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Asphalt Cement and Portland Cement Concrete related Questions

Question Answer Details

What is Asphalt Cement?  Asphalt cement is a hydro Tar is a different kind of
carbon which exist naturally in bitumen which can be
some area with different produced for the coal
percentage of pollution that can
be purified such Trinidad lake
 Mostly Asphalt cement is
produced for the residue parts
of the crude petroleum.
What are the common type  Pure Bitumen  Pure bitumen form a
of Asphalt?  Bitumen Emulsion significant part of
 Cutback Bitumen the Asphalt Cement
Concrete usually
from 4-6% by weight
of the total mix
 Bitumen Emulsion is
the composition of
Bitumen, Water and
Emulsified Agent
 Cutback Bitumen is
the composition of
pure bitumen with
some derived part of
crude petroleum.
What is pure bitumen  Pure bitumen is a hydro carbon It can be find in different
99% with less than 1% pollution grade and different viscosity
that will be discussed later
What is Bitumen Emulsion  Bitumen Emulsion is composed Bitumen cannot be solved in
of water but if added some
Bitumen+Water+Emulsifer Emulsifier agent the bitumen
change it is shape in to fine
 It can find as Anionic or Cationic globules with positive or
 The Anionic Bitumen Emulsion negative charges that
is used with those aggregate dispersed each other and
that usually contain a weak form a bitumen Emulsion it
positive charges such a siliceous is widely used in road
aggregate construction and
 The Cationic Bitumen Emulsion maintenance. The water
is used with those type of then evaporate after a while
aggregate that usually form a in to the atmosphere which
weak negative charge on their does not harm the
surface environment in compare to
the Cutback bitumen
How the bitumen Emulsion Bitumen Emulsion is classified based on For example Rapid Setting
can be classified? viscosity as follows type is suitable for surface
dressing and penetration
 Rapid Setting (RS) macadam, Medium Setting
 Medium Setting (MS) type is used for premixing
 Slow Setting (SS) with course aggregates and
slow setting is suitable for
fine agate mixes
What is Cutback bitumen? Cut back bitumen is defined as the In today’s world the usage of
bitumen, the viscosity of which has Cut back bitumen is reduced
been reduced by a derived parts of since after the evaporation
Crude Petroliam such as Naphtha, of the solvent which are
Gasoline, Kerosene and diesel from petroleum derivatives
it can harm the environment
What are the common Cutback bitumen is classified based on For example in order to
types of Cutback Bitumen? viscosity as follows produce a Rapid Curing the
 Rapid Curing bitumen can be add with
 Medium Curing Naphtha or Gasoline, which
 Slow Curing will rapidly evaporate after
using in construction

What are the types of The pure bitumen can be classified in Nowadays the Penetration
Grading for Pure Bitumen? three types Grading is not used to much
 Penetration Grading for and the Bitumen is usually
Example: Bitumen 60/70 classified based on Viscosity
 Viscosity Grading for Example Grading and Performance
bitumen AC-20 Grading that is used in
 Performance Grading for Superpave Mix design For
Example PG 58-16 instance, AC-20 means the
bituminous asphalt cement
has viscosity of 2000 poises
at 60°C. The Viscosity
Grading evaluate the
behavior of bitumen in three
different temperatures
(25C,60C,135C) and PG58-16
means that it can be used
for area which the Highest
Temperature can go up to
58C and lowest temperature
can go up to -16C
Why the Penetration The Graph shows that
Grading is not used todays? although there are three
different kind of bitumen
stiffness in different
Temperatures, but based on
Penetration Grading it shows
one type

