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The Bison

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Buffalo High School

Buffalo, Missouri

- 1 -
Patty Shull. . .Co-Editor
Jeanie King . .Co-Editor
Shara Pinkley .Assistant Editor
Sharon Stafford .Business Manager
Janet Peterman . Art Edltor
Judy Lel!lons . . .Copy Editor
Margaret Griffin. . Layout Editor
Sue Dees . . . . . .Subscription Manager
Paula Cofer . . . . Staff
Mary Helen, Brown field . Staff

Faculty Sponsor
Richard King

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The 1960-61 Bison

Is Dedicated To
Mary McKown
To Miss Mary McKown, one who ha s made a wonderful contribution to Public Education.

In the areas of classroom teacher, special education, guidance counselor, high school
principal, and school-public librarian she has and is serving with distinction and great c redit
to her profession .

Through the years Miss McKown has encouraged, challenged, and inspired students, par-
ents, and fellow teachers .

In the various phases of her work she has encouraged the slow, challenged the intellectual,
counseled the indifferent, inspiring all to a greater achievement toward the best in them .

Superintendent of Schools
D. A. Mallory
Who Profited Most?

A certain man was traveling on foot in Japan, and came

to a mountain pass. It was late in the autumn, and snow be-
gan to fall as the man was climbing the steep slopes. The
trail was long, and the man was benumbed and freezing, nar-
rates Paul Shoichi Imamura, of Tokyo.

But after great difficulty he reached the top, and there

he found a stranger lying on the ground, unconscious and near
death from the bitter cold. Forgetting his own discomfort,
the man hurried to the suffering stranger and began to massage
his body and limbs vigorously, and with all his strength. Be-
fore long, the stranger showed signs of life, and after much
brisk exercising, was restored to full consciousness.

The amazing thing the man discovered was that by work-

ing hard to save the stranger's life, he himself had become
warm and strong. He eagerly lifted up the stranger and de-
scended the mountainside to comfort and safety.

Needless to say, the stranger became the man's life-

long friend. But which man of the two received the greater
blessing - - he who gave the help or he who received it?

Ethel Williams
Se cretary to Mr. Mallory Willa Anderson
Secretarial Practice Assistant to Miss Williams

School Board
Left Side: Owen Neill, R. L. Whited, Ernie Mayfield. End: D. A. Mallory, S)lperintendent. Right Side: Mur-
re! Indermuehle, Ishmael McDaniel, 0 . A. Griffin. President: Ishmael McDaniel.

Mr. Green Mr . King

High School Principal Assistant Superintendent
Citizenship Aviation, Band, Drum
Corps, Glee Club

Virginia Owens

Ruth Booth

Mary Gann
Physical Education
Girls' Coach

Roy Scott
Driver Education
General Business
Business Math and Law

Edith Tucker

John Wiest
Physical Education
Assistant Coach

Georgia Self

Merle Grant
Social Studies
French I, II, III

Bill Harding
Physical Education
"Head Coach"
Psychology and

Charles Robertson
Football Coach
Junior High Science
Junior High Physical

Albert Hart
Guidance Counselor

Cleta Jurgens
Social Studies

Leta Buchanan

Guy Henson

John Alford
General Science

Ferrell Mallory
Voc. Home Economics

Mary McKown
Library Science

Avery Harriman
General Math

Steve Potter
Veteran's Agriculture

Cecil Byrd
General Shop
Advanced Algebr.:t-
Trigonometry Bessie Caldwell
Me chanica! Dr a wing Algebra

- 10-
Class Flower : White Rose Bud

Class Color: Blue and Si Iver Reporter : Bill Triplet

Vice Preside nt: Patty Shull
Class Motto: To enjoy the present is Treasurer : Ka re n Sturdevant
to enrich the future . Secreta ry: Karen Maddux
President : Su e Dees
J unio r- Senior Banq uet May 8
Class Day May Vi
Bacca Iau re ate May 14
Commencement May 18

Patricia Atlams
Bison 13ooste rs 2 , 3 Ll oyd Atkisson
Hono r Ro ll 2
Miss Merry Ch r istmas 4

- 12 -
Floyd Austin, Jr.
FFA 2, 3, 4 Linda Breakfield
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 4
Boys' Glee Club 1, 2, 4

Jim Brown
Bison Boosters 1, 2
Verlin Breshears
Softball 1, 2
Bison Boosters 4
Basketball 1. 2, 3
Class Officer 3
Mixed Chorus 1, 2
Junior Play 3
Boys' Glee Club 1, 2

Mary Helen Brownfield

Softball 1
FHA 1, 2, 3, 4
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3
Glee Club 1. 2, 3
Buffalo Gals 1, 2, 3, 4
Honor Roll 1. 2, 3, 4
Band 2, 3, 4
Newspaper Staff 2, 4
Derel Lee Bru nner Annual Staff 3, 4
FFA 2,3,4 Bison Boosters 1. 2, 3, 4
1st in S.M. S. I. A. Fair Orchestra 2. 3, 4

Billy Burtin

Dona ld Campbell
FFA 1, 2, 3, 4
Mixed Chorus 2
Boys· Glee Club 2

- 13 -
Dee Claspill
Student Council 1
Edward Choate
Class Officer 2
Track 1, 2, 3
FHA 1, 2, 3, 4
FFA 1,2,3,4
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4
Glee Club 1, 2, 3
Boys' Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4
Honor Roll 2

Carolyn Cline
Bison Boosters 1, 2
Derrell C laspill FHA 3, 4
Basketball 1, 2 Mixed Chorus 2, 3
Glee Club 2, 3
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
Orchestra 1, 2

Paula Cofer
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Volleyba ll 1, 2, 3, 4
Softball 1, 2, 3, 4
Mixed Chorus 2
Glee Club 1, 2, 3 Becky Coffman
Buffalo Gals 1, 2 , 3, 4 Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Honor Roll 4 Sottball 1
Junior Play 3 FHA 2, 3, 4
Band 1,2,3,4 Mixed Chorus 3, 4
Newspaper Staff 2 Glee Club 1,2,3,4
Annual Staff 3, 4 Buffalo Gals 1, 2, 3, 4
Orchestra 3, 4 Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4
Vo ll ey ball All-star 3 Junior Play 3
Band 1,2,3,4
Cheerleader 4
Speech Award Am. Leg.

Jerry Crowder
Bison Boosters 3, 4
FHA 1, 2, 3, 4 ·
Alicia Davidson
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Class Ofticer 3
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3
Glee C lub 1, 2, 3
Cheer leader 1, 3
Miss Merry Christmas 3

- 14-
Norman Davison
John "J.D." Davis Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Bison Boosters 3 Softball 1, 2
Band 1 Basketball 1, 2
Football Manager 4

Sue Dees
Lois Anita Dees Bison Boosters 3, 4
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4 Student Council 4
FHA 2, 3, 4 Claa Officer 2,3,4
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3 FHA 1, 2
Glee Club 1, 2, 3 Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4
Butfalo Ga ls 1, 2, 3, 4 Newspaper Staff 4
Honor Roll 3 Annual Staff 4
Carnival Candidate 3

Carol yn Duckering
Bison Boosters 2, 3
Mixed Chorus 1, 2 Julia Ann Evans
Glee Club 1, 2
Hono r Roll 2

Mar lene Faust

Bison Boosters 4
Softba ll 4
Shirley Jean Evans FHA 2, 3, 4
Mixed Chorus 2, 3
Glee Club 2, 3
Honor Roll 3

- 15 -
Betty Gamblin
Mixed Chorus 1
Carolyn Ann Foster Glee Club 1
Volleyball 1, 2, 3 Student Commission 4
Basketball 1. 2, 3 Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
Glee Club 1, 2 Band 1, 2, 3
Newspaper Staff 4
Orchestra 3

Jerrie Jane Gann Donald Gaunt

Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3 Bison Boosters 2
Glee Club 1, 2, 3 FFA 1
Honor Roll 1, 3

Diane Gillham
Bison Boosters 2 Brian Gillihan
Glee Clu b 1. 2 FFA 4
Honor Roll 2, 3 Orchestra 1

Margaret Griffi n
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Student Commission 4
FHA 2 , 3, 4
Mixed Chorus 3, 4 Fred Hall
Glee Club 1, 2,3,4 Basketball 1
Buftalo Gals 1. 2, 3 , 4 FFA 1, 4
Hon or Roll 1. 2, 3, 4 Ho nor Roll 1, 2
Junior Play 3
Band 1, 2, 3 , 4
Newspaper Staff 2, 4
Annual Staff 4
Orchestra 3, 4
Paper Editor 2

