THS Yearbook 1993

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The document provides details about various student activities, sports, and extracurriculars at Tiskilwa High School across different grades and years.

The document mentions activities for freshmen, sophomores, juniors, seniors, as well as foreign exchange students. It also discusses homecoming activities, dances, bonfires, parades, and games.

The document mentions football, volleyball, boys and girls basketball, girls and boys track, and cheerleading.

Exploring Different Dimentions

PEOPLE ....................................2
Administration/Board ................................................................. 4
Faculty ..........................................................................................5
Staff .............................................................................................,.6
Library/Office Aides .................................................................... 7
Freshmen ......................................................................................8
Sophomores ................................................................................ 10
Juniors ....................................................................................... 12

Foreign Exchange Students ...................................................... 16
Senior Portraits .......................................................................... 18
Foreign Exchange Students ...................................................... 20
Senior Portraits .......................................................................... 22
Senior Prophecy/Wills ............................................................... 24
Senior Officers/Sponsors ........................................................... 25
Senior Class Picture ................................................................... 26
Homecoming Activities ............................................................. 27
Dance ......................................................................................... 28
Senior Candids ...........................................................................29
Bonfire/Parade/Game ............................................................... 30

SPORTS ................................. 32
Football ...................................................................................... 34
T-Club ........................................................................................ 36
Volleyball ................................................................................... 38
Boys Basketball ......................................................................... 40
Girls Basketball ......................................................................... 42
Girls Track ................................................................................. 44
Boys Track ................................................................................. 45
Cheerleading ............................................................................. 46
Kite-Seniors Heather Jaggers, Juli
Octagon-Students gather in the Jais, Cherith Albrecht, Beth Greb- Triangle-Charlotte Mast and Kim
library to watch President Bill ner, and Jennifer Friel draw a Sears play {or the B-T girls basket-
Clinton's inaugural address. mural {or FHA. ball team against Princeton.

STUDENT LIFE ...................................... 48

Year in Review ........................................................................... 50
Yearbook .................................................................................... 52
Papoose ...................................................................................... 53
Student Council ......................................................................... 54
FHA ............................................................................................ 55
Teens o{the Month/World Affairs Seminar ............................... 56
DAR/Voice of Democracy .......................................................... 57
National Honor Society .............................................................. 58
Scholastic Bou1l ......................................................................... 59
Band ........................................................................................... 60
Chorus ........................................................................................ 62
Musical ....................................................................................... 64
Prom ........................................................................................... 66

GRADUATION ....................... 70
Graduation ................................................................................. 72
Senior Activities ......................................................................... 74
Index ........................................................................................... 76
Boosters ...................................................................................... 78

Oval-The student body helps Mr. Circle-Kathy Murphy, Cherith

Brown sing "Happy Birthday" to Mr. Albrecht. Liz Kingsley, Juli Jais
LaMour. and Carla Madsen dress for

o/o{. 81
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People are what makes Tiskil-
wa High School such a special
place. Top left: Activities like
Red Ribbon Day help bond the
students together to fight drugs
and a/coho Center left: Mr.
Garvin enjoys a Halloween visit
{rom Ms. Gehrig. Bottom left:
Students help each other dur-
ing the annual bus drill. Top
right: Sophomores await their
pizza celebrating class ring
delivery. Bottom right: Cheer-
/eadersjoin in the school's spirit
of wishing Mr. LaMour a happy
50th birthday.


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Right- Ron LaMour, Principal
Below -Board of Education Row 1 Charles Adams: George Kauffman, Vice
President & Phll Kaufmann. Row 2 Sharon Covert. President & Dale Anderson,
Secretary. Not pictured: Donald Smucker & Terry Small.

Right- James Whitmore Superintendent

Below -Mr. LaMour and Mr. Whitmore show their Indian Sptrtt by doing the
Tiski 1wa Indian chop.

Right -John Garvin, Dean of Students

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Donna Albrecht
Stacie Brandle
Mark Brown
Marcia Burress

Karen Carlson
Celeste Faber
John Garvin

Far left- Mr. Brown

sings to Mr. LaMour on
Mr. LaMour·s 50th Birth-
day while Ms. Carlson
and Mrs. Albrecht look
on .

Left - Mrs. Burress

teaches her foods class
the art of making choco-
late chip cookies.

Beth Gerig
Doris Hamilton
Elaine McVety

Greg Sarver
Marie Shull
Steve \lassen
Snaron Young

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Computers in the Office
Computers in the office are They have worked on comput- puter and Mrs. Anderson is able to
somewhat of a new experience for ers before. but the Commodores keep the district's accounting
Mrs. Borg. high school secretary were very different from the IBM's records on her computer.
(left) and Mrs. Anderson district they work on today. Mrs. Borg
bookkeeper (right). performs many tasks on her com- •


Liz Dobrowolski. evening custodian. Gene Gustafson. head custodian.

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What do you like

about being a library
"/Like being a Library
aide; I enjoy books and
it's something to do in
study hall. "
- Christy McVety

Library A ides - Row 1: Chad Brokaw, Sarah Gray, Mandi Rapp, and Christy McVety. Row 2: Mrs. Elaine
McVety. librarian. Row 3: Ben Lafferty, Tim Griffin, Jon Hassler, Hannah Foss, and Becky Forbeck.


Office Aides Do It All
What do you fear
most w·n happen while
you 're " on thejob" ?
"/ {ear that one day
I'll be alone in the office
and a stranger will
come in and hold the
office up."
-Sarah Gray

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Office A ides- Row 1: Mandi Rapp Sarah Gray, and Angelika Thompson. Row 2: Tim Griffin and Jon __::=;;::2::?/

Gabriel Andriotis
Chad Brokaw
Joe Case
Christa Colby
Hannah Foss

Jeff Funderberg
Amy Griffin
Angela Hooker
Richard Humphreys
Amanda McVety

Suzie Munson
Christina Perry
Sherrie Ribas
Cyndi Saal
Wes Sampson

Bill Sims
Joshua Sopher
Ben Spacek
Jill Stowe
Frederick Thatcher IV

Brian Thompson
Nick Vujanov
Anthony Wooden
Pete Worgess
Kathy Wright

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Below left: Christina and Fred practice for Anything Goes Day during Home·
coming week. Below: The freshmen celebrate second place in the Home·
coming class versus class volleyball competition.

The first day finds freshmen organizing their lockers.

Class Officers and Sponsors - Row 1: Ms. Gerig, Sponsor; Hannah Sponsored by
Foss, Treasurer: Wes Sampson. President: Mr. Vossen, Sponsor. Row
2: Amanda McVety, Secretary: and Suzie Munson. Vice President.
Tiskilwa, IL

Ah, don't Angie and Sherrie look cute? Magazine sales provided freshmen students with prizes. Are you having fun Pete.'
Theresa Baker
Heather Balensiefen
Greg Borys
Shirley Borys
Justin Forbeck

Cory Friel
Ricky Funderberg
Staci Hayes
Jonathan Huebner
Christina Huff

Danny Jaggers
Matthew Janssen
Shannon Lucas
Keith Magnuson

]J Aboue. Julie is pre·
pared {or whatever

comes her way.
Top middle: Rick
blushes during Span·
ish cumpleanos (birth-

Ill day) ccfebration.

Top right: Bryan finds
being a beauty pag·
eant contestant isn't

0 all that it is cut out to

Right: Sophomore

1. girls strike a pose with

their new class rings.
Far right: Sophomores
are busy working con·

r ces.sioru.

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Chad Maupin
Erica McComber
Ryan Morris
Colette O'Neill
Jeremy Piacenti

Bryan Read
Joshua Reed
Stephanie Ribas
Joann Schertz
Scott Stahnke

Jason Whitford
Andrew Wright
Dawn Wright
Julie Yepsen

Top left: Jason Whit-

ford, Ryan Morris,
Chad Maupin and
Scott Stahnke show
off their new class
Top right: Mr.
Brown. Sponsor;
Ryan Morris, Presi-
dent; Cory Friel,
Andrew Wright, Sec-
retary; Justin For-
beck, Treasurer; Mrs.
Young, Sponsor.
Bottom left: Colette,
Julie and Erica are
actually taking Cae-
sar seriously.
Bottom right:
Joann, Dawn. Julie.
Erica & Staci Hayes
design the sopho-
more Christmas

Joann, Dawn, Julie, Erica and StaCI, being in the Christmas spirit,
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took the time to put the sophomore class mural together.
Tiskilwa, IL
• •• ,.
... •
' . ..

' •
' • •

... '·. ~

Above: Paul, Ryan, Kevin and Bobbi all enjoy apples and
caramel during lunch.
Opper right: Class Officers and Sponsors - Mr. Garvin,
Mrs. Carlson, Mrs. Burris, Bryan Anderson, President;
Adam Brokaw, Vice-President; Becky Forbeck, Secretary;
and Christi Saal. Treasurer.
Right: Christy McVety, Shelly Sears and Becky Forbeck
donate their time during the homecoming game to work
for the Junior Social.

~~ ..-:•::::::::::::::·.·. ···:·:·::::::·:·.

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Bryan Anderson
Adam Brokaw
Cara Comerford

Becky Forbeck
Willie Forbeck
Bryan Funderberg
John Gray
Steve Greathouse

Bobbi Haun
Yvonne Humphreys
Holly Kauffman
Paul Kingsley
Ben Lafferty
Mandy Lee
Charlotte Mast
Christina McVety
Mindy Morris
Michael Nelson

Tori Rayne
Christi Saal
Ryan Schertz
Shelly Sears
Kevin Sights


Christy Stone
Mike Walters

.'? .::::::::::::::::::::::::::::3!~~1Qd!lb- ·


Above: Ben and Willie help the Freshmen and

Juniors out of the bus during the fire drill, while
John makes sure he's the first one out. '
Right: The Chemistry
class make models o f . - - - - - - - - - -....
,... :
molecules out of jelly-
beans and toothpicks.
Lower Right: Steve
shows off his blocking
skills; Kevin and
Becky wait patiently
for the ball.

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This is the Class of 93's most
important year. As seniors, we
look forward to graduation and
we decide if college will be in
our future. Top left: Senior girls,
Beth, Mandi, Sarah, Sarah [,
Tara have fun at the rally for
Vice-President Dan Quayle. Bot-
tom left: Tim, Andres, Cliff[,
Adam study graduation infor-
mation. Bottom right: Heather,
Cherilh, Elizabeth [, Juli choose
senior keys.
Homecoming was very excit-
ing. Tiskilwa hosted the football
game and the bonfire. Although
the actual bonfire was rained
out, the activities were moved
into Tiskilwa's gym. Slave Day
and the Slave Auction were
dropped this year. They were
replaced by Charmin Day,
Criss-Cross (Backwards) Day,
and the Dunk Tank where stu-
dents had an opportunity to
dunk Mr. LaMour, Mr. Brown or
Mrs. Burress. Center left. Stu-
dents watch as teachers get
dunked. Top right: Mr. Sarver
gives a "Pep" talk to the Fal-


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Mattia Bellomi from

Motta Di Livenza, Italy, is
one of the four exchange
students this year at Tiskil-
wa High School. He enjoys
American sports like Foot-
ball and Basketball. Mattia
started for the B-T Falcons
as a kicker.
He spent his year
abroad with the Merle
Sears family. Now, since
he has had some experi-
ence with the American
way of life, he is thinking
about attending an Ameri-
can College and perhaps
teaching at the University Sponsored by
Christmas has been an Tiskilwa, Illinois
exciting time for Mattia
because his parents Fed-
erica and Giorgio Bellomi came to visit him. They
were able to visit Universal Studios and Sea World in
Orlando, Florida.
As a foreign exchange student from Medellin, Colombia, Andres
Highlights of his year at Tiskilwa included attending the Def Leppard
concert with host sister, Cherith Albrecht (middle right); playing basket-
ball for the Indians (bottom left); the Bureau County Fair (top right); Mrs.
Burress' classes (center left); enjoying a Rivenmm hockey game for his
Pacheco found his most memorable moments to be the arrival at New
18th birthday (bottom center); and his parent's visit for graduation.
York City, an exciting two-week stay at Hofstra University in Hemp-
The most influential persons during his United States stay were his host
stead, New York and his first snowfall (center). He also will never for·
family, the Doug Albrecht family (lower right).
get the Bulls game that he saw at the Chicago Stadium. Nevertheless,
he was disappomted that the Bulls lost by I point against the Hawks
and that Michael Jordan didn't even make one dunk.


