Anglais Technique

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module : Anglais technique

Nom et Prénom N° d’inscription Représentant du groupe

1. BENHAMANA SAMI 191935004454 Nom et prénom : BENHAMANA SAMI
2. BENDAAS OUSSAMA 191935001498 E-mail :[email protected]
3. BENSID MOHAMED CHAKIB 191934004732 N° du téléphone : 0663986394
4. FAYCAL GUENANE 191933007671

Mini projet : The importance of industrial

health and safety in the work place

Sous la supervision
du responsable de module :
Madame LEMMOUCHI Halima
Occupational safety and health is a very important science that aims to protect
workers in factories and work facilities from possible accidents that may cause
injuries to the worker or death, as well as damage or damage to the facility's
property.This science is entrenched by several standards and conditions that
must be followed to maintain our safety and the safety of those around us.

In the workplace, health and safety regulations are paramount to the well-being
of the employees and the employer. Many hazards are present in today's work
environments, and it's the employer's job to keep their employees safe from
these hazards. It's a job that is so important that there are occupational safety
standards and regulations set by the US Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA).

The importance of industrial health and safety in the work place:

1-Reducing the percentage of losses as some consider them to be of no material

gain, but with safety factors we preserve the human and material gains, and
these are the basic components of any institution.

2- Protecting the human element from injuries resulting from the hazards of the
work environment by preventing them from being exposed to accidents, injuries
and occupational diseases.

3- Preserving the components of the physical component represented in the

installations and the devices and equipment they contain from damage and loss
as a result of accidents.

4- The provision and implementation of all occupational safety and health

requirements that ensure the provision of a safe environment that achieves
protection from risks for the human and physical components.

5- Occupational safety and health as a scientific approach aims to establish

safety and reassurance in the hearts of workers while they carry out their work
and to reduce the anxiety and panic attacks that afflict them as they coexist by
virtue of the necessities of life with tools, materials and machines in which there
is a danger that threatens their lives and under insecure conditions that expose
their lives from time to time to dangers. Fatal and so is safety.
Public safety steps:

1- The necessity of using protective and personal safety equipment during work
and not underestimating its importance.

2- The necessity to provide a first aid box at work sites in order to deal with
minor injuries in a quick manner.

3- The necessity of keeping chemicals and flammable materials away from the
gathering places of workers, as they are a real danger to the factories and
establishments and their workers.

4- The necessity of activating the concept of occupational safety within factories

and facilities by finding an occupational safety supervisor who follows up on
safety requirements that would limit many accidents.

5- The need to focus on raising the level of readiness of workers in factories and
facilities by implementing exercises that will give them sufficient experience on
how to evacuate and deal with accidents if they happen.

6- The necessity of maintaining coordination between the owners or those in

charge of factories with the Civil Defense Authority for Occupational Safety and
Health and the relevant authorities in this regard by holding courses for work
supervisors and workers that aim to provide a safe work environment for all.

7- The necessity of working on issuing brochures, posters and posters

periodically and keeping abreast of developments in the work environment in
the field of public safety, as these publications are considered necessary and
important to educate workers and raise their awareness and thus reduce injuries
in the work environment.

There is no doubt that the failure to guarantee the health, psychological and
physical safety and comfort of workers in the worker's environment has a strong
influence on the deterioration of the system of work, production and economic
activity. Therefore, attention must be paid to this aspect and to know everything
related to it.

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