Solution Jee
Solution Jee
Solution Jee
to depress the freezing point of water. It is known (a) The gas in contact with the liquid should
behave as an ideal gas
as antifreeze.
(b) There should not be any chemical interaction
NaCl or CaCl2 (anhydrous) are used to clear between the gas and liquid
(c) The pressure applied should be high
snow on roads. It depresses the freezing point of
(d) All of these
water and reduce the temperature at which ice is
5. The statement “If 0.003 moles of a gas are
expected to be formed. dissolved in 900 g of water under a pressure of 1
atmosphere, 0.006 moles will be dissolved under
Plasmolysis : When a plant cell is placed in a a pressure of 2 atmospheres”, illustrates[JIPMER 1999]
hypertonic solution, the fluid from the plant cell (a) Dalton’s law of partial pressure
comes out and the cell shrinks. This phenomenon (b) Graham’s law
is called plasmolysis and is due to osmosis. (c) Raoult’s law
(d) Henry’s law
Bursting of red blood cells when placed in water
6. The solution of sugar in water contains [BHU 1973]
is due to osmosis.
(a) Free atoms (b) Free ions
Gelatinous Cu2[Fe(CN ) 6 ] and gelatinous Ca3 (PO4 )2 (c) Free molecules (d) Free atom and
are artificial semipermeable membranes.
Method of expressing concentration of solution
Solution and Colligative properties 161
(c) 0.99 (d) 9.9
1. 25 ml of 3.0 M HNO3 are mixed with 75 ml of 12. How much of NaOH is required to neutralise 1500
4.0 M HNO3 . If the volumes are additive, the cm 3 of 0.1 N HCl (At. wt. of Na =23) [KCET 2001]
molarity of the final mixture would be [DPMT 1986; MH CET 2(0a0
) 14
] g (b) 6 g
(a) 3.25 M (b) 4.0 M (c) 40 g (d) 60 g
(c) 3.75 M (d) 3.50 M 13. If 5.85 g of NaCl (molecular weight 58.5) is
dissolved in water and the solution is made up to
2. The amount of anhydrous Na2CO3 present in 250 0.5 litre, the molarity of the solution will be[AMU 1999; Pb
ml of 0.25 M solution is [DPMT 2001] (a) 0.2 (b) 0.4
(a) 6.225 g (b) 66.25 g (c) 1.0 (d) 0.1
(c) 6.0 g (d) 6.625 g 14. A mixture has 18g water and 414g ethanol. The
3. Dilute one litre 1 molar H 2 SO 4 solution by 5 litre mole fraction of water in mixture is (assume ideal
water, the normality of that solution is[DPMT 1983] behaviour of the mixture)
(a) 0.2N (b) 5 N (a) 0.1 (b) 0.4
(c) 0.7 (d) 0.9
(c) 10 N (d) 0.33 N
15. The number of molecules in 4.25 g of ammonia is
4. If 5.85 gms of NaCl are dissolved in 90 gms of approximately [CBSE PMT 2002]
water, the mole fraction of NaCl is
(a) 0.5 10 23 (b) 1.5 10 23
[CMC Vellore 1991; MP PMT 1994; AFMC 1998]
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.2 (c) 3.5 10 23 (d) 2.5 10 23
(c) 0.3 (d) 0.01 16. The largest number of molecules is in[Kurukshetra CEE 1998]
(e) 0.0196 (a) 25 g of CO2 (b) 46 g of C2 H5 OH
5. The molarity of 0.006 mole of NaCl in 100ml (c) 36 g of H 2O (d) 54 g of N 2O5
solution is
[Bihar MEE 1996] 17. If 1 M and 2.5 litre NaOH solution is mixed with
another 0.5 M and 3 litre NaOH solution, then
(a) 0.6 (b) 0.06
molarity of the resultant solution will be[CBSE PMT 2002]
(c) 0.006 (d) 0.066
(a) 1.0 M (b) 0.73 M
(e) None of these
(c) 0.80 M (d) 0.50 M
6. 9.8 g of H 2SO 4 is present in 2 litres of a solution.
The molarity of the solution is 18. When a solute is present in trace quantities the
[EAMCET 1991; MP PMT 2002]
following expression is used[Kerala CET (Med.) 2002]
(a) 0.1M (b) 0.05 M (a) Gram per million (b) Milligram percent
(c) 0.2M (d) 0.01M
(c) Microgram percent (d) Nano gram percent
7. What will be the molarity of a solution containing
5 g of sodium hydroxide in 250 ml solution (e) Parts per million
19. When the concentration is expressed as the
[MP PET 1999; BHU 1999; KCET 1999;
number of moles of a solute per litre of solution it
AIIMS 2000; Pb. CET 2000]
known as
(a) 0.5 (b) 1.0
[Kerala CET (Med.) 2002]
(c) 2.0 (d) 0.1
(a) Normality (b) Molarity
8. The normality of 0.3M phosphorus acid (H 3 PO3 )
(c) Mole fraction (d) Mass percentage
[IIT 1999; AIIMS 2000]
(e) Molality
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.9 20. The normality of 2.3 M H 2SO 4 solution is[KCET 2000]
(c) 0.3 (d) 0.6 (a) 2.3 N (b) 4.6 N
9. Which of the following has maximum number of (c) 0.46 N (d) 0.23 N
molecules 21. The molarity of a solution made by mixing 50ml
[CBSE PMT 2002] of conc. H2SO 4 (36N) with 50 ml of water is[MP PMT 200
(a) 16 gm of O2 (b) 16 gm of NO2
(a) 36 M (b) 18 M
(c) 7 gm of N 2 (d) 2 gm of H 2 (c) 9 M (d) 6 M
10. Molarity is expressed as[JIPMER 1991; CBSE PMT 1991] 22. 171 g of cane sugar (C12 H22O11 ) is dissolved in 1
(a) Gram/litre (b) Moles/litre litre of water. The molarity of the solution is[MP PMT 200
