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Falcon 6

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Also by Mark Smith and Jamie Thomson in Sphere Books:

Falcon 6:
At The End of Time
Scanned and compiled by Underdogs
Home of the Underdogs


London and Sydney

A third of the land's surface is populated with cities which

stretch miles up towards the Ionosphere and are also tunnelled
First published in Great Britain by deep into the Earth's crust.
Sphere Books Ltd 1986
30 32 Gray's Inn Road, London WCIX 8JL
Copyright © 1986 by Mark Smith and Jamie Thomson The world is united - war within the atmosphere of a single
Illustrations by Geoff Senior and Nic Weeks planet can only lead to total destruction. Government is carried
out by Executives, each having full powers within a certain area.
The Food, Health, Pleasure and Enforcement Executives are
centred in Alpolis, a city covering what was once an independent
country - Switzerland - and it is here that the most recent
Executive, TIME, exists.

People live for fun, not to work. Most tasks are performed by
robots, so life is quite easy. Only 10% of the population still
works, and then only for fun or out of a sense of social duty.
Food is plentiful, the main source being a fungus grown in huge
vats under artificial light. Luxury foods, such as meat, are a
rarity. Communications have improved so as to transform
society: holophones connect all homes across the Space
Federation so it is possible to be in direct contact with many alien
MARK species light years across space. Travel on Earth is done by
hovrail, jetcopter or stratocruiser, so that the longest journey
need take no more than an hour.

This book is sold subject to the condition that The average Earther lives for two hundred and fifty years and
it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent, the ageing process only begins during the last fifty years of life.
re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without
the publisher's prior consent in any form of Life-prolonging drugs, called Anagathics, are freely available,
binding or cover other than that in which it is and transplant surgery is now a simple operation. Un-
published and without a similar condition fortunately, because people live longer, there are many
including this condition being imposed on the problems. There is overcrowding and very little to do which has
subsequent purchaser.
resulted in a rapid increase in violent crime. With so many
Set in Andover people needing new hearts, lungs and other organs there is a
shortage of spare parts for use in transplant surgery, so the
Printed and bound in Great Britain by Enforcement Executive has passed a Termination Code. AH
Collins. Glasgow violent crimes are punishable by painless death. The Enforce-
ment Executive has had sensors set up to catch criminals,
especially Bodybrokers who deal illegally in organs for surgery.
If Energy Weapons are used by criminals, for instance, a police
jetcopter will be there in seconds.

Earth, using Hyperdrive, faster-than-light travel, has estab-

lished itself as head of the Space Federation, which includes all
the earth colonies and alien planets. The Navy patrols the
colonies: Lastlanding, Proxima Centauri, Ascension and so on,
as well as the alien worlds: Kelados, Sundew, Dyskra, Clyss,
Rigel Prime, the Hive and others. Contact with alien life forms is
commonplace and the colony ships of the twenty-fourth
century are still approaching the centre of the galaxy.

How to Travel in Time

Travel through time involves crossing a fourth dimension/null-
space' or the 'Void' as it is known. This dimension joins all points
in time and space from the beginning of the universe to its end.
Imagine time as a cable. Earth's Timeline (or past, present and
future) is a single strand of this cable stretching from Earth's
beginning to the end of time. The Timelines of other planets run
alongside this and weave around each other, because events on
one planet affect things on another. These strands, or
Timelines, are insulated from the fourth dimension in the same
way that an electrical wire is insulated. At certain points there
are holes in the insulation allowing travel from one point on the
wire through this hole to a different point on this or another
wire. In this way a Time Machine may move from one 'timehole'
to another and from one point in space to another via null-space.

The timeholes are formed when the fabric of time is damaged by

unknown forces. They can be larger, but are usually less than
five miles across. Timeholes come and go as new damage occurs
and older timeholes close up naturally. The Monitoring Section
is responsible for keeping the map of current timeholes. At least
one hole has been there for a long time - the Eiger Vault, near
the TIME building in the Alps. It is thought to be a permanent
timehole and your Time Machine, Falcon's Wing, is kept there
along with those of the Lords of TIME and other Agents. Some
timeholes are safer than others and it is possible to go back in
time only to find that the hole through which you travelled has attack, either a Thinkstrike or Power of Will. Make an Attack
closed up, trapping the unfortunate traveller in the past. Time Roll, just as if you were attacking normally, but add or subtract
passes at the same rate in all timeholes as on Earth. If you begin a your Thinkstrike or Power of Will-Modifier, not your Attack
journey to a timehole ten minutes after somebody else does you Modifier. In all other ways mental attacks work in the same way
will arrive ten minutes later than them. Only those with Psychic as a physical attack. To begin with your Thinkstrike and Power
Awareness can navigate across null-space. of Will Modifiers are zero, as noted on your Agent Profile.


ATTACK Your Psychic Awareness operates at all times and you will be
In certain paragraphs you will have the chance to attack an told when you have discovered anything of interest.
enemy. When you choose to do so, you will be asked to make an
Attack Roll. To do this, roll two dice and add the numbers ENDURANCE
together. You will be told which paragraph to turn to next, You, Falcon, start the adventure with 20 points of Endurance. If
depending on your score. In all combats you are more likely to you are wounded in combat, suffer something unpleasant such
succeed if your score is high than if it is low. as an acid atmosphere without a space suit, or become
exhausted, you will lose Endurance points. A running total of
ATTACK MODIFIER your Endurance should be kept on your Agent Profile. If at any
Whenever you make an Attack Roll you must add or subtract time you fall to zero Endurance or less you are dead and your
your Attack Modifier to the dice score. Your Attack Modifier adventure is over. Endurance points can be regained by visiting
may change as the adventure unfolds and you should keep a the Autodoc in your Time Machine (see equipment list) and you
note of this on your Agent Profile (see pages xx-xxi). To begin will be told when you can use your Autodoc.
with your Attack Modifier is zero.
EVASION Standard Issue for TIME Special Agents
In certain cases you may need to avoid the attack of an enemy or ITEM 1: MODEL A3 TIME MACHINE [see accompanying specifica-
escape from a difficult situation. You will be asked to make an tions]
Evasion Roll, to which you must add or subtract your Evasion Your own Time Machine, Falcon's Wing, is silver with bright
Modifier. This works in the same way as the Attack Roll and scarlet markings and is the eleventh machine capable of travel
Attack Modifier as described above. Your initial Evasion Modi- through time ever built. Its cost cannot be computed, since it
fier is also zero. involves the use of certain materials and scientific skills which
are priceless. The silver and scarlet hull will withstand
CHANCE enormous pressure, heat and exposure to harmful gasses and
There are moments in any agent's career when pure luck will liquids, as well as providing protection from radiation.
play its part. On such occasions you will be asked to make a
Chance Roll. Roll one die. You will then be instructed to turn to The six hydraulic legs which support the machine are extended
a new paragraph. when it materialises in a new Timehole, to provide stability on
uneven ground. The Main Access is operated by invisible
POWERS OF THE MIND Tractor Beams (energy beams that can be used to grip and lift)
Some paragraphs will offer you the chance to make a mental that will draw the Time Traveller up into the cabin, to rest on
the Access Disc. This disc is matter but is changed to air as you amongst the intelligent beings of other times. CAIN, your
move through it by the Molecular Convertor (see Item 4). The computer, carries information about the Timeholes shown on
pressurised cabin is lined with instruments and gadgets. The your map, so that the blueprints required by the Convertor to
crash-couch is moulded to fit your shape and can be moved up to make the disguises accurate, are usually available. Your Psionic
the command console or up into the Flyer (see Item 6). Helmet, for instance, can be turned into a legionary's helmet,
while keeping its modern powers.
The air inside the machine is kept pure by the life support unit
and can be flushed out and replaced within ten seconds. The ITEM 5: AUTODOC [see accompanying specifications]
Main Access will work only when its Memory Scanner This is a couch-like device which has needles, a drip, a blood
recognises your own brain patterns. Specially sensitive cameras supply and surgical robo-arms. You may lie in the Autodoc
and power floodlights are mounted on top of the Machine. The during the time taken to travel from one Timehole to another,
Variac Drive, which forces the Machine into null-space, is for instance, and come out healed, restoring your Endurance by
housed beneath the deck and is controlled through your up to twelve points. You will be told when you can use your
computer (CAIN, see Item 7). Autodoc.

ITEM 2: HOLOGRAM GENERATOR ITEM 6: FLYER [see accompanying specification]

Each Time Machine is equipped with a Hologram Generator - Your crash-couch swivels up onto the platform of your flyer
very important if the First Law of TIME is to be obeyed. The when you wish to use it. The flyer is a small hover raft which is
Generator changes the appearance of the Machine by casting a catapulted out of the Time Machine through the Launch Doors,
hologram around it, so the computer can make the Machine two sections on top of the hull that slide apart. Once safely away
look like a small wood, hayrick or grassy hill etc, which is very from the Machine the Ion Drive can be cut in, giving the flyer a
lifelike unless you are within two metres of the Machine itself. top speed many times the speed of sound (Mach 6). It can hover
This stops people in history being curious at the sight of a highly which allows you to use it as an observation platform, but it is
technological machine. too small to carry a Hologram Generator and should only be
used when strictly necessary. Fortunately, its Ion Drive is
ITEM 3: HOLO-DETECTOR almost soundless. You are also issued with a Homing Beacon,
Due to the existence of Hologram Generators you may find it which, when activated, will make the flyer move to its location
difficult to see other Time Machines. As a member of the Time as quickly as possible. The flyer is then piloted by its micro
Police you have been given a Hologram-detector which is computer. The Beacon is magnetic, and about the size of a die.
portable and operates to a range of fifty metres. This will reveal
the presence of a hologram and therefore another Time ITEM 7: CAIN [Cybernetic Artificial Intelligence Nexus]
Machine. CAIN is one of the most advanced computers known to man. Its
data banks offer information on all subjects and historical data
ITEM 4: MOLECULAR CONVERTOR on all Federation and alien planets. Its memory banks are
Each Time Machine is equipped with a Molecular Convertor, a continuously updated with information concerning the Time-
device which uses the rarest of all elements, Polybdenum, as its holes and it is able to link with the massive memory banks of the
fuel. Small articles, placed in the Convertor, are transformed TIME Service Computer at the Eiger Vault. A Holophone,
into whatever the computer decides. In this way, Time through which you can contact any other Holophone in the
Travellers have disguises which allow them to pass undetected Federation, is built into CAIN and you also have access to most
of the files kept by TIME. CAIN answers to your spoken
commands and runs the Time Machine for you. It can display
information visually, via the terminal screen, or verbally, using
its melodic chimes.

ITEM 8: BLASTER [see accompanying specifications]

This is your Standard Starship Trooper issue Plasma Pistol. It
fires superheated plasma to a range of 100 metres, and the
Energy Pack is sufficient for ten minutes' continuous use. You
have more Energy Packs in your weapons locker. Your blaster is
labelled, 'For use in exceptional circumstances only'.

ITEM 9: PSIONIC ENHANCER [see accompanying specifications]

This helmet helps your Powers of the Mind by damping all other
thoughts. It senses when you want to use your power and
activates automatically.

ITEM 10: ENVIRONMENT SUIT [see accompanying specifications]

A light, pressurised suit for use in vacuum, inhospitable
atmospheres and extreme ranges of temperature which
monitors your life signals such as pulse and temperature. It is
compatible with your Psionic Enhancer.

Personal Background
Special Agent (TIME)
Codename: Falcon
For three years you have studied at the Academy as a cadet
attached to TIME: the Temporal, Investigative and Monitoring
Executive, and you have passed the difficult training pro-
gramme with flying colours. You have been selected from the
Academy to be a Special Agent because of your unusual talents,
having been born with Powers of the Mind: you can sense
things that others can't and even influence their actions
through thought alone. These powers have been strengthened
and focussed during your training and you have been issued
with a Psionic Enhancer, a helmet which increases these mental
powers. You have been taught to attack the minds of others
with a blast of mental energy you call Thinkstrike. Your Power
of Will allows you to control the minds of those weaker than
you, and your Psychic Awareness allows you to sense things causing'. As Yelov once said to you: There's no point in coming
that others cannot, including the presence of another with such back to 3033 if you have left an atomic hand gun near Hitler's
mental powers. This Psychic Awareness also lets you navigate bunker, because this would change the present - in fact, you'd
your Time Machine through time and space. Few have such probably find you had never existed!' As with all Special Agents,
powers and even fewer are trusted with one of the small your bloodline has been traced back, in your case to the French
number of Time Machines in existence. Revolution in 1789 AD. Should any one of your ancestors fail to
produce the next in line it would be as if you had never existed.
You are expert in survival - including combat - armed and
unarmed. History and detective powers of deduction have also The rules are very simple - you could almost play this book
been major subjects of study. You are now an Agent in the Time without reading them at all. But reading the Personal
Police, whose job is to guard the Timelines of the past and to Background and, of course, the Mission Brief will help you to
ensure that no one tampers with past events in any way that understand what is happening as you begin the adventure. If
would change things as they are now. you come across something you don't understand, don't worry,
check the Equipment List and this may give you a clue. If not,
TIME, the Temporal Investigative and Monitoring Executive, carry on anyway, it will probably become clear later.
was set up in Alpolis forty years ago shortly after Time Travel
was discovered. The realisation that anyone with access to Time Mission Brief
Travel could change the past so that the entire human race You are at your desk in the high security wing of the TIME
might cease to exist was worrying, so Time Machines were built building. As Chief of the Special Agent Section, you should be
for the Time Police in their crystal domed TIME headquarters, reading the status and liaison reports from the Monitoring
in order to stop this. TIME is headed by five Lords, representing Section, and the heap of paperwork from Research, Admin and
the most powerful groups in the Space Federation. Each of these so on. But you are gazing into space, thinking about your friend
has Powers of the Mind, and their own Time Machine. and subordinate. Agent Bloodhound, and the adventures you
shared when you were also a field agent.
The Executive is divided into four sections: Administrative,
Research, Monitoring and the Special Agent Section (or SAS). He has disappeared, vanished without trace just before a
The Monitoring Section, headed by Section Chief Jobanque, is mission to find Agidy Yelov began. Not even Po-Ling of the
responsible for noting any disturbances in the past, or Monitoring Section can offer a clue. Bloodhound was last seen
Timelines, of the planets in the Federation. The Research in the Eiger Vault, setting out on a routine time trip to the
Section, headed by Section Chief Skirrow, is responsible for all timehole on Earth 1485 AD.
equipment used by Special Agents and is also examining the
possibilities of travel into the future, as yet impossible. Your A loud bleeping sound interrupts your thoughts. It is your
own Special Agent Section is headed by Section Chief Agidy secretary, Ameena. 'Lord Jobanque has agreed to see you,
Yelov, a Siriun humanoid from the Federation member planet, Falcon.' Some time later you are seated in Jobanque's office.
Sirius Secundus. Agidy Yelov and others have told you the 'Well, Falcon, what can I do for our renowned Section Chief ?' he
importance of the First Law of TIME when on active service: 'A asks cheerfully.
TIME Agent must, in all cases, act naturally according to the
time in which he is currently operating, thus minimising any 'I would like to take the mission to find Bloodhound, Sir,' you
disruption of the Timelines his or her presence might be state bluntly.
Jobanque frowns, pursing his lips, then he sighs resignedly: 'I'm 1
afraid I cannot allow you to do that, Falcon ...' He pauses and Seated back in your office, you must decide what to do. Will you:
then continues quickly, There is to be no attempt to find him.'
He puts up his hand in a gesture of appeasement as you start in Go along with Jobanque's orders and forget
anger and astonishment. 'Hold on. Let me explain. Skirrow of about Bloodhound? Turn to 10
Research has found something very unusual about the timehole Decide that Jobanque can stick his head in a vat
Bloodhound visited. It is not as other holes, Falcon. He wants of fungspread and go after Bloodhound? Turn to 20
time to examine it closely - its abnormal nature is almost
certainly the cause of Bloodhound's disappearance. Skirrow's 2
theory is that Bloodhound is either trapped for ever in null- For all its bloated head - as if it suffered from water on the brain
space or was simply atomised the moment he engaged the - and grotesquely large fists, the monstrous human is well co-
Variac Drive of his Time Machine. For all intents and purposes, ordinated and it launches a startlingly swift attack which you try
we must assume Bloodhound is dead.' once more to dodge. Make an Evasion Roll.

You stare at Jobanque for a moment. 'I cannot believe that,' you If you score 9-12, turn to 32
reply. If you score 2-8, turn to 42

'Look, Falcon, I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but we cannot 3
risk another agent, least of all you. Going after Bloodhound is As you walk on beside the hoofprints you think over the
too dangerous. It's as simple as that -I forbid you to go. That's all awkward position you have got yourself into. In the unlikely
Falcon.' And he begins officiously moving holovid tape reports event that you can return to 3034 AD, you will have a lot of
about on his desk. You get up and leave in disgust. Turn to 1. explaining to do. Do you:

Feel anxious? Turn to 23

Defiant? Turn to 33
Calmly accept your lot? Turn to 43

You dodge too late, the strange human's co-ordination is good
and the knotted tangle of knuckles crashes onto your cranium,
denting it somewhat. Lose 4 Endurance points. If you are still alive
you are so dazed that you can but try feebly to dodge its next
blow. Turn to 34.

The Sossorros floods your mind with images of its own world.
Thousands like it float free in the atmosphere of a great red gas
giant of a world in the freezing atmosphere, where the gravity is
still so heavy that they are smaller in volume than the one which
stretches for fifty metres to either side of you. The Cloud-Being 7
tells you that a superior life form has used an instrument of The Knight's horse waits, unperturbed, as the tanks grind into
planetary travel to trap beings from many worlds and times on cacophonous motion and kick up the dust as they drive back the
this world which teeters on the brink of annihilation, at the dusk way they came. When they have gone the Knight waves the
of time. Suddenly the mist begins to recede away from you at a particle disruptor, motioning you to walk in the other direction.
great rate. Either it is bored by your questioning or something Will you: .
has frightened it. Turn to 60.
Offer him the sword with the strangely cold
6 blade? Turn to 17
You find yourself in a wide open area inside a large compound Try to escape using your powers of the mind? Turn to 27
which is covered in camouflage nets. The rest of the Tiger tanks
are pulled up next to yours, engines idling. Nearby a neat row of 8
fifteen more Tiger tanks, flanked by several armoured cars, lie Cautiously poking your head over the lip of the gully you look
parked. Some are mere metal hulks, rusted and useless, downward. The tanks have stopped, the crews are climbing out.
cannibalised for spare parts. There is also a row of large wheeled They are unable to follow you over the rough ground, the
trucks, also of twentieth century design, and strange half terrain is unsuitable for tanks. A group of about twenty soldiers
tracked vehicles, and some ancient-looking field guns. Out of all runs up to them. You notice someone in a tank turret pointing
of these weapons and vehicles, only half look operational. up in your direction and shouting orders. Then, to your
The whole compound is surrounded by a wooden stockade, surprise, you notice four or five horsemen riding up to the
studded with watchtowers, manned by machine gun teams. tanks. They seem to be mediaeval Crusader knights, with bright
There are many wooden buildings and in the centre of the red crosses on their white surcoats. One of them carries what
compound is what looks like a refinery with a smoking chimney seems to be a particle disruptor. They appear to argue with the
stack. You can hear the rumble of a generator inside, the camp's German soldiers but then some agreement is reached - the
power source. Electric cables run from the refinery tower all horsemen and the SS soldiers fan out in a long line and move
around the compound and up to the search lights in the tower. towards you. They are trying to flush you out. The tanks start
The place is well lit, akin to the light of early evening on Earth. up again and begin to rumble around the edge of the rocky
ground, presumably to travel all the way around it. You turn
You notice a marked difference amongst the people in the camp. round and dart down the gully. You emerge on the other side, to
Some, like the soldiers that picked you up, still retain their find yourself on a wide stretch of flat rock that runs into the
uniforms and weapons. Others are dressed in a slovenly fashion sand once more some two hundred yards ahead. It appears you
and move around in a listless and despondent manner. There are are trapped. If you stay on the rocky ground, the knights and
very few women and these do not appear to be twentieth soldiers will get you, and if you cross into the sand, the tanks will
century Germans. Their clothes seem mediaeval in origin. The reach you. Turn to 380.
Hauptsturmfuhrer approaches you and says: 'We will take you
to see Standartenfuhrer Fromm now,' and he signals to several
smartly dressed SS soldiers. They take you by the arms and you 9
are frogmarched to a neat wooden cottage in the corner of the The Knight reins in, turns his charger and then gallops away,
compound. Some men salute the Hauptsturmfuhrer, others but not before driving his lance into the dust, as if to mark the
give a perfunctory wave. Turn to 240. spot where he first caught sight of you. You call but he canters
on, leaving you none the wiser as to his motives. Will you:

Walk towards the lance? Turn to 29

Return to the hillock? Turn to 183

You carry on with the daily routine of running the Special
Agent Section. It is a peaceful time and no major threats present
themselves other than an attempt to break into the Eiger Vault
by an escaped criminal, hoping to lose himself in the mists of
time, but he doesn't get further than the gates. Bloodhound is
but a memory ...

The cave narrows to a wide tunnel which winds upwards into a
circular chamber without a roof. The red sun fills the area with a
blood red light. The sloping walls look easy to climb and there is
no sign of mist above. As you move towards the wall a shower of
noxious ordure rains down on your head and a large shadow
falls across you. Turn to 55.

There is no obvious way to open the plasteel door which is four
metres tall and two metres wide. It is set three inches back into
the wall of the tower and does not appear to be hinged. The
lolloping man-creature is almost upon you. Will you:

Call out loudly in the hope that someone will

open it for you? Turn to 152
Try to push it inwards? Turn to 162
Try to slide it sideways? Turn to 172

Something catches your eye as you trudge across a field of loose
pink and grey grit - even the granite has weathered into tiny
chips. The object glints in the sombre light - it is a sword with
great iron hilts that has been driven point first into the gravel. A
split skull has been driven onto the hilts and a grey metal helmet
rests on top. There is a black swastika on one side and two black
letters: SS. A wooden post has been driven into the gravel By now Ernst Fromm is standing up and ranting, a sheen of
nearby with a board on which is scratched the words: 'Achtung sweat on his forehead, a frenzied gleam of crazed fanaticism in
Gefahrlich.' The sword seems to have kept its edge. Will you: his eyes. Then he sits down, smoothing his uniform and adds
calmly, 'And the Fuhrer will make me a Field Marshal. If you do
Grasp the sword and shake off the skull? Turn to 123 not agree to help us, you will be tortured until your will is
Ignore it and walk on? Turn to 133 broken and you are like putty in our hands.' Will you:

14 Refuse to help him and then try to dominate his

Your blow strikes home. The neck which holds the bloated head mind using your Powers of Will? Turn to 36
is surprisingly tough - it would have felled any normal man, but Agree to help him but say you need some rest
your assailant merely staggers back before coming at you again. first - perhaps you can find an opportunity
You decide to make one last escape through the gateway. Will to escape? Turn to 386
you try to: Simply refuse outright to have anything to do
with him? Turn to 288
Push it open? Turn to 64
Slide it aside? Turn to 172 17
If you have been dragging the sword along behind you, using a
15 piece of red and white cloth, turn to 37. If you have been
A close up image of the strange tower fills your mind. It is carrying it, turn to 47.
futuristic yet decayed, a strange mixture of engineering achieve-
ment, technological innovation and neglect. Beyond is a plane of 18
bluish slate, dotted with grey domes. Near it lies a great dust- Make an Attack Roll as you level your blaster and unleash a
filled crater, at the centre, its base standing quite free of the lightning strike of plasma at the reptilian beast.
dust, is a shiny black monolith. Suddenly the mist begins to
recede at a great rate. Either it is bored by your questioning or If you score 8-12, turn to 418
something has frightened it. Turn to 60. If you score 2-7, turn to 270

16 19
He smiles slyly again. 'Simply, some of my men don't believe Thankful to be on your way you press on. Your path takes you
that Germany won the war. They don't believe in the thousand around a large area of gravel chips, towards a pock-marked
year Reich! Others were never good Nazis in the first place, the hillock, and after a while obliquely across a set of tracks which
weak fools! But I'm going to change all that. You, Falcon, are stretch towards nothing to either side as far as the eye can see.
going to take us back in your Time Machine to Germany. There They remind you of fish bones, a series of parallel indentations
our scientists will unravel the mysteries of your machine and of made by a very heavy vehicle, but there is no indication as to
your death ray weapons. With this knowledge, nothing will what drove it or whether it is a robot. You trudge on towards
stand in our way and the Fatherland will be assured of a great the hillock and realise that you are growing thirsty. Turn to 183.
victory; Hitler will grind the world under the heel of Nazism!
The Third Reich will triumph and rule for millenia! Long live 20
Hitler! Sieg Heil, Sieg Heil!' You will be acting completely unofficially, illegally in fact.
However, you give your clearance code to the Service Computer
and give orders that your Time Machine be readied for
immediate use, knowing that no-one is likely to question the
orders of the Section Chief of the Special Agent Section.

