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Digital Voltmeter: Ramp Technique, Dual slope integrating Type DVM, Direct
Compensation type and Successive Approximations type DVM

Digital Multimeter: Digital Frequency Meter and Digital Measurement of Time,

Function Generator.

Bridges: Measurement of resistance: Wheatstone’s Bridge, AC Bridges-

Capacitance and Inductance Comparison bridge, Wien’s bridge.

Co4- Develop circuits for multirange Ammeters, Voltmeters and Bridges to

measure passive component values and frequency

Total Hours-8
• DVM displays measurements of dc or ac
voltages as discrete numerals instead of
a pointer deflection on a continuous scale
as in analog devices.
• Types of DVM
1.Ramp type DVM
2.Integrating DVM
3.Continuous-balance DVM 4.Successive-
approximation DVM

Input voltage is converted into

digital equivalent by counting the time
taken for the ramp wave to decrease from
the magnitude of input voltage to 0V.
• Merits:
*low cost
*simple, easy to design
*long distance transmission of output pulse is
*accuracy of output greatly depends on linearity of
the ramp.
(since only one ramp is used)
*input filter are needed for filtering noise from input
Dual slope integration type DVM
(Voltage to time conversion)
• In dual ramp tecnique, noise is averaged out by
the possitive and negative ramps using the
process of integration
Dual slope integration type
Dual slope integration type DVM
Dual slope integration type DVM
Direct Compentation type DVM
Successive Apprximation DVM
Successive Apprximation DVM
Digital Multimeter
Digital Multimeter
Digital Multimeter
Digital Multimeter
Digital Multimeter
digital Panel Meters(DPM)
Digital Multimeter
Bench type meters
Digital Frequencymeter
Digital Frequencymeter
Digital Frequencymeter
Digital Measurement of Time
Digital Measurement of Time
Function Generator
Bridges: Measurement of resistance
Wheatstone bridge

ØThe Wheatstone bridge is normally used for the comparison and measurement of
resistances in the range of 1 to 1 M.

ØThe figure to the right shows an

example of typical Wheatstone.
Ø t h e b r i d ge c o n s i st s o f t h e fo u r
resistances (R1, R2, R3, Rx), which are
arranged in a diamond shape. R2 and
R3 are normally known resistors,
R1 is a variable resistance, and Rx is the
unknown resistance value associated
with the transducer output.
Bridges: Measurement of resistance
Wheatstone bridge

ØThe Wheatstone bridge is normally used for the comparison and measurement of
resistances in the range of 1 to 1 M.

ØThe figure to the right shows an

example of typical Wheatstone.
Ø t h e b r i d ge c o n s i st s o f t h e fo u r
resistances (R1, R2, R3, Rx), which are
arranged in a diamond shape. R2 and
R3 are normally known resistors,
R1 is a variable resistance, and Rx is the
unknown resistance value associated
with the transducer output.
Bridges: Measurement of resistance
Wheatstone bridge
Balanced and unbalanced bridge

ØBalanced bridges means that the

potential between points B and D equal
Zero when the voltage E is applied to
the circuit by closing switch S1.
ØTo examine the balanced bridge
condition, we can close switch S2 and if

the sensing device (G) reads no current then, the bridge is balanced and if it reads
some current then the bridge is unbalance
ØWe can balance the bridge by varying R1 until (G) reads zero current.
Bridges: Measurement of resistance
Wheatstone bridge
Resistances relations

ØIf the bridge is balanced bridge, then:

V1  V2  i1 R1  i2 R2    1
ØAlso i2  i3  i
and 1  i x     2
R2  R3 R1  Rx

ØRearrange Eqs (1) and (2)

R2 R1 RR
  Rx  1 3    3
R3 Rx R2
ØNow we can determine the value of the unknown resistance Rx if
1. We guarantee that the bridge is balanced (G reading is zero)
2. The values of R1, R2 and R3 are known
Bridges: Measurement of resistance
Wheatstone bridge

Ratio arms

ØIn bridges the term ratio arm is a used to describe two adjacent resistances ( for
example R2 and R3 or R1 and Rx)

Alternating current (AC) measurement

ØThere are some bridge arrangements used to measure AC current.

ØIn these bridges, the inductance and the capacitive elements are used to balance
the fluctuating in the signal.
ØTable 4.1 represent some of these circuits.
Bridges: Measurement of resistance
Unbalanced bridges

ØAgain, unbalanced bridge is the bridge that has a current reading measured by
the sensing device G (Galvanometer).
ØThe unbalanced bridges is helpful when measuring the dynamic signal behavior
specially when there is no time to achieve balanced condition.
ØIf we are looking from the point of view of the galvanometer, the effective
resistance of the bridge (R) will be

R1 R4 R2 R3
R1  R4 R2  R3
Bridges: Measurement of resistance
Unbalanced bridges

ØIf the unbalance is very small, the

re s i sta n c e R b w i l l n o t a f fe c t t h e
effective resistance of the bridge fro m
the point of view of the galvanometer.
ig 
R  Rg

1. ig is the current detected by the galvanometer
2. Eg is the galvanometer voltage and its found as:
 R1 R2 
Eg  E   
 1  R4 R2  R3
A.c. bridges
Bridges with a.c. excitation are used to measure unknown
impedances. As for d.c.bridges, both null and deflection types exist,
with null types being generally reserved for calibration duties.

Null-type impedance bridge

A typical null-type impedance bridge is shown in Figure below. The
null point can be conveniently detected by monitoring the output
with a pair of headphones connected
via an operational amplifier across the points BD. This is a much
cheaper method of null detection than the application of an
expensive galvanometer that is required for a d.c. Wheatstone
A.c. bridges
Bridges with a.c. excitation are used to measure unknown
impedances. As for d.c.bridges, both null and deflection types exist,
with null types being generally reserved for calibration duties.

Null-type impedance bridge

A typical null-type impedance bridge is shown in Figure below. The
null point can be conveniently detected by monitoring the output
with a pair of headphones connected
via an operational amplifier across the points BD. This is a much
cheaper method of null detection than the application of an
expensive galvanometer that is required for a d.c. Wheatstone
A.c. bridges

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