CCAP 2022 Philipines Application Seminar - 052422
CCAP 2022 Philipines Application Seminar - 052422
CCAP 2022 Philipines Application Seminar - 052422
Level of degree granted by your university/school/ office: Academic programs offered at your institution:
Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering and None
Bachelor of Law
The Community College Administrator Program is a program of the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Do you have any teaching duties? If so, please describe the duties:
Knowledge of languages: Rate yourself Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor. Include all languages that you speak or
have studied, including English. Also list your native language.
Language Reading Writing Speaking Listening
Native language: Good Good Good Good
Language proficiency If you have taken any standard test of English language proficiency (for example TOEFL,
TOEIC, IELTS) please identify the type of test taken, give the results, and provide a copy of the test results.
The Community College Administrator Program is a program of the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Background Information
List All Post-Secondary Educational Institutions Attended. (Begin with the most recent.)
Dates Attended Name of Degree or
Name of Major Field of
(Month, Year) Diploma (Do not Date Received
Institution/Location Study
From To translate)
University of San Jose Mechanical 1988 1993 Bachelor of 1993
Recoletos Engineering Science in
University of the Laws 2004 2011 Bachelor of Law 2011
The Community College Administrator Program is a program of the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
Work Experience: List positions held including teaching and administrative experience. Begin with most
recent employment. (Continue on additional sheets of paper, if necessary).
Name and address of Date Date
Position held Responsibilities
employer From: To:
Current Position: Chief TESDS August Present 11. Directs, supervises and
Chief TESD Specialist 24, coordinates the operations
2020 and activities of the Regional
Training Center-Cebu;
12. Reviews and finalizes policy
recommendations on TVET
for approval of higher
13. Prepares institutional
development plan;
14. Provide technical services
and staff advises on TVET
to VocTech institutions,
industries, worker’s
organizations, LGUs, NGOs
and other stakeholders;
15. Manages and implements
plans, programs, projects
and services;
16. Initiates social marketing,
advocacy and marketing;
17. Facilitates the monitoring
and evaluation programs,
projects, and services;
18. Ensure active multi-sectoral
participation and concerned
public and private agencies
on TVET;
19. Recommends measures for
effective and efficient
operations of the institution;
Performs other related functions
The Community College Administrator Program is a program of the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
List any experience you have had living, studying, working, or traveling abroad.
(Continue on additional sheets of paper, if necessary.)
Country Dates Purpose
Kingdom of Saudi February 9, 1994 Working
Arabia to December 2,
Malaysia June 21, 2010 to Studying
July 1, 2010
Emergency Contact Information: Below, provide the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of individuals
to be notified in case of an emergency.
Location & address of Indicate relationship to you Languages this
Name of individual
individual (relative or friend) person speaks
List contacts in your home country
Catherine T. No. 435, lot 5, Blk 21, Wife English
Reroma Maple Street, Springwoods
Country Homes, Tulay,
Minglanilla, Cebu,
Question #3 What does your country and your institution most need in order to respond to local workforce
needs more efficiently?
Ans. Financial Management, Knowledge Management System and people Development
Question #4: How might this program assist you in attaining your personal or institutional goals?
Ans. Adopt best practices and learn and apply it to my own institution
Topics of Interest and Relevance (Please type or write on separate sheets of paper.)
The Community College Administrator Program is a program of the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs
What are the specific aspects of the U.S. community college system that interest you?
I understand that program administrators reserve the right to verify all the information listed in the application. I
understand that giving false or misleading information in the application will eliminate me from the competition or cause
my dismissal from the Community College Administrator Program.
Please indicate if you will require English language resources such as translation during all or some of the program
[Please note: Selecting yes will not exclude candidates from selection for this program].
Yes: ☐
No. ☐
_________________________________ ____07/11/2022____________________________________
Signature of applicant Date (month/day/year)
The Community College Administrator Program is a program of the United States Department of State, Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs