Soopa
Paratroopa comes swooping down.
A Goomba slides off the beast's back and
drops to Bowser's feet. Tour kidnapping crew
Mario and Toad wander through the clouds
and Lemmy are back at your castle. They got
for a long time before they find some steps
two of the suckers you wanted to mix up."
leading to the ground. Four of the steps yield
"Which ones?" Bowser wants to know.
gold coins. Mario happily pockets them.
The Goomba consults a list. "Princess
He and Toad jump down and land on a hill-
Toadstool and that rotten plumber Luigi."
top. A familiar whirring noise is coming from
Mario and Toad gasp.
the valley below. "That's the Monster Mixer,"
Bowser leaps into the Monster Mixer.
Mario says. "Let's try to find it."
"Prepare for liftoff!" he yells.
The huge machine isn't hard to locate.
"We'll have to hitch a ride on the mixer,"
When Mario and Toad sneak up, Bowser is
busy with a mixing session. In goes Dry Bones Toad whispers.
"Or we could ride the Soopa Paratroopa,"
and a Venus Fire Trap. Out comes a dried-up,
withered plant. Mario says. "It wouldn't even notice us."
"Remind me not to try that one again,"
Bowser says. "On to experiment 19,136. We'll *** Mario collects 4 coins. ***
mix a Micro-Goomba with a Grand Goomba." If you think they should stow away on the
This experiment is disappointing too. All Monster Mixer, turn to page 95.
Bowser winds up with is a normal Goomba. If you think they should jump on the Soopa
"Experiment 19,137," Bowser begins. "We'll Paratroopa, turn to page 21.

80 81
hoo-hoo-hoo-ha-ha!" he says, laughing his
green head off. "No more games!"
In his hand, Lemmy has a small box with a
big red button.
"Look out!" Toad cries suddenly. "He's going
to push that button."
A blinding flash envelops Mario, and he reels In fact, Lemmy has already pressed it.
from the sound of an explosion. "I can't see!" he "Ten, nine," the Koopa brat says.
cries. After a moment, he uncovers his eyes, "What are you doing?" Mario asks suspi-
squinting in the sudden light. "Well, that was ciously.
a blast." "You'll find out soon enough," Lemmy
"It looks like things turned out okay," Toad answers. "Eight." He scratches his head with
says cautiously. "But I'm not sure where we a filthy finger. "Let's see, what comes after
are." eight?"
Mario glances around. He, Toad and the A rumble comes from deep within the earth.
king are in a quiet little valley, all alone. "Or Everything shakes.
how we got here," he puts in. "Nine? No, that's wrong," Mario says, frown-
"Or where everyone else is," Toad adds. He's ing. "It must be—"
beginning to look very gloomy. His voice is drowned out. With a fearful
Suddenly Lemmy Koopa bounces up, balanc- roar, the ground opens beneath his feet!
ing on a huge ball painted with the same colors
as his shaggy hairdo. An all-too-familiar pink Turn to page 36.
clown suit covers his scaly body.
"I knew there was something wrong with
those clowns," Mario groans.
Lemmy greets them with a giggle. "Haha-

82 33
It's hot in the tent, and everyone is sweating.
One clown's white makeup starts to run.
Under it his skin is green.
The king throws up his hands. "I give up,"
he says. "Let's go see the big top."
"Why not?" Toad asks, from the corner.
"The princess is gone!" yells Mario. "There's nothing here—except for this secret
The photographer squawks as Mario knocks exit with tracks leading away from it."
the camera aside. "That's no photographer," "Tracks?" Mario says excitedly "Exit?" He
Mario says. "It's a Goomba!" peers at the marks. They lead from a hole in
"You mean one of the outlaw mushrooms the back of the tent toward a big sign that
who've turned against my kingdom?" gasps the Says, PIN THE TAIL ON THE KOOPA AND GET WHAT
"You'll never take me alive!" the rotten fun- "Forget about the big top. Let's follow the
gus snarls. Mario pounces. Poof! The Goomba tracks," Mario says.
disappears. Luigi sighs. Talk about tough choices. The
"Where could he have taken my daughter?" circus only comes once a year."
the king wonders. "On to the big top!" yell the clowns.
Suddenly a troop of clowns bursts into the
tent. "Nyah, nyah, nyah!" A pink-suited clown If you think they should to go to the big top,
jumps in front of the king. turn to page 14.
"Shoo!" the king orders. He zigs to the right, If you think they should follow the tracks,
but the clown jumps in his way. He zags to the turn to page 61.
left. The clown blocks him again.
"Stop clowning around!" Mario yells. "We
have to find the princess!"

