winter months. Amazing pictures bring the text to life and draw young readers into the book. Freed, K. Hibernation.D !" www.readinga#z.com Title of Lesson: $ibernation %ill &hea
Academic Subject Standard Code: ,,&&.()A#)iteracy.+!.'.- Ask and answer .uestions to help determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text. Materials: /he book $ibernation by Kira Freed Dry erase board and marker*&martboard 0otebook*paper for each student 1encil for each student A selection of books for the students to chose from making sure to have enough for everyone and ensuring they are not too easy 2must contain unknown words3 Focus 4 +eview ! will begin the lesson by inviting the students to circle to hear a story. ! will explain to the students that during the story they are to listen very carefully and raise their hand if they hear a word that they have never heard before or a word that they do not know the meaning of. ! will also explain that sometimes the story or illustrations in a book give clues to the meaning of an unknown word. ! will tell them that if there are words in the story that they are unsure of we are going to be detectives and try to figure out what they mean. &tudents should be able to" Ask and answer .uestions to help
)esson b5ective
determine or clarify the meaning of words and phrases in a text. /eacher !nput ! will introduce the book $ibernation by Kira Freed. ! will then have a discussion with the class to determine their background knowledge. ! will ask if they have heard this word before, what they think it means, what animals they associate with hibernation, and what happens to animals when they hibernate. ! will then begin to read the book page by page allowing enough time for students to raise their hand if they hear an unfamiliar word. (xpected 6ocabulary 7urrow 8igrate 1redator &carce &ound 2when used as an ad5ective3 &urvive 9uided 1ractice As the students tell me which words they are unsure of ! will write them on the board. ! will then reread the page and have the students listen for clues about the words meanings then we will look at the illustrations and see if we can find any clues from them. For example when we come across the word burrow the book states that :$ibernating snakes sleep underground in burrows;. First ! will have the children listen for clue words within the text. !n this sentence underground would be a clue. 0ext ! will have them look at the picture to see if there are any more clues. /he picture is of a snake peeking out of a small hole in the ground. /hrough class discussion we will determine the meaning of the word. ! will write what we have determined the meaning to be on the board next to the word. <e will continue to work as a class until we reach the last page or two of the book. At this time ! will ask the
students to list any unfamiliar words on the papers in front of them. ! will still reread the pages and make sure to show the pictures again as well but now ! will then ask the students to try to determine the meaning of the word on their own. ! will instruct them to write what they think on their paper after ! reread the page. <e will then discuss their responses as a class. !ndependent 1ractice At this point in the lesson ! will have the students select a book to read on their own. /hey will be instructed to find three words that they are unfamiliar with and try to determine the meanings on their own.
! will ask the class the following .uestions" <hat did we do to help us figure out the meaning of a word we were unsure of= Do you think this can help us when we are reading other stories=
Adaptations 4 8odifications
7y observing the children during guided practice, their responses to the independent practice, and the answers to the .uestions asked at closure ! will be able to assess the children>s understanding of the lesson. . )imit the amount of words the child is expected to learn. $ave the student work with a peer. ! would try to pair the students in heterogeneous groupings so that each pair has a student who has a better understanding of the concept than the other. Allow those children to try to use our new words in sentences. /he amount of sentences would be dependent on time allowances but ! would not think there would be enough time to complete more than three. Allow them to help other students, pairing
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