Mil-Dtl-248 TNT

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8 November 197U
MIL-T-00248B (PA)
11 February 1974 AND
13 September 1962



Th18 speclfl cation is approved for use by all Departments and

Agencies of the Department of Defense.


1.1 Trinitrotoluene (TNT) covered by this specification is a

high exPlosive intended for use in ammunition (see 6.1).

1.2 Classificstlon.-TNT shall be of the following types and

forms as specified (see 6.1.1 and 6.1.2):

Type I - Flake or Crystalline Form with a solfdl-

f fication point of 80.200C min.

Type II - Fine Crystalline Form with:a solidification

.(’ point of 80.400C min.


2.1 The following documerts of the issue in effect on date of

invitation for bids, or request for proposal, form a part of this
specification to the extent specified herein:

FED-STD-595 - Colors


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Lot Numbering of Ammunition
Sin!zleand Multilevel Continuous
Inspection by Attributes


7548644 - Box, Packing for High Explosives,

Assembly Detaiis, Packing and
7548645 - Box, Packing, Reusable, Collapsible,
for High Explosives
9257923 - Carton, Packing, Reusable, Collapsible,
for High Explosives, Single Piece
(Copies of specifications, standards, drawings, and publications
required by suppliers in connection with specific procurement
functions should be obtained from the procuring activity or as
directed by the Contracting Officer).

3.1 Material.-Trlnltrotoluene(Type I or Type II) shall conform
to the requirements of Table I when tested in accordance with applicable
paragraphs of 4.4. Trinltrotoluene that has been reworked because Of
non-compliance with specification requirements, shall be considered
for acceptance.

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Property Requirement Applicable


Type I Type II

Form Flake or Crystalline

crystalline Form
Form 4. U.1.1
Color No darker Light Yellow
than No.
Solidification Point,
Degree centlgrat!e(°C) 80.20 min 80.40 mln 4.4..2
Moisture, percent 0.10 max 0.10 max 4.4.3
Acldlty (as sulphurlc
acid), S O.005 max 0.005 max 4.4.4
Alkalinity None None Q.4.5
percent O. @5 max O.05 max 4.4.6
Scdlum, percent O.001 max O.001 max 4.4.7
3.2 Thickness of flake (applicableto Type I in flake form “
Only).-The average thickness of the flakes shall be not more than
0.025 inch and the thickness of any individual flake shall be not
more than O.Ob inch, whez determined as specified it?4.4.8 (see 6.6).
.( 3.3 Granulation (applicableto crystalline form only).-The TNT
shell conform to the granulation requirements of Table Ii when determined
in accordance with 4.4.9.
Distribution Percent by Weight, Min.
Type I Type II
Through US Standard Sieve No. 14 95 100
Through US Standard Sieve Wo. 100 -- 95

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~.u \Jcrkmafiship.
-The r:eterials!)allbe processed in a mhnner
that will produce :he hi~h qu&liL:/mz:er:al necessar:~tc meet t!]c
iremer.ssof :F. r.. The material s!)allbe free o!-
is speci?tca::ic.
dir:, chi:s, and other f’oreig’r.
3.5 .?l.rstarticle testi,ng ‘Pis
.-. , apeci?ication makes prol,lsions
for f’~rstarticle :esting. Submission of finst article quantity by
the contractor shall be as specified In the contract.
4.1 !ieaponsibllityfor inspection.-Unless otherwise specified
in the contract or purchase order, the supplier is responsible for
the performance of’all Inspection reoulrements as specified herein.
Except as otherwise speclfled In the contracL or order, the supplier
may use his own or any other facilities suitable for the performance
of the Inspection requirements Speciffet herein, unless disapproved
by the Government. The Government reserves the right to perform
any ox”the Inspections set forth in the sF?clflcationwhere such
inspections are deemed necessary to assure supplies and services
conform to the prescribed requirements. Reference shall be made
to MIL-STD-109 in order to define the terms used !Iereln.
4.1.1 Classificationof inspection.-TheInspection requirements
specified herein are classified as follows:
a. First Article Inspection (see 4.2)
b. Quail.tyConformance Inspection (see 4.3)
c. Packaging Inspection (see 4.4.2 and 5)
4.2 First Article Inspection
4.2.1 Submission.-Prior to initiation of regular production
the contractor shall submit a first article sample as designated
by the Contracting Officer (see 6.2) for evaluation in accordance
with the provisions of 0.2.2. The initial production sample shall
consist of approximately 5 pounds of trlnltrotolueneobtained by sampling
as described in as applicable. All samplea
submitted shall have been produced by the contractor using the same
production processes, procedures, and equipment as will be used in
fulfilling the contract. All materials, shall be obtained from the



