Parapet Wall Upto 3.45 M Cushion
Parapet Wall Upto 3.45 M Cushion
Parapet Wall Upto 3.45 M Cushion
45 m Cushion)
1 Design Data
Height of the Parapet = 3.750 m
Height of the earth fill (including PQC & DLC) = 3.450 m
Thickness of the Parapet at top = 0.300 m
Thickness of the Parapet at bottom = 0.300 m
Density of concrete = 25.00 KN/m^3
Bulk Density of soil = 20.00 KN/m^3
Density of submerged soil = 10.00 KN/m^3
Density of fill = 20.00 KN/m^3
Coefficient of earth pressure (active) = 0.279
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DESIGN OF THE PARAPET WALL (upto 3.45 m Cushion)
Maximum BM under Basic combination = 120 kN-m (From analysis)
Maximum SF (VNS) = 77.53 kN
Depth of member (D) considered for bending = 300 mm
Depth of member (D) considered for shear = 300 mm
Width of the member (b) = 1000 mm
Grade of Concrete Used = 30
Grade of steel = Fe 500
Charactristic strength of concrete (fck) = 30 MPa Table no:6.5 (IRC:112-2011)
Charactristic strength of steel (fy) = 500 MPa Table no:18.1 (IRC:112-2011)
Tensile strength of concrete (fctm) = 2.5 MPa
Design yield strength of shear reinforcement f ywd = 0.8*fyk/γs = 348 MPa
Partial material safety factor for concrete (gm) = 1.5 Basic Page 49: (IRC:112-2011) Basic or Accidental
Partial material safety factor for Steel (gs) = 1.15 Basic Page 30: (IRC:112-2011)
Ultimate compressive strain in the concrete (єcu3) = 0.0035 Up to fck ≤Table
60Mpano:6.5 (IRC:112-2011)
modulus of elasticity of reinforcing of steel (Es) = 200000 MPa Clause 6.2.2 (IRC:112-2011) &6.3.5
modulus of elasticity of concrete (Ecm) = 31000 MPa
modular ratio αe (Es/Ecm) = 6.45
Ultimate tensile strain in the steel (єs) = [{fy/(gs xEs)}] = 0.00217
Coefficient to consider the influence of the concrete strength (a) = 0.67 Cube A2.10 Page : 244 (IRC:112-2011)
Cube or Cylinder Cube
Factor (l ) = 0.8 Cylinder
0.8 Up to fck ≤ 60Mpa,Eq.A2-33 (IRC:112-2011); 0.8-((fck-60)/500) for 60<fck<110Mpa
Factor (h) = 1
1.0 Up to fck ≤ 60Mpa,Eq.A2-35 (IRC:112-2011); 1.0-((fck-60)/250) for 60<fck<110Mpa
Design value of concrete compressive strength f cd = (a*fck/gm) = 13.400
Factor Fav (hfcdl) = 10.720
Factor b = (l/2) = 0.400
Effective depth of member (d) for bending = 300 - 50 - 16
= 234 mm
Effective depth of member (d) for shear = 300 - 50 - 16
= 234 mm
M/(bd2Fav) = kav = 0.204
Limiting Neutral axis depth (x lim) = (d*ecu3)/(es+ecu3) = 144.34 mm
Force in compression = Force in Tension from Fig. A2-4 - rectangular Tensile Strength
As = gs * Fav * x*b
M = fy*As *(d-lx/2)
= 500x1340.41x1.5
xlim/d = ecu3
ecu3 + es
= 0.617
Rlim = Mu,lim/(bd^2)
= Fav*xlim/d*(1 - b*xlim/d)
= 4.98
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Shear design
Shear resistance of section without shear reinforcement (V Rd.c) = [0.12K(80ρ1.fck) +0.15σcp]bw.d Vide 10.3.2 of IRC:112-2011
where spacing of bonded reinforcement with in the tension zone <= 5*(C+ф/2) Cl. 12.3.4 (3) of IRC:112-2011
<= 5*(50+16/2)
<= 290 mm
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DESIGN OF THE PARAPET WALL (upto 3.45 m Cushion)
Maximum BM under accidental combination = 189 kN-m (From analysis)
Maximum SF (VNS) = 66.21 kN
Depth of member (D) considered for bending = 300 mm
Depth of member (D) considered for shear = 300 mm
Width of the member (b) = 1000 mm
Grade of Concrete Used = 30
Grade of steel = Fe 500
Charactristic strength of concrete (fck) = 30 MPa Table no:6.5 (IRC:112-2011)
Charactristic strength of steel (fy) = 500 MPa Table no:18.1 (IRC:112-2011)
Tensile strength of concrete (fctm) = 2.5 MPa
Design yield strength of shear reinforcement f ywd = 0.8*fyk/γs = 400 MPa
Partial material safety factor for concrete (gm) = 1.2 Accidental Page 49: (IRC:112-2011) Basic or Accidental
Partial material safety factor for Steel (gs) = 1 Accidental Page 30: (IRC:112-2011)
Ultimate compressive strain in the concrete (єcu3) = 0.0035 Up to fck ≤ 60Mpa Table no:6.5 (IRC:112-2011)
modulus of elasticity of reinforcing of steel (Es) = 200000 MPa Clause 6.2.2 (IRC:112-2011) &6.3.5
modulus of elasticity of concrete (Ecm) = 31000 MPa
modular ratio αe (Es/Ecm) = 6.45
Ultimate tensile strain in the steel (єs) = [{fy/(gs xEs)}] = 0.00250
Coefficient to consider the influence of the concrete strength (a) = 0.67 Cube A2.10 Page : 244 (IRC:112-2011)
Cube or Cylinder Cube
Factor (l ) = 0.8 Cylinder
0.8 Up to fck ≤ 60Mpa,Eq.A2-33 (IRC:112-2011); 0.8-((fck-60)/500) for 60<fck<110Mpa
Factor (h) = 1
1.0 Up to fck ≤ 60Mpa,Eq.A2-35 (IRC:112-2011); 1.0-((fck-60)/250) for 60<fck<110Mpa
Design value of concrete compressive strength f cd = (a*fck/gm) = 16.750
Factor Fav (hfcdl) = 13.400
Factor b = (l/2) = 0.400
Effective depth of member (d) for bending = 300 - 50 - 16
= 234 mm
Effective depth of member (d) for shear = 300 - 50 - 16
= 234 mm
M/(bd2Fav) = kav = 0.257
Limiting Neutral axis depth (x lim) = (d*ecu3)/(es+ecu3) = 136.50 mm
Force in compression = Force in Tension from Fig. A2-4 - rectangular Tensile Strength
As = gs * Fav * x*b
M = fy*As *(d-lx/2)
= 500x1340.41x1.2
xlim/d = ecu3
ecu3 + es
= 0.583
Rlim = Mu,lim/(bd^2)
= Fav*xlim/d*(1 - b*xlim/d)
= 5.99
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Shear design
Shear resistance of section without shear reinforcement (V Rd.c) = [0.12K(80ρ1.fck) +0.15σcp]bw.d Vide 10.3.2 of IRC:112-2011
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