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Cherith Elaine Albrecht Robert Francis Balensiefen

Aa~T"Y' 0 roc.«.MCA../V'
Mattia Bellomi Adam James Brockman Frank Deiter

Jennifer Susan Friel Sarah McKenzie Gray

Beth Ann Grebner Timothy Edwin Griffin

Jcu...o.... CJ(. 'l{a.~~­

Jonathan Neal Hassler Tara Leigh Hayes Heather Marie Jaggers

Julianne Jais Elizabeth Hope Kingsley


Frank is the son of

Heinz and Helga Deiter
and comes from Han-
nover, Germany. He is
staying with the Allen
Crews family (left).
Frank enjoyed playing
basketball for the Indians
(lower right). During spirit
week, he won the pajama
day competition with a
borrowed nightgown from
his host mom (bottom center).
Riding a school bus (above cen-
ter) or even Harmon's horse (right)
was not an easy task since Frank is
6.6 feet tall (top right).
After Frank graduates from
school in Germany he hopes to
attend an American University
(upper left) and study psychology.

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Tiskilwa, IL
Martin Stange is the son of Bernd and Dorothea Stange. After
his parents came to visit at Thanksgiving (left), his little brother,
Michael, thought he might enjoy a year in America, too.
During his stay in the United States, Martin lived with the Skip
Harman family. Coming {rom Jena, Germany, which is a medi-
um-sized city situated in the eastern part of Germany, dealing
with the way of life in a small {arm town and attending an even
smaller high school was not always easy; but Martin enjoyed the
experience abroad.
He attended the Bureau County Fair during August (bottom
center), visited Chicago (bottom left), learned to keyboard and {or-
mat business letters (bottom right), designed the foreign
exchange yearbook pages, and enjoyed the company of other for-
eign exchange students, Kalja Angerho{er and Frank Deiter {rom
Germany, Andres Pacheco {rom Columbia and Mattia Bellomi
{rom Italy (below).
After he graduates {rom school in Germany, Martin would like
to attend an American university.

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Carla Michelle Madsen Lori Sue McKenney

Clifford Jon Morse Kathy Renee Murphy Andres Esteban Pacheco

Melissa Rhoads Passi James Clarence Prather

Amanda Lea Rapp Tyler Dean Schertz

~ c.-_c.....k:) ~ ~
Kim Michelle Sears Sarah Ellen Sims Martin Stange

Elizabeth May Strasser Angelika Marie Thompson

course, married Dexter Hansen.) wrr~m.,""'
her helmet and throwing it in the
she proceeded to tell her story of all the items were collected and put
the motor-cross motorcycle _ _,... Time Capsule, the Class of 1993 sealed
while wearing that very helmet, c _J_-.uw in preparation {or its burial in the
husband, the world point leader the football field As they were dig-
Elizabeth Kingsley and Juli hole for it, Coach Sarver, still the
gone into business together. :>te1DP<::a the Bradford-Tiskilwa football team.
at the same time to add a pictu '1g out of the school yelling, "NO!
eling job that they did at the ON "1Y FOOTBALL FIELD."
What took Michelangelo five

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Princeton, IL

Homecoming Week began with Paja-

ma Day and Powderpuff football. Many
students participated in Pajama Day
Dress-up (top le{t); Frank Deiter received
1st, Kim Sears 2nd & Amanda McVety
3rd. Powderpuff football was won by the
V-Ps (top right). Tuesday was Kriss-Kross
Day; 1st Frank Deiter. 2nd Christina Perry
& 3rd Shelley Sears (middle right). The
dunk tank (middle left) was er:ijoyed by
the students, as well as, Mr. Brown, Mr.
LaMour & Mrs. Burress. Wednesday was
the annual Ms. Pigskin contest with Ryan
Schertz the winner (bottom left). Other
participants included Fred Thatcher &
Mattia Bellomi. Thursday was Charmin
Day (bottom middle); 1st Christina Huff,
2nd Fred Thatcher & 3rd Mindy Morris.
Friday was Spirit day with a Spirit dinner
during noon hour (bottom right).
The Homecoming Court for 1992 included from left to right:
1 . First Senior Attendants Rob Balensiefen & Carla Madsen.
2. Queen Sarah Gray £, King Jim Prather. 3. Second Senior
Attendants Tara Hayes & Tyler Schertz. 4. Junior Atten-
dants Cara Comerford & Steve Greathouse. 5. Sophomore
Attendants Staci Hayes & Bryan Read. 6. Freshman Atten-
dants Christina Perry & Wes Sampson.
Right : Queen Sarah and her father wait to be announced
dunng halftime of the Homecoming game.

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The Class of 1993 experienced

many memorable moments dur-
ing their final year together. 1.
Seniors watch intensely as they
suffer yet another defeat in class
versus class volleyball. 2. Jennifer
Friel. Frank Deiter and their friends
celebrate their 18th birthdays with
Chuck E. Cheese. 3. Mike Nelson
enjoys the privilege of hanging
around with Senior friends, Tyler,
Jim, and Rob. 4. Believe it or not
Kim, Jennifer, and Sarah actually
did something in 8th hour P./E. 5.
Clifford, Jon, and Adam are
embarking on their second year at
the Area Vocational School. 6. Jon
and Adam are always there to lend
a helping hand. 7. Heather, Beth.
and Juli watch and listen as
Cherith describes the Prom dress
of her dreams. 8. Senior girls kick
back in study hall for a little R & R
before their last semester exams.

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Homecoming week is a time when the school is filled with The Papoose staff display their first entry in the parade.
team spirit. Three of the most important events used to boost
this spirit are the pep rally, parade, and the Homecoming
game itself.
During the rally, the volleyball teams from both Tiskilwa
and Bradford were announced, the Tiskilwa cheerleaders
performed a dance and along with the Bradford squad, led
the crowd in cheers. Football coaches and players were
announced and Captains Clifford Morse (Tiskilwa) and Bob
Rouse (Bradford)
gave speeches.
The night ended
with the announce-
ment of Home-
coming royalty.
King Jim Prather
and Queen Sarah
Gray were crowned.
The Friday
parade began with
the THS marching
band under the direction of Drum Majorette Kathy Murphy,
followed by the Homecoming attendants, King and Queen.
Floats carried the Football and Volleyball players, and also a
new entry, the Papoose staff.
The highlight of Homecoming week was the game on Fri-
day night against the Annawan Braves. The Falcons played
a strong game, but unfortunately the game was won by

Above: The Falcons try to intercept the ball. Right: Fresh-Soph Players:
Row ! -Brian Thompson , Wes Sampson & Fred Thatcher. Ro"" 2 -Josh
Sopher, Richard Humphreys & Nick Vujanov. Row 3 -Josh Reed, Andrew
Wright, Bryan Read & Jonathan Huebner (manager) .
R1ght: Varsuy Football players. Row I · Andrew Wright, Steve Greathouse, £, John Qray Row 2
Matt1a Bellom1, £, Chfford Morse. Row 3· Bryan Reed, Ryen Schertz, Josh Reed, end Jonathan
Huebner (manager).
Below: The 1992 volleybllll fl011t

The cheerleaders perform e de nee at the Pep relly

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It was a good year {or
Tiskilwa High School sports.
The volleydolls attended the
Quincy Tournament {or the
second year in a row. Top
left : Kim Sears spikes the
ball, while the other volley-
dolls look on. Center left :
Track members practice at
Bradford. Bottom left: Steve
Greathouse hands the ball
off to Brandon Atchley. Top
right: Andrew Wright sets a
pick as Chad Maupin passes
the ball to Byran Read. Bot-
tom right: B-T Cheerleaders
cheer on the Falcons.


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Below· Captain Clifford Morse observes play.

1992 B-T Falcons

e 1992 football season marked the 4th year for th
op b tween Bradford £, Tiskilwa. This year's team was
young, with only 6 returning Seniors: but they were
accom ish a lot during the season.
The Icons were under the leadership of Gre Sarver,
Jerry Tho pson, Garry Vujanov (Tiskilwa), Stev Sash and
Emmett Sli emaker (Bradford) . Senior captai s included
Clifford Mors (Tiskilwa) and Bob Rouse (Bradf rd).
The Varsity eason opened in Bradford ag inst the Galva
Wildcats. The Falcons came out on top with a 26-22 victory
and a good start to their season. The season ended with a 1-
8 record overall. The Falcons Junior-Varsity team ended with
a 3-5 record overall , with victories over Kewanee, Peoria
Heights, and Princeville.
Coach Greg Sarver ended the year. with these words: "This
team had outstanding leadership in captains Clifford Morse
and Bob Rouse. Due to our lack of upperclass players, many
sophomores were pressed into action. This year of experience
will make B-T Football better and stronger in the future."

Above: Statistician Carla Madsen with Managers Keith

Magnuson and Jonathan Huebner. Right: The team dur·
ing Homecoming Parade. Below right: Varsity players
gather together before the homecoming game.

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Right: The Falcon
defense goes to the line.

- -

The C.o-op has b n

qrc<1t (or <lll 3 yc<~r~. I
rcllll! do thmk m th
years to come the 8 r
Falcons will be a great
football tmm I u ould
like to thank the quys
from Brad(?rd [,
1 Tt~ktlwa & the
Co 1ches. Thdnks {or
a qredt t;car· qood
tuck tn the future
Ot{ford Morse
I enjoyed the ca
-son, a bote <lll, to
tcorkout more than I
eL'er have The only
problem W<l> that we
lost some qames; but
CPery lime we piJ!Ied
hard the coach was
happy (or us."
Mallia Bellomi
-- - - -

Left: The players huddle together after the homecoming pep rally. Above: The Home·
coming players prepare for the game. Below: The players practice tackling dnlls.

c----- - ----- -

Varsity Scoreboard
B-T Opp.
26 Galva 22
0 Kewanee/ Wethersfield 36
6 Annawan 43
14 Williamsville 28
28 Walnut/ LaMoille 29
0 Manlius/Tampico 42
20 Peoria Heights 37
8 Western/ Wyanet/ DePue 28
12 Princeville 20
- -

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Tiskilwa, IL
1992 Falcons - Row I Roger Bassett, Motch Stange, Steve Greathouse Ryan Schertz, Gnffm Lemlnger, Mark Stange, Scott Culbertson, Jake Walker, Jamoe Unley, Josh Dunn &
Josh Reed Row 2· Emmett Shoemaker, Jerry Thompson, Charhe Doell, Brian Knoblock Bob Rous , Shawn Uggett, Mark Heatl>coat. Bryan Read, Jeremy Noder, Terry Culbert
son(. John Forbes. Row 3 : Steve Sash, Clofford Morse, \\ioll McDermott Mattoa Bellomo, Bnan Webber, John Gray Andrew Wnght, Jesse Smoth, Moke Shoplcy, Randy Cade, Chns
K ong. Brandon Atchley C. Gary VuJanov.

