Edla Template Final

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PART A: Rationale and PLANNING

Plan for the Teaching of Literacy using Childrens Literature

Students names: Tess Desmond, Ally Panas, Elle Willersdorf-Greene

Full Childrens Literature Reference: Dentist trip. (2009). London: Ladybird.

Time: 45 minutes approximately

Proposed Year Level: 4-5 years old

CONTENT DESCRIPTORS (including Australian Curriculum Code) -

During this lesson students will:

Strand Content descriptions Elaborations Literacy learning intentions Learning behaviours Success criteria
and sub-
strand We are learning to ...
I need to ... I am doing well if I ...
Literatur Identify some features Recalling the We are learning to identify different Identify the correct characters and If I can remember the main
e of texts including events from a characters in the text and what they are wearing, and characters and can retell them in the
Examinin events and characters story. corresponding which what they are remember what happened in the right order
g and retell events from wearing and remember what went on in story.
Literatur a text. ACELT1578 the story and in what order.
Literatur Retell familiar literary Retell familiar We are learning to retell the story Identify the correct character and put If I can remember the main
e texts through literary texts through puppets and we are going to it into the story at the right time. characters and can retell them in the
Creating performance, use of through include who was in it, and what right order
literatur illustrations and images happened.
performance, use
e (ACELT1580)
of illustrations
and images


ACARA Australian Curriculum, Assessment and Reporting Authority (n.d.). The Australian curriculum. Retrieved March 21, 2014, from


Dentist trip. (2009). London: Ladybird.

* For activity:

* Coloured card cut into Peppa Pig head shapes, and clothing/props, elephant shapes, green dinosaur shape, and smile mouth (perhaps research for a proper reference for Peppa Pig puppets)

* Googly eyes or buttons

* Glue

* Paint pot and paint brushes

* Paper

* Coloured pencils

* Icy pole sticks


General Introductory Statement

Before beginning the lesson we will have a puppet prepared to introduce the session as well as toothpaste and a toothbrush. We will tell the children that it is group story time and ask them all to
sit on the mat. To introduce the book we will tell the children that there is a special guest joining us for story time. We will then show the children the prepared peppa pig puppet and ask them if
they recognise what animal it is and whether they are familiar with the character. We will also show them the toothbrush and toothpaste and ask the children what the objects are and what they
are used for.


Step 1: Before beginning the book ask the children what they know about Peppa Pig and if theyve read any other books about Peppa Pig.

Step 2: Introduce the book to the children by giving a book orientation. This will include reading out the name of the book and then asking them what they think the story may be about based on the illustrations on
the front cover and how it might relate to what we spoke about in our introduction. We will give the children the opportunity to answer these questions and then resume our book orientation by reading out the blurb.

Step 3: Ask the children to focus on certain aspects throughout the book e.g. look out for their favorite character, take notice of what color clothes Peppa or others are wearing and the main events in the story


During the reading we have decided not to stop to ask questions, so that the children stay focused and understand the story, as their main task is to retell the events. We will be using different voices and
expressions for each of the characters, as well as adding in animal noises to distinguish between the characters. This will help the children identify and remember who the characters are.


After the reading we will ask the children a set of questions in relation to our learning outcomes. These include;

Text to self: Have you ever been to the dentist before? How do you feel about going to the dentist?

Text to text: Does this remind you of another story you have read or song you have heard?

Text to world: Do you think pigs go to the dentist? Why do people have to go to the dentist?

Literal: What types of animals were in this story? What toy animal did George take to the dentist with him?

Inferential: How do you think Peppa and George got to the dentist?

Evaluative: What was most memorable about this story? Why do you think this is the case? What did the writer/illustrator do to make it so memorable?

EXTENDING BEYOND THE TEXT: Literacy-related activity:

Step 1: Creating the puppets this would involve children thinking about what characters need to be created

Step 2: Ask the children what happened in the story and note main events

Step 3: Come together as a class. Retell the story using some of the puppets the children have made and asking for some volunteers to help with the puppet show

This task is in response to the characters in the story and the sequence of events. By doing this activity children are able to get involved in the story telling and form a deeper understanding of the book.


Ask the children (if they would like to), to share what they have made with the class. Finish off the class with the Brush your teeth song, as it relates to the theme of the story.


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