Ultra High Dilution of Zinc in The Management of Refractory Parkinson'S Disease-A Case Report

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International Journal of Medicine and

Pharmaceutical Sciences (IJMPS)

ISSN (P): 2250-0049; ISSN (E): 2321-0095
Vol. 11, Issue 1, Jun 2021, 9-18
© TJPRC Pvt. Ltd.



1Research Officer (H)/ Asst. Professor, Dept. of Psychiatry, NHRIMH, Kottayam, India
*Associate Professor, Dept. of Medicine, National Homoeopathy Research Institute in Mental Health (NHRIMH), Kurichy,
Kottayam, Kerala, India
2Junior Research Fellow, NHRIMH, Kottayam, India

Background: Parkinson’s disease (PD) is one of the most common, disabling neuro-degenerative disorders. The disease
has a significant clinical impact on patients, families, and caregivers through its progressive degenerative effects on
mobility and muscle control. Available treatments for PD have varied results. Although there are anecdotal reports of
improvement with Homoeopathy, there is a dearth of literature concerning usefulness in management of PD

Objectives: To assess the usefulness of ultrahigh dilution of Zinc in the management of PD.

Methods: A case of PD under standard care and refractory to treatment visited Out- Patient Department and was

Original Article
assessed with and Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). As per the classical Homoeopathic guidelines
Zincum metallicum 200 was prescribed after Repertorization.

Results: UPDRS total score of 112 at baseline turned to 40 at the end of 1 year and 7 at the end of two years, in spite of
reduction in the conventional medicines. Patient was on Stage 3 of Modified Hoehn and Yahr staging at the baseline and
turned to Stage O in duration of 21 months. SEADL score has turned from 40% to 100%.

Conclusion: Homoeopathic medicine Zincum met. is a valuable adjuvant in the management of Parkinson’s disease.

KEYWORDS: Parkinson’s disease, Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS), Homoeopathy & Zincum

Received: Jan 03, 2021; Accepted: Jan 23, 2021; Published: Feb 04, 2021; Paper Id.: IJMPSJUN20212


Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive Neuro-degenerative disease characterized by both motor and
non-motor features. It was first described by Dr. James Parkinson in 1817 as a “shaking palsy.” [1]
disease (PD) affects 1-2 per 1000 of the population at any time. PD prevalence is increasing with age and PD
affects 1% of the population above 60 years. [2]

Parkinsonism is a clinical syndrome, which is characterized by bradykinesia, rigidity, rest tremor, and
postural instability. The patients also have a high incidence of balance impairments, constipation, hypotension,
erectile dysfunction, urinary dysfunction, dizziness, fatigue, depression, and anxiety before 5 years of diagnosis. [3]

Idiopathic Parkinson disease (PD) is the most common cause of this syndrome, though there are several
other important etiologies that must be considered. These include the atypical Parkinsonian disorders multiple
system atrophy (MSA), dementia with Lewy Bodies (DLB), Progressive supra nuclear palsy (PSP), and Cortico

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10 Dr. Deepthi Gilla, Dr. S.G.S. Chakravarthy & Dr. Sreelakshmy S.R

basal syndrome (CBS); as well as secondary causes of Parkinsonism like some medications. These various disease entities
may be distinguished based on key clinical features, which is critical for the purposes of diagnosis, treatment, and
prognosis. [4][5]

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is caused mainly by lack of dopamine in the brain due to degeneration of substantia
nigra and its associated cortical neurons. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter involved in movement, motivation, memory and
other functions. With clear evidence for concurrent abnormalities in the basal ganglia, thalamus and cortex,
Parkinsonism is now recognized as a disease of a distributed brain network. A genetic basis can be seen in > 10% of
Young onset PD individuals, and the proportion of genetically defined cases rises to > 40 % if the onset of disease is before
30 years of age. Environmental influences such as smoking, caffeine consumption, and pesticide exposure have been
postulated to alter the risk of PD development, although the role of these remains unclear.