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same sources as will be used in regular production. The sample shall
{ be accompanied by certificates of analysis. A first article quantity,
or portion thereof, as d!rected by the Contracting Officer, shall alSO
be subnltted whenever there 1s a lapse in production for a period In
excess of 90 daya, or whenever a change occurs in manufacturing process,
material used, drawing, specification,or source of supPlY as to
significantly affect product unlforn~ty as determined by the Government.
Prior to submission, the contractor shall inspect the sample to the
degree necessary to assure that it conforms to the requirements
of the contract and submit a record of this Inspection with the
sample. A sample containing known defects WI 11 not be submitted
unless specifically authorized by the Contracting Officer.
4.2.2 Inspections to be performed.-The sample will be sub.lected
by the Government to any or all of the examinationsor tests specified
in 0.3 and 4.0 of this specification and any or all requirements of
the applicable drawings.

4.2.3 Re.iection. -If any sample fails to comply with any of the
applicable requirements, the first article quantity shall be rejected.
The Government reserves the right to terminate inspection upon any
failure of a sample to comply with any of the stated requirements.
4.3 Quality Conformance Inspection
4.3.1 Lot Formation Lot formation for Continuous process.-A lot shall consist
) of TNT produced by one manufacturer in accordance with the same speci-
> fication or same specificationrevision under one continuous set of
operating conditions. Each Intereix series shall consist of that
quantity of TNT that has been subjected to the same chemical process
intended to make the final product homogeneous. The product shall
be submitted for inspect:cm in accordancewith MIL-STD-105 (or MIL-
STD-1235 when applicable). Lot Interfix.-The interfix series as described in MIL-
STD-1168 shall be controlled in the following way. The interfix
series shall be changed whenever there is a significant change in the
raw materials. A significant change to the raw materials shall be
jointly defined by the Contractor and Contracting Officer.

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MIL-T-2U8C Serial Lot.-A lot shall consist of 120,000 pounds of
TNT maximum or one transportationunit filled with TNT minimum;
where a transporatlonunit is defined as box car, truck trailer, etc.
Boxes shall be color coded to identify TNT by line within each lot.
Each box shall be serially marked. Lot Formatio]lfor Batch Process.-The following shall
aPPIY tO TNT prOduced by the Batch process: The term “lot” as used
throughout this specification,refers to an inspection lot which :s
defined as an essentially homogeneous collection of batches of
product from which representativesamples are drawn and inspected to
determine conformance of the selected batches with applicable require-
ments. The sample selected shall represent only that batch from
which the sample was drawn and shall not be construed to represent
any prior or subsequent batchea presented for inspection. A lot
shall consist of batches of TNT produced by one manufacturer in
accordance with the same specificationor same specification
revision under one continuous aet of operating conditions. The
criteria and procedures for assignment of lot numbers shall be
in accordance with MIL-STD-1168.
4.3.2 Examination.-Samplingplans and procedures for the
following classificationsof defects shall be in accordance with
MIL-STD-105 (ABC-STD-105). Contractor’s sampling plans, if used,
shall be approved by the Government and shall provide, as a minimum,
the protection afforded the Government by the sampling plans in
MIL-STD-105. Continuous sampling plans in accordance with MIL-STD-
1235 may be used if approved by the procuring activity. Also, at
the option of the procuring activity, AQL’s and sampling plans may
be applied to the individual characteristic listed, using an AQL
of O.40 nercent for each Ma.lordefect and an AQL of 0.65
. uercent
for each”Minor defect. - Filled box prior to closing see dwg. 7548644‘and
Categories Defects Method of Code No.
Inspection (see 6.3)
Crit cal: None defined

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Major: AQL 0.65 percent

101. Foreign matter ....................Visual 01001
102. Bag liner pierced or torn .........Viaual 01002
103. Bag liner improperly closed.......Vlsual 01003

Minor: AQL 0.6s percent

201. Type of liner incorrect...........vlsual o1oo4 Sealed Wooden Boxes (see dwg 75~86Q4)

Catesorles Defects Method of Code No.