An hour later you are disembarking from the hovrail at the

entrance to the Eiger Vault. The mind scan affirms your identity
and the titanium, plasma resistant, personnel security door
slides open. You step through and are about to proceed to the
Eiger underground hovrail that will take you to the new bay
that now houses Falcon's Wing when a TIME security guard in
power armour steps out of the Security Control Dome.
Another guard watches you from inside. A Security Droid rests
motionless nearby.

'Ah, excuse me, sir,' the guard says, his voice hissing through
the air ducts of his armour, 'I'm afraid we can't let you through,
Section Chief. Um, er, we've been told not to allow you into the
Eiger Vault.' The guard is plainly embarrassed. Will you:

Try to bluff your way past saying authoritatively,

'Don't be ridiculous, man, you must be
mistaken. I am Section Chief Falcon of the
Special Agent Section and I order you to get
out of my way or face two hours inside the
tank of a starving Keladi.'? Turn to 28
Draw your blaster and tell the guard to let you
through? Turn to 40
Try to Thinkstrike him and then the guard in
the Security Dome? Turn to 56
Try to control the guard with your Powers of
Will? Turn to 66

Muscles aching from the effort you force your way up the sheer
rock towards the lip of the crevasse. Two yards from the top you
pause to search for the next hand hold as your pursuers
dismount. Your foot slips a little and you grimly hang on for
your life as the shadow of a kneeling Knight falls on you. You
look up in time to see the falling sword blade which severs your Luger at the other. The shot rings out across the featureless
arm. This time your fall, and your body, are broken by expanse and the soldier flies backwards to lie inert in the dust.
unyielding granite. You have lived into the twilight of the Your kick sends the last soldier reeling to collapse unconscious.
universe but not long enough to tell the tale. Quickly you force Meyer to stand still whilst you knock him out
with a deft blow to the back of the neck.
For all its bloated head, as if it suffered from water on the brain, You can hear shouted orders from the compound and the
and grotesquely large fists, the monstrous human is well co- revving of engines, Fromm is organising a pursuit. You turn and
ordinated and it launches a startlingly swift attack which you try sprint away, making for a low ridge a few hundred yards away.
once more to dodge. Make an Evasion Roll. Within a few minutes you are pounding up the side of the ridge.
At its top you pause to look behind - several tanks and trucks,
If you score 8-12, turn to 32 full of uniformed soldiers, are spewing out of the SS compound.
If you score 2-7, turn to 42 Turn to 396.

23 27
The feeling of anxiety you have suddenly becomes much worse. To your consternation, you are unable to use your powers of the
A wave of fear washes over you and you stop dead in your mind either to Thinkstrike, use Power of Will or even to read the
tracks, terror-stricken. You fight down the rising panic with Knight's mind. It feels as though the sword is interfering with
difficulty and decide to leave the tracks you are following and your mind powers in some way. Will you:
head towards the huge building once more, puzzling as to what
has come over you. Turn to 19. Offer him the sword with the strangely cold
blade? Turn to 17
24 Walk on to see what you can learn of your
Your blow simply isn't powerful enough. The neck which holds destination? Turn to 67
the bloated head seems surprisingly tough and the huge fist
pounds at your skull again. Turn to 74. 28
The guard steps back, cowed by your commanding tones - you
25 are after all a Section Chief of TIME. 'Er, yes, sir, of course it
The Sossorros fills your mind with the instantly recognisable must be a mistake. I'm sorry sir, please go through.'Boldly you
image of a person. Bloodhound. A Bloodhound whose SAT walk on to the hovrail car, but you can sense that the guard is
uniform is tattered and torn, but it is definitely Bloodhound. having second thoughts, remembering his orders. An alarm
Suddenly the mist begins to recede at a great rate. Either it is shrieks and a voice booms out, 'Intruder alert - apprehend or
bored by your questioning or something has frightened it. Turn disable. Do not kill, priority A1, repeat, Do not kill.' The noise
to 60. fills the vault with a cacophony of echoing sound. At least
Jobanque isn't going to have you terminated over this, you think
26 to yourself. You hurl yourself into a waiting hovrail car as a
Meyer falls under your sway. 'Halt,' he shouts, and the two beam of emerald energy from a droid's stun lance flashes
guards hesitate. As fast as thought you twist and drive a high through the spot you have just moved from. Quickly you insert
kick at the nearest soldier whilst you force Meyer to fire his your identity chip into the hovcar guidance computer, praying
that your Security Clearance hasn't yet been revoked. You 33
heave a sigh of relief as the doors hum shut and the hovrail Your feeling of defiant self-assurance suddenly increases to a
shoots forward like a bullet to maximum speed in seconds, the surge of megalomania. You believe you can do anything you
acceleration slamming you back into your chair. You are wish. You start to run towards a nearby hill, shouting out
propelled deep into the Eiger Vault. Turn to 116. challenges as you go. At the hilltop you shout, 'Come and get
me, I'm ready for you whatever you are.' Turn to 409.
The lance pennon flutters in the dust and as you lay your hands 34
on the haft, a voice seems to speak in your mind: 'When the For all its bloated head, as if it suffered from water on the brain,
Infidel is driven forth from the Holy Land, then may ye attain and grotesquely large fists, the monstrous human is well co-
the Grail.' The words seem meaningless to you, the lance is ordinated and it launches a startlingly swift attack which you try
unwieldy, too cumbersome to carry, it carries no clues as to once more to dodge. Make an Evasion Roll.
what is happening so you leave it buried in the dust and run back
to the hillock. Turn to 183. If you score 9-12, turn to 44
If you score 2-8, turn to 54
Make a Power of Will Roll as you reach out and try to dominate 35
the mind of the commander. He is a strong-willed young man, In response to your question, the Sossorros replies: 'Such non-
but you can sense he is dispirited, it seems he feels lost in this beings as yourself exist there, they are thinking sub-life forms
strange place. but their instruments of making and doing lie idle.' You ask it to
If you score 7-12, turn to 370 further describe these life forms and a series of mental images
If you score 2-6, turn to 306 flood your brain. They are human like you, and yet different,
some grotesquely malformed or mutated, but the Sossorros
31 does not think of them as imperfect, merely highly adapted.
Gradually, a feeling of gnawing anxiety disturbs your serenity. They appear to be members of an advanced civilisation. Sud-
If you stay where you are, you realise with a flash of insight, you denly the mist begins to recede at a great rate. Evidently it is
will starve. Nevertheless it will take tremendous willpower to bored by your questioning. Turn to 60.
break the strange lethargy which grips you. Make a Power of
Will Roll. 36
As you refuse his terms, he smiles evilly, but then you reach out
If you score 5-12, turn to 41 and try to take over his mind. However, Ernst Fromm is strong
If you score 2-4, turn to 51 willed, a fanatic, and will not be easy to control. Make a Power of
Will Roll.
By drawing on the skills of a crack combateer you somehow
If you score 8-12, turn to 250
elude the precise hammer blows of its fists and hit back. Make an If you score 2-7, turn to 236
Attack Roll.
If you score 7-12, turn to 82 37
If you score 2-6, turn to 92 As you stop to undo the ragged piece of cloth, the Knight
glowers darkly at you. 'Infidel dog, to drag the sacred sword of 40
Valois through the dust,' and he treats you to a short blast from You whip out your blaster and point it at the guard, who steps
the particle disruptor. The purple beam eats into your front, back, plainly astonished. A voice booms out over the loud-
almost rupturing your spleen. Lose 8 Endurance points. If you are speaker from the Security Dome: 'Please sir, don't force us to
still alive, you fall helpless to the floor. The Knight dismounts restrain you - we have strict orders from the Lord Jobanque not
and takes the sword, waiting for you to regain your composure. to let you through.' The Security Droid levels its stun lance at
As soon as you are able, you stagger onward and the mail clad you. Will you:
Knight rides along behind you. Turn to 57.
Jump forward and threaten to kill the guard in
38 power armour unless he lets you through? Turn to 76
You both sprint for the edge of the bowl housing the Gra'ak Fire at the Security Droid? Turn to 86
domes, but the Saurians are gaining on you fast. Their huge legs Try to Thinkstrike the two human guards in
enable them to bound after you with frightening speed. You are quick succession? Turn to 56
forced to turn and fight but even together you are no match for
them. Stronger, taller and faster than any human could be, the
Gra'aki pack tear you to ribbons in seconds. 41
Although the task of crossing the endless plain of sand grain
39 boulders which stretch into the mist on all sides seems for some
You spin towards the plane that left you only a half hour ago. reason too awful to contemplate, you force yourself to move.
Now that the tanks are not in range, the pilot thinks it is safer to The blue mist is tinged with green on one side and purple on the
speak with you. The cockpit canopy slides back, a man dressed in other. Will you head for:
something vaguely akin to your environment suit climbs out
The green? Turn to 61
and comes over to you. 'Hi there. Maybe we can speak together
The purple? Turn to 71
now - at least for a moment or two. I'm Lieutenant Kowalski of
the United States Air Force,' and he extends a hand. You shake
it. 'I'm from 2012 AD. I was on a routine mission when I sud- 42
denly ended up here. Some kind of time flux. Anyhow, you're in One of the fists parts the air surprisingly quickly and smashes
trouble, man! Those Nazi guys are mean. And so are the your collar bone. Lose 3 Endurance points or only 1 if you were
Knights of Saint John. I could help you ...' and he gazes at you partially protected by your environment suit. If you are still
through narrowed eyes. 'I mean my Starfighter could really alive, you elude its next blow with the skills of a crack combateer
waste those guys, you know. But you gotta make it worth my and strike back. Make an Attack Roll.
while. It's not a good idea for me to mess with them - I'm on my
own and they're a whole battalion! So you gotta promise to get If you score 7-12, turn to 82
me outta here. If I help you, you've gotta take me to your time, If you score 2-6, turn to 92
maybe even back to mine. Deal?' He smiles winningly. Will you:
Agree to take Kowalski with you? Turn to 168 You top another rise and are surprised to find a series of large
Decide it might change the timelines to do so burrows, four feet across, in the ground ahead of you, beneath
and refuse? Turn to 350 some scrubby grey-green trees. There are tracks of small booted
feet, made by bipeds. Will you: take any time to travel either for, seconds later, CAIN informs
you that you have materialised - somewhere. 'My instruments
Go down into the burrows? Turn to 53 cannot pick up a time or location,' chimes CAIN. 'It is as if we
Give them a wide berth and set off towards the were outside normal space time, yet not in null-space.' Turn to
huge building once more? Turn to 19 101.

44 47
At the last second you manage to twist aside from a flailing fist. You stop and offer the sword gingerly to the Knight, using the
Missing, you cause it to lose its balance momentarily. Make an robot-like tones of the translator's sound box to warn him of the
Attack Roll. cold. He takes it, saying, 'Well, I know the properties of the
Sacred Sword of Valois, it is our defence against the squirrel-
If you score 7-12, turn to 82 people. I thank you stranger. We are going to the abbey.' With
If you score 2-6, turn to 92 that he falls silent, leaving you to ponder what a mediaeval
Knight can be doing beyond a hundred million years into his
45 future. Turn to 57.
The image of a flat plain of blue sand and cracked salt inter-
rupted by low grey domes fills your mind. The image expands, 48
as if you were looking through a camera lens which was You cannot see but the smell of steel, machine oil and sweat fills
zooming in, and you can pick out details: a doorway, a figure, your nostrils in the cramped confines of the twentieth century
and then, the nature of the beast. It is reptilian in shape, rather tank. You wonder to yourself how such relics of the past could
like a seven foot tyranosaurus. The Saurian creature has a have found their way here. You can feel the hard muzzle of a
crocodilian shaped head save that there is an extended brain case Luger in your back and, using your psychic awareness, you can
that hangs down across its back, crested with scales. The tell that a man, this tank's commander, has you covered. The
massive jaws are wet with saliva. Its appearance fills you with a tank also holds a gunner, driver and radioman. The Commander
horror that is almost instinctive. Suddenly the image vanishes. says, 'Return to the camp, driver - Standartenfuhrer Fromm
The cloud begins to recede away from you at a great rate. Either will want to speak with this one as soon as possible.' The tank
it is bored by your questioning, or something has frightened it. shudders and rumbles into motion, filling your ears with a
Turn to 60. roaring sound. Will you:

46 Try to escape now? Turn to 246

Hurriedly, you ascend into the cockpit of Falcon's Wing where Allow yourself to be taken to the SS men's
CAIN welcomes you cordially. Not wishing to spend anymore base? Turn to 308
time in the now hostile Eiger Vault, you instruct CAIN to set co-
ordinates for the timehole on Earth 1485 AD, the last place 49
Agent Bloodhound was known to be heading for. Soon Falcon's You try to gather your mind to hurl a Thinkstrike but your
Wing has shifted into null-space but something seems wrong. struggle of wills has left you momentarily dull-witted. You are
Instead of the familiar grey nothingness of 'The Void', you find too slow and the reptile opens fire. A small ball of yellow energy
yourself surrounded by a mass of coruscating colours that make flies from the tip of its rifle and explodes at your shoulder,
your head spin and your stomach churn to look at. Nor does it sending you staggering back. Lose 8 Endurance points. If you are still
alive, your shoulder, burnt and bleeding, throbs painfully. The
sight of your blood sends the creature into a frenzy - its jaws
snap horribly and it slavers wildly. Then it growls and charges
forward, eyes lit with blood-lust. Fear, the fear of the prey for
the predator, grips you. You must fight for your life! Will you:

Run forward to engage it in hand to hand

combat? Turn to 296
Draw and fire your blaster if you have it? Turn to 290
Try to Thinkstrike it again? Turn to 318

Meyer's jaw drops in surprise and he stares at Fromm. 'But what
about the Fuhrer, sir?' He pauses, then looks at you suspiciously
and shouts at the guards: 'It is mind trickery! Disable the
prisoner!' You leap to your feet but there are too many of them -
one of them drives his rifle into your solar plexus and you
double up in pain. The physical shock causes you to lose control
of Ernst Fromm. He jumps up and shouts in rage, 'You will pay
for this, Schweinhund,' he cries. Take the filth away and reduce
it to a mewling dog, Hauptsturmfuhrer - I want the dog
obedient and willing and under close guard, not least to prevent
escape, but also to prevent a repeat of the Dragonmen's last
bloody raid. We must not lost this one. Heil!'

'Heil Hitler!' shouts the Hauptsturmfuhrer and the guards grab

you and carry you bodily out of the wooden cottage, taking
great pains to ensure you are uncomfortable. Turn to 400.

The effort of mind is too much for the feeling of being so small
has robbed you of your will. Miserably you perch on one of the
sand grains waiting for death to take you, for nothing will enter
this sentient cloud to save you. You have lived into the twilight
of time but not long enough to tell the tale.

You raise your face to the sky and shout out above the boom of
the machinery, 'Open the gate, I come in peace,' at the top of
your voice. For a while there is no reply and you are about to call
again when there is the scrape of metal upon metal from the
manhole cover. Turn to 202.

Cautiously you feel your way down the large burrow, stooping
as you go. After ten metres it opens out in a large subterranean
cave and several electric lights come on, temporarily blinding
you. When you can see again you find yourself surrounded by
delicate looking creatures, squirrel-like humanoids wearing
beautifully tailored humi-suits designed to protect them from
the dust and to hoard and recycle their bodily fluids. They are
Ardann, the forest dwelling race from the planet Arden. It is
most unusual to find them underground and your surprise is
suddenly amplified so that you stand dumbstruck, unable to
move, with your mouth hanging open. You realise that the
Ardann are using their mental powers to increase your
emotional responses to the point where you cannot think
rationally. Your surprise gives way to irritated indignation and
you find yourself stamping your foot petulantly and screaming
abuse at them. You must do something to reassert your self
control. Will you:

Think of flowers, peace and well-being to the

Ardann? Turn to 63
Clear your mind of all thought and try to
meditate? Turn to 73
Use your blaster on them? Turn to 83

Your reactions are slack, and the creature's long fist crashes into
your head with awful force, snapping it back and breaking your
neck. Death is instantaneous.

What looks, in the gloom, like a large flying walrus screeches as
it dives to attack. Do you have your blaster? If you do, turn to
65. If not, turn to 75.
56 levels. You dart forward towards the archway. Around one of
You send a blast of psionic energy at the guard. He was not the forearms of the beast is a band of polished metal, brightly
expecting this and his defences are down. With a grunt he painted with three bars of colour - red, green and yellow. You
throws back his head and slumps to the ground. A second later pause at the entrance but all is quiet. Silently you glide into the
you hurl another mental attack at the man in the Security dome. Turn to 316.
Dome, but it only serves to reveal something about the Eiger
Vault Security that you never knew before - the dome housing 59
Security Control acts in some way as a psychic shield - no Meyer starts in fear. 'Yes sir, immediately sir!' and he signals to
mental force can pass through. The man inside it shouts, two of the guards. You are frog-marched out of the cottage with
'Mental attack!' and as he activates the Security Droid, Meyer ahead of you. They take you out of the camp to an open
continues, I'm sorry Sir, orders is orders.' The Security Droid area of sandy ground one hundred yards from the entrance,
wheels towards you and raises its stun lance. You try to throw whilst you concentrate on maintaining your control over
yourself aside just as it fires. Make an Evasion Roll. Fromm. They force you to your knees and prepare to shoot you
in the back of the neck. To use your mind powers you will have
If you score 2-6, turn to 106 to release Fromm from your control. It you wish to do this, turn
If you score 7-12, turn to 96 to 190. If you wish to attack your would be murderers and have
Fromm run out and help you, turn to 216.
After half an hour you pass a tank's caterpillar track lying in the 60
dust. The wind has bared it but you are surprised to see it is After a time you come to another low hill. At its top you are able
badly weathered - it must have lain there for many years. Then to survey the ground ahead of you. Straight on lies the tower.
you realise that neither the German soldiers, nor the Knight, To its left you can just make out several dome-like structures in
show any signs of Medawars syndrome and the horse, if a little a depression on a plain of hard flat ground, of bluish slate. If you
thin, looks quite healthy. Either you will not age unnaturally wish to investigate the tower, turn to 105. If you would like to
quickly or these people were born here. Soon you begin to investigate the domelike structures, turn to 338.
descend into a very shallow valley across which a green river
meanders. Ferns and grasses line the banks and horses are 61
picketed on the near bank, grazing. Beyond them is a ford For a long time you struggle across the sand without being
leading to a small and ramshackle looking castle. Turn to 77. aware of moving until you enter the band of green mist. When
instantly, it seems, you return to normal size and stride
58 confidently through into a whirlpool of yellow. After a few
You level the Cold Lance and squeeze the triggering device - the more steps, you stop to get your bearings and doubts assail you.
air shimmers, condensation forming in a cone between the lance You realise you are hopelessly lost, the cloud closed in around
and its target. The reptile is struck by the force of the strange you without any wind and as far as you know it could move with
device and drops its weapon in surprise. Then it begins to you so that you would never see the red moon of this world
shudder as you maintain the ray. It seems to be leeching the again. Though you have only yourself to blame for your
Saurian of its body heat. Its eyes droop shut and it buckles at the predicament, you start to blame the Lords of TIME, and in
knees, falling to the ground. It has fallen into a torpid stupor - a particular Jobanque for not sending help for Bloodhound. Turn
cold blooded creature, it cannot function at low temperature to 281.
62 walk towards the hovrail car, the man in the Security Dome
The gate doesn't budge an inch, but as soon as you touch it, a suddenly realises what has happened, for he says,' Mind Attack!
terrible shock jolts through you. Lose 2 Endurance points. Evidently I'm sorry, sir, orders is orders,' and he activates the Security
the gate is protected against outsiders. If you are still alive, will Droid which aims its stun lance at you. Will you:
Run to the hovcar and force the guard under
Try to slide it sideways? Turn to 72 your control to attack the droid? Turn to 150
Cry out loud for someone to open the gate? Turn to 52 Run for the hovcar and force the guard to get
Put your shoulder against the door and push between you and the droid, so that the droid
harder? Turn to 393 cannot reach you with the stun lance? Turn to 158

63 67
As you fill your mind with thoughts of goodwill to the Ardann After half an hour you pass a tank's caterpillar track lying in the
you become ready to do anything they ask. Luckily one of them dust. The wind has bared it but you are surprised to see it is
says in a soft mellifluous voice, 'Leave us and go far away.' You badly weathered - it must have lain there for many years. Then
almost fall over yourself in your eagerness to oblige. After a few you realise that neither the German soldiers, nor the Knight,
minutes the feeling wears off but you are already on your way show any signs of Medawars syndrome and the horse, if a little
towards the huge building once more and decide to continue. thin, looks quite healthy. Either you will not age unnaturally
Turn to 19. quickly or these people were born here. Soon you begin to
descend into a very shallow valley across which a green river
64 meanders. Ferns and grasses line the banks and horses are
Your body jars spasmodically as a jolt of electricity galvanises picketed on the near bank, grazing. Beyond them is a ford
you. You fall away from the gate into the clutches of the human leading to a small and ramshackle looking castle. Turn to 87.
beast. The knotted fists catch you while you are still dazed and
smash you to a pulp. You have travelled to the end of time, but 68
no-one will ever hear you tell the tale. Their combined minds are too much for you and they both gasp
in surprise and outrage. 'Mind tricks, like the last one,' shouts
65 the commander. Suddenly there is a sharp pain and everything
The bloated walrus-like body is in fact an air bladder but the goes blank. Turn to 276.
spikes at the front of the animal's wings are solid enough. Will
you: 69
If you are wearing your environment suit, you can use its yellow
Use your blaster? Turn to 85 lubricating fluid to draw in the mud, turn to 79. Otherwise,
Thinkstrike? Turn to 95 prepare to slit your own wrist, turn to 89.

66 70
You reach out with your mind and grasp his will with yours, as if 'Only one man, sir?' queries Meyer. 'But you know this
in a vice. The guard did not really expect you to force your way timefarer's mental powers ...' Then he looks at you suspiciously
in and he falls easily under your control. As you are about to and shouts at the guards: 'It is mind trickery! Disable the
prisoner!' You leap to your feet but there are too many of them - momentarily unable to affect you. Will you take this oppor-
one of them drives his rifle into your solar plexus and you tunity to:
double up in pain. The physical shock causes you to lose control
of Ernst Fromm. He jumps up and shouts in rage, 'You will pay Leave and go on towards the huge building? Turn to 93
for this, Schweinhund,' he cries. Take the filth away and reduce Tell them that you are a friendly time-
it to a mewling dog, Hauptsturmfuhrer - I want the dog traveller? Turn to 103
obedient and willing, and under close guard, not least to prevent Ask them why they are living in holes in the
escape, but also to prevent a repeat of the Dragonmen's last ground? Turn to 113
bloody raid. We must not lose this one. Heil!'
'Heil Hitler!' shouts the Hauptsturmfuhrer and the guards grab For all its bloated head, as if it suffered from water on the brain,
you and carry you bodily out of the wooden cottage, taking and grotesquely large fists, the monstrous human is well co-
great pains to ensure you are uncomfortable. Turn to 400. ordinated and it launches a startlingly swift attack which you try
once more to dodge. Make an Evasion Roll.
The purple glow soon gives way to a deep warm redness. If this If you score 8-12, turn to 84
is the second time you have visited the red mist, turn to 159. If you score 2-7, turn to 42
Otherwise, read on. As you approach the eerie red glow it seems
to welcome you and the red vapours swirl about you, seeming to
sooth you in a warm caress. You begin to feel better than you
Instinctively you reach for your blaster, but it is no longer at
have yet felt on this cold and barren planet. You breathe the red
your hip. There remains only enough time to Thinkstrike. Turn
mist in deeply, then blow little rings of red smoke out of your
to 95.
nostrils. Suddenly you begin to laugh - the red mist is affecting
you like laughing gas. It occurs to you to make a painting on the
sandy ground, but the only thing you can think of to use as paint 76
is blood. Turn to 69. The instant you make a move, the Droid, its computer brain
faster than a man's and without conscience, opens fire. You try
72 to avoid it but you are a nanosecond too slow and a flash of
As you touch the gate, a terrible shock jolts through you. Lose 2 glowing green energy explodes into your chest, throwing you
Endurance points. If you are still alive, you see that the gate has backwards. You land in a heap, barely conscious and unable to
started to slide open, enough for you to slip through into a lit move your limbs. Within seconds your helmet is removed and
passageway beyond. The boom-boom of the machinery buffets you are given an anaesthetic drug. You slip into uncon-
your eardrums. You decide to step inside. Turn to 222 sciousness. When you wake up you find yourself in a small
room, antiseptic white. You have been placed in a detention
73 cubicle at the TIME headquarters. You have been relieved of
Remembering your training at the Academy when you used to your command and suspended from TIME, pending a court
empty your mind of all thought before attempting a Think- martial for disobeying a TIME Lord. Bloodhound is beyond your
strike, you let your mind drift freely and the Ardann are help now - you will be lucky to retain your position as an agent.
77 80
A look-out in one of the round gate towers calls out as you cross You assume a combat stance ready to take out the pilot who
the ford and a group of people have gathered to look at you by tried to kill you before - maybe you can steal his plane. The
the time you reach the other side. About fifteen knights, all cockpit canopy slides back and a man dressed in something
dressed in chain mail and wearing the red cross of the mediaeval vaguely akin to your environment suit climbs out. He walks
crusaders, stare dourly at you. Seven women of varying ages, forward, hand extended in a gesture of peace. 'Look man, I'm
dressed in pointed slippers, pastel coloured full length gowns sorry, I really am. I didn't know who or what you were. I
and tall pointed head dresses, stand behind them. There are also thought you were something the Gra'ak had built. Sorry,' he
three young children, one has three arms, another staring, says in English with an American accent, and offers you his
purple eyes, and the third, a girl-child, has two heads. They are hand to shake. When you do not take it he shrugs and goes on:
mutants. Each of the knights is armed with a particle disruptor I'm Lieutenant Kowalski of the United States Air Force from
but some have swords strapped at their waists as well. Many 2012 AD. I was on a routine mission when I suddenly ended up
bear the scars of battle, grizzled veterans of many campaigns. here. Some kind of time flux. Anyhow, you're in trouble, man!
Their armour has a battered but functional look. Those Nazi guys are mean. And so are the Knights of Saint
John. I could help you ...' and he gazes at you through narrowed
You are taken into the castle where there is a small green inside
eyes, 'I mean my Starfighter could really waste those guys, you
the walls, or grey-green, for the grass has a dull grey sheen in
know. But you gotta make it worth my while. It's not a good idea
the half light of the great red moon. Beyond it is the largest
for me to mess with them - I'm on my own and they're a whole
building in the settlement, a church with a tall steeple which has
battalion! So you gotta promise to get me outta here. If I help
recently tumbled down, throwing chunks of rock everywhere.
Turn to 97. you, you've gotta take me to your time, maybe even back to
mine. Deal?' He smiles winningly. Will you:
Agree to take Kowalski with you? Turn to 168
The reptile grunts in pain and shakes its head. It bellows in rage
but is still slightly dazed, giving you time to act. Will you: Decide it might change the timelines to do so
and refuse? Turn to 350
Use your blaster, if you still have it? Turn to 18
Use a Cold Lance, if you have one? Turn to 58
Try your Powers of Will? Turn to 328 81
There is a strange croaking roar from the Gra'aki and another
Charge in and try to defeat it in hand to hand
howl of agony from the poor devil they are tormenting.
combat? Turn to 296
Thankful that their grisly attentions are directed elsewhere, you
make good your escape from the domes of the Gra'ak. If you
79 have heard of a black pyramid, or of a Time Destabiliser, turn to
By the time you have made a wayward design in the sand with
the suit's lubricating fluid, it is worse than useless. Helpless with 320. If not, turn to 226.
mirth you scatter the pieces of the suit in all directions and walk
on. The urge to create has left you. Will you: 82
Turn left towards a part of the mist which Your blow dents the man-things skull and it retreats back to the
glows orange? Turn to 99 manhole, mewling in pain before disappearing from view. You
Turn right towards a purple haze? Turn to 109 move towards the gateway. Turn to 185.
As you make the necessary change of attitude to use your
blaster in anger, a torrent of rage overwhelms you. The blaster
goes off but you are so enraged that all sense leaves you. You
blast blindly for several minutes until the roof of the cave falls in
on you and you are crushed to death.

