Appendix 11 Hygiene Safety Health Plan

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March 2022
LIST OF TABLES.................................................................................................................4
LIST OF ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .................................................................... 5
1. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 6
2. BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE PROJECT................................................................. 7
2.1. Project objectives ........................................................................................................ 7
2.2. Expected results .........................................................................................................7
2.3. Description of the deposit............................................................................................ 8
2.4. Project activities .......................................................................................................... 9
2.5. Main project infrastructure......................................................................................... 10
2.6. Working hours on the project site .............................................................................. 10
3. LEGAL AND INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK .......................................................... 11
3.1. Legal framework ....................................................................................................... 11
3.1.1. International legal framework .................................................................................. 11
3.1.2. National legal framework ........................................................................................ 11
3.2. Institutional framework .............................................................................................. 12
4. HSE RESOURCES ................................................................................................... 13
4.1. Organisation of the HSE function .............................................................................. 13
4.1.1. Head of site ............................................................................................................ 13
4.1.2. HSE Manager ......................................................................................................... 13
4.1.3. Service providers and subcontractors ..................................................................... 14
4.2. Conflict resolution ..................................................................................................... 15
5. RESCUE AND EVACUATION ARRANGEMENTS.................................................... 16
5.1. Alert procedure ......................................................................................................... 16
5.2. Assembly points ........................................................................................................ 16
5.3. Lists of first aid workers............................................................................................. 16
5.4. Medical equipment .................................................................................................... 17
5.4.1. Infirmary ................................................................................................................. 17
5.4.2. First aid kit .............................................................................................................. 17
5.5. Evacuation procedure ............................................................................................... 17
5.6. Fire ........................................................................................................................... 17
5.6.1. Prevention and fire-fighting measures .................................................................... 17
5.6.2. List of firefighting equipment: .................................................................................. 18
5.6.3. Fire prevention........................................................................................................ 18
5.6.4. Reflexes in case of fire ........................................................................................... 18
5.7. Emergency service ................................................................................................... 18
6. HEALTH AND HYGIENE MEASURES ..................................................................... 19
6.1. General health and safety rules ................................................................................ 19
6.2. Health ....................................................................................................................... 19
6.3. Management of Hazardous Materials and Substances in Service ............................. 20
6.4. Dust .......................................................................................................................... 20
6.5. Ionising radiation ....................................................................................................... 20
6.6. Hygiene .................................................................................................................... 20
6.7. Policy on alcohol, drugs and unauthorised substances ............................................. 21
6.8. Order and cleanliness ............................................................................................... 21
7. SECURITY MEASURES ........................................................................................... 23
7.1. HSE points ................................................................................................................ 23
7.2. Reception of the worker on the site ........................................................................... 23
7.3. Safety minutes .......................................................................................................... 24
7.4. Specific training ........................................................................................................ 24
7.5. Staff information and communication ........................................................................ 25
7.6. Protection of personnel on site .................................................................................. 25

7.6.1. Collective protection ............................................................................................... 25
7.6.2. Personal Protection ................................................................................................ 26
7.6.3. Staff transport ......................................................................................................... 26
7.7. Main registers to be kept at the work site .................................................................. 26
8. HAZARD PREVENTION MEASURES ...................................................................... 28
8.1. Cohabitation of pedestrian equipment: ...................................................................... 28
8.2. Machinery and vehicles............................................................................................. 28
8.3. Handling ................................................................................................................... 28
8.4. Crane guiding Slinging .............................................................................................. 28
8.5. Periodic General Checks .......................................................................................... 29
8.6. Care and maintenance .............................................................................................. 29
8.7. Signage, marking, access, lighting ............................................................................ 29
8.7.1. Signalling ................................................................................................................ 29
8.7.2. Access .................................................................................................................... 29
8.7.3. Beaconing .............................................................................................................. 29
8.8. Working at height ...................................................................................................... 29
8.8.1. Scales..................................................................................................................... 30
8.9. Storage ..................................................................................................................... 30
8.9.1. Storage of flammable products ............................................................................... 30
8.10. Loading and unloading .............................................................................................. 31
8.10.1. Fuel distribution ...................................................................................................... 31
8.10.2. Lighting ................................................................................................................... 31
8.11. Electricity .................................................................................................................. 31
8.12. What to do in case of an accident on the project site ................................................ 31
9. HYGIENE, SAFETY AND HEALTH ACTION PLAN .................................................. 32
CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................... 37


Table 1 Coordinates of the vertices of the exploitation perimeter .......................................7

Table 2 Project activities ....................................................................................................9
Table 3 Health, Safety and Security Plan .........................................................................33


AT: Accidents at work

CNSS: National Social Security Fund
PPE: Collective Protection Equipment
PPE: Personal Protective Equipment
GAC: Global Atomic Corporation
HSE: Health, Safety, Environment
MG: Complaints Management Mechanism
PHSS: Health, Safety and Environment Plan
PVC: Polyvinyl chloride

