Test Project Module 2: Graphic Design Technology

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Editorial Design
List the files that make up the Test Project proposal. The sample text :

This Test Project proposal consists of the following documentation/files:

- ASC2018_TP40_M2_EN.docx ( This Test Project )

- ASC2018_TP40_M2_Text folder:
o M2_Editorial_BackOutsideCover.rtf
o M2_Editorial_FrontOutsideCover.rtf
o M2_Editorial_Masthead.rtf
o M2_Editorial_OutsideCoverSpine.rt
f o M2_Editorial_P1.rtf
o M2_Editorial_P2-5.rtf
o M2_Editorial_P6-7.rtf
o M2_Editorial_P8.rtf
- ASC2018_TP40_M2_Images ( Image folder )
- ASC2018_TP40_M2_QR code ( QR code folder )
- ASC2018_TP40_M2_Barcode ( Barcode folder )

Editorial folder containing all the supplied elements ( i.e images, logos, texts etc. )

From some of the world’s most beautiful beaches to the most exotic and colorful street markets
on the planet, the ASEAN region has a lot to offer. ASEAN proudly presents a beautiful variety of
resources, unique of its own in the world. It is a home to wonderful sites that stand out for their
natural or cultural value, full of super-friendly locals, plentiful nature, lush rainforest mountains,
gigantic falls, deserts, and also colorful coral reefs. It is a deeply spiritual region, and home to
peo-ple of many faiths. It’s no surprise then, that the countries in this region are some of the top
picks for travelers from across the globe.

Wonders of ASEAN is creating a travel magazine to promote all about ASEAN as a tie in with the
same time line as the ASEAN Tourism Forum 2018 hosted on a rotational basis among ASEAN
member countries. The magazine showcases ASEAN’s diverse destinations and richness of
culture, heritage and nature and above all the warmth of ASEAN hospitality.

The scope is to include in the following sequence:

• Front & Back Cover ( Outer Cover ) of the magazine, including the Front & Back
Cover ( Inner Cover ) of the magazine.
• Inner Pages
• Double spread page of the introduction of the 10 Wonders of ASEAN.
• Double spread page of the ASEAN Travel Guide ( The first guide to appear in this
travel magazine ).
• Single page advertisement.

Travel Magazine Design. A complete editorial design with:

• Task 1: Masthead
• Task 2: Front & Back Cover Design ( Both Outer and Inner part of Cover Design )
• Task 3: 8 Inner Pages
• Task 4: Full Catalogue Mockup

Target group:
• Age : 28 to 58
• Sex : Male and Female
• Nationality : International
• Social Class : Middle and Upper Class
• Personal Attributes : Loves to travel, open minded, enjoy nature, ranging from young
back-packers, honeymooners to elder retirees

• Create a folder on your Desktop called YY_MOD2 (YY represents the number of your
• This folder must include the following 2 subfolders:
1. A folder named “Final”: it should contain all of the final files in subfolders Task 1, Task
2, Task 3 and Task 4 with PDF, ICC profile, native files, fonts and linked images.
2. A folder named “Original”: it should contain other files that are not final files used for
creat-ing your design.
3. The color mode of your images will be evaluated in the press/web ready PDF files.
4. The final resolution and file formats will be assessed in the InDesign files.
5. The JPG file format is NOT ACCEPTED for images. Only the following file formats are
ac-ceptable. TIF / EPS / AI / PSD / DSC 2.0.
6. Tasks must be created in Adobe InDesign (page layouts), Illustrator (masthead and
ele-ments design) and Photoshop (collage/montage images).
7. Images must not be embedded or placed in Adobe Illustrator, or embedded in InDesign.
8. You must use ALL of the text provided for each task as specified.
9. You must use ALL of the images specified as per the tasks and you may create any
addi-tional raster or vector elements.