By drawing on the skills of a crack combateer you somehow
elude the precise hammer blows of its fists and hit back. The
monster half stumbles as you attack. Make an Attack Roll.

If you score 5-12, turn to 82

If you score 2-4, turn to 92

The walrus-bird is almost upon you when the spitting energy of
your blaster rips its air-sac apart and it collapses in a mess of
blood and entrails at your feet. The stench is so disgusting that
you hold your breath until you are safely above ground once
again. Turn to 105.

Make an Attack Roll as you unleash the ravening power of your
blaster at the Droid.

If you score 2-6, turn to 138

If you score 7-12, turn to 126

A look-out in one of the round gate towers calls out as you cross
the ford and a group of people have gathered to look at you by
the time you reach the other side. About fifteen knights, all
dressed in chain mail and wearing the red cross of the mediaeval
crusaders stare dourly at you. Seven women of varying ages,
dressed in pointed slippers, pastel coloured full length gowns
and tall pointed head dresses, stand behind them. There are also
three young children, one has three arms, another staring,
purple eyes, and the third, a girl-child, has two heads. They are
mutants. Each of the knights is armed with a particle disruptor commander to tie them to their chairs and turn the tank around.
but some have swords strapped at their waists as well. Many They seem familiar with mind control, Bloodhound must have
bear the scars of battle, grizzled veterans of many campaigns. given them a hard time. You ask one of them about Bloodhound,
Their armour has a battered but functional look. and he says, maliciously, 'If you're looking for your friend,
you're too late - the Dragonmen took him. I expect he's long
You are taken into the castle where there is a small green inside been made a meal of,' and he laughs. Moments later, the radio
the walls, or grey-green, for the grass has a dull grey sheen in crackles into life, 'Otto, this is Meyer - what are you doing?
the half light of the great red moon. Beyond it is the largest Stop, I order you!' Poking your head out of the hatch you can see
building in the settlement, a church with a tall steeple which has the other Tiger tanks in pursuit. One of them fires - a geyser of
recently tumbled down, throwing chunks of rock everywhere. dust erupts with a dull crump nearby. Your tank begins to climb
Turn to 107. a ridge. You reach the top when there is an explosion and a flash
of flames. The tank shudders and slews to a stop, one of its
88 tracks blown off. You leap out of the turret and scramble down
You follow the compass heading west, skirting all signs of the ridge. Turn to 396.
habitation. Eventually you come to the crater where Falcon's
Wing lies. Kowalski is waiting for you and he greets you 91
enthusiastically, smiling broadly when you tell him of your With a surge of relief that almost makes you giddy you see that
brush with the reptilian Gra'ak. But, try as you might, neither the rocket missed Falcon's Wing and you are able to land the
you, Bloodhound nor CAIN is able to get Falcon's Wing to take flyer safely and switch on the hologram generator. You decide
you home. You are marooned in this lonely, inhospitable place to explore on foot next time to avoid calling unwanted attention
for all eternity ... to yourself and your Time Machine. Turn to 131.

89 92
There is but a split second in which reason may reassert itself in The blow barely affects the pale green monster man. It doesn't
your mind. Do you think: appear to be bred specifically for combat, it has no claws or
formidable teeth, but its bones and sinews are so tough it can
It is pointless to paint here because no-one will withstand an enormous amount of punishment. Its balled fist
see the work of art in the mist? Turn to 119 slams into you repeatedly before you can regain your balance
That blood is unsuitable because it will lose its after your attack. Lose 6 Endurance points. If you are still alive, turn
glorious red colour when mixed with the to 102.
dust? Turn to 129
90 The Ardann, unblinking and solemn, watch you go without
With a great effort you manage to dominate both their minds at saying a word and you are happy to be able to leave of your own
once. It is all you can do to maintain your control. You force tree will. Turn to 19.
them both to turn their weapons on their fellows, and then
remove your blindfold saying to the gunner and radioman: 'I 94
have them both under my power - if you make a move, they will To your surprise, these monsters move with the speed and poise
shoot you.' They gape in astonishment as you force the of crack combateers. Their huge fists are ideal weapons for hand
to hand fighting and their minds are immune to your mental Du Gueselin holds up the sword with the cold blade. 'I have
attacks for they have the psychic power of mind-bar. It does not recovered the Sacred Sword of Valois, our defence against the
take long for them to reduce you to a bloody pulp, and then they squirrel people.' Will you:
begin to feed.
Protest that it was you who found the sacred
95 sword? Turn to 117
The walrus-bird is on a collision course, its saw-edged beak Let matters take their course? Turn to 127
snapping predatorially as you hurl a blast of thought energy to
no avail. Its mind is not receptive to psychic attack. It flattens 98
you against the cavern wall, flailing with spikes and beak, You wait for a few seconds, sweating with fear, as the tank
lacerating you horribly. Lose 4 Endurance points. If you are still alive, 5 filled with an awful whining sound. Then the commander
turn to 115. grunts in pain, he has been hit in the shoulder. The shock
galvanises his mind and you lose control of him. The gunner
leaps upon you, to be joined by the rest of the crew and within
The glowing green beam of the stun lance flashes past you as moments you have been clubbed into unconsciousness. Turn to
you dive and roll to your feet running for the internal hovrail 276.
car. An alarm shrieks and a voice booms out, 'Intruder alert -
apprehend or disable. Do not kill, priority A1, repeat, Do not
kill.' The noise fills the vault with a cacophony of echoing sound. The orange glow of the mist seems to flicker strangely as if
spark flies had been caught in its silken folds, then you are
At least Jobanque isn't going to have you terminated over this,
you think to yourself as you hurl yourself into a waiting hovrail swathed in a deep golden pall of mist once more. It shimmers
car. A beam of emerald energy from a droid's stun lance flashes around you and your mind is strangely afflicted. If you have
through the spot you have just left. Quickly you insert your been surrounded by the yellow mist before, turn to 169. If not,
identity chip into the hovcar guidance computer, praying that turn to 281.
your Security Clearance hasn't yet been revoked. You heave a
sigh of relief as the doors hum shut and the hovrail shoots 100
forward like a bullet to maximum speed in seconds, the The reptile grunts, throws back its head and collapses in a heap.
acceleration slamming you back into your chair. You are You dart forward towards the archway. Around one of the
propelled deep into the Eiger Vault. Turn to 116. forearms of the beast is a band of polished metal, brightly
painted with three bars of colour - red, green and yellow. You
pause at the entrance but all is quiet. Silently you glide into the
'What manner of being is this, du Gueselin?' asks a grey haired dome. Turn to 316.
warrior with corded arm muscles and huge shoulders, of your
As soon as Falcon's Wing has come out of null-space you look at
the digital read-out to check what time you are in. To your
'One like the other who came in the contraption that travels
horror it reads 99,999,999 AD. You ask CAIN to confirm this
across the days, Lord Leopold.' There is a hum of interest all
around you. date and the computer responds: 'My sensors indicate that the
read-out is incorrect. There are not enough digits to represent beautiful forested planet again. They are extremely shy and
the correct date, Falcon.' your presence makes them very nervous, but they give you a
device like a compass which will allow you to home in on their
'Do you mean that we're further into the future than a hundred burrows if ever you need to and they ask you to help them to
million years AD?' return to Arden. They warn you of dangerous Earthers on the
planet, strange clouds that bring madness and a fearsome
That is correct, Falcon.' sounding alien race which they call 'Reckless Devourers'. Being
face to face with you for this length of time is as much as they
Then lets jump back.' can stand and they persuade you to leave, manipulating your
emotions so that you find yourself walking towards the huge
'Before examining our surroundings?' decaying building once more. Turn to 19.

'Remember the Medawar syndrome, CAIN, it doesn't affect 104

you, but there is no knowing how quickly I will age so far out of You turn and press the gate with your palms but a terrible shock
my own time. Every minute may put a year on my age.' You set galvanises your body, leaving you stunned. The gate is evidently
the co-ordinates for a return to your own time and engage the protected against outsiders. Before you can recover, the
Variac Drive, but nothing happens. CAIN does not report any monsters have attacked you with the reflexes and power of
malfunction but when you try again there is the usual whine of crack combateers. It does not take long for them to reduce you
the drive but the read-out still shows 99,999,999 AD. 'Can we to a bloody pulp, and then they begin to feed.
be moving backwards in time in small steps towards 99,999,999
AD?' you ask. 105
You strike out once more towards the tall tower, hopeful of
'My sensors indicate that we are not moving at all, Falcon.' You finding someone or something to help you, or at least some
grimace at the console which houses CAIN and decide to take a useful information. After a short journey during which your
look at whatever is outside. Turn to 111. head is bowed down with weariness, you look up at the tower.
Turn to 145.
The thing attacks again. You dodge aside, somehow eluding its 106
hammer blows, and hit back. Make an Attack Roll. You are a nanosecond too slow and a flash of glowing green
energy explodes into your chest, throwing you backward. You
If you score 7-12, turn to 82 land in a heap, barely conscious and unable to move your limbs.
If you score 2-6, turn to 112 Within seconds your helmet is removed and you are given an
anaesthetic drug. You slip into unconsciousness. When you
103 wake up you find yourself in a small, antiseptic white room. You
As soon as you tell them who you are, you sense them becoming have been placed in a detention cubicle at the TIME head-
interested. They tell you that they were asleep in their home quarters. You have been relieved of your command and
trees on the planet Arden one night and awoke on the dusty suspended from TIME, pending a court martial for disobeying a
plain of this planet. They have eked out a pitiful existence for TIME Lord. Bloodhound is beyond your help now - you will be
nearly ten Earth years, resigned to never setting foot on their lucky to retain your position as an agent.
107 environment. You are now cocooned in a chill blue glow. A
'What manner of being is this du Gueselin?' asks a grey haired strange impression of peaceful serenity floods your mind and
warrior with corded arm muscles and huge shoulders, of your then you shrink. Your size dwindles rapidly - and the ground
Knight. surges up towards you until you are no larger than an ant
perched between two grains of sand as large as small bould-
'One like the other who came in the contraption that travels ers. Uncannily the transformation barely perturbs you. The
across the days. Lord Leopold.' There is a hum of interest all thought of scrambling across the sea of sand grain boulders
around you. seems too much trouble to contemplate. You settle down to
rest. Turn to 31, unless this is the second time you have shrunk,
'An infidel who has profaned the sacred sword of Valois.' Du in which case, turn to 149.
Gueselin points at the sword which you still carry.

'Burn the Infidel!' cries the girl with two heads, twice, together. 110
Will you: The driver, an unintelligent man used to following orders, falls
easily under your control. Will you:
Try to escape? Turn to 137
Ask them if they will let you pray in the Force him to turn the tank around? Turn to 336
church? Turn to 307 Make him use the pistol he has on the tank
commander? Turn to 348
Thinking fast, you set a plasplode pack to detonate in five
minutes and toss it into the dome, knowing it will set off the rest 111
of the explosives when it goes off. You both spring for the edge CAIN turns on the outside scanner for you which pans slowly
of the bowl-like depression housing the Gra'ak domes. You round in a circle. Falcon's Wing stands in the middle of a
scramble up the sides and throw yourselves flat, hugging the depression filled with fine silt which forms small whirlpools in
ground. Scant seconds later, there is a massive roar and the the wind. It is quite dark outside and there are no signs of life,
ground shudders beneath you. The shock wave almost tears save for a great crumbling edifice that rises above the lip of the
you off the ground but the depression has contained most of the depression in the far distance. It looks like a high-tech building
force of the explosion. Looking back, you see that the destruc- put something is not quite right. You can't be sure but there is a
tion is enormous. There is no sign of your pursuers and all of the suggestion of decay and desolation about it as if the architects
domes have been flattened except for one or two at the far end had returned to dust aeons ago. You stare at the featureless
of the bowl... 'Well, I'm not sorry to see that,' says Bloodhound. landscape. Reluctantly you decide to explore the inhospitable
'They were a vicious group of beings.' If you have heard of a environment. CAIN advises that the air is breathable but that
Black Monolith or a TIME de-stabiliser, turn to 320. If not, turn the oxygen content is slightly below that of Earth. The gravity is
to 226. almost identical to Earth's. Note on your agent profile whether
you are wearing your environment suit or not. Will you:
You step lightheartedly towards the purple haze, but as soon as Use the flyer? Turn to 121
you enter it, you pass into an altogether less heartwarming Or do you prefer to explore on foot? Turn to 131
112 116
You are bowed down under the weight of the blows which The hovcar comes to a gut wrenching halt at the bay where
reduce you gradually to a pulp. There is nothing you can do to Falcon's Wing, your Time Machine, is housed. Looking out of
escape. Soon after you are dead it begins to feed. the car you can see two Security Droids waiting for you. Will

'Because there are no home trees here,' says one of the Ardann Dive out of the car and come up firing? Turn to 170
in a soft mellifluous voice. 'Why did you come to this planet?' Walk out and say, 'I am Section Chief Falcon - use
you ask. voice verification. The intruder is in Section P
- Storage 5, proceed there immediately.'? Turn to 178
'It just happened, we went to sleep on Arden and woke up here.'
'How long ago?' you ask. 117
You protest that it was you who gave the sword to du Gueselin,
'Nearly fifteen Arden cycles,' is the reply. As far as you can who turns a murderous look upon you. 'Lies!' he says. This
remember that is over ten Earth years. You try to find out more, infidel profaned the Sacred Sword of Valois, and would have
but the Ardann are very nervous and they beg you to leave thrown it down one of the cracks in the earth had I not wrested
before edging deeper into their underground warren. As soon it away by main force.'
as you consider the idea of leaving it seems the only thing to do
and you almost fall over yourself in your haste to scramble Burn the Infidel!' cries the girl with two heads, twice, together.
outside. After a few minutes the feeling wears off but you are Will you:
already on your way towards the huge building once more and
decide to continue. Turn to 19. Try to escape? Turn to 137
Ask if they will let you pray in the church? Turn to 307
As soon as you touch the gate, a terrible shock jolts through 118
you. Lose 2 Endurance points. The gate must be protected against You send a bolt of mental force at the mind of the Saurian guard.
outsiders. If you are still alive, you see that the gate has started Make a Thinkstrike Roll.
to slide open, enough for you to slip through into a lit passage-
way beyond. The boom-boom of the machinery buffets your If you score 8-12, turn to 100
eardrums. Just then a gnarled fist smashes into your hip, a If you score 2-7, turn to 78
bruising and battering blow. You lose 3 further Endurance points, but,
if you are still alive, the force of the blow has knocked you 119
through the gateway. Turn to 124. Something seems to be whispering inside your head, but you
on remember that the mist will be blown away by the wind
115 sooner or later and then people will be able to admire your blood
You will have to fight the beast off with your bare hands. It painting. Picking up a jagged rock you gouge it into your wrist
swoops on you once more. Make an Attack Roll. laughing uproariously as a geyser of hot blood spatters to the
dust. You fall unconscious soon after your finger painting is
If you score 8-12, turn to 125 begun, never to reawaken. You have travelled to the end of time
If you score 2-7, turn to 135 but not lived long enough to tell the tale.
120 123
It grunts in agony and staggers a few steps towards you, its eyes You gingerly grip the flat sword blade with both hands and
glazed but still burning with feral lust. Then the light fades from wrench it backwards and forwards. The skull topples off and
its eyes and it collapses in a heap. Heaving a sign of profound falls to the ground where it splits apart. Inside is a piece of red
relief, you dart forward towards the archway. Around one of and white cloth. You try to let go of the sword to examine it but
the forearms of the beast is a band of polished metal, brightly your hands have gone numb and the sword sticks to them. If
painted with three bars of colour - red, green and yellow. You you are wearing your environment suit, turn to 153. If not, turn
pause at the entrance but all is quiet. Silently you glide into the to 163.
dome. Turn to 316.

121 124
You press the button which sends your crash-couch up into As soon as you are through the gate it slides shut once more
position inside the flyer's cockpit and check the instruments, with a whir of heavy machinery cutting your assailants off from
then the launch doors slide back and you are catapulted out over you. There is a spate of sound like a blaster discharge, perhaps
the plain of dust. You cut the Ion Drive in as soon as Falcon's they are trying to open the gate once more and suffering electric
Wing is out of the way and the stabilising gyro whines as you shocks. You run down a featureless corridor into what is
bank and climb towards the great edifice. Once above the lip of evidently a lift. Turn to 214.
the depression, a vast panorama opens out. Slow senile rivers
meander across flat, dusty plains. The mountains to the east, 125
though high, are rounded like gently rolling hills, after aeons of A great blow of your fist catches the monster between its eyes
erosion. You catch sight of tracks below you as you skim along and it falls back, its wings threshing ineffectually. You start to
at mach one and angle your flyer to follow them. Turn to 141. climb up the sloping cavern wall and the walrus-bird seems
content to let its unwilling and obstreperous prey depart safely
now. Soon you are safely above ground once again.Turn to 105.
The creature halts twenty feet away from you, watching and
waiting. As you watch, momentarily transfixed with horror, 126
more of the strange human-like beasts lever themselves out of The plasma bolt lances into the droid and it explodes with a
the shaft and close in. They look like cadavers, with their sickly thunderous roar, reduced to a heap of twisted metal in a brief
pale green skin and disk-like pale glowing eyes, but their moment. The guard puts his hands up and backs away, saying:
movements are lithe and quick. They are grotesque travesties of 'OK, Chief, OK, we were just following orders - it's not worth
the human form, over-sized heads as if they had water on the any lives to try and stop you, sir, is it?' You shake your head and
brain, and many jointed, knobbled fingers make them look like run on to the hovrail car, covering the guard as you go. Quickly
the bizarre creations of a mad professor. Ten of them have you insert your identity chip into the hovcar guidance com-
closed in on you menacingly. Will you: puter, praying that your Security Clearance hasn't yet been
revoked. You heave a sigh of relief as the doors hum shut and
Run amongst them and attack? Turn to 94 the hovrail shoots forward like a bullet to maximum speed in
Try desperately to push the gate open? Turn to 104 seconds, the acceleration slamming you back into your chair.
Slide it sideways? Turn to 114 You are propelled deep into the Eiger Vault. Turn to 116.
127 130
The knights ask you if you are similar to the man called 'What,' stutters Hauptsturmfuhrer Meyer, 'You cannot be
Bloodhound. You tell them that you are and ask where he is, but serious, sir.' Then he looks at you and shouts at the guards: 'It is
they answer, 'First, we must pray.' Inside the abbey an old monk mind trickery! Disable the prisoner!' You leap to your feet but
leads the service and they pray for deliverance from purgatory. there are too many of them - one of them drives his rifle into
Tor have we not smitten the Mohammedan Infidel and de- your solar plexus and you double up in pain. The physical shock
livered the Holy Lord from Saladin?' As you do not know any causes you to lose control of Ernst Fromm. He jumps up and
prayers you bow your head in silence. The Sword of Valois is shouts in rage, 'You will pay for this Schweinhund,' he cries.
placed on the altar and left there. Afterwards they invite you to Take the filth away and reduce it to a mewling dog,
eat with them in the abbey and, as you are both hungry and Hauptsturmfuhrer - I want the dog obedient and willing. And
thirsty, you thank them. Turn to 167. under close guard, not least to prevent escape, but also to
prevent a repeat of the Dragonmen's last bloody raid. We must
128 not lost this one. Heil!'
He collapses like a sack of potatoes as you blast his mind with a
Thinkstrike. Quickly you put on his clothes, wrapping your face 'Heil, Hitler!' shouts the Hauptsturmfuhrer and the guards grab
up in his scarf. You open the door and stride boldly out into the you and carry you bodily out of the wooden cottage, taking
open. The door is flanked by two soldiers on guard. A sergeant great pains to ensure you are uncomfortable. Turn to 400.
leans against the wall of the hut. As you set off towards the
compound gates, the sergeant says, 'Where's the prisoner, 131
Rudolf. I thought you were going to take him to the It is a difficult climb to the lip of the depression and you find
Standartenfuhrer?' The gates, manned by a couple of sentries, yourself slipping backwards in a small avalanche of fine silt
are only fifty yards away. Will you: several times. When at last you crest the lip a wide vista lies
before you. For the most part it is a featureless plain stretching
Thinkstrike the sergeant and make a dash for towards the great edifice. Everything has been worn down. The
the gate? Turn to 136 mountains which rise purple in the distance are high but they
Mumble, 'No, no, not yet,' and try to control the look more like gently rolling hills, their crags eroded over the
sergeant with Power of Will? Turn to 198 aeons. The dust which lies everywhere underfoot is multi-
coloured, grey, red, yellow and many other hues, as if all of the
129 compounds and elements on the surface of the planet had been
Still laughing, you decide against using your own blood to paint rubbed off and mixed together. You have been walking for some
with because it will only turn a dull brown colour in the dust. time when you come to a set of tracks, hoofprints, crossing your
Something seems to be whispering inside your head, you still path at right angles. Will you:
want to paint and search for inspiration and one after another
ideas pop into your mind. Do you: Follow the hoofprints? Turn to 3
Walk on towards the decayed high-tech
Use your blaster if you think that would make building? Turn to 13
an interesting work of art? Turn to 139
Make a collage out of pieces of your coloured 132
tunic? Turn to 267 The gate doesn't budge an inch, but as soon as you touch it, a
terrible shock jolts through you. Lose 2 Endurance points. Evidently 135
the gate is protected against outsiders. If you are still alive, the You lash out savagely but the blow is caught within the soft
creature draws back its fist to pulverise you and you decide to folds of the beast's wing and once more you are lacerated by
make a desperate effort to open the gate. Will you: spikes and beak. Lose 4 Endurance points. You have no choice but to
fight on. Return to 115 and roll again.
Put your shoulder to the door and push as hard
as you can? Turn to 332 136
Try instead to slide it open? Turn to 342 The sergeant reels back in pain and sinks to his knees. You run
If you think touching the door might kill you, on, sprinting for the gate as the sentries shout, 'Halt, halt!'
you will have to give battle instead. Turn to 352 There is the chatter of a projectile weapon and the last thing you
notice is the watch tower guns blazing away at you. Your body is
133 riddled with bullets and you are hurled backwards to die in the
The gravel gives way to a featureless dusty plain once more and dust of the compound.
you make towards a low pock-marked hillock. After a while you
cross a set of tracks which stretch towards nothing to either side 137
as far as the eye can see. They remind you of fish bones, a series Will you:
of parallel indentations made by a very heavy vehicle, but there
is no indication as to what drove it or whether it is a robot. You Try to grab the nearest child, the boy with the
trudge on towards the hillock and realise that you are growing purple eyes, and hold him hostage? Turn to 187
thirsty. Turn to 183. Thinkstrike du Gueselin and take his particle
disruptor? Turn to 197
134 Try to control the mind of Duke Leopold? Turn to 207
The platform turns out to be a moving gantry. When you set
foot on it a hydraulic arm moves the platform towards a bank of 138
controls. The dials show the pressure in each of four impulse The bolt of superheated plasma flies past the droid to crash into
chambers which drive the great piston. Each dial is divided into the wall of the vault with explosive force. Shattered masonry
three parts. Marked LOW DANGER - IMPLOSIVE, NORMAL and twisted metal erupt outwards with a thunderous roar. The
OPERATIONAL and HIGH DANGER - EXPLOSIVE. The Droid fires its stun lance - desperately you try to dodge it. Make
needles on dials one, three and four are well into the red band an Evasion Roll.
marked HIGH DANGER - EXPLOSIVE. Above each dial on the
control panel is a lever marked Impulse Power Control. Each has If you score 2-7, turn to 106
three optional settings all currently at the high setting. Will you: If you score 8-12, turn to 96