Critical: None defined

or: AQL 1.00 percent
101. Top improperly assembled ..........vlsual/Manual 0.2001
102. Box damaged .......................Visual 02002
103. Lot numb;r misleading
or unldentlflable .................Visual 02003
104. Strapping mlaalng, broken or
loose .........Visual/Manual
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 02004
105. Board broken or split.............vlsual 02005
Minor: AQL 1.50 percent
I 201. Stramlng immonerly assembled ....visuManualual 02006
202. Marking ;Isleadlng or
unldentlflable ....................vlsual 02007
203. }Jallprotruding ...................viaual 02008 Fiberboard Box (see dwg 754864s)

Categories Defects Method or Code No.


Critical: None defined

Major: None defined

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Minor: AQL 2.50 percent

201. Staples improperly located........Vlsual 03001 J)
202. Staples Improperly driven or
loose .............................Visual 03002
203. Flapa Improperly located..........Vlsual 03003
204. Less than eight (8) sound staples
per joint .........................Vlsual 03004
2@5. Delamination of scoreline at edge
more than one Inch ................Vlsual OjJ05 I Fiberboard Box (Single Piece) (see dwg. 9257923)
Categories Defects Method of Code No.
Critical: None defined

Major: AQL 0.40 percent

101. Box liner not properly located, ....Visual 04001
102. Box liner Improperly glued. ...,...Visual/Xanual 04002

Minor: --+ AQL 2.50 percent

201. Stitches improperly located .......Visual 04003
202. Stitches improperly driven or
loose .............................Visual 04004
203. Flaps improperly located ..........Visual 04005
204. Less than required stitches at
joint .............................Visual 04006
205. Score lines missing or
incorrectly applied ...............Visual 04007
206. Non-stick surfaces missinE
(as applicable) ...................visua~ 04008 Sealed Fiberboard BOX (see dwes. 7548645 and


Categories Defects Method of Code No.


Critical: None defined


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. —.

MIL-T- ?b8c

Major: AQL 0.65 percent

101. Assembly torn or pierced....“.
.....ViSUal 05001
102. Lot number misleading or
unidentifiable....................Vlaual 05002
103. Strapping or banding strips
mia8ing, broken, or loose.........Visual/Manual 05003
Minor: AQL 1.50 percent
201. Stitches missing or loose.........ViSUal 0500Q
202. Marking misleading or
unidentifiable. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Visual 05005
203. Strapping or banding strips
improperly assembled . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Vlaual/Manual OSOO~
204. Flaps improperly closed (as
applicable )..... ..... .. .. .........visual 05007

4.3.3 Testing.-The product shall be submitted for the following

inspections in accordance with MI L-STD-105 and in addition, paragraphs and fI.3.3.2 shall aPPIY.

Inspection/Requirement Defect Classification Test


Form M@ or B U.4.1.1
Color Major B
Solidification Feint Ma.ior B 4.0.2
Moisture Ma.1or B 4.0.3
\ Acidity Major B 0.4.0
.. Alkalinity MaJ or B 4.4.5
Insoluble matter Major B 4.4.6
Sodium Major B 4.4.7
Thickness of flake Major B 4.4.8
Granulation MaJ or B 4.4.9 Continuous Nitration Process Sampling. Set Point Sampling.-Samples shall be selected at

one (1) hour intervals from each line and aub ected to the solidi-
fication point test as outlined in paragraph i.4..2. If any sample
fells to comply with the teat requirements, the material represent-
ative of that production between the time of the previous acceptable
set point determinationand the point of failure shall be rejected.