Time limit for this test project

The Test Project must be completed in 6 hours

For this task, you will need to:
Create the masthead Travel ASEAN named MASTHEAD_CMYK.ai & MASTHEAD_PMS_C.ai

Technical Specifications:
Dimensions : A maximum dimension is not over 170 x 50 mm
( Include all texts and elements )
Colors 2 Versions : CMYK Full Color
: 2 Colors PMS C
(Please indicate color specification for both versions)
Trapping : 0.35 pts (if necessary)
ICC Profile: : CoatedFOGRA39

Required Elements:

For the Masthead:

• The text in the file named “M2_Editorial_ Masthead.rtf” in the

folder ASC2018_TP40_M2_Text.
• All elements should be in Vector

You must deliver:

Folders as specified in “Instructions to the Competitors”.
Only files from these folders will be assessed.
• One Illustrator file of the masthead (CMYK)
(Please indicate color specification for CMYK)
• One Illustrator file of the masthead (PMS C)
(Please indicate color specification for PMS C)
• One A4 PDF/X-4:2008 file for CMYK & PMS C Masthead
• One final A4 printout of CMYK & PMS C with specification the masthead, untrimmed and
mounted for presentation.

For this task, you will need to:
1. Create a Front & Back Cover ( Both Outer and Inner part of Cover Design )
2. Include required content (text and logos).

3. Set up the Front and Back cover including the spine as spreads
( Front, Back Cover & Spine ( Outer Cover ) as one spread, Front, Back Cover & Spine ( Inner
Cover ) as one spread ) in one file named COVER.indd.
4. Create Spot Varnish for the elements you want.

Technical Specifications:
Dimensions : A page size of 190 x 260mm (Portrait),
: 12 mm for the spine is required.
Bleed : 3 mm
Colors : Front and Back Cover (Outer Cover): CMYK + 2 Pantone Coat-
ed + Spot Varnish (For Masthead Logo)
: Front & Back Cover (Inner Cover): CMYK
Image Resolution : 280 – 320 PPI at 100% in InDesign (Color Images)
Bitmap Image Resolution : 800 – 1200 PPI at 100% in InDesign (Bitmap or Greyscale)
Paper : 350 g/m² coated matte paper
Finishing : Perfect Binding
(Complete mock up is to be folded)
(Does not need to be sticked)
Ink Density : 300%
ICC Profile : CoatedFOGRA39

Required Elements:
For the Front Outside Cover:
• The masthead must be applied in 2 PMS and a spot varnish must be applied on top.
The color must be named “Varnish”; created as a spot color and it must be 100%
Magenta ( Overprint Vanish ).
• The "Wonders of ASEAN" ( tagline )
• The text in the file named M2_Editorial_FrontOutsideCover.rtf
• Use 2 images combined together in a collage/montage.
( You may use any images from any folders provided )
This file must be created in photoshop and you must retain the layers for easy identifica-
tion of the images used. The layers name must be the name of the image used.
You have to add this file - layers retain - in the final folder on the name of

For the Back Outside Cover:

• The "Wonders of ASEAN" ( tagline )
• Apply an ( Overprint Vanish ) on the ‘Wonders of ASEAN” tagline. The color must be named
“Var-nish”; created as a spot color and it must be 100% Magenta.
• The text in the file named M2_Editorial_BackOutsideCover.rtf
• QR Code : the size needed is 35 x 35 mm and must be 100% K (ASC2018_TP40_M2_QR Code)
• Barcode : the size needed is 50 mm width and must be 100% K (ASC2018_TP40_M2_Barcode)

Outside Cover Spine:

“Wonders of ASEAN Some of the most beautiful experiences in the world.”

( Spine title must be added along the outer cover’s spine )

For the front Inside Cover:

• A full page picture is required. You can add texts if wanted.

For the back inside Cover:

• A full page picture is required. You can add texts if
wanted. (in the spine must be white ) ( Inner Cover )

You must deliver:
Folders as specified in “Instructions to the Competitor”.
Only files from these folders will be assessed.