Climb down from the platform and go to the 139

lift? Turn to 144 Whipping out your blaster, you fire it into the dusty sand and
Reduce the Impulse Power setting a notch for whoop with delight as the dust turns red and begins to flow like
the number two chamber? Turn to 154 lava. After ten minutes, you have created a molten lake between
Reduce the setting a notch for the number four glassy pink mountains shot with black fissures, a diorama of the
channel? Turn to 164 surface of the planet Mercury. The sand has turned into opaque
glass. Then your blaster runs out. You hurl it aside in frus- 142
tration and walk away from your masterpiece. The compulsion As soon as you touch the gate, a terrible shock jolts through
to create has been lifted. Will you walk towards: you. Lose 2 Endurance points. The gate must be protected against
outsiders. If you are still alive, you see that the gate has started
An orange glow? Turn to 99 to slide open, enough for you to slip through into a lit
A purple haze? Turn to 109 passageway beyond. The boom-boom of the machinery buffets
your eardrums. As the creature draws back its fist to pulverise
you, you leap through the gateway. Turn to 362.
You hit the ground and a ball of yellow energy flies over your 143
head to explode some distance behind you. As you sit up, you see Your Thinkstrike is likely to be little more than a futile act of
the Saurian go into some kind of frenzy, its jaws snap wildly and desperation. Make a Thinkstrike Roll.
it bounds towards you, howling horribly. The hackles on the
back of your neck rise as you are gripped with instinctive fear, If you score 8-12, turn to 283
the prey's fear of the predator. Desperately you fire your blaster If you score 2-7, turn to 193
again, the creature is almost upon you, its breath foul and its
gaping jaw running with saliva. Make an Attack Roll. 144
As soon as you step away from the control platform a klaxon
If you score 7-12, turn to 248 sounds and the air begins to shimmer all around it. It looks like a
If you score 2-6, turn to 410 highly advanced force field. Before you can investigate your
attention is claimed by a horde of misshapen humans, glowing a
vile pale green, who run towards you. They have bloated heads
141 and heavy, many jointed hands, which they are waving about in
In the distance below, you catch sight of something moving a war-like fashion. You decide to hide in the lift. Turn to 214.
along one of the tracks and throttle back, diving to investigate. It
is a technological artefact and some kind of being ducks inside a 145
turret that revolves slowly on top of it, closing the hatch as your A low drone and the steady thump thump of a machine so large
flyer approaches. The vehicle is a heavy looking machine made that the noise it produces is almost below the range of human
of metal. There is a staccato noise and brief spurts of flame erupt hearing seems to fill the air. The noise reverberates so deeply it
from one side of the turret, but it is not until the flyer rocks is as if the outside of the huge tower were pulsing rhythmically,
alarmingly that you realise you are being fired at by a primitive displacing the air in constant ripples. It is impossible to guess the
projectile weapon, a machine gun. The gyro screams in protest height of the tower, but it must be several miles around at the
as you bank left and leave the machine behind, but there was base. Though you scan the intervening terrain for signs of life
something familiar about it. Will you: there is not a single building, highway or even a set of tracks in
sight. The deep thump, thump booms on. Turn to 155.
Increase speed and fly an evasion pattern over
it to take another look? Turn to 151 146
Fly on along the track? Turn to 161 You wait for a few seconds, sweating with fear, as the tank is
Return to Falcon's Wing and explore on foot? Turn to 171 filled with an awful whining sound. Then the bullet slams into
the commander's chest and he collapses. Whilst the driver
covers the other two crewmen, you remove the blindfold.
Quickly you tie them up and then order the driver to turn the
tank around and drive away at full speed. Moments later, the
radio crackles into life, 'Otto, this is Meyer - what are you
doing? Stop, I order you!' Poking your head out of the hatch you
can see the other Tiger tanks in pursuit. One of them fires - a
geyser of dust erupts with a dull crump nearby. Your tank
begins to climb a ridge. You reach the top when there is an
explosion and a flash of flames. The tank shudders and slews to
a stop, one of its tracks blown off. You leap out of the turret and
scramble down the ridge. Turn to 396.

Stepping from the yellow light you are momentarily bathed in
an orange glow that makes your skin look grey and hollow, like a
cadaver, but your next step plunges you into the layers of red
mist which lies beyond. Evidently the mist turns orange where
red and yellow meet. If you have already been smothered in the
red mist, turn to 159. Otherwise, turn to 337.

Frantically you press the buttons. For a moment nothing
happens; but then the capsule around Bloodhound cracks and
opens up like a blossoming flower. You heave a sigh of relief.
'Come on Blood, we've little time,' you shout, and grabbing his
arm rush back into the dome and outside. About three hundred
yards away, a pack of reptiles, howling and slavering men-
acingly, are hurtling toward you. If you have some plasplode,
turn to 108. If not, turn to 38.

All will to survive leaves you. The effort of will which was
required for you to leave last time is now beyond you. The
strange cloud is settled all around and your life force is drawn
inexorably into the chill incandescent mist.

He takes a step towards the droid, when the man in the dome
reaches over and does something at an instrument panel. The creations of a mad professor. Ten of them have closed in on you
guard's power armour freezes instantly, immobilising him. menacingly. Will you:
Obviously, the Eiger Vault guards have power armour that is
Run amongst them and attack? Turn to 94
controlled from the Dome - an excellent defence against those
Try desperately to push the gate open? Turn to 104
who have powers of the mind. Almost certainly the Dome is
Slide it sideways? Turn to 114
resistant to mental attack - security at the vault is good. You
have no choice but to run for the hovrail and try to dodge the
security droid as it readies its stun lance. Make an Evasion Roll.
The metal blade of the sword is so cold that it is eating into the
palms of your suit. It takes all of your strength to wrench the
If you score 2-6, turn to 106
sword out of the gravel and strike it against the ground until it
If you score 7-12, turn to 96
falls free, but the sword takes the palms of your suit with it. The
cold has stopped the suit sealing automatically and it is no longer
air tight. The effort of moving inside it in the low oxygen
As you curve around and swoop towards the machine once
atmosphere is great and you decide to leave the suit behind.
more, you catch sight of two large animals moving across the
Note that you are not wearing your environment suit on your
plain, but the flyer flashes back towards the tracks before you
agent profile. The red and white piece of cloth is made of natural
can identify them. The machine gun rattles once more but the
fibre, it is coarse and seems to have been hand made, but is
flyer is too fast for them to catch in their sights and this time you
otherwise uninteresting. Will you:
see all you need to. The historical film footage you saw at the
Academy of World War II showed such machines. It is a Tiger Examine the sword once more, this time lifting
tank, sporting a large black swastika, rumbling slowly across the it by the hilt? Turn to 173
plain. Will you: Continue on your way? Turn to 133

Fly on along the track? Turn to 161 154

Land the flyer some way ahead of it and try to The lever clicks down one notch and the dials react immediately.
meet whatever is inside? Turn to 181 Chambers one, three and four return to normal working
pressure, but the needle on the dial for chamber two dives far
152 into the blue, LOW, DANGER - IMPLOSIVE. You reach for the
The creature lashes out with its fist catching your hip which is lever to reset it, but with a great whoof, the side of the gigantic
badly battered and bruised. Lose 3 Endurance points. If you are still cylinder implodes and you are sucked inside it. The piston hits
alive you are surprised to see the monstrous parody of hum- you on its upward stroke, smashing you to a thin film on the
anity back off a few paces, then stop, watching and waiting. As cylinder head.
you watch, momentarily transfixed with horror, more of the
strange human-like beasts lever themselves out of the shaft and 155
close in. They look like cadavers, with their sickly pale green skin There are no heliport pads or jetcopter launch bays in the
and disk-like pale glowing eyes, but their movements are lithe smooth-sided tower, nor do you espy any windows opening out
and quick. They are grotesque travesties of the human form, onto this barren twilight world. There is no light from the
over sized heads as if they had water on the brain, and many tower, just the steady boom, boom of ponderous machinery.
jointed, knobbled fingers make them look like the bizarre Turn to 165.
156 your Security Clearance hasn't yet been revoked. You heave a
You are too slow and a shell explodes close by. You are lifted into sigh of relief as the doors hum shut and the hovrail shoots
the air and thrown onto a boulder, hard, by the shock wave. The forward like a bullet to maximum speed in seconds, the
impact stuns you. Lose 6 Endurance points. If you are still alive, you acceleration slamming you back into your chair. You are
fall in a heap, behind the line of worn and pitted boulders. At propelled deep into the Eiger Vault. Turn to 116.
least you are out of sight. Shaking your head to clear the
dizziness, you run to the right and then clamber up a rocky 159
outcrop, exposing yourself momentarily before darting down There is an awful howling and roaring in your ears. Your head
the other side. You scramble on until you descend into a small pounds with pain and you feel nausea rising to claim you.
gully where you pause to examine your pursuers. Turn to 8. Secondary exposure to the red mist is causing brain damage.
Subtract 1 from your Power of Will and Thinkstrike Modifiers. Will you
157 stagger towards:
The effort of marshalling your will is great but you manage to
regain your mental balance and decide to press on, calmly, to An orange glow? Turn to 99
escape from the cloying vapours. AH around you is a A purple haze? Turn to 109
luminescent yellow glow, but on one side it is tinged with green,
on the other orange. Will you walk towards: 160
Meyer has thrown off your mental assault. Suddenly there is a
The green glow? Turn to 415 deafening bang in your ears and everything goes black. The SS
The orange? Turn to 147 guards have shot you dead.

158 161
You sprint for the hovrail car as the guard steps in front of the The track stretches away across broken ground towards the
Security Droid. Then the man in the Dome reaches over and horizon. Just as you are overflying what looks like camouflage
does something at an instrument panel. The guard's power nets covering quite a large area your eye is caught by a flashing
armour freezes instantly, immobilising him. Obviously, the light on the radar display. There is a shrieking roar and a jet-
Eiger Vault guards have power armour that is controlled from propelled fighter aircraft of the early twenty-first century
the Dome - an excellent defence against those who have powers hurtles across your nose at mach three. It carries the letters
of the mind. Almost certainly the Dome is resistant to mental USAF, and is armed with missiles. The fighter pulls into a steep
attack - security at the vault is good. However, the droid's aim climb and you realise that it is going to loop the loop and fly at
has been blocked long enough for you to reach the hovrail car. you, from behind, perhaps on an attack run. Will you:
An alarm shrieks and a voice booms out, 'Intruder alert - appre-
hend or disable. Do not kill, priority A1, repeat, do not kill.' The Increase speed to mach four and head back to
noise fills the vault with a cacophony of echoing sound. At least Falcon's Wing? Turn to 191
Jobanque isn't going to have you terminated over this, you think Land? Turn to 201
to yourself as you hurl yourself into a waiting hovrail car. A Continue as you are? Turn to 211
beam of emerald energy from a droid's stun lance flashes
through the spot you have just left. Quickly you insert your 162
identity chip into the hovcar guidance computer, praying that The gate doesn't budge an inch, but as soon as you touch it, a
terrible shock jolts through you. Lose 2 Endurance points. Evidently
the gate is protected against outsiders. If you are still alive, you
are pulling yourself together again when the monster's fist
smashes into your hip, bruising and battering. Lose 3 further
Endurance points. If you are still alive, will you:

Put your shoulder to the door and push as hard

as you can? Turn to 332
Try instead to slide it open? Turn to 342
Think that touching the door might kill you, so
you will have to give battle instead? Turn to 352

The sword is so cold, it is sticking to the palms of your hands.
Suddenly the cold bites with a burning pain. You heave the
sword out of the gravel and use all your strength, striking it
against the ground until it falls free, taking the skin off the
palms of your hands with it. Lose 3 Endurance points. The red and
white piece of cloth is made of natural fibre, it is coarse and
seems to have been hand made, but is otherwise uninteresting.
Will you:

Examine the sword once more, this time

picking it up by the hilt? Turn to 173
Continue on your way? Turn to 133

The needle clicks down one notch and the dials react immed-
iately. Chamber four returns to normal but the dials for the
other chambers also change, there must be a servo-feedback
mechanism between each impulse chamber. One and three are
still on the edge of the red HIGH DANGER - EXPLOSIVE band
whilst number two has dropped to the top of the blue LOW
DANGER - IMPLOSIVE band. Even as you watch, the needles
creep upwards once more and still the piston booms rhythmic-
ally. Will you:

Head for the lift now? Turn to 144

Pull the lever for chamber one down a notch? Turn to 174
Push the lever for chamber two up a notch? Turn to 184
As you stand within a stone's throw of the tower whose tip you
can no longer see above the arching expanse that points to the
stars, you notice a gateway some way off to your right. On your
way to investigate, you literally stumble across a large circular
manhole cover. Grains of sand dance upon its silver shiny
surface to the time of the machinery's thumping which sounds
louder through a small vent in the manhole cover. Will you:

Pry open the manhole? Turn to 175

Walk straight to the plasteel gateway? Turn to 185

You try as hard as you can to move yourself but you cannot
overcome the effects of the Security Droids' attack in time.
Moments later they have anaesthetised you and you wake up in
a detention cell where you will be kept for some time to cool off.
You never have another opportunity to go after Bloodhound.
He is but a memory.

As you walk to a low stone building with open arrow slits for
windows, one of the younger knights talks to you in an
undertone. 'My Lords think this is purgatory, but if this is
purgatory, why do their heads grow grey? Surely you must
know.' You find the idea that this world is a stepping stone to
heaven comical, but you reply that you are not yet sure.

'Beware,' says the young knight, 'for my Lords will want to use
the house which travels across the days to journey to paradise.'
He is ordered to a lower table, you are to dine at the high table
with du Gueselin, Duke Leopold and the other lords. Turn to

'Hey that's great! Really great!' He is almost hopping with joy.
'Listen, I've located your Time Machine. It's west of here. Take
this compass - it'll help you get there,' and he hands you a small
magnetic device. 'I'll be waiting for you there. The other thing is
- I know where the other guy, the one like you, Bloodhound, I environment suit or explore without it? Note your decision and
know where he is.' You start in anticipation. The Gra'ak have set out. Turn to 131.
him prisoner so they can force him to get them out of this
godforsaken hole. The Gra'ak are these reptilian-like aliens, real 172
mean carnivores - eat anything that moves. Pretty advanced As soon as you touch the gate, a terrible shock jolts through
too. They live in grey domes on a plain of blue rock, near the you. Lose 2 Endurance points. The gate must be protected against
Future Earthers,' and he points at the tower on the sky line. outsiders. If you are still alive, you see that the gate has started
'OK, I'm going up to give those Nazi son-of-bitches hell - just to slide open, enough for you to slip through into a lit
like my great grandaddy did. You get moving - I'll deal with passageway beyond. The boom-boom of the machinery buffets
them!' With that he gives you a hearty slap on the back and your eardrums. Just then the monster's fist smashes into your
dashes to his plane. The jet whines as he revs the engine and hip, bruising and battering it. You lose 3 further Endurance points but,
then it lifts straight up and roars away. Turn to 406. if you are still alive, the force of the blow has knocked you
through the gateway. Turn to 362.
Your sanity is beginning to suffer. You feel more alone than 173
ever before, worse even than when you were lost in time, after Gingerly touching the hilt reveals that it is insulated. Though
jumping forward to 4000 AD, for now it seems you have no cool to the touch it is not painful, but the blade is extremely cold,
friends in any world or at any time. Who will weep for you if you moisture condenses on it and turns to frost even as you watch.
never return? Before utter despair grips you, you can try to You may carry the sword if you wish, being careful not to let the
make one last attempt to escape from the many hued mist. Will blade touch you, or you may drag it along behind you using the
you: piece of red and white cloth, or you may simply leave it behind.
Note what you choose to do and continue on your way. Turn to
Thinkstrike it, in case it has some form of 133.
mind? Turn to 179
Try to subdue any alien will that may be part 174
of it? Turn to 189 The lever clicks down one notch and the dials react immediately.
Run as fast as you can even though you will not Chambers one, three and four return to normal working
be able to see where you are going? Turn to 209 pressure, but the needle on the dial for chamber two dives far
Call for help? Turn to 199 into the blue, LOW DANGER - IMPLOSIVE ... You reach for
the lever to reset it, but with a great whoof, the side of the
170 gigantic cylinder implodes and you are sucked inside it. The
The door slides open and you throw yourself out, rolling along piston hits you on its upward stroke, smashing you to a thin film
the ground. Make an Evasion Roll. on the cylinder head.

If you score 2-7, turn to 188 175

If you score 8-12, turn to 200 There is nowhere to gain an easy grip on the manhole cover and
you are forced to spend a few minutes clearing away a crust of
171 hardened sand until you can inch your fingers below its edge. As
You land safely in Falcon's Wing once more. Will you don your soon as the disk of metal comes up, the booming sound is twice
as loud, but all you can see is a dark tunnel, with a ladder
stretching vertically down into darkness. Will you:

Climb down the tunnel? Turn to 195

Press on to the plasteel gateway? Turn to 205

You dive behind a boulder as another shell lands, spattering the
rock with shrapnel. At last you are out of sight. You run to the
right and then clamber up a rocky outcrop, exposing yourself
momentarily before darting down the other side. You scramble
on until you descend into a small gully where you pause to
examine your pursuers. Turn to 8.

The food served up by the women is poor fare - no meat, just a
type of sweet, though coarse, grass and a mush made of some
kind of unwholesome beans, similar to lentil stew. During the
meal you learn much that is of interest. The knights were
magically transported from their island home, Malta, to this
planet which they imagine to be Purgatory. All had taken part in
the crusades to liberate the Holy Land from the Infidel Turks
and expect to be rewarded for their bloodthirstiness by going to
Heaven, when their allotted time here in inhospitable limbo is
served. Bloodhound has been captured by the 'Devil Dragons'
who live in a range of low black hills to the north. You ask what
these 'Devil Dragons' are like, but they are superstitious and will
not talk of them. When you ask them where they got their
advanced weapons however, they tell you readily. The great
pointed tower,' says Duke Leopold, waving in the direction of
the great edifice which reaches towards the red moon. The
Strange Ones gave us them so that we might protect ourselves/
du Gueselin says, 'as flies to wanton boys are we to the Strange
Ones, they use us for their sport.' An argument develops about
whoever the Strange Ones are and the young knight, who calls
himself Bertrand, comes to your table and beckons you outside.
They plan to force you to use your home that travels from day
to day to go to Heaven. They will kill you if you do not give it to
them. You had better leave. Remember me, you can return with
the Strange Ones. I would fain travel with you, this place pleases The tank shudders and slews to a stop, one of its tracks blown
me not.' Turn to 297. off. You leap out of the turret and scramble down the ridge.
Turn to 396.
The Droids seem to hesitate. One of them grates, 'Voice 181
identification verified. Section Chief Falcon - you are under You fly on for about two miles, then settle gently towards the
arrest ... Prime Directive dichotomy - must obey verified dusty ground. You camouflage your flyer as best you can,
operatives of TIME with clearance code Theta or higher.'There smearing dirt all over it, and then walk back down the tracks
is a moment's silence as the two droids wait motionless, towards the tank. As you emerge from behind a hillock you see a
whirring and clicking. The other says mechanically: 'We will man on horseback, wearing a long corselet of metal rings and
proceed to Section P - Storage 5 as directed. Please place carrying a shield, some way away, who begins to canter in your
yourself under arrest and await our return. Thank you, sir.'The direction. You walk to meet him. Turn to 271.
two droids rise up on their hovpads and glide away. Smiling to
yourself, you run towards Falcon's Wing which stands in its bay, 182
its bright silver and red markings gleaming in the lights of the Though the dull reverberation of the machinery seems to fill
Eiger Vault. Turn to 46. your mind, you have the uncomfortable feeling that something
is on the ladderway above you, following you down into the
179 subterranean depths of the tower. You climb on down the
In a last desperate effort, your thought explodes into a tunnel for two hundred feet or more before a glimmer of orange
maelstrom of mental energy all around you and the yellow light filters up the vertical tunnel. Turn to 232.
shimmering fades, to be replaced by a gentle silver radiance that
bathes you in light. Turn to 219. 183
At the hillock you pause and survey the scenery. A steady
180 chugging of heavy machinery causes you to turn and you see a
You wait for a few seconds, sweating with fear, as the tank is large metallic vehicle lumbering towards you on caterpillar
filled with an awful whining sound. Then the bullet slams into tracks. A turret on top of the main body carries a large projectile
the gunner's chest and he collapses. You force the commander weapon, a barrel which locks onto you as the machine moves. A
to tell the driver to turn the tank around as fast as possible. They second and a third appear over a low rise. You recognise them as
seem familiar with mind control, Bloodhound must have given Tiger tanks, from a 20th century war, known as WWII. Their
them a hard time. You ask one of them about Bloodhound, and markings would seem to indicate an SS battalion. There is
he says, maliciously, 'If you're looking for your friend, you're too nowhere to hide out here in the open. Will you:
late - the Dragonmen took him, I expect he's long been made a
meal of,' and he laughs. Moments later, the radio cackles into Go for your blaster? Turn to 203
life, 'Otto, this is Meyer - what are you doing? Stop, I order you!' Await developments? Turn to 213
Poking your head out of the hatch you can see the other Tiger Run down the other side of the hillock? Turn to 396
tanks in pursuit. One of them fires - a geyser of dust erupts with
a dull crump nearby. Your tank begins to climb a ridge. You 184
reach the top when there is an explosion and a flash of flames. The lever clicks up one notch and the dial for chamber two
returns well into the red once more with the other three dials.
Will you:
Give up and make for the lift? Turn to 144
Depress the lever for chamber one a single
notch? Turn to 194

The breeze drops completely as you stand before the smooth
plasteel gateway. There is no handle, no electrolock that you can
see, no track before it nor any indication that it has been opened
within the last few thousand years. Is the tower a hollow coffin,
the only moving thing within ancient machinery built to serve a
race that has long ago dwindled and died out? Turn to 245.

With a supreme effort of will you manage to throw off the
effects of the droids' stun beam before they have reached you.
Turn to 200.

With the reflexes of a panther you scoop the boy up in your
arms and back away towards the castle gate, telling the knights
that you will set him free within sight of the castle if you are not
followed. They swear to kill you if you do not keep your word.
The boy starts to scream, but they let you go and you see no
signs of pursuit, though one of the women beseeches her lord to
save their son. The Lord smiles and says, as you duck outside the
castle wall: 'The stranger may regret his choice of captive.' Turn
to 287.

