Good Cad Practicex
Good Cad Practicex
Good Cad Practicex
Section 1
1.1 General
1.2 General (continued)
1.3 General (continued)
1.4 General (Typical file structure – reference SI filing)
1.5 General (Project Drawing Naming & Numbers)
1.6 General (Naming Xref Drawings)
1.7 General (Vela VKE CAD Statutory Requirements/)
Section 2 W1 - Development
2.1 Bulk earthworks
2.2 Road Layout
2.3 Storm water Pipe Line Layout
2.4 Sewer Pipe line Layout
2.5 Water Pipe Line Layout
Section 4 S1 - Structural
Section 5 T1 - Transportation
Section 6 E - Electrical
Introduction to VelaVKE Consulting Engineers Good Cad Practice
Amendments to this document
1.1 General
• Use the Vela VKE template “located in the (Z) drive under library\Vela VKE Standard
Details\Frame\VKE Frame Template” to start a new drawing. Do not “save as” from a
previous drawing, use on an old project. This will provide the user with the latest layers,
attributes, text styles etc.
• Use blocks that are available in the Vela VKE block library. (Do not use blocks that have
been “copy and pasted” from any external or outdated drawings.) Never explode blocks
in a drawing.
• When drawing, never change the “by layer” settings. Always draw by layer. The ‘Vela
VKE Template’ has been developed to allow the user a variety of layers and line types to
achieve the desired effect.
• The user is never to explode, alter or “change” dimensions. There is no reason to modify
a dimension’s default value.
• Use the standard hatch patterns available from ’Vela VKE Template’. Do not explode any
hatch; hatching to be non associated.
• The user should not change the Ltscale setting of any line type or drawings. The default
line type settings have been set to 1. The template has been set up to allow the user the
flexibility of a variety of line types. Do not change for individual drawings.
• The user is to ensure that the drawings remain 2d and “flat”, i.e. He/she should not use
the Z co-ordinate. (Unless in design cases)
• The ‘freeze/thaw’ command in the layer command structure should be used to isolate
layers. The on/off command in the layer command structure should be used as a
drafting tiil, i.e., turn layer off while drafting. A specific drawing that requires certain
layers to be turned off permanently should be frozen not turned off. Do not use both at
• The user is to ensure that he/she saves their work regularly and that their auto save
setting is set correctly to no more than 15minutes. (Do not rely on the ‘auto save’
• Drawing work to be done in Model space only. Do not draw in the Paper Space tab/Title
• The user needs to ensure that Xref’s are over layed into their relevant drawings. This will
avoid the creation of nested Xref’s.
• Xref’s should never be moved once a project has been “set op”. Xref’s should always be
inserted at the 0,0 point (origin) and on the ‘XREF’ layer.
• All drawings work is to be done in the relevant Xref folder. No drafting work is to be
undertaken in the Master folder drawings.
• Do not import or copy and paste any information into your drawing that is not from a
current Vela VKE drawing, this is to ensure that unwanted attributes, layers, scale
factors and settings are not introduced into the users drawing.
• Do not duplicate information within drawings. Display the required information/ notes
• Do not over design your detailed information. Care needs to be taken to develop a good
understanding of what information is required.
• Text height has been set up in the template and the user should abstain from altering
the text style or height.
• All notation to be written in the model space apart from specification notes which
should be in the Paper Space Tab/Title sheet.
• The user is to plot the drawings using the standard plot file. No user should alter or
create a separate .ctb file without prior permission.
• The user is to ensure that all title sheets in the Master Drawings folder remain in the
same 0,0 location throughout the project. This is to allow the user to print the drawings
without having to establish the limits of the drawing before printing
• Prior to plotting a drawing the user should assidn a ‘page setup name’ within the ‘Page
Setup” dialogue box (right click on the Paper Space Tab. This enables the user to plot
quickly without constantly having to adjust the ‘Plot Device’ or ‘Layout Setting’
• Always cloud and note revisions made in the Paper Space Tab/Title sheet. This will need
to be done after any alteration, when the drawing is being issued. In the event of the
drawing being issued the revision should be entered into the date column of the
• Always display the status of the drawing. (i.e. for Tender Purpose)
• All viewports in Paper Space Tab should be locked once a suitable scale has been
• Each drawing issued an signed hard copy needs to be filed in the filing cabinet under the
project name and number
• It is essential to save every issued drawing. This means that an electronic back up copy is
available of every issue that has left the office. This electronic copy will need to have
been bound and filed correctly with an electronic copy of an issue sheet. As well as a
PDF of the drawing. This however, does not replace the need for signed hard copies. The
A3 folder needs to be kept up to date as well.
• All electronic information received from external sources need to be filed correctly,
within the “Received” directory, in a folder numbered and dated.
• Drawing checks are essential. No drawing is to be issued before being signed off – refer
to the Best Practice Manual
• All folders or Zip files containing issued drawings should be numbered (according to the
issue sheet) followed by the description and date E.g : Issue 01 Effluent Layout 2020-03-
• If the user is not certain on a particular issue the advice of the Senior Draughts person or
Engineer on the project must be asked.
