Braket H4
Braket H4
Braket H4
Dr. Tom Pitts
Bracket Placement
H4 Self-Ligating
Bracket System
Dr. Pitts Case
Dr. Bernsteins
Big Switch
e d u c a t i o n | c o m m u n i t y | c o l l a b o r a t i o n
Dear Doctor and Staff:
Im very pleased to present you with the 1st issue of Pitts Protocol. Each and
every year we do our best to grow and improve as a company and I think
without exception we have done so again this year. Our dedication to working
hand-in-hand with the orthodontic community has taken a tremendous leap
forward this year as well. By introducing The Protocol, we plan to keep you up
to date with the latest orthodontic technology, products, and techniques.
Dr. Thomas Pitts will be the Clinical Editorial Director and oversee all of the
clinical content of the magazine. In this issue alone, he has provided some
amazing articles on Smile Arc Protection and Case Management. He and his
colleagues will be providing new and exciting content every quarter as long as
the magazine is published.
Please join us on our journey to the future, and accept our appreciation for
your kindness and on-going support. Once again, we at Ortho Classic would
like to thank you for your continued loyalty and business.
Rolf Hagelganz
Ortho Classic President
16 H4 Self-Ligating
Feature and benefits of the H4 Self-Ligating Bracket System
22 SAP
Learn more about Smile Arc Protection (SAP)
30 Events
List of upcoming Ortho Classic events
Dr. Thomas Pitts D.D.S., M.Sc.D.
Dr. Pitts is a world renowned lecturer and clinician. He is highly recognized for
his continued teaching of orthodontic finishing and clinical excellence. Dr. Pitts
is an associate clinical professor at the University of the Pacific and founder of
the well-respected Pitts Progressive Study Club.
Dr. Pitts has been published in multiple journals and clinical publications. He
has been actively teaching the orthodontic community in a variety of setting
both nationally and internationally since 1986.
Dr. Brown has made large contributions to the orthodontic community from
creating effective hygiene programs for patients, to the G&H Pre-Torqued Arch-
wire series and much more!
His progressive treatment planning and focus on facial aesthetics has created a
highly successful name for himself early in his career.
Dr. Bernstein is accredited with having one of the nations fasted growing
start-up private practices in a highly competitive part of California over the
last decade. He is known for relentlessly implementing many ideas and strate-
gies learned from within and without the profession. His team is dedicated to
clinical excellence, customer service, business development and community
outreach. He believes that our profession is changing at an alarming rate and
has been working hard to stay ahead of the curve.
What made you decide to work with Ortho Classic over other
7 // 2015 Issue 1
The 14 Keys to Pitts Case Management
We are what we repeatedly do, excellence, then, is not an act but a habit - Aristotle
Introduction: practice confirms that esthetic decline as the prime diagnostic criteria in develop-
How many times in your career have is quite common with treatment1, and ing superior esthetics2.
you come back from a course having patients want treatment time to be a short
seen and heard some wonderful things as possible. Today I would like to develop the con-
that you wanted to implement into your text for the pivotal role of case manage-
clinical procedures, only to find out when For years I have tried to simplify diag- ment in attaining superior esthetic and
you got home that putting them into nostic processes and case management occlusal results, and suggest strategies for
practice was very difficult. Very shortly, strategies allowing the Orthodontist to application of simple case management
you reverted to old habits, and all the attain greater consistency in delivering practices that provide consistent improve-
value you thought possible was lost. optimal esthetic and functional occlusal ment in esthetic and functional outcomes
Inspirational speaker and self-help author, results. This requires that the Orthodontist during treatment.
