Adult Guidance

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60-Second Reads Guidance

DfE guidance states that:

In age-appropriate books, a year 2 pupil working at age-related expectations should read
words accurately and fluently without overt sounding and blending, at a rate of over 90
words per minute.
This resource aims to give you the ability to test a pupil’s level of fluency to this expected
standard. Each 60-Second Read Activity Card features a short extract of age-appropriate text
with an average word count of 90 words. The cumulative word count for each line of text is shown
in the left-hand margin of each card. Each of the cards also contains a set of comprehension
questions that link to the KS1 reading content domains.
Each different question type has its own canine helper to remind children of what they need to
do to answer a question appropriately.

Vocabulary Questions with Vocabulary Victor Retrieval Questions with Rex Retriever

Vocabulary Victor will help Rex Retriever will help

you to look at how authors you to go into a text and
and poets have chosen to use retrieve the facts.
certain words and phrases. 1b: Identify/explain key aspects
of fiction and non-fiction texts,
1a: Draw on knowledge of vocabulary
such as characters, events,
to understand texts.
titles and information.

Sequence Questions with Sequencing Suki Inference Questions with Inference Iggy

Sequencing Suki likes Inference Iggy will help you

everything in order! She will to hunt for clues in a text
help you to sequence the about how someone might
events in a text. be feeling or why something
is happening.
1c: Identify and explain the
sequence of events in texts. 1d: Make inferences from the text.

Prediction Questions with Predicting Pip

Predicting Pip tries to see

the future and she will help
you to work out what might
happen next.
1e: Predict what might happen
on the basis of what has been
read so far.


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