Defense: Nato Number

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20 November 1985
26 March 1982
13 April 1978

This specification is approved for use by all
Departments and Agencies of the Department
of Defense
1 1 Scope. This specification establishes the requirements for two types
of air-cured solid film lubricant (identified by NATO code number S-749) (see
6 5) intended to reduce wear and prevent seizing, corroson and galling see
6.1) The lubricant can be appled by dipping, brushing or spray1ng
1.2 Classification The lubricant shall be of the following types, as
specified (see 6.2.1:
Type I - Bulk dispersion
Type II - Aerosol propelled
2.1 Government documents.
2 1 Specifications and standards Unless otherwise specified, the
following specif1cations and standards, of the 1ssue lsted 1n that 1ssue of
the Department of Defense Index of Specifications and Standards (D0DISS)
specified in the solicitation form a part of th1s specificaton to the extent
specified herein.

Beneficial comments (recommendations, add1tions, deletions) and any pertinent data

which may be of use in improving this document should be addressed to Systems
Engineering and Standardization Department (Code 93), Naval A1r Engineering Center,
Lakehurst, NJ 08733-5100, by using the self-addressed Standard1zat1on Document
Improvement Proposal (DD Form 1426) appearing at the end of th1s document or by
FSC 9150
DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A, Approved for public release, d1strbut1on 1s unlimited
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PPP-B-601 Boxes, Hood, Cleated-Plywood
PPP-B-621 Boxes, Wood, Na1led and Lock Corner
PPP-B-636 Boxes, Shipping, Fiberboard
PPP-C-96 Can, Metal, 28 Gage and Lighter
Q0-A-250/5 Aluminum Aloy Alclad 2024, Plate and Sheet
TT-N-95 Naphtha, Aliphatic
VV-D- 1078 Damp1ng Fluid, Silicone Base (Dimethyl Polysiloxane)

MIL-C-372 Cleaning Compound, Solvent for Bore of Small

Arms and Automatic Weapons
MIL-L-2104 Lubricating 01l, Internal Combustion Eng1ne,
Heavy Duty
MIL-S-5059 Steel, Corrosion Resistant (18-8) Plate,
Sheet and Strip
MIL-T-5624 Turbine Fuel, Aviation, Grades JP-4 and JP-5.
MIL-A-8243 Ant1-Ic1ng and Deicing-Defrosting Flu1d.
MIL-A-8625 Anod1c Coat1ngs, for Aluminum and Aluminum
A 11 oys
DOD-P-16232 Phosphate Coating, Heavy, Manganese or Z1nc
Base (for Ferrous Metals)
MIL-L-23699 Lubricating Oil, Aircraft Turbine Engines,
Synthetic Base
MIL-T-81533 l,I,I- Trichloroethane (Methyl Chloroform)
Inhibited, Vapor Degreasing
MIL--H-83282 Hydraulic Fluid, Fire Resistant Synthetic
Hydrocarbon Base, Aircraft
FED-STD-313 Mater1al Safety Data Sheets, Preparation and
Submission of
FED-STD-791 Lubricant, Liquid Fuel and Related Products,
Methods of Test1ng
MIL-ST-105 Sampling Procedures and Tables for Inspection
by Attributes
MIL-STD-129 Marking for Shipment and Storage
MIL-STD-147 Pallet1zed Unit Loads
2 1 2 Other Government documents, drawings, and publications The following
other Government documents form a part of th1s specficat1on to the extent
specified here1n.

