Detailed LP - Text Structure LP
Detailed LP - Text Structure LP
Detailed LP - Text Structure LP
I. Objective
At the end of discussion, the students will be able to:
explain the common text structures;
use the types of text structures to organize information based on given topics and;
tell the importance and significant use of text structures to better understand a reading
text and to help readers improve their reading comprehension.
c. Materials:
Power point presentation
Visual aids
Reading material
- Preliminary activities
- Greetings
Good morning class! Good morning Sir
- Prayer
Before we begin our proper class discussion, (Somebody will lead a prayer)
please stand for a prayer.
- Checking of Attendance
Who are absent today? Kindly make a list Ms.
Secretary then give it to me.
That’s good to know that you can still remember our
previous lesson.
- Motivation
We will be learning new lesson today but first, let
us have a short activity.
I want you to read and observe these paragraphs.
Observe how each paragraph differs. The events are somehow in sequence and
How are the details written and organized in proper order according to the time it
in the first paragraph? happens and occurs.
Very good!
The events in the first paragraph are written in a
chronological order. It is organized as to when each event
happened according to specific time and occurrences.
The information in the second paragraph
How are the information and events in the are presented to show a cause and effect
second paragraph presented? relationship.
That’s right!
You can easily identify a paragraph that shows cause and
effect because of the key words like because, that is why,
due to and a lot more. It presents the reason of why a
certain event or situation occur.
How are the idea and details in the third The third paragraph is trying to compare
paragraph organized and written? two ideas.
Good answer!
Two things are being compared in the paragraph- a stay
at the beach or in the woods.
2. Sequence
Steps described in the order they occur. It
does not take place in a specific point in
- Who can explain or share his idea about sequence? It is a text structure that presents a step-
by-step method or process of something
Very good! which uses words like first, second, third,
Now, without reading the posted definition, who then, afterwards etc. that can be found in
can tell how is cause and effect used in the the paragraph.
It is used to show the reasons behind
That’s right! every situation that happened.
So, kindly read this one everybody.
It also presents the reason and result of
3. Cause-Effect every event.
This structure shows how one or more
causes led to one or more effects. Many
texts do not include just one cause leading
to one effect– instead, there may be
several causes and several effects.
4. Problem-Solution
The text structure presents a problem and
shows how it can be (or has been) solved.
The key difference between cause-effect
and problem-solution is that the latter
always present a solution while the former
does not. For me, a problem-solving text structure
starts by presenting the problem and
Who can exactly tell the class the difference afterwards, it provides solution to resolve
between cause and effect and problem-solution the given problem. While cause and effect
text structures? always presents the root cause and reason
of why a certain event occurred and how
it affects after it happens.
5. Compare-Contrast
This text structure shows how two or more
ideas or items are similar or different. The
text may use a clustered approach, with
details about one topic followed by the
details about the other. It may also show
an alternating approach, with the author
going back between the two topics. There are two or more ideas being
compared in the paragraph where their
similarities and differences are discussed
So, going back to our activity earlier. We had an and explained.
example of paragraph there that shows compare
and contrast text structure.
In you own words, try to share and explain what
can we see and observe in a paragraph with
compare-contrast structure?
That’s correct!
In other words, two or more things or ideas are
being compared elaborating how each one
differed from another and how they are similar
as well.
6. Exemplification/Classification
An exemplification paragraph
develops a general statement--the
topic sentence-with one or more
specific examples.
Cats are very good pets for several reasons. They are
naturally good caregivers because they take care of their
kittens, so they want to take care of their owners as well.
Cats are quite clean, and if you train them to use a litter
box, they require almost no cleanup in their areas.
A drink may be classified according to whether or not it For me, exemplification paragraph uses
contains alcohol. Therefore, basically, there are two types
of drinks: alcoholic ad non-alcoholic. Alcoholic drinks are
supporting details and statement to
spirits, wine and beer. Non-alcoholic drinks may be sub- elaborate the main idea of the paragraph
divided into hot drinks and cold drinks. Hot drinks are while classification paragraph is more on
drinks like tea, milk or coffee while cold drinks are like grouping idea into categories.
lemonade and carbonated drinks like soft drinks.
E. Application Answers:
1. E.
Read the following passages and identify the text structure
2. B.
being used. Write only the letter of your choice.
3. D.
a. Problem and solution 4. A.
b. Compare and contrast 5. F.
c. Chronological order 6. G.
d. Cause and effect
e. Sequence/ process
f. Persuasion
g. Exemplification/ classification
That’s right!
So, was the lesson already clear to you?
Do yu have any clarification before we proceed to the
next activity?
G. Evaluation
(Group Task)
10 5 3
Use of Text The group has The group has 1-2 3-4 information
Structure and appropriately used mistakes due to and details are
Content the text structure improper irrelevant and
in their paragraph application and improperly
and the idea is use of the text organized in the
organized structure in paragraph.
according to the organizing the
use and purpose of details in the
the text structure. paragraph.
1-2 details are
misleading and
somehow not
connected and
related to the main
idea of the
Grammar The presenter has The presenter has The presenter
Composition only 1-2 mistakes 3-4 mistakes committed major
according to according to number of
correct grammar correct grammar mistakes in
rules. rules. grammar.
Stage presence The presenter is The presenter is The presenter is
confident and showing difficulty not confident
knows how to when presenting resulting to
deliver his output his output. multiple mistakes
well. and improper
delivery of his
H. Assignment