• One PDF/X-4:2008 file for Task 2 Front, Back Cover & Spine ( Both Outer and Inner part of
Cover Design ) with color bars for CMYK + PMS, varnish at 100% magenta on a separate
plate (to be evaluated in the PDF file), Bleed, registration marks and crop marks ONLY.

• One final printout of the Task 2 Front, Back Cover & Spine ( Both Outer and Inner part of
Cover Design ), exclude varnish, untrimmed and mounted for presentation, printed as
spreads ( Including: color bars for CMYK + PMS, Bleed, registration marks and crop
marks ONLY)

For this task, you will need to:
1. Create the inside pages ( Pages 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 ) Name the file: INNER.indd
2. Include required content (Texts, Images and Logos).
(a) Page 1: Summary.
• Text supplied in M2_Editorial_P1.rtf
• Use of 1 image is required
( from the folder: Page 1 Images )

(b) Page 2 – 5: The 10 Wonders of ASEAN

• Text supplied in M2_Editorial_P2-5.rtf
• Use of 1 image per country mentioned in the
article ( from the folder: Page 2-5 Images )
• You can create vector illustration/pictogram add your demand

(c) Page 6 - 7: Infographic ( Page 6 )

• The ASEAN Travel Guide. Text supplied in M2_Editorial_P6-
7.rtf The text’s data and must be converted into an interesting
infor-mation design. Includes "ASEAN Map.png"
• A map of the guide re-designed with legend from the image: ASEAN
Map.png ( All Text must be included from the image “ASEAN
Map.png” )

For Packing Essentials Odds and Ends ( Page 7 )

• 2 images must be used
( from the folder: Page 6-7 Images )
• Text supplied in M2_Editorial_P6-7.rtf

(d) Page 8: The ASEAN Travel Advertisement

Text supplied in M2_Editorial_P8.rtf
( From the folder: Page 8 Images )
• “Plane” image must be used.
• “GoTravel” Logo must be used.

• “HandPhone” image must be used
(From the folder: Page 2-5 Images)
• Image must be used to super impose into “handphone” screen.
• 1 image must be used as a background image for
the advertisement page.

Technical specifications:
Dimensions : Page size of 190 x 260 mm ( Portrait )
Bleed : 3 mm
Colors : CMYK
Images resolution : 280 – 320 PPI at 100% in InDesign ( Color Images )
Bitmap images resolution : 800 – 1200 PPI at 100% in InDesign ( Bitmap or Greyscale )
Paper (Inside page) : 100 g/m²
Finishing : Perfect Binding
( Complete mock up is to be folded, does not need to be sticked )
Ink Density : 280%
Paragraph Styles : Must be used for titles, sub-title, body text
Character Styles : Must be used if needed
ICC Profile : UncoatedFOGRA29
Master Page Elements : Header, footer, page numbers and running headline.
Must include automatic page numbers & automatic running

Required elements:
For pages 1
• The text is available in the file named M2_Editorial_P1.rtf
• You must use 1 images from the folder: Page 1 Images

For pages 2-5

• The text is available in the file named M2_Editorial_P2-5.rtf,
You must use 1 image per country mentioned in the article must be used or 1 vector
illustra-tion/pictogram per material from Page 2-5 Images

For pages 6-7
• M2_Editorial_P6-7.rtf
• You must use at 2 images from the folder: Page 6-7 Images
• Page 6: Infographic Page.
A map of the guide re-designed with legend from the image: ASEAN
Map.png ( All Text must be included from the image “ASEAN Map.png” )

For pages 8
• M2_Editorial_P8.rtf
• You must use “Plane Image” from the folder: Page 8 Images
• You must add in “Go Travel” logo image from the folder: Page 8 Images
• You must use 1 of the “Handphone” image from the folder: Page 8 Images
• You must use 1 image from the folder “Page 2-5 Images “ [
super impose image into the handphone image screen ]
• You must use 1 image from the folder “Page 2-5 Images “ [
Use the image for the advertisement page background ]

You must deliver:

• Folders as specified in “Instructions to the Competitor”
Only files from these folders will be assessed.
• One PDF/X-4:2008 (Must be fixed) file for Task 3 with color bars for CMYK, Bleed,
registration marks and crop marks & fold marks — placed outside the bleed area ONLY.
• One final printout double sided of all the interior pages, printed as spreads ( including:
Bleed, color bars for CMYK, registration marks and crop marks ONLY )

You are required to deliver the whole catalogue.