What are the common Test  Peneration Test Thin Film Oven Test and
for Bitumen?  Viscosity Test Rolling Thin Film Oven Test
 Ductility Test talks about the hardening
 Specific Gravity Test and aging of bitumen these
 Softening Point Test are very important tests.
 Flash and firepoint test
 Solubility Test
 Loss on Heating Test
 Water content Test
What is PMB?  PMB stands for Polymer Usaully polmyr modified is
Modified Bitumen which used for wearing course for
increases the risistance of example it can boost up the
bitumen against thermal grading performance To
cracking in low Temperatrue avoid fatigue cracking, low
and Rutting and also somehow temperature cracking and
decreases the bitumen stiffness rutting, the PG 76-22 is
behavior in high Temperature. It recommending for wearing
can be find as Elastormer or course. To achieve the PG
Plastomer but the Elastomer is 76-22 from penetration
more usable grading 60/70 or viscosity
grading AC-20, a suitable
type of polymer modifier
(such as Styrene-Butadiene-
Styrene or other) is
recommending. Experience
shows that may a 4 to 5%
SBS will require to modify
the 60/70 penetration grade
or AC-20 viscosity grade
bitumen to change it to PG
76-22, but the exact amount
shall be determined by the
contractor with performing
of required laboratory tests
to achieve the PG 76-22
Asphalt Cement Concrete related Questions
How many types of Hot There are four types of Hot Mix Asphalt  Dense Graded
Mix Asphalt does Exist Exist based on Gradation Asphalt is the most
Based on Gradation?  Dense Graded Asphal common Asphalt
 Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) which contains all
 Open Graded Friction Course partical from fine to
(OGFC) Maximum size.
 Fine Gap Graded Asphalt  Stone Mastic
Asphalt contained
fine partical and
course particals
 OGFC does not
contains fine
 Fine gap-graded
asphalt is a mix
which contains less
of the intermediate
aggregate fractions
but more sand and
filler than a normal
dense graded

How many type of Mix  Asphalt Cement Concrete  Asphalt Cement

does exist in Maintenance  Fog Seal Concete is used for
purpose  Chip Seal the purpose of
 Slurry Seal Overlay in
 Micro Surfacing Seal Maintenace.
 Fog Seal is used for
treatment of
 Chip Seal is DBST or
 Slurry Seal contained
liquied mix of
Intermedate size of
aggregats and fine
aggregat with
 Micr Suracing Seal is
similar to Slurry Seal
Can be applied in
thicker layers, up to
40–50 mm to fill
wheel ruts.
What are the composite of  Hot Mix Asphalt cotain  Filler can be
an HMA? Bitumen, Course Aggregate, hydratedlime which
Fine Aggregate and Filler acts as anti stripping
agent in Asphalt Mix
It can also be
cement or stone
How Many type of Asphalt  Marshal Mix design  Marshal Mix design
Mix design do you know?  Hveem Mix design is the most common
 Superpave Mix design Mix design used in
Afghanistan it can be
apply to Maximum
Size of 25mm but it
also has been
Modified for larger
partical sizes as well
 Superpave Mix
design in very new
ussally getting used
in USA with these
days it is similar to
Marshal Mix design
except that the
compaction of the
mix is getting done
by gyratory method

What are the common  Air Void  Air Void is shall be

attributes in Marshal Mix  VMA from 3-5%
Design?  VFA  Flow 8-14mm
 Flow  Stability depends on
 Stability Pavement design
 Unit Weight of total Mix type but ussaly
greater than 10000N
 VFA 65-75%
 VMA as per MS-2
What are the key factors  Gse From these factor the
that the Marshal attributes  Gmm Air voids, VMA and VFA
can be find from them  Gmb and unit weight can be
through the formula? find throug the formaula
And Stability and Flow
can find though the
Apparatus of Marshal
In what increments does a Usually a Mix design trail start with Usually five sample is
mix design trail starts and asphalt content 2.5% and increase 0.5% required for making a
can be made? it means that the next specimen mix design trail
content 3%,3.5%,4% and so on
Explain a Marshal Mix -------------------------------------- --------------------------------
design from A-Z?
Aggregate Properties related Questions
What are the source of  Igneos Rock Igneos rocks is from
Aggreate?  Sedemintary Rock Magma such as Basult
 Methamorphic Rocks Deabase and Gabro
Sedemintary rocks like
Sand Stone and Lime
Methamorphic Rock just
like Gneiss, Marble,
How many propeties types There are two properties exist for
does exists in Aggregate? Aggregate
 Physical Properties
 Chimical Properties
What are the Chemical  Stripping  In HMA, aggregate
Properties of Aggregates?  Alkali-Aggregate Reaction surface chemistry can
determine how well
an asphalt cement
binder will adhere to
an aggregate surface.
Poor adherence,
commonly referred to
as stripping, can
cause premature
structural failure.
 In PCC, aggregates
containing reactive
forms of silica can
react expansively
with the alkalis
contained in the
cement paste. This
expansion can cause
cracking, surface pop
outs and spalling.
What are the Physical  Gradation and size  Gradation can be find
Properties of Aggregate  Toughness and Abrasion by Sieve Analysis of
Resistance aggregate
 Durability and soundness  Toughness and
 Particle shape and surface Abrasion can be find
texture by Loss Angless
 Specific gravity Abrasion test and
 Cleanliness and deleterious Micr-Devel
materials  Durability and
 Moisture Content Soundness ussaly can
be find in 5 cycle of
NaSO4 and MgSO4
 Partical Shape can be
find thorugh finding
the parameters of
Flackness Index
Percent Flaky and
Percent Elongation
Angularity or
Fractured Face
 Specific Gravity can
find through the
specific gravity test
that we can find
Apparent Specific
Gravity,Bulck Specific
Gravity and Effective
Specific Gravity
 Moisture Content can
be Ovendry, SSD,Air
Dry and Wet
 Cleanliness and
deleteriouse Material