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49CFR - Transportation
(Application for copies should be addressed to the Superintendent of Documents,
Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402
(Copies of specifications, standards, handbooks, drawings, and publications
required by manufacturers in connection with specific acquisition functions should
be obtained from the acquisition activity or as directed by the contracting
2.2 Other publications. The following documents form a part of this
specification to the extent specified herein. The issues of the documents which
are indicated as DoD adopted shall be the issue listed in the current DoDISS and
the supplement thereto, if applicable.
ASTM D 270 - Sampling Petroleum and Petroleum Products
ASTM D 1193 - Reagent Water.
ASTM D 2510 - Adhesion of Solid Film Lubricants
ASTM D 2511 - Thermal Shock Sensitivity of Solid Film Lubricants
ASTM D 2625 - Endurance ear) Life and Load-Carrying Capacity of
Solid Film Lubricants Falex Method)
ASTM D 2649 - Corrosion Characteristics of Solid Film Lubricants.
Application for copies should be addressed to the Amer1can Society for Testing
and Materials, 1916 Race Street, Philadelphia, PA 19103 )
(Industry association specifications and standards are generally available for
reference from libraries. They are also distributed among technical groups and
using Federal agencies.)
2.3 Order of precedence. In the event of a conflict between the text of this
specification and the references cited herein, the text of th1s specif1cation shall
take precedence.
3.1 Qualification. The lubricant furnished under th1s specif1cation shall be
products which are qualified for listing on the applicable qualified products list
at the time set for opening of bids <see 4 3 and 6 3) Any change in the
formulation of a qualified product will necessitate ts requalification
3.2 Materials. Component materials used in the manufacture of this lubricant
shall consist essentially of finely powdered lubricating sol1ds dispersed in a
suitable binder The lubricant shall be suitable for applcat1on by brushing,
dipping or by spraying Type D, or spraying Type II) The lubricant shall
contain a fast drying vehicle at spraying consistency that is capable of being
cured within 6 hours at 25° 4 2°C (77° 4 3°F). For Type II materials, a
fluorocarbon type pressure producing agent approved by the EPA 1s required to
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expel the contents of the container in accordance with the requirements of this
specification. Type II lubricant shall be sprayable at a distance of 254 to 356 mm
(10 to 14 inches) Both Type I and Type II lubricants shall contain no graphite,
powdered metal or fluorocarbon solvents not approved by the EPA <see 4.6. 1).
3 3 Film appearance and thickness The bonded solid film lubricant, when
examined in accordance with 4.6 2, shall appear uniform in color and shall be
smooth, free from any cracks, scratches, pnholes, blisters, bubbles, runs, sags,
foreign matter, grit, rough particles, separation of ingredients or other surface
imperfections. The thickness of the cured f1lm shall be between 0.005 and 0.013 mm
(0 0002 and 0.0005 inch). The film thickness shall be determined in accordance
with 4 6.
3.4 Performance characterist1cs.
3 4. 1 Film adhesion The bonded solid film lubricant, when tested as specified
in 4 6, shall not be lifted to expose any bare metal surface. A untform deposit of
powdery mater1al clinging to the tape shall not be objectionable.
3 42 Resistance to fluds The bonded solid film lubricant, after immersion
1n each of the fluids as specified in 4.6, shall not be lifted to expose any bare
metal surface, nor shall the solid f1lm lubricant soften, l1ft, blister, crack or
peel A uniform deposit of powdery mater1al clinging to the tape shall not be
3 4 3 Thermal shock sensitivity. The bonded solid film lubricant, when tested
as specified in 4.6, shall not flake, crack, nor soften and shall conform to the
requirements for film adhesion 1n 3 4.1.
3 4 4 Endurance life. When tested in accordance with 4 6, the bonded solid
film lubricant shall have an average endurance life of 60 minutes at 1,000 pounds
load (4,500 pounds gage) No test result shall be less than 50 mnutes.
3 4 5 Load-carrying capacity When tested in accordance with 4.6, the bonded
sold f1lm lubricant shall have a load-carrying capacity of at least 2,500 pounds
gage load, with no single test result less than 2,250 pounds for phosphated
surfaces and at least 2,250 pounds gage load, with no single test result less than
2,000 pounds for grit blasted surfaces.
3 4 6 Aluminum corrosion resistance When subjected to heat and high humidity
conditions as spec1fed 1n 4.6, the bonded solid film on anodized aluminum panels
shall not show or cause discoloration, pitting, formation of white deposits, or
other evidence of corrosion
3 47 Sulfurous acd- salt spray When steel specmens coated with the dry
f11m lubricant are exposed to sulfurous acid - salt spray in accordance with 4.6,
there shall be no resultant pitting, visible corrosion or staining.
3.4 8 Spray duration and pattern (Type II only> When the Type II solid film
lubricant 1s tested as specified 1n 4.6.3, the spray pattern shall be a minimum of
38.1mm (1.5 1nches) in width and shall be effective for a min1mum of 270 seconds.