You must deliver:

Folders as specified in “Instructions to the Competitor”.

Only files from these folders will be assessed.

• One PDF file ( Single pages — not spreads ) with name Wonders of ASEAN for a web
pre-view without any printers marks, resolution of images is 72 to 100 PPI, RGB (
without vanish ), with Active URL link and Active link for all website, email addresses.
File size to be no larger than 5 MB. The active links MUST BE CREATED IN INDESIGN.
• One PDF/x-4:2008 file with name CATALOGUE with imposed pages as spreads, crop
marks with bleed and registration marks ( ONLY to be evaluated in the PDF file ).
• A final dummy/booklet trimmed and folded to final size ( printed on both sides ),
includ-ing front cover, back cover and inside pages without varnish

IMPORTANT: the texts in red SHOULD NOT be applied to the material.

Only to guide your layout. They are found in folder “ASC2018_TP40_M2_Text” Folder

M2_Editorial_Front Outside Cover

( Tagline )

Wonders of ASEAN

Some of the most beautiful experiences in the world

M2_Editorial_Back Outside Cover

( Tagline )

Wonders of ASEAN
Some of the most beautiful experiences in the world

From some of the world’s most beautiful beaches to the most exotic and colorful street markets
on the planet, the ASEAN region has a lot to offer. ASEAN proudly presents a beautiful variety of
resources, unique of its own in the world. It is a home to wonderful sites that stand out for their
natural or cultural value, full of super-friendly locals, plentiful nature, lush rainforest mountains,
gigantic falls, deserts, and also colorful coral reefs. It is a deeply spiritual region, and home to
peo-ple of many faiths. It’s no surprise then, that the countries in this region are some of the top
picks for travellers from across the globe.

29€ - ISBN: 931285147620 ( Insert the barcode )

( Insert www.wondersofasean.com ( Insert the QR Code )

M2_Editorial_Outside Cover Spine
( Spine title must be added along the outer cover’s spine )
Wonders of ASEAN Some of the most beautiful experiences in the world

For all the Interior Design:

Note: you have to create the titles, body text and caption paragraph styles

Note: you are free to create the character styles from your design need

Masterpage Items:


Wonders of ASEAN Some of the most beautiful experiences in the world



[ 1 image is required ( From the folder: Page 1 Images) ]



10 Wonders of ASEAN
01. ASEAN Travel Guide 2-5
02. Backpacking Trips 6-7
03. ASEAN Travel Advertisement 8-9
04. Destinations by Region 10-11

05. Istana Nurul Iman 12-13

06. Berakas Forest Reserve 14-15
07. Belait District Museum 16-17
08. Meragang Beach 18-19

09. Siem Reap 20-21
10. Angkor Wat 22-23
11. Beng Mealea 24-25
12. Ta Prohm 26-27

13. Yogyakarta 28-29
14. Ubud 30-31
15. Jakarta 32-33
16. Komodo National Park 34-35

17. Vientiane 36-37
18. Vang Vieng 38-39
19. Luang Prabang District 40-41
20. Pakse 42-43

21. Kuala Lumpur 44-45
22. Kota Kinabalu 46-47
23. Malacca City 48-49
24. George Town 50-51

25. Yangon 52-53
26. Mandalay 54-55
27. Inle Lake 56-57
28. Ananda Temple 58-59

29. Manila 60-61
30. Boracay Rice Terrace 62-63

31. Cebu 64-65
32. Bohol 66-67

33. Gardens By The Bay 68-69
34. Universal Studios Singapore 70-71
35. Merlion Park 72-73
36. Night Safari SIngapore 74-75