The implementation of the Adrar Emoles 3 Exploration Permit will generate potential
risks to the human and biophysical environment in the area concerned.
In order to ensure that these identified risks and impacts are taken into account, this
Health, Safety and Environment Management Plan has been drawn up.
The general objective is to define all the conditions necessary to ensure the safe
implementation of the project.
Specifically, this plan will:
• Identify project risks;
• Plan the measures to be put in place to control the risks and situations arising
from the project activities;
• Inform, raise awareness and train staff on the risks associated with the work
and the need to use protective equipment;
• To protect the health and safety of workers and surrounding populations in the
context of project activities;
• Define and describe the responsibilities and obligations of each stakeholder
with regard to health, safety and security during the execution of the project;
• Define and describe the responsibilities and obligations of each stakeholder
for engagement with local communities during project implementation;
• Put in place the rules for planning and coordinating work safely;
• Implement actions in case of accidents and incidents.
The Health, Safety and Security objectives can be summarised as follows:
• To achieve the principle of "zero fatalities", which implies the rapid elimination
of accident factors through the analysis of causes;
• Minimise the time staff are unfit for work, due to work-related and non-work-
related injuries and illnesses, by providing an adequate medical service;
• Promote compliance with the safety policy on and off the job;
• Improve working conditions for staff;
• Ensuring good health;
• Ensuring the preservation of assets.

The Canadian company Global Atomic Corporation, which has been conducting
mining research in Niger since 2007, is considering the exploitation of the uranium
deposit it has discovered in the "Adrar Emoles 3" research permit.
The area of the exploitation permit, which is the subject of this project, covers an area
of 25.01 km² and is located in the rural commune of Tchirozérine (Department of
Tchirozérine, Agadez Region).
The geographical coordinates (Latitude/Longitude, ADINDAN - Clarke 1880) of the
vertices within the licence area are given in Table 1 below.
Table 1 Coordinates of the vertices of the exploitation perimeter

Point Longitude Latitude

A 7° 39' 59, 8'' 17° 50' 08''
B 7° 42' 50'' 17° 50' 08''
C 7° 42' 50'' 17° 47' 26''
D 7° 39' 59, 8'' 17° 47' 26''

2.1. Project objectives

The overall objective of the project is to develop the uranium deposit discovered in the
"Adrar Emoles 3" exploration permit.
The specific objectives are:
• Construct and install the permanent surface infrastructure (base camp,
buildings including administrative and technical blocks, sanitary installations,
water and electricity networks, ponds, various workshops and garages, shops
and warehouses for various products and equipment, etc.);
• Construct the underground mine (access ramp (tunnel), galleries,
shafts/ventilation holes) and all associated facilities (garage, workshops,
crushing plant, various cables, signalling, instructions, etc.);
• Build the ore processing plant and the various support services (administrative
and technical blocks, workshops, garage, warehouses, various networks,
contact for the production of sulphuric acid, hydraulic works, sluices, various
input storage areas, etc.);
• Processing the ore to uranate, smelting it and transporting it to potential
• Create temporary and permanent jobs and contribute to the improvement of
people's living conditions;
• To contribute significantly to the improvement of tax revenues at local, regional
and national levels as well as to socio-economic development through
investments in various sectors;
• Redevelop all the sites operated at the closure of the project.
2.2. Expected results
The main results expected from the implementation of the project are:
• the permanent surface infrastructure (base camp, administrative and technical
buildings, sanitary facilities, water and electricity networks, ponds, various
workshops and garages, shops and warehouses for various products and
equipment, waste rock and tailings disposal areas, etc.) are built and/or
• the underground mine (access ramp (tunnel), galleries, shafts/ventilation
holes) and all associated facilities (garage, workshops, crushing plant, various
cables, signalling, instructions, etc.) are constructed and/or installed;
• the ore processing plant and the various support services (administrative and
technical blocks, workshops, garage, warehouse, various networks, contact
for the production of sulphuric acid, hydraulic works, slurry pits, slurry pits,
various storage areas for inputs, etc.) are built;
• the ore extracted is processed, the uranate obtained is smelted and
transported to potential outlets;
• temporary and permanent jobs are created and the living conditions of the
people in the area are improved;
• a significant contribution to the improvement of tax revenues at local, regional
and national levels as well as to socio-economic development through
investments in various sectors is made;
• all operated sites are redeveloped at project closure.

2.3. Description of the deposit

All known uranium deposits in Niger are located in sandstones and conglomerates of
the Tim Mersoi basin. They are all classified as belonging to the tabular sedimentary
Sandstone-hosted uranium deposits are marked by epigenetic concentrations of
uranium in fluvial/lacustrine or deltaic sandstones deposited in fluvial continental
environments frequently in transition zones from higher to lower flow regimes, such as
along paleo ridges or domes. Roll-front deposits contain impermeable shales or
mudstones overlying or underlying or separating the mineralised sandstones and
ensuring that fluids move along the sandstone bodies.
In sandstone-type deposits, uranium is usually precipitated by oxidising fluids from
reducing agents such as plant material, amorphous humate, sulphides, iron minerals
and hydrocarbons. The oxidation and reduction facies display typical colours and can
assist in the selection of exploration targets. Fluid migration and deposition of uranium
leaves a colour change from red hematite (oxidised) to grey-green (reduced). The
main uranium minerals in most sandstone-type deposits are uraninite, pitchblende,
In general, it can be noted from north to south in eastern Niger that uranium
mineralisation appears to occur in increasingly younger strata. This is most likely a
combination of a change in source zones and uranium supply over time, and the fact
that in the south the younger strata are exposed at the surface, necessitating
increasingly deeper drilling in the southern areas (e.g. Carboniferous - older targets).
The best grade and tonnage of uranium in the Adrar Emoles 3 deposit is found in the
sandstone of the Tchirezrine 2 formation, the same formation that also contains the
large ORANO Imouraren deposit, located about 40 km northwest of Adrar Emoles 3.