MRI should be performed as a standard procedure in all patients presenting with a form of Parkinsonism.
Parkinson disease is a clinical diagnosis, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) may be used only to exclude other
causes. Suitable efforts should be performed to achieve accurate diagnosis, communicate a plausible prognosis to the
patient and family, and proceed with the best therapeutic interventions. Remarkable progress has been made in the last two
decades in the field of genetics, pathophysiology, and clinical imaging, but the diagnosis of PD still sits inevitably on
clinical skills and exploration, which emphasizes the importance of a solid clinical knowledge about the disease. [11]

The Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) is a comprehensive tool used for motor, non-motor
symptoms, mental functioning, mood, social interaction and also accounts for cognitive disabilities, daily activities and
treatment complications. It is useful for a longitudinal follow up of case of PD. [12]

Unlike other neurodegenerative diseases, idiopathic Parkinson's disease has effective treatments that mitigate
symptoms. Medications can improve day-to-day function and, in cases where medication does not give a sustained benefits
or has significant side effects, treatments like deep brain stimulation result in improved quality of life . [13] There are many
medical options for the treatment of PD but levodopa remains the mainstay. [14] As the disease progresses, additional non-
parkinsonian symptoms can be of concern. Furthermore, the side effects of Parkinson medications may necessitate the
involvement of other medical specialists. [15]


2.1 Client Information: Mrs. NK, 57 years, married female client, and an ex-municipal councillor, visited outpatient
department of ___ (Blinded for review) along with her husband.

2.2 Presenting Complaints: with tremors of both hands more at rest, especially right side. The tremors are aggravated
during emotional excitement and while writing or doing fine work. She has difficulty in holding things and gait imbalance
while walking and unable to do her routine works like eating with a spoon, dressing up, cooking and other household

2.3 History of present illness: Complaints gradually started 14 years back. She initially noticed a mild trembling in her
right hand, awkwardness and stiffness in upper limbs while swaying and driving car. She approached a physician and
started medication, but the symptoms kept on progressing. She felt depressed of her health condition due to disturbance in
occupational works and complaints made her feel embarrassed in the public. She approached a Neurophysician and

Impact Factor (JCC): 8.3387 NAAS Rating: 4.14

Ultra High Dilution of Zinc in the Management of Refractory Parkinson’s Disease-A Case Report 11

underwent suitable investigations and her condition was diagnosed as Idiopathic Parkinson’s disease. She is currently on
Tab. Pramipexole -QID, T. Rasalect 0.5mg OD and T. Pacitane 2mg BD, which she is using since 10 years, the dosage was
modified by the neurophysician as per the condition of the patient.

For the past 3 months, complaints worsened in spite of regular medications, her quality of life is greatly affected
and so she opted for alternative treatment. She is a known case of NIDDM since 3 1/2 years and under allopathic
medication. (Metformin 0-0-1)

2.4 Past History: She suffered from Hepatitis at the age of 35 years, treated with folk-medicine and relieved. She had a
past history of recurrent pruritus vulva and leucorrhoea since the age of 45 years for which she used several internal
medications and external applications for 8-10 years.

2.5 Family History: Positive Family History of Diabetes (Mother), Myocardial infarction (Father) and Brother committed
suicide due to Depression.

2.6 Mental Generals (Pre-morbid Personality): Mrs. NK was an out-going, cheerful and strong-willed person. She was
very studious and all-rounder in all academic and extra-curricular activities. She had good leadership qualities in
academics and in sports also. She was easily irritated especially from noises. She easily gets angered by contradiction, and
expresses by shouting especially on subordinates.

She was working as municipal counsellor for past few years, but this time she didn’t nominate herself due to
depressed and embarrassed feeling of her health condition in front of society. She is courageous, hard-working and duty
minded. She feels so sad about her disease especially because she cannot carry on her professional works. She is a bit
domineering personality and expects that everybody should obey her. Her Inter-social and familial relationship is

2.7 Physical Generals:

Physical make up- moderately built, fair complexioned.

Appetite: good; Thirst: moderate (2-3 litres /day) Bowel movements: Regular.

Desires: Meat, especially beef, Tapioca, Jack fruit and has aversion to Sweets

Perspiration: Profuse all over the body Sleep: Sleeplessness for past few months.

Thermals: Chilly.

2.8 Physical Examination:

2.8.1 General Examination: Gait - Shuffling gait with stooped posture on walking.

Vital signs: Temperature- 98.2°F, Pulse- 74 beats /min; Respiratory rate- 20/min, Blood Pressure- 130/70 mmHg.

No signs of Pallor/ Icterus/ Lymphadenopathy / Clubbing/ Cyanosis/ Oedema.

2.8.2 Nervous System Examination: Higher functions: Conscious, Coherent, Depressed (about illness), Moderate Sleeplessness, No signs of Dementia
Hallucinations, illusions, delusions.