(c) Litre/mole (d) Moles/1000 gms
(a) 2.0 M (b) 1.0 M
11. 20 ml of HCl solution requires 19.85 ml of
(c) 0.5 M (d) 0.25 M
0.01 M NaOH solution for complete neutralization.
23. The volumes of 4 N HCl and 10 N HCl required to
The molarity of HCl solution is make[MP PMT
1 litre of1999]
6 N HCl are [Kerala PMT 2004]
(a) 0.0099 (b) 0.099
(a) 0.75 litre of 10 N HCl and 0.25 litre of 4 N HCl 31. How many gram of HCl will be present in 150 ml
(b) 0.25 litre of 4 N HCl and 0.75 litre of 10 N HCl of its 0.52 M solution [RPET 1999]
(c) 0.67 litre of 4 N HCl and 0.33 litre of 10 N HCl (a) 2.84 gm (b) 5.70 gm
(d) 0.80 litre of 4 N HCl and 0.20 litre of 10 N (c) 8.50 gm (d) 3.65 gm
HCl 32. The number of moles present in 2 litre of 0.5 M
(e) 0.50 litre of 4 N HCl and 0.50 litre of 10 N HCl NaOH is
24. Which statement is true for solution of 0.020 M [MH CET 2001]
H2 SO 4 (a) 0.5 (b) 0.1
[DPMT 2001] (c) 1 (d) 2
(a) 2 litre of the solution contains 0.020 mole of 33. 36g water and 828g ethyl alcohol form an ideal
SO 42 solution. The mole fraction of water in it, is[MP PMT 2003
(b) 2 litre of the solution contains 0.080 mole of (a) 1.0 (b) 0.7
H 3 O (c) 0.4 (d) 0.1
34. What will be the normality of a solution
(c) 1 litre of the solution contains 0.020 mole
H 3 O containing 4.9 g. H3 PO4 dissolved in 500 ml
water [MP PMT 2003]
(d) None of these (a) 0.3 (b) 1.0
25. 10 litre solution of urea contains 240g urea. The (c) 3.0 (d) 0.1
active mass of urea will be [KCET 2000] 35. 3.0 molal NaOH solution has a density of 1.110
(a) 0.04 (b) 0.02 g/ml. The molarity of the solution is [BVP 2003]
(c) 0.4 (d) 0.2 (a) 3.0504 (b) 3.64
26. 5 ml of N HCl, 20 ml of N/2 H2 SO 4 and 30 ml of N/3 (c) 3.05 (d) 2.9732
HNO3 are mixed together and volume made to one 36. Which of the following modes of expressing
litre. The normally of the resulting solution is [Kerala CET (Medc.o)n2c0e0n3t]ration is independent of temperature
N N CBSE PMT 1992, 95; MP PMT 1992; AIIMS 1997, 2001]
(a) (b)
5 10 (a) Molarity (b) Molality
N N (c) Formality (d) Normality
(c) (d)
20 40 37. The molality of a solution is [MP PMT 1996]
(e) (a) Number of moles of solute per 1000 ml of the
25 solvent
27. The amount of K2 Cr 2O7 (eq. wt. 49.04) required
(b) Number of moles of solute per 1000 gm of the
to prepare 100 ml of its 0.05 N solution is[JIPMER 2002s]olvent
(a) 2.9424 g (b) 0.4904 g (c) Number of moles of solute per 1000 ml of the
(c) 1.4712 g (d) 0.2452 g solution
28. With increase of temperature, which of these (d) Number of gram equivalents of solute per
1000 ml of the solution
[AIEEE 2002]
(a) Molality 38. The number of molecules in 16 gm of methane is
(b) Weight fraction of solute [MP PET/PMT 1998]
112. How many grams of NaOH will be required to (a) 1 molar (b) 1.5 molar
neutralize 12.2 grams of benzoic acid[MP PMT 1999] (c) 0.1 molar (d) 0.01 molar
(a) 40 gms (b) 4 gms 123. The molar solution of sulphuric acid is equal to
(c) 16 gms (d) 12.2 gms [MP PET 1999]
(a) N solution (b) 2 N solution
(c) N / 2 solution (d) 3 N solution
124. The weight of sodium carbonate required to 134. If we take 44 g of CO2 and 14 g of N 2 what will
prepare 500 ml of a semi- normal solution is [JIPMER 1999] be mole fraction of CO2 in the mixture [KCET 1990]
(a) 13.25 g (b) 26.5 g
(c) 53 g (d) 6.125 g (a) 1/5 (b) 1/3
125. 200 ml of a solution contains 5.85 g dissolved (c) 2/3 (d) 1/4
What is the volume of 0.1 N HCl required to react
sodium chloride. The concentration of the 135.
solution will be (Na 23;Cl 35.5) [MP PMT 1999] completely with 1.0 g of pure calcium carbonate
(a) 1 molar (b) 2 molar (Ca 40,C 12 and O 16 ) [KCET 1998]
(c) 0.5 molar (d) 0.25 molar (a) 150 cm 3 (b) 250 cm 3
126. Molarity of a solution prepared by dissolving 75.5 3
(c) 200 cm (d) 100 cm 3
g of pure KOH in 540 ml solution is [BHU 1999]
(a) 3.05 M (b) 1.35 M 136. The amount of NaOH in gms in 250 cm 3 of a
(c) 2.50 M (d) 4.50 M 0.100 M NaOH solution would be
127. Which one of the following is an extensive (a) 4 gm (b) 2 gm
property (c) 1 gm (d) 2.5 gm
[KCET 1998]
137. 4.0 gm of NaOH are contained in one decilitre of
(a) Molar volume (b) Molarity solution. Its molarity would be
(c) Number of moles (d) Mole fraction (a) 4 M (b) 2 M
128. Addition of conc. HCl to saturated BaCl 2 solution
(c) 1 M (d) 1.5 M
precipitates BaCl 2 ; because [AMU 2000]
138. When 90 gm of water is mixed with 300 gm of
(a) It follows from Le Chatelier’s principle acetic acid. The total number of moles will be
(b) Of common-ion effect (a) 5 (b) 10
(c) Ionic product (Ba ), (Cl ) remains constant in a (c) 15 (d) 20
saturated solution
139. A molal solution is one that contains one mole of a
(d) At constant temperature, the product (Ba 2 ), solute in
(Cl )2 remains constant in a saturated [NCERT 1983; DPMT 1983; CPMT 1985; IIT 1986;
solution MP PMT 1987; EAMCET 1990; MP PET 1994, 99]
129. How much water is needed to dilute 10 ml of 10 N (a) 1000 gm of the solvent
hydrochloric acid to make it exactly decinormal
(b) One litre of the solvent
(0.1 N)
[EAMCET 1982] (c) One litre of the solution
(a) 990 ml (b) 1000 ml (d) 22.4 litres of the solution
(c) 1010 ml (d) 100 ml 140. What weight of ferrous ammonium sulphate is
130. The formula weight of H2SO4 is 98. The weight of needed to prepare 100 ml of 0.1 normal solution
the acid in 400 ml of 0.1M solution is[EAMCET 1987] (mol. wt. 392)
(a) 2.45 g (b) 3.92 g [CPMT 1983]
(a) 1 mole (b) 18 mole (a) Mole per litre (b) Mole per kilogram
(c) 10 mole (d) 100 mole (c) Per mole per litre (d) Mole litre
144. A solution contains 1 mole of water and 4 mole of (d) Nature of solvent only
ethanol. The mole fraction of water and ethanol 8. Which is not a colligative property
will be
[CPMT 1984; BHU 1982; Manipal MEE 1995]
(a) 0.2 water + 0.8 ethanol (a) Refractive index
(b) 0.4 water + 0.6 ethanol (b) Lowering of vapour pressure
(c) 0.6 water + 0.8 ethanol (c) Depression of freezing point
(d) 0.8 water + 0.2 ethanol (d) Elevation of boiling point
9. Which of the following is a colligative property
Colligative properties
[BHU 1990; NCERT 1983; MP PMT 1983; DPMT 1981, 83;
1. The magnitude of colligative properties in all MP PET/PMT 1998; AIIMS 1999; Pb. CET 2000]
colloidal dispersions is ….than solution [AMU 1999] (a) Surface tension (b) Viscosity
(a) Lower (b) Higher (c) Osmotic pressure (d) Optical rotation
(c) Both (d) None 10. Colligative properties are used for the
determination of
2. Equimolar solutions in the same solvent have[AIEEE 2005] [Kerala CET (Engg.) 2002]
(a) Same boiling point but different freezing point (a) Molar Mass
(b) Same freezing point but different boiling point (b) Equivalent weight
(c) Same boiling and same freezing points (c) Arrangement of molecules
(d) Different boiling and different freezing points (d) Melting point and boiling point
3. Which of the following is a colligative property (d) Both (a) and (b)
[AFMC 1992; CBSE PMT 1992; MP PMT 1996, 2003] 11. What does not change on changing temperature
(a) Osmotic pressure (b) Boiling point [DCE 2001]
(c) Vapour pressure (d) Freezing point (a) Mole fraction (b) Normality
4. The colligative properties of a solution depend on (c) Molality (d) None of these
[CPMT 1984; MP PMT 1993; UPSEAT 2001; Kerala PMT 2002]
Lowering of vapour pressure
(a) Nature of solute particles present in it
(b) Nature of solvent used 1. Vapour pressure of CCl 4 at 25 o C is 143mm of
(c) Number of solute particles present in it Hg 0.5 gm of a non-volatile solute (mol. wt. = 65)
(d) Number of moles of solvent only is dissolved in 100 ml CCl 4 . Find the vapour
5. Which of the following is not a colligative pressure of the solution (Density of
property CCl 4 1.58 g / cm 2 ) [CBSE PMT 1998]
[BHU 1982; CPMT 1988; DPMT 1985; MP PET 1999]
(a) 141.43 mm (b) 94.39 mm
(a) Osmotic pressure
(c) 199.34 mm (d) 143.99 mm
(b) Elevation in B.P.
