CM Oral Comm. Q12

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S.Y 2018-2019

Course Description
The development of listening and speaking skills strategies for effective communication in various situations.

Content Oral Communication in Context

The learners demonstrate an understanding of:

1. Nature and elements of oral communication in context
2. Values the functions/purposes of oral communication
Content standard
3. Recognizes that communicative competence requires understanding of speech context, speech style, speech act and
communicative strategy

The learners should be able to:

Performance Standard
1. Designs and performs effective controlled and uncontrolled oral communication activities based on context
2. Writes a 250-word essay of his/her objective observation and evaluation of the various speakers watched and listened to

3. Demonstrates effective use of communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations.

Formation Standard The learners will have the utmost concern on social responsibility in building a harmonious relationship with others by using the
effective communicative strategy in a variety of speech situations.
(PVMSCV/ Social Teaching)

Enduring Understanding the learners will understand that learning Oral Communication is not merely the ability to communicate well with different kinds of
person but also the capacity to listen and understand others regardless of their culture, Religion, gender, age, social status etc.
Essential Questions How does learning Oral Communication will be beneficial to the learners?

Transfer Goal The learners, as a Filipino students in a global century will use their voice to be heard all over the world.

Week No. Learning Competencies Assessment Performance Task Activities Resources

1 1. Define communication True or False: Mini Task. Role-Play. Blindfold game Angelica A. Bautista, M.A.
The guide question Oral Comm (Effective
2. Explain the nature and Situational questions is “How can I, as a Think-Pair-Share Communication Skills for
process of communication Filipino student in a Lifelong Learners
Fill in the blanks (Short global century, make Pass the box: situational TechFactorsInc., Quezon City.
3. Differentiates the various Quiz) my voice heard in question and answer Philippines
models of communication the world?”
process from the other Essay Dialogue: the students Ramona S. Flores, Oral
will read the dialogue in Communication in Context,
4. Explains why there is a front of the class. Rex Book Store, Manila,
breakdown of Philippines
communication Group presentation: the
students will create their
5. Uses the various own dialogue showing
strategies in order to avoid the different barriers in
communication breakdown
communication. They will
6. Demonstrates sensitivity act it in front of the class.
to the socio-cultural
dimension of
communication situation Individual prsentation
with focus on
a. culture
b. gender
c. age
d. social status
e. religion
Mini Task. The guide
question is “How can
2-5 1.Discuss the functions of I, as a Filipino
communication student in a global
Quiz century, make my
2. Identifies the speaker’s Recitation voice heard in the
purpose(s) Essay world?”
The student will
3. watches and listens to
present it in the class Group activity: the
sample oral communication
activities (individually) aiming students will be divided
into 4, each group will
to entertain,
4. Ascertains the verbal Group performance: the perform a speech
and nonverbal cues that students will be divided persuade or inform showing the different
each speaker uses to into 4, each group will functions of
the audience.
achieve his/her purpose communication.
perform different
5. Comprehends various dialogues according to
Group activity:
kinds of oral texts the types of speech
The students will create a
speech according to the
6. Identifies strategies used
given topic.
by each speaker to convey
his/her ideas effectively Speech delivery
7. Evaluates the Group activity: the
effectiveness of an oral
students will be divided
communication activity
into 5, each group will
present the various kinds
of oral text.

Roll the die: act the given

scenario (verbal/ non-
6-10 1. Identifies the various verbal)
types of speech context Essay
Group activity: read the
2. Distinguishes types of Reflection dialogue
speech style Mini Task. The
Quiz student will make a
4. Identifies social video presentation of
situations in which each the guide question,
speech style is appropriate “How can I, as a
to use Filipino student in a The students will read a
global century, make line appropriately
5. Observes the my voice heard in afterwards, he/she will
appropriate language the world?” identify the types of
forms in using a particular aiming to entertain,
speech style used.
speech styles
persuade or inform
Group activity: act the
the audience with the
given scenario
aid of mass media
Group activity: role play
technology (youtube,
facebook, etc) Speech delivery

Individual presentation

1-2 1.Engages in a Interview. The class

communicative situation will interview at least
using acceptable, polite three (3) members of Write a short essay about
and meaningful the community about a personal experience
communicative strategies the importance of ( present it in the class)
communication skills
in their line of work.

2. Explains that a shift in

speech context, speech
style, speech act and
communicative strategy
affects the following o Quiz
Identify the most common
Language form, Duration of
persuasive techniques
interaction, Relationship of
speaker, Role and Recitation used by television
responsibilities of the commercials. Which of
speaker , Message, and these are the most
Delivery effective? Least
effective? (present your
evaluation in the class)

1. Distinguishes types Recitation. There will Group Activity.

3- 10 of speeches. be a video Commercial. The
presentation/ clip and group will try to Fill out the graphic
the student will justify produce a organizer
the type of speech commercial aiming to Pair share:
present. persuade the Perform an interview
audience to
Compare and Contrast purchase a certain Report
the three different types product.
of speeches according The students will create
to purpose. (the their own speech.
students will present it
in the class)
2. Uses principles of
effective speech
delivery in different
Enumerate the types of Pair work. Find a
speech, description, partner. Practice
3. Uses principles of advantages and impromptu speaking
effective speech disadvantages. by asking questions,
writing focusing on Try to answer the
Audience profile, question in one to
Logical organization, three minutes.
Duration, Word (the students will
choice and present it in the
Grammatical class)

Using the outline on

4. Uses principles of Venn Diagram on the prepared speech Speech delivery
effective speech Formal and Informal (on speech writing
delivery focusing on Style lesson), deliver an Individual presentation
o Articulation, engaging public
Modulation, Stage Quiz speech taking into
Presence, Facial account both the
Sample of Speech
Expressions, visual and auditory
Gestures and aspects of delivery.
Movements, Rapport
with the audience

Look for at least five

videos of public
speeches online.
Analyze each speaker’s
delivery by identifying
the title of the speech,
context, visual aspects,
auditory aspects and
effect on the audience.

Prepared by: Checked by: Noted by:


English Teachers SHS Academic Coordinator SHS Principal

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