Musadiq Zahoor (Architecture Philosophy)

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Organic architecture is
Philosophy of
architecture which
promotes harmony
between human
habitation and the
natural world through
design approaches so
sympathetic and well
integrated with its site,
that buildings,
furnishings, and Organic architecture is more of a way of living than a tangible thing.
surroundings become It involves respecting the properties of surrounding natural
part of a unified, materials, understanding the function of the building, and making
interrelated them work together with the building site in a harmonious way. One
famous example is of Wright rejecting the idea of making a bank
look like a Greek temple.
• Promotes harmony between man-made structure
and the nature

• It is achieved by integrating the buildings

and surroundings.

• Main objective is to cause no harm to the

nature through our design

Frank lloyd wright incorporated the term • Inspired by the proverb “Form follows
"organic" into his architectural philosophy in function” - Architect Louis Sullivan
about 1908. Although the word ‘organic’ in
common usage refers to something which • Every structure is unique & unrepeatable.
has the characteristics of animals or
• Organic architecture began its great modern
plants, frank lloyd wright’s organic
journey in U.S.A
architecture takes on a new meaning.
It is not a style of imitation, because he did • Outward appearances resemble inner purposes“
not claim to be building forms which were
• Organic architecture not only addresses
representative of nature.
environmental concerns but also expresses
Instead, organic architecture is a
reinterpretation of
nature’s principles as they had been filtered
through the intelligent minds of men and
women who could then build forms which
are more natural than nature itself.
• Organic architecture emerged in different countries at the beginning of the 20th century. The externalization of form in the
neo-styles fired many architects of that period to create a new style of architecture.
• The concept of organic architecture was born from different styles such as art Nouveau, Functionalism, and
Constructivism. The pioneers of this direction drew inspiration from principles derived from living nature.

Louis Sullivan (1856-1924) Antoni Gaudí (1852-1926)

He was one of the first to introduce the concept of was one of the first architects to express himself in
‘organic architecture’. After closely studying sculptural form.
nature, he concluded that form always follows These forms were often based on the forces at play
function and made this principle the guideline for in the construction.
his architectural designs. During the last phase of his life he developed a
Moreover, he brought his geometrical building natural geometry of
masses to life by means of a rich, organic double curved surfaces that he applied in the
ornamentation church of the Sagrada Familia.

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) Frank Lloyd Wright (1869-1959)

Introduced in architecture the principle of Broadened both the content and the language of
‘metamorphosis’ that he organic architecture in
Derived from Goethe. This enabled him to express many directions. He expanded the concept ‘organic’
development to denote the relation
Processes that are inherent to nature, culture and between the building and its environment, the
the human consciousness. continuity of internal
By contemplating these forms an awareness for and external space and the use of building
interrelations and materials in accordance with
the ability to think in processes can be developed their own nature.
• Simplicity -Organic architecture • Ornament- These are an integral part of
is simple because its scheme and
design are clear. the building: they are not added on, stuck in
or unduly exposed. Sculpture and painting
• Nature-The creative possibilities of have to become elements of the total design.
form, color, pattern, texture, As much furniture as possible should be
proportion and rhythm built-in.
• are all demonstrated in nature. Organic
architecture does not imitate nature but • Shelter- A building should convey a sense
is concerned with natural materials, the
site, and the people who will occupy the of protection against
buildings. • the elements. Its inhabitants should
never lack privacy or feel exposed and
• Building and Site-The two have a
very special relationship in organic • Tranquility- Space- Quiet, serene,
architecture. The building grows out of tranquil space is a fitting
the landscape as naturally as any • environment for human growth. It is
plant; its relationship to the site is so
achieved by simple architectural masses
unique that it would be out of place
elsewhere. that reflect the uncluttered spaces within.
Mechanical Systems and Furnishings-
• Proportion and Scale- The human These are used simply in a way that
body should be the enhances their innate character and
optimizes their individual color, texture, and
• measure of a building and its strength
• Uses of curves as signature: To
differentiate organic architecture
• from the other branches of architecture
that also plays on the interpretation of
Technology integration: technical system is Materials-Not all organic architecture
required to connect human need and natural has it, but when used, it is developed as
capability. an integral part of the material, not
Local craft and human resources: needs applied. Examples are patterns cast in
concrete or carved in stone, leaded
glass panels, and tile or glass mosaics.
on particular place.
Design process and integration: It must have Inter linkage of exterior and interior
inception of project via owner, community, spaces-
city planner… we don’t see ourselves in a totally
cultural and historic connection: making different and new environment when we
step into an organic building because of
the linkage with the exterior.
sense of
place by creating connection between the
people and environment.