In contrast to the carboniferous mineralisation in the Arlit area, the uranium in the
Tchirezrine 2 formation occurs mainly as hexavalent uranium minerals in an oxidised
environment. Uranophane is the most abundant mineral. It can form small aggregates
or appear as a continuous coating parallel to the layering. Uranophane is commonly
associated with chrysocolla and in small quantities also with boltwoodite.
Metatyuyamunite has also been found. Coffinite exists in the residual reduced areas,
as well as chalcocite and native copper. Pitchblende was observed in small quantities.
This mineralisation occurs in two main forms: interstitial in the sandstones, and
massive sulphide mineralisation in the microcracks with galena and blende.

2.4. Project activities

The main activities that will be implemented within the framework of the "Adrar Emoles
3" exploration permit are given in Table 2 below.
Table 2 Project activities

Project phases Activities

- Construction/development of access roads/tracks
- Site preparation (stripping or removal of overburden) for the
construction of temporary facilities
- Installation of temporary infrastructure and equipment that will
contribute to the construction of the project (living quarters for the
personnel of the construction companies, material base, etc.)
- Borrowing and quarrying (sand, gravel, laterite, etc.)
- Preparing the right of way for the facilities
- Construction/installation of surface structures and equipment
(Preparation and
(employee living quarters, administrative and technical blocks, plant
and support services including machine maintenance and
reconditioning workshops/garages, boiler rooms, pneumatics, etc.,
input warehouses, contact workshop for the production of sulphuric
acid, ponds, dykes, boreholes, tailings facility, waste treatment facilities,
electrical power generation system, etc.)
- Construction of the underground mine (ramps, galleries, ventilation
holes) and its support services at the bottom (garage, workshops,
crushing plant, various networks, signposts and instructions, etc.).
- Extraction of ore from the underground mine (drilling, blasting,
transport of ore to the primary crusher, conveying to daylight through
a conveyor belt)
- Storage of inputs (chemicals including sulphur, hydrocarbon products,
- Operation of workshops (maintenance of machinery and equipment,
reconditioning of machinery, manufacture of spare parts, etc.)
- Ore storage, crushing and conveying to the plant
- Plant level ore processing (crushing, grinding and classification,
etching, liquid/solid separation, clarification, precipitation, purification,
uranate drying/calcination and smelting)
- Storage of tailings from ore processing

Project phases Activities
- Loading and shipping of uranate
- Periodic maintenance of the plant
- Dismantling of facilities
Closing - Site clean-up
- Site redevelopment/restoration

2.5. Main project infrastructure

The main infrastructure to be built under the project :
• the living quarters: staff housing, sanitary, social, cultural, educational,
electrical and drinking water infrastructures, roads, etc.
• the mining area: mine access roads, overburden, ore heaps, explosives
storage, mechanical workshops, storage shops, truck loading facilities and
other related infrastructure such as internal roads, buildings (administration,
changing rooms, etc.) and services.
• the ore processing plant, the contact workshop for the production of sulphuric
acid and the solvent extraction process for uranium.
• transport tracks, service corridors, overhead power lines and water pipes.
• Tailings storage facilities and waste rock piles - Tailings from the mill will be
stored dry in a clay-lined tailings storage facility. Mine waste rock will be
disposed of in waste rock piles.

2.6. Working hours on the project site

The working hours will respect the regulations in force in Niger.
In case of derogation, a request for authorisation will be sent to the competent
authority, notably the Agadez labour inspectorate.