Outstanding Athletes
T-Ciub Members : Ric k Funderburg , Shirley
Borys , Bryan Read , Andrew Wri ght, £,
Jonathan Huebner. Row 2 ; Kathy Murphy,
Tara Hayes, Charlotte Mast, Cherith Albrecht,
Christi Saal £, Mindy Morris . Row 3 : Carla
Madsen, Mandi Rapp, Sarah Sims, Jennifer
Friel, Clifford Morse £, Jim Prather. Row 4:
John Gray, Steve Greathouse, Adam Brokaw,
Kevin Sights, Ryan Schertz. Paul Kingsley £,
Bryan Anderson.

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Academic All-Conference - Row I:
Jim Prather, £, Paul Kingsley. Row 2·
Mindy Morris. Charlotte Mast, £, Carla
Madsen .

Academic All-Conference is
achieved by participating in
sports and maintaining a 3.5
grade point average. Carla
Madsen, Mindy Morris, and
Mandy Lee (not pictured)
received their awards for Vol-
leyball; Charlotte Mast, Jim
Prather, and Paul Kingsley for


Accomplishments in Sports
Area coaches vote for those
athletes who have excelled dur-
ing their seasons. Unanimous
first team selections for Volley-
ball were Carla Madsen and
Sarah Gray (not pictured).
Beth Grebner (not pictured)
was also a first team selection.
Ryan Schertz was chosen as a
second team selection for Bas-
ketball. Steve Greathouse (not
pictured) received an honor-
able mention selection as a
flanker in Football.

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We had a very good season, even though it ended soon-

er than we hoped. We played consistently most of the year.
Winning the conference tournament for the fifth straight
year and once again going undefeated in the conference
made lhe_season special. - Coach John Garvin