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. ..-

4. Sampling Other Than Set Point

J’) Normal Sampling. An individual sample, consisting
cf approximately8 ounces shall be randomly selected from each
four hours of production, from each line. These samples shall be
subjected to all tests specified in Table I, p&ragraph 3.2 and
paragraph 3.3 except for set point. Each sample shall be analyzed
separately (no composite sampling) and evaluated Independently.
If any sample falls to comply with any requirement, the succeeding
and preceedlng production from that line shall be sampled at
approximately 20 box intervals Until such sampling shows material
which satisfies the requirement Of the test which failed. All
boxes between the two satisfactory samples, shall be removed
from the lot.,2 Reduced Sampling. After tee?consecutiveproduction
lots meet all these (see, the sampllng
frequency shall be reduced to once a shift for each production line.
However, If any sample falls to comply with any requirement,after
reduced inspection +s instituted the succeeding and preceedlng
production from that line shall be sampled at approximately20
box Intervals until such sampling shows material which satisfies
that requirement. All boxes between the two satisfactorysamples,
shall be removed from the lot. In addition, the sampling frequency
will revert to once every four hours until four consecutive lots
have met the requirement of the test which failed. Batch Process SMIIpling. -For TNT produced ty the
batch prticess,a representatlve sample of approximately 8 ounces
shall be selected from,each batch and subjected to the tests
depicted In ti.~.l and 4.4.3 through 4.4,9. In addition,, the test
depicted in 4.4.2 silallbe performed on individual samples,obtained
from ten percent of the number of boxes in each batch. The inspection
of the samples in 4.4.1 and 4.4.3 through b.4.9 shall he lx accordance
with NIL-sTD-1235, CSP-1 plan, Inspection Level II, AQL 6.5z. If
any sample falls to meet any test requirement the batch represented
by the sample shall be rejected. All batches produced between the
time that the last batch was tested and accepted and the batch
which failed shall be tested in accordance with the applicable
methods given in paragraph 4.4. If any of these batches fail


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. . . .

to meet the requirement of the test which failed that batch
shall alao, be rejected. In addition, a?ter any failure of
a batch the contractor will return to 100% inspection until
“i” successive batches are accepted aa required by lJIL-STD-1235.
U.3.3.3 Sampling for .-Empty fiberboard cartons
test 4.4.10
shall be sampled in accordance with Special Inspection Level S-3
with AQL 4.0. The sample size represents the number of individual
cartons to be sampled. Each glued joint on the sampled cartons
will be tested. (see 5.2.2)
4. 3.0 Inspection equipment.-For the performance of all tests
and exeminationa spezlfied in 4.3 and ~.4, co~ercial lnaPection
equipment should be employed. The contractor shall have available,
and utilize correctly, this equipment and la charged with the
responsibilityof insuring that proper calibration procedures are
followed. Government approval o: all inspection equipment la
required prior to ita use for acceptance purposes.
4.0 Test Methods and Procedures (see 6.7)
0.4.1 Form and Color
4. U.1.1 Form. -The form of the applicable type of TNT shall be
determined by visual examination.

U. U.1.2 Color .-The color of the applicable type of TNT shall

be determined by visual examination. The color for Type I, TNT,
shall be determined in accordance with FED-STD-595* color Number
.. 30257.
4.4.2 Determination of solidificationpoint.-The determination
shall be conducted as follows:
Place a molten sample of approximately50 grams (m) of TNT in a
covered 250 milliliter (ml) beaker. Fill the inner tube of
the solidificationpoint apparatus ahown on figure 1 to within 1.5
inches of ita top, with the molten TNT. Insert the stirrer and
thermometer in the tube and place the tube and contents in a water
bath at 95 to 100 degrees centigrade (“c) for 5 minutes. Remove the tube
from the water bath and place it in the apparatus. Stir the molten
material constantly, making approximatelyone up and down motion of
the stirrer per second. Using a 76 millimeter particle immersion
American Standard Testing Method Thermometer, number 93C., with a


