Prot OL: Sneak Peak
Prot OL: Sneak Peak
Prot OL: Sneak Peak
Aug. 2016
w w w. o c - o r t h o d on tic s. com
Drs. Tom Pitts & Duncan Brown
Dr. Michael McLaughlin
6 Practice Spotlight
Dr. Michael McLaughlin - Awaken Your Inner Child
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THE Issue 3
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Awaken Your Inner Child McLaughlin D.D.S.
magine for a moment you are OR In 2000, my 15th year as an orthodon-
twelve years old again; it is the first tist, my practice was declining. I did not
day of summer break and you feel “I truly enjoy going to work. I love my like going to work and I did not like or
the joy and excitement of the day staff and we have fun helping patients enjoy my staff. Quite frankly, I was “sick
before you. Now fast forward your achieve beautiful smiles. My new pa- and tired of being sick and tired.”
life with this same feeling 20, 30, tient exams are increasing and I started This was the point-in-time that I
40 or even 50 years in the future. more cases last year than ever before!” “awakened my inner child”; I am
serious. The realization came in the
Ask yourself this question—which of I truly hope every orthodontist reading
the following statements describe best this article chose the second state-
your current orthodontic practice? ment, loves going to work, has a prac-
tice that is booming and has clinical
“My practice is struggling to get new results that are outstanding; however,
patients. The GP’s in my town are not I suspect due to the past and present
only doing Invisalign but “6 month economic environment many of you
smiles” as well. Orthodontic com- chose the first statement. Regardless
petition is stiff and my best referrer which statement best fits your cur-
just hired an orthodontist to work in rent situation if you are interested in
his busy pedo office. This is not the improving your orthodontic business,
orthodontic business I had hoped to read on because I think I can help.
he past 30 years has seen relationships with patients and their I balance work, family and personal
tremendous change and families by age one. This fact alone obligations extremely well and am
advancement in orthodontic will make it very difficult in the future enjoying this stage of my life more than
therapy. From headgear and for patients to travel to a separate any other.
four-bi extractions to passive self- orthodontic office.
ligation and non-extraction therapy, I realize I can probably “coast to the
the future changes in orthodontics will I also see airway management, sleep finish line”, but I truly enjoy my work
prove to be as dramatic. After discussing medicine and TMJ diagnosis and and look forward to helping young
this topic with the most brilliant minds therapy all becoming a much larger orthodontists attain the clinical and
in the orthodontic field, I am convinced part of the orthodontic practice. business successes that make our
that “stand-alone” orthodontic offices profession so great. Please contact
will soon become a relic of the past. My recipe for success includes physical me with any questions or concerns. I
Orthodontists will have to partner with education as well as mental education. truly wish you the best, Sincerely, Mike
pedodontists in order to see patients At 60 years of age I still hit the gym with McLaughlin
at appropriate ages. The pedodontists’ a vengeance and will not let my 16-
have the advantage of creating strong year old son beat me in tennis. I believe | 928.779.4568
SEPTEMBER 23-24,2016
OC Orthodontics Pinnacle event event aims to be an arena for exciting a sound understanding of the
is heading to Portland, Oregon. and creative thinking amongst peers. technology they apply on a daily
Building on the amazing success of basis. The OC Pinnacle is an occasion
the previous Las Vegas event, the OC Today’s orthodontist practices at the to rediscover your passion and an
Pinnacle is back with an even bigger intersection of art and technology. opportunity to listen and interact
line-up of progressive and captivating The challenge of applying appropriate with some of the most progressive
speakers and seminars. Led by the levels of technology to an artistic end educators in the industry furthering
master of ceremonies and keynote result is the art of case management, your knowledge of both the art and
speaker, Dr. Tom Pitts, this two day and the best case managers have technology of orthodontics.
Dr. Tomas Castellanos Dr. Duncan Brown Dr. Nimet Guiga Dr. David Herman Dr. Michael McLaughlin
Dr. Rael Bernstein LeeAnn Peniche Dr. Dwight Frey Dr. Matthew Bruner Dr. Jim Morrish
Today’s orthodontists want to gain 3D control of anterior axial inclination and posterior arch width as early in treatment as
possible. What other appliance systems only promise, the H4 appliance, Pitts’ Broad arch forms, in combination with Pitts “Active
Early” treatment protocols delivers. This session with introduce techniques that are efficient, effective, simple, and produce
wonderful results for your patients.