1.2 Standard drawing practice:
o Suitable for the purpose (easy to see what is required)
o Accurate (true to scale)
o Neat (of good appearance)
o Make use of standard drawing scales (Details 1:10, 1:20 Layouts 1:100,
1:200,1:500, 1:1000 and 1:1500)
o Add dimensions to drawing in a manner that person on site can build it.
o Centre lines must be thin line (Red plot 0.25mm)
o Dimensions (Red – 0.25mm)
o Hidden lines must be thin. (Red – 0.25mm)
o Hatching must be (grey – 0.18mm) (see template on hatching)
o Secondary lines of detail/layout (Yellow – 0.35mm)
o Main lines of detail/layout (Green - 0.50mm)
o Drawing, dimensions and notes must be in model space.
o Only general notes and title block to be in paper space.
o Draw a thick line around view ports in paper space.(Cyan – 0.70mm)
o Make use of templates as most as possible to save time.
o Before dimensioning or noted decide on the scale you will be printing to safe
o Make use of multi leaders for description of parts do not use a line with arrow.
o Draw in 1:1 scale.(details normally in mm and layouts in m)
o Distance between dimension lines and component edges must plot
approximately 10mm.
o The distances between dimension lines must be at least 7mm and the hole
drawing must be the same.
o Position the dimensions for clarity.
o Each dimension should appear only once.
o All dimensions which define one operation in the manufacture of the component
should, wherever possible, be shown in one view.
o All text to be romans.
o Only one style of arrowhead termination should be used on a single drawing.
o The necessary information(on the drawing) should be given in a clear, concise
manner and the drawing should not be complicated.
o Details of components, views and notes should be spaced for enough apart to
give clarity to the finished drawing.
o Notes should be placed adjacent to the details of components or views to which
they refer unless this reduces clarity, in which case the notes should be
o Notes on drawing should not be underlined. Where a note or heading has to be
emphasized, the characters should be larger than those used for other notes or
o Hatching or sections – Standard hatching should be used see drawing template.
o All dimensions for details must be in millimeters (mm). Add a note to your
drawing stating that “all dimensions are in mm” unless otherwise stated.
o All site layouts is in meters (m)
1.3 Templates
In Progress
1.4 File Structure
2.1 Bulk Earthworks
In Progress
VELAVKE :W1 Check Manual Check Sheet: PAGE OF
Project Name:
Project Number
Drg. No's
Revision Number: Name
Issue Date: L1 L2
Insert √ √
or NA NA
Subject Action
Paperspace viewports locked at correct
Drawing purged
Drawing audit
Revision Clouds
Revision notes describe alterations
Drawing status correct
Titel block
Check by author
Check by Engineer
2.2 Roads
In Progress
VELAVKE :W1 Check Manual Check Sheet: PAGE OF
Project Name:
Project Number
Drg. No's
Revision Number: Name
Issue Date: L1 L2
Insert √ √
or NA NA
Subject Action
Paperspace viewports locked at correct
Drawing purged
Drawing audit
Revision Clouds
Revision notes describe alterations
Drawing status correct
Titel block
Check by author
Check by Engineer
VELAVKE :W1 Check Manual Check Sheet: PAGE OF
ROAD Details:
Project Name:
Project Number
Drg. No's
Revision Number: Name
Issue Date: L1 L2
Insert √ √
or NA NA
Subject Action
Paperspace viewports locked at correct
Drawing purged
Drawing audit
Revision Clouds
Revision notes describe alterations
Drawing status correct
Titel block
Check by author
Check by Engineer
2.3 Stormwater
In Progress
VELAVKE :W1 Check Manual Check Sheet: PAGE OF
Project Name:
Project Number
Drg. No's
Revision Number: Name
Issue Date: L1 L2
Insert √ √
or NA NA
Subject Action
Paperspace viewports locked at correct
Drawing purged
Drawing audit
Revision Clouds
Revision notes describe alterations
Drawing status correct
Titel block
Check by author
Check by Engineer
2.4 Sewer
In Progress
VELAVKE :W1 Check Manual Check Sheet: PAGE OF
Project Name:
Project Number
Drg. No's
Revision Number: Name
Issue Date: L1 L2
Insert √ √
or NA NA
Subject Action
Paperspace viewports locked at correct
Drawing purged
Drawing audit
Revision Clouds
Revision notes describe alterations
Drawing status correct
Titel block
Check by author
Check by Engineer
VELAVKE :W1 Check Manual Check Sheet: PAGE OF
SEWER Details:
Project Name:
Project Number
Drg. No's
Revision Number: Name
Issue Date: L1 L2
Insert √ √
or NA NA
Subject Action
Paperspace viewports locked at correct
Drawing purged
Drawing audit
Revision Clouds
Revision notes describe alterations
Drawing status correct
Titel block
Check by author
Check by Engineer
2.5 Water
In Progress
VELAVKE :W1 Check Manual Check Sheet: PAGE OF
Project Name:
Project Number
Drg. No's
Revision Number: Name
Issue Date: L1 L2
Insert √ √
or NA NA
Subject Action
Paperspace viewports locked at correct
Drawing purged
Drawing audit
Revision Clouds
Revision notes describe alterations
Drawing status correct
Titel block
Check by author
Check by Engineer
VELAVKE :W1 Check Manual Check Sheet: PAGE OF
WATER Details :
Project Name:
Project Number
Drg. No's
Revision Number: Name
Issue Date: L1 L2
Insert √ √
or NA NA
Subject Action
Paperspace viewports locked at correct
Drawing purged
Drawing audit
Revision Clouds
Revision notes describe alterations
Drawing status correct
Titel block
Check by author
Check by Engineer
3.1 Water and Sanitation services
In Progress
4.1 Structural
In Progress
5.1 Transportation
In Progress
6.1 Electrical
In Progress