(c) Vapour pressure 2. For a solution of volatile liquids the partial
vapour pressure of each component in solution is
(d) Depression in freezing point directly proportional to
6. Which of the following is not a colligative (a) Molarity (b) Mole fraction
(c) Molality (d) Normality
[MP PET 2001; CPMT 2001; Pb. CET 2001] 3. “The relative lowering of the vapour pressure is
(a) Optical activity equal to the mole fraction of the solute.” This law
(b) Elevation in boiling point is called
(c) Osmotic pressure [MP PET 1997, 2001]
(a) Henry's law (b) Raoult's law
(d) Lowering of vapour pressure
(c) Ostwald's law (d) Arrhenius's law
7. Colligative properties of a solution depends upon
[MP PMT 1994, 2002]
4. The relative lowering of vapour pressure
produced by dissolving 71.5 g of a substance in
(a) Nature of both solvent and solute 1000 g of water is 0.00713. The molecular weight
(b) The relative number of solute and solvent of the substance will be
particles [DPMT 2001]
(c) Nature of solute only (a) 18.0 (b) 342
(c) 60 (d) 180 [EAMCET 1991; CBSE PMT 1991]
5. When mercuric iodide is added to the aqueous (a) Solute moleules and solvent molecules
solution of potassium iodide, the [IIT 1987] (b) Solute molecules and the total molecules in
(a) Freezing point is raised the solution
(b) Freezing point is lowered (c) Solvent molecules and the total molecules in
the solution
(c) Freezing point does not change
(d) Solvent molecules and the total number of
(d) Boiling point does not change ions of the solute
6. Vapour pressure of a solution is 13. 5cm 3 of acetone is added to 100 cm 3 of water, the
[EAMCET 1988; MP PET 1994]
vapour pressure of water over the solution
(a) Directly proportional to the mole fraction of (a) It will be equal to the vapour pressure of pure
the solvent water
(b) Inversely proportional to the mole fraction of (b) It will be less than the vapour pressure of
the solute pure water
(c) Inversely proportional to the mole fraction of (c) It will be greater than the vapour pressure of
the solvent pure water
(d) Directly proportional to the mole fraction of (d) It will be very large
the solute 14. At 300 K, when a solute is added to a solvent its
vapour pressure over the mercury reduces from
7. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent the
50 mm to 45 mm. The value of mole fraction of
vapour pressure of the solvent is decreased. This
solute will be
results in
(a) 0.005 (b) 0.010
[NCERT 1981]
(c) 0.100 (d) 0.900
(a) An increase in the b.p. of the solution
15. A solution has a 1 : 4 mole ratio of pentane to
(b) A decrease in the b.p. of the solvent hexane. The vapour pressure of the pure
(c) The solution having a higher freezing point hydrocarbons at 20°C are 440 mmHg for pentane
than the solvent and 120 mmHg for hexane. The mole fraction of
(d) The solution having a lower osmotic pressure pentane in the vapour phase would be
[CBSE PMT 2005]
than the solvent
(a) 0.549 (b) 0.200
8. If P o and P are the vapour pressure of a solvent (c) 0.786 (d) 0.478
and its solution respectively and N1 and N 2 are 16. Benzene and toluene form nearly ideal solutions.
the mole fractions of the solvent and solute At 20°C, the vapour pressure of benzene is 75 torr
respectively, then correct relation is and that of toluene is 22 torr. The parial vapour
(a) P Po N 1 (b) P Po N 2 pressure of benzene at 20°C for a solution
containing 78g of benzene and 46g of toluene in
(c) P o P N 2 (d) P Po (N1 / N 2 )
torr is [AIEEE 2005]
9. An aqueous solution of methanol in water has (a) 50 (b) 25
vapour pressure [MNR 1986] (c) 37.5 (d) 53.5
(a) Equal to that of water 17. The vapour pressure lowering caused by the
(b) Equal to that of methanol addition of 100 g of sucrose(molecular mass =
(c) More than that of water 342) to 1000 g of water if the vapour pressure of
(d) Less than that of water pure water at 25 o C is 23.8 mm Hg
10. The pressure under which liquid and vapour can [RPET 1999]
coexist at equilibrium is called the (a) 1.25 mm Hg (b) 0.125 mm Hg
(a) Limiting vapour pressure (c) 1.15 mm Hg (d) 00.12 mm Hg
(b) Real vapour pressure 18. Which of the following is incorrect [J & K 2005]
35. 60 gm of Urea (Mol. wt 60) was dissolved in 9.9 42. Determination of correct molecular mass from
moles, of water. If the vapour pressure of pure Raoult's law is applicable to
water is Po , the vapour pressure of solution is [DCE 2000] (a) An electrolyte in solution
(a) 0.10 Po (b) 1.10 Po (b) A non-electrolyte in a dilute solution
(c) A non-electrolyte in a concentrated solution
(c) 0.90 Po (d) 0.99 Po
(d) An electrolyte in a liquid solvent
36. The vapour pressure of water at 20 o C is 17.54 43. If two substances A and B have P 0: P 0 1: 2 and
mm. When 20g of a non-ionic, substance is
dissolved in 100g of water, the vapour pressure is have mole fraction in solution 1 : 2 then mole
lowered by 0.30 mm. What is the molecular fraction of A in vapours [DPMT 2005]
weight of the substances [UPSEAT 2001] (a) 0.33 (b) 0.25
(a) 210.2 (b) 206.88 (c) 0.52 (d) 0.2
(c) 215.2 (d) 200.8 44. A dry air is passed through the solution,
containing the 10 gm of solute and 90 gm of water
37. In an experiment, 1 g of a non-volatile solute was
and then it pass through pure water. There is the
dissolved in 100 g of acetone (mol. mass = 58) at
depression in weight of solution wt by 2.5 gm and
298K. The vapour pressure of the solution was
in weight of pure solvent by 0.05 gm. Calculate
found to be 192.5 mm Hg. The molecular weight of
the molecular weight of solute [Kerala CET 2005]
the solute is (vapour pressure of acetone = 195
mm Hg) (a) 50 (b) 180
[CPMT 2001; CBSE PMT 2001; Pb CET 2002] (c) 100 (d) 25
(a) 25.24 (b) 35.24 (e) 51
(c) 45.24 (d) 55.24
Ideal and Non-ideal solution
38. How many grams of CH 3 OH should be added to
water to prepare 150 ml solution of 2 M CH 3 OH [CBSE PM
1. T 19W
9 4h
] ich of the following liquid pairs shows a
(c) The free energy of mixing is zero (a) 3.42 (b) 34.2
(d) The free energy as well as the entropy of (c) 5.7 (d) 19
mixing are each zero 3. Osmotic pressure is 0.0821 atm at temperature of
300 K . Find concentration in mole/litre [Roorkee 1990]
Azeotropic mixture
(a) 0.033 (b) 0.066
1. The azeotropic mixture of water (b.p.100 o C) and (c) 0.33 10 2 (d) 3