Tony Robins is correct when he says, I expand his/her diagnostic and mechanical
know lots of people who know what to understandings beyond reliance on im- The Pivotal Role of Case
do, but fewer that do what they know. proved straight wire appliances to attain Management:
superior esthetic results. David Sarver has Treatment planning is one of the mile-
Todays orthodontic patients consistent- made great contributions by painting an stones of every Orthodontists training.
ly demand more than just straight teeth. accurate picture of todays desired facial Large amounts of time and energy can
While putting the plaster on the table and smile esthetics and the impact on be devoted to the evaluation of static
is now generally acknowledged as not esthetics of orthodontic treatment me- records, like model analysis for crowding,
being representative of the best ortho- chanics. I also agree with his concept on cephalometric evaluation of potential
dontics has to offer, the reality of everyday placing the position of the upper incisor growth direction, positions of the teeth
Initial Planning
leveling, torque control, AP and early
vertical development. This stage lasts until
the Pan/Repo appointment (PRACM). This
Contemporary Case is described by Dr. Jim Morrish of Braden-
Management ton Florida as Panorex Reposition, Adjust
Case Management. In my experience,
Practices this commonly occurs around the 4th ap-
pointment, after some degree of torsion
improvement and arch development in
non-adjustable dimensional arch wires
has been attained (Figure 4). At PRACM,
adjustments in bracket position, bracket
Figure 1 torque (upright/flipped), ELSE, disarticula-
tion, need for tooth re-approximation, or
and skeletal bases, traditional closed arches sooner, implement ELSE (Early a modification of mechanics (decision to
mouth facial photographs for soft tissue Light Short Elastics) to control forces, and extract, TAD placement, etc.), based on a
positions, VTOs for potential tooth appropriate disarticulation to encourage definitive review of the case progress are
movements, and mounted models for early wanted tooth movements. This is made (Figure 5, 6).
CO/CR discrepancies. Once a doctor has known as an Active Early approach to
been in practice for a while, and comes to case management5. Most traditional orthodontics is taught
appreciate the dynamic aspects of patient on the basis of sequential mechanics,
care, the value of these initial planning Clinicians have been trying to explain where one mechanical goal is addressed
exercises change, and value of sound the stages of clinical management for after the preceding goal is attained (trans-
case management practices comes into years, usually without broad success. In verse development, level/align, overbite
play (Figure 1). our case management approach5 the correction, occlusal correction). One of
treatment cycle is conceptualized as the reasons I enjoy using a PSL appliance
The finest artistic orthodontic results occurring in two stages based on clini- like H4 self-ligating bracket from Ortho
are produced by the best case managers cal management opportunities available Classic, is that many of these clinical man-
regardless of the appliances they use. This during the stage (Figure 2). agements aspects can be approached
is because these clinicians clearly under- simultaneously, resulting in significant
stand the technology they use on a daily First Stage: gains in treatment efficiency. This simulta-
basis, and apply clinical opportunities that Where either round or non-adjustable neous mechanics approach to addressing
are available to address specific patient dimensional wires are used. The goal esthetic and functional treatment goals
clinical needs. In addition, these special during the first Active Early stage of is a pivotal feature of Active Early (Figure
orthodontists are not stymied by the treatment is to achieve the majority of 3). Significant occlusal gains in alignment,
stability ball and chain in their treatment your occlusal and esthetic goals for the OB correction, and A/P correction, are
protocols. patient. Clinical management oppor- combined with improvements in smile arc
tunities focus on adjustment in bracket creation, transverse arch developments,
Active Early Case Management position, adjustment of ELSE patterns, and axial inclination improvement occur-
Core Principles: refinement of disarticulation, adjustment ring quite early in the treatment cycle,
For years Orthodontists have desired to in tooth morphology with positive and usually by the 4th appointment.
gain control of axial inclination earlier in negative coronoplasty, slenderizing, use of
the treatment cycle. However limitations auxiliaries (TADs for example) to control Another hallmark of Active Early is the
imposed by the traditional application anterior and posterior tooth movements continuous assessment of progress that
of straight wire theory, where torsion and NMI (neuromuscular intervention) is occurring towards both esthetic and
is created through incremental increas- as appropriate. With our protocols, we functional goals as treatment progresses.
es in wire dimension occur late (if at all) now begin early arch width development, I encourage the broad adoption of an
in the treatment cycle make it nearly
impossible3. By using certain protocols, Stage 1 Stage 2
Active Early
Active Early
continuous case progress assessment.