- 16 -
David Harriman
Bison Boosters 4
Track 2, 4
John Wayne Hayes
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
Band 1. 2, 3, 4

Roy Lee Hicks

Helen Hicks
Bison Boosters 1, 3, 4

Tom Dunham
Track 2, 3
James Hood
Basketball 3
Track 3
Newspape r 3
FFA 2, 3, 4

John Howe
Robert Huston
FFA 1,2,3,4

- 17 -
Suzie Junkins
Student Council 1
Class Officer 1, 3
Jean Ja ckson
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3
Bison Boosters 1. 2, 3, 4
Glee Club 1, 2
Mixed Chorus 1, 2
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4
Glee Club 1, 2
Junior Play 3
Honor Roll 1
Newspaper Statf 2, 4
Annual Staff 3
Annual Staff 1, 2
Cheerleader 1, 2, 3, 4
Carnival Candidate 1
Miss Merry Christmas 2

Gar.y Kendall
Bison Boosters 3, 4
Cleo Kephart
Student Commission 4
Bison Boosters 1. 2, 3, 4
Class Officer 1. 3
Volleyball 1, 2, 3, 4
Basketball 1, 2
Softball 2, 3
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3
FHA 2, 3, 4
Glee Club 1, 2, 3
Honor Roll 1, .2
Boys' Glee Club 1, 2, 3
Junior Play 3
Honor Roll 1
Newspaper Staff 4
Band 1,2,3,4
Miss Merry Christmas 1
Newspaper Staff 2
Orchestra 1, 2

Jeanie King
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3
Student Council 1
Student Commission 4
Class Officer 1. 2
FHA 4 Mary Kjar
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4 Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Glee Club 1, 2, 3,4 FHA 2, 3
Buffalo Ga ls 1, 2, 3, 4 Mixed Chorus 2
Honor Roll 1, 2, 4 Glee Club 1, 2
Band 1, 2, 3, 4 Magazine Sales Award 4
Newspaper Statf 2
Annua 1 Staff 3, 4
Cheerleader 1
Orchestra 1, 2, 3, 4
Music Contest Solo I, II

Robert Kuhn
Darrell Kuhn Softball 1. 2, 3, 4
Honor Roll 2, 3

- 18-
Judy Lemons
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Gayle Lacke y FHA 2, 3, 4
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3 Mixed Chorus 2, 4
FHA 2, 3, 4 Glee Club 1, 2, 4
Glee Club 1,2,3,4 Buffalo Ga ls 1, 2, 3, 4
Buffalo Gals 1, 2, 3, 4 Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4
Band 1,2,3,4 Junior Play 3
Band 1, 3, 4
Newspaper Staff 2, 4
Annual Staff 3, 4
Orchestra 2, 4

L-eroy Lilley
Ra yma June Lightwine Basketball 1, 2
Band 1

Betty McCurry
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3
FHA 1, 2, 3, 4 Hazel McDaniel
Mixed Chorus 2, 3
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3

Micky McGuire
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3
Robert McDonald
Class Officer 1
Softball 2

- 19-
Karen Maddux
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Student Council 1, 4
Larry McKimmey Class Officer 1, 2, 4
Basketball 1 FHA 2, 3, 4
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3 Mixed Chorus 3, 4
Magazine Sales A ward 4 Glee Club 1, 2,3,4
German Club 3 Buffalo Gals 1, 2, 3, 4
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4
Band 1,2,3
Newspaper Staff 4
Annual Staff 3

Connie Mayfield
Bison Boosters
Evelyn Marsh Softball 1
Class Officer 1 FHA 1, 2, 3
Volleyball 3 Mixed Chorus 1, 2
Mixed Chorus 1, 2 Glee Club 1, 2
Glee Club 1, 2 Honor Roll 1
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4 Cheerleader 2
Carnival Queen 2

Charles Nelson Iva Nicholson

Honor Roll 1, 2, 3

Richard Nicodemus
Basketball 1 Kathy Oglesbee
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4 Bison Boosters 3
Glee Club 1,2, 3,4 Volleyball 4
Boys' Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4 FHA 2, 3, 4
Junior Play 3 Glee Club 1
Carnival Candidate 3 Honor Roll 1, 2

- 20 -
Doug Paneitz
Bison Boosters 2, 3, 4
Student Commission 4
Billy Oliver Mixed Chorus 1
Boys ' Glee Club 1
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4
Sophomore Pilgrimage

Margurite Patten
Joan Parker Bison Boosters 1. 2
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3 Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3 Glee Club 1, 2, 3
Glee Club 1, 2, 3 Honor Roll 3

Roy Percival
Bison Boosters 4
Marilyn Patten
Glee Club 1, 2, 3 Basketball 1, 2, 3
Honor Roll 3
Band 1, 2
Orchestra 2
Carnival King 2

Jan et Peterman Rosa lee Pettitt

Class Officer 1 FHA 1, 2, 3, 4
Volley ball 1, 2, 3 Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3
Mixed Chorus 1 Glee Club 1. 2, 3
Glee Club 1 Band 1. 2, 3, 4
Honor Roll 1. 2, 4 Annual Staff 3
Annual Staff 4 Orchestra 1, 2, 3
Sophomore Pilgrimage

- 21 -
Bill Phillips
Bison Boosters 4
Softba ll 1. 2
Basketball 1. 2, 3
Frankie Phillips Mixed Chorus 1. 2, 3
Boys' Glee Club 1, 2, 3
Honor Roll 1
Carniva l King 4

Jim Pickney
Softball 1,2
Basketba ll 1. 2 , 3 , 4
Mixed Chorus 2 Bobby Pinkley
Boys' Glee Club 2
Baseball 2

Mike Pitts
Softball 1, 2
Mary Jane Piper Basketball 1, 2, 3 , 4
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3, 4
Boys' Glee Club 1, 2, 3, 4
Baseball 1, 2

Bill Pointer
Bison Boosters 2, 3, 4
Class Officer 2
Leland Pope
Baseball 2
Track 2, 3 , 4
Basketb all 1
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4
Mixed Chorus 1
FFA 1 Boys ' Glee C l ub 1
Baseball 4
Honor Roll 1,. 2, 3
Junior Pia y 3
Ba nd 1,2

- 22 -
Sharon Powell
Volleyba ll 2
Softball 2, 3, 4 Tom Quisenberry
Gle e Club 1, 2
Honor Roll 3

Joe Bill Rose Bill Rouse

Honor Roll 1, 2, 3 Sottb a ll 1, 2
Football Manager 4 Track 3, 4
Track Manager 4 Basketball Manager 3, 4

Patty Shu ll
Biso n Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Student Council 4
C la ss Officer 1, 2, 4
Vo lley ball 1, 2, 3, 4
Jim Schofield
So ftball 1, 2, 3, 4
FFA 1, 4
Glee Clu b 4
Buftalo Gals 1, 2, 3, 4
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3, 4
Newspaper Sta ff 4
Annual Staff 3, 4
Paper Ed itor 4

Sharon Snider
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
C la ss Officer 3
Jerr y Sm ith Glee Club 4
FFA 1,2, 3,4 Buffalo Ga ls 1, 2, 3, 4
Band 1, 2 Honor Ro ll 1, 2, 3, 4
Junior Play 3
Band 1, 2, 3
Orchestra 3
Carniva l Queen 4

- 23 -
Jessie Stefka
Bison Boosters 1. 2, 3, 4
Anita Sowers
Softball 4
Class Otficer 2
FHA 1, 2, 3, 4
FHA 1, 2
Mixed Chorus 1, 2 Mixed Chorus 1, 2
Glee Club 1, 2 Glee Club 1, 2
Honor Roll 2

Becky Steinbeck Peggy Steinmark

Sharon Sta !ford

Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
Softball 1. 4
FHA 2, 3, 4 C harles Strickland
Mixed Chorus 3 FFA 1,2, 3,4
Glee Club 1, 2, 3 Mixed Chorus 3
Butfalo Ga ls 1, 2, 3, 4 Boys ' Glee C lub 3
Honor Roll 2, 3, 4
BanCI 1, 2, 3, 4
Annual Staff 4
Orchestra 3 . 4

Ka re n Sturdevant
Geneva Strohl Class Officer 4
Honor Roll 1. 2 FHA 1, 2, 3, 4
Honor Rol l 1, 2, 3

- 24 -
Dan Talbott
Bison Boosters 1, 3, 4
Track 1, 2
Basketball 1, 2, 3
Ralph Sweaney
Mixed Chorus 1
Boys' Glee Club 1