84 85
the room. And in front of the mixer, his arms
held by the Hammer Brothers, is Luigi!
The Monster Mixer is already on, sending
mixed-up waves of dizziness through the room.
"I'm so confused!" Mario cries, wobbling on his
feet. He crashes into a floating stone block,
Mario takes out his gold pen. "I'll start at which spits out seven gold coins.
Point A, and go here . . . hmmmm, this is "Don't you worry about a thing!" cries
tricky. Wait! If I trace the double ellipses, Bowser, ever the gracious host. He rubs his
move up to Bowser's hair, and then go all the grimy turtle paws as his army closes in on the
way around his head—there! That does it!" new arrivals. "Well, now the gang's all here,"
Mario has traced Bowser's portrait without lift- he cries merrily. "We can have some very
ing the pen once! interesting experiments."
Magically, the doors swing open—to reveal
Bowser's throne room. It's a huge hall, hung ***Mario collects 7 coins.***
with thousands of photos of the Koopa family. If you think Mario and his friends should
The originals are all there in person, too, clus- try to fight, turn to page 38.
tered around Bowser's mildewed throne, If you think they should wait for a better
squabbling over a can of Koopa Kola. chance, turn to page 90.
"What timing!" Bowser gives a big green
smile to the new arrivals. "Now I don't have to
send for you."
The area around the throne is jammed with
more Koopa creatures than Mario has ever
seen in one place before. They're all gazing at
the Monster Mixer, which is in the middle of

86 87
"This must be the main drain to the castle!"
Mario exclaims. He quickly clears away the
rocks, and the water runs out. He peers into
the damp pipe mouth.
About five feet inside the pipe is a rickety
metal gate, held closed with a fancy-looking
combination lock. Mario rubs his hands
Mario and Toad dash for the rocks. They
together. "All we have to do is get that gate
reach the pile just as the guards march by,
open, and we'll have our own secret tunnel
singing their silly song. Crouched among the
through the castle."
boulders, the plumber and the mushroom wait
He smiles triumphantly. It's a plumber's
until the noise dies away.
Mario notices that there's writing on the
rock right under his nose. "Dining Room Wall,
Turn to page 112.
Stone 14,533," he reads. "Trust a Koopa to buy
a pre-fab castle!"
He turns to tell Toad the rocks they're hiding in
are rejects from the castle. But the royal mush-
room retainer has made a discovery of his own!
"Is it safe to talk now?" Toad asks.
"Sure," says Mario.
"Then, helllllpppp!" Toad's cry ends with a
splash and a gurgle. Mario has to scoop him
out of a pipe filled with water.
"I sat on some rocks, and they fell into the
water!" Toad splutters. "What a stupid place to
put a pipe!"
Solve this puzzle to find out what happens:
• Will Mario's mixed-up throw bring the Star-
man down? It will take a lot of luck to hit the
Starman block. Mario's lucky number is 123.
Find the path that adds up to that number.

Koopa Troopas seize Mario and his friends.