Although these are not all of the principles of organic architecture, they outline the general philosophy. Organic
design aims to include them, but not even Frank Lloyd Wright achieved them totally in each of his buildings.
As Wright himself wrote, “The complete goal of the ideal of organic architecture is never reached. Nor need
be. What worthwhile ideal is ever reached?
. When he was nine, his mother gave him a
set of Froebel blocks, a children's learning
FRANK LLOYD WRIGHT toy. Through the blocks, Wright learned to
use geometry to create flat designs on paper
(1869-1959) and to build designs with blocks. As he got6
older, he started to see geometric shapes in
everything around him.

• Frank Lloyd Wright

was an American architect,
interior designer, writer,
educator, and philosopher.
• , Wright was
recognized in 1991 by the
American Institute of Architects as
“the greatest American architect of
all time”
• He was born in Richland Center,
Wisconsin, on June 8, 1867, and died
in Phoenix, Arizona, on April 9, 1959,
at the age of 91
He started his formal education in 1885 at the University of Wisconsin School for Engineering. In 1887 he stopped his education without
taking a degree and moved to Chicago, where he was consecutively a part of two architectural firms. In 1893 he started his own
architectural practice.

Wright designed
more than 1,000
projects, which
in more than 500
completed works.
Wright's "organic
was a radical departure
from the traditional
architecture of his day,
which was dominated by European styles that Notice Wright’s design, its different from the building to the right which is built
dated back hundreds of years or even millennia. approximately the same time as wright’s bank
While most of his designs were single-family
homes, his varied output also includes houses of
worship, skyscrapers, resorts, museums,
government offices, gas stations, bridges, and
other masterpieces showing the diversity of
Frank Lloyd Wright's talent.
Besides the common principles used by many Architects, Wright had his own signature principles that made
him unique from other architects who practice organic architecture. These are :
-Organic Colors
-Simple Geometric Shapes
-Integration of Building with Natural Surroundings
-Strong Horizontal Lines
-Hidden Entries
Which of these basic principles do you see in the Arthur
Heurtley House in Oak Park, Illinois built in 1902?
Organic Colors?

Simple Geometric Shapes?

Hidden Entry Way?

Strong Horizontal Lines?

Integration with Natural


TALISIEN HOUSE. Spring green
Wisconsin and Scottsdale Arizona

TALISIEN HOUSE. Spring green Wisconsin TALISIEN HOUSE Scottsdale Arizona

TALISIEN HOUSE. Spring green
Frank Lloyd Wright and his wife
started the Taliesin Fellowship.
Taliesin was Wright's home and
school from 1937 until his death in
1959 at the age of 91.

Twenty-three apprentices came to

live and work on wrights farm in
Spring Green .They learned drafting,
construction methods, and other
crafts, as well as overseeing the
construction of Wright’s projects..

Each Fall after harvest ,the apprentices would then load up trucks and station wagons with food, drawings, and
other necessities and caravan across the plains to scottsdale arizona, the site of Taliesin West
TALISIEN HOUSE Scottsdale Arizona
Taliesin west was built in Frank's formulated style of prairie style.
During the construction of Taliesin West, the house and studio
were merely a series of “sleeping boxes” that were clustered
around a central terrace for Wright and his apprentices
Wright felt very strongly about the connection to the desert.
F.L.W said, “Arizona needs its own architecture”. That is why
he used Surface patterned after such abstraction in the
patterns of rattlesnake, Gila monster, and Chameleon.