You come to your feet, only to be greeted by a criss-cross
pattern of green energy bolts, one of which takes you in the
chest. You stiffen in pain and collapse, momentarily stunned.
The droids speed towards you, hov engines humming. Des-
perately you try to force your body to obey you. Make a Power
of Will Roll.
If you score 2-7, turn to 166
If you score 8-12, turn to 186
189 happens. In sudden panic you start to run blindly through the
You struggle to summon up the strength to resist the yellow yellow luminescence. Turn to 381.
waves of paranoia which threaten to engulf you, but the strain
of this strange environment is turning you insane. If you break
and run in panic, turn to 209. If you continue to exert your will,
Adjusting the impulse power to cylinder one, the master
turn to 229. Or do you:
cylinder, produces the required effect. The needles on all four
dials stabilise in the middle of the white NORMAL, OPER-
Call for help? Turn to 199
ATIONAL band. The noise made by the piston descends to a
Try a desperate Thinkstrike? Turn to 179 more tolerable level. Turn to 204.
You have only a few moments in which to act before Fromm can 195
reach you. Will you: As you descend into the darkness, unpleasant musty smells and
dank clamminess conspire to make you feel claustrophobic. In
Try to control the soldier about to shoot you the darkness you spot two pale green spots of luminous light
and make him fire at Meyer by using your shining from an area which you thought was a blank wall just to
Power of Will? Turn to 280 the right of the ladder. Will you:
Try to control Meyer and force him to order
the guards to wait? Turn to 368 Continue your climb down carefully? Turn to 255
Climb up and out before walking to the
191 gateway? Turn to 205
The USAF fighter gives chase and fires a homing rocket which Push away from the ladder to let yourself drop
you will do well to evade. Make an Evasion Roll. into the darkness? Turn to 265
Reach out questingly towards the lights? Turn to 275
If you score 7-12, turn to 221
If you score 2-6, turn to 231
You wait for a few seconds, sweating with fear, as the tank is
filled with an awful whining sound. Suddenly, a hammerblow
As you climb back up the rungs to the level of the two green
takes you in the leg and you spin around as your thigh burns
points of light set close together they flicker once, then seem-
with pain. The bullet has hit you. Lose 6 Endurance points. If you are
ingly draw back into a dark recess. Will you:
still alive, the wound causes you to lose control of the
commander - he and the gunner leap on you and within
Climb past them, out of the manhole then onto
moments you have been clubbed into unconsciousness. Turn to
the gateway? Turn to 205 276.
Reach out questingly towards the lights? Turn to 275

193 197
You hurl a directionless blast of mental energy, like an explo- You hurl a thought at du Gueselin but nothing happens, then
sion of thought, into the swirling yellow vapours, but nothing the sacred sword whines suddenly. 'Sorcerer!' cries one of the
women. The men point their disruptors at you. Will you: explosion behind you as a rocket fired by the fighter blows your
craft to pieces. Debris flies all around you but you are mercifully
Protest that you are not a sorcerer? Turn to 217 unhurt. You decide to lie low for a time as the fighter screams
Use your Power of Will to control Lord overhead once more. After a time you strike out for a low, pock-
Leopold? Turn to 227 marked hillock. Turn to 183.

198 202
The sergeant seems puzzled by your words, but you attempt to As you watch, momentarily transfixed with horror, strange
seize his mind before he can act. Make a Power of Will Roll. human-like beasts lever themselves out of the manhole shaft
and close in. They look like cadavers, with their sickly pale green
If you score 7-12, turn to 376 skin and disk-like, pale, glowing eyes, but their movements are
If you score 2-6, turn to 408 lithe and quick. They are grotesque travesties of the human
form, over sized heads as if they had water on the brain, and
199 many jointed, knobbled fingers make them look like the bizarre
You cry out for aid, strong pleas which belie your helplessness to creations of a mad professor. Ten of them have closed in on you
begin with, but the mist deadens your voice, you are imprisoned menacingly. Will you:
in a soft tomb of soundlessness. Despairing that your pleas will
go unheard, you cry again, your voice cracking with fear and Run amongst them and attack? Turn to 94
effort; but there is no answer. The mist seems to close in around Try desperately to push the gate open? Turn to 104
you, like the tendrils of some awful marsh eater plant from the Slide the gate sideways? Turn to 114
Siltworlds. If you break and run in panic, turn to 209. If you try
to fight on against the madness, turn to 239. 203
If you decide to open fire with your blaster at 1,000 yards, turn
200 to 223. If you decide to await developments, turn to 213. If
You come to your feet, blaster at the ready, as bolts of green instead you decide to run away, down the hillock, turn to 396.
energy fly past you, criss-crossing the air around you. They
slam into the walls with a hiss. You unleash a blast of plasma at 204
one of the droids, reducing it to its component parts with an As soon as you step away from the control platform a klaxon
incandescent flash. Molten metal sputters and bubbles. The sounds and the air begins to shimmer all around it. It looks like a
other continues to fire at you, but another well-placed shot from highly advanced force field. Before you can investigate your
your blaster burns it away. Falcon's Wing stands in its bay, its attention is claimed by a horde of misshapen humans, glowing a
bright red and silver markings gleaming in the lights of the Eiger vile pale green, who run towards you. They have bloated heads
Vault. Turn to 46. and heavy, many-jointed hands, which they are waving about in
a war-like fashion. You decide to hide in the lift. Immediately
201 you step into it the door shuts and it hums upward. Turn to 234.
The flyer slows and settles towards the ground. The fighter
screams above you before beginning another banking turn to 205
approach you again. As soon as the flyer has landed you jump Make a note of any special preparation or other action you
out and begin to run. Seconds later there is an almighty decide to make before advancing to the gateway. Turn to 215.
Make a Power of Will Roll as you try to control both their
minds, a difficult task.

If you score 9-12, turn to 90

If you score 2-8, turn to 68

You summon up your will to subdue the mind of Lord Leopold
but your mental attack does not get through. The sword whines
eerily and frost drops from it to the ground.'Sorcerer!'cries one
of the women. The men point their disruptors at you. You
protest that you are no sorcerer and the girl with two heads says
twice, together, Throw the Infidel into the river, the Lord our
God will show us what to do.' There is a chorus of assent and
one of the knights steps forward to bind you hand and foot. Will

Try again to control the mind of Lord

Leopold? Turn to 227
Allow the knight to truss you like a turkey? Turn to 237

There is a deafening report as the pistol goes off and the rest of
the crew jump in fright. But the driver has missed and the bullet
lodges in the commander's padded seat. He cries out, 'Mind
trickery!' and there is a sudden sharp pain in the back of your
head. Everything goes black. Turn to 276.

If you have used your blaster to make a work of art in the dust,
turn to 249. If you still have your blaster, turn to 259.

'Are you sure, sir - shouldn't we try to beat the timefarer into
submission?' Meyer asks. Will you:

Make the colonel say, tiredly: 'No, no, Meyer. It

doesn't matter any more. Execute the final
solution'? Turn to 50
Make the colonel shout, 'You dare to question
my orders, Meyer? You dare!! Get on with it
or I'll have you shot for insubordination. We
are still the SS!!'? Turn to 59

As the fighter screams towards you, the flyer's radar picks up a
transmission: 'Nine-oh-niner calling unidentified alien aircraft,
do you read me? Identify yourself or I will shoot to kill.' The
language is English, the accent, American, before Fedspeak was
concocted. Will you:

Fly on regardless? Turn to 191

Radio a message back? Turn to 301

Dust and sand spatter across you and a dull ache numbs your
shoulder and leg as the force of the bullets turn you over. You lose
8 Endurance points. If you are still alive, you decide it would be
prudent to throw your blaster aside and raise your hands as the
tanks close in. Note that you ho longer have the blaster and turn
to 293.

The tanks draw together and stop thirty yards from you.
Hatches are thrown back on top of the turrets and ten German
soldiers climb down and fan out towards you. Some are carrying
Luger pistols, others Schmeisser sub-machine guns. As you are
about to use the powers of your mind, a sudden shrill whinny
startles you. Turning, you see a knight on horseback, wearing a
white surcoat with a broad red cross on it, looking down on you.
He is carrying what looks like a very advanced particle disruptor.
The German Senior Officer motions forward one of his men, a
young fellow wearing glasses with round lenses and narrow
metal rims. Turn to 343.

The lift door hums shut behind you and you are bathed in the
glow of lights of every conceivable colour. The entire walls of
the lift capsule are covered in lighted buttons - the lift must have behind. It's a storeroom for explosives! The walls are lined with
thousands upon thousands of possible destinations. Suddenly racks of plasplode containers, each complete with detonator and
all go dark save one flashing white light and the lift whooshes timer. Plasplode is a powerful explosive used in asteroid mining.
into motion. For a time you can hear the steady boom-boom of You may take two plasplode packs if you wish. With nothing else
the piston, but the lift twists and turns through many shafts here to interest you, you both leave the dome. Turn to 326.
before coming to rest at least a mile up the tower. Turn to 224.
215 The silvery radiance pulses as words form in your mind, put
Did you replace the manhole cover? If you did, turn to 225. If there by the intelligence of the cloud of mist itself. 'Con-
you did not, turn to 366. gratulations, non-being, only once has a sub-life form endured
my caresses before.' Will you:
You twist around and grab the rifle of the nearest soldier as Use your Psychic awareness to probe the mist's
Fromm begins to run out of his office, pistol in hand. However, intelligence? Turn to 339
Meyer and the guards expected you to resist and the other Wait passively to see what it plans to do with
guard fires his rifle, taking you in the leg. Lose 5 Endurance points. If you? Turn to 349
you are still alive, the shock causes you to lose control of Fromm.
Just as Meyer and the guards are about to shoot you, Fromm 220
shouts from the compound gate, 'No, Meyer, wait,' and he runs You concentrate your mind and hurl a blast of psychic energy at
up. The Schweinhund was using mind tricks on me!' More the tank commander. He grunts and slumps backwards, uncon-
soldiers run out from the compound to stand around you. The scious. Before you can Thinkstrike again, the crew leap upon
prisoner is to be taken away and reduced to a mewling you, shouting, 'Mind trickery!' and you are clubbed senseless.
simpleton. Break the timefarer's will! That is my final order and Turn to 276.
you are to do nothing else, even if I order it, until it is broken!'
You are grabbed by several soldiers and carried back to the 221
camp. Turn to 400. The gyro screeches in protest as you turn the flyer in a dizzying
succession of rolls and the missile hurtles harmlessly past. The
217 fighter is trying to close in once more, but the ion drive powered
You protest your innocence and the girl with two heads says flyer is too fast for it and, after a couple of minutes, the plane's
twice, together, Throw the Infidel in the river, the Lord our pilot turns back, leaving you to return peacefully to Falcon's
God will show us what to do.' There is a chorus of assent and Wing. CAIN has no further information other than to confirm
one of the knights steps forward to bind you hand and foot. Will that the missiles fired by the fighter are highly dangerous, so
you: you decide to continue your explorations on foot. Turn to 131.
Try to control the mind of Lord Leopold? Turn to 227
Let the knight truss you like a turkey? Turn to 237 222
The gate shuts behind you with a whirr of machinery. You
218 move on down a featureless corridor into what is evidently a lift.
You cautiously open the door, Bloodhound covering you from Turn to 214.
With a crack, a bolt of plasma discharges from your blaster and
the familiar reek of ionised gas reaches you. Your first shot
misses but you fire again and soon zero in on the ponderous
tank. Unfortunately the blaster makes little actual impression
on the machine's armour at this range. The turret's gun spits
flame and a high explosive shell detonates some way behind
you. The first tank stops and you see the gun barrel depress
slightly as the other two tanks fan out in a pincer movement to
either flank. Will you:

Fire again? Turn to 233

Throw your blaster aside and raise your hands,
as if surrendering? Turn to 243

The lift stops with no more warning than when it started. The
door hums open to reveal a room in which every chair, screen
and console is pure white and so are the people who are waiting
to greet you. Clad in white, one-piece suits, their skin is purest
white, so is their hair, and all their eyes are white, except for the
pupils. There are eight of them all looking exactly alike, as if they
were clones. They are evidently human except that the heads
are massively bloated and the hands are large, the fingers many-
jointed. 'Welcome to the tower at the end of the universe,' says
one of the clones.

'Are you in command here?' you ask.

'No, the paranoids in the blue room command here, but they are
too frightened to encounter you.' You begin to ask a stream of
questions but one of them suggests it would be easier if he/she
thought the knowledge you require into your head. Will you:

Let them do this? Turn to 244

Try to dominate him/her with your will? Turn to 254

As you slide the manhole cover back into place, two luminous
points appear in the tunnel below. Not stopping to look you slide
the cover home, but a strange cry - or was it just the wind
whistling? - as you walk away prompts you to wonder whether
those pale lights were eyes, or simply drops of phosphorescence
you had not perceived at first. Turn to 185.

You will have to get back to Falcon's Wing and hope that you
find a way of operating the Variac Drive successfully. Do you
have a compass given to you by a Lieutenant Kowalski? If so,
turn to 88. If not, turn to 374.

As you summon up your will to subdue the mind of Lord
Leopold, the sword whines again, and frost is shivered from it,
dropping to the floor. The purple beams of several particle
disruptors play over you, your body is atomised and spread
across the fallen steeple of their church. It is the end of the
timeline for you, Falcon.

Carefully you slide the door to one side and look in. It's a
storeroom for explosives! The walls are lined with racks of
plasplode containers, each complete with detonator and timer.
Plasplode is a powerful explosive used in asteroid mining. You
may take two plasplode packs if you wish. With nothing else
here to interest you, you leave and head for the other door at the
end of the dome. Turn to 340.

The effort is too much for you, your mind is broken. All will to
survive leaves you. The effort of will which was required for
you to leave last time is now beyond you. The strange cloud
settles all around and your life force is drawn inexorably into the
chill incandescent mist.

You wait for a few seconds, sweating with fear, as the tank is
filled with an awful whining sound. Then the driver grunts in
pain - he has been hit in the shoulder. The shock galvanises his purest white, and their eyes are all white, except for the pupils.
mind and you lose control of him. The commander leaps upon There are eight of them all looking exactly alike, as if they were
you, to be joined by the rest of the crew and within moments clones. They are evidently human except that the heads are
you have been clubbed into unconsciousness. Turn to 276. massively bloated and the hands are large, the fingers many-
jointed. 'Welcome to the tower at the end of the universe,' says
231 one of the clones.
The gyro screeches in protest as you turn the flyer in a dizzying
succession of rolls, but you lose too much speed executing the 'Are you in command here?' you ask.
manouevre and as you straighten out from a barrel roll, the
missile hurtles into the back of your flyer. There is an almighty 'No, the paranoids in the blue room command here, but they are
explosion and you lose consciousness. Turn to 241. too frightened to encounter you.' You begin to ask a stream of
questions but one of them suggests it would be easier if he/she
232 thought the knowledge you require into your head. Will you:
At last you are at the bottom of the shaft. The ladder extends to
the floor of a large underground complex, completely dom- Let them do this? Turn to 264
inated by a cylindrical structure which is as large as a towering Try to dominate him/her with your will? Turn to 254
building in Alpolis. The dull booming noise which hurts your
eardrums comes from this cylinder. Inside its transparent skin, 235
you can see a colossal piston pumping steadily away. It appears He takes you towards Fromm's hut. As soon as you are both out
to be an air pump which must supply the windowless tower of sight of the soldiers he whispers, 'This way!' and takes you off
with fresh air. On a platform nearby is a set of dials monitoring to the left, past a long, low, wooden building which Rudolf tells
the huge pump. Beyond is a lift shaft where there is a lift you is the kitchens. He leads you to a four wheeled combustion
waiting. Will you: engined vehicle, which you recognise from your history lesson
as a German military jeep or Kubelwagen. He unties your hands
Step up to the platform? Turn to 134 and you both get in. 'Crouch down out of sight. I'll drive slowly
Enter the lift? Turn to 144 towards the gate, as if I was leaving on a trading run,' says
Rudolf. He starts the engine and the car coughs into life,
233 shuddering noisily. An uncomfortable and primitive way to get
Once again your blaster cracks out a bolt of white lightning. about, you think to yourself as the Kubelwagen rolls forward.
Make an Attack Roll. Suddenly there is a loud cry of 'Halt!' and a gunshot. Rudolf
accelerates hard and the Kubelwagen surges forward. 'It's
If you score 7-12, turn to 253 Fromm, blast him - he's discovered you're missing.' Sitting up
If you score 2-6, turn to 263 you see that you are hurtling at the gate. The two gateguards
throw themselves aside and you and Rudolf surge out onto the
234 sandy plain outside the compound. You are heading towards a
The lift stops with no more warning than when it started. The ridge a few hundred yards ahead when you hear the roar of tank
door hums open to reveal a room in which every chair, screen engines. Looking back you see several tanks and trucks, full of
and console is pure white and so are the people who are waiting soldiers, in hot pursuit. The Tiger tanks begin to open fire and
to greet you. Clad in white, one-piece suits, their skin and hair is geysers of sand explode to either side of you. Turn to 330.
He shouts in rage as he pushes aside your mental attack. 'You
will pay for this, Schweinhund,' he cries. Take the filth away
and reduce it to a mewling dog, Hauptsturmfuhrer - I want the
dog obedient and willing. And under close guard, not least to
prevent escape, but also to prevent a repeat of the Dragonmen's
last bloody raid. We must not lose this one. Heil!'

'Heil Hitler!' shouts the Hauptsturmfuhrer, and the guards grab

you and carry you bodily out of the wooden cottage, taking
great pains to ensure you are uncomfortable. Turn to 400.

You are soon securely tied up and any efforts you make to use
your mental powers prove fruitless. The Sacred Sword of Valois
shines each time you try and you are pelted with stones for your
pains. They harness you to a yoke pulled by a large carthorse
and you are dragged towards the meandering grey-green river.
A carnival mood seems to have gripped them all and the twin
heads of the girl-child begin to laugh hysterically. You are
pushed into a primitive round boat like a coracle and a sack full of
rocks is tied to your feet. You struggle helplessly as they pole the
boat out to the middle of the river and, to a cheer from the
onlookers, throw you in. If you are wearing your environment
suit, turn to 247. If you are not, turn to 257.

You pause, unsure as to the intention of the pilot of this strange
plane. From your holovids it looks to you like a Starfighter from
the early twenty-first century, actually an Atmospheric
Interceptor Jet that could operate at the limits of the
atmosphere. The cockpit canopy slides back and a man dressed
in something not unlike your environment suit climbs out and
approaches you. 'Hi there,' he says in English, with an American
accent. 'I'm Lieutenant Kowalski of the United States Air Force,'
and he extends a hand. You shake it.'I'm from 2012 AD. I was on
a routine mission when I suddenly ended up here. Some kind of
time flux. Anyhow, you're in trouble, man! Those Nazi guys are
mean. And so are the Knights of Saint John. I could help you ...'
and he gazes at you through narrowed eyes. 'I mean my
Starfighter could really waste those guys, you know. But you
gotta make it worth my while. It's not a good idea for me to mess
with them - I'm on my own and they're a whole battalion! So
you gotta promise to get me outta here. If I help you, you've
gotta take me to your time, maybe even back to mine. Deal?' He
smiles winningly. Will you:

Agree to take Kowalski with you? Turn to 168

Decide it might change the timelines to do so
and refuse? Turn to 350

It is as if you were floundering in a wallow of green slime
without a bottom. Madness overwhelms you and you feel
yourself no better than a despicable worm hated by all. This
abyss of despair is too deep even for you to survive, all you can
do is curl up to die - to live would be too painful. Your spirit will
be absorbed into the mist being.

Two guards flank the doorway to the cottage. As you are led in
they click their heels smartly and salute, with cries of 'Heil
Hitler!' You are bustled into a small room. A portrait of a
twentieth century dictator, Hitler, rests on the wall behind a
large desk. Standing behind the desk is an immaculately dressed
Colonel of the SS. He is tall with blonde hair and blue eyes,
about forty years old.
After nodding a welcome at Hauptsturmfuhrer Meyer, he
orders the guards to strike you down the instant anything
strange should occur. Then he speaks: 'Welcome to our little
home from home, time traveller. I am Ernst Fromm,
Standartenfuhrer of this SS battallion. I have spoken at length
with your compatriot, Bloodhound, before he was taken by the
Dragonmen, an alien race that live on the other side of the
towered domain of the other Earthpeoples, people from the
future of even your own time, ah ... ?'
'Falcon, I am known as Falcon,' you supply.
'Well, Falcon, in 1944, myself and my battalion were heading for 244
the Russian front when suddenly we disappeared, to find You remain in possession of your own thoughts but a wave of
ourselves in this godforsaken place. You can imagine it took us a understanding and knowledge immerses you as the eight clones
little while to find our bearings, indeed it took my conversation think into your head. To the Earthers of your remote future,
with Bloodhound to iron out what happened - incredible though these people will be known as the Future People. It is a billion,
it seems to us. Apparently, we passed through some strange billion years after the founding of the Earth Federation. The
flux in time, as have others from other places and times. Have universe is contracting, its energy all but spent. Soon the
you wondered why this planet does not rotate, Falcon? Well we universe will coalesce into a single ball of matter, eradicating all
are literally at the end of time. Time no longer "exists".' He life, and explode apart again to begin a new cycle. These people
smiles at you. 'Not quite the ignorant soldier you expected, eh?' are doomed. A device called the Time Destabiliser pulled them
he adds. from their own time to this barren planet, but none of the
entropists, people genetically designed to study ways of con-
'What do you want with me?' you ask. Turn to 16. serving energy, were transported with them. The tower was
built, but life as they are used to it is becoming impossible to
241 sustain. Already hundreds of them have 'gone green', for they
If you are wearing your environment suit, turn to 251. If not, are running out of the drugs which some need to prevent an
turn to 261. unpleasant mutation that damages the intellect. When this
happens people turn a sickly shade of pale green and become
242 scavengers. You realise with a shock, that these people are
Your balance on the steel runged ladder is precarious and your looking forward to death as a new experience which they have
normal striking hand is held in the monster's teeth, but you not yet tried out. Turn to 284.
drive your other fist towards the luminescent spots of green
that must be its eyes. Make an Attack Roll.
If you score 8-12, turn to 252 There is no obvious way to open the plasteel door which towers
If you score 2-7, turn to 262 four metres tall and two metres wide. It is set three inches back
into the wall of the tower and does not appear to be hinged. Will
243 you:
The tanks draw together and stop thirty yards from you.
Hatches are thrown back on top of the turrets and ten German Call out loudly in the hope that someone will
soldiers climb down and fan out towards you. Some are carrying open it for you? Turn to 52
Luger pistols, others Schmeisser sub-machine guns. As you are Try to push it inwards? Turn to 62
about to use the powers of your mind, a sudden shrill whinny Try to slide it sideways? Turn to 72
startles you. Turning, you see a Knight on horseback, wearing a
white surcoat with a broad red cross on it, looking down on you.
He is carrying what looks like a very advanced particle disruptor. 246
The German Senior Officer motions forward one of his men, a You have several options. You will be able to use your mind
young fellow wearing glasses with round lenses and narrow powers freely, even though you are blindfolded, as your psychic
metal rims. Turn to 353. awareness enables you to identify the mental patterns of your
captors easily in this enclosed space. Will you: your mouth. Lose 10 Endurance points. If you are still alive, turn to
Try to control the mind of the tank commander?Turn to 30
Try to control the mind of the driver? Turn to 110 250
Try to Thinkstrike as many of them as possible, You manage to seize control of the SS colonel's mind. He seems
as fast as you can, beginning with the tank utterly insane, a complete psychopath to you. Will you:
commander? Turn to 220
Try to control the minds of both the Force him to order the guards to take you out
commander and the driver? Turn to 206 of the compound and release you? Turn to 130
Slip off your blindfold and try to grab the Force him to order Hauptsturmfuhrer Meyer to
commander's Luger? Turn to 266 use one soldier, take you out of the
compound and shoot you? Turn to 70
247 Force him to order Meyer to use two men, take
There is plenty of oxygen left in your environment suit and you you out of the compound and shoot you? Turn to 210
are able to saw through the hemp which binds you on a rough
stone. You wait for an hour before moving downstream and
surfacing not far from the bank. The people have returned to 251
their tumbledown castle and you decide to press on towards the There is a metallic taste in your mouth. You can't see. Then you
great edifice that towers upwards to a point in the distance. realise that your eyes are shut. Opening them reveals a barren
Turn to 277. world which seems to spin end over end with you at its centre.
You cough, the metallic taste is your own dried blood. The
248 environment suit is in tatters but the helmet and oxygen supply
It is almost upon you! You cry out in fear and fire the blaster. are intact. Every joint in your body aches sickeningly and you
Your aim is good and the bolt of plasma slams into its chest, can hardly move. You have lost 12 Endurance points. The debris of the
ripping it open and cauterising it at the same time. Blood, bone flyer is scattered for miles around you and you are buried in an
and viscera fly in all directions and the creature flies backwards immense pile of dust which has broken your fall. It is a miracle
to lie inert and smoking. Heaving a sigh of relief, you stand up that you are still alive. After a while, strength returns and you
You notices metal band around one of its forearms painted with heave yourself out of the dust and begin to walk across the
three bands of colours, red, green and yellow. You dart past the featureless plain. Turn to 419.
body to the dome's entrance. You pause at the archway but all is
quiet. Silently you glide into the dome. Turn to 316.
249 You hear the sound of splintering bone and what sounds dis-
It is impossible to see where you are going, but fear impels you tinctly like a spoken curse, but your hand is freed. The two
to spring across the uneven sand. Red mist washes warmK points of light retreat into the recess. Will you:
around you, then your foot slips on a puddle of glass. You crash
to the ground, impaling yourself on the spike of a model mer- Climb up to the manhole and out? Turn to 292
curian mountain, part of the work of art you created with your Continue on down the tunnel? Turn to 272
blaster. Your lung is perforated and hot blood bubbles from Swing your body into the recess? Turn to 282
253 255
The blaster finds its mark, bathing the tank in a sheet of Feeling for the rungs with your feet you climb down as quickly
incandescent blue flame. A hatch in the gun turret is thrust as you can. Once, looking up, you see two luminescent points of
open as the tank grinds to a halt and four men jump out and take pale green light above. They go out, flicker, then come back on
cover behind it. The other two tanks are closing in on either side again. You look down once more and there is a high pitched
and the chatter of a machine gun sends you diving to the screech above you. Will you;
ground. At last you identify the source of the fire, it comes from
the left-hand tank. As the machine gun opens up again you see Hurry on down? Turn to 182
the dust fly upwards in spurts, several each second. The spurts Climb back up to where you saw the two points
are getting closer and at the last minute you try to dive aside. of light? Turn to 192
Make an Evasion Roll.
If you score 6-12, turn to 273 You dash out across the open sand. Looking back you see a tank
If you score 2-5, turn to 212 cresting the skyline of the ridge. Desperately, you drive yourself
onward, breathing hard. The tank swings down over the ridge,
254 closely followed by another and the chatter of machine guns fills
Your attempt to dominate the beings' wills is crushed pitifully your ears. Sand is thrown up in spurts nearby. There is the dull
easily. These creatures are the product of a billion years and crump, crump of the tanks' main guns opening up and shells
more of human genetic engineering. The powers of their minds explode around you. Then there is only blackness.
are far beyond your own. You remain in possession of your own
thoughts but a wave of understanding and knowledge im- 257
merses you as the eight clones think into your head. To the The heavy rocks cause you to sink to the bottom like a stone.
Earthers of your remote future, these people will be known as Tied as you are you cannot even crawl to the bank. Within min-
the Future People. It is a billion, billion years after the founding utes you have drowned. It is the end of the timeline for you,
of the Earth Federation. The universe is contracting, its energy- Falcon.
all but spent. Soon the universe will coalesce into a single ball of
matter, eradicating all life, and explode apart again to begin a 258
new cycle. These people are doomed. A device called the Time You wait for a few seconds, sweating with fear, as the tank is
Destabiliser pulled them from their own time to this barren filled with an awful whining sound. Suddenly, a hammerblow
planet, but none of the entropists, people genetically designed to takes you in the leg and you spin around as your thigh burns
study ways of conserving energy, were transported with them. with pain. The bullet has hit you. Lose 6 Endurance points. If you are
This would have to be destroyed before escape from this place still alive, the wound causes you to lose control of the driver - he
would be possible. The tower was built, but life as they are used and the gunner leap on you and within moments you have been
to it is becoming impossible to sustain. Already hundreds or clubbed into unconsciousness. Turn to 276.
them have 'gone green', for they are running out of the drugs
which some need to prevent an unpleasant mutation that 259
damages the intellect. When this happens people turn a sickly Make a Chance Roll.
shade of pale green and become scavengers. You realise with a
shock that these people are looking forward to death as a new If you score 6-12, turn to 279
experience which they have not yet tried out. Turn to 274. If you score 2-5, turn to 289
260 Modifiers are reduced to -1 until you reach an Autodoc. The
He looks at you for a moment and then says: 'No, not anymore debris of the flyer is scattered for miles around you and you are
... I am the compound's trader - I go to the other enclaves and buried in an immense pile of dust which has broken your fall. It
barter for our supplies of crop seeds, tools and so on. I have is a miracle that you still live. After a while, strength returns and
traded with the people in the high tower that can be seen on the you heave yourself out of the dust and begin to walk across the
skyline. They are from Earth's future, far far in the future. featureless plain. Turn to 419.
There is a man that lives with them, or, rather they provide him
with fuel for his plane. This man, Kowalski, is from the twenty- 262
first century, a pilot of an American "Jet" he calls it, much more You miss your target and your arm flails wildly, causing you to
advanced than our own planes. Anyway, he told me much about lose your balance and you fall off the ladder, your hand ripping
my own time and what happened. About Hitler, about Himm- out of the clamped jaws painfully. Turn to 265.
ler. The Jews and what the Nazis really stood for/He pauses for
a moment, looking at the floor. 'I had heard the stories but I 263
never believed them. Such evil. Ah, well, I was young, blinded by The blaster turns the sand in front of the tank to glass which
patriotic fervour. Now I know the truth. And I am sickened by solidifies and cracks when the tank grinds over it. At last you
what I was, and by men like Fromm, fanatical madmen!' He find your mark, but the other two tanks are closing in on either
looks you in the eye. 'So, I have come to help you escape - you side and the chatter of a machine gun sends you diving to the
cannot allow Fromm and his fascist bully boys to help the Nazis ground. At last you identify the source of the fire, it comes from
win the war!' the left-hand tank. As the machine gun opens up again you see
the dust fly upwards in spurts, several each second. The spurts
'Of course not. Thank you Rudolf, you are a good man,' you are getting closer. At the last minute you try to dive aside. Make
an Evasion Roll.