Holmes Teegarden
Bison Boosters 1
Mack Taylor Student Commission 4
Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4
Carnival Candidate 1

Sally Thomas
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3, 4
FHA 2, 3, 4
Mixed Chorus 1, 2, 3
Glee Club 1, 2, 3
Buffalo Gals 1, 2, 3, 4 Ronald Todd
Honor Roll 1, 2
Band 1,2,3,4
Newspaper Staff 2
Cheerleader 1
Orchestra 2, 3
Music Contest Solo 1, 2, 4

Bill Triplett
Class Office r 4 George Vest
Bison Boosters 4
Track 3, 4

- 25 -
Tammia Warren
Vernon Vest
Mixed Chorus 1
Bison Boosters 4
Glee C lub 1, 2, 3
Track 3, 4

Joanne Williams
Bison Boosters 1, 4
Vo lleyball 4
Dorothy Williams Softball 4
Mixed Chorus 1, 2
Honor Roll 1, 2, 3
Newspaper Staff 4

Laverna Williams
Bison Boosters 1
Sottball 4
Mixed Choru s 1, 2 Barbara Sue Wilson
Glee C lub 1, 2
Honor Roll 2
Newspaper Staff 4

Francis Wingo
Ca rl Wilso n
Bison Boosters 1, 2, 3
Class Officer 2
Mixed Chorus 1, 2
Basketball 1, 2, 3
Boys' Glee C lub 1, 2
Honor Roll 1, 2

- 26-

• ••

Class Ofticers
Front row, left to right: Shara Pinkle y, Vice President;
Jim Ra g land, President. Back row: Jim Meyer, Secre-
tary; Sherri Bancroft, Treasurer; Richard Rose, Reporter.

Ruth Alspaug h
Roger Andrews
De nnis Arnold
Martha Austin
Sherri Bancroft
Sheriann Brashers

Eve lyn Buchanan

Tony Bunton
Jani ce Carter
Ge ne Cheek
Joan Claspill
Tommy C line

Dixie Cooper
Mike Cook
Ronnie Da vison
Sherry Davison
Sand ra Dean
Jesse Deckard

Nell Dees
Kenh Elmore
Ronnie Eske
Junior Faust
Carroll Ford
Emojean Ford

Howard Frye
Ronnie Gamel
Darrell Gann
James Gi bso n
Dianna Glan ville
Cody Hanna
Lonnie Flicks
Betry Highfill
Jea nie Highfill
Frank Hood
Chuck Howe
Roy Ann Hudson

Da nn y Hu ghes
Fran k Imes
Carol Johnston
Lenora Jones
Phillip Keith
Haskell Kirk

Ja y Kuhns
Jim Lehr
Linda Looney
Larry McCart
Doris McDaniel
Myron McD onald

Mary McGinnis
Raymond McKimmey
Lanny Maddux
Eddi e Mallard
David Mashburn
James Mathews

Paula Maulin
Carolyn Mayfield
Jim Meyers
Lois Miller
Cathy Morris
David Muegge

Benno Mumme
Danna Neill
Doyle Nimmo
Joyce Nixon
Linda Owens
Joyce Palmer

Ona Parrack
Patricia Patterson
Leroy Perry
Larry Peters
Judith Petters
Rosemary Phillips
Mary Jane Pinkley
Jerrie Pope
Raymond Potrer
Jim Ragland
Pauline Randlem an
Don Richardson
Richard Rose
Earl Schofield
Cathryn Scurlock
Bertram Sharp
Carol Sherman

Tommy Sherman
Jimmy Spence
Shirley Spoering
Robert Strickland
Betty Swigert

Kenneth Van Deren

Janice Varner
Betty Vest
Danny Webb
Eldon Webster

Vi rg inia Weeks
Dale Wise
Jerry Worley
Shara Pinkley
Ve rna Strick land

"Last minute effort" "Checking the schedu le, or just using it for
- 29- a mirror?"

Class Officers, left to right: Loren Rea, Presid e nt; Linda

Sweaney , Secretary; Lavelle Mizer, Reporter; Linda Miller,
Vice - President; Danny Lindsey, Treasurer.

Maxine Alexander
Mary Alspaugh
Georgia Anderson
Naoma Atkisson
Brenda Bailey
Quanah Barker

Kent Barnhart
Sue Batson
Jim Boxley
Brenda Bradley
Carl Bradley
Linda Brashers

Larry Brown
Ronnie Brundridge
Mike Burtin
Paul Burton
Gary Cansler
Sam Candle

Janice Cline
David Culp
Gary Davis
Dean Davison
Margaret Dill
Dean Dowell
Joan Eagon
Patsy Evans
Billie Finley
Billy Franklin
Barbara Gibson
Marilyn Glass
Sally Gray
Paul Hackler
Phillip Hawkins
Da vid Hazelrigg
Billy Hendrix
Kay High fill

Larry Highfill
John Hill
Donald Howe
Mary Huston
Milton Imes
Andrew Johnson

Priscilla Johnston
Dale Jones
Jay Dee Jones
Jerrie Jones
Roy Kellhofer
David King

Dean Kjar
Diana Kuhn
Donald Lane
Connie Lemons
Sue Lilley
Danny Lindsey

James McLaughlin
Dale Mallard
Kathryn Martin
Sharon Mathews
Connie Means
Duane Metcalf

Howard Miller
Linda Miller
Lavell Mizer
Beverly Montgomery
Dwight Morris
Ricky Mumme

David Oglesbee
Danny O'Neal
Jay Parker
Marilyn Patterson
Tommy Phillips
Loren Rea

Wayne Rieschel
Judy Shull
A lie n Skarphol
Pats y Skinner
Kathryn Smart
Darlene S"m
Donna Sowers
Burlene Spencer
Jimmy Stanton
Judy Steinbeck
Betty Stewart

Lloyd Summers
Floyd Sweaney
Linda Sweaney
Marsha Sweaney
Dwight Taylor

Ray Taylor
Doug Tedlock
Diana Thomas
Joan Tind le
Bob Triplett

Vincent Turner
Susie Vanzandt
Ronny Varner
Gleamon Vest
Lynda Weckner

Cliff Williams
Frances Williams
Mary Williams
Bett y Wolfe
Bobby Woods

Albert Spencer
Don Woods
Barbara Young
Roger Rankin

- 32-

C lass Officers
Top row , l eft to right: Richard Sharp , Sec reta ry ; Jan i ce Alford , Re -
porter; Abe Loudermilk, President; Ji mmy Watk in s, T reasure r; Sharo n
Brown, Vi ce Pr esid e nt.

Vio let Ab ney

Lyn n Albritton
Kay Alexande r
Marie Al e xand e r
Jani ce Alford
Regg ie Al le n

Terry Atteberry
Mar y Lou Baker
Thornton Bass
Ra !ph Bennett
Richard Bennett
Marsha Black

Harold Boxl ey
Bill Jr. Brad ley
Ronald Bradl ey
Danny Breshears
Sharon Brown
A lien Bunton

Mary Burtin
Jo e Carter
\'iola Cdrtcr
Dnuglas Cassity
Mar\·ill C.ti!d lc
l.inJa Cilapntan
Jerry Cline
Maxine Cheek
Kay Davis
Jeanette Davison
Virginia Dowe ll
Judy Eske

Barbara Evans
Joe Evans
Paul Evans
Ge rald Fischer
Sharon Frazier
John Gan n

George Gillespie
Ruth Hagen
Barbara Haney
Lois Haney
Glenda Hawkins
Norman Henderson

Glen Hicks
Connie Hill
Ri chard Holland
Bu e ll Howe
Gilbert Hunter
Jane Jeno

Chuck John son

Linda Joh nston
To ni Julian
Di cky Keith
Blaine Killian
Morri s Kolander

Wilma Knudtson
Leslie Lehr
Lest e r Lehr
Steve Lilley
Rex Lindsey
Cherrie Long

Ab e Louderm i lk
Graci e Mc Daniel
Alice McDonald
Bruce lylcKimmey
Erine Michael
Jud y Mallard
Ka y Marshall
Larr y Martin
Mary Massey
Donna Mathews
Kath y Nelson
Kathryn Nicho lson
Bertha Nicholson
Jane Nixon
Joe Nixon
John Oliver
Erleen Owens
Judy Owens

Carol Parish
Carolyn Petr ee
Delorus Pettitt
Sherry Pierce
Charlene Pinkley
Bobby Plate

Billy Ray
De nnis Reed
Way ne Rose
Connie Scarbrough
Rex Sharp
Ga ry Sharp

Richard Sharp
Carolyn Slack
Carol Smith
Judy Snider
Linda Snider
Gary Spoering

Wand a Stafford
Paul Steinmark
Billy Strickland
Edward Strickland
George Swigert
Charles Swigert

Pat Tal bott

Glenda Taylor
David Todd
Donna Tonti
Ga il Tucker
Billy Turner

Do nn Va n Deren
Ke nne th Va rner
Lind a Vest
Billy Ware
Jim my Watkins
Conni e Weeks

Darrell Weeks
Wilma White
Wanda Williams
Jam es Woods
George Va nce

"Br-r - r-!"