HCl (b.p. 85 o C) boils at 108 .5 o C . When this mixture 4. Osmotic pressure of a solution containing 0.1
is distilled it is possible to obtain [IIT 1981] mole of solute per litre at 273 K is (in atm) [CPMT 1988]
(a) Pure HCl (a) 0.08205 273 (b) 0.1 1 0.08205 273
(b) Pure water 1
26. The osmotic pressure of a dilute solution is given (a) All solutions
by (b) Solutions of non-electrolytes only
[MP PMT 1987] (c) Solutions of electrolytes only
(a) P Po x (b) V nRT (d) None of these
P Po P 36. Which one of the following would lose weight on
(c) P Po N 2 (d) exposure to atmosphere [NCERT 1975]
Po Po (a) Concentrated H SO
2 4
27. Which statement is wrong regarding osmotic
(b) Solid NaOH
pressure (P), volume (V) and temperature (T)[MP PMT 1985]
1 (c) A saturated solution of CO2
(a) P if T is constant
V (d) Anhydrous sodium carbonate
(b) P T if V is constant 37. The molecular weight of NaCl determined by
osmotic pressure method will be
(c) P V if T is constant
(a) Same as theoritical value
(d) PV is constant if T is constant
(b) Higher than theoritical value
28. Isotonic solutions have [DPMT 1984; MP PMT 1986]
(c) Lower than theoritical value
(a) Equal temperature (b) Equal osmotic
(d) None of these
38. The osmotic pressure of solution increases, if
(c) Equal volume (d) Equal amount of
[CPMT 1985, 87, 91]
(a) Temperature is decreased
29. Which of the following associated with isotonic
solutions is not correct [AMU 2002]
(b) Solution concentration is increased
(c) Number of solute molecules is increased
(a) They will have the same osmotic pressure
(d) Volume is increased
(b) They have the same weight concentrations
39. At the same temperature, following solution will
(c) Osmosis does not take place when the two
be isotonic
solutions are separated by a semipermeable
[MP PMT 1985]
(a) 3.24 gm of sucrose per litre of water and 0.18
(d) They will have the same vapour pressure
gm glucose per litre of water
30. Isotonic solution have the same
(b) 3.42 gm of sucrose per litre and 0.18 gm
[EAMCET 1979; JIPMER 1991, 2002; glucose in 0.1 litre water
AFMC 1995; MP PMT 2002]
(c) 3.24 gm of sucrose per litre of water and
(a) Density (b) Molar concentration 0.585 gm of sodium chloride per litre of water
(c) Normality (d) None of these (d) 3.42 gm of sucrose per litre of water and 1.17
31. A 0.6% solution of urea (molecular weight = 60) gm of sodium chloride per litre of water
would be isotonic with [NCERT 1982; DCE 2002] 40. The osmotic pressure of a decinormal solution of
(a) 0.1M glucose (b) 0.1M KCl BaCl 2 in water is
(c) 0.6% glucose solution (d) 0.6% KCl solution (a) Inversely proportional to its celsius
32. The value of osmotic pressure of a 0.2 M aqueous
solution at 293K is [AMU 2002]
(b) Inversely proportional to its absolute 48. If a 0.1M solution of glucose (mol. wt. 180) and
temperature 0.1molar solution of urea (mol. wt. 60) are placed
(c) Directly proportional to its celsius on the two sides of a semipermeable membrane to
temperature equal heights, then it will be correct to say [CBSE PMT 199
(d) Directly proportional to its absolute (a) There will be no net movement across the
temperature membrane
41. Blood cells will remain as such in [CPMT 2004] (b) Glucose will flow across the membrane into
(a) Hypertonic solution (b) Hypotonic solution urea solution
(c) Isotonic solution (d) None of these (c) Urea will flow across the membrane into
42. The osmotic pressure of a dilute solution is glucose solution
directly proportional to the [M(PdP)M
W Ta1t9e8r7] will flow from urea solution into
(a) Diffusion rate of the solute glucose solution
(b) Ionic concentration 49. At constant temperature, the osmotic pressure of
a solution
(c) Elevation of B.P.
[CPMT 1986]
(d) Flow of solvent from a concentrated to a
(a) Directly proportional to the concentration
dilute solution
(b) Inversely proportional to the concentration
43. The osmotic pressure in atmospheres of 10%
(c) Directly proportional to the square of the
solution of canesugar at 69 o C is [AFMC 1991]
(a) 724 (b) 824 (d) Directly proportional to the square root of the
(c) 8.21 (d) 7.21 concentration
44. Which of the following molecules would diffuse 50. The solution containing gm of a polyvinyl
through a cell membrane [NCERT 1978] chloride polymer in 1 litre of dioxane was found
(a) Fructose (b) Glycogen to have an osmotic pressure 6.0 10 4 atmosphere
(c) Haemoglobin (d) Catalase at 300 K , the value of R used is 0.082 litre
atmosphere mole 1k 1 . The molecular mass of the
45. Two solutions of KNO3 and CH 3 COOH are
polymer was found to be [NCERT 1978]
prepared separately. Molarity of both is 0.1 M and (a) 3.0 10 2 (b) 1.6 10 5
osmotic pressures are P1 and P2 respectively. The
(c) 5.6 10 4 (d) 6.4 10 2
correct relationship between the osmotic pressures
is [CPMT 1983, 84; Pb CET 2004] 51. Solvent molecules pass through the
(a) P P (b) P P semipermeable membrane is called
2 1 1 2
[CPMT 1983; MP PMT 1987; RPET 2000; DCE 2004]
(c) P1 P2 P P
(d) P 1 P P 2 P (a) Electrolysis (b) Electrophoresis
1 2 1 2 (c) Cataphoresis (d) Osmosis
46. The osmotic pressure of a dilute solution of a 52. If molecular weight of compound is increased
non-volatile solute is [JIPMER 1999] then sensitivity is decreased in which of the
(a) Directly proportional to its temperature on following methods
the centigrade scale [DCE 2001]
(b) Inversely proportional to its temperature on (a) Elevation in boiling point(b) Viscosity
the Kelvin scale (c) Osmosis (d) Dialysis
(c) Directly proportional to its temperature on 53. If solubility of NaCl at 20 o C is 35 gm per 100
the Kelvin scale gm of water. Then on adding 50 gm of NaCl to
(d) Inversely proportional to its temperature on the same volume at same temperature the salt
the centigrade scale remains undissolved is
(a) 15 gm (b) 20 gm
47. Osmotic pressure of a urea solution at 10 o C is
500 mm. Osmotic pressure of the solution become (c) 50 gm (d) 35 gm
105.3 mm. When it is diluted and temperature 54. Which of the following associated with isotonic
solution is not correct
raised to 25 o C. The extent of dilution is [MP PET 2004]
(a) They will have the same osmotic pressure
(a) 6 Times (b) 5 Times
(b) They have the same weight concentration
(c) 7 Times (d) 4 Times
(c) Osmosis does not take place when the two 2. The molal elevation constant of water 0.52 o C .