Define Desired Gradation In HMA when the Maximum size  As much as the Graph
and size reduces it deacreses stabitliy of Gradation curve is
 Maximum Size of Aggregate is close to 0.45 Power
the Smallest Sieve which 100 Gradation curve it is a
percent of the partical is Well graded but not
passess through the Seive precisly the same as
 Nominal Maximum Size is The 0.45 Power Gradation
largest sieve that retains some Curve since it leads to
of the aggregate particles but allower VMA in
generally not more than 10 Asphalt Mix. Or it also
percent by weight. can be find by Cc and
 Desired gradation is found by Cu based on Unified
Soil Classification
comparing the Graph of the
where Cc is Coifecient
aggregates with Tompston and of Curvatrue and Cu
is Coificent of
( )
d Uniformity when
Mollar formula P=
D Cu>4 and Cu is
Or 0.45 Power Gradation Curve. between 1-3 then it
can be said as well
Type of Gradation

Toughness & Abrasion

Duriblity and Soundness? The soundness test determines an About 5 days. Each cycle
aggregate’s resistance to disintegration involves between 16 and 18
by weathering and, in particular, freeze- hours of submergence in the
thaw cycles. After a specified number of sulfate solution followed by
submerging and drying repetitions in 4 or more hours of drying.
NaSo4 or MgSo4, the aggregate is Therefore, about one cycle
sieved to determine the percent loss of can be done per day with a
material. typical number of cycles
being 5.

Toughness & Abrasion Based on Specific type of Gradation For Subbase usaully the
A,B,C or D the amount and number of %Loss less than <30 and for
balls to be added and number of base course is lesthan 25 for
rotation is getting specify the material lower layers it can be
retianed on No 12 Sieve is getting lessthan 50 as well.
selected and after the test the % of loss
from No12 (1.7mm)Sieve is determind

Partical Shape and Surface  Flaky particals are those which

Texture Analysis the thickness of the partical is
less 0.6 of the Mean dimenstion
 Elongated particals are those
which the length of partical is
greaterthan 1.8 times the main
 Surface Texture or Angularity is
defined as the percent of
Fructured Faces with two more
more crashed faces
What is Specific Gravity of  Bulk Specific Gravity Bulk Specific Gravity:
Aggregate  Apparent Specific Gravity Includes the volume of the
 Effective Specific Gravity aggregate particle plus the
void volume that becomes
filled with water during the
test soak period. 
Apparent Specific Gravity:
Includes only the volume of
the aggregate particle.  It
does not include the void
volume that becomes filled
with water during the test
soak period. 
Effective Specific Gravity:
Gse includes the volume of
the aggregate particle plus
the void volume that
becomes filled with water
during the test soak period
minus the volume of the
voids that absorb asphalt.

Mositure Content  Oven-dry (OD) - All moisture is

removed by heating the
aggregate in an oven at 105⁰C W stock−¿W
(221⁰F) to constant weight (this MC= SSD
×100 % ¿
usually constitutes heating it
overnight). All pores connected
to the surface are empty and the
aggregate is fully absorbent.
 Air-dry (AD) - All moisture is
removed from the surface, but
pores connected to the surface
are partially filled with water.
The aggregate is somewhat
 Saturated surface dry (SSD) - All
pores connected to the surfacem
are filled with water, but the
surface is dry. The aggregate is
neither absorbent nor does it
contribute water to the concrete
 Wet - All pores connected to the
surface are filled with water and
there is excess moisture on the
surface. The aggregate
contributes water to the
concrete mixture.

