Lesson Plan - VI Science

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LESSON PLAN 2021 – 2022

Name of the Teacher : Sonia Singh Subject: Science Class :VI Section :A

Module Stepp app, Diksha Links, Course Book / Textbook, you tube videos, Images, animations and GIFs

Fortnight 5th April 2021 to 3rd May 2021

Instructional days 12

Chapter Name • Food - Where does it come from

• Components of food

Content Analysis /Subtopic Food - Where does it come from

Food variety


Sources of food

Edible parts

Sprouted seeds


What do animals eat
• Food problem
Components of food
• Nutrients
• Test for starch, protein and fats
• Functions of various nutrients
• Balanced diet
• Deficiency diseases

Task Analysis Teaching Activity/ Materials Evaluation Homework

Learning/Instructional learning Art integrated Required /Procedures /Class work
Objectives methodology / /Experiential learning /Teaching Aids /Tools / Practicals
Pedagogy activity / Assignments
The students will be able to • Activating Prior • To make moong dal • In addition to • MST/ Google • To make
• list variety of food items that they • Knowledge by (sprouts) chat. general teaching form to moong dal
eat Random tools like white
Questioning board, Stylus, evaluate the sprouts chat.
• specify ingredients of various • To observe a live plant PPT etc., the concepts • To write the
food items • Introducing teacher will use learnt.
the and identify its various test for
• identify whether a food item is topic to be taught google images
parts presence of
from plant or animal source after getting the and videos to
• Oral questions carbohydrates
• list edible parts of different plants expected response test the
• explain the nutritional value of from the students. • To test the presence of presence of before every , proteins and
sprouted seeds carbohydrates, proteins carbohydrates, class fats in food
• Developing and fats in food items. proteins and fats items
• explain how honey bees make hypothesis by: in food item.
honey from nectar.
• classify animals as herbivores, • Brainstorming • Draw the experimental
carnivores and omnivores on the setup for the above tests.
basis of their eating habits Lecture • -Science Text
• make efforts to protect the Book for class VI
environments by reducing Discussion • Present their
wastage of food observations/ ideas/
• list the various nutrients present
• In-Text Question learning through flow
• Skills Developed: charts/ concept maps/
in the food • (Scientific Aptitude)
• test the presence of different graphs and ICT tools.
• (Content of
nutrients Knowledge)
• list the functions of • (Presentation)
carbohydrates, proteins, fats, • (Correctness)
vitamins, minerals, dietary fibres • (Thinking skills)
and water • (Reasoning Skills)
• (Attentiveness)
• apply the concepts to their day-
• (Listening Skills)
to-day life e.g., selecting food • (Inquisitiveness)
items for a balanced diet • (Observation
• list the names of diseases caused skill),
by deficiency of vitamins and • (Experimental
minerals skills),
• Understandin
g skill-viva
• (Analytical skills),
• (Knowledge
• (Drawing
Test on topic Review/Enhancement
Reflect and Review • Test for starch, Measures:
carbohydrates, fats • Oral questions will be
● Record of class and protein in food asked randomly before
test(date and topic) items. every teaching session,
● Review/Enhancement • Edible parts of a • Recapitulation and
measures flower reiteration of difficult
concepts to promote
learning by repetition
Date: /4/21 technique
• Relevant questions will
be asked during/ after the
Teacher’s signature Principal/Vice-Principal/Headmistress

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