solutions are separated by a semipermeable The boiling point of 1.0 molal aqueous KCl
membrane solution (assuming complete dissociation of KCl ),
(d) They will have the same vapour pressure therefore, should be [BHU 1987]
55. If osmotic pressure of a solution is 2 atm at 273 K , (a) 100 .52 o C (b) 101 .04 o C
then at 546 K , the osmotic pressure is (c) 99 .48 o C (d) 98 .96 o C
(a) 0.5 atm (b) 1 atm 3. The rise in the boiling point of a solution
(c) 2 atm (d) 4 atm containing 1.8 gram of glucose in 100 g of a
56. In osmosis reaction, the volume of solution solvent in 0.1o C . The molal elevation constant of
(a) Decreases slowly (b) Increases slowly the liquid is [CPMT 1999]
(c) Suddenly increases (d) No change (a) 0.01 K / m (b) 0.1 K / m
57. As a result of osmosis the volume of solution (c) 1 K / m (d) 10 K / m
[JIPMER 2000] 4. If 0.15 g of a solute dissolved in 15 g of solvent is
(a) Increases (c) Decreases boiled at a temperature higher by 0.216 o C than
(c) Remains constant (d) Increases or that of the pure solvent. The molecular weight of
decreases the substance (molal elevation constant for the
58. A solution of urea contain 8.6 gm/litre (mol. wt. solvent is 2.16 o C ) is
60.0). It is isotonic with a 5% solution of a non- [CBSE PMT 1999; BHU 1997]
volatile solute. The molecular weight of the solute (a) 1.01 (b) 10
will be [MP PMT 1986] (c) 10.1 (d) 100
(a) 348.9 (b) 34.89 5. Pressure cooker reduces cooking time for food
(c) 3489 (d) 861.2 because
59. One mole each of urea, glucose and sodium [MP PMT 1987; NCERT 1975; CPMT 1991; AIEEE 2003]
chloride were dissolved in one litre of water (a) Heat is more evenly distributed in the cooking
Equal osmotic pressure will be produced by space
solutions of [MH CET 1999] (b) Boiling point of water involved in cooking is
(a) Glucose and sodium chloride increased
(b) Urea and glucose (c) The higher pressure inside the cooker crushes
(c) Sodium chloride and urea the food material
(d) None of these
(d) Cooking involves chemical changes helped by
60. Which of the following aqueous solutions produce a rise in temperature
the same osmotic pressure [Roorkee 1999]
6. Which of the following statements is correct for
(a) 0.1 M NaCl solution
the boiling point of solvent containing a dissolved
(b) 0.1 M glucose solution
solid substance
(c) 0.6 g urea in 100 ml solution
[NCERT 1972, 74]
(d) 1.0 g of a non-electrolyte solute (X) in 50 ml
solution (Molar mass of X = 200) (a) Boiling point of the liquid is depressed
61. Which of the following aqueous solutions are (b) Boiling point of the liquid is elevated
isotonic (R 0.082 atm K 1mol 1 ) [Roorkee Qualifying 1998] (c) There is no effect on the boiling point
(a) 0.01 M glucose (d) The change depends upon the polarity of
(b) 0.01 M NaNO 3 liquid
(c) 500 ml solution containing 0.3 g urea 7. When a substance is dissolved in a solvent, the
(d) 0.04 N HCl vapour pressure of solvent decreases. It brings[BHU 2004]
(a) A decrease in boiling point of solution
Elevation of boiling boint of the solvent (b) An increase in boiling point of the solution
1. The latent heat of vapourisation of water is (c) A decrease in freezing point of the solution
9700 Cal / mole and if the b.p. is 100 o C , (d) An increase in freezing point of the solution
ebullioscopic constant of water is 8. Elevation in boiling point was 0.52 o C when 6 gm
[CBSE PMT 1989] of a compound X was dissolved in 100 gm of
(a) 0.513 o C (b) 1.026 o C water. Molecular weight of X is (Kb for water is
(c) 10.26 o C (d) 1.832 o C 0.52 per 1000 gm of water)
[CPMT 1989] 17. An aqueous solution containing 1g of urea boils at
(a) 120 (b) 60 100 .25 o C . The aqueous solution containing 3 g of
glucose in the same volume will boil at (Molecular
(c) 180 (d) 600
weight of urea and glucose are 60 and 180
9. If the solution boils at a temperature T1 and the respectively)
solvent at a temperature T2 the elevation of [CBSE PMT 2000]
boiling point is given by (a) 100.75 C o
(b) 100 .5 o C
[MP PET 1996]
(c) 100 .25 o C (d) 100 o C
(a) T1 T2 (b) T1 T2 18. When common salt is dissolved in water
(c) T2 T1 (d) T1 T2 [CBSE PMT 1988; MP PET 1995; DCE 2000]
(a) Melting point of the solution increases
10. If for a sucrose solution elevation in boiling point
is 0.1°C then what will be the boiling point of (b) Boiling point of the solution increases
NaCl solution for same molal concentration[BHU 1998, 2005] (c) Boiling point of the solution decreases
(a) 0.1°C (b) 0.2°C (d) Both melting point and boiling point decreases
19. During the evaporation of liquid [DCE 2003]
(c) 0.08°C (d) 0.01°C
(a) The temperature of the liquid will rise
11. The molal elevation constant is the ratio of the
elevation in B.P. to [CPMT 1982] (b) The temperature of the liquid will fall
(c) May rise or fall depending on the nature
(a) Molarity (b) Molality
(d) The temperature remains unaffected
(c) Mole fraction of solute (d)Mole fraction of solvent
20. At higher altitudes the boiling point of water
12. The molal boiling point constant for water is lowers because
0.513 o C kgmol 1 . When 0.1 mole of sugar is [NCERT 1972; CPMT 1994; J & K 2005]
dissolved in 200 ml of water, the solution boils (a) Atmospheric pressure is low
under a pressure of one atmosphere at [AIIMS 1991]
(b) Temperature is low
o o
(a) 100 .513 C (b) 100 .0513 C (c) Atmospheric pressure is high
(c) 100 .256 Co
(d) 101 .025 Co (d) None of these
13. Value of gas constant R is [AIEEE 2002] 21. The elevation in boiling point for one molal
solution of a solute in a solvent is called[MH CET 2001]
(a) 0.082 litre atm (b) 0.987 cal mol 1K 1 (a) Boiling point constant (b)Molal elevation constant
(c) 8.3 J mol 1 K 1 (d) 83 erg mol 1 K 1 (c) Cryoscopic constant (d) None of these
14. The temperature, at which the vapour pressure of 22. A solution of 1 molal concentration of a solute will
a liquid becomes equal to the atmospheric have maximum boiling point elevation when the
pressure is known as solvent is
[Pb. PMT 2000] [MP PMT 2000]
(a) Freezing point (b) Boiling point (a) Ethyl alcohol (b) Acetone
(c) Absolute temperature (d) None of these (c) Benzene (d) Chloroform
15. The elevation in boiling point of a solution of 13.44g 23. Mark the correct relationship between the boiling
of CuCl 2 in 1kg of water using the following points of very dilute solutions of BaCl 2 (t1) and
information will be KCl (t2 ) , having the same molarity [CPMT 1984, 93]
(Molecular weight of CuCl2 = 134.4 and Kb = 0.52 K
(a) t 1 t 2
[IIT 2005] (b) t1 t 2
(a) 0.16 (b) 0.05 (c) t 2 t 1
(c) 0.1 (d) 0.2 (d) t2 is approximately equal to t1
16. When 10g of a non-volatile solute is dissolved in
100 g of benzene, it raises boiling point by 1o C Depression of freezing point of the solvent
then molecular mass of the solute is (Kb for
benzene =2.53k-m–1) [BHU 2002] 1. Molal depression constant for water is 1.86 o C .