Get that WOW Into Your Smiles - Pitts’ SPEAKER: DR. NIMET GUIGA
Protocols & Microesthetic Detailing
Contemporary orthodontics demands efficiency in treatment time, simple case management protocols, and fabulous results.
With PITTS PROTOCOLS I can now achieve the “WOW” esthetic and functional results I was looking for! I will show you how
I changed the way I practice, towards achieving these goals for my patients, by using PITTS PROTOCOLS and the H4 bracket
system. Don’t forget: Life begins at the end of your comfort zone!
REGISTER TODAY! w w w . o c p i n n a c l e . c o m
This downtown boutique-style hotel is located
in historic downtown Portland and places
you in the heart of the city, next to shops,
restaurants, entertainment and more.
he most frequent questions Because of these findings, my own clinical
that we get asked from or- experience and that of the thousands of
thodontists around the world orthodontists I’ve coached and spoken with
are related to arch form, and over the course of my career, I believe in
archwire progression. This ar- lifetime nighttime retention of orthodontic
ticle will explain why we be- finishes.
lieve the Pitts Broad Arch Form - a relatively
new arch form - produces the most esthetic Shortly after graduation in 1970 I enrolled in
orthodontics on the market today, and why the first FACE continuum, studying with Dr.
the Pitts Progressive Archwire Sequence is Ron Roth. Dr. Roth had adopted an arch form
efficient, effective, and simple. that was horseshoe-shaped and very wide in
the anterior. After using this arch form for
I have been evolving an arch form and some time, it became clear to me that cases
approach to archwire progression since my treated with arch forms too broad and flat in
residency. This journey has provided a num- the anterior and too narrow in the molars do
ber of insights. When I was studying at the not create esthetically appealing finishes.
University of Washington from 1968 to 1970
under Drs. Richard Riedel and Alton Moore, Later, a group of innovative orthodontists
I was taught that - in an attempt to enhance with which I was affiliated (the A Company
stability - arch form and arch width should Innovation Group), developed an arch form
reflect the original malocclusion prior to sometimes called the “Universal” or “Damon”
treatment. Over 35 years of data collection arch form. This arch form was subsequently
from the faculty at the Department of Or- adopted by many orthodontists around the
thodontics at the University of Washington world and seemed at first to be able to achieve
has clearly demonstrated that long term sta- results more esthetic than previous arch forms.
bility is highly unpredictable. “Orthodontic After using the Universal and Damon arch
treatment is inherently unstable and without form for many years, however, I found the
retention relapse is inevitable.” shape lacking.
70 mm 5 mm
13 cm
Broad vs Universal 1 cm
11 3
20 4
30 30
8 6
H4™ Universal
50 50
40 mm
50 50
7 60 60 7
60 60
40 mm
6 70 70 8
70 70
80 80
5 9
4 20º 10
3 11
2 12
1 cm 13 cm
5 mm 70 mm
Figure 1: Evolution of esthetic arch forms: “Pitts Broad” arch forms are preferred - courtesy Tom Pitts 2013 Figure 2: Comparison of Pitts Broad and Universal Arch
form developed by Tom Pitts - courtesy Tom Pitts 2013
© O RT H O E VO LVE 201 6 // 2016 Issue 5 15
developed the Pitts Broad arch form. In most sively), Pitts Standard (which we use rarely)
patients, this arch shape fosters the 12-tooth and Universal (for patients with limited
smile. I have worked with the engineers at biological availability or for wide lower arches
OC to develop all the wires I use - both the and low torque).
Pitts Broad and Universal arch forms. Begin-
ning treatment with the Pitts Broad Thermal Subtle adjustments in final archwire shape
Activated Nickel-Titanium (TA NiTi) arch- in response to esthetic needs or biological
wires gives the arches a chance to widen very limitations and minor torque corrections
early - part of the Active Early protocols. are possible in Beta Titanium and Stain-
less Steel archwires. When using an Active
Esthetic concepts of “Golden Proportion”2 Early approach - where torsional control and Figure 7: Esthetic changes associated with change in
arch form created through arch shaping in adjustable
have largely been eclipsed by the concept of transverse arch development is achieved early archwires - courtesy Tom Pitts 2013
“Crown Virtual Widths”5 in dental esthetic
circles as a means of describing the visual
“flow” desired in esthetically aligned teeth,
and we subscribe to this concept. We view
transverse development of esthetic arch
forms as being independent of tooth size or
extraction preference so that a single arch
form, adjusted to meet esthetic need and
compensated for biological availability is
preferred. We reject the concept that patients
with reduced tooth mass (either through
extractions or smaller mesial distal widths
of anterior teeth) should be treated with
narrower arch forms6. To me, the arch shape
is more important to smile esthetics than the
proportions of the anterior teeth sizes to each
other. (Figure 10 - 15)
Figure 8: Esthetically derived arch forms created through wire bending were the basis of Pitts Broad arch form
- courtesy Tom Pitts 2013
Caution should be exercised in widening
bicuspids and molars in patients with a
thin periodontal biotype. We ascribe to the in treatment - use of stainless steel archwires
concept suggested by Dr. Michael Major is seldom required, but these archwires are
(Edmonton, Alberta) of continuous assess- available for user who like them.