The structure's walls are made of local desert rocks, stacked

within wood forms, filled with concrete.
The rich red hue from the redwood timber roof along with the
earthy, sandy hues from the concrete and the stone façade
creates a close natural relationship between the house and

TALISIEN HOUSE Scottsdale Arizona
Taliesin west was built in Frank's formulated style of prairie
style. During the construction of Taliesin West, the house and
studio were merely a series of “sleeping boxes” that were
clustered around a central terrace for Wright and his
Wright felt very strongly about the connection to the desert.
F.L.W said, “Arizona needs its own architecture”. That is why
he used Surface patterned after such abstraction in the
patterns of rattlesnake, Gila monster, and Chameleon.
The structure's walls are made of local desert rocks, stacked
within wood forms, filled with concrete.
The rich red hue from the redwood timber roof along with the
earthy, sandy hues from the concrete and the stone façade
creates a close natural relationship between the house and

• Prairie is a treeless grass-
covered plain found in the
United States and Canada,
• ->Observing these plains Typically, this houses consisted of broad open
spaces instead of strictly defined rooms, and
Frank formulated the prairie deliberately blurred the distinction between
style which is characterized by interior space and the surrounding terrain. Wright
: acclaimed "the new reality that is space instead of
• strong horizontal lines matter" and, about architectural interiors, said that
the "reality of a building is not the container but
• large windows the space within."
• Took into account the • But unlike the usonian houses which are cheap and
surrounding geography affordable the prairie houses are built for the
wealthy. These houses are built mainly with brick
• Open plan rooms and concrete. But when it comes to usonian houses
their primary building material is wood which is easy
to build with and cheap in the USA. But this doesn’t
mean that brick is not also used in usonian houses.
In 1936, when the united states was in the depth of an
economic depression, fl.Wright developed a series of
homes he called usonian. Usonian refers to houses of the
USA, because previously built houses were based on
neoclassic style of Greek Architecture and FL wright aimed
to completely change this style into a brand new American
architecture which has no connections with the past.

Usonian house project was started in the same year his

falling water landed him on the cover of Time, magazine.
These designs reflected his desire to craft a uniquely
American style, as well as his interest in creating well-
designed homes that an average American could afford.
The client for wrights usonian houses were distinctly
middle class in contrast to clients of prairie houses which
were very wealthy. And even though usonian
architecture grew out of wright’s earlier praire style,
they are cost controlled so as to achieve affordability.
- No formal living area( no distinction or closed wall)
- Radiant heating system( with pipes full of hot steam
running through the foundation to heat up the house from the
ground up)
- Materials like brick and wood were left unpainted
- Open floor plan
- Incorporation of the living area with he kitchen
- A strong visual Connection between the indoor and the
- Strong horizontal lines
- No garage no basement and no attic
- Natural lighting with celestory windows
- No or little ornamentation
- Low roofs
Broadacre city was an urban development concept
proposed by fl. Wright throughout most of his lifetime. He
presented the idea in his book The disappearing city in
1932. A few years later he unveiled a very detailed 3.7m by
3,7m scale model representing a hypothetical 10km2
The model was crafted by the students of Taliesin

Most of the building models in the concept were completely

new designs while others were refinement of old ones.
In the plan ach family is given one acre (4000m2) plot which
they can have private gardens and swimming pools,
There is a train station and a few office and apartment
buildings. But the apartment dwellers are expected to be a
small minority
All important transportation is done by automobiles,
although there are boats.

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum was one

of Wright’s most noticeable creation,
Guggenheim museum has its origins in the
Taliesin west where he perfected his design for,
16 years ( 1943–1959). In return Guggenheim
Museum is considered as Wright’s masterpiece
followed next to Falling water.

The building rises as a warm big spiral. Its

interior is similar to the inside of a seashell. Its
unique central geometry was meant to allow
visitors to easily experience Guggenheim's
collection of nonobjective geometric paintings
by taking an elevator to the top level and then Unfortunately, when the museum was completed, a
viewing artworks by walking down the slowly number of important details of Wright's design were
descending, central spiral ramp. ignored, including his desire for the interior to be painted
off-white. Furthermore, the Museum currently designs
exhibits to be viewed by walking up the curved walkway
rather than walking down from the top level
. Robie House (1908-1910)

Robie house was Influenced The Robie House creates a

by the flat, expansive prairie clever arrangement of
landscape of the American public and private spaces.
Midwest. Therefore being The client insisted on the
built in Wright’s formulated idea of "seeing his
prairie style. neighbors without being
seen" F.L.W Wright
approached this request
with an enormous
cantilever over the porch
Windows used were “light Every rooms in the house
screens” which were composed are defined while still
of pieces of clear and colored flowing into one another
glass, usually with unlike usonian houses
representations of nature which are not well
windows were also stretched on defined(no defined living
French doors along the entire room)
south wall on the main level,
opening up to a balcony.
FALLINGWATER (1936-1938); case study

► Fallingwater, is a house designed by Frank Lloyd

Wright in 1935 in rural southwestern Pennsylvania
► it was built as a weekend home for owners Mr.
Edgar Kaufmann & his family.