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12 Dr. Deepthi Gilla, Dr. S.G.S. Chakravarthy & Dr. Sreelakshmy S.R Cranial Nerves: All Cranial Nerves functioning is normal Sensory system: All sensations were intact and normal. Motor system: Stooped posture with unable to maintain postural stability, Difficulty in walking with shuffling gait,
Masked facial Expressions, Monotonous, and Slurred speech (understandable). There was Resting Tremors, More on Right
hand with severe slowness of Movements. Reduced Leg Movements with stiffness, Rt > Lt. Cogwheel Rigidity in both
upper and lower limbs with Moderate impaired finger tapping ability. All Reflexes are elicited bilaterally. Myerson’s sign
positive. Deep tendon reflexes (Knee jerk, Ankle jerk) are Slightly exaggerated more on Right side. Other findings of
Motor system like Bulk, Tone and Strength are normal bilaterally. Symptoms of Autonomic dysfunction: Excessive Sweating, Sialorrhea are present.


The patient was assessed at baseline with Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS). Unified Parkinson’s
Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS): 112/ 199

Modified Hoehn and Yahr staging: Stage 3

Schwab and England activities of Daily Living Scale: 40%

Case was taken as per the Homoeopathic guidelines and Zincum metallicum 200-1 dose was prescribed after
Repertorization and reference to Materia medica. The repertorial sheet of the case is shown in Figure no.1.

Figure 1: Repertorization Chart

Impact Factor (JCC): 8.3387 NAAS Rating: 4.14

Ultra High Dilution of Zinc in the Management of Refractory Parkinson’s Disease-A Case Report 13


UPDRS total score of 112 at baseline turned to 40 at the end of 1 year and 7 at the end of two year, in spite of reduction in
the dosage of conventional medicines. Patient was on Stage 3 of Modified Hoehn and Yahr staging at the baseline and
turned to Stage O. On assessing with Schwab and England Activities of Daily Living Scale, the Score has turned from 40%
to 100%. Changes in SEADL scale are shown in Figure no. 2.

Figure 2

The follow up of the patient has been presented in Table no.1 and the changes in total UPDRS scores have been
presented in Figure no.3.

Figure 3

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14 Dr. Deepthi Gilla, Dr. S.G.S. Chakravarthy & Dr. Sreelakshmy S.R

There was progressive improvement in individual symptom domain scores of UPDRS in the consecutive follow
up visits, which are represented in Figure no.4.

Figure 4

Table 1: Follow Up of the Case with Treatment

Sl. No. Date Symptoms Prescription Remarks
Baseline 16.10.18 Tremors<during anxiety, tremors more
on right hand 1. Zincum met Baseline assessment done
Slowness in doing activities. 200-1dose with UPDRS.
Trembling of hand while writing. 2. Rubrum-1 (Patient is using
Difficulty in holding things and difficult month T. Pramipexole -QID,
gait. Inability to do daily activities and T. Rasalect 0.5mg OD
household activities. Slurred speech. T. Pacitane 2mg BD)
1 13.11.18 Tremors reduced. Slurring of speech
reduced. Gait is better. 1. Bryonia 30- As an Acute Rx for cough.
Dry Cough since 1 week due to 4 dose
exposure to cold air. Hoarseness of 2. Rubrum – 1
voice < talking. month

2 11.12.18 Cough relieved. T. Pramipexole –(reduced to

Hoarseness of voice reduced. Facial 1. Rubrum – 1 TID)
expressions are better. Pleasant mood. month T. Rasalect 0.5mg OD
Tremors reduced. T. Pacitane 2mg BD

Impact Factor (JCC): 8.3387 NAAS Rating: 4.14

Ultra High Dilution of Zinc in the Management of Refractory Parkinson’s Disease-A Case Report 15

3 Tremor increased in whole body, more 1. Zincum met History of death of neighbour
17.01.19 on Right hand since 1 week. Speech- 200/1 dose last week, symptoms
better 2. Rubrum – 1 aggravated after that.
Sleep – disturbed. month
Hoarseness of voice persists.
4 27.04.19 Tremors better.
General weakness reduced. Hoarseness 1. Zincum met T. Pramipexole -reduced to
of voice reduced. Felt comfortable to do 200/1 dose (s.o.s) BD,
household work. Sleep- Refreshed. Able 2. Rubrum-3 T. Rasalect - stopped
to go to her occupation regularly. months T. Pacitane 2mg BD
Itching eruption appeared on right FBS-181mg/dl
dorsum of foot. HbA1c-6mg%
Triglycerides-391 mg/dl

5 27.07.19 Tremor slightly increased since 3 days. 1. Zincum met T. Pramipexole -BD,
Can do household work. 200 /2 dose T. Pacitane 2mg BD
Going job regularly. 1 dose (s.o.s)
2. Rubrum – 1