Cleanes and deliteriouse To test for clay lumps or friable

Material particles, a sample is first washed
and dried to remove material
passing the 0.075-mm (No. 200)
sieve. The remaining sample is
separated into different sizes and
each size is weighed and soaked
in water for 24 hours. Particles
that can be broken down into
fines with fingers are classified as
clay lumps or friable material.
What are the Terminology  Boulders & Cobbles: Material
of Soil partical based on
retained on a 75-mm sieve.
AASHTO Classification?
 Gravel: Material passing a 75-
mm sieve and retained on a
2.00-mm (No. 10) sieve.
 Coarse Sand: Material passing a
2.00-mm sieve (No. 10) and
retained on a 0.475-mm (No.
40) sieve.
 Fine Sand: Material passing a
0.475-mm (No. 40) sieve and
retained on a 0.075-mm (No.
200) sieve.
 Silt-Clay: Material passing a
0.075-mm (No. 200) sieve.
 Coarse Aggregate: Aggregate
retained on the 2.00 mm sieve
and consisting of hard, durable
particles or fragments of stone,
gravel or slag. A wear
requirement (AASHTO T 96) is
normally required.
 Fine Aggregate: Aggregate
passing the 2.00 mm (No. 10)
sieve and consisting of natural
or crushed sand, and fine
material particles passing the
0.075 mm (No. 200) sieve. The
fraction passing the 0.075 mm
(No. 200) sieve shall not be
greater than two-thirds of the
fraction passing the 0.425 mm
(No. 40) sieve. The portion
passing the 0.425 mm (No. 40)
sieve shall have a LL ≤ 25 and a
PI ≤ 6. Fine aggregate shall be
free from vegetable matter and
lumps or balls of clay.

What are the usual quality  Sieve Analysis of Granular Soil

test for
 Atterberge Limits
and Subbase Material?  Moisture Density Relation or
 Field Density Test( FDT)

What are the common  Basecoure Blend

quality test for Basecoure?
 Loss Angless Abrasion Test
 Soundness and duribility of
 Flackness and Elongation Index
 Fractured Face
 Specific Gravity
 Water Absorbsion
 Sieve Analysis of Granular Soil
 Atterberge Limits
 Moisture Density Relation or
 Field Density Test( FDT)

How can we find the  By core cutting Density of the core

percentage of compaction Sample/Gmb=%Compaction
 By Nuclier Gage (less accurate)
in Asphalt? Usually it is from 95-98%

During Asphalt Paving what  JMF Gradation Tolerance

common quality factors are
 Bitumen Content
getting check?
 Gmb
 Gmm
 Unit Weight
 Air Voids
 Flow
 Stability
 Retained Stability

What is the effect of High  Leads to permeability of water

Air voids in Asphalt Mix
and air resulting in water
damage as Oxididation revelling
and cracking

What is the effect of low  Leads to Rutting and shoring of

Air voids in Asphalt Mix
Asphalt Mixture due to plastic

How much air voids left off  2% for Asphalt basecourse and
due running of Traffic
3% for Asphalt wearing course

What are Hydrophilic and  Those aggregate wich has good

Hydrophobic aggregates?
interest with water is called
Hydrophilic which cause
bitumen striping the
hydrophobic is hates water

Portland Cement Concrete related Questions

What is the portland Portland cement is made of Limestone
cement made of? and Clay which after heating them from
1300-1500C it forms Cement Clinker
What are the common Typically there are five cement type
types of cement?  Type I (Normal Condition)
 Type II For use in general
concrete construction exposed
to moderate sulphate action, or
where moderate heat of
hydration is required.
 Type III (For use when high early
strength is required (Rapid
Hardening Cement).
 Type IV (For use when low heat of
hydration is required (Low Heat
 Type V (For use when high sulphate
resistance is required (Sulphate
Resisting Cement).

What is the percentage The cement form 7-15% of Concrete by

bywieght of Cement in Valume?
What is the Pozzuluna Pozzuluna cement is : when adding fly
Cement? ash, Silica fume and Slag with portland
cement it produces a very high strenght
cement which is called pozluna cement

What is the natural air The Natural Air Content in a concrete

content in a concrete mix mix is from 0.5-3%
What is the range of air in It is from 4-8%
an Air entrained concrete
What are the Test for Initial Time of Setting
Cement Final time of setting
Chemical Properties
In what range the PH of 6-8%
concrete should be ?
What are the common test Slump Test
for a concrete paste Air Content Test
Strenght Test

What is the best range of It is from 21-33C

air temerature for concrete
List the common type of Air Entrained admixture
admixtures? Accelrating admixture
Retarding admixture
Anti Freeze

Explain the ACI Mix design? …………………..

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