► Wright’s admiration for Japanese architecture was

important in his inspiration for this house, Just like
in Japanese architecture, Wright wanted to create
harmony between man and nature.
► The house was meant to compliment its site while
still competing with the drama of the falls and their
endless sounds of crashing water.

Unlike the Guggenheim Museum which took 16 Kaufmann called Wright and told him he would be at Taliesin in a few
years of designing. Designing falling water took hours to see the plans for the new country house. Wright had nothing
only a few hours! It wasn't until September of on paper. Summoning the help of apprentices Bob Mosher and Edgar
1935 that Tafel, Wright sat down at the drawing table and produced several
Wright produced any drawings when suddenly preliminary sketches for the house, surprisingly it was complete almost
he was overwhelmed by a surprise Visit from exactly When Kaufmann arrived, Wright greeted him saying
Edgar Kaufmann, on business trip nearby. “We’ve been expecting you." And thus began the design and creation of
FALLINGWATER (1936-1938); case study

Wright had recognized the attraction the

waterfall had for his clients, and wanted them "to
live with the waterfall, not just to look at it,. The
Kaufmanns were unprepared for Wright's placing
the house directly above the waterfall, instead of
facing it, but readily accepted the architect's The original house contains simple rooms furnished by Wright himself, with
designs almost without change. Finally the main an open living room and compact kitchen on the first floor, and three small
house was constructed from 1936-38, followed by bedrooms located on the second floor. The third floor was the location of the
the guest house construction in 1939
study and bedroom of Edgar Jr., the Kaufmann’s son.
FALLINGWATER (1936-1938); case study

Interpretation of F.L.W idea of integrating INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT FALLING WATER

falling water with the nature • Finl costa: $155,000 (Included $8,000 architect’s fees)
• The rooms all relate towards the house’s
natural surroundings, and the living room even • Square footage: The main house uses 5,330 square
feet while the guest house uses 1,700 square feet.
has steps that lead directly into the water
below. • Paint Colors. Only two colors were used
throughout: a light ochre(yellowish orange color) for
• The circulation through the house consists of
the concrete and his signature Cherokee red for the
dark, narrow passageways, intended this way
steel. Special paints were used to withstand
so that people experience a feeling of environmental challenges.
compression when compared to that of
expansion the closer they get to the outdoors. • Visitation: 4.5 million people since the door opned in
• The ceilings of the rooms are low, reaching only
• Fallingwater is the only major Wright-designed
up to 6’4″ in some places, in order to direct the
house to open to the public with its furnishings,
eye horizontally to look outside.
artwork, and setting intact( untouched)

• Fallingwater was featured on the cover of Time

Magazine, January 1938

“Bread and Butter” houses The Johnson Wax building

Unity Temple


O rganic architecture seemed to have

expired at the end of the twenties. Several of
its leading pioneers such as Sullivan, Steiner
and Gaudi died and in Europe the impending INGBank Alberts&VanHuut
Notre-Dame-du-Haut TWATerminal,JohnF.Kennedy Amsterdam,theNetherlands, 1979-1987
Second World War caused a general decline Le Corbusier Airport
in building. Ronchamp, France, 1950-
1955 NewYork,USA,1956-1962
In the 15th and 16th century however, organic
architecture underwent a surprising revival
brought about by pioneers of the modern
They transformed its initially rigid JørnUtzon
geometrical character into a more lively, Sydney,Australia,1957-1973
organic direction

Philharmonie Finlandiahall
Hans Scharoun Alvar Aalto
Berlin, Germany, 1956- Helsinki, Finland, 1962- Sekem Kindergarden
1963 1975 Portus-Bau
Egypt, 1986

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