The effective spray 1s that spray which carries the lubricative pigment i.e.,
p1gment together wth res1n needed for bonding
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3.4.9 Storage stability. The fluid lubricant after a minimum storage per1od as
specified in 4.6.4 shall conform to the requirements for endurance life, 3 4 4, and
the sulfurous acid - salt spray, 3.4.7, when tested 1n accordance with 4 6.
3.5 Total solids.
3.51 Lubricant in non-pressurized cans. Lubrcant supplied in non-pressur1zed
cans shall contain a minimum of 24 percent by weight of total solids unless
otherwise specified in the contract or purchase order The test shall be performed
in accordance with 4.6 5.1.
3.5.2 Lubricant In gas-pressurized cans. Each gas-pressurized can shall
contain a minimum of 30 grams of total solids. The test shall be performed in
accordance with
3.6 Material Safety data sheets. Material safety data sheets shall be prepared
in accordance with FED-STD-313. Material safety data sheets shall also be
forwarded as specified in 4.3 1.
4.1 Responsibility_for inspection. Unless otherwise spec1fied in the contract
or purchase order, the contractor is responsible for the performance of all
inspection requirements as specified heren Except as otherwise specif1ed in the
contract or purchase order, the contractor may use his own or any other facilities
suitable for the performance of the inspection requirements specifed herein,
unless disapproved by the Government. The Government reserves the rght to perform
any of the inspections set forth in the specification where such inspect1ons are
deemed necessary to assure supplies and services conform to prescrbed
4.2 Classification of inspections. The inspections specif1ed herein are
classified as follows:
a. Qualification inspection (see 4.3)
b. Quality conformance inspection <see 4.4)
c. Inspection of packaging (see 4.7)
4.3 Qualification inspection The qualification inspection performed by the
qualification laboratory shall consist of approval of the manufacturer's submitted
report, and subjecting the qualification samples, 4 3.l, to exam1nation and testing
for all the requirements of this specification (see Table I)
4.3.1 Qualification samples The qualification samples shall consist of
l-gallon of the lubricant dispersion from one batch provided 1n l-quart containers
of sprayable consistency for Type I and sx aerosol cans for Type II, as
applicable, and two copies of the supplier's report for each product for which
qualification is desired. The report shall show the product inspection results for
all the requirements of this specification and shall refer specifically to the
applicable paragraphs in the specification. The samples, reports and mater1al
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sefety data sheets (see 3 6) shall be forwarded to Aircraft and Crew Systems
Technology Directorate, Code 60612, Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PA
18974 The samples shall be plainly identified by securely attached durable tags
or labels marked with the following information
Sample for qualification inspect1on
Name of manufacturer
Product code number
Date of manufacture
Submitted by (name) (date) for qualification inspection in
accordance with MIL-L-23398D under authorization of (reference
author1zng letter) (see 6.3)
4 32 Retent1on of qualif1cat1on In order to retan qualification of a
product approved for l1sting on the Qualf1ed Products Lst (QPL), the manufacturer
shall verify by cert1fcaton to the qualify1ng actvity, that the manufacturer's
product compl1es with the requirements of th1s specification. The time of periodic
verfcat1on by cert1f1cation shall be 1n two-year intervals from the date of
original qualfcat1on The Government reserves the right to re-examine the
qual1fed product whenever deemed necessary to determine that the product continues
to meet any or all of the specification requirements
4 4 Quality conformance inspection. The quality conformance inspection shall
cons1st of inspect1on of samples for tests (see 4 4.2) for all of the tests
specified 1n Table I, (except for thermal shock sensitivity (3 4 3), aluminum
corrosion res1stance (3 4 6) and storage stablty (3 4 9)) Samples shall be
labeled completely wth information identify1ng the purpose of the sample, name of
product, spec1fcat1on number, lot and batch number, date of sampling and contract
4 4 Lot and batch Al] lubricant manufactured as one batch shall be
considered a lot and shall be numbered as such for purposes of Inspection A batch
1s defined as the end product of all the raw mater1als mxed or blended in a single
4 4 2 Sample for tests The sample for tests shall consist of 4 individual
quarts of lubricant or sx aerosol cans, as applicable, selected in accordance with
ASTM D 270 The lot shall be unacceptable 1f a sample fals to meet any of the
test requirements specified.
4 5 Inspection
4 5 1 Inspect1on of materials Perform inspection of material in accordance
th method 9601 of FED-STD-791
4 52 Inspection cond1tons Unless otherwise specified, all examinations and
tests shall be performed at a temperature of 25° + 3°C 77° 4 5°F) and at a
relative humidity between 45 and 55 percent Phys1cal values specified in 3.4.4
and 3 4.5 apply to the average of the determinations made on the samples.