ment of the patient’s biological availability to
desired tooth movements as being especially Management of Arch Form and Dr. Nimet Guiga
valuable. In patients with thin biotypes,
patients with thin labial and lingual thickness Archwire Progressions:
of labial/buccal/lingual bone plates at the
level of root apex, or patients with pre-ex- In Active Early protocols,9 the appliance is
isting bony fenestrations7, I modify the arch activated as early as possible using the Smile
form to do very little widening, and assess Arc Protection (SAP)10 Bracket Positioning
progress through palpating of the labial and to adjust vertical position of the incisors, in-
lingual plates at each appointment. This is a verting groups of brackets when appropriate Figure 9: Esthetics delivered by Pitts Broad arch form
to activate torsion in the appliance, selecting create “WOW” smiles - courtesy Nimet Guiga 2016 12
direct compromise where imposed biological
limitations “trumps” esthetic desires. arch wire progressions that control axial
inclination early in treatment, arch forms that Macro-Esthetic Finish Evaluation 20 Months | 13 Appmts
It has been reported that achieving transverse develop the posterior segments of the arches
arch development in the cuspids, bicuspids, sooner, Early Light Short Elastics (ELSE) to
and molars is highly effective with round control forces and moments, and appropriate
thermally activated wires8. OC provides a disarticulation to encourage early “wanted”
full suite of archwire sizes and profiles so that tooth movements as well as extrusion or in-
arch form can be developed from the onset, trusion. In contrast to conventional “straight
producing arch forms that mimic esthetic wire thinking” where forces for torsional
arch shapes formerly created by wire bending. correction or transverse arch development are
OC provides the following arch forms (Figure applied in short duration later in treatment
1): Pitts Broad (which we use almost exclu- and at higher force levels, the Active Early
Figure 10: A broad smile, great smile arc, and full enamel
display is critical in patients with smaller teeth - courtesy
© ORT H OEVOLVE 2016 Duncan Brown 2016
© O RT H O E VO LVE 201 6
.017 x .025 BT
Figure 20: Simplified arch wire progression strategy using 022x026 H4 appliance — courtesy Tom Pitts 2016
The .018” x .018” Ultra-Soft Thermal Activated NiTi wire is breakthrough technology. We start many
Figure 17 cases with this wire, including the second molars in the strap up on the first appointment. Progres-
sion to .020” x .020” TA NiTi in 6 weeks is very common. In cases where more rotational control is
required, progression to .018” x .025” TA NiTi prior to .017” x .025” Beta Titanium is usually possible.
Because of the tighter tolerances of H4, many clinicians using it have been able to save several
months of finishing time than with previous PSL brackets using the wire progression strategies just
discussed.(Figure 20). We use Thermal Activated NiTi not Super-elastic NiTi - for all these wire
Don’t clinicians want more effective, efficient and simpler treatment mechanics?
Working with OC, we will be continuing to introduce innovations to positively impact orthodontics,
particularly from an efficiency standpoint. Look for these innovations to be forthcoming!
Figure 18: In Stage 2 the clinician should expect some 2nd
order corrections will be required in the .020” x .020” archwire Cases and Stainless Steel Archwires:
progression - courtesy Duncan Brown 2016 We have found that stainless steel archwires are rarely needed in non-extraction cases, but are avail-
able for those who prefer them. I use them for extra widening when needed and for extraction cases
where we typically use .016” x .025” stainless steel archwires for final space closure.
To Summarize:
Our goals in orthodontics are driven by “wow” esthetics and designed to compensate for - or
counteract - the effects of aging. For many orthodontists, such goals constitute a new context for
their treatment planning and clinical protocols. The scope of treatment is continually expanding. To
remain competitive in an esthetically driven professional environment is a challenge. The Pitts Broad
arch form - in combination with the H4 bracket and the associated Active Early protocols - offer new
tools that are designed to simplify your lives while improving patient results.