3.1. Legal framework

3.1.1. International legal framework
The international conventions on hygiene, health and safety to which Niger has
acceded and which are relevant to the project are the following (date of ratification/date
of entry into force):
• C029 - Forced Labour Convention (No. 29) - Protocol of 2014 to the Forced
Labour Convention, 1930 ratified on 14 May 2015;
• C087 - Freedom of Association and Protection of the Right to Organise
Convention, 1948 (No. 87) (27 February 1961);
• C098 - Right to Organise and Collective Bargaining Convention, 1949 (No.
98) (23 March 1962);
• C100 - Equal Remuneration Convention, 1951 (No. 100) (9 August 1966) ;
• C105 - Abolition of Forced Labour Convention, 1957 (No. 105) (23 March
1962) ;
• C111 - Discrimination (Employment and Occupation) Convention, 1958 (No.
111) (23 March 1962) ;
• C138 - Minimum Age Convention, 1973 (No. 138)Minimum age specified: 14
years (04 December 1978) ;
• C182 - Worst Forms of Child Labour Convention, 1999 (No. 182) (23 October
3.1.2. National legal framework
The different national texts that can be activated in the framework of the project in
relation to the implementation of the Health and Safety plan are the following:
• Law 2012 - 45 of 25 September 2012 on the Labour Code in Niger.
According to Article 8, "Companies shall use their own labour force. They may
also call upon external personnel in the framework of temporary work and
make their employees available to other companies. They may also use the
services of a labourer". For Article 9: "Subject to compliance with the
provisions of Articles 11, 13 and 48, employers shall directly recruit the
employees they employ. They may also use the services of public or private
employment agencies. Article 155: "Stress, smoking, alcoholism, drug
addiction and HIV/AIDS are emerging health risks in the workplace. Every
employer is obliged to inform and sensitize his workers about emerging risks
and to provide psychosocial assistance. Article 156: "The employer may not,
under any circumstances, require a job applicant to undergo an HIV-AIDS or
sickle cell test on the occasion of his recruitment;
• Law No. 93-13 of 2 March 1993 establishing the Public Health Code. This
code regulates several aspects related to the management of waste and its
effects on the environment. It also deals with the hygiene of industrial

installations, public roads and places, water and the natural environment. The
code also regulates the management of toxic products, the protection of
human health and the fight against noise;
• Decree N° 2011-404/PRN /MH/E of 31 August 2011 determining the
nomenclature of developments, installations, works and activities subject to
declaration, authorisation and water use concession.
3.2. Institutional framework
The different institutions that will be involved in the implementation of the Health and
Safety Plan are
• The Ministry of the Environment t and the Fight against Desertification;
• The Ministry of the Interior and Decentralisation;
• The Ministry of Employment, Labour and Social Protection;
• Global Atomic Fuels Corporation;
• Companies and service providers;
Also, civil society organisations may be involved in the project if necessary.

4.1. Organisation of the HSE function
4.1.1. Head of site
He is responsible for hygiene, health and safety at work throughout the site.
It ensures that an effective prevention strategy is in place:
• Against accidents, damage and loss of property;
• Against the risk of incidents that may occur to any person employed by the
Company or victim of the consequences of its activities.
It takes disciplinary action against supervisory members who have not observed or
are not observing their responsibility for health and safety.
In the event of serious or fatal accidents, he/she is responsible, in collaboration with
the HSE manager, for:
• Informing the families of the injured;
• Report the accident to the CNSS;
• Ensuring the availability of care;
• Monitoring the evolution of the health status of accident victims;
• Collaborate with the treating physician to obtain a certificate to return to work,
even in part-time work if necessary.
4.1.2. HSE Manager
He/she is responsible for the implementation and enforcement of the project's health
and safety policy and ensures that this is communicated to the staff under his/her
authority in general, and to new recruits in particular.
It ensures that all Supervisors and Operators are aware of their health and safety
responsibilities and do not take unnecessary risks.
It ensures that all work to be carried out on the site presents the minimum risk to
employees, the public, equipment and materials.
It guarantees care for all staff in the event of both injury and occupational illness.
It sets up an organisation with subcontractors and others to avoid any confusion of
areas of competence in health, hygiene and safety.
It ensures that adequate provisions including any special requirements are made for
fire prevention on all project facilities.
He/she shall collaborate with any person in charge of the work before adopting new
working methods or carrying out any handling that poses serious safety or health risks.
It ensures that every accident that occurs on any site is reported in accordance with
this procedure.
In addition, it is responsible for carrying out the initial investigation of any accident or
incident resulting in work stoppage.
The HSE manager sets an example by following the various safety instructions.
Its tasks also include:

• Ensure that safety rules are posted throughout the site;
• Participate in the implementation of HSE policies;
• Participate in the risk analysis of the site;
• Participate in the drafting of task analyses;
• Write the HSE activity reports for the site (Non-Conformity, Compliance);
• Participate in the drafting of operating modes, procedures and HSE
methodologies for the site and ensure their application;
• Advise management on the drafting of the PHSS, and ensure its
• Carry out regular field visits and checks;
• Check, control and update safety records for machinery and equipment;
• Ensure the correct use of collective protective equipment (CPE);
• Ensure the use, provision and stock management of personal protective
equipment (PPE);
• Analyse work accidents and near misses and propose a corrective action plan
to the site management;
• Produce and file accident, near miss and incident reports;
• Manage crises in the event of fatal accidents, and stop the site in the event of
an actual or potential danger in consultation with the site manager;
• Propose sanctions for repeated failure to comply with safety rules;
• Organise awareness-raising sessions on hygiene, health and safety issues for
all employees and archive the attendance lists resulting from these
awareness-raising sessions (Environmental Safety Minutes);
• Manage and monitor the site's safety and environmental reception areas;
• Organise team training in the HSE field;
• Organise the management of the site infirmary and define the contents of the
first aid kits in collaboration with the occupational physician;
• Ensure that the telephone numbers of doctors, nurses and ambulance staff
are posted;
• Ensure that a copy of the PHSS is available at all levels of the hierarchy;
• Keep all inspection, accident/incident report forms;
• If necessary, train the various managers in the use and operation of HSE
recording media.
4.1.3. Service providers and subcontractors
All subcontractors will be required to comply with Global Atomic Fuels Corporation's
Health and Safety Policy.