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4.5.3 Preparation of test panels. Samples of the lubricant in sprayable form
shall be used to prepare bonded solid film lubricant specimens on test panels in
accordance with this application procedure. The panels shall be made from:
aluminum alloy conforming to Q0-A-250/5, anodized to conform to MIL-A-8625, Type
I, and measuring approximately 0.020 by 3 by 6 inches; and corrosion resistant
steel conforming to MIL-S-5059, composition 32l, condition-annealed, finish no. 2
dull, and measuring approximately 0.036 by 3 by 6 inches. Prior to the application
of the lubricant, the panels shall be precleaned with naphtha conforming to
TT-N-95. Application shall be performed in a well-ventilated area or hood, where
no flames or ignition sources are present. Only one side of each panel shall be
fully coated, except for two of the anodized aluminum panels which shall have the
lubricant applied to a l-inch wide strip to enable measurement of film thickness.
A spray application technique shall be used to coat the panels for the tests
specified herein. The solid film lubricant thickness, after cure, shall be 0.005
to 0.013 mm (0.0002 to 0.0005 inch). Three coats shall be the maximum number
required to obtain the desired film thickness. An air drying temperature, 25° 4
3€ (77° 4 5°F), for ten minutes between coats, shall be allowed After the final
coat has been applied, the coated specimens shall be allowed to air dry for 6
4.6 Methods of inspection. Methods of inspection shall be in accordance with
Table II and 4.6.1 through 4.7.
4.6.1 Graphite and powdered metal. The contractor shall submit a notarized
certification signed by a responsible official of its management, attesting that no
graphite or powdered metal are present in the product furnished under this
4.6.2 F11m appearance. The bonded solid film lubricant specimens shall be
examined visually and microscopically at a magnification of 12X for uniformity in
color, smoothness and evidence of cracks, scratches, pinholes, blisters, bubbles,
runs, sags, foreign matter, grit, rough particles, separation of ingredients and
any other surface imperfection.
4.6.3 Spray duration and pattern <Type II only). A new unused spray container
shall be selected. A sheet of lined white paper, approximately 9 by 11 inches,
shall be fastened In a vertical position A pattern shall be sprayed across the
paper with the valve held open, holding the spray container not less than 9 inches
nor more than 12 inches from the paper. With the valve fully open, the time
required to complete the effective spray shall be determined with the aid of a stop
watch. The width of the spray pattern shall be estimated by comparison to lines on
the white paper which are 38.1mm (d.5 inches) apart.
4.6.4 Storage stability. Set aside a one-quart Type I or 2 cans Type II, as
applicable, qualification sample 1n a storage of 25° + 3°€ (77° + 5F) for a
minimum period of 1 year ± 7 days. At the end of the storage period, determine the
endurance life of the cured lubricant, 3.4.4, and the sulfurous acid - salt spray,
4.6.5 Total solids. Bulk material. Stir the lubricant thoroughly to provide a uniform
dispersion. Weigh l to 3 grams of the lubricant into a weighing dish with a
diameter of approximately 64 mm (2.5 inches). Place the dish and contents in a
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force draft oven maintained at 49° + 3°C (120° + 5°F) for 18+ 1 hours. Remove the
dish and contents from the oven, place them in a desiccator, and allow them to cool
to 25° + 3°C (77° + 5°F). Remove the dish and contents from the desiceator and
weigh them. Repeat the procedure to constant weight. Calculate the percent by
weight of the solid material in the fluid lubricant from the formula:
eight of solid material (in grams) x 100 = Percent total of solids
Weight of sample (in grams)
4.6 5 2 Net weight solids) Type II only). The sheet of paper used in 4.6.3
to observe the spray pattern shall be weighed before and after the contents of the
spray can have been deposited The difference in weights represents the amount of
lubricant plus binder solids deliverable from the spray can.
4 7 Inspection of packaging.
47 Quality conformance inspect1on of packaging.
4 7 1 Unit of product For the purpose of inspection, a completed pack
prepared for shipment shall be considered a unit of product.
47 12 Sampling Sampling for exam1nation shall be 1n accordance with
4 7 1.3 Examination. Samples selected in accordance with shall be
examined for the following defects The AQL shall be 2 5 percent defective.
No. Defect A B Comm
101 Type I unit containers not the 5 1. 1. 1
size specified.
102 Type II unit container not the 5 1. 1 1
size specified.
103. Type I unit containers not mul- 5 1. 1
tiple friction plug cans.
104. Type II unit containters 5 1. 3
pressurized can.
105 Construction of unit containers 5.1.1 3.1
not as specified. 5
106 Quantity of Type II lubricant 5 1.2 5.1.2
in intermediate container not
as specified.
107 Intermediate container not as 5. 1.2.2
108. Type I lubricant not packed as 5.2.3
109 Type II lubricant not packed as 5 2.1.2 5 2 2.2 5.2.3
110. Marking not as spec1fied 5.3 5.3 5 3
111 Palletization not as specified. 5.4 5.4 5.4

