5 Pilecap

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Project boiler foundation a1-a2 Job ref.

Part of structure Calc. sheet no.

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Calculations Output


Spacing of 3

= 3400 mm
a Pile
X L actual = 1500 mm

b L prod = 1768 mm

L = 1768


Grade of Concrete: fx = 20 N/mm2
Grade of Steel: fy = 415 N/mm2
Clear Cover: Cc = 50 mm

Length (Along X-X) a = 800 mm
Width (Along Y-Y) b = 800 mm
Load N = 1450 kN

Pile Cap
Width at column face (Along X-X) Bxx = 3400 mm
Width at column face (Along Y-Y) Byy = 3400 mm
Depth D = 600 mm

Effective Depth (Along X-X) dxx = 520 mm

Effective Depth (Along Y-Y) dyy = 540 mm
Self Weight = 166 kN

Diameter Dp = 500 mm
Spacing between piles L1 = 2500 mm
L2 = 2500 mm
Load on each pile P = 323 kN
Depth of grade slab = 150 mm

Design of Main Reinforcement

The design of main reinforcement has been carried out by truss analogy and bending
theory methods. The critical reinforcement of the two methods has been provided

Truss Analogy Method

Reynold's Tensile force to be resisted by reinforcement
Handbook (Column Size has been neglected)
Tensile Force F NL/10d
Total tensile force along X-X = 1554 kN
Total tensile force along Y-Y = 1497 kN
The area of Rein. Required in each truss Ast1 =1.5*F/(0.87*fy)
Ast1 X-X = 1899 mm2/m
Ast1 Y-Y = 1829 mm2/m

Bending Theory Method

Bending Moment at face of Column
Project boiler foundation a1-a2 Job ref.

Part of structure Calc. sheet no.

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Calculations Output

Mu/Bd 2
M (kNm) N/mm2 pt (%) mm2/m
Along X-X 550 0.897 0.263 1367
Along Y-Y 550 0.832 0.243 1310

IS 456 : 2000 Min. Area of Rein.

Cl. (0.85*B*d/fy) Ast min (X-X) = 1106 mm2/m

Reinforcement Provided
(B1 is the bottom most layer)
Dia Spacing Provide
Along X-X B2 20 150 B1 T20-150
B4 0 0 B2 T20-150
B3 -
Along Y-Y B1 20 150 B4 -
B3 0 0

Ast provided along X-X = 2094 mm2/m Safe

Ast provided along Y-Y = 2094 mm2/m Safe
IS 456 : 2000 Top Rein.
Cl. Along X-X = 720 mm2/m
Along Y-Y = 720 mm2/m
Along X-X T2 12 150 T1 T12-150
T2 T12-150
Along Y-Y T1 12 150
Ast provided along X-X = 754 mm2/m Safe
Ast provided along Y-Y = 754 mm2/m Safe
SP:34(S&T)-1987 Side Face Rein. 12 150

IS 456 : 2000 Shear Reinforcement

Cl. 40
Distance of critical sec. from face of column (d/2)
Critical section along Y-Y = 260 mm
Critical section along X-X = 270 mm
IS 456 : 2000 Shear Force at the critical section
Cl. Along Y-Y = 647 kN
Along X-X = 647 kN
Shear stress at critical section Along Y-Y = 0.55 N/mm2
Along X-X = 0.53 N/mm2

Max Shear stress tc max =0.62*Sqrt(fck)

= 2.77 N/mm2 Safe
% of steel provided Along X-X = 0.40 %
Along Y-Y = 0.39 %

Shear stress resisted by concrete Section along X-X = 0.45 N/mm2

Section along Y-Y = 0.45 N/mm2
Shear Enhancement
Width of pilecap to be considered for shear enhancement
Along X-X = 2300 mm
Along Y-Y = 2300 mm

Width of pilecap without shear enhancement

Along X-X = 1100 mm
Along Y-Y = 1100 mm
Project boiler foundation a1-a2 Job ref.

Part of structure Calc. sheet no.

Drawing ref. Calc. by Date Check by Date

Calculations Output

Shear span (av) For section along Y-Y = 700 mm

For section along X-X = 700 mm
Project boiler foundation a1-a2 Job ref.

Part of structure Calc. sheet no.

Drawing ref. Calc. by Date Check by Date

Calculations Output

IS 456 : 2000 Shear stress resisted by concrete

Cl. 40.5 For section along Y-Y = 0.59 N/mm2 Safe
For section along X-X = 0.62 N/mm2 Safe
Total concrete = 7 m3
Layers Length No Steel (Kg)
B1 5180.47 23 294
B2 5480.47 23 311
B3 0 0 0
B4 0 0 0
T1 1919.53 23 39
T2 2319.53 23 47
Side face 14400 4 51 Total steel = 742 kg
kg/m3 = 107 kg/m3
Project boiler foundation a1-a2 Job ref.

Part of structure Calc. sheet no.

Drawing ref. Calc. by Date Check by Date

Calculations Output
tauc AREA
20 1.2 8 50.3
25 1.4 10 78.5
30 1.5 12 113.1
35 1.7 16 201.1
40 1.9 20 314.2
45 1.9 25 490.9
50 1.9 32 804.2
55 1.9
60 1.9
65 1.9
70 1.9
75 1.9
80 1.9

Ld (m) Grade tauc

8 0.376 20 1.2
10 0.470 25 1.4
12 0.564 30 1.5
16 0.752 35 1.7
20 0.940 40 1.9
25 1.175 45 1.9
32 1.504 50 1.9
55 1.9
60 1.9
65 1.9
70 1.9
75 1.9
80 1.9

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