15 6 15
9 15: 15-10: 10 15
Ttsktlwa St. Bede 8 15: 1-15
Ttsktlwa/Wethersfield 15-4: 10-15: 15-9*
Tisktlwa/Wyanet 15-3; 16-18: 15-4*
Tisktlwa/Western 7- 15; 15-1; 5-15
Tiskilwa Annawan 12- 15; 9-15
Tiskil\l.a Lowpoint-Washburn 14-16; 10 15
Tiskilwa Bradford 15-9: 15-13*
TiskilwatUmon 15-9: 15 9 *
Tiskilwa/Mendota 2-15. 15-13. 7-15
Tiskilwa/Annawan 11 1?; 15-7; 7-15
Tiskilwa/Princeton 11-15; 10-15
*Matches won
Middle Right: Cherith Albrecht, manager/stattsttcian. Charlotte Mast, score
keeper & Amanda McVety, manager/statistician.
Above: Frosh-Soph Volleyball - Row I: Cyndi Saal, Christina Perry Suzie
Sponsored by Munson, Hannah Foss, Kathy Wright, and Jill Stowe. Row 2: Theresa
TISKILWA FS Baker. Shirley Borys, Erica McComber. Staci Hayes, Heather Balensiefen,
Colette O'Neill, and Christina Huff.
~~~::!:T_giskilwa, IL
Ttak lwa/Wettem
Varsity Volleyball -Coach John Garvin, Holly Kauffman, M1ndy Morris, Amanda Rapp, nsk twa Oh
Christi Saal. Julie Yepsen, Sarah Gray, Cara Comerford, Beth Grebner, Mandy Lee, Carla Tosk wa/Wethersfie d
Madsen, and Kim Sears. Tosk wa/Wyanf!t
Tisko wa Unotv 3-15 13-15
Toskolwa East St. Louos Lincoln 12 15:15 2: 15 a·
Tosko wa Lincoln 7 15 11-15
Tosko wa ~Uoon 13 5. 15 5
Toskolwa/Western 152. 158*
Toskolwa Annawan 155; 153*
My most memorable moment T oskolwa lowpo nt W11shburn 1511.153*
was when Tiskilwa Vo/leydolls Tiskolw11 Bradford 15 7. 15 4.
invaded Bradley University vol· REGIONAL TOURNAMENT
leyball camp. I think a good time nskllwa Bradford 15 6 . 152*
was had by all the Volleydolls n skllwa Princeton 10-15: 15 17
• Mdlche<> won
and when we left the staff was
happy to see us go.
-Sarah Gray
My most embarrassing
moment was at Wenona my -

sophomore year. I was walking

across the gym to go to our lock-
er room, the gym was full of peo-
ple, and a game was going on. I This year was special because of our ability
tripped and fell flat on my face. to pull together as a team even through the
ifhat was the ultimate embar- tough times, to come together as a family and
rassment, but I blame It on the play to win.
floor, it was messed up!! - Carla Madsen
-Beth Grebner

Senior Volleydolls : Kim Sears, Sarah Gray, Mandy

Rapp, Carla Madsen, and Beth Grebner.

Sponsored by
WILLO -B SPORTS, CO. The Dolls relax after a tough tournament. Mandi Is down and ready.
Princeton, IL


Above · The 1992- 1993 Varsity Team

included - Front Row: Adam Brock-
mlln. Andres Pacheco, Adam Brokaw,
Steve Greathou~c. and Bryan Ander-
~on. Middle Row: Mallia Bellomi,
Andrew Wright, Frank Deiter. John
Gray. Captain Jim Prather, and Martin
Star ge. Back Row: Manager Jon Hueb-
ner Kevin Sight~. Paul Kingsley, Varsi-
ty Cot!ch Greg Saroer, Mascot Kim
Sear~. Assistant Coach Steve Vossen,
Cliff Mor~e. Bryan Read, and Ryan
Above Right: Ryan Schertz looks (or an
Right : Members o( the Frosh -Soph
Team included - Front Rou; Keith
Magnuson. Chad Maupin, Pete
Worgess, Justin Forbeck T •ny Wood-
en, Rick Funderburg. Josh Sopher. and
Bruw Thomp~on. Back R •u Frosh-
Soph Coach Steve Vos~en, Jason Whit-
ford, Ryan Morris, Wes Sampson. Cory
Friel, Nick Vujanov, Fred Thatcher, and
Rich Humphrey~.
Bottom Middle: Sure·handed Wright
denies the steal.
Bottom Right . Steve and Ryan get
pumped {or the game.

Sponsored by
Tiskilwa, IL
199 199 v

1992- 1993-'Fro h Soph S or


Sponsored by
Tiskilwa. IL
8/f OHIO

The Bradford-Tiskilwa Girls' Varsity

Basketball Team. coached by Janice
Bickett, consisted of 2 Tiskilwa players:
Senior Kim Sears, #32, and Junior Char-
lotte Mast, #30. The Lady Panthers 'I
ended with an overall record of 11- 11,
and 5-4 in the conference. !
Middle Right - Lady Panthers Row 1:
Stacey Barry, Lori Thompson, Tina ~
Longman, Charlotte Mast. and Lanae •
Dietz. Row 2: Kim Sears, Britta Mueller, •
Jill Stotler, Mary Rouse, and Nicole •
Barry. Top Left - Kim wonders "Where
did the ball go?" Top right - The team
takes a moment out for a picture. Bot-
tom left - Kim Sears welcomes Tiskil-
wa fans, Dawn Wright and Erica
McComber. Bottom right: Charlotte
takes her starting position. Sponsored by
Tiskilwa, IL
The Bradford-Tiskilwa Girls' Fresh- j
Soph Basketball Team consisted of 2
Tiskilwa girls. They were freshmen Jill
Stowe, #52, and Kathy Wright, #35
(top left). The Fresh-Soph, who are
coached by Tiskilwa's John Garvin
(bottom right), ended with an overall
record of 13-6. They were the Confer-
ence Champions with a record of 8-1.
Middle Left - Team members
include: Row 1 - Wendy Schupp,
Coleen Real, Britta Mueller, Jill Stowe, •
Lanae Dietz, and Donna Clenney. Row
2 - Stacey Barry, Stephanie Stotler,
Carrie Scott, Kathy Wright, Theresa
Foley, and Crystal Knoblock.
Bottom left - Jill Stowe gets pre-
pared for the big game against Prince-

B(f forfeit WYANET
B(f 33 ANNAWAN 31
B(f 24 MANL/US(fAMP/CO 21
B(f 50 LAMOILLE 22
B(f 22 OHIO 6
B(f 22 NEPONSET 35

Sponsored by
Princeton & Spring Valley, IL
Sponsored by
P.·inceton. IL

Below: Tiskilwa sprinters, Mmdy Morris, Julie Yepsen,

Carla Madsen & Holly Kauffman collapse but still smile
after running their first 1600m Relay at the Bradford-Tiskil-
wa Invitational.

Above: Tiskilwa members of the B-T Girls' Track team are: Jon
Huebner, manager; Mindy Morris, Julie Yepsen, Coach John Garvin,
Carla Madsen & Holly Kauffman.

Right: Mindy polishes her long jump skills that set a personal record
of 15'11" and helped to qualify her for State.
Left: Rick Funderberg's high hurdle performance at the Bradford
Tisk1lwa Invitational 1s a hundredth of a second from a first place

Below: The T1sk1lwa contmgent for Boys' Track mcluded sopho-

mores Jason Whitford, Rick Funderberg £, Greg Borys, manager;
junior Paul Kingsley £, freshman Fred Thatcher They were
coached by Emmett Shoemaker of Bradford.

Tiskilwa and Bradford

combined efforts once
again for a remarkable
track season. Boys' sec-
tional highlights included
the 3200m relay team of
Kingsley, Cade, Culbertson
£, fhitford setting a new
Bradford School record for
the econd time this year
with a time of 8:54.75. In
addition, Paul Kingsley
: received 4th in the BOOm
Run and Rick Funderberg
earned 4th in both the
11Om High Hurdles and the
300m High Hurdles.

Sponsored by
Princeton. IL
Junior Varsity Squad Members: Stephanie Ribas. Row 2: Suzie Munson
& Christa Colby, alternate. Row 3: Cyndi Saal, Christina Perry & Hannah

Before this year's seasons

began, both squads attended a
UCA camp at Nf(J to learn new
cheer::; and improLe skills.
During the football season.
cheerleaders decorated halls &
lockers with Falcon pride and
threw out mini footballs (donat-
ed by Tiskilwa State Bank) at
the homecoming game.
Throughout basketball. spirit
was high. The cheerleaders (LXed
a chili supper, performed dances,
formed "THE TRIBE", sold shirts
& tomahawks, and had a spirit
week to finish the season.

Cheerleading Sponsor: Staci Brandle .

., ··-· -
Falcon Cheerleaders show spirit at homecoming game.

Varsity Squad Members: Cara Comerford, Mandy Lee, alternate & Christi Sponsored by
Saal R' •w 2: Tor Rayne, Holly Kauffman & Mindy Morris Row 3: K1m
Tiskilwa, IL
The Gorilla helps add excitement at Pack the Place Night and is shown
w th Pep Club members Shelly Sears and Sherrie Ribas.

The student body cheers on the Indians.

Gabriel Andriotis shows his school spirit. Kim leads the Indians through the
Valley of Doom.

This year's THS Pep Club was known as ''THE TRIBE."

Members sold shirts & tomahawks, painted faces and
helped with Spirit Week to end basketball season. Spirit
Week took place February 15-19. Monday was Guy-Girl
Switch Day. Tuesday was Blue and Gold Day, 3pt Shoot
Out at lunch and a game against Moline Temple Christian
that night Wednesday was Western Day; the cheerleaders
fed the Indians pasta after practice. Thursday was 'T' Day
- members of the team weren't allowed to talk to girls or
they would loose their "T". Friday was Blue & Gold day,
Senior Parents' Night, a game against Bradford followed
Sponsored by by a Mardi Gras dance sponsored by the cheerleaders.
Pnnceton, IL
~ 0 0
0 0

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
A variety of activities keep the
students at Tiskilwa High busy.
Top left: Before Christmas break,
first hour study hall students pre-
pare {or semester exams. Right:
Band members take a much
needed break after the Christmas
parade and the Christmas con-
cert. Bottom center: Student
council members, Paul Kingsley
and Kim Sears, test Christmas
lights that will decorate the
study hall tree. Bottom left:
Accounting student, Heather
Jaggers, uses the computers to
print out an assignment. Bottom
right: Christy Stone and Juli Jais
apply their calligraphy skills to
make a lasting impression at
Tiskilwa High School.



Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Ranch Apocalypse Operation
Over 100 agents of the Bureau of After the four agents were killed,
Restore Hope
Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms the compound was treated as a hos- During January, starvation and
(ATF) stormed a compound the size tile hostage situation. Eventually anarchy brought U.S. troops to
of a city block. After an hour goes Koresh released 21 children and 2 Somalia. Somalia , located at the
by, four agents are dead and a 51 adults, but he still had 17 children southern tip of Africa, is suffering
day nightmare begins. and 90 adults in the compound from extreme famine and is also
In Waco, Texas, David Koresh "waiting for instructions from God." threatened by factions who intercept
and over 100 of his followers had Negotiations were useless as the humanitarian aid for the people.
barricaded themselves, along with days went by. More than 200 law President Bush decided to send
8,000 pounds of ammunition inside enforcement officers surrounded the U.S. troops into Somalia. Their mis
a ranch compound. compound. The FBI and Attorney sion is to make the country safe for
They called themselves Branch General, Janet Reno, took control of humanitarian aid, but they also help
Davidians, David Koresh proclaimed the situation. with civic tasks such as road build-
himself the second Messiah. Koresh After seven weeks had gone by, ing and providing medical care.
prepared his followers for a "final with no sign of an end, tanks began Thousands of Somalians are
battle with unbelievers." They had to enter the compound, as the FBI dying each day. The presence of the
hundreds of automatic and semi- filled it with tear gas. What followed U.S. military is unique since their
automatic weapons throughout the was the mass suicide of the com- action is for humanitarian instead of
compound and hidden in under- pound. Within minutes of the FBI military reasons.
ground bunkers. The believers pre- movements, the whole compound
pared physically through weight went up in flames, killing Koresh and
training, military drills, and obstacle- almost all of the followers.
course runs, while mentally Koresh
programmed them to kill for him in
order to reach heaven.
Andrew Lucasville Riot Terrorism
On Easter Sunday, an inmate An incredible explosion is heard and min-

Strikes confrontation, at the Southern Ohio