"For my first experiment," Bowser announces,
"I'll try a three-way mix." He smiles gleefully.
"Let's try Mario, Luigi, and a Koopa Troopa. I
should wind up with a jumping, fighting, dumb
"You fiend!" the princess cries.
That's me!" Bowser agrees.
Mario is prodded to join his brother at the
mixing bowl. They're joined by a particularly
stupid-looking red Koopa Troopa. Luigi points
with his nose at a stone block floating high
over their heads. "Last time I was here, I found
a Starman inside that block. If we could get it
down here, we'd be invincible," he whispers to
Mario grabs the Troopa beside him. "I know
how to get it down!" He hurls the Troopa
toward the block. But, with the Mixer already If you think it's Path A, turn to page 115.
running, his aim is a bit mixed up. If you think it's Path B, turn to page 46.
ario charges, zigging and zagging to avoid hat sounds like a good plan," Toad says.
the flying hammers of the Hammer Brothers. He braces himself. "I'm ready when you are."
Amazingly, the clowns charge, too. "Here goes nothing!" Mario says. Suddenly,
But they're not heading for the Hammer a terrible screeching sound comes from the
Brothers. They're charging Mario! huge flying thing.
In the lead is the clown in the polka-dot suit. "Never trust a Koopa creation," Mario cries.
All the makeup has sweated away. Now Mario "This thing is coming apart!"
sees the warty green face of a Koopa Troopa. The next thing Mario and Toad know,
To his dismay, Mario sees that the evil tur- they're in free fall.
tles have gotten the king, Luigi and Toad. As And it's a looooooooooong way down!
they surround Mario, he mutters, "Never trust
a green-skinned clown." GAME OVER!
Then the clown-Troopa jumps on Mario, and
the whole world goes green.


old!" Mario's eyes light up. "I'd rather go by mixer," Toad whispers.
Suddenly the ground opens under Mario's He and Mario wait until the Soopa
feet and he drops like a lead pipe. Paratroopa has left, and Koopa's creatures
"Aaaaargh!" he wails on the way down. Bonk! have climbed aboard the Monster Mixer. Then,
He lands hard and picks himself up. just before it lifts off, they dart out and cling to
Flop! Toad lands on top of him. "It's raining the bottom of the machine.
mushrooms," Mario grumbles. He covers his It isn't a very comfortable way to fly. Mario's
head, but no one else follows. arms quickly grow tired. He pulls himself up
After a moment he looks around. They are in so he can sit on the little ledge that the mixing
a stony cavern, deep underground. bowl rests on. Then he pulls Toad up, too.
"We've lost the king," Toad points out. They lean back, enjoying the view. Below
"And Luigi," Mario adds. "And the princess. I them stretches half of the Mushroom Kingdom.
know." He flops sadly onto the rock. "I'm begin- They can see the sparkling blue of Water Land,
ning to feel depressed." the hilly green fields of Grass Land—
"Well," Toad says, "the golden glow coming "It's really pretty up here," Toad says. "I
from over there should cheer you up." He points wish I had a Tanooki suit so I could go flying
to the right. Mario looks over, and sees a tunnel whenever I wanted."
that leads deeper into the ground. "I don't think they work for mushrooms,"
Mario says. "Maybe the king will let you use
Turn to page 28. one of the royal flying carpets."

94 95
"Sure," says Toad. "Hell be so grateful when
we rescue him, well be able to hit him up for
Reminded of their quest, they look ahead
eagerly. There, in front of them, is their desti-
nation: Koopa's Castle!
As the Monster Mixer comes in for a land- et's hope Luigi can take care of himself for
ing, a big rodent crew member named Rocky now," Mario says to the princess. "We don't
Wrench peeks over the side. "Hey!" he yells. want you getting captured again."
"Something's stuck to the side of the bowl!" He looks at the strange combination of king
Spotted! "Bad luck," says Mario. and Koopa Troopa. "Are we going to have any
"We're almost at the castle gates. Maybe we trouble from you, your Majesty?"
should jump," Toad suggests. "Not at all," the king-Troopa assures him.
"Or we can pretend to jump, but grab hold of "Bowser mixed me with the dopiest Troopa in
the ledge on the bottom again," Mario says. his army. But, oddly enough, I feel twice as
"We can drop off and run when we're a little bright now. I want to help."
closer to the ground." "Fine!" Mario says briskly.
He leads the way out of the cell. Soon, the
If you think they should jump now, four friends are creeping along the dim halls of
turn to page 41. the castle, looking for a way out.
If you think they should drop and hang from "Maybe you should have marked our way in,"
the bottom of the bowl, turn to page 93. Toad whispers. "These passages are very tricky."
"My sense of direction never fails," Mario
says, annoyed, "See?" He points to the end of
the corridor, where a big sign says, TRY THIS WAY