37. Bangkok 76-77
38.Chiang Mai 78-79
39. Pattaya 80-81
40. Ko Samui 82-83
41. Phi Phi Islands 84-85

42. Ho Chi Minh City 86-87
43. Hanoi 88-89
44. Ha Long Bay 90-91
45. Da Nang 92-93


Masterpage Items:


Wonders of ASEAN Some of the most beautiful experiences in the world


Running Headline Pages 02 to 05

10 Wonders of ASEAN

( Pages 02- and 05 must include page numbers )

{ You must use 1 image per country mentioned in the article must be used or one vector
illustra-tion/pictogram per material from Page 2-5 Images }



The 10 Wonders of ASEAN

ASEAN boasts a variety of resources different from elsewhere. It is the land of wonders, full of
su-per-friendly locals, plentiful nature, lush rainforest mountains, gigantic falls, deserts, and also
col-orful coral reefs.

The Ulu Temburong National Park


You might not have heard of Borneo’s lowland rainforests so much, but they can be truly experi-
enced. Botanically the area is teeming with diverse wildlife. Though one is likely to be disappointed by
the apparent lack of fauna, the Ulu Temburong National Park can offer you a birds-eye view of the
surrounding forests along the steel Canopy Walkway rising 50 meters from the forest floor to the
level of the highest trees. You can even glimpse tropical poisonous snakes on the treetops.

Angkor Wat

“See Angkor and Die!” became a common phrase among a number of travelers who happened to visit
Angkor, an ancient city in Siem Riab, Cambodia. This temple complex was the center of the Khmer
empire ruling most of Southeast Asia between 802 and 1220 AD. Though the Khmer civiliza-tion went
extinct, its astonishing and enduring architectural achievements have been appreciated by several
generations for centuries. Angkor Wat is, one of the most popular temples, considered the biggest
temple in the whole complex. It was built by King Suryavarman II with several layers over 200 feet high
and features 2,600 feet of bas-reliefs. Like other temples in the complex, Angkor Wat was a place not
for the worship of the kings but rather for the worship of god.


The Borobudur Temple Compounds is a ninth century Buddhist temple complex built on several
levels around a low sculptured hill. Its stupa is a 200-sqm symmetrical monument representing a
Buddhist cosmological model of the universe. Despite looking like a Buddhist structure, the stupa

was initially constructed by Hindu builders sometime around 775 AD. There are magnificent
views over the surrounding green rice fields.

Kon Papeng Falls


Known as the Niagara of Asia and located in Champasak Province on the Mekong River in southern
Laos, Kon Papeng are a series of cascading waterfalls crashing over countless rocks and boast
thou-sands of islands and several waterways. Also, the falls are the largest in volume in Southeast
Asia and home to a small group of rare Irrawaddy dolphins as well as the world’s largest fresh
water fish called the pla-buek, a type of catfish that is on the endangered species list. It is
recommended to visit the falls during the dry season, as the rainy season offers only very fast-
flowing water with un-restrained aggression.

Langkawi Cable Car


Langkawi is an archipelago of 99 to 104 islands located in the Malaysian state of Kedah, which is
adjacent to the Thai border. A reddish-brown eagle called ‘helang’ (eagle) and “kawi” (reddish
brown) in the Malay language is symbolic of the Island. Don’t miss the 1.4 mile long Langkawi Cable
Car that provides an aerial link to the peak of Gunung Mat Chinchang mountain, where you can
get a great view of Pantai Cenang on the Langkawi Sky Bridge. This is a 125-meter curved
pedestrian cable-stayed bridge hanging at about 100 meters above ground. It swings out over the
landscape to offer visitors breathtaking views of the Andaman Sea.