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5.1 Preservation. Preservation shall be level A or commercial as specified
(see 6.2).
5. 1 . 1 Leve 1 A.
5. 1 .1. 1 Type I. The lubricant shall be furnished in 1-quart or 1-gallon
multiple friction plug metal cans specified in PPP-C-96, Type V, Class 2. Interior
coatings, as applicable, shall be as specified therein. Exterior coatings,
including side seam stripping, shall be as specified therein for plan B Wire
handles as specified therein, shall be provided for the 1-gallon container
Closure of the filled cans shall be as specified in the appendix thereto Type II. The lubricant shall be furmshed in a 16 ounce, pressurized
metal can in accordance with PPP-C-96, Type IX, class 2 Each can shall contain a
stirring device such as a marble or a steel ball
5.1.2 Commercial. Unit containers of the types specified in 5.1 1 1 and
5.1. 1.2, shall be those containers normally used for products of this nature
providing there will be no interact1on chemically or physically wth the contents
so as to damage the container or alter the strength, quality or purity of the
5. l .3 Intermediate containers. Intermediate containers shall be provided for
the Type II, aerosol propelled cans only. Level A intermediate containers shall be
In accordance the appendix to PPP-C-96 with interlocking, full height partitions to
provide cushioning Commercial intermediate containers shall be snug-fitting
corrugated fiberboard boxes in accordance with the Code of Federal Regulations,
Title 49
5.2 Packing. Packing shall be level A, level B or commercial as specified (see
5.2. l Level A.
5.2.1. l Type I The Type I lubricant shall be packed in accordance with the
level A, "filled unpackaged cans" requirements of PPP-C-96 The cans shall be
packed in the quantities and arrangements specified therein. Type II. The Type II lubricant, shall be packed 1n snug-fitting boxes
complying with the requirements of PPP-8-601, overseas type of PPP-B-621, class 2
The quantity of intermediate containers per box shall be 12, arranged 2 x2 x 3,
for a total of 288 spray cans. The box closure and strapping shall be as specified
in the applicable box specification or the appendix thereto, except that the
strapping shall be flat and the finish "B."
5.2.2 Level B. Type [. The Type I lubricant, shall be packed in accordance with the
level B, "filled unpackaged cans" requirements of PPP_C--96. The cans shall be
packed in the quantities and arrangements specified there1n.
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52 2 2 Type II The Type II lubricant, shall be packed in snug-fitting
fiberboard boxes complying with the requirements of PPP_B-636, grade V3C or 5C,
style RSC Two such intermediate containers shall be packed in each shipping
container for a total of 48 spray cans
52 3 Commercial. Type I lubricant and Type II lubricant shall be separately
packed in fiberboard boxes 1n accordance with the applicable requirements of Code
of Federal Regulat1ons, Title 49 The l-quart, Type l lubricant shall be packed 12
per shipping container The l-gallon, Type I lubricant shall be packed 4 per
shipping container The 16 ounce spray Type II lubricant shall be packed 48 per
shipping container, two intermediate containers of 24 each
5 3 Marking Marking shall be 1n accordance w1th MIL-STD-129 and shall include
the additional spec1al markings requirements as specified by the acquiring
activity Unit and intermediate containers, including unt containers that serve
as shipping containers, shall be marked with the appl1cable precautionary marking
deta1led 1n ANSI Z129 I In addition to any spec1al markings required by the
contract, each container shall be marked 1n accordance wth the following:
CAUTION FLAMMABLE Use only in well-ventilated area or in a hood
where no flames or other 1gntion sources are
WARNING. Do not use this lubricant in food-processing or food-handling
equipment on surfaces that may contact food Do not allow
the lubricant to contaminate foodstuffs
The following additional marking is required on each pressurized can.
WARNING PRESSURIZED CONTAINER Do not store at a temperature above
49°C (I20°F) Keep away from direct
sunlight, radiators, stoves, hot water