96 97
"I don't think it's wise. Maybe I can suggest
a better way," the king-Troopa says. "Just take
the next left, make a right, then another left,
two rights, circle round the main ballroom,
then turn—"
In the distance, Mario hears clomping foot-
steps. Guards are coming up behind them. "Hmmm. There are five monsters in there."
"Mario," the princess whispers. "We've got Mario stares at the coin room.
to hurry. Why not take Daddy's route?" "You can't go in!" Toad is horrified. Those
"Are you sure we should trust him?" Mario monsters are mushroom-eaters. They'll proba-
whispers back. "Maybe we should just take the bly become man-eaters, too, once they get a
straightest way out of here." taste of you."
"Um-hmmm," says Mario.
If you think they should make a straight dash "Well? Are you coming?" Toad asks.
for the nearest exit, turn to page 20. "You know, this reminds me of a coin room I
If you think they should follow the king- saw in another adventure," Mario muses. He
Troopa's route, turn to page 55. goes to the edge of the ledge. "Wait a second
while I try something."
He dives for one of the blocks hanging in the
room. It's a Switch Block. When he hits it, the
Chomp-Munchers turn into coins!
"Aha!" Mario crows. "I thought so!" He
happily begins collecting coins, leaping into
the air to grab them.
At the limit of his jumping range, he sees a
floating block. Something made out of gold

rests on top. He can't jump high enough to
reach it, and the right side of the box hangs
over a bottomless pit.
"Whatever that golden thing is, I want it,"
Mario says. "And I'm going to get it!"
He carefully lines himself up, and leaps to
hit the bottom left side of the box. The thing Everything gets dark. "Luigi!" shouts Mario.
on top falls off to the right. "A gold pen," Mario He and his friends dash blindly around the
says, catching it. "Nice!" barren hilltop.
"How many coins do you have now?" Toad The sky is inky now. It's as if night has fall-
asks in a worried voice. en. But no! The huge black shadow is made
"Six," Mario answers proudly. by the Soopa Paratroopa, swooping down on
"The longer we stay, the more likely it is that them. "Help!" someone shouts.
something awful will happen," Toad whines. Lemmy Koopa's stupid cackling rings in
"Switch Blocks don't stay switched forever." Mario's ears. There's a whizzing sound, a terri-
"I know," says Mario. "But I'd like to get ble wind—
some more coins." And all of a sudden, everything is back to
normal again. The sun is shining, and
*** Mario collects 6 coins, and he now has Lemmy's laughter is fading away.
a gold pen. *** "That brat dive-bombed us just for fun,"
If you think Mario should go for more coins, Mario fumes, picking up his plumber's hat.
turn to page 118. "Not exactly, Mario," Toad says sadly. "Luigi
If you think he should get back to tracking his is gone."
lost friends, turn to page 32. "Gone?" Mario runs around frantically. But
Luigi is nowhere on the hill.
"What are we going to do?" Toad says.

100 101
"Perhaps we should go back to the circus,"
the king suggests with a smile. "We can still
catch the evening show!"
Mario frowns and the king stops smiling. "I
knew my little brother would get into trouble
without me. He could be anywhere by now,"
Mario says. "I don't know what to do." He he two heroes head for the shrubs.
kicks a stone block in his way, and three gold Crouched in the clump of bushes, they wait till
coins fly out and into his pockets. the guards march past.
But the distraught plumber is so busy rack- "Every day, they sing that stupid song," a
ing his brains for a plan, he doesn't even notice voice says.
the coins. He also doesn't notice the odd crack "How do you know, Toad?" Mario asks.
in the ground until he trips over it. "Know what?" Toad looks startled.
"What?" Mario looks down. The crack Mario frowns. "What you just said."
widens into a crevice in the ground. From it The voice speaks again. "Don't be silly. I'm
comes a mysterious, golden glow. the one who's talking."
Mario and Toad look around, but see no one.
*'*Mario collects 3 coins.*** At last they realize the words come from the
If you think Mario should explore the crevice, bush they're hiding under.
turn to page 34. "Sorry," says Mario. "We didn't expect—"
If you think Mario should chase after his "I know what you mean. I wasn't expecting
brother, turn to page 39. company either. My leaves are all dusty." The
bush sighs. "It's not often we get anyone pass-
ing through here."
"Except for those stupid guards," another
bush adds.
102 103
Soon several bushes are chatting away.
Mario gets an idea.
"Since you live in the neighborhood, maybe
you bushes can help us," he says. "What's the
best way into Koopa's Castle?"
All the shrubs start to talk at once. Mario
waves his arms to get them to settle down. e'll do it my way," Mario says. He and
"One at a time, please," he says. Toad set off across the clouds, following the
"I'd try the front door," suggests a bush with huge Mixmaster through the sky.
big purple flowers. "It's hardly ever guarded." "This would be easier if I had one of my fly-
"On the other hand, maybe you'd like to try ing suits with me," Mario puffs, a little winded
the secret entrance," another shrub says. It from his cross-cloud pursuit.
points a branch over toward a pipe mouth "At least it's easy on our feet," Toad says.
sticking out of the ground. "There's a gate "Miles and miles of cottony whiteness, soft as
inside that pipe over there. But be careful. It's a cl—"
got a tricky lock." "You sound like a pillow commercial," Mario
'There's no question," Mario says confident- comments.
ly. "I know what to do!" They leap a gap in the cloud bank, with only
empty air under them. "That's the only open
If you think Mario and Toad should take the patch we've hit," Mario says. "The clouds
front door, turn to page 41. around here must be pretty thick."
If you think they should take the secret "D-uh, hey, who you calling thick?" one of the
entrance, turn to page 112. clouds complains.
Mario is glad for the clouds. They're forcing
the Monster Mixer to move slowly. He and
Toad have no trouble keeping pace. They even