Kyaikhtiyo Pagoda
Kyaikhtiyo means a golden pagoda in the Burmese language. The pagoda is one of Myanmar’s
most sacred and respected Buddhist sites and located in the northeast of Yangon. What makes this
at-traction superior to other pagodas across the country is that the pagoda is located on top of a
huge golden boulder hanging over a steep cliff. Everyday thousands of people come to the rock to
pay their respect, including the pilgrims who were born in the year of the dog (one of 12 Zodiac
year cycle believed especially by Southeast Asians in Myanmar and Thailand) as the pagoda is
designat-ed for their birth year

Chocolate Hill
The Philippines

The Chocolate Hills are an unusual geological formation found in Bohol, in the Central Visayas re-gion
of the Philippines. There are 1,776 hills spread on an approximate 50 sqkm area. It is believed

that the hills were formed from marine limestone on top of a clay layer. They are standing from
30 to 50 meters high and covered with grass the year around, but turn chocolate brown during
the dry season, then turn green during the rainy season.

Top Famous Manmade Attractions


Thanks to the opening of several mega-attractions, Singapore’s tourism is growing at breakneck

speed. It offers world’s amazing all-in-one manmade attractions at which visitors can enjoy hi-tech
facilities and recreation all day long, including Singapore Botanic Garden, Universal Studios,
Singa-pore Flyer – the best spot to see the panorama of Singapore’s skyline at 540ft tall, and
Gardens by the Bay featuring three cutting edge gardens – the 54-hectare Bay South, the 32-
hectare Bay East and the yet-to-open Bay Central. Anyway the trip to this city isn’t complete
without visiting the col-orful historical enclaves – Chinatown and Little India.

Sam Phan Bok


Locals call it the “Grand Canyon of Siam”. Some have compared it to the surface of the moon be-
cause of a continuous current of rock notched with 3,000 holes, which are called sam-phan-bok in
Thailand’s northeastern or E-saan dialect. As a rock submerged during the rainy season long ago,
that helps to polish and sculpt the cavities. Though it’s a bit difficult to reach this attraction in a
dis-tant corner of Ubon Ratchathani province, you’ll be amazed by this natural wonder and
Mekong River scenery. Best time to visit is around sunrise or sunset, when it’s a bit chilly with a
shimmer of sunlight amid the thousands of holes.

Mui Ne Sand Dune


Just 4 hours away from Ho Chi Minh City, Mui Ne is a resort town that spans 15 kilometers along
Vietnam’s southern coast in the city of Phan Thiet, Vietnam. The Mui Ne Sand Dune is the only
de-sert in Vietnam and in the Southeast Asian region. This vast terrain appears to be empty and
dry territory at first glance. But after you’ve found yourself familiar with this place, you may
recognize that the Mui Ne Sand Dune can be regarded as the most exotic place in the region.
There are two sand dunes you can easily access from Mui Ne, namely the Red Sand Dunes and
the White Sand Dunes. The activities you should try here is sliding on the sand, running on
motorcycles or ATVs, etc.


Masterpage items:


Wonders of ASEAN Some of the most beautiful experiences in the world


Running Headline Pages 06 and 07

ASEAN Travel Guide

( Pages 06 and 07 must include page numbers )

[ You must use 2 images for page 7 from the folder: Page 6-7 Images ]
[ A map of the guide re-designed from the image: ASEAN Map.png ]

[ All Text must be included from the image “ASEAN Map.png” ]



Banana Pancake Trail

The tired travelling or backpacking route across the Southeast Asian peninsula — Thailand, Cambo-
dia, Laos, and Vietnam — is known in the travel world as the Banana Pancake Trail, so called for
the many stalls selling banana pancakes that are widely sold in the cities along the trail. This route
is popular for a reason. It’s exotic, “tourist-friendly”, and most importantly, cheap, the qualities
that make a destination perfect for both seasoned and newbie backpackers, especially those
traveling alone.