or other heat sources. Do not pun-
ture th1s can nor place it in an
5 4 Palletization When spec1fed (see 6.2), filled cans, packed as specified
1n 52 1 1, 52.2 and 5 2 3, shall be palletized 1n accordance with Load Type I or
MIL-STD-147 Each prepared load shall be bonded with primary and secondary strap
in accordance with bonding means K or L Pallet patterns shall be in accordance
with the appendix thereto Interlocking of loads shall be accomplished by
reversing the pattern of each course. If the container 1s of a size which does not
conform to any of the pallet patterns specified in MIL-STD-147, the pallet pattern
used shall first be approved by the contracting officer
6 I Intended use This ar cured solid film lubricant 1s intended for use on
steel, titan1um or aluminum bearing surfaces where moderate wear life and corrosion
protect1on are desired It 1s useful where conventional lubricants are difficult
to apply or retain or where other lubricants may be contaminated with dirt and
dust It s generally suitable for sliding motion applications such as in plain
spherical bearings, flap tracks, hinges and cam surfaces, especially where it 1s
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not feasible to use the type of solid film lubricant which requires baking at an
elevated temperature. This material, although intended for air dry application may
be heat cured at temperatures up to 120°€ (248°F). Use of manganese or zinc
phosphate pretreatment on steel bearing surfaces Will enhance the wear life and
corrosion protection provided by this lubricant, which can be used to prevent
scoring and seizure on initial start up of new or heavily loaded equipment.
The use of this lubricant is not recommended on roller bearing elements or in
conjunction with oils or greases unless field use indicates otherwise. This
lubricant can be expected to provide corrosion protection for five years in indoor
storage and approximately two years protection in outdoor storage when lubricant is
applied over phosphated steel to a thickness of 0.0005 inch. Where maximum
corrosion protection on steel is desired, the lubricant should be applied over
phosphated steel to a thickness of 0.00l inch. The heavier coating can be expected
to provide outdoor corrosion protection for approximately four years.
6.2 Ordering data.
6.2.1 Acquisition requirements. Acquisition documents should specify the
a. Title, number, and date of this specification.
b. Types and sizes required (see 1.2).
c. Quantities required.
d. Degree of preservation and packing required (see 5.1 and 5.2).
e. Any special marking see 5.3).
f. When palletization is required (see 5.4).
g. Specify FAR clauses 52.223-3
6.2.2 Age limitation. The lubricant should not be ordered for use beyond 12
months from date of manufacture.
6.3 Qualification. With respect to products requiring qualification, awards
will be made only for such products which are, at the time set for opening of bids,
qualified for inclusion in Qualified Products List (QPL-23398) whether or not such
products have actually been so listed by that date. The attention of the
contractors ts called to these requirements, and manufacturers are urged to arrange
to have the products that they propose to offer to the Federal Government tested
for qualification in order that they may be eligible to be awarded contracts or
purchase orders for the products covered by this specification. The activity
responsible for the Qualified Products List is Naval Air Systems Command,
Attention: AIR-5304C, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 2036l; however,
information pertaining to qualification of products and letter of authorization for
submittal of sample may be obtained from the Director, Aircraft and Crews Systems
Technology Directorate, Code 60612, Naval Air Development Center, Warminster, PA
6.4 Falex lubricant tester. Information pertaining to the Falex lubricant
tester (see 3.4.4) can be obtained from the Faville-Levalley Corp., 2055
Comprehensive Drive, Aurora, IL 60505. The attention of the operator is called to
the fact that repeatable and reproducible test results can only be obtained if the
test instrument is in proper calibration.