"Do n't you get it?"

"Boy, that 1\letrecal must re ally be some thing !!"

"What, no rubber band ?!"

- 36 -
The Bison Football

" Lloyd"

John Wiest

Bison Football
"Bobby ..

Managers: Ro y Percival, Bill Rose , Bill Rous e , Norman Davison.

- 38 -
Team of B.H.S.

" Albert" "Kenneth "

"lim .. Charles


.. coCI'l
.. ]irn "

Buffalo 0 Osage 19
Buffalo 6 Boliva r 26
Butfalo 0 Marshfield 25
Buffalo 0 Lebanon 26
Buffalo 13 Way nesvi lle 7
Buffalo 31 Stockton 0
Buffalo 7 Greenfield 6

- 39 -
Assi stant Coach: John Wiest

liB, Team
Managers: Eddie Mallard, Ronnie Brundrid ge
C oach: John Wi e st

Richard Rose

I;loward Mille r

Ke it h Elmore

David Haze lrigg

T ra i ne r: Ronnie Gam e l Ronnie Dav i son

- 40-
Coach: Bill Hardin·g "A" Team
Coaches: Bill Harding, John Wiest

Holmes Teegarden

Mike Pitts

Leland Pope


Doyle Nimmo
Managers: Bill Rouse, Ronnie Eske
- 41 -

Becky Coffman
Susie Junkins
Sherry Davison
Danna Neill
Connie Lemons
Jud y Shull

Bison Boosters
Freshman Basketball Team

Fro nr row : Joe C art er , Dicky Holland , Ja m es Wat kins, Bruce McKi mmey , Bill y Ray , Billy
Ware. Back row : Ma n ager Bobb y Plate , Abe Lo uderm ilk, Chuck Johnson , Rex Lindsey ,
Leslie Le hr, Way n e Rose , Leste r Le hr, Doug C a ssity , Ri ch a rd Sharp.

Freshman Cheerleaders

Left to ri gh t: Gle nda Ha wld ns, C a ro l Smith, Sharo n Brown, Li nda C hapma n, Judy Eske ,
C a ro lyn Pe tree .

- 43 -
Cleo Kephart ( Sr. )

Ju dy Shu ll ( Soph. )
spi ker

Linda Sweaney ( Soph . )

set- up

Patty Shu ll ( Sr.)

sp i ker

Pau la Cofer ( Sr. )

spiker Dix ie Cooper (Jr.)
se t-u p
"A" Team
Joyce Palmer (J r. )
spi ke r

Connie Lemons ( Soph . )

set- up
Coach: Miss Gan n

Linda Bres hears ( Sop h. )

set - up
Quannah Barker ( Sop h. )
set -up

Marsha Swea ney

Sherri e Breshea rs

Dal e Kay Mallard

Ju dy Ma ll ard
Track Team
Fro nt row, l eft to ri ght: Da n Lindsey , Do n Woods, Ja mes Hood, Jam e s Meyers, Ve rn o n Vest.
Back row : Lloyd Summers, Howa rd Mille r, Robe rt Kuhn, Le land Pope , Da vid Muegge , Bill T rip le tt.

" 1,2,1,2,1. . . "

"Watch th e birdie ("

- 46 -
Buffalo Band

Paula Cofe r
Ma ry He le n Brownfield, Gay le Lackey
Rhonda Ro ll e ~

Biso n Tooters in act io n r

- 49-
Buffalo Gals

"Head Boss"

Chester, Doc , and Kiny


Marion, Illinois
Jefferson City
Buffalo Gals

Last of the Charter Members

graduating are:
Paula Cofer
Becky Coffman
Ma rgaret Griffin
Gay le Lack ey
Jea nie King
Ka ren Maddux
Patty Shull
Sally Thomas

Dale Robertson
Je ani e
"Tales of Wells Fargo"

- 51 -
Girls Trio Girls Sextet

Mixed Quartet

Girls Glee Club

- 52 -

Hoi mes Teegarder


Jeanie King
Carnival Queen
Sharon Snider

Royal Court
King: Bill Phillips
Queen: Sharon Snider
Left to right: Rhoda Glor, Gayle
Watkins, Da vid Moore, Valarie
Boyd, Brenda McDaniel.


• •
''Football Queen''
Judy Shull

"Basketba II Queen,
Kar e n Maddux

·._' .•
' '-''
Row 1: Linda Sweaney, Shara Pinkley, Sue Dees, Jim Ragland, Loren Rea. Row 2: Sharon Brown, Patty
Shull, Jim Meyers, Richard Sharp, Abe Loudermilk, Linda Miller, Karen Maddux.

Student Council

Student Government
A Student Council and a Student Commission were organized at 8. H. S. this yea r. The Student
Council is composed of the president, vice president, and secretary of all four classes. Three out-
standing boys and girls from each class make up the Student Commission. The aim of these two or-
ganizations is to improve the re lationships between the students. The Council acts on suggestions
presented to them, and the Commission serves to advise the Council.
The students, who make up these tw? organizations , are representatives of the student body. Al-
though the Student Council and Student Commission are new at 8. H. S. , they are going to work hard
to make this a better school for both students and teachers.

Student Commission

Row 1: Shirley Spoering, Margaret Griffin, Carolyn Petree, Carol Sm ith, Judy Eske, Jeanie King, Erne-
jean Ford, Dixie Cooper, Judy Shull, Connie Lemons, Kathy Martin. Row 2: Gary Kendall, Ronnie Gamel,
Holmes Teegarden, Don Woods, Wayne Riesche l, Wayne Rose, Lanny Maddux, Doug Paneitz, Ronnie Brund-
ridge. Doug Cassity, Dick Keith, Charles Johnson.
- 61 -

Jerry Smi th, a Senior at Buffalo High Schoo l, entered his Angus
calf. Prince, in several shows this summe r. At each eve n t the calf
was a purp le ribb o n wi nner, bei ng named Grand Champion .
He showed the calf at the Ozark Empire Fair, Missouri State Fair,
Ri chland Fa ir, and the FFA Stock show in Sp rin gfie ld. The ca lf
weighed ou t at 935 pounds and was so ld at sixty - three cents per pound.

- 62 -
January 27, 1961 Duffa1o, Missouri Number 4

Honored Guest Speaks

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1~s of the b< 1,000 mile
brary Assoc
brarian, >tr s a littl
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e ~g, }f r s • ~f ~ started t
liwell, and .ry and rea
t be present. six hours a da
traduced the guest speaker, ~r. Joe at end of the first year he woul
'~hi n d in th e vclumes !)ein
Editor In Chief: Patty Shull
News Editor: Cleo Kephart
Reporters: Barbara Young, Susie
Vanzandt, Joanne Williams,
r c
Cathy Horris
d c Feature Editor: Sue ~ees

Social Editor: Suzie Junkins

Boys Sports Editor : Ronnie Br.undridge
Girls 1
Sports Editor: ~rargaret Griffin
Typist ~ditor: Karen Maddux
Typists: Betty Camblin, Laverna
Williams, Mary Brownfield
Cartoonists: Shara Pinkley, Dianna
Gl anville
Photographer: Joyce Palmer
Printers: Lavell Mizer, Gary Spoering
Typesetters & Layout: Rosemary
Phillips, Judy Lemons,
Suzie Junkins
Beta Club German Club

Speech Representatives
Peggy Stei nmark, Jud y Lemons . Becky Coffman - Winner,
Sha ron Snider.