They will sign the subcontractor membership letter before starting their activities. They
will commit to the HSE requirements of the project.
They will sign the PHSS organisation note after writing: "We have read the contents
and undertake to comply with the GAC PHSS in its entirety".
They will have to communicate to the management on site, all the difficulties which
would block the implementation of this policy, so that solutions are quickly found.
They must ensure that the potential risks of accidents/incidents have been analysed
for their work before it is carried out.
Similarly, when installing electrical equipment or machinery, they must ensure that this
is done in accordance with standard safety rules.
Any substance, material or equipment brought onto the site by them which presents
an explosion or fire hazard or which may seriously harm people's health must be
declared for storage in accordance with the prescribed recommendations and the
regulations in force.
Finally, subcontractors and service providers will be required to provide their
employees with all the personal protective equipment necessary for the proper
execution of the work entrusted to them. They shall ensure that their staff are trained
in the use of this equipment.

4.2. Conflict resolution

It should be noted that should any conflict arise during the implementation of the
project, its resolution will follow the Complaints Management Mechanism (CMM) in

Each person intervening on the project site (employee, subcontractor, service
provider, accompanied visitor, control mission, etc.) must know the means and the
way to call for help, the assembly points and the conduct to follow according to their
skills and functions.

5.1. Alert procedure

As prevention is one of the best options for safety, the HSE manager will ensure that
workers know what to do in the event of an incident or accident.
To this end, emergency preparedness for the worker should be provided by the HSE
The main objective is to avoid improvisations that worsen the consequences of an
accident. The aim is to show what to do and what not to do in the event of an incident
or accident. To do this, it is necessary to:
• make staff aware of the risks of panic that may arise in the event of an
• comment on the "Accident Calls" poster displayed in workplaces;
• indicate access to workstations to facilitate the organisation of rescue
Of course, workers prepared in this way do not replace first aiders, whose special
training remains indispensable.
Finally, each worker on the site should be aware of the following points depending on
the undesired events.
In case:
• Accident: notify the safety department or follow the posted instructions;
• Fire: Fight the fire and notify safety personnel on site;
• Siren: Go to the nearest assembly point.

5.2. Assembly points

Depending on the organisation of the whole site, assembly points should be defined.
Signs indicating these places should be made and placed.

5.3. Lists of first aid workers

As part of the implementation of this plan, the project must have a list of trained first
aiders. This list must include the following information Names and surnames, duties
and place of employment.
The HSE manager ensures that the list of first aiders on the project sites is updated in
real time.

5.4. Medical equipment
5.4.1. Infirmary
In accordance with the regulations and depending on the number of employees on the
site, an infirmary will be set up in accordance. Indeed, paragraph 1 of Decree No. 2017
017-682/PRN/MET/PS of 10 August 2017 on the regulatory part of the Labour Code
stipulates that: "There must be provided at least : in 1st category establishments, the
permanent service of one doctor and two (2) nurses up to one thousand (1000)
workers, one additional doctor for every 500 workers and one additional nurse for
every 300 workers; when the establishment comprises less than one thousand (1000)
workers and is located less than twenty-five (25) kilometres from an official medical
centre or a centre of activity of a private doctor, it may be classified as 2nd category
by decision of the Minister in charge of Labour, after the opinion of the Minister in
charge of Public Health."
This infirmary will be set up in a four-compartment container comprising: a waiting
room; a consultation room equipped with furniture and medical equipment; a treatment
room and a rest room.
For the purposes of the operation of this establishment, the GAC will comply with the
texts in force, in particular the conditions of recruitment of care personnel in
5.4.2. First aid kit
First aid kits for first aid will be provided in some of the light and heavy vehicles
operating on the various project sites.
No medication is accepted in the first aid boxes, unless prescribed by the occupational
The use of emergency boxes must be systematically reported to the HSE manager for
The contents and durability of these emergency boxes will be checked regularly. If an
item is found to be missing, it will be replaced as soon as possible.

5.5. Evacuation procedure

In the event that the infirmary does not have the means to receive a patient following
a serious accident or a serious health problem, the HSE manager informs the site
manager of the need to evacuate the patient to a health centre that will be agreed
upon, particularly in Agadez.
In this case, the person in charge of the infirmary fills in an evacuation request form
which will be submitted by the HSE to the site manager for approval.

5.6. Fire
The HSE manager maintains a list of officers with firefighting skills
5.6.1. Prevention and fire-fighting measures
Effective means of fire prevention and fire-fighting should be available. They should
comply with national legislation and approved standards.