Correctional Facility, broke into a
utes later the twin towers of the World Trade
Center are filled with smoke. Terrorists had
struck the second tallest buildings in the
Devastation struck hundreds of full-scale riot. Over 450 inmates world, which hosted over 100,000 workers
thousands of people in what was the took control of a prison cell-block, and visitors daily. The bomb was contained in
killing one guard and seven inmates, a car in a parking garage underneath the twin
most costly disaster in U. S. history, towers and the Vista Hotel.
it was Hurricane Andrew. Originat- and keeping five other guards as The impact blew a crater 200 ft. by 100 ft
ing in the Atlantic, Andrew hit the hostages. wide and five stories deep. The electricity in
The Lucasville prison is known as both towers went out, fires started and show-
southeast mainland with the most ers of marble and concrete fell on the sur-
severity. Entire neighborhoods were the "Supermax," because it holds rounding public.
lost, homes were destroyed, Ohio's most dangerous and violent Nineteen calls claiming credit were
criminals. received within 24 hours of the bomb. The
250,000 people were left with noth- CIA and FBI began investigation immediate!>
ing. Andrew's damage was estimat- Reasons for the revolt were reli- and feel the case will not go unsolved. Who·
ed at $20 billion. Army, Navy, Air gious objections to tuberculosis test- ever was responsible targeted the area whicr
ing and opposition to racial integra- would create the most damage. The garage
Force, and Marine personnel, along being an enclosed area, doubled the shock
with the Red Cross, National Guard, tion of prison cells. wave of the impact. The vehicle was posi·
and thousands of private contribu- The uprising lasted eleven days, tioned so that the buildings' intrastructure anc
ending with the surrender of the pris- the commuter networks below would have
tors banded together to help severe damage. Repairs to the towers anc
Andrew's victims rebuild their lives. oners and the release of the five surrounding areas are estimated at over $1 OC
guards. million.
Five people were killed as a result of the
bomb. Over 1,000 were injured-mostly from
smoke inhalation or minor burns.
Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Homosexual Ban?
[ Year in Review An issue confronting society in
1993 was the ban on homosexuals
in the military. Currently homosexu-
als are discouraged from joining the
Rodney King Verdict armed services or are discharged
from the military.
The topic was brought into the
The nation was shocked by the set L. A. on fire once more.
spothght by the election of Bill Clin-
81-second tape of the beatmg of In the end, two out of four were
ton. Clinton took a homosexual
Rodney King by four Los Angeles found guilty. Sergeant Stacey Koon,
right s position during his campaign
police officers. What was almost as for permitting a savage beating and
and promised action if elected. After
shocking was the four acquittals officer Lawrence Powell, for striking
the election, the nation was split
handed down by the state court. This the most blows. Officers Theodore
either for or against the ban.
decision sparked a wave of violence Brisno and Timothy Wind were
The armed forces joined together
and riots across L. A., resulting in 53 found not guilty.
in extreme opposition toward the
deaths. Tensions were eased when The verdict satisfied the majority,
ban, which they expressed during
the Federal Court decided to retry but some felt it was only partial jus-
Senate hearings regarding the issue.
the officers. tice, while others thought it was a
The homosexual community
The testimony was heard once slap in the face. A repeat of the riots
expressed its position at a rally in
again, but this time before a racially was avoided, although many fear the
Washington during the later part of
balanced jury, unlike the state trial. verdict was just a short term solution
Everyone waited in anticipation as to complex racial problems.
At the present time the ban IS m
the jury deliberated forty hours over
the headlines daily, but is still left
seven days. The wrong verdict could

Bosnia East Coast

Religious wars have broken out in
what use to be Yugoslavia. Action IS
One hundred-five years ago a
mainly occurring in Bosnia, where
horror has become the custom. Evi-
dence of destruction, massacre &
great blizzard struck the east coast.
History repeated itself in March of
1993. Forecasters warned the worst
Three major candidates were presented for
inhumane acts are seen daily with
storm of the century was approach- the November 1992 Presidential election .
"ethnic cleansing" given as an
ing, and in this case they were cor- Incumbent candidate George Bush with run·
excuse. Serbs are using terror in an ning mate Dan Quayle (R) . Bill Clinton with AI
rect. Countless tons of snow were
attempt to uproot the Muslim & Gore (D), and a powerful independent Ross
dumped from Flonda to Maine, drifts Perot with Admiral John Stockdale.
Croat population of Bosnia in order
reached as high as 14 feet. As a The election was unique since there was
to form a purely Serbian territory. result, motorists were trapped and strong competition between all th~ee candi-
The Muslims & Croats have retaliat- dates instead of just the Republicans and
there were hundreds of accidents, air Dem;crats. Media played an important role in
ed against the Serbs and each other.
traffic was halted, cities such as the election Candidates were seen on every-
Thousands of civilians are suffer- Atlanta, Washington, and Philadel- thing from talk shows to MTV. Televised com-
ing from the war. The United mercials and open forum debates helped the
phia simply shut down. public to get to know the candidates and dras-
Nations, including the U.S., has sent
Rescuers using helicopters and tically swayed public opinion.
tons of food and medical supplies to Election '92 was brought dose to home by
four-wheel drive vehicles worked to
give relief to the suffering region. the visit of Vice President Dan Quayle to
rescue those trapped in their homes Princeton. He stopped briefly on a campaign
A large question remaining is or on the roads. The death toll kept trip from Rockford to Decatur.
what role the U.S. will play in future rising, killing over 200 people in the November of 1992 marked a year of huge
dealings w1th Bosnia. Many feel voter turnout. It was a close race between
aftermath. Bush and Clinton. with Perot collecting a good
President Clmton will resort to send- margin for an independent, but the victor and
ing troops to bring peace to Bosnia. President as of January, 1993. was Bill Clin-

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
1992-93 ARROW STAFF - Row 1: Kathy Murphy, editor; Sarah Sims, Joanr
Schertz, Staci Hayes, Becky Forbeck. Row 2: Christi Saal, Jennt{er Friel, StephaniE
Ribas, Juli Jais, Erica McComber, Dawn Wright. Row 3. Kim Sears, assistant editor
Martin Stange, Bryan Anderson, Julie Yepsen, Bobbi Haun, Mrs Young, advisor.

Upper left: Kathy, Kim and Erica are having a good

a ugh about Kathy's Christmas present.
Upper right: Kathy, Jennifer, Sarah and Juli are
busy trying to meet their deadline.
Bottom left: Once again Mrs. Young received a Pre·
cious Moment {rom the ARROW Staf{.
Bottom right: It looks as if Staci, Julie, Joann and Sponsored by
Bobbi are enjoying their pizza. WYAN ET CARPET, INC.
Princeton, IL

Left- Kathy Murphy, Assistant

Editor; Elizabeth Kingsley, Edi-
tor; and Ms. Gerig, Sponsor.


Christa Colby. Christina Perry.
Cyndi Saal, Hannah Foss, Gabriel
Andriotis & Christina McVety. Row
2: Ms. Gerig, Shannon Lucas, Sher-
rie Ribas, Suzie Munson, Amanda
McVety, Christi Saal, Chad Brokaw,
Juli Jais & Kathy Murphy. Row 3:
Kathy Wright, Becky Forbeck &
Elizabeth Kingsley.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

Left- Elizabeth Kingsley, Lori

McKenney, and Ms. Gerig dis-
cuss next week's newspaper
The Student Council of 1992-
1993 was very ambitious
throughout the year. Each mem-
ber took an active role in all activ-
ities. They were successful at
beginning a peer tutoring pro-
gram and a big brothers/big sis-
ters program. They also spon-
sored a winter dance and a stu-
dent-teacher exchange. Photo l:
Members of the 1992-1993 Stu-
dent Council are: Chad Brokaw,
JoAnn Schertz, Keith Magnuson,
Ryan Schertz, Wes Sampson,
Jonathan Huebner, Becky For-
beck, Mindy Morris, Jon Hassler,
Jennifer Friel, Beth Strasser,
Adam Brockman, Bryan Ander-
son, and Paul Kingsley. Absent:
Beth Grebner, Dawn Wright,
Kathy Wright, Christina Perry, and
Ryan Morris. Photo 2: Kim Sears,
Beth Grebner, and Jennifer Friel
take charge on student-teacher
exchange day. Photo 3: Student
council members donate a little
hot air for the winter dance. Photo
4: Senior members, officers and
their sponsor are Kim Sears. Pres-
ident; Beth Strasser, Vice Presi-
dent; Beth Grebner, Secretary;
Jennifer Friel. Treasurer; and Mrs.
Hamilton, sponsor.

Sponsored by
FHA Members - Row l: Christina Huff, Christy Stone, Shannon Lucas, Ben
Lafferty, Shelly Sears £, Willie Forbeck. Row 2: Beth Strasser. Jennifer Friel.
Cherith Albrecht, Heather Jaggers, Beth Grebner, Mandi Rapp, Vice· President;
Angelika Thompson, President: Sarah Gray, Treasurer; and Juli Jais. Row 3:
Mrs. Burress, Sponsor: Tim Griffin, Secretary; Sarah Sims, Tara Hayes, Kim
Sears. Lori McKenney, Liz Kingsley£, Kathy Murphy, Reporter.

Mandi & Dexter, Kathy & Brad and Christi & Chad takeaduan ·
tage of a slow song.

"Open Arms"

FHA members decorate {or the Sadie Dance.

"Lost in Love"

Sponsored by
Heather has fun dancing as oth·
ers watch. The girls dance near the jukebox.
Princeton, IL
Bryan Anderson

Kim Sears

Frank Deiter

Kathy Murphy*

Carla Madsen

Tara Hayes

*Bureau County
teen of the

"Dedicated to the Advancement of International
Goodwill and Peace through a better understanding
of World Problems"

From June 14-19 at the University of Wisconsin

at Whitewater over 1500 teens attended the World
Affairs Seminar. Tiskilwa's representatives, Jon
Hassler and Carla Madsen, participated in group dis-
cussions about problems facing the world today and
possible solutions to those problems.
The real experience was not the chance to relate
to someone from another country through seminars
but the after hours activities. The talent show, lam-
bada dancing and thousands of students shouting
good-bye on the last night made this a memory that
Carla won't easily forget. Jon was left with the ques-
tion of "Why national leaders cannot get together for
such civilized discussions?"

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
SENIORS receive local and state honors
Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

Daughters of the American Revolution

Kim Sears was nominated as one of
three cand1dates by the Tiskilwa faculty
because of her outstanding qualities of
leadership, dependability, service and
patriotism in school, home and the com-
munity. Final selection of a single candi-
date was given to the senior class who