'I have told the guards that Fromm has sent me to take you to If you score 6-12, turn to 273
him - all we have to do is walk out of here as bold as brass.' With If you score 2-5, turn to 212
that he stands up and draws his pistol. 'I have to make it
convincing of course,' he says, as he bends your hands behind 264
your back and, holding the pistol to your head, shoves you out of You remain in possession of your own thoughts but a wave of
the door. 'Move it, scum,' he shouts. You walk past the guards, understanding and knowledge immerses you as the eight clones
who loll at the doorway. Turn to 235. think into your head. To the Earthers of your remote future,
these people will be known as the Future People. It is a billion,
261 billion years after the founding of the Earth Federation. The
There is a metallic taste in your mouth. You can't see. Then you universe is contracting, its energy all but spent. Scon the
realise that your eyes are shut. Opening them reveals a barren universe will coalesce into a single ball of matter, eradicating all
world which seems to spin end over end with you at its centre life, and explode apart again to begin a new cycle. These people
You cough, the metallic taste is your own dried blood. Every are doomed. A device called the Time Destabiliser pulled them
joint in your body aches sickeningly and you can hardly move from their own time to this barren planet, but none of the
You have lost 16 Endurance points and your limbs are so painful, the entropists, people genetically designed to study ways of
slightest movement is agonising. Your Attack and Evasion conserving energy, were transported with them. The tower was
built, but life as they are used to it is becoming impossible to fast as possible. They seem familiar with mind control -
sustain. Already hundreds of them have 'gone green', for they Bloodhound must have given them a hard time. You ask one of
are running out of the drugs which some need to prevent an them about Bloodhound, and he says, maliciously, 'If you're
unpleasant mutation that damages the intellect. When this looking for your friend, you're too late - the Dragonmen took
happens people turn a sickly shade of pale green and become him, I expect he's long been made a meal of,' and he laughs.
scavengers. You realise with a shock that these people are Moments later, the radio crackles into life, 'Otto, this is Meyer -
looking forward to death as a new experience which they have what are you doing? Stop, I order you!' Poking your head out of
not yet tried out. Turn to 274. the hatch you can see the other Tiger tanks in pursuit. One of
them fires - a geyser of dust erupts with a dull crump nearby.
265 Your tank begins to climb a ridge. You reach the top when there
All is dark below. You fall for fifty feet before hitting the other is an explosion and a flash of flames. The tank shudders and
side of the tubular tunnel. This bounces you into the ladder once slews to a stop, one of its tracks blown off. You leap out of the
more and you are mercifully unconscious before your brain is turret and scramble down the ridge. Turn to 396.
splattered across fifty square feet of plasmetal flooring two
hundred feet below. 269
Make a Chance Roll.
266 If you score 4-12, turn to 279
As quick as thought you rip off the blindfold and grab the tank If you score 2-3, turn to 299
commander's wrist. But the rest of the crew are too alert, leap
upon you and you are clubbed into unconsciousness. Turn to 270
276. Your aim is off and the plasma crashes into the ground at the
Saurian's feet, throwing up shards of shiny rock. The reptilian's
267 reaction is almost comical as it leaps back in shocked surprise. It
At first you enthusiastically tear the sleeve from your tunic and orientates on you immediately and utters a growling hiss. With
try to make smooth squares of material, but it is too tough to remarkable speed it aims and fires its weapon. Make an Evasion
tear easily. Soon the idea of making a work of art loses its Roll as you try to throw yourself behind the mud trough:
attraction and you wander through the mist. Which direction If you score 7-12, turn to 140
takes your fancy: If you score 2-6, turn to 298
Towards an orange glow? Turn to 99
Turn to 109 271
Towards a patch of purple haze? There is a monotonous drone of heavy machinery beyond the
hillock behind you as you walk towards the mail clad Knight
268 with his polished shield bearing the red cross of St George. As
The others stiffen in surprise, and you remove your blindfold.
you approach, you realise that besides the sword which lies
The gunner says, 'Otto, listen - its mind trickery. Fight back!'
along his white charger's flank he carries a weapon looking
remarkably like a particle disruptor. Will you:
'Shut up,' you say, 'or I'll have him shoot you.' You tell them to
drop their weapons and then tie up the gunner and radio man. Walk to meet him? Turn to 9
You force the commander to tell the driver to turn around as Return to the hillock? Turn to 183
272 two pale lights dart forward. Sharp needle-like teeth clamp onto
You continue down once more. Any noise from above is lost in your hand, and jaws of great power drive them to meet in the
the booming of machinery, but you catch thoughts of rage, pain, middle of your sinews and hand bones. Lose 2 Endurance points. If
hate and hunger from your assailant which seem both powerful you are still alive, will you:
and near human. As you descend so the strength of the
thoughts fades. Turn to 182. Strike at the twin green points of light with
your other hand? Turn to 242
273 Throw yourself backwards into the vertical
Dust and sand spatter across you but you feel no pain, it seems shaft? Turn to 265
the machine gunner has missed. The tanks close in and you
decide to throw your blaster aside and put your hands up. Note 276
that you no longer have your blaster and then turn to 293. You wake up spluttering, with one of the crew splashing water
on your face. Your head aches abominably and there is a large
274 lump at the back of your head. 'Come on,' says the commander
They thank you, however, for saving the great machine in the brusquely, 'we have arrived.' You are manhandled out of the
tower's foundations. If it had exploded, everyone in the tower tank into the dull red light. Turn to 6.
would have died. The green scavengers rule the lower levels and
the paranoids of the blue room have commanded that no-one, 277
not even the technicians, be allowed to service the machine, or The red moon hangs motionless in the blackness as you forge on
leave the tower. They are more scared of going green than of over the dusty plain. Away from the river, the ground becomes
death. 'Why allow "paranoids" to rule you?' you think. The reply dry and cracked, but the atmosphere instead of being raspingly
is immediate. They are genetically designed to make cautious dry is humid. There is still no sign of pursuit but you are
decisions, based on fear, to shepherd mankind through dan- surprised to see a bank of low lying mist ahead of you. As you
gerous times. Now that their usefulness is over, no-one cares to are looking at the sulphurous looking yellow mist, there is a
overthrow them, not least because they surround themselves horn call from the direction of the castle. Will you:
with sensors and traps, seeing no-one but their particular clone
brothers. Out of gratitude for saving the machine which gives Hide yourself in the mist? Turn to 317
air and power to their tower, they answer your unspoken Take some time making a detour? Turn to 327
question. They tell you that Bloodhound has been taken captive
by the Gra'ak; an intelligent and ferocious reptilian race. The 278
Future People's orbital sensors allow them to see most of what You cry out in rage as the steel cover slides over the console once
takes place on this planet and they know that Bloodhound is still more. The Gra'ak will be here within seconds. 'It's no good,
alive. They also know that you will need to destroy the time Falcon, try to save yourself!' shouts Bloodhound.
destabiliser that lies in the crater beyond the dwellings of the
Gra'ak, if you are to return to your own time. Suddenly one of 'Never!' you reply, 'we can still fight our way out!' But just as the
the white screens turns blue. Turn to 294. cover slides up again, several of the reptiles burst in. You try to
fight but they are deadly quick, and there are too many of them.
275 You are overwhelmed and torn limb from limb. It's the end of
Your hand reaches out into a dark recess. Without warning the the timeline for you, Falcon.
279 282
It is impossible to see where you are going, but fear impels you As you swing your weight into the dark recess the unseen
to sprint across the uneven sand. Red mist washes warmly creature lunges at you with a metal bar. Make a Chance Roll.
around you. Soon the mist is white again, all around you, but as
fast as you run so the rolling bank of mist like a great breaker If you score 1, 3 or 5, turn to 302
flows on, threatening to engulf you. As you are nearing a slight If you score 2, 4 or 6, turn to 312
depression, it floods around you. You sprint on desperately, but
all is whiteness, and then you are falling. Turn to 387. 283
You hurl a directionless blast of mental energy, like an explosion
of thought, into the swirling yellow vapours and, to your
280 surprise, the glowing luminescence dims and your mind
The man falls under your power easily. He spins and fires at becomes clear and decisive once more. Only now do you realise
Meyer, taking him by surprise. The shot rings-out across the the extent to which an alien intelligence had distorted your
featureless expanse and Meyer flies backwards to lie inert in the thoughts. Add 1 to your Thinkstrike Modifier for affecting an alien
dust. The other soldier gawks in astonishment. You force the mind. The luminescence remains on both sides, on one side the
man under your power to turn to the remaining soldier and fire. glow is green, on the other orange. Will you head for:
Incredibly, he misses but the soldier has already taken to his
heels, running for the compound. Quickly you knock out the The green glow? Turn to 415
last guard with a deft blow to the back of his neck. You can hear The orange? Turn to 147
shouted orders from the compound and the revving of engines.
Fromm is organising a pursuit. You turn and sprint away, 284
making for a low ridge a few hundred yards away. Within a few A great machine in the tower's foundations maintains their life
minutes you are pounding up the side of the ridge. At its top you support systems. If it exploded, everyone in the tower would
pause to look behind - several tanks and trucks, full of die. It seems it is close to that now. The green scavengers rule
uniformed soldiers, are spewing out of the SS compound. Turn the lower levels and the paranoids of the blue room have
to 396. commanded that no-one, not even the technicians, be allowed to
service the machine, or leave the tower. They are more scared of
going green than of death. 'Why allow "paranoids" to rule you?'
281 you think. The reply is immediate. They are genetically designed
The yellow mist is having a strange effect on you, you feel an to make cautious decisions, based on fear, to shepherd mankind
overpowering need to blame someone for your predicament. It through dangerous times. Now that their usefulness is over,
seems unlikely that you will ever leave this planet - German no-one cares to overthrow them, not least because they
tanks have probably destroyed Falcon's Wing by now, you think. surround themselves with sensors and traps, seeing no-one but
Who do you blame for the position you have got into: their particular clone brothers. After some time you can sense
that your well being means nothing to them. You are no more
Yourself? Turn to 341 than an interesting diversion to pass the time with. Suddenly
Bloodhound, for failing to look after himself? Turn to 361 one of the white screens turns red and a human with four arms
Jobanque for failing to send other agents to and hands, each of differing shape, in which tools are grasped,
support you? Turn to 371 appears. It speaks: The machine is critical, prepare to die,' then
the screen goes blank once more. One of the white humans go. As you look into his strange purple eyes, the pupils seem to
invites you to step into the lift so that they can return you to the dilate until you imagine your head is being drawn inside one of
outside before the tower explodes. Will you: them. You become drowsy and struggle to fight off waves of
sleep, to no avail. When you regain consciousness, the boy is
Do as he/she says and step into the lift? Turn to 314 nowhere to be seen, the red moon has not moved in the sky and
Remonstrate with them and ask them to help you have no idea how long you have lain insensible in the dust.
you? Turn to 324 You decide to press on. Turn to 277.

285 288
There is no obvious way to open the plasteel door which is four The SS colonel stares at you, lips pursed. He narrows his eyes
metres tall and two metres wide. It is set three inches back into and begins to shake with rage. Then he leaps up and explodes/If
the wall of the tower and does not appear to be hinged. The that's the way you want it, Untermensch, so be it. You will pay
lolloping man creature is not far behind you. Will you: for this, Schweinhund,' he cries. Take the filth away and reduce
it to a mewling dog, Hauptsturmfuhrer - I want the dog
Call out loudly in the hope that someone will obedient and willing. And under close guard, not least to
open it for you? Turn to 122 prevent escape, but also to prevent a repeat of the Dragonmen's
Try to push it inwards? Turn to 132 last bloody raid. We must not lose this one. Heil!'
Try to slide it sideways? Turn to 142
'Heil Hitler!' shouts the Hauptsturmfuhrer, and the guards grab
286 you and carry you bodily out of the wooden cottage, taking
You depress the buttons rapidly, red, green then yellow. To great pains to ensure you are uncomfortable. Turn to 400.
your horror a steel cover slides over the console and an alarm
begins to ring out. 'Wait! It'll activate again in a few minutes,' 289
says Bloodhound. There may still be time.' You can do nothing You run blindly from the green glow through a haze of yellow
but wait, spine tingling in anticipation. 'Come on, come on,' into a chill and eerie blue incandescence. Turn to 149.
mutters Bloodhound. Looking out of the transparent dome you
can see several Gra'ak running towards you from the direction 290
of another grey dome. Then the cover slides back again. What It is almost upon you, its breath fetid, its gaping maw lined with
sequence of buttons will you press this time? razor edged teeth, its eyes like living orbs of madness. Make an
Attack Roll.
If you push green, red then yellow, turn to 358
If you push red, yellow then green, turn to 278 If you score 7-12, turn to 248
If you push yellow, green then red, turn to 148 If you score 2-6, turn to 410

287 291
When you are some way from the castle, heading towards the Bloodhound protests but you motion him to be quiet and come
great edifice that towers up to a point in the distance, you set the with you. As you creep carefully towards the coral Blood-
boy on his feet once more, having decided to let him run back to hound's enfeebled leg gives way without warning and you both
the castle from this point and bend down to tell him he is free to tumble from a low table of slate into a heap on the ground. You
roll aside, but even as you are considering your next action one
of the Gra'ak is playing the beam of his laser rifle across you.
Death is swift, but Bloodhound's will not be.

You climb speedily up the shaft. Any noise from below is lost in
the booming of machinery, but you catch thoughts of rage, pain,
hate and hunger from your assailant which seem both powerful
and near human. As you climb, so the strength of thought fades
and is blocked out completely when you stand on the surface
once more and slide the manhole cover back into place. You turn
towards the gateway. Turn to 185.

Make a Chance Roll.

If you score 2 or 4, turn to 303

If you score 1, 3, 5 or 6, turn to 313

A blue human with a curiously flaccid brain case and twig-like
appendages for arms squawks out of the screen. 'Terminate the
thought transfer. Eject the primitive one.' The screen turns
white once more but one of your hosts says that you must leave
the tower or the paranoids will have you eliminated by their
sentinel droids. They say that if you leave now they will send the
lift to a weapon bay where you may obtain a cold lance that will
be useful against the reptilians. Turn to 304.

Your mind probe is successful straight away. The creature's
thought patterns are surprisingly similar to your own. Then
you realise, to your horror, that it is human. The other mind fills
with hate and humiliation that you have seen its thoughts so
easily and your mind is rejected just as one would spit out some
unsavoury fungspread. The creature has used some kind of
mind bar, a sophisticated defence against powers of the mind.
Still it lollops towards you, its small mouth creased into a twisted
line of hate and disdain. Will you: 299
You stumble upright, having dragged your body up off the
Run to the gate? Turn to 315 sharp cone of glass which had impaled you, and stagger on. It is
Try to use your Power of Will to control it? Turn to 325 impossible to see where you are going, but fear impels you to
spring across the uneven sand. Red mist washes warmly around
296 you. Soon the mist is white again, but as fast as you run so the
You run forward. The creature pauses and then throws its rolling bank of mist like a great breaker flows on, threatening to
weapon aside and growls in anticipation. It jumps forward, its engulf you. As you are nearing a slight depression, it floods
massive legs enabling it to make a huge bound to appear before around you. You sprint on desperately, but there is nothing but
you. Its speed is whiplike and you cannot match it. It is faster, whiteness and then you are falling. Turn to 309.
heavier, stronger and taller than any human could ever be. It
rends you to shreds in a matter of minutes and feeds on you as, 300
screaming, you struggle and kick. If you spoke with the pilot and told him you were a time
traveller, turn to 39. If not, or if you didn't speak to him, turn to
'Would it be better to wait until it gets darker?' you ask.
The universal translator will translate your words into English
The sun never sets,' says Bertrand, pointing at the red moon.
but they will sound mechanical and grating. Will you:
What you took for a moon is one of the last suns left burning in
the cosmos. Thanking Bertrand you make for the gate and run
Say you are a roboplane, programmed to carry
from the castle towards the great edifice that towers up to a
out a crop survey? Turn to 311
point in the distance. Turn to 277.
Threaten to shoot the fighter down unless it
turns away? Turn to 321
298 Identify yourself as an Earther time traveller? Turn to 331
You are a fraction too slow and a single yellow ball of energy
flies from the tip of the Gra'ak's weapon to explode at your 302
shoulder, throwing you backward. Your shoulder is torn open. The bar crashes into your shoulder and knocks you back into the
Lose 8 Endurance points. If you still live, at the sight of the blood shaft. Lose 3 Endurance points. If you are still alive, you are lucky to
dripping from your shoulder the Saurian goes into some kind of catch a rung of the ladder in the darkness and climb out of range.
frenzy, its jaws snap wildly and it bounds towards you, howling Will you:
horribly. The hackles on the back of your neck rise as you are
gripped with instinctive fear, the prey's fear of the predator. Try to climb up to the manhole and out? Turn to 322
Desperately you fire your blaster again, the creature is almost Try to climb down the tunnel? Turn to 272
upon you, its breath foul and its gaping maw running with
saliva. Make an Attack Roll. 303
Even as you throw aside your blaster the turret on the right
If you score 7-12, turn to 248 hand side tank is revolving and a burst of flame erupts from the
If you score 2-6, turn to 410 barrel. Seemingly at the same moment a high explosive shell
explodes twenty feet to your right, blowing you ten feet into the
air. Flying shrapnel embeds itself in you. If you are not wearing
your environment suit, you lose 10 Endurance points. If you are
wearing your environment suit you lose 8 Endurance points. Your
suit is ruined and useless -note this on your agent profile. If you
are still alive, you decide to lie prone as if dead. Turn to 323.

As soon as you step into the lift the coloured lights go off and the
door hums shut. A single amber light flashes as the lift
accelerates down a series of twisting shafts and then stops. The
door opens and a red skinned technician with four hands and
arms, each different in shape, hands you a weapon. The door
hums shut as you realise in surprise that you have been given a
very advanced cold lance. Note that you have this on your agent
profile. A green light flashes and the lift descends a long shaft.
When the door hums open, you realise you are on the far side of
the tower to that which you entered. A blue grey desert
stretches as far as the eye can see. You head towards a large
expanse of blue slab-like rock. Turn to 338.

You concentrate all of your thoughts on overpowering the will
of the strange green human-like creature but, to your dismay, it
is able to blank out your attack. A mind-bar descends across its
thoughts like a metal gate. It is immune to the powers of your
mind and now it is almost upon you. You will have to engage it
in unarmed combat. It utters a high pitched scream of malice and
balls its huge hands into gourd-like fists, ready to smash your
head. Make an Evasion Roll.

