Let'S Get Counted!: FF Ffreddrennafreddrenna M. Lyle
Let'S Get Counted!: FF Ffreddrennafreddrenna M. Lyle
Let'S Get Counted!: FF Ffreddrennafreddrenna M. Lyle
Ff ffREDDRENNAFreddrenna M. Lyle
Newsletter 1
Aldermanic Message Continued The Marines of Montford Point
didn’t get the money they needed as a result of the The Marines of Montford Point, America’s first
undercount. black marines, were honored at the Horseshoe Casino
So let’s all pitch in and make sure we answer 10 on February 21, 2010. Close to 1000 guests were in
questions to assure that over the next 10 years our
attendance to hear Major General Gary Cooper,
communities have the resources, representation and
USMCR, Lt. General Frank E. Petersen and Chief
services they need. And don’t stop there, at your next
Block Club meeting have each family bring their Census Warrant Officer 4 James T. Averhart, Jr. urge the U.S.
form and mail them off as a Block. Do the same thing at Congress to award the Congressional Medal of Honor
the Beat meeting. Let everyone active in Beat 624 take their to the original Montford Point Marines. At the
forms to the Beat meeting and have the facilitator mail conclusion of the program, the Horseshoe Casino
them off. And what about Church, can you have a Census presented the Chicago Chapter with a $25,000.00
Day at your Church? The point is we’ve got to make sure check.
we get counted!
Every month we talk about working together to maintain In 1941, President Franklin Roosevelt signed an
our quality of life in this Ward. Many of you are active in Executive Order integrating the U.S. Marine Corps.
block clubs, CAPs, your Churches and Community Rather than allow the Black recruits to train with the
Associations. The way it usually works is a few people do Whites, a separate training base was created near
a whole lot and many people do nothing. Oh well. Right Camp LeJeune, in North carolina. That camp,
now we are looking for volunteers to be our eyes on the Montford Point, trained every Black man who enlisted
block, per se. We need someone to call us about the pot in the Marines until 1949. More than 20,000 were
hole or the street light. We need someone who can share trained during the war alone. Those men went on to
info with the block club about meetings, about programs. serve valiantly in Europe and the Pacific, including the
We need an open line of communications with each block. Battle of Iwo Jima. Unfortunately their efforts were
Ideally this would, could, can be the Block Club President. overshadowed by the better known Tuskeegee Airmen.
But it can be anybody with a phone and if they have an
email account that would make it even easier. If we are
We ask that you help them in their mission by
talking about working together, we have to organize block
writing Congress today in support of the Senate Bill
by block, that means we start with what we have and that’s
1695 and House Bill 3927 to have the survivors
Education Updates
honored with the Congressional Medal of Honor.
In my attempt to stop the turn around of two schools in Senator Richard Durbin
the Ward, I met with the schools, staff, and parents; visited 332 S. Dearborn St., Ste. 3892
a turnaround school, CPS and attended each Public Meeting Chicago, IL 60609
at the Board of Education. Sen. Jacqueline Collins was also
actively involved. She also met with the Principal of Honorable Bobby L. Rush
Deneen and attended the Public Hearing at City Hall that I 1st District Congressman
demanded by way of Resolution. We were successful in 700 E. 79th St.
removing Gillespie Elementary School from the list of Chicago, IL 60619
those schools slated to be closed, turned around or
consolidated. Deneen Elementary was not so fortunate and Honorable Jesse Jackson , Jr.
is in the process of being turned around as we speak. There 2nd District Congressman
is info elsewhere in the newsletter that relates to this 17926 S. Halsted
process. Homewood, IL 60430
Robeson and Harlan High Schools are two of the
schools that will see an inflow of hundreds of thousands of For your information, the Chicago Chapter of the
dollars in the Board’s new ‘Culture of Calm’ strategy, Montford Point Marines is located in the 6th Ward at
designed to eradicate the violence in our High Schools. 7011 S. Vincennes. The Association, although started by
Harlan’s pool repair is scheduled for completion in Marines, is not limited to Marine Corps veterans. All
December of this year. This is a 1 million dollar capital veterans are welcome. As an example, this year’s
budget amount that we have waited for since 2008. Once President is 6th Ward resident Donna Cooper who was in
the pool re-opens we will begin plans for open swim for the the Armed Services but not a Marine.