Art Exhibit
Buffalo Elementary


Dan Bruffett Grace Hill Joe Atteberry Minnie Niell Anna Stearns
Principal Junior High Junior High Junior High Special Education

Alma Allen Margaret Brooks Donna Tucker An na Meyers Lorene Wilkins Martha Byrd
Sixth Grade Sixth Grade Fifth Grade Fifth Grad e Fourth Grad e Fourth Grade

Lola Tucker Eloise Callaway Ollie Scott Bery l Engle Willa Garrett Goldie Harmon
Third Grade Third Grade Second Grade Second Grade First Grad e First Grade

- 66 -
Fredda Heady

Anna Stearns
Specia l Education

Left Side: Back Row:

Homer Fowler R. C. Pickney
Bill Rose Elmer Gullett
Hula Miller Russe ll Shaffer
Jr. Patterson
Herbert Slack
Arthur Tedlock
Howa rd Cline
Robert Haze lrigg
Sam Hyde
Ha rl ey Cline
Rhuel Malla rd
Dick Dame
Wes Funk
Elsto n Marsha ll
Paul Sons
Arthu r Erickson Bus Drivers

Cooks: Mrs . Hyde, Mrs. Brownfield , Mrs. Rea , Cooks: Mrs. Todd, Mrs. Stidham, Mrs. Southwick,
Mrs. Pete rs, Mrs. Mashbu rn. Mrs. Myers, Mrs . Reyga rd .
Clifford 4-bney
Mike Alford
Douglas Andrews
Larry Baker
Thelma Boothe
Donald Bradford

Jan Branum
Jean Brooks
Romona Bruffett
Patty Campbell
Zola Campbell
Oscar Claspill

Larry Davison
Lavern Farmer
William Frazier
Keith Gamel
Ronnie Garrett
Mervin Garrison

Debbra Gilchrist
Erlene Givens
Kent Griffin
Karon Hankey
Lyndol Harris
Julie Hawkins

Marilyn Hill
Carolyn Horelling
Patricia Huston
Bobby Highfill
Jean Icenhower
Linda Indermuehle

Harold Johnston
Ray Kaisler
Gene Karr
Kathy Kendall
Melvin Kjar
Linda Kolander

Frank Loudermilk
Elbert Martin
Howard McDaniel
Pat McGowan
Linda McHenry
Sherry Morris

Dwanna Myers
June Nicholson
Jenny North
Rose Mary Nunn
Larry Owens
Tommy Owens
Mike Patterson
Doris Pinkley
Gail Pope
Patsy Pulley
Gary Rice
Donnie Sharp

Rose Sherman
Janice Spence
Ronnie Sprague
Robert Swenson
Hershel Tindle
Ray Vanzandt

Margie Varner
Lyndel Vest
Garrell Weeks
Jerry Weeks
Ruth Williams
Dennis Wimberly

Kathryn Young
Carol Adams
Kathryn Alexander
Dennis Allen
Mike Beard
Myra Bradley

Pauline Brown
Virginia Burtin
Delford Campbell
Frankie Cox
Kenneth Davison
Dennis Dillon

Sonja Evans
Kathy Elmore
Charles Finley
Don Frye
Judy Garrett
Lonnie Glor

Danny Harriman
Don Hatfield
David Hayes
Shirley Herzog
Donnie Holland
James Howe

Judy Holtgreve
Joyce Hunter
Bill Ingerly
Jimmy Jones
Patsy Kahler
Deanna Kellhofer
Carmen ~ lark
Larry King
Patt y Knudson
Mike Lemo ns
Kay Lynn Meyers
Sarah Mann

Joe Martin
Lorn e McCune
Jimmy Mcintire
Pamela Micky
Merle Miller
Donna Montgomery

C harles Moore
Sarah Niell
G lenn Nicholson
Marilyn Peters
Margie Phillips
Barbara Plate

Carolyn Powell
Jud y Rice
Ga ry Rimbey
Karren Sallee
Duane Selsar
Phillis Skinner

Billy Slack
Jackie Smith
Dulcia Stanton
Danna Stric kland
Lawre n ce Strickland
Dian e Swe an ey

Linda Tay lo r
Virginia Taylor
Larry Turner
Je nny Lou Tonti
Barbara White
Iris Wilson

Barbara Woods

- 70 -
Jr. High Activities

"A" Team
Row 1: Elbert Martin, Pat McGowan,
Lendo l Vest, Oscar Claspill, Kei.th
Row 2: Mike Be ard, Ray Vansandt,
Mike Patterson, Bob Swenson, Frank

"B" Team
Row 1: Gary Rimby, Larry King, Danny
Harriman, Joe Martin, Don Holland.
Row 2: Gary Rice, Gale Pope, Mike Lem-
ons, Kent Griffin, Jerry Roller, Jimmy Mc-

Left to Right: Kathy Elmore, Kathy
Kendall, Sonja Evans, Linda Ind e r-
muehle, Marilyn Peters, Romona

"Pep Club"
Jr. High Activities
"Volleyball Team"
Row 1: Marilyn Hi ll, Ramona Bruf~
fett, Karhy Elmore, Deanna Kell -
h ofer, Pam Medley, Danna Srrick -
land. Row 2: Jan Brannum, My ra
Bradle y , Maril yn Pe rers, Linda Tay -
lor, Do nna Momgomery . Row 3:
Juli e Hawkins, Iris Wilson, Dulcia
Sranron, Kay Myers. Row 4: Linda
Ind ermuehle, Karhy Young, Dewan -
na Mye rs, Jeannie North .

"Mixed Chorus"

Boy's Glee Club

Girl's Glee Club

Jr. Band

Beginner's Band

Tonette Band

Christmas on Cloud "25"

Grade Activities

Grade Carnival Queen and Prince
Queen: Terri Berh Hoover. Prince: Jimmie Hickman.
Lefr w Righr: Janie Ludwig, Ber h Ann Elmore, Ro ger Brad ley, C harlorre Woods , Lila Bradley .

"Lirrl e Thearer Guild"

·· John Philip Sousa?! ! ! ! " "Cha mpagne Music?! ! ! 1 1"

- 74 -
Sixth Grade

Row 1: Sand ra Martin, Raymond Lerre rman , Gary Smith , Garry Baker, Frankie Strickland ,
Ha rvey Cook , Doug la s Se lsor, Jo hn Dowell . Row 2: Larry Powell, Conni e Cox, Dorine Wil-
liams, Charles Kahler, Terrie Owens, Carol Moore, Bauleaua Buadford. Ro w 3: Carole Ko -
lander, Kay McHenry, Janice Di ll, Deborah Kahler, Ri cky Hoover, Lynn Thomas, Ma rilyn
Cass it y, Lendal McDaniel. Row 4: Pamela Sweaney , Judy Davis, Ann Buste rna, Te rry Cor-
ne ll , Ronni e Lehr, Jerry Baker , Wa rren Lauderbau g h, Billy Hale, Mrs. Brooks.

Row 1: Iva n Bailey, Larry Pierc e , Be n Pott e r, Darre ll Sk inner, Vern e McCu ne , Milda Mi ller,
Eve lyn Rimb ey , Gary Arnn . Row 2: Rosco e Ri ghter, Barbara Burt on , Sharon Davis, Kath y
Mcint ire , Nancy Nybe rg, Sharon Smith , Phillip Gi lc hri st, Ca ro lyn Tucker. Row 3: Gene
Va n Deren , Bucky Bu c hanan, Mike Dotson, Jackie Smith, Sonja Karr , Annie Baker, Linda
C riswe ll , Jane t Kay Chfoatham , Bobby Mears. Row 4: Mrs. Alma Allen, Ju dith Huston, Jud y
Staffo rd. John Kerbaugh, Roger Owe nsby , John Tuc ker, Phi !li p Je rgins, Bruce Loudermilk,
Mi riam Martin. Absent : Va n Halla nd , Judy Dill.

- 75 -
Fifth Grade

Ro w 1: De nnis Bailey , Ri c hard Tay lo r, Me lba Dill, Lynn Da vis, Jo Ne ll Icenh owe r, 0. G. He ndri c ks,
Ka re n Greenw a ld , How ard Ma yfi e ld , Li nda M ort on. Ro w 2: Jose ph Buste rn a , Nin a Mc Danie l, Bo nnie
Mc i m ire , Ja nice Baro , Terr y Lawso n, Margar e t Brooks , Be ni ta Hill , Ph yllis He nde rso n, Arth ur Stefka.
Row 3 : Harley Sharp, Larr y Bone , T o mm y Campb e ll, Robe rt Carr, Aaro n Mc Dani e l, Larr y C line ,
Do nald C ree k, Gail Gault, Caroly n Alle n. Row 4: George Parke r, Micha e l Hyd e , Linda C arey , J e sse
Hill, Da le Smith, Mariann Ma gga rd, Ri c hard Ha t fi e ld, To mmy Husto n, Ja ck ie So wle .