104 105
seem to be gaining on the machine as they one of its three heads. Then it zooms ngnt ai
bounce along the puffy surface. Mario and Toad!
"This isn't so bad," Mario says. Then he "I wish I was back on solid ground," Toad
claps his hand over his mouth. moans as he runs. "I'd rather have some
"What's the matter?" asks Toad. clouds between us and this monster." The
"Whenever I say that on an adventure, royal mushroom retainer leaps through a puffy
things start getting worse," Mario says. "I cloudlet. ""Even better, a stone wall."
wish I hadn't gone and blabbed." Mario brightens. "That's an idea!"
"Too late now," the practical Toad says. "I don't see any stone walls around here,"
Then he turns pale and gasps. "Even though Toad points out.
you were right!" "I meant about putting clouds between us
The loud flapping of wings announces that and the monster," Mario explains. "Maybe we
there's something else up in the sky with them. can hide in a cloud bank!"
Something big. Oh, no! It's a Soopa Koopa Toad claps a hand to his polka-dot hat to keep
Paratroopa! it from flying off. "I'd rather go down," he says.
The huge, green flying monster is bigger than
most houses in the Mushroom Kingdom—and If you think Mario and Toad should hide
in Brooklyn, too, come to think of it. Mario and from the Soopa Paratroopa on the ground,
Toad both freeze where they're standing. turn to page 76.
"If we keep still, maybe it won't see us," If you think they should try to hide in the
Mario says. "After all, we're small." clouds, turn to page 68.
At first, it seems they may be in luck. The
Soopa Paratroopa might just fly past.
Then the creature spots Mario's red hat
against the backdrop of white clouds. With a
delighted honk, the Soopa Paratroopa turns

106 107
"Wait!" says the king.
"Stop!" says Luigi.
"Go away!" Toad shouts.
But the clowns start jumping and tumbling
everywhere. One yanks on the king's beard.
Another throws a rug over Toad.
ooh!" Still blinking from the flash, the "Hey, you bozo," Luigi suddenly yells,
king turns to his daughter. "How many copies "watch it with that ball! Whooaah!"
should we get, dear? Dear?" The brightly-colored circus ball lands
There's no one there! under Luigi's feet. He tries desperately to bal-
"The princess is gone!" Mario cries. ance, and, well, there's a terrible crash.
"She can't be!" Toad exclaims. He runs "Murgurphbnn," Luigi says from beneath a
around the tent. "Princess? Princess!" pile of cardboard cutouts.
"There can't be many hiding places round The king helps Luigi up. "Are you all right?
here." Luigi rolls up his sleeves. "We'll take You look awfully flat."
the whole tent apart!" "That's because what you're holding is just a
'Take it apart! Take it apart!" voices chant cardboard cutout of me." Luigi struggles out
from the tent entrance. from under another part of the pile. "They use
Luigi turns around, and a green and orange it for the picture-taking."
hall flies into his face. He staggers back, bang- "Really?" says the king. "I thought you
ing into the tent pole. needed a camera."
"Watch out!" Mario yells. "You'll knock the "The princess couldn't have just vanished,"
tent down." Toad says. "Well, I mean she could have. But
"Knock it down! Knock it down!" Chanting she'd need a magic potion, or the warp flute, or
in sing-song voices, a group of clowns in thick something."
makeup and silly clothes conies dancing in. "I'm getting tired of looking and not finding