(a) 223 g (b) 233 g The freezing point of a 0.05 molal solution of a
(c) 243 g (d) 253 g non-electrolyte in water is
[MNR 1990; MP PET 1997]
(a) 1.86 C o
(b) 0.93 o C
(c) 0.093 o C (d) 0.93 o C 10. A solution of urea (mol. mass 56g mol–1) boils at
2. The amount of urea to be dissolved in 500 ml of 100.18°C at the atmospheric pressure. If K f and
water (K =18.6 K mole 1 in 100g solvent) to Kb for water are 1.86 and 0.512K kg mol–1
produce a depression of 0.186 o C in freezing respectively the above solution will freeze at[CBSE PMT 20
point is [MH CET 2000] (a) – 6.54°C (b) 6.54°C
(a) 9 g (b) 6 g (c) 0.654°C (d) –0.654°C
(c) 3 g (d) 0.3 g 11. The molar freezing point constant for water is
3. The maximum freezing point falls in[MP PMT 1986] 1.86 o C mole 1 . If 342 gm of canesugar (C12 H22O11 )
are dissolved in 1000 gm of water, the solution
(a) Camphor (b) Naphthalene
will freeze at
(c) Benzene (d) Water [NCERT 1977; CPMT 1989; Roorkee 2000; DCE 2004]
4. Which one of the following statements is FALSE (a) 1.86 o C (b) 1.86 o C
[AIEEE 2004] (c) 3.92 o C (d) 2.42 o C
(a) The correct order of osmotic pressure for 0.01 12. An aqueous solution of a non-electrolyte boils at
M aqueous solution of each compound is 100 .52 o C . The freezing point of the solution will
BaCl 2 KCl CH3 COOH sucrose. be
(b) The osmotic pressure ( ) of a solution is given (a) 0 o C (b) 1.86 o C
by the equation MRT where M is the (c) 1.86 C o
(d) None of the above
molarity of the solution. 13. The freezing point of one molal NaCl solution
(c) Raoult's law states that the vapour pressure assuming NaCl to be 100% dissociated in water
of a component over a solution is proportional is (molal depression constant = 1.86)
to its mole fraction. [CPMT 1985; BHU 1981; MP PMT 1997; UPSEAT 2001]
(d) Two sucrose solutions of same molality (a) 1.86 o C (b) 3.72o C
prepared in different solvents will have the
(c) 1.86 C o
(d) 3.72o C
same freezing point depression.
5. Solute when dissolved in water [MADT Bihar 1981] 14. Heavy water freezes at [CPMT 1993]
(a) 0 o C (b) 3.8 o C
(a) Increases the vapour pressure of water
(c) 38 o C (d) 0.38 o C
(b) Decreases the boiling point of water
15. After adding a solute freezing point of solution
(c) Decreases the freezing point of water
decreases to – 0.186. Calculate Tb if Kf 1.86
(d) All of the above
and Kb 0.521 .
6. The freezing point of a solution prepared from
[Orissa JEE 2002, 04; MP PET/PMT 1998; AIEEE 2000]
1.25 gm of a non-electrolyte and 20 gm of water is
(a) 0.521 (b) 0.0521
271.9 K . If molar depression constant is (c) 1.86 (d) 0.0186
1.86 K mole 1 , then molar mass of the solute will be[AFM1C
8;ivCePnMtThat 9
19 9T] is the depression in freezing point
13. Which of the following solutions will have the (c) Glucose AlCl 3 KNO3
highest boiling point [DPMT 1991; CPMT 1991]
(d) AlCl 3 Glucose KNO3
(a) 1% glucose (b) 1% sucrose
(c) 1% NaCl (d) 1% CaCl 2 23. Which of the following will have the highest F.P.