The collateral marketing and patient Early Tipping Non-adjustable Adjustable Finishing
education benefits of imaging are so great Mechanics Mechanics Mechanics
that even staff members who are initially Alignment
concerned with the extra effort, are soon
converted to raving fans! None of the Leveling and OB Correction
clinicians I know that have adopted this A-P Correction
discipline, have ever regretted the effort.
Smile Arc Creation
Crowding 3
Smile Arc 2
Buccal Corridors 3
Figure 5
4. ELSE - Early, Light, Short, Elastics: I have advocated use of early light elastics
for the past 20 years, especially when using PSL mechanics. Sabrina Huang, a close
friend of mine from Taiwan, suggested the acronym some years ago, and I continue to
describe the technique in those terms. The use of ELSE (no more than 2.5 oz.) increas-
es the efficiency of treatment dramatically by maximizing wanted tooth movements
in all dimensions, and minimizing or mitigating unwanted tooth movements during
the tipping or early torsional phases of treatment. Patient cooperation is critical, and
reinforcing early progress through every appointment photography is very useful. John
Campbell describes the use of ELSE to his patients as, 24 hour elastic wear is not part
of your treatment, it is your treatment.
5. Disarticulation - bite turbos, or occlusal pads as a tool in increasing SAP Bracket Position
effectiveness of ELSE: PSL mechanics are broadly appreciated as using minimal RTS
(resistance to sliding), in conjunction with low forces. By encouraging wanted tooth
movement and removing the forces of occlusion that perpetuate the malocclusion,
disarticulation contributes to the effectiveness of early mechanics. Adjustment to the
disarticulation is made when required. This eases TM joint loading.
If the Stage 1 response to treatment has been favorable, Stage 2 adjustments are
directed towards refining the occlusion and optimizing the esthetic result. There are a
number of clinical opportunities available in Stage 2:
4 Appointments
10. Arch Wire Adjustments - As a tool of controlling axial inclination, arch Figure 8
form, and transverse arch development: The 10 tooth smile has represented
the gold standard for dental ethics for years. Today many excellent students of dental
esthetics prefer a 12 tooth smile esthetically13, and I agree with them. Due to the fact
that the arch form is directly related to the shape of the wire used and not the bracket
system the orthodontist decides to use14, I do not use standard arch blanks but shape
H4 Torque Opportunities
Torque U1 U2 U3 U4 U5
Normal +12 +8 +7 -11 -11
Flipped -12 -8 -7
Torque L1 L2 L3 L4 L5
Flipped +6 +6
Normal -6 -6 +7 -12 -17
Flipped -7
Figure 9
bendable arch wire to optimize posterior arch development for esthetics. Palpation of
the buccal and lingual alveolar processes at each appointment is required to ensure that
the patients biological availability5 is not compromised.
Arch forms have tended to be too flat anteriorly, too broad through the cuspid and
first bicuspid, and too narrow through the second bicuspid and molars. I found that
bending of adjustable arch wires was unavoidable. I have worked with Ortho Classic to
produce arch forms that mimic a shape that provides superior esthetics; Ortho Clas-
sics Pitts Standard and Pitts Broad arch forms. I typically use the Broad Arch form on
all cases from the first bracketing. The only exception is when I have a narrow upper
arch combined with a wide lower arch. Then I will use a Standard on the lower arch.
Research has shown that as much posterior arch development occurs in round wires as
occurs in dimensional arch wires21, and that is why the Pitts form is available in the same
arch form for round, square, and rectangular wires. This feature facilitates an active
early approach to transverse arch development with a greater degree of torsion control
whether using familiar wire progressions or when using Ortho Classics H4 appliance.