Freddrenna Lyle
Newsletter 2
Watch the 6th Ward Scene
F. Y. I. CAN-TV Channel 19
Newsletter 3
Income Tax Assistance Chicago Landmark Designation for
The Gwendolyn Brooks House
The City of Chicago helps eligible residents file for
the federal and state Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Pulitzer Prize winning poet and long-time Chicagoan,
With the EITC, you could owe less tax and get cash back Gwendolyn Brooks composed poetry, wrote books and
from the Internal Revenue Service and the State of raised her family in the 6th Ward at 7428 S. Evans from
Illinois. Even if you don't owe income tax, you can get 1954 to 1994. The home possesses exceptional historic
the credit and cash. In 2007 the City's assistance sites and cultural significance and is now up for Chicago
returned $31 million in refunds for more than 23,000 Landmark designation. The process takes approximately
9-12 months. See the Feb. 2010 Newsletter for details
about some of Mrs. Brooks accomplishments and awards.
Families earning less than $50,000 and individuals
earning less than $25,000 can get free tax preparation FREE Amplified Telephones
assistance from professionally trained volunteers. The
Tax Counseling Project and the Tax Assistance Program, Having trouble hearing on the telephone? The
both Chicago-area non-profit programs, offer the Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities (MOPD)
assistance at 29 sites in Chicago and 26 sites outside the offers FREE amplified phones through the Illinois
city. Residents should bring all current W2 and 1099 Telecommunications Access Corporation. There are
forms, Social Security cards for all members of the many different types and degrees of hearing loss.
household, a copy of your last recent tax return, and There are various differences in tone and clarity which
photo identification. must be matched to your needs. The only proven way
To get free tax preparation assistance, and assistance to do this is to try the phones on a real call. Come to
filing for the Earned Income Tax Credit, call 311 City one of the MOPD offices to try the phones Monday-
Services and ask about locations near you. Outside Friday 8:30 a.m.-4:00 p.m., 121 N. LaSalle St., Room
Chicago, local residents can call 312-409-1555 or 312- 104 or the MOPD Field Office at 2102 W. Ogden. Call
630-0273. 312.744.7050 (voice) or 312.744.4964 (TTY).
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Recruiting 2010 Census Workers!
FAFSA is a federal program available to all Apply and take the written test to become a Census
prospective college students, parents and adults 2010 worker at St. Columbanus, 331 E. 71st St.,
continuing their education. This free, seasonal assistance Tuesday & Thursday 9:30 a.m., 11:30 a.m. & 2:00
in completing the FAFSA form is provided by the p.m. Testing is also offered Thursday Evenings at 6:00
Ladder Up in partnership with City Clerk Miguel del p.m. Available positions include Crew Leaders,
Valle. Census Takers, Office Clerks, Assistant Crew Leaders
In 2010, this free one-on-one assistance is offered and Recruiting Assistants. To gain employment,
every Tuesday evening until March 30 at City Clerk del applicants must pass a written test and background
Valle's Office in Room 107 of City Hall, 121 N. LaSalle check. Bring 2 forms of identification to the testing
St. from 5:30-7:30 p.m. No appointment is necessary. session. Acceptable forms of identification include
The FAFSA is the gateway to apply for virtually all Driver’s License, State I.D., U.S. Passport, School ID
types of financial aid for higher education. It is used in card with a photo, Voter’s registration card. Other
applying for student aid programs, including Pell Grants, forms of identification and the practice test can be
Stafford Loans and campus-based programs. The found on the website http://2010censusjobs.gov or call
FAFSA collects the information required to determine 886.861.2010.
need and eligibility for financial aid.
Many colleges and universities have early deadlines
to submit the FAFSA between March 1st and April 15th See you next month!
of each year. In addition to FAFSA assistance, Your monthly message from
informational materials for the College Illinois 529 Freddrenna M. Lyle, 6th Ward
Tuition Program are also available at the City Clerk's Alderman and Committeeman
office. Service Office 406 East 75th Street, Chicago, IL 60619
For more information, please contact Ladder Up at (773) 846-7006 (773) 846-9104 fax
Email Address: [email protected]
312-409-1555 or download the program flyer at
Website Address: www.6thwardalderman.com
Newsletter 4
6th Ward Community Appreciation Luncheon ComEd CARE
Assistance & Energy Education Programs
Alderman Freddrenna M. Lyle and SOAR
Community Development Corporation will host its Helping Hand Program
eighth 6th Ward Service Awards Luncheon at Harambee During the month of March only, customers with
House, 11901 South Loomis Avenue, Sat., May 22, financial, medical, other other hardship issues can pay
2010, 12:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Join the 6th Ward as we 50 percent of the outstanding balance on an electric
salute the hero’s and shero’s in our community for their bill and ComEd will credit (pay) the remaining 50
hard work and dedication to community service. Each percent once the payment has been cleared. The
community organization has been asked to nominate a helping Hand program is available from March 1-31,
candidate for an award. Business owners, religious 2010. This program is designed to provide immediate
leaders, centurions, and volunteers will also be relief to residential customers in need facing service
considered for awards. Please support this worthwhile disconnection. Funds are limited and restrictions
event by purchasing an ad and/or ticket to the event. apply. To sign up, customers may call 1.888.806.2273
Please contact Keith Harris for more details at or attend a ComEd assistance fair. Customers who call
773.846.7006. to sign up by phone need to provide a ComEd account
number, a method of pasyment (check, credit card,
Deneen Elementary School Turnaround
debit card) and proof of a financial, medical, or other
On Monday, March 15, 2010, a public hearing will be hardship issue.