at one atmosphere
14. Which one of the following aqueous solutions will
[BHU 1982; MP PMT 1987, MP PET/PMT 1988]
exhibit highest boiling point [AIEEE 2004]
(a) 0.015 M urea (b) 0.01 M KNO3 (a) 0.1M NaCl solution (b) 0.1M sugar solution
(c) 0.01 M Na 2SO4 (d) 0.015 M glucose (c) 0.1M BaCl 2 solution (d) 0.1M FeCl 3 solution
15. Which of the following aqueous solutions 24. Which of the following will produce the maximum
containing 10 gm of solute in each case has depression in freezing point of its aqueous
highest B.P. solution
(a) NaCl solution (b) KCl solution [MP PMT 1996]
(c) Sugar solution (d) Glucose solution (a) 0.1M glucose
16. 0.01 molar solutions of glucose, phenol and (b) 0.1M sodium chloride
potassium chloride were prepared in water. The (c) 0.1M barium chloride
boiling points of
(d) 0.1M magnesium sulphate
(a) Glucose solution = Phenol solution =
Potassium chloride solution 25. Which of the following has the lowest freezing
(b) Potassium chloride solution > Glucose
solution > Phenol solution [UPSEAT 2004]
(c) Phenol solution > Potassium chloride solution (a) 0.1 m sucrose (b) 0.1 m urea
> Glucose solution (c) 0.1 m ethanol (d) 0.1 m glucose
(d) Potassium chloride solution > Phenol solution 26. Which of the following has minimum freezing
> Glucose solution point
17. Which one has the highest boiling point[CBSE PMT 1990] [Pb. PMT 1999]
(a) 0.1N Na 2SO 4 (b) 0.1N MgSO 4 (a) 0.1M K 2Cr 2O 7 (b) 0.1 M NH 4 Cl
(c) 0.1M Al 2 (SO 4 ) 3 (d) 0.1M BaSO 4
(c) 0.1 M BaSO 4 (d) 0.1 M Al 2(SO 4 ) 3 (c) 714.3 (d) 80
27. Which of the following 0.10 m aqueous solution 7. The Van’t Hoff factor calculated from association
data is always...than calculated from dissociation
will have the lowest freezing point[CBSE PMT 1997] data
(a) Al 2 (SO 4 )3 (b) C5 H10 O5
[JIPMER 2000]
(c) KI (d) C12 H22 O11 (a) Less (b) More
28. For 0.1 M solution, the colligative property will (c) Same (d) More or less
follow the order [AMU 2000] 8. If is the degree of dissociation of Na 2SO 4 , the
(a) NaCl Na 2 SO 4 Na 3 PO4 Vant Hoff's factor (i) used for calculating the
(b) NaCl Na 2SO 4 Na 3 PO4 molecular mass is
(c) NaCl Na 2SO 4 Na 3 PO4 [AIEEE 2005]
(a) 1 (b)
(d) NaCl Na 2SO 4 Na 3 PO4
(c) 1 2 (d) 1 2
29. Which of the following will have the lowest
9. Van't Hoff factor i
vapour pressure
Normal molecular mass
(a) 0.1M KCl solution (a)
Observed molecular mass
(b) 0.1M urea solution Observed molecular mass
(c) 0.1M Na2 SO 4 solution (b)
Normal molecular mass
(d) 0.1M K4 Fe(CN )6 solution (c) Less than one in case of dissociation
Abnormal molecular mass (d) More than one in case of association
10. Which of the following compounds corresponds
1. The Van't Hoff factor will be highest for Van't Hoff factor ' i' to be equal to 2 for dilute
(a) Sodium chloride (b) Magnesium chloride solution [NCERT 1978]
(a) K2SO 4 (b) NaHSO 4
(c) Sodium phosphate (d) Urea
(c) Sugar (d) MgSO 4
2. Which of the following salt has the same value of
Van't Hoff factor i as that of K3 [Fe(CN )6 ] 11. The Van't Hoff factor i for a 0.2 molal aqueous
solution of urea is
[CBSE PMT 1994; AIIMS 1998]
(a) 0.2 (b) 0.1
(a) Al 2 (SO 4 )3 (b) NaCl
(c) 1.2 (d) 1.0
(c) Na 2 SO 4 (d) Al(NO3 ) 3
12. One mole of a solute A is dissolved in a given
3. When benzoic acid dissolve in benzene, the volume of a solvent. The association of the solute
observed molecular mass is take place according to nA ⇄(A)n . The Van't Hoff
(a) 244 (b) 61 factor i is expressed as
(c) 366 (d) 122 [MP PMT 1997]
4. The ratio of the value of any colligative property x
(a) i 1 x (b) i 1
for KCl solution to that for sugar solution is n
nearly [MP PMT 1985] x
1 x
(a) 1 (b) 0.5 n
(c) i (d) i 1
(c) 2.0 (d) 3 1
5. Van't Hoff factor of Ca(NO3 )2 is [CPMT 1997] 13. Acetic acid dissolved in benzene shows a
molecular weight of
(a) 1 (b) 2
(a) 60 (b) 120
(c) 3 (d) 4
(c) 180 (d) 240
6. Dry air was passed successively through a
solution of 5 gm of a solute in 80 gm of water and 14. The observed osmotic pressure of a solution of
then through pure water. The loss in weight of benzoic acid in benzene is less than its expected
value because
solution was 2.50 gm and that of pure solvent
[CET Pune 1998]
gm . What is the molecular weight of the
(a) Benzene is a non-polar solvent
(b) Benzoic acid molecules are associated in
[MP PMT 1986]
(a) 70.31 (b) 7.143
(c) Benzoic acid molecules are dissociated in 3. Vapour pressure of a solution of 5 g of non-
benzene electrolyte in 100 g of water at a particular
(d) Benzoic acid is an organic compound temperature is 2985 N / m 2 . The vapour pressure of
15. The experimental molecular weight of an pure water is 3000 N / m 2 . The molecular weight of
electrolyte will always be less than its calculated the solute is [IIT Screening 1993]
value because the value of Van't Hoff factor “i” is[MP PMT 1993]
(a) 60 (b) 120
(a) Less than 1 (b) Greater than 1
(c) 180 (d) 380
(c) Equivalent to one (d) Zero
4. Azeotropic mixture of HCl and water has
16. The molecular mass of acetic acid dissolved in
water is 60 and when dissolved in benzene it is [AFMC 1997; JIPMER 2002]
120.This difference in behaviour of CH 3COOH is (a) 84% HCl (b) 22.2% HCl
because [AMU 2000] (c) 63% HCl (d) 20.2% HCl
(a) Water prevents association of acetic acid 5. The osmotic pressure at 17 o C of an aqueous
(b) Acetic acid does not fully dissolve in water solution containing 1.75 g of sucrose per 150 ml
solution is
(c) Acetic acid fully dissolves in benzene
(d) Acetic acid does not ionize in benzene [BHU 2001]
17. The correct relationship between the boiling (a) 0.8 atm (b) 0.08 atm
points of very dilute solutions of AlCl 3 (t1 ) and (c) 8.1 atm (d) 9.1 atm
CaCl 2 (t 2 ) , having the same molar concentration is[CPM6T. 1983
A] 1.2 of solution of NaCl is isotonic with 7.2 of
solution of glucose. Calculate the van’t Hoff’s
(a) t1 t 2 (b) t1 t 2
factor of NaCl solution
(c) t2 t 1 (d) t2 t 1 [UPSEAT 2001]
18. The Van't Hoff factor for sodium phosphate would (a) 2.36 (b) 1.50
be (c) 1.95 (d) 1.00
(a) 1 (b) 2 7. 0.6 g of a solute is dissolved in 0.1litre of a solvent
(c) 3 (d) 4 which develops an osmotic pressure of 1.23 atm
19. The molecular weight of benzoic acid in benzene at 27 o C . The molecular mass of the substance is[BHU 199
as determined by depression in freezing point 1
method corresponds to [IIT 1996]
(a) 149 .5 gmole (b) 120 g mole 1
(a) Ionization of benzoic acid (c) 430 g mole 1 (d) None of these
(b) Dimerization of benzoic acid
8. The boiling point of a solution of 0.1050 gm of a
(c) Trimerization of benzoic acid substance in 15.84 gram of ether was found to be
(d) Solvation of benzoic acid 100 o C higher than that of pure ether. What is the
molecular weight of the substance [Molecular
elevation constant of ether per 100 g = 21.6]
(a) 144.50 (b) 143.18
(c) 140.28 (d) 146.66
9. Boiling point of chloroform was raised by 0.323 K,
when 0.5143 g of anthracene was dissolved in 35
1. On adding solute to a solvent having vapour
g of chloroform. Molecular mass of anthracene is
pressure 0.80 atm, vapour pressure reduces to
( K b for CHCl 3 = 3.9 kg mol –1) [Pb PMT 2000]
0.60 atm. Mole fraction of solute is [UPSEAT 2003]
(a) 0.25 (b) 0.75 (a) 79.42 g/mol (b) 132.32 g/mol
(c) 177.42 g/mol (d) 242.32 g/mol
(c) 0.50 (d) 0.33
10. The boiling point of water ( 100 o C ) becomes
2. A solution containing 30 gms of non-volatile
100 .52 o C , if 3 grams of a nonvolatile solute is
solute in exactly 90 gm water has a vapour
dissolved in 200 ml of water. The molecular
pressure of 21.85 mm Hg at 25 o C . Further 18 gms
weight of solute is
of water is then added to the solution. The
( Kb for water is 0.6 K m )
resulting solution has a vapour pressure of 22.15
mm Hg at 25 o C . Calculate the molecular weight (a) 12 .2 g mol 1 (b) 15.4 gmol
of the solute [UPSEAT 2001]
(c) 17 .3 g mol 1
(d) 20.4 gmol
(a) 74.2 (b) 75.6
(c) 67.83 (d) 78.7
11. Normal boiling point of water is 373 K (at Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the
760mm). Vapour pressure of water at 298 K is 23 correct option out of the options given below :
mm. If the enthalpy of evaporation is 40.656 (a) If both assertion and reason are true and the
kJ/mole, the boiling point of water at 23 mm reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
pressure will be [CBSE PMT 1995] (b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is
(a) 250 K (b) 294 K not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) 51.6 K (d) 12.5 K (c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
