Quasionire For Interview Civil Engineers
Quasionire For Interview Civil Engineers
Quasionire For Interview Civil Engineers
What are the types of The pure bitumen can be classified in Nowadays the Penetration
Grading for Pure Bitumen? three types Grading is not used to much
Penetration Grading for and the Bitumen is usually
Example: Bitumen 60/70 classified based on Viscosity
Viscosity Grading for Example Grading and Performance
bitumen AC-20 Grading that is used in
Performance Grading for Superpave Mix design For
Example PG 58-16 instance, AC-20 means the
bituminous asphalt cement
has viscosity of 2000 poises
at 60°C. The Viscosity
Grading evaluate the
behavior of bitumen in three
different temperatures
(25C,60C,135C) and PG58-16
means that it can be used
for area which the Highest
Temperature can go up to
58C and lowest temperature
can go up to -16C
Why the Penetration The Graph shows that
Grading is not used todays? although there are three
different kind of bitumen
stiffness in different
Temperatures, but based on
Penetration Grading it shows
one type
What are the common Test Peneration Test Thin Film Oven Test and
for Bitumen? Viscosity Test Rolling Thin Film Oven Test
Ductility Test talks about the hardening
Specific Gravity Test and aging of bitumen these
Softening Point Test are very important tests.
Flash and firepoint test
Solubility Test
Loss on Heating Test
Water content Test
What is PMB? PMB stands for Polymer Usaully polmyr modified is
Modified Bitumen which used for wearing course for
increases the risistance of example it can boost up the
bitumen against thermal grading performance To
cracking in low Temperatrue avoid fatigue cracking, low
and Rutting and also somehow temperature cracking and
decreases the bitumen stiffness rutting, the PG 76-22 is
behavior in high Temperature. It recommending for wearing
can be find as Elastormer or course. To achieve the PG
Plastomer but the Elastomer is 76-22 from penetration
more usable grading 60/70 or viscosity
grading AC-20, a suitable
type of polymer modifier
(such as Styrene-Butadiene-
Styrene or other) is
recommending. Experience
shows that may a 4 to 5%
SBS will require to modify
the 60/70 penetration grade
or AC-20 viscosity grade
bitumen to change it to PG
76-22, but the exact amount
shall be determined by the
contractor with performing
of required laboratory tests
to achieve the PG 76-22
Asphalt Cement Concrete related Questions
How many types of Hot There are four types of Hot Mix Asphalt Dense Graded
Mix Asphalt does Exist Exist based on Gradation Asphalt is the most
Based on Gradation? Dense Graded Asphal common Asphalt
Stone Mastic Asphalt (SMA) which contains all
Open Graded Friction Course partical from fine to
(OGFC) Maximum size.
Fine Gap Graded Asphalt Stone Mastic
Asphalt contained
fine partical and
course particals
OGFC does not
contains fine
Fine gap-graded
asphalt is a mix
which contains less
of the intermediate
aggregate fractions
but more sand and
filler than a normal
dense graded
Define Desired Gradation In HMA when the Maximum size As much as the Graph
and size reduces it deacreses stabitliy of Gradation curve is
Maximum Size of Aggregate is close to 0.45 Power
the Smallest Sieve which 100 Gradation curve it is a
percent of the partical is Well graded but not
passess through the Seive precisly the same as
Nominal Maximum Size is The 0.45 Power Gradation
largest sieve that retains some Curve since it leads to
of the aggregate particles but allower VMA in
generally not more than 10 Asphalt Mix. Or it also
percent by weight. can be find by Cc and
Desired gradation is found by Cu based on Unified
Soil Classification
comparing the Graph of the
where Cc is Coifecient
aggregates with Tompston and of Curvatrue and Cu
is Coificent of
( )
d Uniformity when
Mollar formula P=
D Cu>4 and Cu is
Or 0.45 Power Gradation Curve. between 1-3 then it
can be said as well
Type of Gradation
Toughness & Abrasion Based on Specific type of Gradation For Subbase usaully the
A,B,C or D the amount and number of %Loss less than <30 and for
balls to be added and number of base course is lesthan 25 for
rotation is getting specify the material lower layers it can be
retianed on No 12 Sieve is getting lessthan 50 as well.
selected and after the test the % of loss
from No12 (1.7mm)Sieve is determind
How much air voids left off 2% for Asphalt basecourse and
due running of Traffic
3% for Asphalt wearing course