Where unadjusted nickel-titanium or beta-titanium arches have not optimized axial in-
clination, the practitioner can use shapeable beta-titanium arches for minor corrections
(Figure 11). Stainless steel wires are available, however in the Active Early approach, I
usually only use stainless steel arch wires for extraction cases. We teach necessary pos-
terior torque control in our courses.
12. CO=CR: as a tool in supporting long term joint health: I treat cases to
CR whenever possible. There has been much discussion of how to best attain this
goal. I have gravitated towards a Peter Dawson style approach15 for manipulating the
mandible as something that is reproducible, relatively simple to do, and broadly applica-
ble during the course of treatment. One important aspect of this technique is bi-manu-
al manipulation of the mandible as a means of disclosing CO/CR discrepancies, occlu-
sal interferences, and centric slides prior to or during treatment. Mandibular position
Figure 10
is evaluated at each appointment, and adjustments to mechanics or possibly buccal
segment coronoplasty is done to address interferences that develop in the course of
treatment. With disarticulation buttons, it is easy to manipulate the mandible. In those
cases where manipulation is difficult and CR cannot be reproducibly determined, a
leaf gauge is used to manipulate, or mounting of models whenever necessary. I have
Crowding 3 4
Smile Arc 2 4
Buccal Corridors 3 4
The art of Orthodontics is constantly evolving with the goal of becoming more effi-
cient, and providing better aesthetic and functional results for our patients. Today with
the combination contemporary diagnostic approaches, Active Early principles of case
management, and purposefully designed and built precision appliances from Ortho
Classic; we are excited about the possibilities for the future. The future is so bright I
have to wear shades!
2015 OrthoEvolve.
All rights reserved.
Authors Comments
Our goal in teaching continues to be to improve esthetic and functional outcomes, while simpli-
fying treatment mechanics and improving predictability, and efficiency. Combining the 14 Keys of
Pitts Case Management, an Active early approach to treatment, and superior OC H4 self-ligating
brackets with Pitts Broad Arch Forms has gone a long ways to achieving those ends.
Ackerman J, Ackerman MB, Brensinger CM, Landis JR. A morphometric analysis of the posed smile: Clin Orthod Res 1998;1:2-11.
Sarver D. The importance of incisor positioning in the aesthetic smile: the Smile Arc, Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2001;120:98-111
Jimenez-Carlo et al - Are the Orthodontic Basis Wrong - Revisiting Two of the Keys of Normal Occlusion - ISBN: 978-953- 51-0143-7
Pitts, T. Begin with the end in mind and finish with beauty: SIDO Published online: 29/05/2014, 39-46
Pitts,T - Active Early Principles, OrthoEvolve White Paper, 2014
Pitts, T. - Begin with the end in mind and finish with beauty: SIDO Published online: 29/05/2014, 39-46
Pitts, T. - Begin with the end in mind: Protocols for smile arc Protection, Clinical Impressions Vol 17; 1: 2009
Pitts, T - The Secret of Excellent Finishing, News and Trends in Orthodontics: April 1, Vol 14, 2009
Pitts, T - OrthoClassic, a leading authority in orthodontics, OrthoTown November 2014
Jimenez-Carlo et al - Are the Orthodontic Basis Wrong - Revisiting Two of the Keys of Normal Occlusion - ISBN 978-953 - 51-0143-7
Flemming et al - Comparison of maxillary arch dimensional changes with passive, active, and conventional brackets in the permanent dentition, Am J
Orthodontia Dentofacial Ortho 2013; 144: 185-193
White, L - Limiting the Sequellae of Poor Compliance - Orthotown November 2014
Martin - Goal Oriented Treatment, SIDO 2013: 4-11
Flemming et al - Comparison of maxillary arch dimensional changes with passive, active, and conventional brackets in the permanent dentition, Am J
Orthod Dentofacial Ortho 2013; 144:185-193
Peter E Dawson - From TMJ to Smile Design, Mosby 2006
Sarver, D - Enameloplasty and Esthetic Finishing in Orthodontics- Identification and Treatment of Microesthetis features in Orthodontics, JERD Vol 23
No 5, 298-302, 2011
Sarver D - Principles of cosmetic dentistry in orthodontics: Part 3. Laser treatments for eruptions and soft tissue problems, AJODO 2005; 127:262-264
Brandao, R - Finishing procedures in Orthodontics: dental dimensions and proportions, Dental Press J Orthodontics 2013 Sept-Oct; 18)5): 147-74
The H4 is a low-friction, light force
orthodontic solution that delivers
healthy tooth movement with optimal
control. The contoured trajectory of
the slide and smooth rounded edges
increase patient comfort.