Row 1: Je rr y Be rr y, Ji m mi e Dill, Jo hnn y Da viso n, Step he n Le mons, Eddie Woods , Ju dy Ardrey , Lyn-
e tt e Van De re n, Pa me la Nicho la s, D6 nald C ar ey . Row 2: Mary Le tterman, Sha ro n Kaisle r, Iva na
Ha ge n, Mo na Ni c holso n, Mary Hunr e r, Ronni e She ph e rd, Ronni e Wee ks, Barb a ra Evan s, Geo rg ia M c -
C o y. Ro w 3: Pat sy Turne r, Charles Chapman, Ro nni e Strick land, Carroll C ampb e ll, Parri c k Fare !!,
Linda McDa ni e l, Jan e Ell e n Pe tr ee , De ryll Holland, Mad e lin e Gibson. Ro w 4: Ona Kjar, Ross To nri,
0 1ve n Kjar, Ja mes Ge rle man, Tommy Lud wig , Ri cky He nde rso n, Lynda! Weeks , Je rr y Pinldey . De n-
nis Owe ns, Do nna Tu c ke r.

- 76 -
Fourth Grade

Row 1: Curtis Esther , Diana Reed , Kath e rin e Lambeth, Diana Dill, Terri Hoover, G lenda Ha rr is ,
Ru sse ll Wa lke r. Row 2: Joh ni e Wi lli ams, John Horner , Tommie Bradford, Lo rain e Medcalf, Di anna
Turne r, Da r rell Dill, Steven She rman. Row 3 : Pame la Taylor , Barba ra He rzog , Haro ld Heady,
Robert McMillan, D1v i ght Nyb e rg , Alfo rd Sharp, Patty Alford. Row 4 : Mrs . Lore ne Wilkins, Kath-
lee n War e , Nancy C line, Jimm y La ud e rb augh, Tommy Go url ey , Kare n Moore, Da rl e ne Huston.

Row 1: Maryanna Mil ler , Ba rb ara l lolland , Jane Hankey. Ruth Looney, Ge rald G ib so n , Cha rl es
Smith , Rita Bruffet t. Row 2: Jud y He nd e rso n, Harr y Ca rey , Rickey Ba iley , Ka re n Cr iswe ll, T1vy la
Tucker , Cathy Dotson , G ar y Greell\va ld , Do nni e McDaniel. Row 3 : Deb bi e Howser , Susan Sl,•e n -
so n, Calvi n Stoops , A lle n Cox , C hri s Lo ng , Jea nni e Ker b augh , Jimmy Heckma n. Row 4: Mrs.
Byrd , Bill Dill, C loyd Sha rp, George Wild e r, Billy Vance, Ronnie \\1 hite , Da le \vil so n, Martha
Meyer. Absent: Bi ll y Nichol so n, Wayn e C lin kenbea rd .

- 77-
Third Grade

Row 1: Ra nd le Swean ey , Wes ley Fie lds , Sue Lette rman , Sh a ro n T ind le , Mi c h ae l C ull y, Ric ky Pe tr ee .
Row 2: Sandr a Hend e rson , Peggy Va n De re n, Jea nn e Mo nt gome ry , N an cy Rimb e , Cy nthia Ho lt, Ja net
Creek , Jud y C l asp ill. Ro w 3: Rand y Bo n e , Ge ral d Pop e , Budd y Fare ll, Vo na Powe ll, Joyc e Ga rrett,
Jud y Atkisso n, Mr s. Lo la T uc ke r. Ab se nt: Ste ph e n Ge ib, David Hi g hfill , Je rr y Sue No rth, De nn is
Sall ee .

Row 1: Kar e n Malmb e rg , Ire ne Cove rt, Susie Moo re , Eddi e Da vis, We ldo n Ves t, Bre nda Hote lling ,
Rob e rt Stri c kland . Row 2 : Ho 1vard Atl<isso n , M a rl e n e Ri g h ter , Jacki e Stri c k land , Vicki e Abn ey ,
Ann Sc hu e ll<e , Darre l Ra y , Gwe n Kjar , Steve Swean ey . Row 3 : Sa m G iv e ns, Hal C ha pm an, Rus -
se ll Bailey , Ca t hy Hyde, Jan e C hur c h, Vicl<i Ga rrett , Pa me la Nunn, M iss C all a wa y.

- 78 -
Second Grade

Row 1: David Malmberg, Kathy Dill, Kenny Pierce, Dennie Houser, Ricky Fields , Vicky Parker ,
Tommy Shewmaker , Bertie Lambeth, Brenda McDaniel, Kath y Farell. Row 2: Richa rd Roller, Ross
Boothe, Patsy Cy ru s, Brenda Tay lor, Joh nn y Hill, Brenda Anderson, Della Potter, Ronda G lor , Ju-
lan e M ye rs, Alan Dotso n. Row 3: Teresa Owens , Danny Porter, Sharon Davis , Ann McCallister,
Donald White , Barbara Maggard, Je ann e Ny be rg , Da vid Moore . Row 4: Mrs . Sco tt, Robert Wilder,
Judy Southard, Ri c ky Hale , Gregg New by, Phylli s Evans, Jan e t Ind e rmu e hle, Ela Hocu tt, C liffo rd
Welch , Carro ll Eisman. Absent : An ita Brownfield, Anita Banks, Rh ond a Jo C lasp ill, Dixie Butle r.

Row 1: Da nny Wee l<s , Mi c hae l Williams, Warre n Powe ll, Jesse Dowe ll, Bobb y He ndri ckso n, Larry
Ho we , Parsy Da vis , Linda White . Row 2: Elaine Dillard , Ronald Marshall, Gar y Cook , Michael
Luginbihl, Sa ndra Me.d ca l f, Mary Lou Cole , Do ro thy Hays, Kathy Sha rp, Jud y G lass, Sherr y Nicho l-
so n . Row 3: Gay la Watkins, Regg ie Hale , Bobby Freeman , Mic ky Davies , Mi ke Freema n , Ka th y
Patte rson , Quanita Mann, Pe nn y Sweaney, Sa rah Le m o ns, Barbara McCu rr y. Row 4 : Beryl Eng le ,
Je nni e M eye r , Caro l Owe ns, Cheryl Zuhlke , Paul a Sla ck , Rob e rt Mumm e , Linda Huston, Tommie
Karr, G le mla Vance , Flo yd Wayne Bake r.

- 79 -
First Grade

Row 1: John Dillard, Connie Turner, Barbara Hunter, Ga ry Yates, Charlone Woods, Beth Ann El-
more, Clifford Boucher, Debbie Sharp. Row 2: Deeann G lor, Joyce Coven , Bobby Chapman, Ma-
vis Miller, Joann Meyer, David Vanza ndt, Randy Bradley, Jeanie Kennedy. Row 3: Brin Newby,
Terry Lane, Eddie Yates, Steven Dull, Ga ry John sron, Kenneth Knudtson, Bru-ce Bradley, Gi nger
Busterna. Row 4: Ronald Bailey, Karin Chapman, Wayne Holt, Danny A tkinsson, Buddy McHenry,
Lorrie Lee Pritchard, Mrs. Harmon. Absent: Larry Joe Heckman.

Row 1: Brent Taylor, Brenda Alcorn, Buddy Hendrickson, Roger Bradley, Jan ey Ludwig, Roberr
Keller, Steve Nicholson. Row 2: Tommy Rhodelander, Earl Horner, Kathy Dowell, Lila Kay
Bradley, Nancy Lea Williams, Clifford Boxley. Row 3: Ernie Varne r, Jean Meyer, Alan Welch,
Mike Looney , Terry Cox, Nancy Hayes , Vicky Johnson. Row 4: Mrs. Garren, Carl Porrer, Karen
Lehr, Linda Dill, David Tindle, Dennie Abney, De bra Howe. Absent: Jud y Shively , Lonnie
McCoy, Fred Lynn Clayron .
- 80-



Prui tt Mille r Ag ne s Breshe ars Marie Gregg Am be r Perr y Gusta Chee k
Princ ipal Sixth and Seventh Fourth & Fi fth T hird First and Seco nd
Se ve nth and Eighth

Mr. Va n Ho utan

Coo ks: Mrs. Funk an d Mrs. Nixo n

- 81 -
Be'lerly Arnold
Connie Arnold
Merton Bancrqft
Wi l liam Brashers
Wayne Cline
Leland Cooper

Li nda Dill
Arletta Gann
Larry Gann
Leroy Gann
Wayne Gann
He len Gregg

Larry Hesler
Shirley Howe
Virgil Johnson
David Larimer
Fay Lowden
Mi ke Luyex

Sandra Mallard
Roberta McCart
Roy Moreno
Douglas Nixon
Larry Nixon
Peggy Nixon

Caro lyn Owens

Pau la Pertirt
Robert Petrin
Dennis Palmer
Max Palmer
Arch ie Ritch

George Snodgrass
Curtis Watkins
Richard Weeks
Wanda White

Mrs. Bre shears group

studies South America.