then selected Kim as the one to repre-
sent Tiskilwa as the DAR Good Citizen.

to speak out on a partic-

ular themes and share in
over $1,933,000 in
scholarships, savings
bonds and other awards
given at local and
national levels.
The topic was "My
Voice In America's
Future" and Melissa's
paper reflected her
Melissa Passi was thoughts that although
chosen as the Tiskilwa relatively small now. in
representative for the the future, greater
Voice of Democracy awareness and educa-
broadcast scriptwriting tion will allow her gener-
scholarship. ation's voice to accom-
This program gives plish changes in this
students the opportunity country.



Kathy Murphy was selected by the

Illinois Student Assistance Comm·s-
sion as the only Tiskilwa lllino1s State
Scholar. Kathy was selected using a
formula for high school class ranK and
ACT scores for the JUnior year. About
1 0% of Illinois high school seniors are
designated State Sc~olars and receive
a Certificate o Ach evement for their

National Honor Society is an organization made up of

students that have shown scholarship, leadership, ser-
vice. and character. The student can be inducted as a
sophomore, junior, or senior. However, the student may
not apply for membership, he or she must be selected by
the faculty council. The faculty council consists of five
faculty members wh1ch are appointed by the principal. A
student receivmg a maJority of the faculty council's vote
will be inducted into the Indian Chapter of National Honor
Society. When accepted as a member, the student must
maintain a 3. 2 grade point average and continue to exer-
cise leadership, character, and service.

1. Original Members - Row 1: Jennifer Friel, Carla Mad-

sen, v·ce-president; Beth Strasser, secretary; Kathy Mur-
phy. pres1dent & Melissa Passi. Row 2: Tara Hayes, Sarah
Sims, Mindy Morris, Bobbi Haun, Charlotte Mast, & Becky
Forbeck. Row 3: Ryan Schertz, Cherith Albrecht, Paul
Kingsley. Bryan Anderson & Beth Gerig. Absent, Sarah
Gray. treasurer. 2. Inductees - Row 1: Christy McVety,
Sh1rley Borys, Jon Huebner. & Colette O'Neill. Row 2:
Tori Rayne, Ryan Morris, Scott Stahnke, JoAnn Schertz &
Juhe 'tepsen. 3. Seniors- Row 1: Tara Hayes, Melissa
Passi. Jennifer Friel & Beth Strasser. Row 2: Sarah Sims,
Kim Sears. Cherith Albrecht. Carla Madsen & Kathy Mur-
phy. Absent. Sarah Gray. 4. Mr. LaMour presents the new
members with cert ficates while Bryan & Bobbi look on.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

Left- Frosh-Soph Bowl Members

- Row I: Gabriel Andriotis, Colette
O'Neill, Amanda McVety, Hannah
Foss, Shirley Borys, and Chad
Brokaw. Row 2: Scott Stahnke,
Greg Borys, and Keith Magnuson .

Below- Varsity Bowl Members -

Carla Madsen, Paul Kingsley,
Bryan Anderson, Charlotte Mast,
Christina McVety, and Kathy Mur-


Scholastic Bowl involves students in academi-

cally-oriented competition. In a meet, a modera-
tor reads questions (primarily on literature, math,
fine arts, & science) to two five-member teams.
The team who earns the most points wins.
The Tiskilwa team participated in a tournament
at Fieldcrest High School (over 80 schools). a
conference tournament at Princeville High
School, the regional tournament, & regular meets
scheduled against area schools.

Sponsored by
Above- Charlotte Mast, Carla Madsen, Kathy Murphy, and Christy HARDEE'S
McVety at a meet agatnst LaMoille
Princeton, IL
Rhythm in different dimensions
The Tiskilwa High School band had a very successful and active
Contest Participants - Row I Suzie Munson. Cynd• Saal Ei Amanda
year. The marching band performed at football games, in the Home- McVety Row 2· Bryan Anderson, Charlotte Mast, Fred Thatche• Ei Gabriel
Andrlotrs Ro"' 3· Paul Kmgsley, Tori Rayroe, Christ• Seal Ei Kathy Murphy
coming parade. and also in a winter parade, sponsored by the Rov.· 4· Cherlth Albrecht. Tyler Schertz, Jon Hassler Ei Cl1fford Morse
Princeton Chamber or Commerce. Pep band members played at
home basketball games to help cheer on the Indians. Band mem- r
bers prepared pieces for the ISHA Band Contest and all received
superior ratings. Six members attended festival, three members
earned :-rst chair placements. Concert band performed a Christmas
Concert Spr ng Concert, and at Graduation.

Concert Band Row I. Cherith Albrecht, Chnst Seal Tort Ra)ne Ei Chnsty McVety. Row 2 Charlotte Mast, Kathy
Murphy, Cynd Seal Ei AIN!nc:UI McVety. Row 3. Scott Stahn e. Qabr el AndriOtis, Paul K1ngsley. Bryan Anderson
Ei J1ll Stowe Row 4 . ke e son, Andre~~o Wnght Ei Mand1 Rapp Standing Jon Hassler Matt Janssen, Chfford
Morse Tyler Schertz, Suz1e Munson Ei Fred Thatcher

Above: Drum Majorette, Kathy Murphy. Right: The

marching band in formation on the football field.
Left- Senior Band members: Jon Hassler, Kathy Murphy,
Cherlth Albrecht, Mandi Rapp, Director Celeste Faber,
T yler Schertz, and Clifford Morse.

Contest Participants
Woodwind Quartet-Saal, Rayne, Murphy,
Mixed Duet-Albrecht, McVety
Tuba Solo-Andriotis
Trombone Solo-Andriotis
Brass Quartet-Mast, Baker, Kingsley ,
Percussion Choir-Morse, Schertz,
Albrecht, Hassler, Anderson, Thatcher,
Brokaw, Munson, Kingsley
Flute Duet-Saal, Rayne
Clarinet Duet-Saal, McVety
Clarinet Duet-Murphy, Kauffman

Above left- Festi al ember. -Row 1: Bryan Ander-

son, Paul Kingsley [, Mandi Rapp. Row 2: Charlotte
Mast [, Jill Stowe. Ro 3: Gabr el Andnotis.

Above - Band members ready to perform m the1r

Christmas parade

Left - Color Guard JoAnn chertz, Mand1 Rapp,

Cherith Albrecht [, Bobbi Jo Haun.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Top Right- Chorus - Row I: Christa Colby,
Christina Perry, Cyndi Saal. Suzie Munson, Sherrie
Ribas, Amanda McVety, Jill Stowe, Kathy Wright £-
Hannah Foss Row 2: Colette O'Neill, JoAnn
Schertz, Staci Hayes. Dawn Wright, Julie Yepsen £-
Erica McComber. Row 3: Theresa Baker. Shirley
Borys, Cara Comerford. Christi Saal. Mandy Lee.
Tori Rayne, Mindy Morris, Holly Kauffman, Bobbi
Haun £- Charlotte Mast. Row 4: Heather Jaggers,
Cherith Albrecht, Kathy Murphy, Kim Sears, Tara
Hayes, Sarah Sims, Beth Grebner, Mandi Rapp, Jen-
nifer Friel, Beth Strasser, Carla Madsen £- Lori
McKenney. Row 5: Chad Brokaw. Josh Sopher, Wes
Sampson. Nick Vujanov, Joe Case. Brian Thomp-
son. Tony Wooden, Pete Worgess, Mattia Bel omi £-
Andres Pacheco. Row 6: Jeremy Piacenti, Kevin
Sights, Josh Reed, John Gray, Bryan Anderson,
Paul Kingsley, Ryan Schertz, Bryan Read, Cory Friel,
Keith Magnuson, Scott Stahnke, Jason Whitford £-
Jon Huebner.

Right: Chorus Solists - Row I: Kathy Murphy,

Carla Madsen Charlotte Mast £- Amanda McVety.
Row 2: Paul Kingsley. Bryan Anderson, Keith Mag-
nuson £- Jon Huebner.

Below: Men's Ensemble - John Gray, Ryan

Schertz, Paul Kingsley. Kevin Sights, Bryan Ander-
son, Keith MaQnuson £- Jon Huebner.

Bottom right Senior Chorus - Row I: Andres

Pacheco £- Mattia Bel m Row 2. Lori McKenney,
Cherith Albrecht, Mrs. Hamilton, Jennifer Friel £-
Beth Strasser. Row 3: Kim Sears, Sarah Sims, Beth
Grebner £- Mandi Rapp. Row 4: Heather Jaggers,
Tara Hayes, Kathy Murphy £- Carla Madsen.
Back row: Christi Saal, Ryan Schertz, Carla Madsen, Paul Kingsley, John Gray, Tara Hayes, Bryan Read [, Lori McKenney. Front row: Bryan
Anderson, Jonathan Huebner, Charlotte Mast, Wes Sampson, Bobbi Haun, Cyndi Saal, Jeremy Piacenti, Amanda McVety, Nick Vujanov [,Keith

Holly and Bobbi busily work on Algebra while they have a time out from pop.

Sponsored by
Pop Ensemble alternates for 1992-93 year were: Staci Hayes,
Princeton, IL
JoAnn Schertz. Christina Perry, Brian Thompson [, Pete
Happy Valley High
Happy Valley High is the story of the parting of Happy Valley.
two young loves (right), Cynthia Nordstrom & AI A big part of high school is friendship and young
Barbel/a (Kathy Murphy & Keith Magnuson). They love, the themes of Happy Valley High. Four couples
met at the USO, AI was a sailor and Cynthia was a formed during the year: Richard Hardy & Beth
volunteer AI had to ship out, so they separated Peters (Paul Kingsley & Carla Madsen), 0/ie Nord-
without any hope of a reunion. strom & Cathy Rogers, Fred Johnson & Betty Nord-
After 15 years, the scene opens at Happy Valley, a strom (Jonathan Huebner & Holly Kauffman), &
small mid·west town with a typical 50's style high Harvy Smithers & Thelma (Bryan Anderson & Char-
school. The cheerleaders practice (or tryouts, while lotte Mast).
the football players prepare (or their new season. AI Sanderson's Soda Shop, recently acquired by
Barbella takes the position of football coach. His first Cynthia Nordstrom, was a popular hangout {or the
meeting with the boys is shown below. students. Here they also enjoyed lollipops and
Rivalry between the Hillside & Happy Valley foot- "Rocked Right".
ball teams was a strong connict. Butch Carpenter & The play ended with the reunion of AI & Cyndi,
his friend Patsy Logan (John Gray & Mindy Morris), followed by the finale preformed during the Home-
both from Hillside, are shown with 0/ie Nordstrom & coming dance.
Cathy Rogers (Kevin Sights & Beth Grebner), from

Cast Members Row /-Mrs. Hamilton, Jenntfer

Madsen. Charlotte Mast. Bryan Andel'$0n, C!ria
Madsen. Paul Kingsley, Beth Grebner, Kevin
Sights, Kathy Murphy. Keith Magnuson. Holly
Kauffman. and Jonathan Huebner. Row 2·Kim
Sears, '1indy Morris. Sherrie Ribas, Hannah
Foss, Amanda McVety. Erica McComber, Christi
Saal, Mandy Lee, Tori Rayne, Tara Hayes, and
Angie Hooker. Row 3-Ryan Morris. Rick Funder-
berg, Josh Reed, Cory Friel. Christa Colby,
Cyndi Saal. Suzie Munson. Jennifer Friel, Dawn
Wrigh~ Bobbl Haun, and C!ra Comerford. Row
4-Colette o·:'ieill, Jill Stowe, JoAnn Schertz,
Stacl Hayes, Julie Yepsen, Shirley Borys,
Christina Perry. Mandl Rapp. and Cherlth
Albrecht. Row 5-Jason Whitford. Jeremy Pta-
cent/, Bryan Read, 'tck Vujanov, Ryan Schertz.
John Gray, Tony Wooden, Wes Sampson, Pete
Worgess, and Chad Brokaw.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Left Chorus performs "Lollipop'' at the Homecoming dance.
Below -The boys chorus is "Liv'n It Up".

Far left-Richard (Paul Kingsley

sings to Beth (Carla Madsen).
Left-Belly (Holly Kauffman) takes
orders at the soda shop.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

Below left-The Happy Valley High

cheerleaders count down the sec-
onds of the Homecoming game.
Below -Girls chorus sings
"Rockin 'Robin".

Top left: Ryan Schertz, Steve Greathouse, John

Gray, Mrs. Burress and Paul Kingsley discuss decora-
tions for "Hold on to the Night" held on May 8, 1993,
at the Bureau County Metro Center.
Top right: Cara Comerford & Mandy Lee arrange
the tables for the roast beef dinner served by the
Cheddar House.
Middle left: Charlotte Mast, Shelly Sears & Becky
Forbeck show their fuchsia roses created as accents
for the evening.
Middle right: Holly Kauffman, Mrs. Burress, Cara
Comerford & Mindy Morris work on the teal, silver,
fuchsia & marble balloons to carry out the color
Right: Christina McVety & Charlotte Mast assemble
the marble pillars for the preprom picture backdrop. Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Left: The 1993 Prom Queen and King were Jennifer Friel