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range of 60 - 90°C,record the temperature of the molten material
every 30 seconds until solidification begins as Indicated by the “’>
temperature of the samples rising after reaching a minimum. A
glycerin bath and a National Bureau of Standard Thermometer with
a range of 79 - 82°C may be used as an alternate bath and thermometer.
Contlnllethe stirring until the temperature reaches a maximum, which
1s taken as the freezing point.
4.4.3 Moisture.-The moisture shall be determined in accordance
with MIL-sTD-650, Method 101.4.
4.4.4 Acidity.-Welgh exactly 10 g ~ 0.01 g of dry TNT and
place It in a 500 ml extraction flask. Add 50 ml of acetone measured
in a 100 ml graduate. Shake by hand from time to time until the
explosive is completely dissolved. Pour in slowly (20 to 30 seconds)
200 ml of distilled water measured In a 250 ml graduate and wait
until the explosive settles (about 10 minutes). Add 8 to 10 drops
of methyl red/methylene blue indicator (O.1 g of methyl red and
0.05 g of methylene blue In 100 ml of 95% ethyl alcohol)and titrate
at once, without filtering, using 0.05 N sodium hydroxide. For this
purpose use a 5 ml semi-micro burette graduated in 1/50 ml, 1 ml
corresponding to a ‘lengthof 70 to 80 mm. Add the 0.05 N sodium
hydroxide solut~on drop by drop to the flask, shaking the latter
until the indicator end-point is reached. Note the volume VA of
solution used. Carry out a blank test simultaneously under identical
conditions to those of the actual determination. For this purpose,
place In a 500 ml or larger extraction flaak 50 Ml Of acetOne, 200
mlof distilled water and 8 to 10 drops of methyl red/methylene
blue Indicator. Titrate with 0.05 N sodium hydroxide solution.
Note the volume VB of solution used.
The acidity of the TIITexpressed as percentage of sulfuric
acid shall be calculated as follows:
Percent acid = 4.9 (VO - VR) N
VA . ml of sodium hydroxide used in sample
VB = ml of sodium used in blank
N = normality of sodium hydroxide
W - weight of sample, in g


.. )

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4.4.5 Alkallnlty.-Observe the color of the resultant

solution in 4.4.4 when 8 to 10 drops o’fmethyl red/methylene
blue Indicator Is added. The formation of a green color
indicates the presence of alkalinity.
4.6 Insoluble matter .-The insoluble matter shall be determined
in accordance with MIL-STD-650, Method 105.1 using benzene as the
solvent. Furthermore, the residue in the filtering crucible shall
be dried in an oven at 100 ~ 5°C.
Q.4.7 Sodium Atomic Absorption SpectrophotometrlcFlethodsfor
the Determination of’Sodium Apparatus.Any satisfactory Atomic Absorption
Spectrophotometer Reagents .-Benzene - Reagent Grade ACS Benzene shall
be used. Distilled Water - Sodium-free distilled water shall be
used. All references in this method to dlstllled water means sodium-
free distilled water. Preparation of standard solutions Stock solution (sodium chloride solution).-Pre-
paration: Weigh accurately to nearest 0.1 mg about 130 mg of
reagent grade sodium chloride (or equivalent of other suitable
sodium standard) on an analytical balance and tran$fer to a clean
dry 1000 ml volumetric flask. Dissolve in sodium-free distilled
water and make up to mark. “This solution contains i3pPrOXhStelY
50 parts per mil?ion of sodium. Calculate exact concentration. Standard solutiong.-Preparatlon:Transfer 2 ml,
4 ml, 6 ml, and 8 ml aliquots of the stock solution into 100 ml
volumetric flasks and dilute to volume with distilled water. These
solutions will contain approximately 1, 2, 3 and 4 ppm sodium.
Calcu’.ate exact concentration.

4. Adjustment of apparatus for analysis of sodium-The

aPParatUS used shall be adjusted according to the manufacturers
prescribed settings. A nominal wavelength of 589 millimicrons
should be used for sodium.