If you score 6-12, turn to 375

If you score 2-5, turn to 385

He manages to throw off your mental attack and then cries out
in surprise and outrage: 'Trying your mind tricks like the other
one, eh!' he bellows. Suddenly you feel a sharp pain in the back
of your head and everything goes black. Turn to 276.
307 whether there are crops of any type grown on this planet. Will
'A sorcerer would not wish to pray - the sight of the cross would you:
strike fear into his heart/ says a young Knight.
Continue on your course? Turn to 191
'Aye Bertrand, I think you have the right of it,' says Leopold. 'So Land? Turn to 201
be it, come, to the abbey, let us pray.' Turn to 127.
In the darkness you sense the danger too late. The bar crashes
into your face, knocking you back to fall into the shaft. Turn to
The tank rumbles onward, and the journey passes uneventfully.
The crew talk amongst themselves a little, but none of them say
a word to you. You do overhear someone saying, 'Perhaps this
one can take us home to the Fatherland,' and another replying:
There is a dull thud inside the turret of the right hand tank as if
'If the Dragonmen don't raid and take him away along with a
the gun had misfired, and smoke pours out of the muzzle. The
score of the rest of us. Curse their filthy hides.' After a while
tanks grinding slowly on towards you come to a halt. Hatches on
there is a brusque, 'Come on, move,' and you are manhandled
top of the turrets are flung open and four German soldiers,
out of the tank into the dull red light. Turn to 6.
dressed in field grey and carrying Luger pistols and Schmeisser
machine guns, fan out around you. You are about to use your
309 powers of the mind when a new arrival to the scene claims your
For what seems like an eternity, you fall from the whiteness of attention. Turn to 333.
the cloud into the blackness of a deep crevasse, but in reality it is
scant seconds before you nose dive into a mound of bird 314
droppings, collected over the uncounted centuries. If you are As soon as you step into the lift the coloured lights go off and the
wearing you environment suit, turn to 319. If you are not, turn door hums shut. A single green light flashes as the lift
to 329. accelerates, spiralling down a long shaft and then stops. When
the door hums open, you realise you are on the far side of the
310 tower to that which you entered. A blue grey desert stretches as
There is a deafening report as the pistol goes off, but the bullet far as the eye can see. You are only a mile or so from the tower
whistles past the commander's head. 'Down!' the commander when a blast wave flings you head over heels and there is a
shouts, as the bullet begins to ricochet dangerously around the sound like a nuclear detonation. You catch sight of the tower
interior of the truck. Make another Chance Roll. collapsing in on itself, as if the middle was being sucked out into
null-space. Soon all that remains is a monumental pile of rubble.
If you score 1 or 3, turn to 258 You head towards a large expanse of blue slab-like rock. Turn to
If you score 2, 4 or 6, turn to 230 338.
If you score 5, turn to 146
There is no obvious way to open the plasteel door which towers
311 four metres tall and two metres wide. It is set three inches back
'What crops?' comes the reply. You realise that you have no idea into the wall of the tower and does not appear to be hinged. The
lolloping man creature is almost upon you. Will you:

Call out loudly in the hope that someone will

open it for you? Turn to 152
Try to push it inwards? Turn to 162
Try to slide it sideways? Turn to 172

You walk through a thin corridor into the dome. You are in a
long corridor-like chamber which stretches ahead of you. You
judge the end to be the back of the dome. The walls are grey and
tables and worktops litter the place. It is some kind of workshop.
The heat in here is stifling. You notice a bookshelf (the Gra'ak
keep their records in written form, though their script is bold
and clumsy). Absently you note that they read from right to left.
There is a door straight ahead of you and a door to your left. Will
you go through:

The left hand door? Turn to 228

The door straight ahead of you? Turn to 340

The sound of galloping horses behind is muffled as you sprint
into the opaque cloud of misty vapour. Even the scrape of your
footsteps is deadened as you enter a cloud world of fleeting
images, darting coloured lights and shadows like sinister shapes
of monsters from planet Hel. Realising that the mist is thicker
than you guessed, you stop to get your bearings, but when you
try to retrace your steps to the mist's edge you realise that you
are already lost in the swirling vapours. Three lights seem to
appear a long way off - the vapour glows and shimmers like
silken sheets of red, blue and yellow incandescence. On the left
all is red, to the right, yellow, and ahead a blue glow advances
towards you. Will you:

Move into the red? Turn to 337

Move into the yellow? Turn to 347
Let the blue glow envelop you? Turn to 357
It is almost upon you, its breath stinking, its gaping maw lined
with razor edged teeth, its eyes like twin orbs of living madness.
Make a Thinkstrike Roll as you marshal! your thoughts to blast
its mind with energy.

If you score 7-12, turn to 120

If you score 2-6, turn to 398

You have buried yourself deep in the pile of soft droppings and,
though unhurt, you begin to suffocate as you realise that the
oxygen supply of your environment suit has ruptured, filling
the breathing ducts and your lungs with dried, powdered
excrement. Retching violently, you thresh towards the top of
the dung heap, finding your way only by sensing the pull of
gravity. You are coughing violently by the time you have
discarded the suit. Note that your environment suit is unusable.
You have suffered a loss of 5 Endurance points. If you are still alive,
turn to 417.

You ask Bloodhound if he knows anything about a Black
Monolith. 'It's what is causing the time flux that sucks things to
this lost place,' you say. 'It must be destroyed before we can

'Yes I have,' says Bloodhound excitedly. 'The Gra'ak spoke of it

often. It completely perplexed them. It should be near the edge
of their dwellings.' After a short rest, you start across the slate
rock flats, around the reptile's home. After a time, you come to
another bowl-shaped depression, almost as large as that which
the Gra'ak lived in. But this crater is filled with dust. At its
centre rises a dull black pillar. Turn to 334.

The fighter screams past your right hand side then turns away.
You watch it on the radar display and realise that it is flying in
the direction of Falcon's Wing. You give chase at better than
mach four but the fighter has already fired a missile at your 325
Time Machine before you catch it up. A column of dust plumes It does not take you long to realise that the mind bar which the
upwards into the air and, since you have no weapons on the pale green human is using against you is powerful enough to
flyer, you decide to land and check for damage to Falcon's Wing. defeat your attempt to control it and it prepares to hurl itself on
Turn to 91. you, uttering a high-pitched shriek of malice. Will you:

322 Use your blaster, if you still have it? Turn to 335
You scrabble up the ladder towards the manhole as fast as you Defend yourself, using unarmed combat? Turn to 345
can, your efforts magnified when you catch thoughts of hate,
anger and hunger from the beast which is now pursuing you. 326
Rather than waiting to replace the heavy manhole cover, you Bloodhound is almost lame and it takes an agonising minute to
race towards the gateway hoping to escape inside the tower. cover the first thirty yards away from his prison dome. He leans
Then a sound from the manhole causes you to turn and look. heavily on you and is struggling to keep his hopping steps quiet,
Turn to 202. grimacing in pain whenever you have to step down from one
pile of dark slate to another. The Gra'ak seem to be absorbed in
what is happening inside the corral. A sudden keening cry
323 curdles your blood, as though a being was suffering un-
The shrill whinny of a horse startles you but you lie still and one
imaginable torment. You both pale. The cry was human. Will
of the German soldiers turns you over with his jackboot. You
pretend to be unconscious and your translator enables you to
understand a curt series of orders from the senior officer. 'Looks Attempt to spy on the Gra'ak corral? Turn to 291
like another one of those from the future in the strange Hope to make good your escape without delay? Turn to 81
machines. Blindfold, shoot to kill on the slightest provocation
and if any of you collapse suddenly or acts strangely, shoot as 327
well. Beware trickery.'
You catch the sound of galloping horses behind as you hastily
skirt the cloud of mist. You prepare to give it a wide berth but,
'Yes Hauptsturmfuhrer.' To your astonishment, a Knight on
imperceptibly at first, the mist's edge floats towards you,
horseback, wearing chainmail, is looking down at you, but one
threatening to engulf you in an opaque cloud of misty vapour,
of the Germans blindfolds you with a piece of grey cloth and you although there is not the slightest breeze to disturb the dust
are bundled into one of the tanks. Turn to 48. underfoot. Will you:

324 Run directly away from the cloud? Turn to 367

They listen to your pleas with great patience but the doings of Allow it to engulf you? Turn to 377
mankind in a past separated from their own time by much more
than a billion years cannot interest them. The lift door hums 328
closed, shutting you in the room with them and the whole tower You reach out and try to seize its mind with your will. However,
starts to shake as if its foundations had turned to jelly. Suddenly its thoughts are ferocious and single minded in its voracity -
there is an enormous explosion and the tower collapses in on although intelligent, and technologically very capable, it has
itself burying you in rubble for ever. basic drives: to kill, eat and dominate. Its will is powerful and it
fights back. You are locked in a mental struggle. The Saurian the wreck of the Kublewagen. The ridge is only a few feet away.
desire to kill becomes the deciding factor. Slowly, very slowly, You leap up and sprint for it whilst you have the chance - the
even though you strive to prevent it, the reptile brings up its smoke from the jeep is obscuring you from the pursuing tanks
energy rifle to fire at you. Within moments it will have achieved and trucks. Moments later you are at its top. Turn to 396.
this. It is taking all your strength to fight this battle of wills and
you will be an easy target. Your only chance is to release it and 331
try something else. Your mind feels fogged and tired. As you do You tell the pilot that you are a time traveller. There is silence
so, it staggers back for a moment in surprise and then aims its then you hear him shout excitedly: 'Holy Jackanapes! Salvation
weapon. Will you: at last. Can you land that thing here or do you need a runway?'
He sounds friendly enough so you tell him that you will land. As
Try and Thinkstrike it? Turn to 49 the flyer settles to the ground on top of a ridge he tells you that
Drop to one knee and fire your blaster, if you his plane is a VTOL: That's vertical take off and landing, in case
have it? Turn to 189 you didn't know. I'll have to find a spot that isn't too dusty - the
Charge in to fight it hand to hand? Turn to 296 engines don't like it.' He lands some way away and you climb out
Use the cold lance, if you have it? Turn to 58 of the flyer and wait for him. Turn to 351.

329 332
You have buried yourself deep in the pile of soft droppings and Once more you are shocked to the core. Lose 2 Endurance points. If
cough and splutter as the nauseating stench and slime
you are still alive you see that the gate is unmoved. Then the
overpower your senses. The effort has tired you and you lose 3
monster fist batters and bruises your hip and you lose another 3
Endurance points. If you still live, retching violently, you thresh
Endurance points. If you are still alive, you will have to fight it out
towards the top of the dung heap, finding your way only by with this perverse parody of humanity. Turn to 352.
sensing the pull of gravity. Soon after you reach the top of the
dung heap the cloud passes from the lip of the crevasse and
there is enough light to see by. You scrape the film of ordure 333
from your clothes and look around. You can hear many horses A sudden shrill whinny surprises you. Turning, you see a knight
approaching the lip of the crevasse but there is a cave in the on horseback, wearing a white surcoat with a broad red cross on
rockside of the crevasse, just next to the pile of guano. Will you: it, looking down on you. He is carrying what looks like a very
advanced particle disruptor. The German Senior Officer
Enter the cave? Turn to 11 motions forward one of his men, a young fellow wearing glasses
Tackle the difficult climb to the lip of the with round lenses and narrow metal rims. Turn to 353.
crevasse? Turn to 21
330 Together with Bloodhound you jump over the edge of the crater
Suddenly there is a flash of light and an ear splitting explosion. and slide down the bank of dust, burying yourself up to your
The next thing you know is that you are lying sprawled in the middle. It is hard going, sinking into the dust at every step, but
sand. The Kublewagen is a mass of twisted metal, burning after half an hour you stand before the black unreflecting
voraciously, sending up a pillar of black, oily smoke into the sky. monolith. Do you have some plasplode? If you do, turn to 344. If
There is no sign of Rudolf. He must have been killed, still inside not, turn to 354.
335 carnivorous dinosaur of Earth's distant past. However, its head
Its huge hands are contracted into gourd-like fists, ready to is crocodilian with an extended crested braincase that hangs
smash your head. Make an Attack Roll. down over its back. The hind legs are massive, the forearms
smaller, ending in four fingered manipulative hands. It has
If you score 5-12, turn to 355 rudimentary clothing, mostly belts and straps holding various
If you score 2-4, turn to 365 items of indefinable equipment. In its hand it holds some form of
weapon - possibly a laser rifle. Its jaw slavers continuously, its
336 yellow lidded eyes flick constantly. These reptiles are probably
The tank begins to change direction. Then the radio crackles cold blooded and need high temperature to maintain their
into life. 'Otto, Otto, this is Hauptsturmfuhrer Meyer -why are metabolic rate. No other reptiles seem to be nearby but several
you turning round. Stop immediately!' Otto, your tank's of them are in some kind of corral on the other side of the bowl.
commander, utters a gasp of astonishment and then cries:'Mind You cannot make out what they are doing but there are many
trickery - Hans is a zombie!' Before you can act, there is a sharp violent and savage movements and the squealing cry of some
pain in the back of your head and everything goes blank. Turn to beast in pain. Feeding perhaps.
Realising you will have to get into the dome you climb down into
337 the depression and crawl as silently as you can towards the
The red mist descends upon you like a blanket, its very colour dome, sweat breaking out on your forehead as you labour in the
makes you feel warm and you begin to feel better than you have tropical heat of the depression. The heat seems to be held down
yet felt on this cold and barren planet. You breathe the red mist here. You are about fifty yards away, crouched down behind a
in deeply, then blow little rings of red smoke out of your trough filled with hot bubbling mud. Its purpose is beyond you.
nostrils. Suddenly you begin to laugh, the red mist is affecting The Saurian guard begins to sniff the air suspiciously. You will
you like laughing gas. It occurs to you to make a painting on the have to act now, or the guard will find you out in moments,
sandy ground, but the only thing you can think of to use as paint using its obviously powerful sense of smell. Will you:
is blood. Turn to 69.
Fire your blaster at it, if you still possess it? Turn to 18
338 Use a cold lance, if you have one? Turn to 58
After some time you are walking across a flat-bed of bluish slate Thinkstrike the reptile? Turn to 118
-like rock. The rock is warm-it seems of volcanic origin, for the Try to control it with Powers of Will? Turn to 328
whole place radiates heat from the ground. Eventually you find
yourself at the lip of a large bowl-like depression, at the bottom 339
of which lie several grey domes. You gasp involuntarily at what The mist is indeed a strange, but highly intelligent life form,
greets your eyes. One of the domes has another transparent which has been distorting your thoughts and causing you to
dome, much smaller, attached to its rear. Inside you can see hallucinate and feel illusions. It is one of the Sossorri, or Cloud
Bloodhound. His uniform is in tatters and he looks tired and Beings, which float in the ether of their gas giant world even in
worn, but essentially OK. He is held upright somehow. Most of 3034 AD. Now that you have proved yourself able to withstand
the domes have single arches as doors - the dome with the subtle mind attacks it has subjected you to, the Sossoros no
Bloodhound in is guarded by a strange beast. It is about seven longer wishes to absorb your life-essence and will not harm you.
feet tall, in appearance rather like a Tyrannosaurus Rex, the It flows gently past you until you are standing under the light of
the red moon once more. The great cloud of mist hovers nearby.
Will you choose this moment:

To flee across the dusty plain? Turn to 359

Engage it in telepathic conversation? Turn to 369

You step through the door and find yourself in the transparent
dome housing your old friend, Agent Bloodhound. He is held
within a small personnel dome, standing on a steel pedestal,
linked to a bank of instrumentation. He is looking rather the
worse for wear, but he does not look badly injured - more tired,
mentally. At the sight of you his jaw drops and his eyes light up
with hope. His voice comes to you through the small air holes
bored into the dome that covers him. 'Section Chief Falcon! You
came! Thanks, sir. Good to see you again Falcon, that's for sure. I
managed to destroy my Time Machine, so those Gra'ak couldn't
try to use it - that's what these reptiles are called, from the
planet Gra'akii, beyond the galactic rim. I thought I was
marooned here.' As Bloodhound talks you are busily invest-
igating the tube-like clear dome that imprisons him. 'They've
been keeping me here, using mind probes on me, trying to force
me to tell them how to build another machine, but I've resisted
so far. It seems this is the end of time, Falcon, in fact time does
not really exist anymore. People get drawn here by some
strange force or temporal warp.' Bloodhound seems to be
almost delirious. The mind torture has effected him.

'Listen to me. Blood, listen,' and you batter on the dome. He

stops and stares at you, wild eyed. 'How do I get this open,
Blood, there's not much time!' You cannot blast it for fear of
hurting Bloodhound.

'Oh yes, Falcon - sorry, my head, it's ... That console there -
those three coloured buttons. You have to press them in a
certain sequence but I haven't been able to determine the correct
sequence. I think if you get it wrong, an alarm goes off.' You
must try to get him out. Will you press the buttons in the 'Yes Hauptsturmfuhrer.' Suddenly the Knight begins to speak
following order: and the young German stops in his tracks. Your translator
works normally but you can recognise the language yourself as
Red, green then yellow? Turn to 286
mediaeval Latin. If you have a sword with a freezing blade with
Red, yellow then green? Turn to 346
you, turn to 363, if not, turn to 373.
Yellow, green then red? Turn to 378

341 344
You have only yourself to rely upon now, and blaming yourself Bloodhound sets the charge and when he is safely out of the way
serves only to plunge you into dark despair. Jealousy of the you detonate it. Shards of unreflective black crystal shower the
other agents who do not have to bear the responsibility of being crater, the pieces burying themselves. When the dust settles,
Section Leader, and envy of Jobanque who is no longer exposed every last trace of the monolith has disappeared. Nothing is left
to such danger now that he is a Lord of TIME, prey upon you. of the artefact that could rob great galleons from all places in all
From somewhere the seed of suicide is planted and it begins to times. Feeling a tremendous sense of awe and achievement you
grow, crushing all hope like a many tendrilled creeper that begin the climb back to the rim of the crater. If you have:
poisons a tree. Will you:
A compass given to you by Kowalski you may
Try to run blindly out of the cloud? Turn to 381 use it, Turn to 384
Thinkstrike the cloud in case it has a mind of its A device given by the Ardanni and wish to use
own? Turn to 391 it, Turn to 364
Exert your Power of Will to snap out of your Otherwise, Turn to 374
despair? Turn to 401
342 The strange human's fists are bunched into huge pale gourd-
As you touch the gate, a terrible shock jolts through you. Lose 2 like bunches of bone as it prepares to pound your head. Make an
Endurance points. If you are still alive, you see that the gate has Evasion Roll.
started to slide open, enough for you to slip through into a lit
passageway beyond. The boom-boom of the machinery buffets If you score 6-12, turn to 375
your eardrums. Just then the monster's fist smashes into your If you score 2-5, turn to 385
hip, bruising and battering it. You lose 3 further Endurance points but,
if you are still alive, the force of the blow has knocked you
through the gateway. Turn to 362. 346
You depress the buttons rapidly: red, yellow, then green. To
343 your horror a steel cover slides over the console and an alarm
Your translator enables you to understand a curt series of begins to ring out. 'Wait! It'll activate again in a few minutes,'
orders from the senior German Officer, as he points at you. says Bloodhound. There may still be time.' You can do nothing
'Looks like another one of those from the future in the strange but wait, spine tingling in anticipation. 'Come on, come on.'
machines. Blindfold, shoot to kill on the slightest provocation mutters Bloodhound. Looking out of the transparent dome you
and if any of you collapse suddenly or act strangely, shoot as can see several Gra'ak running towards you from the direction
well. Beware mind trickery.' of another grey dome. Then the cover slides back again. What
sequence of buttons will you press this time? Will you push: time from around a low hill. You are caught in the open. A hail of
machine gun fire peppers the rocky flat and you are cut down
Green, red then yellow? Turn to 358 like ripe corn.
Red, green then yellow? Turn to 278 351
Yellow, green then red? Turn to 148 The fighter's nose dips, then rears skywards as the plane hovers,
then descends gently to the ground on a table of windswept
347 rock. Although the rock is comparatively free of dust the
You stop as the yellow luminescence swirls all around you. You enormously powerful jets which rotate throw up a great plume
can see no way out of the opaque mist. You try to get your of debris and silt which completely obscures the plane. You are
bearings, and doubts assail you. You realise you are hopelessly waiting for the pilot to reappear when something nearby
lost, the cloud closed in around you without any wind and as far catches your attention. A steady chugging of heavy machinery
as you know it could move with you so that you would never see causes you to turn and you see a large metallic vehicle lumbering
the red moon of this world again. Turn to 281. towards you on caterpillar tracks. A turret on top of the main
body carries a large projectile weapon, a barrel which locks onto
348 you as the machine moves. A second and a third appear over a
The driver turns round and fires. Make a Chance Roll. low rise. You recognise them from your history holovids as
Tiger tanks, armoured war vehicles of the German army that
If you score 1, 3 or 5, turn to 208 were used to good effect in WWII. Their markings indicate an SS
If you score 2, 4 or 6, turn to 310 battalion. One of the tanks opens fire, scoring a direct hit on
your flyer. The explosion rips it asunder. Obviously feeling
349 vulnerable, the USAF pilot takes his fighter straight up into the
There is a commotion within the cloud, then it begins to flow air and roars away. There is nowhere to hide out here in the
past you until at last you are outside it and the motionless red open. Will you:
sun glowers down on you once more. As the mist recedes at a
startling rate you catch some of its thoughts. It is a Sossorus, a Go for your blaster? Turn to 203
powerfully intelligent life form which is no more than a mist. Await developments? Turn to 213
Even in 3034 AD the Sossorri float freely in the gas cloud Run down the other side of the ridge? Turn to 396
atmosphere of the red giant planet which is their home. You
have missed the chance to learn something from this being for it 352
is already lost to your sight. Shrugging disconsolately you walk If you wish to use your Power of the Mind against this human
on towards the great tower. Turn to 60. beast, turn to 372. If not, you must fight on, turn to 382.

350 353
You refuse politely, saying that it might affect the course of Your translator enables you to understand a curt series of
history to take him back. His smile fades. 'Have it your own way, orders from the senior German Officer as he points at you:
then,' and he turns on his heel and heads back to the plane. With 'Looks like another one of those from the future in the strange
a whine it revs up and then floats into the air before rocketing machines. Blindfold, shoot to kill on the slightest provocation
away. Just then, a group of horsemen ride out and a shout goes and if any of you collapse suddenly or act strangely, shoot as
up at the sight of you. Some tanks come into sight at the same well. Beware mind trickery.'
'Yes Hauptsturmfuhrer.' Suddenly the Knight begins to speak 357
and the young German stops in his tracks. Your translator A strange impression of peaceful serenity floods your mind as
works normally but you can recognise the language yourself as the incandescent blue gas cocoons you and then you shrink.
mediaeval Latin. If you have a sword with a freezing blade with Your size dwindles rapidly - and the ground surges up towards
you, turn to 383, if not, turn to 373. you until you are no larger than an ant perched between two
grains of sand as large as small boulders. Uncannily the
transformation barely perturbs you. The thought of scrambling
354 across the sea of sand grain boulders seems too much trouble to
The unreflecting black monolith denies all of your attempts to contemplate. You settle down to rest. Turn to 31.
destroy it. Bloodhound's blaster makes no impression. In the
end you are forced to scour the planet for explosives. When you 358
reach the rim of the crater again, the black monolith slides You cry out in rage as the steel cover slides over the console once
gently out of sight below the dust, as if it knew your purpose. more. The Gra'ak will be here within seconds. 'It's no good,
The dust ocean reaches five hundred feet to the floor of the Falcon, try to save yourself!' shouts Bloodhound.
crater and you know you can never reach the monolith. Falcon's
Wing cannot jump back. You are doomed to a twilight life at the 'Never!' you reply, 'we can still fight our way out!' But just as the
end of time. cover slides up again, several of the reptiles burst in. You try to
fight but they are deadly quick, and there are too many of them.
You are overwhelmed and torn limb from limb. It's the end of
355 the timeline for you, Falcon.
The blaster's spurt of ionized plasma affects the pale green
human just as it would affect yourself. Its bloated balloon head 359
disappears in a cloud of vapour and the body threshes on the You walk hastily away, still in the direction of the strange
ground twice before becoming still. There are no other clues as building. The mist remains unmoving, even when a light breeze
to what the thing was except that its long digits are stained springs up. Turn to 60.
faintly red at their tips. You decide to press on to the gate. Turn
to 185. 360
Kowalski crumples but regains consciousness just as the hatch
seals Bloodhound and yourself inside Falcon's Wing. The
356 camera shows the jet take off as you are reaching back across the
The tank commander leans forward and starts to remove your aeons for the Eiger Vault, Earth, in 3034 AD. Kowalski begins
blindfold. 'What are you doing, Otto?' says a voice. 'Otto, stop, his attack run and still you cannot find the timehole. In panic you
you heard the Hauptsturmfuhrer's orders.' search for another timehole but the missiles from the star-
fighter strike home. You are killed instantaneously.
Before you can do anything another voice shouts, 'Stop him,
mind trickery!' Quickly you rip off the blindfold and leap up, but 361
one of the men drives a rifle butt into your face and you stagger Blaming Bloodhound causes you to remember your own
back. The pain causes you to lose control of Otto, and there is a courage in coming to this planet to save him and the feeling of
sudden flash of pain in the back of your head and everything despair leaves you. You will save your friend and fellow agent or
goes black. Turn to 276. die in the attempt. Turn to 411.
362 366
As soon as you are through the gate it slides shut once more, A slapping noise like raw meat on a marble slab in the Oldways
with a whine of heavy machinery, cutting your assailant off life museum causes you to look back. A hideous apparition
from you. Sucking in great lungfuls of air, you walk down a greets your gaze. It is humanoid but the hands and head are
short, featureless corridor to what is evidently a lift. Turn to grossly distorted. The hands are like great splayed feet, with
214. many jointed digits that claw the dust, whilst the head is swollen
like a balloon. It is nude, evidently male and its skin and eyes are
363 a sickly pale green in colour. It is chasing you, its gait ungainly as
This prisoner I claim in the name of Leopold the Great and the it lollops on all fours. Will you:
Knights of St John.' The Knight's words carry the ring of firm
resolve. The spectacled soldier translates the Latin for the Run to the gate? Turn to 285
Hauptsturmfuhrer and is instructed to reply that: 'He, the Probe its mind using Psychic Awareness? Turn to 295
Hauptsturmfuhrer Meyer, claims the prisoner for the glory of Use your Power of Will to control it? Turn to 305
the Fourth Reich,' on the basis that the tanks spotted you first.
The Knight disagrees, saying that he has tracked you for some 367
miles and he goes on: 'The stranger carries the sacred sword and As fast as you run, so the rolling bank of mist like a great breaker
has profaned the Lord.' He points the particle disruptor at the flows on, threatening to engulf you. As you are nearing a slight
Hauptsturmfuhrer's head. The German hesitates for a moment depression, it floods around you. You sprint on desperately, but
and then orders his men back to their tanks, leaving you with there is whiteness all around and then you are falling. Turn to
the strange Knight. Turn to 7. 387.

