Retrofit Design (Manish)

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Design of RC Column Jacketting Using IS 15988: 2013

Detail of Exising Column

Cross Section (DxB) = 350 X 350 mm2

Effective Cover = 40 mm
Grade of Concrete = 20 MPa
Grade of Steel = 500 MPa
Reinforcement provided 3928.58 mm2
Reinforcement required 4371 mm2 (From Analysis)

According to the provision provided in to (a) of IS 15988:2013, concrete strength shall be
at least 5 Mpa greater than the strength of the exising concrete.
Thus, taking value of fck = 25 Mpa


Existing Area of RC Column (A'c) = 122500 mm2
According to (e) of IS15988:2013, Ac = 1.5A'c
Thus, Ac = 183750 mm2

According to the code specified above, minimum jacket thickness shall be 100mm as per clause of IS 15988:2013
Thus, New size of the column with 100 mm thickness on each side
B'' = 100+B+100 = 550 mm
D'' = 100+D+100 = 550 mm

New concrete area (Ac) = 302500 mm2 > 183750 mm2

Area of additional steel required, A's = 442.42 mm2

But according to (e) 15988:2013, As = (4/3)A's

As = 589.89 mm2

No. Of Rebar
PROVIDE : Rebar Dia.
Bars Area
Mid 12 4 452.5714
Corner 20 4 1257.143
Total Area = 1709.714 OK

At Corner : 4 no. of 20 mm dia bar
At Mid : 4 no. of 12 mm dia bar

Design of Lateral Ties

As per (e) of IS15988: 2013, minimum diameter of ties shall be 8mm and not less than one third
of the longitudinal bar diameter.
Dia. of bar = 6.67 mm
Take, Dia of bar = 10 mm
Spacing of ties as per (f) of IS 15988:2013- The code suggests that the spacing, s of ties to be
provided in the jacket in order to avoid flexural shear failure of column and provide adequate
confinement to the longitudinal steel along the jacket is given as:
s = (fy x dh^2) / (√fck x tj)
Where, fy = Yield strength of steel
fck = Cube strength of concrete
dh = Diameter of stirrup
tj = Thickness of jacket
Therefore, s = 111.81 mm

Provide Stirrups of 10 mm dia @ 100 mm c/c

Area of Steel Provided (Existing)
Rebar No. Of
Rebar Area
Dia. Bars
25 8 3928.571429
0 0 0
Total Area = 3928.571429

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