5 Pilecap
5 Pilecap
5 Pilecap
Calculations Output
Spacing of 3
= 3400 mm
a Pile
X L actual = 1500 mm
b L prod = 1768 mm
L = 1768
Grade of Concrete: fx = 20 N/mm2
Grade of Steel: fy = 415 N/mm2
Clear Cover: Cc = 50 mm
Length (Along X-X) a = 800 mm
Width (Along Y-Y) b = 800 mm
Load N = 1450 kN
Pile Cap
Width at column face (Along X-X) Bxx = 3400 mm
Width at column face (Along Y-Y) Byy = 3400 mm
Depth D = 600 mm
Diameter Dp = 500 mm
Spacing between piles L1 = 2500 mm
L2 = 2500 mm
Load on each pile P = 323 kN
Depth of grade slab = 150 mm
Calculations Output
Mu/Bd 2
M (kNm) N/mm2 pt (%) mm2/m
Along X-X 550 0.897 0.263 1367
Along Y-Y 550 0.832 0.243 1310
Reinforcement Provided
(B1 is the bottom most layer)
Dia Spacing Provide
Along X-X B2 20 150 B1 T20-150
B4 0 0 B2 T20-150
B3 -
Along Y-Y B1 20 150 B4 -
B3 0 0
Calculations Output
Calculations Output
Calculations Output
tauc AREA
20 1.2 8 50.3
25 1.4 10 78.5
30 1.5 12 113.1
35 1.7 16 201.1
40 1.9 20 314.2
45 1.9 25 490.9
50 1.9 32 804.2
55 1.9
60 1.9
65 1.9
70 1.9
75 1.9
80 1.9