364 As quickly as you can, you try to take over Meyer's mind. Make
After a long trek the device given you by the Ardanni leads you a Power of Will Roll.
back to their burrows. One of the timid squirrel-like humanoids
guides you back to Falcon's Wing, then vanishes chattering If you score 7-12, turn to 26
across the sand plain. Bloodhound follows you into your Time If you score 2-6, turn to 160
Machine and the Variac Drive sucks you into the nothingness of
the void. Turn to 420. 369
Will you ask the Sossorros:
You have forgotten to flick off the safety catch and when you Whether any beings live in the strange tower? Turn to 379
fire nothing happens. Perhaps seeing such a hideous mal- How it came to be on this time forsaken
formation of humanity has unnerved you. You have only a split world? Turn to 389
second to dodge the bunch of bones that is its fist. Make an Who the other non-being was who endured the
Evasion Roll. mist's caresses? Turn to 399

If you score 9-12, turn to 375 370

If you score 2-8, turn to 385 You clamp the man's mind in a vice-like mental grip, dominating
his will. Will you force him to: 'Very well,' comes the reply, 'come to the Stalag at the tenth
hour tomorrow.' Satisfied, the Knight spurs his horse down the
Remove your blindfold? Turn to 356 hillock and out of sight. Several soldiers rush you - you struggle
Open fire on his comrades? Turn to 390 but there are too many of them, despite your mind powers. You
Cover them with his Luger and threaten to are blindfolded with a piece of grey cloth and bundled into one of
shoot them unless they do as you say? Turn to 268 the tanks. Turn to 48.

371 374
Blaming Jobanque will not help you now. You feel bitterly Navigation across the dimly lit featureless plains of this world is
betrayed by your leader and envious of his position as a Lord of very difficult. After a week's wandering you finally reach the
TIME, shielded from the dangers which are a part of your life. dunghills near Falcon's Wing and soon spot the Time Machine.
Your will to resist is lost in rancour and jealousy. Will you: But, to your horror, it has been smashed. The tracks of German
Tiger tanks surround the irreparable wreckage. You are
Run blindly in an attempt to get out of the doomed to a twilight life at the end of time.
cloud? Turn to 381
Try to Thinkstrike the cloud in case it has a 375
mind of its own? Turn to 143 Ducking and swivelling on the ball of your left foot you prepare
to karate chop the pale green human's head. Make an Attack
372 Roll.
As you probe its mind to find a weakness you are 'stunned to
realise that it has a psychic power of its own. A powerful mind If you score 6-12, turn to 395
bar thwarts your mental attack and the creature's fist begins to If you score 2-5, turn to 405
pummel you. You have lost the initiative, subtract 2 from your next 2
dice rolls and turn to 402. 376
He falls under the sway of your will. 'Oh, I see Rudolf. OK, see
373 you later/ you make him say. One of the guards looks at the
This prisoner I claim in the name of Leopold the Great and the sergeant quizzically, but that is all. Trying to look nonchalant,
Knights of St John.' The Knight's words carry the ring of firm you walk towards the gate, concentrating on keeping the
resolve. The spectacled soldier translates the Latin for the sergeant quiet. As you walk up to the guards, trying to think of a
Hauptsturmfuhrer and is instructed to reply that: 'He, the way of bluffing them, one of them says, 'Off to tend your lovely
Hauptsturmfuhrer Meyer, claims the prisoner for the glory of plants, eh, Rudolf - got some new seed from the Future People,
the Fourth Reich,' on the basis that the tanks spotted you first. eh?' his voice heavy with ridicule, and the other laughs. You nod
The Knight disagrees, saying that he has tracked you for some tiredly as if used to putting up with their teasing. Thankful that
miles. Rudolf was interested in gardening you walk out onto the
featureless expanse of dust. You head towards a ridge a few
'Why then, if you wished to capture the prey, did you not do so hundred yards away. Then a sentry shouts, That's the wrong
earlier?' queries the Hauptsturmfuhrer. way, Rudolf.' Unable to maintain your concentration at this
range, the sergeant breaks your hold over him. You break into a
The Knight has no reply to this and says instead: 'I demand the run as a hue and cry goes up. You can hear the sound of engines
right to question the stranger at length.' revving and one of the sentries opens fire with his rifle. Bullets
whine through the air, throwing up dust nearby. Within a few some grotesquely malformed or mutated, but the Sossorros
minutes you are pounding up the side of the ridge. At its top you does not think of them as imperfect, merely highly adapted.
pause to look behind - several tanks and.trucks, full of They appear to be members of an advanced civilisation. Will
uniformed soldiers are spewing out of the SS compound. Turn you:
to 396.
Ask who the other non-being was who endured
377 the mist's caresses? Turn to 413
The mist soon swirls all around you, eddying in whirlpools Ask how the Sossorri came to be on this time
seemingly caused by spirits or demons. You have entered a forsaken world? Turn to 5
world of fleeting images, darting coloured lights and shadows Choose this moment to flee from the strange
like sinister shapes of monsters from planet Hel. Realising that mist entirely? Turn to 359
the mist is thicker than you guessed, you stop to get your
bearings, but when you try to retrace your steps to the mist's 380
edge, you realise you are already lost in the swirling vapours. Then the air is filled with a loud roar and a silvery jet fighter
Three lights seem to appear a long way off. The vapour glows with the letters USAF on its side hurtles across the sky, banking
and shimmers like silken sheets of red, blue and green sharply to fly overhead. It screams in low towards you as if on a
incandescence. On the left all is red, to the right yellow, and strafing run and then decelerates fast. Sleek and very man-
ahead, a blue glow approaches. Will you: ouverable, it starts to hover before slowly descending to the
rocky flat, only a hundred yards from you. If you have seen this
Move into the red? Turn to 337 plane before, turn to 300. If not, turn to 238.
Move into the green? Turn to 347
Let the blue glow envelop you? Turn to 357 381
As fast as you run, so the cloud seems to move with you. The
378 uneven ground causes you to pitch forward suddenly and you
You depress the buttons. Nothing happens for a moment. Then slither down the steep side of a gully, hitting jagged rocks at its
there is a humming sound and the capsule around Bloodhound bottom with bone cracking force. Lose 4 Endurance points. If you are
splits and opens up like a blossom. Bloodhound steps out. 'I still alive turn to 403.
knew you could do it,' Bloodhound says. Supporting him with
one arm, you re-enter the dome proper. You may open the door, 382
now on your right, before leaving the dome, if you have not If you still have your blaster turn to 392. If not, turn to 402.
done so already. If so, turn to 218. If you want to leave the dome
immediately, turn to 326. 383
This prisoner I claim in the name of Leopold the Great and the
379 Knights of St John.' The Knight's words carry the ring of firm
In response to your question, the Sossorros replies: 'Such non- resolve. The spectacled soldier translates the Latin for the
beings as yourself exist there, they are thinking sub-life forms Hauptsturmfuhrer and is instructed to reply that: 'He, the
but their instruments of making and doing lie idle.' You ask it to Hauptsturmfuhrer Meyer, claims the prisoner for the glory of
describe further these life forms, and a series of mental images the Fourth Reich,' on the basis that the tanks spotted you first.
flood your brain. They are human like you, and yet different, The Knight disagrees, saying that he has tracked you for some
miles and he goes on, 'The stranger carries the sacred sword and cottage, a square hut with a single door. It is spartanly furnished
has profaned the Lord.' He points the particle disruptor at the inside with a wooden bed, table and chairs - no windows. An
Hauptsturmfuhrer's head. The German officer does not flinch. electric bulb gives light. The guards push you in and lock the
He orders the young soldier to say that you must be punished door. You are alone. Turn to 416.
for attacking men of the First Starlight SS battalion and that
even if he dies the Knight will be killed by his men. The Knight's 387
face grows as red as the moon's. The Hauptsturmfuhrer ducks For what seems like an eternity, you fall from the whiteness
as the particle disruptor emits a purple beam that burns a hole of the cloud, into the blackness of a deep crevasse, but in
into the ground. The Knight sweeps the area with the beam and reality it is scant seconds before you nose dive into a mound of
the soldiers scream as parts of their flesh are atomised, but a bird droppings, collected over the uncounted centuries. If you
shot from a Luger pistol startles the Knight's horse. In the are wearing your environment suit, turn to 397. If you are
mayhem you decide to make good your escape and charge down not, turn to 407.
the other side of the hillock. Turn to 396.
Legs pounding like pistons you dash towards the rocky ground.
After a long trek the compass leads you back to the dunghills
Looking behind you can see a tank cresting the ridge. It topples
near Falcon's Wing, and then you spot the Time Machine itself.
forward and slews down the slope to the bottom, where it turns
Beyond it stands a gleaming USAF starfighter, and Kowalski
towards you, throwing up a spray of sand. Another comes over
smiles in greeting. If you are happy to take him back with you to
the top. You can see a truck close behind it, but this does not
3034 AD, turn to 394. If you order Bloodhound to Thinkstrike
come down - the slope is too steep for it. Instead, soldiers boil
the pilot, turn to 404.
out of it and scramble down the ridge. You are only yards from
the cover of some low misshapen boulders, eroded and weather-
worn, when the tanks open fire, shells exploding nearby as they
You dodge too late - the strange human's co-ordination is good
try to find your range. Make an Evasion Roll as you dive for the
and the knotted tangle of knuckles crashes onto your cranium,
safety of the boulders.
denting it somewhat. Lose 4 Endurance points. If you are still alive
you are so dazed that you can but try feebly to dodge its next
If you score 7-12, turn to 176
blow. Turn to 2.
If you score 2-6, turn to 156
Fromm smiles expansively and says, 'Excellent, excellent, I'm so 389
glad you're being sensible, so glad. Meyer, place the timefarer in The Sossorros floods your mind with images of its own world,
solitary confinement under close guard.' Turning to you he where thousands like it float free in the atmosphere of a great
continues, 'It is for your own safety, of course. The last time the red gas giant of a world, in the freezing atmosphere, where the
Dragonmen came and plucked Bloodhound from our midst, gravity is still so heavy that they are smaller in volume than the
leaving a trail of death and destruction as they did so, I might one which stretches for fifty metres to either side of you. The
add. It will take a few hours to ready my men - once that is done, Cloud-Being tells you that a superior life form has used an
you will take us to your Time Machine and take us home. instrument of planar travel to trap beings from many worlds
Goodbye for now, Falcon.' You are taken to another wooden and times on this world which teeters on the brink of
annihilation, at the dusk of time. Will you: to what the thing was except that its long digits are stained
faintly red at their tips. You face the gate once more. Turn to
Ask where this instrument of planar travel can 185.
be found? Turn to 15
Ask who the other non-being was who endured 393
the mist's caresses? Turn to 25 Once more you are shocked to the core. Lose 2 Endurance points. If
Ask whether any beings live in the strange you are still alive you see that the gate is unmoved. Will you:
tower? Turn to 35
Choose this moment to flee from the strange Call out for someone to open it? Turn to 52
mist entirely? Turn to 359 Risk touching it again in an effort to slide it
open? Turn to 72
The man under your control fires his pistol and you rip off your 394
blindfold. There is a loud report and you see the radio man Kowalski and Bloodhound strap themselves to strong points
collapse with a bullet in his arm. The gunner, a rifle in his hand, inside the cramped Time Machine and the Variac Drive sucks
shouts, 'Otto, no! He's controlling your mind!' but you force the you into the darkness of the void. Four hours later, you are
one called Otto to fire at the gunner. However, he misses. The already testing Kowalski to see if he is a prospective Special
gunner immediately drops to the floor in a huddle and you can Agent for the TIME police. Turn to 420.
see the driver hunching down in his seat. The radioman curses
fearfully as the pistol's bullet begins to ricochet dangerously 395
around the interior of the tank. Make a Chance Roll. Your blow strikes home. The neck which holds the bloated head
is surprisingly tough. The blow would have felled any normal
If you score 1 or 3, turn to 196 man, but your assailant merely staggers back before coming at
If you score 2, 4 or 6, turn to 98 you again. You decide to try to escape through the gateway into
If you score 5, turn to 180 the tower. Turn to 12.

391 396
Your act is a desperate one for you have not identified the The ground slopes downward below you. You leap forward and
presence of alien thought within the cloud of mist. Make a slide down through the sand, coming to your feet at the bottom.
Thinkstrike Roll. Looking straight ahead you can see a tall tower some distance
away, pointing like a finger into the sky. The ground is flat and
If you score 6-12, turn to 283 open between you and it. To the left, about three hundred yards
If you score 2-5, turn to 193 away, is some rocky, broken ground, pockmarked with many
crater-like depressions, rising to some low hills and gullies.
392 There is not much of it, it is like an island in a sea of sand. Ochre
The blaster's spurt of ionised plasma affects the pale green coloured fern-like vegetation is scattered sparsely about the
human just as it would affect yourself. Its bloated balloon head hills. Will you:
disappears in a cloud of vapour and the body threshes on the Sprint, for the rocky ground? Turn to 388
ground twice before becoming still. There are no other clues as Run as fast as you can for the tower? Turn to 256
You have buried yourself deep in the pile of soft droppings and,
though unhurt, you begin to suffocate as you realise that the
oxygen supply of your environment suit has ruptured, filling
the breathing ducts and your lungs with dried, powdered'
excrement. Retching violently, you thresh towards the top of
the dung heap, finding your way only by sensing the pull of
gravity. You are coughing violently by the time you have dis-
carded the suit. Note that your environment suit is unusuable.
You have suffered a loss of 2 Endurance points. If you are still alive,
turn to 417.

It roars in pain, but carries on unhurt. You howl in fear as it
crashes into you. Teeth as sharp as razors sink into your shoul-
der, and taloned claws rake your back. You scream in agony and
it begins to shake you in its jaws like a rag doll. Your shoulder
comes away in its mouth and you collapse. Then it begins to feed
on you. A gruesome and unpleasant end for you, Falcon!

The Sossorros fills your mind with the instantly recognisable
image of a person. Bloodhound. A Bloodhound whose SAT
uniform is tattered and torn, but it is definitely Bloodhound.
Will you:

Ask where Bloodhound is? Turn to 45

How the Sossorros came to be on this time
forsaken world? Turn to 5
Choose this moment to flee from the strange
cloud entirely? Turn to 359
Ask whether any beings live in the strange
tower? Turn to 35

They drag you across the compound to a low hut where you are
hurled to the floor. A man dressed in a smart black uniform,
sporting a monocle, smiles down at you chillingly. 'I was hoping
Ernst would send you to me, Untermensch,' he whispers, his
voice laden with evil menace. 'I shall enjoy this.' With that he ordinated fists drive through the thin air at your head. Make an
signals to the guards and before you have even collected your Evasion Roll.
thoughts, they begin to beat you, methodically. There are too
many of them and the pain is such that you cannot concentrate If you score 6-12, turn to 412
to use your mind powers. Time seems to stop - everything is If you score 2-5, turn to 4
pain. Finally, at last, you pass out. You have lost 10 Endurance
points.. If you still live, you recover some time later, your body a 403
mass of aches and bruises. It is all you can do to stop yourself The yellow mist still hangs above you, on one side it glows
from groaning loudly. You are in a small hut. There is only one green, on the other orange. The climb is not difficult. Will you
door and no windows. You lie there quietly for a moment, climb towards:
knowing that if you announce your presence, they will start
beating you again. Shortly, the door opens, causing your heart The green? Turn to 415
to beat in fear. A strange figure walks in. He is not dressed in The orange? Turn to 147
regulation SS uniform but in a hotch potch of SS clothing and
whatever else he has been able to get hold of. His head and face 404
is heavily muffled by a red scarf, presumably to keep out the Make a Chance Roll.
dust and he wears a forage cap. He offers you a bowl of steaming
vegetable broth. It tastes indifferent, consisting of various beans If you score 1, 2 or 3, turn to 414
and barley. He says he has come to fetch you and that his name If you score 4, 5 or 6, turn to 360
is Rudolf Schindler and that he does all the trading with the
other groups marooned here. Will you: 405
Your blow simply isn't powerful enough. The neck which holds
Thinkstrike him - perhaps you can dress in his the bloated head seems surprisingly tough and the huge fist
clothes and get out of here? Turn to 128 pounds at your skull again. Turn to 22.
Ask him if he is a Nazi? Turn to 260
The sounds of pursuit are closer now and you sprint out across
401 the rocky flat onto the sand, heading in the direction of the
Your willpower has been strangely sapped by the glowing cloud tower. The soldiers run out of the rocks behind you, firing
but you muster as much strength of mind as you can, drawing desultorily - several tanks round a low hill and rumble after you,
on every ounce of experience gained since you joined the TIME accompanied by mounted knights. You are beginning to worry
police. Make a Power of Will Roll. that the pilot has betrayed you when there is a screaming wail
and the Starfighter hurtles from the skies like a bullet. Flares
If you score 7-12, turn to 157 seem to ignite under its wings and then two rockets streak away
If you score 2-6, turn to 51 from the fighter as it pulls up. One of them slams into a tank
obliterating it completely, engulfing it in a ball of flame. Another
402 explodes close to the first, blowing off a tank track. The horses
The monster chuckles maliciously as its surprisingly well co- whinny and rear uncontrollably. After another couple of
strafing runs, your pursuers have turned tail and fled, leaving you and teeth as sharp as razors sink into your shoulder, while
behind several dead and three wrecked Tiger tanks. At last, free taloned claws rake your back. You scream in agony and it begins
from pursuit, you slacken off the punishing pace of your to shake you in its jaws like a rag doll. Your shoulder comes
running. The Starfighter screams past overhead, wings wagg- away in its mouth and you collapse. Then it begins to feed on
ling and then soars away to the west. Turn to 60. you. A gruesome and unpleasant end for you, Falcon!

407 411
You have buried yourself deep in the pile of soft droppings and You decide to press on through the mist, determined to escape
cough and splutter as the nauseating stench and slime the strange, cloying vapours. All around you is a luminescent
overpower your senses. Retching violently you thresh towards yellow glow, but on one it is tinged with green, on the other
the top of the dung heap, finding your way only by sensing the orange. Will you walk towards:
pull of gravity. Soon after you reach the top of the dung heap
the cloud passes from the lip of the crevasse and there is enough The green glow? Turn to 415
light to see by. You scrape the film of ordure from your clothes The orange? Turn to 147
and look around. You can hear many horses approaching the lip
of the crevasse but there is a cave in the rockside of the crevasse, 412
just next to the pile of guano. Will you: Ducking and swivelling on the ball of your left foot you prepare
to karate chop the pale green human's head. Make an Attack
Enter the cave? Turn to 11 Roll.
Tackle the difficult climb to the lip of the
crevasse? Turn to 21 If you score 6-12, turn to 14
If you score 2-5, turn to 24
You have failed to control his mind, and you sprint for the gate. 413
'Stop! The prisoner is escaping - halt or we open fire!' Des- The Sossorros fills your mind with the instantly recognisable
perately you weave and zigzag. There is the chatter of a pro- image of a person. Bloodhound. A Bloodhound whose SAT
jectile weapon and the last thing you notice is the watchtower uniform is tattered and torn, but it is definitely Bloodhound.
guns blazing away at you. Your body is riddled with bullets and Suddenly the mist begins to recede away from you at a great
you are hurled backwards to die in the dust of the compound. rate. Either it is bored by your questioning, or something has
frightened it. Turn to 60.
After a while you set off walking aimlessly for no particular 414
reason, stopping to shout challenges, and gesticulating wildly Kowalski crumples but regains consciousness just as the hatch
from time to time. By the time you have marched past an area of seals Bloodhound and yourself inside Falcon's Wing. The
gravel chips to a pock-marked hillock, the strange feeling has left camera shows the jet take off as you are reaching back across the
you. Turn to 183. aeons for the Eiger Vault, Earth in 3034 AD. Kowalski begins an
attack run, his jet fighter screaming across the sky, but at last
410 you locate the timehole and the Variac Drive sucks you into the
In your panic, you miss the hideous carnivore. It crashes into nothingness of the void. Turn to 420.
You hurry quickly into the embrace of the green flame-like
mists and, before you know where you are, you are cocooned in
a chill blue glow, where the blue and yellow mist meets the
green glow is produced, you are now beyond it, cocooned in
blue. A strange impression of peaceful serenity floods your
mind and then you shrink. Your size dwindles rapidly - and the
ground surges up towards you until you are no larger than an
ant perched between two grains of sand as large as small
boulders. Uncannily the transformation barely perturbs you.
The thought of scrambling across the sea of sand grain boulders
seems too much trouble to contemplate. You settle down to rest.
Turn to 31, unless this is the second time you have shrunk, in
which case, turn to 149.

After a time, the door opens, flooding the hut with dull red light,
and a strange figure steps in. He is not dressed in regulation SS
uniform but in a hotch potch of strange clothing and whatever
else he has been able to get hold of. His head and face is heavily
muffled by a red scarf, presumably to keep out the dust and he
wears a forage cap. He offers you a bowl of steaming vegetable
broth. It tastes indifferent, consisting of various beans and
barley. He says he has come to feed you and that his name is
Rudolf Schindler and that he does all the trading with the other
groups marooned here. Will you:
Thinkstrike him - perhaps you can dress in his
clothes and get out of here? Turn to 128
Ask him if he is a Nazi? Turn to 260

Casting your useless environment suit aside, you scrape the film
of ordure from your clothes and look around. You can hear
many horses approaching the lip of the crevasse but there is a
cave in the rockside of the crevasse, just next to the pile of
guano. Will you:
Enter the cave? Turn to 11
Tackle the difficult climb to the lip of the
crevasse? Turn to 21
418 Thank you sir,' you reply.
The blast of plasma lands squarely on its massive head. It
explodes in a mass of flame, brains and blood. The body flies 'Don't thank me yet, Falcon, now to the Hall of Honours.' Soon
backward, slamming against the wall of the dome where it slides you are standing in front of the horseshoe-shaped desk in the
to the ground twitching, its head simply burnt off. It is over in Hall of Honours behind which sit the five Lords of TIME. Pilota,
seconds. You pause to see if anything has heard you, but tall and gaunt; Silvermane, the Rigellian, massive and powerful;
nothing happens. You dart forward towards the archway. Jobanque of Earth; R'lllk, the lobster-like being of Kelados and
Around one of the forearms of the beast is a band of polished Blackback of the Clyss, a fearsome insectoid. There is silence for
metal, brightly painted with three bars of colour - red, green and a moment and then Jobanque stands up and speaks solemnly.
yellow. You pause at the entrance but all is quiet. Silently you 'For blatant disobedience in the face of direct orders from a Lord
glide into the dome. Turn to 316. of TIME, the council of TIME Lords has decided, with all due
consideration and debate, that Section Chief Falcon is to be
419 stripped of his rank and title and reduced to Special Agent, Class
Your path takes you around a large area of gravel chips on I.' As you stand there stunned, he looks at you and says, 'I'm
towards a pockmarked hillock, and after a while obliquely across sorry, Falcon, but we cannot have a Section Chief setting such a
a set of tracks which stretch towards nothing to either side as far bad example; it is a position of great responsibility.' And then he
as the eye can see. They remind you of fish bones, a series of carries on in a solemn and official tone of voice. 'However, it is
parallel indentations made by a very heavy vehicle, but there is recognised that said Agent Falcon's service record is to remain
no indication as to what drove it or whether it is a robot. You Exemplary and that this demotion will not be noted on the said
trudge on towards the hillock and realise that you are growing Service Record.' Jobanque sits down, a pained expression on his
thirsty. Turn to 183. face. The other TIME Lords stare straight ahead, expression-
As you are resting in the recuperative wing of the TIME Jobanque gives you a compassionate look and says quietly/That
building, only a day after your return, you are summoned first will be all. Falcon.'
to Jobanque's office and then ordered to attend the TIME Lords
in the Hall of Honours. You wend your weary way to your As you leave the Hall of Honours, utterly shocked, you pass
Commanding Officer's office at the appointed time. Jobanque is Bloodhound on his way in. 'I'm sorry, old friend, really I am, but
standing behind his desk as you walk in. He nods a greeting my hands are tied.'
somewhat frostily and them smiles and shakes his head. 'You
never cease to amaze me, Falcon, and I am very glad you are back As you move on you can hear Jobanque's voice from inside the
... but you have overstepped the mark this time, I'm afraid. Hall of Honours. 'Agent Bloodhound, you are henceforth
Well, more of that later - now it is my happy duty to award you promoted to Section Chief of the Special Agent Section...' Well
the Golden Sunburst, for exceptional bravery in rescuing a at least that leaves you free to operate in the field without any
comrade in the field, beyond the call of duty. Way beyond the worries once more, you think to yourself.
call of duty,' he adds darkly. He leans forward and pins the medal
on your chest - the most coveted medal of bravery there is.
Thank you for bringing back Agent Bloodhound, Falcon, at the
risk of your own life,' says Jobanque, shaking your hand.

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