Activity On Teaching Methods and Strategies

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Name: Abdulrahman Salim Saad Zgama Score: _______/ 30

Activity 2_ Teaching Methods and Strategies

Instruction: Watch the two posted videos in and answer the given short quiz after each video, then
accomplish the task below.

1. Type in here your combined scores in 9/10

2. Differentiate Teaching Approach, Methods and Strategies by completing the table below. (20 pts)

Teaching Approach Teaching Methods Teaching Strategies

Definition It’s a set of ideas or Teaching methods are set of It's a long-term plan of
principles about the ways of techniques used to help action that designed to
learning, which will apply it students get good learning achieve a specific goal
into the classroom. outcomes, and activities are
one of the ways of applying
these methods.

Purpose It’s to create effective It helps students achieve the It helps learners to
chances for learning and to learning outcome participate, connect, and
empower students to free it also give an
their creative thinking, and excitement to the content
to understand the classroom that the teacher is given
so well


(Provide at least CENTERED CENTERED MISTAKES: If you’ve
5 for the APPROACH: It’s a model ever accidentally spelled
methods and position the teacher as the 1. DIRECT a word wrong on the
strategies with expert in charge of INSTRUCTION: Teachers board, you know that
definition of imparting knowledge to his convey knowledge to their students love to identify
each) students by lectures or direct students primarily through mistakes. When you’re
instruction. lectures and scripted lesson teaching a new skill, try
2. STUDENT- plans, without factoring in providing an example
CENTERED student preferences or that includes mistakes.
APPROACH: is a teaching opportunities for hands-on or
method that helps create other types of learning. 2. PROVIDING
connections with students' FEEDBACK: students
interests and gives students 2. FLIPPED don’t always know if
the opportunity to decide CLASSROOMS: Students they’re doing a good job
two things: what material watch or read their lessons on without you telling them
they learn and how they computers at home and then so. Regularly provide
learn it. complete assignments and do written or verbal
problem-solving exercises in feedback for individual
EXAMPLE OF class. or group assignments
TEACHER-CENTERED and make this part of
APPROACH 3. KINESTHETIC your classroom culture.
LEARNING: Students
1. TEACHER perform hands-on physical 3. EXPERIENTIAL
DOMINATED: only the activities rather than listening LEARNING: to create
teacher’s voice is heard. He to lectures or watching experiences for them to
is the sole dispenser of demonstrations. see the concepts in
information. action. Let them practice
2. INDIVIDUALISTIC: It EXAMPLE OF STUDENT- the concepts in a safe
wants the individual CENTERED environment. Then, they
students to work by should reflect on the
themselves 4. DIFFERENTIATED experience and discuss
3. DISCIPLINAL: It limits INSTRUCTION: is the what they learned from
the teacher to discussing his process of tailoring lessons to it.
lessons within boundary of meet each student's individual
hi subject interests, needs, and strengths. 4. STUDENT-LED
CLASSROOM: is when
EXAMPLE OF 5. INQUIRY-BASED students get to be the
STUDENT-CENTERED LEARNING: is a type of teacher for the day, they
APPROACH active learning that learn things that they
encourages students to ask wouldn’t have learned
4. COLLABORATIVE: It questions, conduct research, otherwise. You could
will welcome group work, and explore new ideas. have students team teach
teamwork, and group or work in groups to
discussion. 6. EXPEDITIONARY teach a new topic.
5. DIRECT: the teacher LEARNING: is based on the
directly tells or shows what idea that there is considerable 5. CLASS
is to be taught educational value in getting DISCUSSION: A way
students out of the classroom for students to teach each
and into the real world. other is through class
discussions. As students
7. PERSONALIZED take turns discussing the
LEARNING: is an subject.
educational approach that
aims to customize learning for
each student's strengths,
needs, skills, and interests

LEARNING: is an active
learning technique that uses
games to improve student

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