They should be placed within easy reach to facilitate their accessibility and use in case
of emergency. They will consist of: Sandbox, Fireproof suit, ABC powder extinguisher
(6 and 9 kg), Safety shower.
Fire-fighting equipment should be inspected, maintained and tested in accordance
with the manufacturers' recommendations and the relevant regulations.
5.6.2. List of firefighting equipment:
A situation of the firefighting equipment distribution plan will be developed and
maintained by the HSE manager.
5.6.3. Fire prevention
The best way to fight a fire is to prevent it. Fires can be prevented or their damage
greatly reduced by applying storage rules and by thinking through each stage of the
operation. This includes removing waste, separating flammable liquids from
combustible products such as boxes of cardboard and paper, storing a limited amount
of flammable products and keeping traffic areas unobstructed and clean.
Check the site and observe if there are broken electrical wires; if there is an electric
motor that can generate sparks near flammable liquids; if there are bottles of
flammable substances too close to the heat; if the work area is cluttered, etc. It is
strictly forbidden to light fires inside the work site or to cause bush fires. Prevention
measures will be posted wherever necessary on the Company's facilities.
5.6.4. Reflexes in case of fire
In case of fire:
• Protecting the area;
• Use on-site extinguishers at the base of the fire;
• Notify the emergency service and wait for instructions.
5.7. Emergency service
The emergency service will consist of the personnel listed in the table below.

Heading Function Name Contact

Head of site --------------- --------------- ---------------

HSE Manager --------------- --------------- ---------------
Law enforcement officer --------------- --------------- ---------------


6.1. General health and safety rules

The general rules of health and safety are :
• Regular cleaning of the work premises and annexes;
• Sanitary facilities in a ventilated room ;
• Ventilation of rooms and sufficient lighting;
• Clean, uncluttered floor, with marked footpaths and machine paths;
• Isolated heat sources, hot spot interventions only in specific areas, powder
extinguishers, sand trays, well distributed and regularly checked;
• Appropriate evacuation of explosive gases, fumes and vapours;
• Electricity network compliant and regularly checked;
• Earthing of electrical appliances, protected sockets ;
• Noise reduction at source, machine insulation ;
• Store hazardous materials in ventilated and well-ventilated areas, away from
sources of heat;
• At the workstation: limit the quantity of products present, use safety signs;
• Recovery of used oil in tanks and disposal in a specialised circuit;
• Regular monitoring of equipment and maintenance records;
• Provide workers with personal protective equipment and wear it whenever
• Equipping the site with the appropriate collective protective equipment;
• Etc.

6.2. Health
 Routine and emergency medical service
The Project will organise a routine and emergency medical service in all its facilities
(base camp, offices, work sites). This service will include :
• An infirmary during the construction and operation phases of the project;
• An occupational health agreement with an occupational physician;
• A sufficient number of trained permanent first aiders whose contact details
are readily available;
• First aid kits and adequate first aid kits in vehicles and machinery;
• An agreement with the hospital in Agadez for the management of cases
beyond the competence of the site's infirmary.
 Operation of the infirmary
The infirmary will operate as follows:
• Presence of a permanent nurse: who will provide basic care and dressings.
His/her services will be limited to cases of minor accidents and illnesses that
are not proven to be dangerous or contaminating.
• Temporary hospitalisations will be carried out depending on the case, notably
required to take medication or to carry out dressings.
• Supplies of medicinal products defined according to the epidemiological map
of the region and the staff's health status sheet will be carried out regularly.
• An occupational physician will visit the infirmary once a week to consult with
staff and provide occupational medicine.
 Medical evacuation service
Evacuations will be carried out to health centres agreed with GAC or the service
provider, as appropriate. In the event of complications or aggravation of the injuries of
an accident victim, the victim may be evacuated to other centres in Niamey.

6.3. Management of Hazardous Materials and Substances in Service

Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for the products in this range will be available from the HSE
Manager and displayed in appropriate places accessible to user personnel.
In collaboration with the medical team, he will draw up summary tables to help manage
the risks arising from contact with the human body.
The Medical Team should be equipped for primary care in case of poisoning
(antidotes, oxygen, etc.)

6.4. Dust
Appropriate measures shall be taken to control inhalable and respirable dusts in all
workplaces, in particular in areas where such dusts
may be generated, e.g. at loading, unloading and transhipment
points of materials and wastes, at crushing plants and on taxiways.

6.5. Ionising radiation

Within the framework of the activities on the project site, the necessary measures will
be implemented to combat the effects of ionising radiation. The competent authority
will be consulted on the national legislation and standards for
radiation exposure. In concrete terms, the following measures will be defined and
• Monitoring and dose assessment measures;
• Technical measures, including;
• Administrative protection measures;
• Personal hygiene measures.

6.6. Hygiene
The base's facilities will include toilet facilities for all company personnel.

Cloakroom facilities will be provided at the expense of the contractors to allow workers
to exchange clothes.
The cleanliness of the facilities will be ensured by a team of maintenance staff who
will be responsible for their daily maintenance.
As a result, identified bins or skips will be placed in the designated areas to
accommodate ordinary waste consisting mainly of organic material for office areas.
This type of waste will be collected, stored and disposed of according to the
recommendations of the waste management plan.
On site, the work areas will be cleared of all residues (off-cuts of planks, iron, cables,
etc.) during the work and at the end of the day. This waste will be piled up, collected
and stored according to the recommendations of the Environmental Management
Workstations will be left clean and tidy.
Awareness-raising campaigns on personal hygiene and cleanliness will be conducted
among staff.
Drinking water will be available to all workers.