Basketball Team

Girls Volleyball

Jr. Band
Charity Activities

Rhythm Band


Glee Club

Charity Annual Staff "Twinkle Twirlers"

Sixth Grade

Ro w 1: G l en Powe ll , Kath erin e Hunge r, Linda Sinclair, Jea nette Benne tt, Elaine Johnson, Martha
Brasher, Li nda M oreno . Row 2: Darre ll Bo yd, Jo ann M oore , Fr anc es H o we, Je an Ann Att eberr y ,
Janett a Au stin, Mrs. Breshear s. Ro w 3: M erv on Banc r o ft, Joe Hig hfill, Stanl ey A ustin, Gr egg Nix-
o n, Ronald Marvin.

Fourth and Fifth Grades

Row 1: Elmer Al exand er, Leroy Atte berr y , Byron Wee k s, M yron Nixon, Rona ld Arn o ld, Bill Roberts,
Bernard Gronni ge r, Darr e l Ov1ens. Ro w 2 : Mari e Gregg , C harl ott e Pettitt, Bunn y Jo Lan e , Kare n
Benne tt, Rose m ar y Gronni ge r , Ly nda Johnson, Sherry Cooper, Anita Ga nn, Ja nu s Dill, Geo rge Nix-
on. Ro w 3: Lawre nce A rno ld, Jane Robert s, C he yrl Snodg ra ss , C hri stina Smi t h, N ora Owens, Ste lla
Gann, He l en A lt eberry, Linda Burgess , Da le Lan e .

- 85 -
Third Grade

Row 1: Micheal Cline, Cleve Bancroft, David Weeks, Tommy Cline, Steven Haymes, Richard Mar-
vin, De nnis Austin . Row 2: Jan Atteberry, Carla Summers, Dean Cline, Don White, Harold Ga nn,
David Arnold. Row 3: Sue Peterman, Lena Howe, Kathy D'Orsay, Sandra Boyd, Sandra Bass, Be ver-
ly Smith, Evalyn Brash ers, Pat sy Nixon, Leatta Gann, Virginia Hunget.

First and Second Grade

Row 1: Clifford Bancroft, Dexter Wee ks, Curtis Bancroft, Richard Peterman, Joe Roberts, Stevie Wise-
man , Wayne Hardi son, Ronald Atteberry. Row 2: Daniel Arnold, Cynthea Arnold, Margaret Gronni -
ge r, Barbara Johnson , Violet Austin, Linda Highfill, Harvey Alexander, Helen Austin. Row 3: Wil-
ma Atteberry, Kathy Gronniger , Gaylann Laughlin, Jam es Hunget, Roger Marvin, Larry Austin, And-
rea Anderson, Bradl ey Pe terman, Carlotta White , Deborah Nixon.

- 86 -
Long Lane Elementary


Jim Andrews Ruth Dunkin Sally Shantz Loretta Sons Ruby Miller Cia ud ia Barnett
Principal Grades: 5 & 6 Grades: 4 & 5 Grades: 2 & 3 Grades: 1 & 2 Grades: 6 & 7
Grades: 7 & 8

Custodi an: Mr. Mil le r Cooks: Mrs. Garvin and Mrs. Bennett
- 87 -
Frances Bennett
Sandra Bliss
Shirley Bliss
Beverly Bradley
Elaine Breakfield
Jerry Brown

Joy Burd
Jerry Chastain
Dennis Cheek
Barbara Evans
Ka theryn Evans
William Evans

Bobby Franklln
Larry Gaunt
Ronald Gaunt
Patsy Hackler
Billy Hays
Jim Hays

Junior Hicks
Larry Hicks
Hazel Johnson
Golda Luellen
Jesse Luellen
Kenny McDaniel

Ronald McKanzie
Junior Mathews
Jean Michael
Donna Miller
Beverly Novak
Ralph Percival

Derry Pierce
Terry Phillips
Sharron Powell
Pamela Scurlock
Sue Smith
Darrell Sons

Bobby Sprague
Willa Stafford
Henry Strickland
David Strohl
Alice Swigert
Billy Swigert

Dorothy Swigert
Jimmy Tuning
Joyce Tuning
Norman Webster
Kathlene Williams
Long Lane Activities

Elementary Chorus-

Learning Fractions

Long Lane Basketball Team

- 89 -
Long Lane Activities

Cheerleaders and Pep Club

Tonette Band

Rhythm Band

Junior Band
- 90-
Fifth and Sixth Grade

Row 1: Jimmy Huntley, Billy Hicks, Brenda Mathews, Sharon Bradley, Donna King, Letha Bennett,
David Tuning, Linda Gaunt, Alice Luellen. Row 2: Wanita Stafford, Isabelle Shewey, Robin Strohl,
Daryl We bster, Janis McDaniel, Sandra Hicks, Donald McDan i e l, Juneva McKimmey, Mrs. Barnett.
Row 3: Mrs. Dunkin, Erma Lynch, Lois Ross, Mary Phillips, Helen Webster, Mary Lou Kaus, Sherry
Jo Dampier, Sherry Lynn Gaunt, Martha Johnson, Patricia Scu rlo ck, Barbara Alletl, Ronny Webster.

Fourth and Fifth Grade

Row 1: Jerry King, Ma v a McKimmey, Linda Nixon, Vickie Burd, Caro lyn Miller, Theresa Hays,
The lma Cheek, Donna Swigert. Row 2: Johnny Huntley, Maria Foster, Vicky Burd, Billy McKenzie,
Ronald Kaus, Be linda Hanna, Douglas Strohl, Greg Cheek, Judy Webster. Row 3: Eugene Novak,
Charles Bliss, Jerry Johnson, James Evans , Marsha Allen, Gary Pierce, Bonnie Dill, Pam Matthews.
Absent: Wendell Cansler, Virgi l Evans.

- 91 -
Second and Third Grade

Row 1: Flowella Shewey, Ten ney Swigert , Rick y Hici<s, Linda MacKe nzi e , Fay la We bster, She rry Smith,
Jud y Swige rt, Julia Swigert , Pame la Ta lb ott, Nancy Bennett , Ga ry Turner. Row 2: Caro l Allen, Johnnie
Luellen, Wanda King, Gary Slack, David Dill , Larry Tu rn e r, Janice Swigert , Tommy C ha slain , Cindy
Lue lle n , Linda Bennett . Row 3: Mrs. Sons, Judy Atkisson, Judy Stafford, Pauline Cody , Ronald Evans,
Larry Scurlock, Steven Webster, Ke ith Webster, Howard Atkisson, Bonnie Hicks. Absent : Marjori e Lynch.

First and Second Grade

Row 1: Cecelia Hays, Cathy Smith, Joyce Lynch . Row 2 : Dathan Strohl , Rosie Luellen, Mary Stri ck land,
Ga ry Turn e r, Jennifer Scurlock , Joyce Stafford, Jo hn Di bb e n, Je rr y Hi cks, Danny Atldsso n, Mathew Phil -
lips, Hank Hall. Row 3: Mrs. Mille r, Larr y Slack, Bi ll y Randa ll, He le n Jaspe r, Linda Swigert , Jea nie
Huntley , Michael Cheek , He nry Bliss, Da vid Franklin, Ga rland Dull, Leroy Novak, Roger Kaus .