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U.d.7.1.5 Calibration “ofapparatus with standard ~olutiOn~.-

Place sodium-free distilled water In aspirator cup and aspirate
into the flame. Record absorbance. Repeat with the nominal 1, 2,
3, and ~ ppm standard solutions afidrecord absorbance. Prepare
a graph plotting absorbance versus exact concentration. Test procedures.-Prepare a water extract of the TNT
sample b!,either of the following methods:
. Sodium by Atomic Absorpt.lon.
-Weigh to the nearest
mg approximately 5 gm of TNT and transfer t~ a 50 ml beaker. Add
i5 ml Of sodium free water to the beaker. Place the beaker covered
with a watch glass on a steam bath or In a hot water bath for 30
minutes at 90 ~ 5°C with.frequent cr cent-inuousagitation. cool
the mixture, filter and collect the filtrate In 25 ml volumetric
Clask. \Jashthe T]~Twith two 3 ~] p~~tion~ Of sOiium-free water
and collect the filtrate in the 25 ml volumetric flask. Make up
to volume with sodium-free water. Using an atomic absorption
spectrometer, measure the absorbance of the specimen solution.
Determine the ppm sodium In the water extract from the calibration
curve. Calculate the percent sodium In the TNT as follows:
?ercent Sodium = PPm sodium in water extract
TNT Weight (g) T tioo
4.U. Sodium by Arcmic ,4bsorptlon.-Dissolve5 gm of
TI:T,weighed to the nearest f?;.e,
in 25 ml of benzene in a separator
funnel. Add 10 ml of sodium-free water and shake vigorously. Collect
the water (lower) layer in a 25 ml volumetric flask. Repeat the
water extraction twice, each with 5 ml portions of sodium free
water and collect each water layer in the 25 ml volumetric flask.
Make up to volume with sodium free water. Discard the benzene
layer. Using an atomic absorption spectrometer, measure the
absorbance of the specimen solution. Determine the ppm sodium
in the water extract from the calibration curve. Calculate the
percent sodium in the TNT as follows:
Percent Sodium = Ppm sodium in water extract
TNT Weight (g) X 400 Alternate method, Calorimetric test.-The following
colorlmetrlc test shall be performed only when sodium carbonate

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is purification of THT. Transfer 10 gm of sodium

( ‘“
in the
free TNT to a test tube aDproxlmately 6 inches long and 7/8 inch
in diameter. Add 15 ml Na CO solution containing 0.016 gm
Na2 CO~ per liter (equival ~nt ~o 0.001 percent sodium in a 10
gm sample of Th’T). To a similar test tube, transfer 10 gm
of the TNT being tested and add 15 ml of distilled water. Place
both test tubes in a bath of boiling water and allow to remain
for 30 minutes with vigorous shaking approximately every 2 minutes
or with continuous agitation. At the end of this period, remove
the tubes, cool until the TNT solidifies and decant the water
extract into a 50 ml Nessler type tube. Wash the residue with
approximately 10 ml of distilled water and add the washing
to the original extract. Tc the combined wash water and extract
in each Nessler tube, add 15 ml of reagent grade acetone and 1
ml of 8 percent oxalic acid solution. Shake the tubes and contents
thoroughly, and adjust “he volume of the solutions to 50 ml with
distilled water. Allc,(the solutions to stand for a few minutes
and compare the colors. If’ the color of the unknown is definitely
less intense than that of the standard, the TNT sample shall be
reported as satisfactory with respect to sodium content. If the
color intensity of the unknown is equal to or greater than that
of the standard, the test described in paragraph shall be
4.J.8 Thfckness of flake (applicable tc Type I, flake TNT,
I only).-The thickness of each of ’90 flakes of TNT shall be measured
by means of a micrometer accur~. :U at least 0.001 inch. The
maximun thickness shall be note~ and the average thickness calculated.
I 0 . (see 6.6).
4.lJ.9 Granulation.-The granulation of the TNT shsll be
I determined in accordance with Method 204.1 of MIL-STD-650.
U.4.1O Adhesion or glued carton .jolnts. -The glued carton
shall be torn apart by lifting a corner of the glued rlap and
tearing it rrotnthe side wall. Examine the manner of separation
of the joint and note the percentage of fiber failure. (see
and 5.2.2).