and Clifford Morse. In the fall, Cliff will attend JVCC and
Jennifer will be at Illinois College in Jacksonville. Below:
First attendants were Carla Madsen and Jim Prather.

Left: Second attendants were Tara Hayes and Tyler Schertz.

Above: Juniors selected as Prom Prince and Princess were Steve Greathouse
and Cara Comerford.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
old on to the

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

1. Megan Randall £, John Gray 2. Wendy £, Bryan

Anderson 3. Bobbi Haun £, Joe Russelburg 4. Holly
Kauffman£, Bryan 5. Christi Saal £,Clint 6. Mindy Mor-
ris £, Ryan Schertz 7. Tori Rayne £, Steve Greathouse
8. Junior Gents: Ryan Schertz, Bryan Anderson, Steve
Greathouse, John Gray, Paul Kingsley£, Kevin Sights
9 Junior Ladies: Christy McVety, Christi Saal, Shelly
Sears, Mindy Morris, Cara Comerford, Bobbi Haun,
Ton Rayne, Becky Forbeck £,Holly Kauffman
ight Date: May 8, 1993
Time: 6:00-1 1:00
Place: Princeton Metro
Colors : Marble, teal 0
Music by: Husky Enter-
Dinner : Rolls, tossed
salad, roast beef, baked
potato, green beans 0

Sponsored by
Wyanet, IL

10. Jennifer, Tyler, Tara & Martin 11. Cherith & Ben 12.
Dexter & Mandi 13. Rob & Melissa 14 Ben & Beth 15.
Telitha & Andres 16. Senior Gents· Andres Pacheco,
Adam Brockman, Cliff Morse. Jon Hassler, Rob Balen-
siefen & Tyler Schertz; Tim Griffin. Frank Deiter. Martin
Stange & Jim Prather 17. Jon & Juli 18. Senior Ladies:
Beth Grebner, Angelika Thompson, Kathy Murphy, Lori
McKenney, Mandi Rapp, Jennifer Friel, Elizabeth Kings-
ley, Juli Jais, Carla Madsen, Tara Hayes, Cherith
Albrecht, Melissa Passi, Sarah Sims, Beth Strasser,
Sarah Gray & Kim Sears
Sponsored by
Wyanet, Princeton, IL
On May 28, 1993. Tiskilwa
High School graduated 28 stu-
dents. The valedictorian, Kathy
Murphy, encouraged her class·
males to accept challenges and
progress through their future
{acing the hard work with deter-
mination. Carla Madsen, saluta-
torian, reminded the audience to
think about the person they
want to be and then pursue that
Besides the traditional proces-
sional "Pomp and Circum-
stance" by Elgar, the band and
chorus performed "Friends."
"An Old Irish Blessing," "Music
{or a Celebration," and the reces-
sional "Ceremony at Margate."
Right: Mr. LaMour gives a {ew
last minute instructions.


Sponsored by
Princeton, IL

Elizabeth Stras~r. Pres1d~nt

James Prath~r. Vice-President
Robert Blllenslefen, Secretary
Kathy "'urphy, Tre11surer

*Cherith Albrecht •carla Madsen

Robert Be lfflS~fen Lori McKenney
Mattia Belloma Chfford Mars~
Frank Deiter Andr~s Pacheco
*J~nn fer Friel • Melissa Passl
"&lrah Gray James Pr11ther
Beth Grebner Amanda R11pp
Timothy Griffin Tyl~r Schertz
Jonathan Hassler *Kim Se11rs
•Torn Hayes "&lrah Sims
Heather Jaggers "'artin Stange
Julianne J111s • Elizabeth Strasser
Elizabeth King•ley Angelika Thompson

*Designates member of Notional Honor Soc•ety

Dark Purple Rose


Don't let your dreams be clouded;
Aim your sights high;
Search your true feelings
And reach for the sky.
- Ratt
Sponsored by
Princeton, lL
MAY 28, 1993

Pro<:uslonal "Pomp end Circumstanc~· (Elgar) .• Concert Band·

lnvocction ••••••.• .......• ...... ......... Rev. Calvin Zehr
Willow Springs Mennonite Church
&lutatory Address "Gtve elonle thought to the ~rson you want
to be" ......... ........ • Ceria Medsen
"Froends" (err. Rog~r Emerson) ................... .......... Sr. Chorus
"Old Irish Blessing• (Denes Agay) • ....... ...... Mixed Chorus
"Music for A Celebretlon· (Anne McGtnty) ......... Concert Band
Val~dictory Address-"Hard work, determinetion, accept
challenges• ... ....... •..................................... Kathy Murphy
Presentation of Awards ...... ........... ...... • Ron LllMour
Presentation of Class ....... ......... .... •..... Jemes W Whitmore
Awarding Diplomas ........ ...... ....... Sharon Covert
President of Boerd of Educauon
Benediction ......... ......... ...... Rev. Calvon Zehr Springs MeMOntte Church
Recessional ·ceremony at Mergate" (Gordon) ..... Concert Band
Ushers: Bryan Anderson
Pcul Kingsley



American Legion Awards- Kim St'ars & Tyler Schertz

Tiskilwa Women's Club Scholarship - Sarah Sims
PTO Scholarships - Juli Jats & Clifford Morse
Spanish Award -Melissa Passl
Newspaper Award- Elizabeth Kingsley
Yearbook Awards- Kathy Murphy, Kim Sears, Juli Jals,
Jenn fer Friel, Serah Stms & Mertin Stange
Babe Ruth Sportsmanship Awards - Kim Sears, Cllftord Mor~e
National Honor Society Award- Kim Sears
Stanley Anderson Athletk: Award- Clifford Morse
Dave Orban Athletic Award - Ktm Se!!rs
Marcella Borge Keener Meth Award - Kathy ,.\urphy
Outstanding Athlete Awards - Jim Prather, Sarah Gray, Beth
Grebner & Carla Medsen
Citizenship Awards -Kim Sears & To moth\' Griffin
Actlvltles Award - Carla ,.\adsen
Scholarship Awards- Kathy Murphy, Carla Madsen. Jam
Prather. Melissa Passa. Serah Soms, Beth
Strasser, Tara Hayes, Jenmfer Friel. Kom
Sears & Chenth Albrecht
Hauter Scholarship Awards- Kathy Murphy & Jim Prather
Sponsored by Dee Menery Memorial Award -Tim Griffin
Princeton, IL
CHERfTH ALBRECHT - NHS 2, Basketball 1; Track 2, 3, Manager 1; CARLA MADSEN - Salutatori-
3, 4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; ARROW FHA I, 2, 3, 4, Treasurer 4; Concert an; Elk's Teen of the Month 4;
Staff 2, 3; T-Club 3, 4; Volleyball Band I, 2; Pep Band 1, 2; Marching National Honor Society 2, 3, 4, Vice-
Manager 3, 4, Stats 3, 4; Boys' Bas· Band 1, 2; Homecoming Queen 4; President 4; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4;
ketball Stats 2, 3, 4; FHA 3, 4; Con- Scholastic Bowl 3; Library Aide 4. Papoose Staff 1; ARROW Staff 2; T-
cert Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Band 1, 2, 3, BETH GRE BNER - Student Club I, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball1, 2, 3, 4,
4; Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; IHSA Council4, Secretary 4; Honor Roll 1; Captain 4, All-Conference 3, 4, Aca-
Band Contest 1, 2, 3, 4; Color Guard ARROW 2; T-Club 3, 4; Volleyball 1, demic All-Conference 2, 3, 4; Boys'
4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Musical 1, 3, 4; 2, 3, 4, Captain 4, All-Conference 4; Basketball Stats 3, 4; Track. 4; J-V
IVC Chorus Festival 1, 4; IHSA Cho- J-V Cheerleader 1, 2; FHA 2, 3, 4; Cheerleader 2; Notre Dame Athletic
rus Contest 4. Concert Band I, 2; Pep Band 1, 2; Award Nominee 4; FHA 4; Concert
ROBERT BALENSIEFEN - Marching Band 1, 2; IHSA Band Band 1, 2; Pep Band I, 2; Marching
Class Secretary 4; Honor Roll 3; T- Contest 1; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Musical Band 1, 2; TRE 1, 2; Drum Major 2;
Club Member 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3; 1, 2, 4; /VC Chorus Festival 1, 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Pop Ensemble 2,
Prom Prince 3. Flags 2, Captain 2. 3, 4; Musical 1, 2, 3, 4; NC Chorus
MA IT/A BELLOMI - Exchange TIMOTHY GRIFF IN - Honor Festival I, 2, 3, 4; IHSA Chorus
student- Oderzo, Italy. Honor Roll Roll 1; Office Assistant 3, 4; FHA 1, Contest 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming
4; Football 4; Chorus 4; IVC Chorus 2, 3, 4, Secretary 4; Library Aide 3, Attendant 4; Scholastic Bowl 4;
Festival 4; "The Tribe" Pep Club 4 4; Area Vocational School 4. Prom Attendant 4.
while at Tiskilwa High School. JONATHAN HASSLER - Stu- LORI MCKENNEY- Volleyball
ADAM BROCKMAN - Student dent Council 4; Honor Roll 2, 4; 1, 2; Track 2; FHA 1, 2, 3, 4; Color
Council 4; Office Assistant 4; Bas- Office Assistant 4; Boys' Basketball Guard 2; Chorus 1, 3, 4; Pop
ketball 4; Homecoming Attendant 1; Concert Band 4; Pep Band 4; Ensemble 4; Musical 3; NC Chorus
3; Area Vocational School 3, 4. Marching Band 4; Library Aide 4; Festival 1, 3, 4; IHSA Chorus Con-
FRANK DEITER - Exchange Area Vocational School 4. test 3; Flags 2.
student from Hannover, Germany. TARA HAYES - National Honor CUFFORD MORSE - Papoose
Elk's Teen of the Month 4; Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Student Council 2; 2, 3; T-Club 3; Football 1, 3, 4, Cap-
Roll 4; T-Club 4; Basketball 4 while Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; T-Club 3; Vol- tain 4, All-Conference I; Basketball
at Tiskilwa High School. leyball 1, 2, 3, J-V Captain 2; FHA 4; 1, 2, 3, 4; Concert Band I, 2, 3, 4;
JENNIFER FRIEL - Class Vice- Concert Band 1, 2; Pep Band 1, 2; Pep Band I, 2, 3, 4; Marching Band
President 3; Class Secretary 1; Marching Band 1, 2; IHSA Band 1, 2, 3, 4; TRE 1, 2; Musical 2;
National Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Stu- Contest I, 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Pop Homecoming Attendant I; Area
dent Council 2, 4, Treasurer 4; Ensemble 2, 3, 4; Musical 1, 2, 3, 4; Vocational School 3, 4; Prom King
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; ARROW Staff IVC Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; IHSA Chorus 4.
2, 3, 4; T-Club 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2, Contest 1, 2, 3, 4; Homecoming KATHY MURPHY - Valedictori-
3, J-V Captain 2, Academic All-Con- Attendant 1, 4; Prom Attendant4. an; Class Treasurer 4; Elk's Teen of
ference 3; Boys' Basketball Stats 2; HEATHER JAGGERS - Honor the Month 4; Bureau County Teen
FHA 2, 4; Concert Band 1; Pep Band Roll4; Perfect Attendance I; FHA I, of the Month 4; Elk's Teen of the
I; Marching Band 1; IHSA Band 2, 3, 4; Chorus 4. Year4; National Honor Society 2, 3,
Contest 1; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Musical JULIANNE JAIS - Honor Roll3, 4, President 4; Illinois State Scholar
1, 2, 3, 4; IVC Chorus Festival 1, 2, 4; 4; Papoose 3, 4; ARROW Staff 3, 4, 4; Honor Roll I, 2, 3, 4; Perfect
IHSA Chorus Contest 1; Homecom- Art Editor 4; FHA 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2; Attendance 2; Papoose 1, 2, 3, 4,
ing Attendant 3; Prom Princess 3, Musical I, Scenery 3, 4; Wyanet's Co-editor 4; ARROW Staff 2, 3, 4,
Queen 4. Johnny Parrott Most Improved Editor 4; T-Club 3, 4; Volleyball I,
SARAH GRAY - Class President Artist Award. Manager 2, Stats 2; FHA 3, 4,
1; National Honor Society 2, 3, 4, ELIZABETH KINGSLEY - Reporter 4; Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4;
Treasurer 4; Student Council 1; Honor Roll 3; Perfect Attendance 2; Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Marching Band
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3; Office Assistant 4; Papoose 3, 4, Editor 4; FHA 3, 4; I, 2, 3, 4; IVC Honor Band 2, 3;
T-Club I, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball1, 2, 3, 4, Chorus I, 2, 3; Musical 1, 2, Scenery IHSA Band Contest I, 2, 3, 4; Drum
Captain 4, All-Conference 3; Boys' 3, 4; NC Chorus Festival 1, 2. Major 2, 3, 4; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4;

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
Musical 1, 2, 3, 4; IVC Chorus Festi Band 1, 2, 3, 4; TRE 1, 2: NC Honor Boys' Basketball Mascot 4; Assis-
val 1, 2, 3, 4; IHSA Chorus Contest Band 1, 2, 3; Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4; Musi- tant Boys' Basketball Mascot 3.