6 24.10.19 Tremor in upper extremities reduced T. Pramipexole -BD,

Difficulty to walk reduced. 1. Rubrum-1 T. Pacitane 2mg BD
Confidence- improved. She is able to month
7 18.01.20 Aggravation of complaints since 2 1. Zincum met FBS-122 mg/dl.
weeks. 1M /1 dose T. Pramipexole -BD,
History of cough and sneezing, now 2. Rubrum – 3 T. Pacitane 2mg BD
relieved. months

8 25.04.20 Marked improvement. 1. Rubrum-3 T. Pramipexole -OD,

Speech and gait- much better months T. Pacitane 2mg BD
9 7.07.20 Tremor - Nil T. Pramipexole –stopped and
She can do her daily routine without 1. Rubrum-3 T. Pacitane 2mg BD as it is
assistance. Smiling. months
Writing improved
Fine activities -Improved
10 7.10.20 Marked improvement. Now she is under
Tremor- Nil. 1. Rubrum-3 Pacitane OD
Confidence improved. months
Writing better now.
Able to drive and do her daily activities.


Increasing evidence points to biological sex as an important factor in the development and phenotypical expression of
Parkinson's disease (PD). Risk of developing PD is twice as high in men than women, but women have a higher mortality
rate and faster progression of the disease. This female client had gradual progression of disease, following an abrupt
rapidity. Hence limiting the progression of disease is very crucial for this patient, which could be achieved by

A report of 11 cases on Individualized Homoeopathic management in Neurological and Psychiatric maladies

reported Ignatia 200 followed by Natrum mur 200 eliminated symptoms of PD, but a follow up of 6 months only was put
forward in this case. [17]

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16 Dr. Deepthi Gilla, Dr. S.G.S. Chakravarthy & Dr. Sreelakshmy S.R

Homoeopathic remedies act on Neurological disorders effectively and many remedies like Zincum met, Merc sol,
Rhus tox, Nat mur are found to be useful in relieving symptoms of Parkinsonism. Many Homoeopathic Literatures
evidence the remedies like Lolium temulentum, Ambra grisea, Rhus toxicodendron, Gelsemium, Baryta Carb, Mercurius,
Argentum Nitricum, Agaricus Muscarius, Cocculus indicus, Lathyrus sativus in functional tremor [18]

A meta-analysis on Parkinson’s disease and Zinc showed that the serum Zinc levels were significantly lower in
PD patients compared with healthy controls. Zinc is an essential trace element in the human body and is abundantly in the
hippocampus and cerebral cortex and its deprivation results in changes in behaviour, learning, memory and emotional
stability leading to disorders such as PD, Alzheimer’s disease and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. [19]
The effect of ultrahigh
dilution of Zinc on PD has been illustrated through this case.

In a study on rat model it was found that Zincum metallicum may be helpful in slowing down injury in
Parkinsonism and could be a beneficial drug for the prevention of PD. Zincum metallicum, produces symptoms mentioned
in Homoeopathic Materia Medica which are akin to PD on which basis it might be considered as one at the intermediate to
treat the disease. [20]. In this case also Zincum met shows remarkable effect on the symptoms of PD, but whether the clinical
effect is because of individualization or due to the specific action of Zincum is yet to be understood.

The indications for Zincum met in PD are - Violent trembling (twitching) of the whole body especially after
emotions, Chorea from suppressed eruptions; Trembling of hands while writing, during menses, Lameness, weakness,
trembling and twitching of various muscles, Feet in continued motion- cannot keep still, Aggravation after fright, grief and
anger, Amelioration after eating and discharges. [21]

As PD is a chronic, Neuro-degenerative disease it is imperative to understand that the patient requires long-term
treatment, and Homoeopathic ultrahigh dilutions as an adjunctive are found to be effective. How effectively homoeopathic
medicines can be useful as stand-alone treatment is yet to be explored.


Homoeopathic medicine Zincum met is a valuable adjuvant in the management of Parkinson’s disease. Whether this
clinical effect is due to the individualized prescription or due to the specific action of Zinc is yet to be understood.
Scientific studies with rigorous designs are necessary to assess the effectiveness of Individualized Homoeopathic
medicines in PD.


The patient consented voluntarily for publishing the case report but the identity is not disclosed based on ethical guidelines.


We express gratitude to Mrs. Resmy. R, Statistical Assistant of NHRIMH for helping in the presentation of data.


None declared.



Impact Factor (JCC): 8.3387 NAAS Rating: 4.14

Ultra High Dilution of Zinc in the Management of Refractory Parkinson’s Disease-A Case Report 17


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Impact Factor (JCC): 8.3387 NAAS Rating: 4.14

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