5.1 Packing Level A.- The trinltrotoluene (TNT) shall be

packed In accordance with Dwg. 75 Q8644.

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I 5.2 Packing Le>,elB.-The trlnltrotoluene (TNT) shall be packed :)

in accordance with Dwg.”754B645 or Dwg. 9257923.
5.2.1 Fiberboard Carton,Dwg. 7548645.-Carton bodies and covers
shall be stapled or stiched with not less than 8 fasteners per
joint. The outer fasteners in each Joint shall be located so that
at leaSt a portion of each outer fastener falls within one inch i,ut
not closer than 1/16 inch from the flap edges. Fasteners in any
vertical row shall not be more than 3 1/2 Inches apart. Both legs
of the fastener shall penetrate all layers of the fiberboard and
hav’e sufficient curl to give a firm grip. Fasteners may be added
to compensate for occasionally occurring faulty fasteners except
that loose fasteners shall be removed. Fasteners shall not be driven
on top of each other. When assembling the body or cover, the flap
edges shall not be more than l/E inch above or below the edge of the
part. Delamination of the.fiberboard which may occur where diagonal
scores meet the edge of the part will be acceptable, provided the
width of the delamination does not exceed one Inch.
5.2.2 Adhesion of glued carton .loints.
-If glued cartOns
are used for packaging, each glued joint shall meet the require-
ments for fiber failure as given on Dwg. 7548645 or Dwg.
9257923 when determined as specified in 4.4.10 (see 4-3.3.3
for sampllng procedures).
5.3 Marking.-The marking shall be In accordance with Dwg.
!44,Uwg. 754864; and Dwg. 9257923.

6.1 Intended use

6.1.1 Type I.-Tjpe I TNT is Intended for use in the loading

cf shells and bombs and in the manufacture of demolition blocks
and explosive mixtures.
6.1.2 Type II .-Type II TNT Is Intended for use in primer
mixtures and in special compositions that require either high purity
TNT or fine crystalline form.
6.2 Ordering data.-Procurement documents should specify the
a. Title, number and date of this document.

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b. Dcscrip:i on sheets shall be Prepared for each lot
in accordance ~fik,MIL-STD-1171.
c. Provisions ~or submission of first article samples.
d. Type aridform of the trlnitrotoluene.
6.3 inspection code numbers.-The five-digit code numbers
assigned to the inspection herein are to facilitate future data
collection and analysis by the Government.
6.u The Beckman Flame Spectrophotometer with photomultiplier
attachments consisting of the following:
a. A standard Beckman Model DU Spectrophotometer,
b. A Beckman Flame Spectrophotometer Attachment,
c. A Beckman Regulator, Model 9220 and
d. A Beckman PhotomultiPlier Attachment, Model 4300
has been found satisfactory.
6.5 International standardization agreement .-certain provisions,
Section 3 and 4.4, of this specification are subject to international
standardization agreement of STANAG 4025 and ABC-ARMY-STD-116.
When an amendment, revision, or cancellation of this specification
is proposed, the departmental custodians will inform their respective
Departmental Standardization Offices eo that appropriate action meY
be taken respecting the international agreement concerned.
6.6 Flake thickness.-This Lest is applicable to the first
article testing ten lots of production. After the
and the first
process 1s under control, as evidenced by the first ten lots
meetine the flake thickness requirement, testing forthis require-
ment will be discontinued.
6.7 Prior approval of the Contracting Officer 1s required
for use of equivalent test methode. A description of the proposed
method should be submitted thru the Contracting Officer to:
Commander, ATTN: SARPA-QA-A-P, Picatinny Arsenal, Dover, N.J:,
07801. This description should include but no: be limited to
the procedures used, the accuracy and precision of the method,
test data to demonstrate the accuracy and precielon and drawings
of any special equipment required.
Custodians: Preparing Activities:
Army-PA Army-PA
Air Force - 70
Review Activities:
Air Force-70
Project Number: 1376-0114

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l“ DIA X 6“ LONG


Flcuns 1.

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Picstinny Arsenal
Dover. New Jersey 07801

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A. G,VC PA. AG. .P” MUM. . . .NO “o- DIM..



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