H4 Self-Ligating Bracket
Integrated Hooks
Hooks available on 3s, 4s, & 5s
Bracket ID
Marks for easier identification
Scribe Lines
For easy bracket placement
8 7
Buccal Tube
Trumpeted Shape
For Easy Wire Insertion
Micro-Etched Base
Creates a Stronger Bond
Right 916.2001
+12 +5 0 3.05
Left 916.2002
Right 916.2003
+8 +9 0 2.54
Left 916.2004
Right 916.2005
Left 916.2006
+7 +5 0 3.05
(U3) Distal
Right 916.2007
Left 916.2008
Right 916.2009
-6 0 0 2.54 Universal 916.2013
(L1, L2)
Right 916.2014
Left 916.2015
+7 +5 0 3.05
(L3) Distal
Right 916.2016
Left 916.2017
Right 916.2018
Left 916.2019
1st Bicuspid
-12 +2 0 2.80
(L4)** Distal
Right 916.2020
Left 916.2021
Right 916.2022
Left 916.2023
2nd Bicuspid
-17 +2 0 2.80
(L5)** Distal
Right 916.2024
Left 916.2025
Right Gingival 907.2107
H4 Buccal Tube
-22 0 +3 3.70
Left Gingival 908.2108
Pro Tips
Brackets can be pre-loaded and covered for expediency.
If blood or fluid contamination is suspected, rub self-etching primer prior to bracket placement.
2nd Bicuspid 1st Bicuspid Cuspid Lateral Central Central Lateral Cuspid 1st Bicuspid 2nd Bicuspid
2nd Bicuspid 1st Bicuspid Cuspid Anterior Anterior Anterior Anterior Cuspid 1st Bicuspid 2nd Bicuspid
Facial and smile esthetics are Accurate bracket positioning is The vertical positioning of brackets
essentially inherent characteristics of essential to finish treatment with an is a challenge for many orthodontists.
the patient. Nonetheless, within mor- excellent occlusion and beautiful This problem diminishes when posi-
phologic-functional limits, and thanks smile. Additionally, the most com- tioning devices and customized tables
to the advances in todays orthodon- mon reason for unnecessary delay of are used to guide bracket placement,
tic technology, it is possible not only treatment and the discovery of diffi- when using direct or indirect bonding.
to obtain an excellent occlusion but culties in the final stage is the incor-
to improve patient esthetics accord- rect bonding of the appliances. The The Alexander technique uses the
ing to his/her expectations. Planning need for excessive first order bends premolar height (X in the Vari-Simplex
the treatment based on facial esthet- is not due to a failure in design of the table for bracket heights) (Figure 1) for
ics as a purpose to protect the smile orthodontic appliances, but due to bracket positions in the entire arch.
arc is parallel to a strategy to achieve incorrect bracket positioning. When
occlusal purposes. The functional aim some teeth are in extreme malposi- For example, if the normal slot
of orthodontics is always to achieve a tion, it is not always possible to place height for a premolar bracket is 4.5
mutually protected occlusion; that is, a bracket in an ideal position during mm from the occlusal cusp, the other
anterior teeth protect posterior teeth the first visit, but it is recommended indicated heights demonstrated by
from interference during lateral and to attempt to place the brackets in the this table should be 5.0 mm for ca-
protrusive movements, and posterior best possible position to avoid fur- nine, 4.0 mm for lateral, and 4.5 mm
teeth protect anterior teeth as well, ther repositioning and compensatory for centrals.