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6.5 International standardization agreements. Certain provisions of this
specification (see 1.l) are the subject of international standardization agreement
ASCC Air Standard 15/1, NATO STANAG NAT-STD-1135. When amendment, revision, or
cancellation of this specification is proposed, which will effect or violate the
international agreement concerned, the preparing activity should take appropriate
reconciliation action through international standardization channels including
deparmental standardization offices, if required.
6.6 Changes from previous issue. Asterisks are not used in this revision to
identify changes with respect to the previous issue due to the extensiveness of the

Custodians: Preparing Activity:

Army - ME Navy - AS
Navy - AS (Project No. 9150-0771)
Air Force - 20
Review Interest:
Army - AR, AV, MI
Defense Nuclear Agency - DS
User Interest.
Army - AT, SM

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TABLE I. Qualification inspection tests.

Characteristic Paragraph
Requirement Test

Presence of graphite or 3.2 4.6

powdered metal
Ftlm appearance 3.3 4.6 2
Film thickness 3.3 Table II
FI1m adhesion 3.4 Table II
Resistance to fluids 3.42 Table II
Thermal shock sensitivity 3 4 3 Table II
Endurance life 3.4 4 Table II
Load-carrying capacity 3.4 5 Table II
Aluminum corrosion resistance 3 4.6 Table II
Sulfurous acid - salt spray 3.4 7 Table II
Spray pattern and duration 3 4 8 4 6 3
(Type II only)
Storage stability 3 4 9 4 6 4
Total Solids, Type I 3 5 4 6 5. 1

Total Solids, Type II 3.5 2 46 5.2

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TABLE II. Methods of tests.

Test Method

Film thickness 1 / 3816

F{Im adhesion D 2510, procedure A
Resistance to flu1d 21 2510, Procedure C
Thermal shock sensitivity 3/ D 2511
Endurance life 4/ 0 2625, procedure A
Load carrying capacity 4/ D 2625, procedure B
Aluminum corrosion resistance 5/ D 2649
Sulfurous acid - salt spray 6/ 5331

l/ The film thickness shall be determined after the panels have been air
dried for 6 hours at 25° -+ 3°C (77° -+ 5°F).
2/ Test fluds shall be 1n accordance wth Table III.
3/ Any condensation shall be removed with clean, dry compressed air.
The dried panel shall then be subjected to the film adhesion test.
4/ The surface of the spec1mens shall be pretreated with phosphate in
accordance th DOD-P-16232 or grit blasted (120 steel grit, 50-60
RMS) (See 6 4)

5/ The panels shall be exposed for at least 500 hours.

6/ The specimens coated with a sold f1lm shall be sprayed for two hours
and then dred for twenty-two hours at room temperature The
two-hour spray and the twenty-two hour dry1ng per1od shall constitute
one cycle The coated panels shall be subjected to four cycles.
Fresh sulfurous acid-salt flu1d shall be used for each cycle.

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TABLE III. Test fluids.

Fluid Specification

Hydraulic fluid, synthetic hydrocarbon MIL-H-83282

Lubricating oil, internal combustion MIL-L-2104 grade 10
engine, heavy duty
Turbine fuel MIL-T-5624, grade JP-4
Lubricating o1l, aircraft turbine engine, MIL-L-23699
synthetic base
Damping fluid, silicone base (dimethyl VV-0-1078
Trichloroethane MIL-T-81533
Anti-icing flu1d MIL-A-8243
Cleaning compound, solvent for bore of MIL-C-372
small arms and automatic weapons
Reagent water ASTM D 1193, type III

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0 laval Ar Eng1neer1ng Center NECESSAY
Eng1neerng Spec1f1cat1ons and Standards Department 111111 IF MAD
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r Lakehurst, NJ 08733
PERMIT NO 1250) wAS+iv,f ) 0 C
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z nq1neerng Spec1fcat1ons and Standards Dept
z (£SS), Code 93
Lakehurst, NJ 09733
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(See Instruction Revere Sde]
1 Lubricant, Solid Film, l\1r - cured, corrosion
MIL-L-23398D Inhibitina, NATO CODE Number S-749

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