6.7. Policy on alcohol, drugs and unauthorised substances

The possession, consumption or distribution of alcohol, drugs or unauthorised
substances is strictly prohibited at all workplaces in this project.
Employees who arrive at work or perform their duties under the influence of these
products will be severely punished.
All necessary measures will be taken to detect, monitor and prevent any infringement
of this prohibition.
The detection methods will consist of a systematic search of luggage at the entrance
to the facilities or the findings of the HSE manager during surveillance rounds.
All employees of the company, of a contractor and of its subcontractors are subject to
this prohibition.
Awareness-raising pictograms will be displayed on site explaining the harmful effects
on health and prohibiting the introduction and consumption of alcohol, drugs and
unauthorised substances on GAC premises.

6.8. Order and cleanliness

Arrangements will be made for:
• Improve working conditions;
• Reduce the risk of all types of accidents;
• To facilitate travel;
• Save time and costs;
• Waste management at all levels to avoid clutter;
• Do not pour any product without the agreement of the site manager;

• Please take all measures to avoid any pollution, even accidental;
• Use the bins provided for each waste product.


7.1. HSE points

The HSE points will be held during the technical meetings of the site on a frequency
to be determined and will concern the situation of the questions on the HSE aspects
established by the HSE manager. They allow the site manager to inquire about HSE
issues on the site and to take the necessary measures in accordance with regulations,
the client's expectations, the donors' procedures and GAC's HSE policy.
HSE points allow:
• ensuring compliance with the rules on safety, health and working conditions;
• check the application of the measures decided at the HSE meetings;
• update the risk map and the measures to be adopted;
• to ensure that the HSE Plan is harmonised and updated in line with the
activities on the site;
• to define common rules intended to contribute to the coordination of measures
taken to ensure compliance with safety and health protection measures;
• to examine work-related accidents or incidents that occur at the workplace and
to participate in the investigation of serious accidents,
• propose additional safety training and review regulatory training;
• Continuous review of health and safety measures;
• ensuring compliance with Health and Safety measures for workers
The HSE manager follows up on site the actions retained following the HSE points
and integrates them into his situation presented during the site meetings

7.2. Reception of the worker on the site

The HSE manager ensures that every worker arriving on site is informed about the
HSE measures to be applied in the work area, the general instructions and the HSE
This training concerns permanent staff, subcontractors, unqualified staff and visitors,
particularly with regard to reception and traffic procedures on the site.
The purpose of this training is to instruct on the precautions to be taken to ensure
one's own safety and, if necessary, that of others on site.
This training must enable the worker to carry out his work under the best HSE
conditions, both for himself and his colleagues, and to carry out his visit for the visitor.
The security reception is an important moment, too often neglected. It allows a good
integration into the company, the project and the team. All personnel working on the
site will therefore undergo a type of safety induction training beforehand.
This reception has two aspects:
• one material (administrative formalities, provision of tools or individual
• the other human.
Depending on the newcomer, the basics of the "Hygiene-Health-Safety Reception"
training or awareness-raising may cover, among other things
• The presentation of the site;
• The HSE policy in place;
• Description of medical facilities and evacuation plan;
• Disciplinary measures in case of violation of safety rules;
• Collective and individual protective equipment;
• Emergency procedures;
• Security gatherings (security minutes);
• Accident/workplace accident/fire alert procedures;
• HSE guidelines;
• A training course on the reception of the work station which will deal with the
technical aspect and the respect of the safety rules;
• Specific risks related to the workplace;
• Health and safety measures specific to the site;
• Etc.
In order to ensure the regular functioning of the procedures put in place and to enable
their internalisation, simulation sessions will be organised.

7.3. Safety minutes

Safety minutes will be conducted by the team leaders (team leaders, site managers,
department managers, etc.) in each section at a frequency to be determined by the
subcontracting companies in agreement with the HSE manager. An attendance list will
be signed to serve as a record.

7.4. Specific training

Depending on the findings of the internal and external (by regulatory bodies)
inspections carried out, the relevant contractor companies will organise specific safety
training. This training will be provided by the HSE manager, a service provider or by
internal staff with good experience in the subject matter of the training.
All training will be coordinated by the HSE Manager and programmes may include
• Rescue and first aid at work ;
• The use of various devices and tools;
• Stress in the workplace ;
• Risks related to the activities ;
• The line of conduct and road safety ;
• Fire prevention and control ;
• Etc.

7.5. Staff information and communication

To ensure staff information and communication, signs will be installed at the work
areas on the site. They will indicate:
• The place concerned;
• Safety results (in accidents at work and days off work);
• Mandatory PPE;
In addition, signs with essential safety and prevention notices will also be placed in
appropriate places that can be easily read by all.
The rules recalled concern:
• Wearing PPE;
• Prohibition of public access to the site;
• Seatbelt use in vehicles;
• Compliance with speed limits;
• Not drinking and driving and not drinking and driving at work.
Finally, the various officials will be provided with modern means of communication
(mobile phones) enabling them to seek advice or receive any information related to
accident prevention.