providing an adequate contact in bendings as treatment progresses.
closed-mouth position. The MBT table (Figure 2) offers
Previously established positions for another commonly used bracket
The smile arc, in a frontal view, has bracket placements based on tooth positioning guide. It suggests average
been defined as the relationship of dimensions, as frequently taught in positions for brackets in the maxillary
the curvature of the superior incisive orthodontic courses and programs, arch of 4.5 mm for the first premolar
and canine incisal edges with the are inappropriate for optimum es- (X - 0.5 mm.), 5.0 mm for canine (X),
curvature of the inferior lip in smil- thetics. For instance, if one assumes 4.5 mm for lateral (X - 0.5 mm), and
ing position. In an ideal smile arc, that all patients have the maxillary 5.0 mm for central (X) .
the curvature of the superior incisal central incisors located 4.5 mm above
edge is parallel to the lowest smiling the incisal edge, lateral incisors at 4 These and other techniques for
lip curvature. The term consonant mm, and canines at 5 mm, and the bracket placement, based on pop-
describes this parallel relationship. orthodontist fails to account for the ular tables and positioning devices,
In a non-consonant or flat smile, the relationship of incisal edges with the provide accuracy and high reproduc-
maxillary incisal curvature is flatter lower lip, the position may not adjust ibility. Unfortunately, bracket place-
than the inferior lip in smiling position. for the esthetic criteria needed. Cus- ments with these height discrepancies
tomized appliance placements have typically flatten the smile curve.
According to Frush and Fisher ,a as much importance as customized
4 Bracket Height
more sharp curvature of the upper treatment plans .
Maxillary Arch
incisal edges from canine to canine is Centrals X
Laterals X - 0.5 mm
more attractive/youthful than a flatter Dr. Tom Pitts has developed a pro- Cuspids X + 0.5 mm
tocol for Smile Arc Protection (SAP) Bicuspids X
curvature. Therefore, in individuals 1st Molars X - 0.5 mm
who dont show curvature of the low- bracket positions that consistently 2nd Molars X - 1.0 mm
er lip on smile, a smile arc is still the produces beautiful Smile Arcs. Dr. Mandibular Arch
Centrals X - 0.5 mm
most desirable. The ideal smile arc as Toms Castellanos has quantified this Laterals X - 0.5 mm
Cuspids X + 0.5 mm
a guidance for anterior upper teeth in- esthetic positioning by measuring the Bicuspids X
dicates that the purpose should be an length of the teeth. Hence, this is a 1st Molars X - 0.5 mm
Image 1: Smile curve flattened after orthodon- Image 2: Consonant Smile-Arc, results of
tic treatment. Brackets bonded with conven- bonding brackets with GPS-A (Guide Position
tional heights. (Patient treated by Dr. Tomas Smile-Arc) Tom-Tom (Patient treated by Dr.
Castellanos - MBT brackets) Tomas Castellanos - H4 brackets).
2015 OrthoEvolve.
All rights reserved.
Authors Comments
With more Orthodontists developing skills at indirect bonding, we believe that the SAP protection
for protocol for indirect bonding will greatly improve consistency of esthetic results, while still
capitalizing on the doctor time savings associated with the indirect technique. We will complete
this discussion in Part 2
Pitts T. Begin with the end in mind: Bracket placement and early elastics protocol for smile arc protection. Clin Impres. 2009;17(1):1-11.
Sarver D, Ackerman MB. Dynamic smile visualization and quantification: Part 1. Evolution of the concept and dynamic records for smile capture. Am J
Frush JP, Fisher RD. The dynesthetic interpretation of the dentogenic concept. J Prosthet Dent. 1958;8:558-581.
Ackerman JL, Ackerman MB, Brensinger CM, Landis JR. A morphometric analysis of the posed smile. Clin Orthod Res. 1998;1(1):2-11.