- 92 -
Louisburg Elementary


Ross A I! en Marilee Arnold Pi! tsy Vest Leona Richards Marybel!e Shank
Grades : 7 & 8 Gra des: 5 & 6 Grades: 3 & 4 Grades: 1 & 2 Music


Cooks: Mrs. Davison and Mrs. Ford

- 93 -
Jr. High
Sandra Alexander
Leslie Bass
Tony Bass
Ricky Boggs
Georg ia Ford
Doris Gillispi e

Johnnie Gillisp ie
Billy Gla ss
Lanna Hoover
John Ligh t win e
Roy Lindsey
Jim Merrill

David Merrill
Janice Rambo
Craig Schwanke
Walter K. Shank
Pearl Snook
Philip Steinbeck

George Steinmark
Tommy Stokesberry
Den nis Stoufer
Helen T e ague
Sue Varner
Jer ry Watkins

Mike Worthington
Rickey Whillock
Jane t Weckner
Judy Wil liams
Patti He nde rson

"Future Athletes"
Louisburg Activities

Girls Basketball
Grades 7 & 8

Front row, left to right: Patti Hender-

son, Gwen Kromm, Sandra Alexander,
Doris Gillispie.
Back row: Janice Rambo, Georgia
Ford, Judy Williams, Lanna Hoover,
Sue Varner.
Coach: Mr. Allen

Boys Basketball
Grades 7 & 8
Coach: Mr. Allen
Front row, left to right: Leslie Bass, Mike
Worthington, Rickey Boggs, David Nelson,
John Gillispie, Dennis Stoufer.
Back row: Jim Merrill, Roy Lindsey, Bob-
by Pan key, Walter Shank, Rickey Whillock,
Johnny Lightwine, Jerry Watkins.

Girls Basketball
Grades 5 & 6
Front row, left to right: Margarett
Reed, Sue Long. Beverly Hosier, Mary
Shank, Janice Wise, Virginia Stoufer.
Back row: Marilee Arnold (teacher),
Kathy Merrill, Jean Schanberg, Sharri
Henderson, Carla Powell.

Boys Basketba II
Grades 5 & 6
Front row, left to right: Gary Scarbrough,
Larry Jim Hoover, Mickie Richardson,
Jackie Gibson, Carl Williams.
Bacl< row: Stanley Killian, Chuck Wil-
liams, Larry Ford, Gus Nadelhoffer.
Louisburg Activities

Jr. Band

Flutophone Band

Rhythm Band

Jr. High Chorus

Fifth and Sixth Grades

Row 1: Peggy Whited, Beverly Hosier, Mary Shank, Janic e Wise, Ja ckie Gibson, Carl Williams,
Billy Snook, Sue Long. Row 2: Mrs. Arno ld, Parry Kromm, Kathy Merrill, Sharri He nd e rso n, Stan-
ley Ki llian, Mickie Richardson, Gus Nadelhoffer , Da vid Smith, Ronald Smith. Row 3: Margarett
Reed, Virg inia Staufer, Steven Sla ck , Car la Powell, Larry Jim Hoover, Gary Scarbrough, Larry Ford,
Je an Scho nb e rg , C huci< Williams.

Third and Fourth Grades

Row 1: Da vid Shank, Jimm y Long , Da vy Steinmark, Edward Ford , De bbie Bandel, Bernie Alexander,
Rickey Weckner, Bondena Rice. Row 2: Donna Bass, Nancy Williams , Linda Boggs . Shirley Hosi e r,
Laverta Alexander, Carol Snook, Rickie Richardson, John Bla ck, David Worley. Row 3: Miss Ve st,
Claude Hyd e , Don ni e Weckner, Parry Calton, Kim Nade lhoffer , Linda McLaug hlin, Ro be rt Blanton ,
1 Raymond Teague, Kathy Calton, Diana Megge rs. Abse nt: Rici<y Lawson, Doug la s Sm ith, Ca rl AI-
lan Carter, Zona Lawson.
- 97-
Row 1: Deboie Hamlet, Clark Benedict, Gregory Armstrong, Donna Kromm, Jimmy Teague, Diana
Hyde. Row 2: Bobby Blanton, Janie Sue Johnson, Ronnie Condren, Beth Calto n, Brenda Marsh, Jim-
mie Blanton, Stanley Ownby, Ray Killian, George Merrill. Row 3: Lynn Boggs, Joey Gillispie, Da-
vid Sutton, Jo e Black, Marsha Jennings, Mary Ann Teague, Kim Schwanke, Bobby Bass, Ja ck Potter,
Marty Garrison. Absent: Linda Worley, Tonya Lawson.

From Beginning To End

1960-1961 Was The


- 98 -

Dale,s Family Store

Buffalo Missouri
from the Bison Staff

G. D. Milligan
Grocer Co.
Springfield Missouri

- 99 -
Compliments of

Banking Company

Officers and Directors

James P. Hawkins

Fred Myers
Vice-President Tracy Insurance Agency
David D. Dudley Insurance for Every Need

W. C. Hawkins, Jr.
Cashier Phone: Diamond 5-7214


Ass' t. Cashier

Bob Montgomery
Ass't. Cashier How doesYOURINSURANCE
measure up?,,,,,,,,,, ''a
Lynn O'Neal

Hadley Thomas
Compliments of
Lynn O'Bannon Hawkins





- 100-

Studio & Printing Co.

Atteberry General Store

Groceries ...

Feed ...

Gas ...
Complete Photographic Service
and Oil

Printing Designed to Please

Charity Missouri
Phone DI 5-7412

Glenn Davison's

Tv and Appliances

Sales and Service

Johnson Rexall Drug
Phone DI 5-2351
Howard Johnson
We sell the best and
Buffalo, Missouri service the best.

- 101 -
- Shop and Save -

Bob Chapman's

The Best In

Hardware - Gifts


Phone 7213


Furniture Store

Jackie Chapman




Furniture Store

Hotpoint - RCA


- 102 -

Quality Checked

Dairy Products

Economy -~~
Gas ~ ECONOMY GAS co.~
Company, Inc. •
Bolivar & ~

Telephones :

Bolivar Thin~t,
too, seeta.:J

Bottling Company

- 103 -
Peters Barber Shop
Everett Peters

Jim Peters James. Snyder

R & J Super Market

West Side of Square

Ralph & Jeanie Roller

Yellow Bonnet
Fine Food Paul's Cities Service
Paul Bradley
"Famous for Quality"
Buffalo, Missouri

- 104-
First in Phone Book ...

First in Service!

A-1 TV and Radio Service Typewriter Company

Wayne Lemons
and Springfield, Mo.
Russell Hill

Buffalo, Mo.

Louisburg Farm Supply

Lumber - Hardware-Paints Kahler Electric Co.
Supplies Mona Kahler, Prop.

Check our prices before you buy TV- Radio Work Machine Shop
Auto Accessories

Phone Pl 2-2151 Electrical Work A Specialty

Phone Diamond 5-2422

- 105 -
Low Cost Auto Insurance

Western Auto Fire ....

Life ....
Associate Store Theft ....

Keith Cully

Buffalo Missouri Office S. Cedar . Di. 5-7021

Residence Elkland Di. 5-2599

Compliments of Gamel's
"66 .. Service Richerson Market
If your car needs it-we have it!

Ask your neighbor.

Clifford and Bernice Richerson

Free Pickup and Delivery

Buffalo, Missouri

South Hwy. 65
Buffalo, Missouri

- 106-

National Paper and

Hotel Supply, Inc.

Phone UN 4-9141 SALES\~ SERVICE

Bandel and Mcintire

321 East Walnut St.

Main Street
Springfield, Missouri
Buffalo, Mo. Phone 5-7432


D a v e s Chevrolet Houk Da r y
Bolivar, Missouri

Buffalo Missouri

- 107 -

Springfield, Missouri

O'Reilly Automotive, Inc.

Phone UN 5-5533
The Finest
Springfield, Mo. Sports Equipment


Automotive Parts, Supplies

Tools & Equipment

Houston, Missouri Branch


Gale & Nana Watkins

Houston, Mo.
Buffalo Locker Plant

Buffalo Missouri

- 108 -

Modern Electrical Living Is



electrical living

gives you many advantages.

It's clean, safe,

efficient and economical.

Life is pleasantly carefree

when you

"Live Better Electrically."

Bolivar Candy
The Empire District
Tobacco Company Electric Company

An Investor-Owned

Bolivar Missouri Electric Company

- 109 -

Bu ffal o ,

Mi sso u r i

Hill Shoe Store

Home of "City Club" and

"Vel vet Step" Shoes

Francis and Elsie Hill

Buffalo Missouri

For the best in

New & Used Cars and Trucks
go to

Hoover Auto

Dollar for dollar ... you

can't beat a Pontiac!

Telephone DI 5-2421

Buffalo Missouri

- 110-

Ford Sales

Bu ff a lo
Mi ssour i

D I I o n Drug Store

Walgreen Agency

Jake B . Cl ymore - Manager

Phone Di 5-2523

Cleo Kephart , Se n1.or

l oo k s hopefull Y over the
selection of watches
at the
Rimbey Jewelry.

Rimbey Jewelry

Buffalo Missouri

- 111 -



Woods A. G. Market

Fresh Fruits Vegetables

Finest Meats

Phone DI 5-2612 Buffalo, Missouri

- 112-

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