Head for the Banana Pancake Trail to have your solo backpacking debut. It is one of the most un-
forgettable trips to date. For a backpacker, although the region looks, tastes, and sounds different,
it still fosters an atmosphere that made one feel like home. It is no surprise that travellers
returned later that year, and every two years since.

▪ Route 1: Singapore, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Langkawi, Penang, Cameron Highlands
▪ Route 2: Phuket, Krabi, Bangkok, Ayutthaya, Siem Reap, Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet, Mui Ne

In this ASEAN TRAVEL GUIDE, we’ll be sharing with you how we plan our travel or
backpacking trips across Southeast Asia. We will start off with 2 sample routes.
( Inforgraphic Text )


Starting point: Route 1, Route 2

Duration: 7 Days Per Route
Best time of the year: January to March & June to September
Point of interest: Singapore, Malacca, Kuala Lumpur, Langkawi, Penang, Cameron Highlands,
Phuket, Krabi, Bangkok, Ayutthaya, Siem Reap, Ho Chi Minh City, Phan Thiet, Mui Ne
( Insert the map re-designed including the legend )
( All Text must be included from the image “ASEAN Map.png” )

(Map Text)
ASEAN Member Countries
Brunei Darussalam

Packing Essentials Odds and Ends

Never leave home on a trip without them

1) Travel Documents
Protect your important travel documents from theft. Copy them in triplicate: passports,
driver's licenses, airline tickets, and traveler's cheques. Staple the photocopies together and
pack each copy in separate locations. Keep the originals in a secure location, like a ho-

tel safety deposit box. Alternatively, you can scan your documents and keep the files in
an online storage service, for easy printing when you need them.

2) Pharmaceuticals and Toiletries

Pharmacies in urban areas can provide all your day-to-day stuff - shower gel, suntan
lotion, deodorant, toothbrush and toothpaste, and shampoo.

While medical supplies are also easy to find in cities, you may want to be absolutely
sure and pack your own – antacids, rehydration sachets, anti-diarrhea pills, analgesics.

If you're bringing prescription drugs, bring the prescription too. Keep your insurance num-
ber handy, just in case. Bring toilet paper for the eventual emergency, and soap or anti-
bacterial gel for use afterwards. Don't forget sunscreen and mosquito repellent. Leave
them behind at your own peril.

3) Electronics
Electrical systems in most Southeast Asian countries use different voltages. Bring a trans-
former or adapter if your electronics don't play nice with the local electricity. Bring extra
batteries and film, in case you go someplace where you can't buy replacement stocks.

4) Extra Luggage
Always a good idea, especially if you're bringing back more stuff than you came in with.
This writer likes to carry a foldable backpack that takes up minimal space when not

5) More Stuff
You might want to bring one or more of the following items, if you find yourself some
way off from the beaten track.

• Tiny flashlight
• Water bottle/canteen

• Duct tape
• Ziploc bag
• Ear plugs and sleep mask
• Hand sanitizer
• Travelers' First Aid Kit
• Swiss Army Knife

• Wet wipes
• Bug spray
• Mosquito repellent lotion
• Sunscreen
• Powdered sport drinks
• Portable water filter
• Solar battery recharger

Masterpage items:


Wonders of ASEAN Some of the most beautiful experiences in the world


Running Headline Pages 08

ASEAN Travel Advertisement

( Pages 08 must include page numbers )

[ You must use “Plane Image” from the folder: Page 8 Images ]

[ You must add in “Go Travel” logo image from the folder: Page 8 Images ]

[ You must use 1 of the “Handphone” image from the folder: Page 8 Images ]

[ You must use 1 image from the folder “Page 2-5 Images “and super impose into the “handphone”
screen ]

[ You must use 1 image from the folder “Page 2-5 Images “ as a background image for the adver-
tisement page ]



( Headline )


Put your Travel Plans in Motion with GoTravel! The easiest way to plan and book your next
ASEAN adventure. Hurry! Book your ASEAN holidays now and stand a chance to win your next
holiday in ASEAN for free with the ASEAN best holiday photo contest!

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