Alexander W. Build treatment into bracket placement. In: The 20 Principles of the Alexander Discipline. Chicago, IL: Quintessence; 2008:59.
McLaughlin R, Bennett J, Trevisi H. Systemized Orthodontic Treatment Mechanics. Philadelphia, PA: Mosby; 2001:60-65.
Understanding that each case requires specific attention to detail, we have narrowed down the archwires to the
sizes and materials that work best in the H4 system. The wire slot has been meticulously designed to create the
best coupling with larger dimension wires, providing four-wall contact for slot-coupling torque expression.
.020 x .020 .51 x .51 620.0409 621.0409 320.0409
.014 x .025 (Extraction) .36 x .64 620.0404 621.0404 320.0404
.016 x .025 (Extraction) .41 x .64 620.0405 621.0405 320.0405
.018 x .025 (Extraction) .46 x .64 620.0407 621.0407 320.0407
.019 x .025 .48 x .64 620.0408 621.0408 320.0408
.021 x .025 .53 x .64 620.0411 -- 320.0411
.020 x .020 .51 x .51 651.0409 -- --
.016 x .022 .41 x .56 651.0414 -- --
.020 x .020 .51 x .51 646.0409 -- --
.016 x .025 .41 x .64 646.0405 -- --
5 .012 or .014
Thermal Activated
10 (10 weeks)
25 .020 x .020
Thermal Activated
30 (10 weeks)
.018 x .025
.019 x .025 .020 x .020 .019 x .025 .020 x .020 Stainless Steel
45 Beta Titanium Beta Titanium Beta Titanium Beta Titanium
I believe in a
The cherry on top is the unique Or-
personal, caring
thoVend machine that Ortho Classic
and comfortable
has developed. It dispatches brackets approach to ortho-
as you need them with no up-front dontic treatment
cost. No more high holding costs using the latest
from a massive bracket inventory! technology to make
This has become crucial to my cash your treatment as
flow, especially with multiple loca- efficient and con-
tions, helping me continue to make venient as possible,
orthodontic treatment more afford- with emphasis on
able for my patients. It is also nice to interceptive, non-ex-
no longer receive phone calls from traction therapy.
Rael Bernstein
my rep trying to make quarterly sales
D.D.S., M.S.
Upcoming Events
AEEDC Dr. Tom Pitts / Dr. Duncan Pinnacle Meeting
Dubai, UAE Brown Lecture TBD
February 17 - 19, 2015 Boston, Massachusetts Fall, 2015
May 08, 2015
University of Texas SIDO
Austin, Texas 2015 AAO Milan, Italy
February 26, 2015 San Francisco, California October 29 - 30, 2015
May 15 - 19, 2015
Dr. Tom Pitts Lecture Dr. Tom Pitts Lecture
Colombia Bogota & Cartagena Dr. Tom Pitts Lecture Warsaw, Poland
March 03 - 11, 2015 San Diego, California November 06 - 07, 2015
May 29, 2015
IDS Meeting Master Course Part III
Cologne, Germany EOS Calgary, Canada
March 10 - 14, 2015 Venice, Italy March 10 - 12, 2016
June 13 - 18, 2015
Dr. Daniela Storino Lecture Master Course Part IV
Poland ECO McMinnville, Oregon
March 13 - 14, 2015 Luxembourg September 15 - 17, 2016
June 19 - 20, 2015
Master Course Part I
Reno, Nevada Dr. Tom Pitts Lecture
March 26 - 28, 2015 San Diego, California
July 24, 2015
Dr. Tom Pitts Lecture
South Korea Dr. Tom Pitts Advanced Course
April 08 - 11, 2015 UNAM, Mexico
July 29-31, 2015
Dr. Tom Pitts Lecture
Taiwan Master Course Part II
April 08 - 11, 2015 Cartagena, Columbia
September 10 - 12, 2015 *Dates and location may be subject to change
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