1, 2, 3, 4; Scholastic Bowl3, 4; Band cal 1, 3, 4, Costume Coordinator 4; SARAH SIMS - Class President
Council 2; Pep Club 2; News Tri· Office Assistant 4; Library Aide 4. 3, Treasurer 1, 2; National Honor
bune All Academic Team 4. TYLER SCHERTZ Class Vice· Society 2, 3, 4: Student Council 3;
ANDRES PACHECO President 2; Student Council 1, 2; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; ARROW SLaf{
Exchange student from Columbia. Honor Roll 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2; 2, 3, 4; T-Club 2, 3; Volleyball Man-
Particiapted as Class President 3; Concert Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Pep Band 1, ager 2, Statistician 2; FHA 2, 4; Chcr
Football 1, Captain 1; Basketball 3; 2, 3, 4; Marching Band 1, 2, 3, 4; rus 1, 2, 4; Musical 1, 2; JVC Chorus
Track 3 in Columbia. Chorus 4 at IHSA Band Contest 3; Library Aide Festival 1, 2.
TISkilwa High School. 4; Homecoming Attendant 4; Prom MARTIN STANGE - Exhange
MEUSSA PASS/ - Class Secre- Attendant 4. student from Jena, Germany.
tary 3; National Honor Society 2, 3, KIM SEARS - Class Vice-Presi- Honor Roll 4; ARROW Staff 4 while
4; Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; Volleyball2, dent 1, Secretary 2; Elk's Teen ofthe at Tiskilwa High School.
Manager 3; FHA 2, 3, 4. Month 4; DAR Award 4; National ELIZABETH STRASSER -
JAMES PRATHER- Class Presi- Honor Society 2, 3, 4; Student Class President 4; National Honor
dent 2, Vice-President 4; NHS 2, 3; Council 1, 3, 4, President 4; Honor Society 2, 3, 4, Secretray 4; Student
Student Council 2; Honor Roll 1, 2, Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; ARROW 2, 3, 4, Assis- Council 1, 3, 4, Vice-President 4;
3, 4; T-Club 2, 3, 4; Football 3, Aca- tant Editor 4; T-Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Vol- Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4; FHA 1, 2, 3, 4;
demic All-Conference 3; Basketball leyball 1, 2, 3, 4, J-VCapLain2, Aca- Chorus 1, 2, 4; Musical 1; JVC Chcr
2, 3, 4, Captain 4, Academic All- demic All-Conference 3; Girts' Bas- rus Festival 1, 2, Flags 2.
Conference 2, 3; Homecoming ketball 3, 4; Boys' Basketball SLats ANGELIKA THOMPSON -
Attendant 2; Scholastic Bowl 3; 1, 2; Track 1, 2, 3 SLate Qualifier in Class Treasurer 3; FHA 1, 2, 3, 4,
Prom Attendant 4. Shot 1; FHA 2, 3, 4; Concert Band 1, President 4; Concert Band 1, 2; Pep
AMANDA RAPP- Papoose 3; T- 2; Pep Band 1, 2; Marching Band 1, Band 1, 2; Marching Band 1, 2;
Club 2, 3, 4; Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4; 2; IHSA Band 1, 3; Chorus 2, 3, 4; Color Guard 2; Chorus 1, 2, 3; Musi-
Track 1, SLats 2, 3; FHA 1, 2, 3, 4, Musical 2, 3, 4, Student Director 4; cal], 2, 3.
Vice-President 4; Concert Band 1, 2, IVC Chorus Festival4; Homecoming
3, 4; Pep Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Marching Attendant 2; Scholastic Bowl 3;

After spending 13 years in

the Tiskilwa schools, this class
has seen many changes.
Although they never used the
playground equipment while at
the grade school, these students
enjoyed being the first class to
be photographed on the new
equipment. Row 1: Sarah Sims
[, Beth Grebner. Row 2: Kathy
Murphy, Angelica Thompson,
Juli Jais, Kim Sears, Sarah
Gray, Jon Hassler[, Jennifer
Friel. Row 3: Lori McKenney,
Carla Madsen, Tara Hayes, Tim
Griffin [, Cliff Morse.

Sponsored by
Princeton, IL
INDEX Faber, Celeste 5 61 Jaggers, Danny 3, 10, 7B
Forbeck, Becky E. 2, 7, 12. 27, 30. 52. Jaggers, Heather E, 15, 19, 24, 26, 29,
53. 54, 58, 66. 68 48.4~55.62, 72. 73.74
Forbeck, Justin I0. 11, 40 Jais, Julianne E. 2, 15, 19. 24, 26, 29,
Adams. Charles 4
Forbeck, Willie 12. 13. 55 30, 49 52. 53, 55. 69, 70, 71' 72, 73,
Albrecht Cherith E. 15, 17, 1B, 24. 26, 74,75
29. 3b. 38. 49, 55, 58. 60. 61' 62. Foss, Hannah 2. 7. B. 9. 27. 38. 46. 53.
59.62 64.73 Janssen, Matthew 3. 10, 47, 60, 61
64. 69. ..., 72, 73, 74. 7B
Albrecht. Donna 5, 14 Friel, Cory 10. 11, 40. 41. 62, 64
Anderson, Bryan 12. 36, 40, 52. 54. Friel, Jennifer E. 2. 1B. 24. 26, 27, 29.
56,58,5~60.61,62,63,64,65,68. 36, 52, 54, 55, 58, 62, 64, 65, 67, 69.
73, 7B 70. 72, 73, 74. 75
Anderson, Dale 4 Funderberg, Bryan E. 12. 27 Kauffman, George 4
Anderson. Sharon 6 Funderberg, Jeff B. 7B Kauffman, Holly E. 2. 3, 12. 27, 31, 33,
Andriotis, Gabriel E, B, 9, 27, 47, 53, Funderberg, Rick E, 3. 10, 36. 40. 45, 39,44,46,61,62,63,64,65,66,68
59, 60,61 64 Kaufmann, Phil 4
Kingsley, Elizabeth E. 2, 15. 19, 24. 26,
30.53,55.6~ 7~ 72 73,74
Kingsley, Paul E, 2. 12. 27, 32, 36, 37,
40, 45, 48. 49, 54, 58, 59, 60. 61' 62,
63,64,65.66,68, 73, 7B
Baker. Theresa E. 3, 10, 31, 38, 62 Garvin. John 2. 4, 5, 39, 42, 43. 44
Balensiefen. Heather E, 10, 14, 16, 31, Gerig, Beth 2. 5. 9, 53. 58
38 Gray, John E. 12. 13, 15. 27, 31. 35, 36,
Balensiefen, Robert 1B. 24, 25, 26, 27, 40. ~ 62,63,64,66.68. 7B
2B, 29, 4 7, 69, 70, 71' 72, 74 Gray, Sarah 7, 14. 1B, 20, 24. 26. 27,
Bellomi. Mattia E, 14, 16. 1B. 21, 24, 2B. 30. 37. 39, 55, 58. 69, 70, 71, 72. Lafferty, Ben E. 2. 7, 12, 48. 55
26, 27, 31, 35, 36, 40, 48, 62. 70, 72, ~3 . ...,4. ...,5
LaMour, Ron 3, 4, 5. 58
Greathouse, Steve E. 12. 27, 2B. 30. 31, Lee, Mandy 2. 3, 13. 27, 33. 37, 39, 46.
Borg. Sharon 6, 14 62,63.64,65.66,41.66.6Z68
Borys. Greg E, 2, 9, 10, 45. 59, 7B Lucas, Shannon 3. 10, 53, 55, 7B
Grebner, Beth E. 2, 14, 19, 24, 26, 27,
Borys. Shirley 2, 10, 27, 36, 38, 58. 59,
1)2 ).4 --.3 29, 37, 39, 54, 55, 62. 64, 69, 70, 72.
Brandle. Stacie 5. 46 73. 74. 75
Brockman. Adam 14, 1B, 24, 26, 29, Griffin. Amy 2, B. 27
40, 47, 54, 69, 70, 74 Griffin. Tim 7. 14, 19, 24, 26, 27, 29, 55,
Brokaw. Adam E, 5, 12, 36, 40, 41,47 6~ 70, 72. 73. 74, 75
Gustafson, Gene 6, 7B Madsen Carla E. 2. 22. 24, 26, 27, 2B,
Brokaw. Chad E, 7, B, 47, 53. 54, 59, 32, 34. 36, 37, 39, 44, 56, 58, 59, 62.
61, 2 ..... 73 63, 64, 65. 67, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74,
Brown, Mark 5, 11, 27 75
Burress. Marcia 5, 55, 66 Magnuson, Keith E. 3. 10, 34. 40. 54,
5~62.63,64,6~ 73. 7B.
Hamilton, Doris 5. 54, 62, 64, 73 Mast. Charlotte E. 13. 27, 29. 36, 37,
Hassler, Jonathan 7, 19, 24, 26, 29, 47, 38.42 43.58.5~60.61,62,63,64,
49. 54, 56, 60, 61, 69. 70, 72, 73, 74, 65, 66. 73
Carlson. Karen 5, 14 75 Maupin, Chad 11, 33. 40, 41,47
Case. Joe 8, 62, 7B Haun. BobbiE. 2, 10, 12, 47, 52, 58, 61, McComber, Erica 3, 11, 27, 38, 42, 52.
Colby. Christa 2, B. 16, 27, 30, 46, 53, 6264
62 63. 64,68
62,64 McKenney, Lori E. 2. 14. 22. 24. 26. 27,
Hayes. Staci 3, 10, 11, 24, 27, 2B. 29,
29, 53, 55, 62, 63. 69, 70, 72, 73, 74,
Comerford. Cara 2, 3. 12, 2B, 31, 39, 38..r 52. 62, 63, 64, 65, 73 75
-46. 48. 2 ~ 66, 67, 68 Hayes, Tara E, 14, 19, 24, 26, 27, 2B,
Covert. Sharon 4 McVety, Amanda 2. B. 9. 14, 27, 38, 53,
29. 36, 55, 56, 58. 62, 63, 64, 67, 69, 59. 60. 6 J. 62, 63, 64, 65, 73
70, 71, 72, 73. 74, 75 McVety, Christina E. 2. 7, 12. 13, 53.
Hooker, Angela 2. B. 9, 27, 30, 62. 64 58, 59. 60. 61, 66, 68
Huebner, Jonathan E, 10, 30, 31, 34. McVety, Elaine 5, 7
35,36,40,44,54,58.62,63,64,65 Morris, Mindy 2, 3, 13, 27, 31, 33. 36,
Deiter. Frank 14, 1B, 20. 21, 24. 26, 27, Huff. Christina 3, 10, 14, 27, 31, 38.55 37, 39, 44, 46, 47, 54, 58, 62, 64, 66,
29,4Q41,56,69, 7~ 72,74 Humphreys, Richard E, B, 9, 30, 40 68,73
Dobrowolski. Liz 6 Humphreys, Yvonne 12. 60,68 Morris. Ryan E. 11. 40. 48. 54, 58, 64

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Morse, Clifford I4, I5, 22, 24, 26, 29, Saal, Cyndi E, 2, 8, 9, 27, 38, 46, 47, Whitford, Jason 10, 11, 32, 40, 45, 47,
30, 3I' 34, 35, 36, 40, 49, 60. 6I, 53. 60. 6I 62.63.64,65 62, 64. 65
67. 69. 70. 72. 73. 74, 75 Sampson, Wes 8. 9, 28, 30, 40, 54, 62, Whitmore, James 4
Munson, Suzie 2, 8, 9. 27, 38. 46, 53, 63, 64, 65 Wooden, Anthony 8, 9, 40, 62, 64, 65,
60. 6I 62 64, 73 Saroer, Greg 5. 14. I5. 24. 34, 35, 40 78
Murphy, Kathy E. 2, 22. 24. 25. 26. Schertz, Joann 2. I 0, 1I. 27. 47, 52, 54, Worgess, Pete 8, 9, 40, 4I, 62, 63, 64,
27 29. 30 36, 49, 52, 53, 55, 56, 58, 6I. 62. 63. 64 78
57, 58, 59, 60, 6I, 62, 64, 69, 70, Schertz, Ryan E. 13, 27, 31. 35, 36, 40, Wright, Andrew II. 30, 3I, 33, 35, 36,
71. 72. 73. 74. 75 48,54.58.62.~.64.~.68.n.~ 40, 4I 60. 6I
Schertz, Tyler 23, 24, 28, 29, 47, 60, 6I, Wright, Dawn 2, II, 27, 42. 47, 52, 54,
6l69. 7Q 72, 73, 75,78 62,64
Sears, Kim E. 2, 17, 23, 24. 26, 27, 29, Wright, Kathy 8, 27, 31, 38, 43, 44. 53,
32, 39, 40, 42, 43, 46, 47, 48. 49, 52, 54,62
54. 55. 56, 57, 58, 62, 64. 69, 70, 71.
Nelson, Michael 13, 29, 47, 48, 49, 60.
72, 73. 75. 78
78 Sears, Shelly E. 12, I3, 27, 46, 47, 55,
Shull, Marie 5 Yepsen, Julie 3. IO, I 1, 32, 39. 44, 47,
Sights, Kevin E. 2. I3, 36, 40, 62, 64. 52,58.62.64
68 Young, Sharon 5, IJ, 29,52
0 'Neill, Colette 10. 11. 27, 38. 58, 59. Sims, Bill 8, 78
62, 64 Sims, Sarah 2. I4, 23. 24, 26. 27, 29.
36. 52. 55, 58. 62, 69. 70, ?I' 72, 73.
Small, Terry 4
Smucker, Donald 4
Sopher, Joshua 8, 9, I4, 30, 35. 40, 62.
Pacheco, Andres 14. 16. 17. 2I. 22. 78
24. 26, 27. 29. 40. 41, 47. 62, 69, Spacek, Ben E, 8. 9
70, 72, 73, 75 Stahnke, Scott II, 47. 58. 59, 60, 61, E = photo on front endsheet
Passi, Melissa 22, 24. 26. 29. 57. 58. 62
69 70 72, 73, 75, 78 Stange, Martin E. 20, 21. 23, 24, 26, 29,
Perry, Christina E. 2. 8, 27, 28. 38. 40 52 69 70, 72, 73, 75
464l53.54. 62, 63.64 Stone, Christy I3. 49. 55
Piacenti, Jeremy 1 I, 29. 62. 63, 64, Stowe, Jill E 2 8. 27, 38. 42, 43, 60, 61, COLOPHON
65 62,64, 73 Under the d i rection of Mike
Prather, James E. 22. 24. 25, 26. 27. Budak and plant consultant Linda
Strasser, Elizabeth 2. I4, 23, 24, 25.
28, 29, 30, 36, 37, 40, 41, 67, 69, Langford , 100 copies of the 1993
26, 27, 29, 54, 55, 58, 62, 69, 70, 72, ARROW, Volume 8 1, were printed
70, 72, 73, 75 73,74 by Walsworth Publishing Company.
Seventy-eight pages were printed
on 7 3 / 4" x 10 11r # 1 15 signature
gloss paper using various sizes of
Korinna print. Editor Kathy Murphy
designed the endsheet Tabl e of
Rapp, Amanda E, 7. 14, 23, 24. 26. Thatcher IV, Frederick 8, 9. 27, 30, 32. Contents on 130 1 endleaf white
2l36,39,49,55, 60,61, 62,64, 40, 45, 60, 6I paper to fit the Explori ng ew
65, 69, 70, 71. 72. 73, 75 Thompson, Angelika 7, 14, 23. 24, 26, Dimensions theme.
Rayne, Tori 2, 13, 27. 31. 33, 46, 58, 2Z2~55,6~ 7Q 72. 73,75 The cover, designed at the Cedar
60 61 62, 64, 65, 68, 73 Thompson, Brian E. 2. 8. 9, I3. I4, 30, Rapi ds workshop was a 4-color
Read, Bryan 3, 10. 11. 15. 28. 30. 31. laminate 1701 permacote, depict -
35,40,62,63, 73
33 36. 4~4I. 62. 63,64,65. 78 Ing a variety of geometric shapes
Reed, Joshua E, 1 I, 30, 3I, 36, 62, 64, representing the multitude of activi-
t i es ava ilable to Tiskilwa H i g h
School students. The traditional
Ribas, Sherrie 2, 8. 9, 14, 27, 30, 47, color section included homecoming
53. 62. 64 and seniors; but an additional 8
Ribas, Stephanie 11. 16. 46. 52 Vossen, Steve 5, 9, 40 pages of sport color were included
Vlljanov. Nick 8, 9, 30, 40. 47, 62. 63, this year as a bonus from Walsworth
64,65, 78 and were used in the sports section.

Saal, Christi E. 2, 3, I2, I3, 27, 31,

62,63,64,65,68. 73 Walters, Mike £, I3

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