Chapter three part 1
Chapter three part 1
Chapter three part 1
• Assuming Q is at earth potential, then:
Potential at P and A = V S
Potential at B = V - i Z S 1 2
Potential at D = V - i Z S 2 1
E = (V - i Z ) - (V - i Z )
Th S 1 2 S 2 1
• ZTh is the impedance, looking back into the circuit, between the output terminals
BD, when the supply voltage VS is replaced by its internal impedance.
• Assuming the internal impedance of the supply is zero, then this is equivalent to a
short circuit across AC.
• ZTh is equal to the parallel combination of Z2 and Z3 in series with the parallel
combination of Z1 and Z4, i.e Thévenin impedance for general
deflection bridge 5
• If a load, e.g. a voltmeter or amplifier, of impedance Z is connected across the
output terminals BD, then the current through the load is i = E /(Z + Z ). Th Th L
First consider the case when only one of the resistances is a sensing element. Here R1 depends
on the input measured variable I. i.e. R1 = RI, and R2, R3 and R4 are fixed resistors. ETh
• Specify the three parameters V , R and R /R2. The individual values of R2 and R3
S 4 3
are not critical; their ratio is crucial to the design. The three parameters can be
specified by considering the range and linearity of the output voltage and
electrical power limitations for the sensor.
• Thus if I and I are minimum and maximum values of the measured
order for the bridge output voltage to have a range from V to V the MIN MAX
Often we require VMIN = 0, i.e. the bridge to be balanced when I = IMIN; in this case the
above equation reduces to
Relationship between resistances in a balanced Wheatstone bridge
• A third condition is required to complete the design:- is the need to limit the electrical
power RI in the sensor to a level which enables it
to be dissipated as heat flow to the surrounding fluid;
• otherwise the temperature of the sensor rises above that of the surrounding fluid, thereby
affecting the sensor resistance
• if watts is the maximum power dissipation , Z1=R1 and Z4=R4
To keep the non-linearity of the overall relationship between ETh and I within specified
limits. Assuming VMIN = 0, then the ideal relationship between V and I is the ideal
straight line
When r = R3/R2 = 1, for a bridge with a single strain gauge, we require R2, R3 and R4 to all
equal the unstrained gauge resistance R0 , The value of VS is determined by the power
condition. Putting r = 1 and as x~1
approximately by R = R (1 + αT ).
T 0
Design of reactive deflection bridges
• A reactive bridge has an a.c. supply voltage; two arms are usually reactive impedances
and two arms resistive impedances.
(a) Bridge for capacitive level sensor (b) Bridge for inductive push-pull
displacement sensor
Figure (a) shows the bridge to be used with the capacitance level
• in order to get :E = 0 at minimum level h , we require C = C
Th MIN 0 h
(R /R ),
MIN 3 2
The most common two-element reactive bridges incorporate either capacitive or inductive push-pull
displacement sensors
For the capacitive sensor has C1 = εε0 A/(d + x) and C2 = εε0 A/(d - x)
so that Z1 = l/( jωC1), Z2 = Z3 = R, Z4 = 1/( jωC2) , there fore :
After some steps the output voltage for capacitance push pull bridge
• A similar result is obtained with the variable reluctance push-pull displacement sensor
Differential reluctance
displacement sensor
2. Amplifiers
• Amplifiers are necessary in order to amplify low-level signals, e.g. thermocouple or strain
gauge bridge output voltages, to a level which enables them to be further processed
indication or recording.
a. The ideal operational amplifier and its applications
Operational amplifiers (OPAMPs) are special types of amplifiers which essential component of
both practical and precision instruments.
The operational amplifier can be regarded as the basic building block for modern amplifiers.
It is a high gain, integrated circuit amplifier designed to amplify signals from d.c. up to many
Ideal and typical operational amplifier characteristics revision
Summing point conditions for ideal operational amplifier with negative feedback
The first condition results from assuming input impedance Z = ∞. The second condition results from
assuming that A → ∞:
since VOUT = A (V+ - V-) and VOUT is finite, then the differential voltage (V+ - V-) → 0 i.e. V+ = V-
Common op-amp circuit configurations
Inverting amplifier
Non Inverting Amplifier
𝑣 𝑜 =𝑣 𝑖𝑛
[ 1+
𝑅1 ]
Voltage Follower (Unity Gain)
This circuit has unity gain, high input impedance
and low output impedance and is used as a buffer
amplifier to connect a voltage signal source with
high output impedance to a low impedance load.
V =V
Differential amplifier
• RIN is the Thevenin resistance of the potential divider R1, R4 (also R2, R3): RIN
is therefore equal to the resistance of R1 and R4 in parallel Since the strain e is
much less than 1, we have: RIN ≈ R0/2 ,
A.C. Amplifier
Voltage adder
𝑉 +¿+𝑉
𝑉 𝑐𝑚= −
For an inverting amplifier 2
Instrumentation amplifiers
• Is a high-performance differential amplifier system consisting of several closed-loop
operational amplifiers.
• An instrumentation amplifier (INA) is specially designed amplifier to have differential
gain, high input impedance, high CMRR ratio ,low input offset voltage, low
temperature coefficient of offset voltage.
v1 v 2 v v2
v o1 v o 2 R2 v1 v 2 1 R2
R1 R1
v1 v 2 2 1 2
R1 R1
2 R2
v1 v 2 1
• Clearly, the bridge nulls when R 4=100 Ω. So, we do not need
zero adjustment.
• When R4 = 102Ω the bridge offset voltage is found as
Δ 𝑉 =𝑉 𝑏 −𝑉 𝑎=5 (102
100+102 100+100 )
=24.75mV .
( )( )
𝑉 𝑜𝑢𝑡 = 1+
2𝑅 1 𝑅3
𝑅𝐺 𝑅 2
(𝑉 2 −𝑉 1 )⇒101= 1+
𝑅𝐺 1(
2(100) 1
)( ) 29