held to receive public testimony on the proposal for the
Residential Special Hardship Program
Board of Education to enter into an agreement with the
If you have a financial hardship due to job loss,
Academy of Urban School Leadership (AUSL) to
illness, military deployment, disability or being a
provide turnaround services at Deneen Elementary
senior citizen you may be eligible for assistance
School beginning in the Fall of 2010. The hearing will
through the Residential Special Hardship program. It
be held from 5:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. on the 5th Floor of
provides a one-time grant of uu to $1,000 for
the Chicago Board of Education Chambers, 125 S. Clark
residential customers with house hold incomes up to
St. All persons interested in providing testimony must
400 percent of the Federal poverty level ($88,2000 for
sign up between the hours of 7:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m.
a family of 4) that identify a hardship isue. The
and will be able to speak between the hours of 7:30 p.m.
program runs until the funds are depleted. To apply,
and 8:30 p.m. For additional information please call the
contact your local LIHEAP Agency.
Office of New Schools 773.553.1530.
2010 Income Eligibility Guidelines
Tentative Schedule for community outreach
400 Percent Poverty Level
and other key dates:
Family Size 30 Day Income Annual Income
March 24: Board of Education officially approves AUSL 1 $ 3,600 $ 43,320
as Turnaround Manager. 2 4,856 58,280
3 6,102 73,240
March 15 & ongoing: Continued networking with the 4 7,350 88,200
Office of Local School Council & Community Relations 5 8,596 103,160
and Alderman Lyle’s office to schedule meetings with 6 9,842 118,120
LSC members and other community organizations with 7 11,090 133,080
whom relationships have already been established. 8 12,336 148,040
April 14: Community Meeting (Location TBA) Small Business & Nonprofit Energy
April-June 2010: Continue networking to engage support Assistance Program
within the community. Meet with the principal, If you are a small business or nonprofit organization
community based organizations, LSC members, small with less than 100kW peak demand-and can
business owners and other stakeholders. demonstrate a special circumstance or hardship, you
can qualify for a one-time grant up to $1,500. The
As Needed: Organize additional school tours or program runs June 1 to September 1 or until the funds
parent/community meetings. are depleted. For more information about these and
additional programs, visit www.comed.com or call
August 28: Deneen Community Back to School Picnic. 1-888-806-CARE (2273).
Newsletter 5
Did you know?
F. Y. I. Continued The 6th Ward produced the 4th largest number of votes in
the 2010 Primary. As you know the results were dismal.
Of those that bothered to vote here are the top 5 Wards
Self-employed? Get all of your tax breaks… The rules about and their numbers:
keeping records and filing taxes can be confusing when you’re
self-employed. We don’t want you to leave money on the table 19th Ward 16,098 voters out of 32,355 registered Democrats
at tax time. The City of Chicago and the Center for Economic 8th Ward 12,507 37,656
Progress are working together to provide you with valuable 21st Ward 11,746 40,437
information about tax credits and deductions. This information 6th Ward 11,281 37,374
is ideal for taxi drivers, home healthcare workers, beauticians, 34th Ward 10,482 37,982
home-based childcare providers, gardeners and/or landscapers,
and other self-employed workers running a small business.
The class will be offered Monday, March 13 at 9:30 a.m.,
Kennedy-King College, 6301 S. Halsted. Space is limited so
call to confirm your attendance 312.603.0268.
We need your help
Women’s Networking & Resource Fair…On Saturday, getting information out
March 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. at the AKArama
Foundation & Community Center, 6220 S. Ingleside Ave.
SPICES Women’s Ministry will host a Women’s Networking
to the community.
and Resource Fair. Call 800.815.1849 to obtain a booth to
display your small business or organization or go to
Volunteer to become a
Newsletter 6
Newsletter 7