We welcome you to join us for the Pitts Global Masters Continuum starting March 23, 2017.
Figure 19: Good torsional control is present with flipped This is a four session comprehensive continuum over a two year period. For more information
upper anteriors and canines with .020 x .020 Beta Titanium
archwire — courtesy Duncan Brown 2016 visit or contact Joni Abel at 775.720.7222 or email [email protected].
We are planning more innovations so stay tuned! Great to have you along!
01. Sarver, D. - Growth Maturation and Aging: How the Dental Team Enhances Facial and Dental Esthetics for a Lifetime: Compendium May 2010; Vol 31 No 4,
02. Janson, G. - Frequency evaluation of different extraction protocols during 35v years: Progress in Orthodontics 2014; 15:51
03. Pitts, T. and Brown, D. - Flipping and Flocking. The Protocol V3 2015: 6 - 18
04. Flemming, P - Comparison of maxillary arch dimensional changes with passive, active, and conventional brackets in the permanent dentition: A multi-center,
randomized clinical trail: Am J Orthod dentofacial Orthop 2013; 144; 185 - 193
05. Brandao, R. - Finishing procedures in Orthodontics and proportions (micro-esthetic). Dental Press J Orthod. 2013 Sept-Oct; 18(5);147-174
06. Waugh, R. - A Specialty Reunited - Finding Common Clinical Ground in Arch Development - OrthoTown April 2010 39-43
07. Garib, D. Alveolar bone morphology under the perspective of computed tomography: defining the biological limits of tooth movement: Dental Press J Orthod
2010 Sept-Oct;15(5): 192-205
08. Flemming, P. - The timing of significant arch dimensional changes with fixed orthodontic appliances: Data from a multi-center randomized control trail. J Dent
2014 Jan; 42(1): 1-6
09. Pitts, T. Brown,D. “Active Early” Principles: Pitts Protocols 2015 (2); 8 - 15
10. Pitts, T. Begin with the end in mind and finish with beauty: SIDO Published online: 29/05/2014, 39-46
11. Archambault, A. The effect of wire alley on torque expression in metallic self lighting orthodontic brackets. Thesis submitted to Faculty or Graduate Studies
and Research, Edmonton, Alberta, 2009
12. “WOW” Smiles created by Dr. Nimet Guiga
© O RT H O E VO LVE 201 6
“Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you treat employees
right they will take care of your clients.” - Richard Branson
Change the above statement to, discuss concepts compiled from a to stimulate thought and inter office
“Patients do not come first, my staff multitude of sources that work well discussions about some of the
comes first, and together we take with an orthodontic team. These concepts I used and continue to use
care of the patients” and you will concepts are currently working for me to develop my high performance team.
have the basis of the practice model I and can also work for you. I did not write this article to imply
developed in 2001 called a “staff driven that there is a right or wrong way to
office.” At the time, I was running a In September 2015, Dr. Tom Pitts develop staff.
quality oriented practice that had an visited my practice to see how and
increasing number of case starts. I why my team performed at such a Inside-Out versus Outside-In
had reached a point where I realized high level. Tom wanted to see if a high Team Development
that I needed a paradigm shift from volume practice using well trained The expectations and demands that
a traditional doctor driven practice support staff could achieve great I place on my team and assistant
to an untested staff driven model if I outcomes. At dinner that evening, coaches (assistant leaders) is
was going to keep up quality. I knew Tom informed me that his question significantly above the norm. I have one
my ability to lead was going to be the had been answered and asked me 6500 square foot office, with 25 chairs,
most crucial component in reaching to write some articles about practice which includes a dental and dental
success with this new model. Most of management and staff development. hygiene department. I currently have 36
us are trained to be dentists and then Those of you who have heard me staff members, two of which are dental
orthodontists. Very few of us received speak or have been to my office hygienists. I am the sole orthodontist
any formal education or training on know that I use a sports model to and there is one dentist in my practice. I
leadership. We gain leadership skills manage my team. I will use sports developed my team using an inside-out
through trial and error or hiring outside terms in some of my discussions approach. While many offices use an
consultants. In this 2 part article, I will about leadership. I wrote this article outside-in approach, few use the inside-
Author’s Comments
12 CE
OC Pinnacle offers a unique educational opportunity for orthodontists, their staff, and residents.