108 109
anything." The king leans against the wall of
the tent. "Help!"
He goes right through the wall, landing
with a splat on the grass outside.
"There's a slit in the tent here," Mario says.
"It's right where the princess was standing.
But where did she go from here?" he message is clear," Mario says. "I know
They can see two tents nearby. One is the exactly what to do."
Hall of Horrors. The other is the Pin-the-tail- Toad looks worried. The clack-clack! of the
on-the-Koopa tent. Chomp-Munchers' jaws is getting louder.
"Let's look in the Hall of Horrors first," the "We'll smash the roof," Mario finishes quickly.
king suggests. "It will fall down and cover the Chomp-
"Why?" asks Mario. Munchers, and we can go through the hole and
"It's just the place to hide somebody who's get back to the surface."
been kidnapped." The king smiles. "And "The circus?" the king says excitedly,
besides, I love being scared." Mario decides to ignore the irritating
monarch. "I've picked up this hammer," he
If you think Mario and his friends should says, hefting the Hammer Brothers' tool in his
search the Hall of Horrors, turn to page 66. hands. "It should do the job."
If you think they should go and pin the tall on He stands by the doorway and lets go with a
the Koopa, turn to page 61. mighty whack. Clang! Crunch! Kaboom! Huge
cracks appear in the walls and ceiling.
Then it all comes down . . . on Mario!


"I know we can find the answer," says Mario.
"I just hope it's not magic."

Solve this puzzle to find out

what happens:
• Where's the message in the maze? How will
hope you know what you're doing," Toad Mario know which way to go? It's up to you!
says anxiously.
"Trust a plumber." Mario fiddles with the
gate. Clunk! "This is easy"
Suddenly the ground under their feet van-
ishes. They tumble into a slimy lower drain of
the castle's plumbing system.
Toad looks around. "There's no one else
here," he says. "Oh, this is awful!"
"Naah," Mario says, wiping slime off his
mustache. "I know my way around drains."
He forges ahead. Soon, they're out of the
drains and in the secret tunnels under the cas-
tle. The dusty system of underground halls is
like a maze. There are many exits. But which
is the right one?
The only clue is a sign on the wall. It says:
If you picked exit 1, turn to page 20.
PERSONNEL ONLY. TO OPERATE; THE ANSWER IS IN If you picked exit 2, turn to page 74.
BLACK AND WHITE. If you picked exit 3, turn to page 20.

112 113
"No offense," Mario tells the king-Troopa. "I missed!" Mario groans.
"But I don't trust you or your deductions." He The Troopa shell falls inches short of the
leads the way out of the princess's cell. Toad, the Starman block. It plummets toward the crea-
princess and the king-Troopa tiptoe behind him. tures crowding around the Monster Mixer.
The castle is full of dim rooms and dark The shell lands right on the head of Rocky
halls, with garbage piled in every corner. This Wrench, who's tending the Monster Mixer. He
way." Mario holds his nose as he leads them falls down, out cold, and his wrench flies out of
into a corridor. his hand. The metal tool drops into the
"I don't think this is the right passage," the machinery of the mixer.
king-Troopa says. "Lookup." The Monster Mixer keeps going, but horrible
Mario looks up. The biggest Thwomp he's grinding noises start to come from within the
ever seen is hanging from the ceiling, about to machinery. Smoke pours out.
crash down on them! Bowser must have "I should have known you two monkeys
thrown at least six of the blue, block-shaped would throw a wrench into my plans!" Bowser
things into his mixer to create this monster. shouts. Smoke wraps around his throne.
"I hate being wrong," Mario mutters, just Then the Monster Mixer explodes. Mario
before the Thwomp thumps down on him. has destroyed the dangerous machine, but for
him, it's a case o f . . .