12. A 0.2 molal aqueous solution of a weak acid (HX) (d) If the assertion and reason both are false.
is 20% ionised. The freezing point of this solution (e) If assertion is false but reason is true.
is (Given K f 1.86 o C / m for water) [IIT 1995]
1. Assertion : One molal aqueous solution of urea
(a) 0.31 C o
(b) 0.45 C o
contains 60 g of urea in 1kg (1000 g)
(c) 0.53 o C (d) 0.90 o C water.
13. A 0.001 molal solution of [Pt(NH 3 ) 4 Cl 4 ] in water Reason : Solution containing one mole of
had a freezing point depression of 0.0054 o C . If solute in 1000 g solvent is called as
K f for water is 1.80, the correct formulation for one molal solution.
the above molecule is 2. Assertion : If 100 cc of 0.1 N HCl is mixed with
[Kerala CET (Med.) 2003] 100 cc of 0.2 N HCl , the normality of
(a) [Pt(NH 3 ) 4 Cl 3 ]Cl (b) [Pt(NH3 ) 4 Cl]Cl 2 the final solution will be 0.30.
(c) [Pt(NH 3 ) 4 Cl 2 ]Cl 3 (d) [Pt(NH 3 ) 4 Cl 4 ] Reason : Normalities of similar solutions like
14. An aqueous solution of a weak monobasic acid HCl can be added.
containing 0.1 g in 21.7g of water freezes at 3. Assertion : If a liquid solute more volatile than
272.813 K. If the value of K f for water is 1.86 the solvent is added to the solvent,
K/m, what is the molecular mass of the the vapour pressure of the solution
monobasic acid [AMU 2002] may increase i.e., ps po .
(a) 50 g/mole (b) 46 g/mole Reason : In the presence of a more volatile
(c) 55 g/mole (d) 60 g/mole liquid solute, only the solute will
1 form the vapours and solvent will
15. K f of 1,4-dioxane is 4.9 mol for 1000 g. The
depression in freezing point for a 0.001 m
4. Assertion : Azeotropic mixtures are formed
solution in dioxane is
only by non-ideal solutions and they
[DPMT 2001]
may have boiling points either
(a) 0.0049 (b) 4.9 + 0.001
(c) 4.9 (d) 0.49 greater than both the components
or less than both the components.
16. How many litres of CO2 at STP will be formed
Reason : The composition of the vapour
when 100ml of 0.1 M H2 SO 4 reacts with excess of phase is same as that of the liquid
Na 2 SO 3 phase of an azeotropic mixutre.
[EAMCET 1998] 5. Assertion : Molecular mass of polymers cannot
(a) 22.4 (b) 2.24 be calculated using boiling point or
(c) 0.224 (d) 5.6 freezing point method.
17. A solution is obtained by dissolving 12 g of urea Reason : Polymers solutions do not possess a
(mol.wt.60) in a litre of water. Another solution is constant boiling point or freezing
obtained by dissolving 68.4 g of cane sugar point.
(mol.wt. 342) in a litre of water at are the same
6. Assertion : The molecular weight of acetic acid
temperature. The lowering of vapour pressure in
determined by depression in
the first solution is [CPMT 2001]
freezing point method in benzene
(a) Same as that of 2nd solution and water was found to be
(b) Nearly one-fifth of the 2nd solution different.
(c) Double that of 2nd solution Reason : Water is polar and benzene is non-
(d) Nearly five times that of 2nd solution polar.
7. Assertion : Ca and K ions are responsible
for maintaining proper osmotic
pressure balance in the cells of
Reason : Solutions having the same osmotic Reason : At higher pressue cooking occurs
pressure are called isotonic faster.
solutions. [AIIMS 2000]
8. Assertion : Reverse osmosis is used in the 19. Assertion : CCl 4 and H2O are immiscible.
desalination of sea water.
Reason : CCl 4 is a polar solvent. [AIIMS 2002]
Reason : When pressure more than osmotic
pressure is applied, pure water is 20. Assertion : Isotonic solution do not show the
squeezed out of the sea water phenomenon of osmosis.
through the membrane. Reason : Isotonic solutions have equal osmotic
9. Assertion : Camphor is used as solvent in the pressure.
determination of molecular masses [AIIMS 2002]
of naphthalene, anthracene etc. 21. Assertion : Increasing pressure on pure water
Reason : Camphor has high molal elevation decreases its freezing point.
constant. Reason : Density of water is maximum at 273
10. Assertion : Elevation in boiling point and
[AIIMS 2003]
depression in freezing point are
colligative properties.
Reason : All colligative properties are used
for the calculaltion of molecular
11. Assertion : An increase in surface area
increases the rate of evaporation.
Reason : Stronger the inter-molecular
attractive forces, fast is the rate of
evaporation at a given temperature.
[AIIMS 2002]
12. Assertion : The boiling and melting points of
amides are higher than
corresponding acids.
Reason : It is due to strong intermolecular
hydrogen bonding in their
molecules. [AIIMS 2002]
13. Assertion : The freezing point is the
temperature at which solid
crystallizers from solution.
Reason : The freezing point depression is the
difference between that temperature
and freezing point of pure solvent.[AIIMS 2000 ]
14. Assertion : On adding NaCl to water its vapour
pressure increases.
Reason : Addition of non-volatile solute
increases the vapour pressure. [AIIMS 19 96]
15. Assertion : Molar heat of vaporisation of water
is greater than benzene.
Reason : Molar heat of vaporisation is the
amount of heat required to vaporise
one mole of liquid at constant
temperature. [AIIMS 1996]
16. Assertion : Ice melts faster at high altitude.
Reason : At high altitude atmospheric
pressure is high. [AIIMS 1997]
17. Assertion : Molecular mass of benzoic acid
when determined by colligative
properties is found high.
Reason : Dimerisation of benzoic acid. [AIIMS 1998 ]
18. Assertion : Use of pressure cooker reduces
cooking time.
Azeotropic mixture