WILL INCLUDE: Dr. Duncan Brown Dr. Tomas Castellanos Dr. David Herman Dr. Jim Morrish LeeAnn Peniche
Passive Self-Ligating
Active Early Principles
Blanca joined OC Orthodontics in 2006 and throughout her 10 years of working with OC Orthodontics, has
held several different positions in the company. She found her passion for helping others when she joined the
Customer Service Department in 2009. As of 2011, Blanca took on the role of the International Sales Coordina-
tor in which she continues to work closely with international customers and the international team. Traveling
to orthodontic trade shows over the years; has been an enjoyable experience for Blanca as this has helped her
build strong, solid relationships with customers around the world. Being raised in Oregon, Blanca enjoys the
outdoors. One of her favorite outdoor activities is hiking the Oregon waterfalls. Her biggest joy is spending time
with her two children. She also enjoys dining out and exploring new foods with friends and family.
Francisco has been with the OC Orthodontics family since 2009, the last 3 years as the Latin-America manager.
Overall, he has worked the last 20 years in the orthodontic industry, focusing on Mexico and Latin-America.
Francisco studied Business Administration at the Autonomous Metropolitan University and received his Master’s
degree in International Business at La Salle University in Mexico City. Outside of orthodontics, his passion is with
his family; Ximena, Bruno, Diego and his wife Silvia.
Guido comes to OC Orthodontics after spending 29 years in the Orthodontic industry. He has dedicated his
time and efforts to the doctors of Italy, as well as, developed distributors in the Middle East, Africa and the Far
East. Guido lives in the Rivarolo Canavese Province of Turin, northwest of Italy. Guido graduated while studying
Electronic Devices and also attended professional sales seminars at the International Learning Institute of Milan.
Outside of work Guido attends a once a week class on coaching, enjoys fitness walking, Pilates, and reading
Raju George - Middle East & Africa Sales Manager +91 - 8301852483 | [email protected]
Raju began his career working with the export division of Industrial Chemical fields in India from 1985 to 1996 in
the marketing line. He then moved to Saudi Arabia and started working in the General Dentistry field, specifically
with Ortho Organizers in 1999. Raju had amazing sales years in 2007 and 2008 with Ortho Organizers doing
business over $500,000 in each. Raju is a graduate of Kerala University with a degree in Economics. Raju loves
spending time with his family; his wife Mercy and two children, son Ashish and daughter Jelitta.
Yudy, officially joined OC Orthodontics in 2012 after graduating from the Faculty of Dentistry, University of
Trisakti. With a dental background and being active in organizing orthodontics activities during college Yudy
has a better understanding of orthodontic philosophies and product knowledge. Based in Jakarta, Indonesia,
he serves the Asia Pacific Rim countries. Solid OC Orthodontics teamwork along with supportive dealers has
helped Yudy develop and guide his sales & marketing efforts.
2016 Schedule
Scott O’Neil
Join the Orthodontic
02/26/16 Dr. Tom Pitts Las Vegas, NV 480-455-2801
Cosmetic Revolution [email protected]
Mike Hendricks
03/25/16 Join the Orthodontic Dr. Tom Pitts Manhattan, NY 917-340-1651
Cosmetic Revolution [email protected]
Scott O’Neil
Join the Orthodontic Dr. Tom Pitts Denver, CO
08/19/16 480-455-2801
Cosmetic Revolution
[email protected]
Dr. Tom Pitts, Dr. Tomas Castellanos, Jessica Caldwell
09/23/16 - Dr. Duncan Brown, Dr. David Herman, Dr.
2nd Annual Pinnacle Rael Bernstein, Dr. Jim Morrish, Dr. Michael
Portland, OR 503-857-5989
09/24/16 [email protected]
McLaughlin, LeeAnn Peniche, & More!
Matt Mitchell
Join the Orthodontic Dr. Tom Pitts Chicago, IL
09/30/16 312-804-1437
Cosmetic Revolution
[email protected]
Brent Coles
Join the Orthodontic
10/07/16 Dr. Tom Pitts Salt Lake City, UT 801-628-8232
Cosmetic Revolution
[email protected]
Marty Graham
Join the Orthodontic Dr. Tom Pitts Fort Lauderdale, FL
10/28/16 205-410-6867
Cosmetic Revolution [email protected]
Joey Breeland
12/09/16 Join the Orthodontic Dr. Tom Pitts Dallas, TX 971-237-3341
Cosmetic Revolution joey.b
Rev. J *Dates, Locations, and Speakers are subject to change.
30 2016
C oIssue
n t a c5
t //
To d a y : 8 6 6 - 7 5 2 - 0 0 6 5 o r V i s i t U s O n l i n e : w w w . o r t h o c l a s s i c . c o m
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