114 115
Luigi gazes at the crown. "It looks like
somebody stepped on it," he says. "One of the
points is bent. The bent point aims at that tent
there—the Hall of Horrors."
Mario kneels to peer more carefully at the
crown. "No," he finally says. The bent point
"What happened" asks Toad. aims over the tent, toward the top of that hill
"Where's the princess?" Luigi knocks Mario beyond it."
down as he races around, looking in every cor-
ner of the tent. Which way does the crown point?
"It's a mystery," says the king mysteriously.
Then it sinks in. "My daughter! She's gone!"
he yelps. "We'd better do something!"
"Right," Mario agrees. He gets up and dusts
himself off. "Let's search!"
"I just did," Luigi reminds him. "The
princess has disappeared. And so has the guy
who was taking pictures!"
"They're not in here," says the king, peering
into a small box of film.
Luigi bounces to the entrance. "Maybe she
was taken to another tent."
If you think the crown is pointing at the
They rush out. Suddenly Mario skids to a
Hall of Horrors, turn to page 66.
stop. "Look!" He points at something shiny in
If you think the crown Is pointing at
the grass. It's the princess's crown! the hilltop, turn to page 59.
"It's a clue," Toad says excitedly.

116 117
"V "You're too nervous," Mario tells Toad. oad grabs Mario's hand. "I said run!"
"We're perfectly safe in here. Why do you want Mario steps forward. A huge flying shape
to go rushing out?" crashes down right where he'd been standing.
"Caves give me the creeps," Toad says. "It's one of those mixed-up creatures from
"Creeps, shmeeps," Mario says grandly. Bowser's Monster Mixer," he guesses. He
"You're with Mario the plumber. There's noth- turns to view the army pursuing them.
ing to he worried about! I'll take care of all our "Shouldn't we run for our lives?" Toad asks.
problems, just like that!" Mario puts his hands in his pockets. "I
He snaps his fingers. think we can walk for our lives. Those mixed-
"There's an echo in this cave," Mario says. up monsters don't look very speedy." He
But he's wrong. Clack-clack! It's the snapping laughs. "Look at that Boomerang Brother try-
of angry Chain Chomp heads! ing to move on Goomba feet. And that Bob-
Mario looks down. Chomp-Munchers are all omb trying to fly on Buzzy Beetle wings!"
around them! He counts one, two, three, four, The Buzz-Bomb's wings flap valiantly, but it
f i v e ,s i x . . . barely wobbles in mid-air. The other creatures
"I think we're in trouble," Toad says. keep diving to stay out of its way, afraid it will
"Deep trouble," Mario agrees sadly. crash-land and explode.
Clack-clack-clack! Silliest of all is the plant mixture—a
Hanging Piranha plant combined with a walk-
GAME OVER! ing Nipper. "Ha, ha!" Mario says. "That plant

118 119
doesn't even know which way is up!"
Drip by Drip Scorecard
Mario and Toad easily outdistance the
mixed-up Koopa army. Soon they reach the top Circle each abject as you collect it.
of another hill. Mario looks back. "They'll
never catch up with us now."
He stops, frowning. "I just wish Luigi was Keep track of your coins here:
here to see this. I hope he and our other
friends are okay."
"No time to think about that now," Toad says
in a scared voice. "Look at the other side of Now, use this chart to find out your H.P.I. (Heroic Plumber
this hill." Index) for this adventure. For every
Mario looks, and gulps. Bowser's tank force gold coin that Mario collected during
is clanking towards them! his adventure, score 10 points. Then
check your rating on the chart.
"What arc we going to do?" asks Toad. "I'd
Did Mario find the hidden coin
rather mix it up with those mixed-up Koopa room? Did he explore the main drain
creatures than tangle with tanks." of Koopa's Castle? Did he rescue the
"A fight would be fun, but maybe we should princess? Read the book
keep going," says Mario. again, until you reach the
highest possible score.

If you think Mario and Toad should head back

to trash Koopa's troops, turn to page 38.
If you think they should try to take on the tank
force, turn to page 23.


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