7.6. Protection of personnel on site

7.6.1. Collective protection
Collective protection equipment will be installed wherever necessary and used by
workers against hazards (falling from heights, falling objects, etc.). All collective
protection equipment is subject to periodic monitoring.
The partial or total dismantling of collective protection is strictly forbidden without
compensatory measure(s) and without the agreement of the site manager and the
HSE Manager.
Any person who notices a collective protection defect must immediately notify the site
manager or the person in charge of the work being carried out.

7.6.2. Personal Protection
To ensure the personal protection of workers, the wearing of PPE will be one of the
fundamental elements of HSE actions at the GAC site. This includes wearing the
following basic mandatory PPE:
• Safety helmet;
• Safety shoes;
• Working clothes;
• Safety waistcoat.
Specific PPE, therefore depending on the position, will be provided to the staff
concerned on request. These are (es):
• Safety glasses with side protection;
• Earplugs, earmuffs or headphones;
• Handling gloves;
• PVC safety boots;
• Gloves of different types (welder, PVC);
• Respiratory protection mask (dust, gas, etc.);
• Specific protective glasses (grinding, welding, flame cutting, etc.);
• Aprons and other specific work clothing;
• Rain sets;
• Etc.
The HSE manager will ensure the supply and distribution of this PPE.
7.6.3. Staff transport
The transport of personnel to and from the work sites will be provided by vehicles
equipped for the transport of personnel, thus ensuring their safety.
For holidays or recuperation, the subcontracting companies will establish agreements
with the transport companies of their choice to bring the workers to Agadez.
Depending on their destination, each company will bear the corresponding transport

7.7. Main registers to be kept at the work site

To ensure good control of information on hygiene, health and safety on the site,
registers that are continuously maintained and filled in will be set up for each
workstation. These will include the following registers:
• Fire prevention plan;
• Register of the Labour Inspection (administration and HSE);
• Safety and control register for machinery and installations (electrical
installations, lifting equipment, safety devices, cables - chains - ropes - hooks,
mobile cranes, compressed gas containers, self-propelled trucks, etc.);
• Maintenance and intervention register (kept in the maintenance department
• Register of periodic inspections (kept in the Material Services office);
• Near miss, accident, near miss and incident register;
• Fire register (HSE Officer);
• Register of minor accidents (infirmary);
• Complaint Register (HSE Officer);
• First aid register (infirmary).


8.1. Cohabitation of pedestrian equipment:

Traffic will be regulated in accordance with the needs of the site to avoid the risks
associated with machine/pedestrian cohabitation.

8.2. Machinery and vehicles

All personnel (GAC, subcontractors, etc.) will respect the highway code on the public
space and the traffic rules on the site. Signage and internal instructions must be strictly
The following provisions must be observed:
• Mandatory wearing of seat belts while driving ;
• The 30 km/h speed limit;
• Supervision of the manoeuvres of large machines;
• Authorisations to operate large machinery;
• Regular monitoring of the sensitive points of the equipment (lighting, glass
surfaces to ensure good visibility, etc.).

8.3. Handling
Materials, products and waste will be moved with the help of machinery.
Manual handling is only used for occasional operations with small loads and small
Gloves must be worn during handling.
Staff should adopt a good posture to avoid the risk of low back pain.

8.4. Crane guiding Slinging

The main risks are:
• Impact with the load (with the installation or a person) ;
• Load drop;
• Hand contusions, entrapment;
• Collision.
The obligations to be respected are:
• Use and wearing of appropriate protective equipment (collective and
• Trained and identified chief of labour;
• Know the load to be moved;
• Mark out the safety zone;
• Do not use the telephone while driving.

During the manoeuvre, it is strictly forbidden:
• Move the load over the workstations;
• Use the equipment without specific training.

8.5. Periodic General Checks

Machines with annual or biannual periodic checks will be used. The HSE manager will
carry out regular inspections.
Reports of machine checks are kept by the equipment manager with a copy to the
HSE manager.

8.6. Care and maintenance

All machinery (fixed and mobile), including that of subcontractors, will be regularly
maintained and kept in good working order.

8.7. Signage, marking, access, lighting

8.7.1. Signalling
The presence of the works and the construction site rights of way are indicated. The
signs and their layout comply with the rules and good practices in force in this area.
8.7.2. Access
Entry to and exit from the rights of way are in forward gear. Truck accesses are
designed to avoid manoeuvring.
When lorries arrive or leave the site, which requires manoeuvring, a person in high-
visibility clothing helps the driver to manoeuvre safely for both road users and site
personnel. During the manoeuvre, visual contact between the driver and the
pedestrian is permanent.
Reverse driving must be exceptional (technical necessity) and assisted by a person
(pedestrian) equipped with high visibility clothing.
8.7.3. Beaconing
Depending on the case, two types of markings should be used:
• Light marking: (tape) to indicate a temporary low-risk area (cutting work, lifting,
• Hard markings: (barriers, scaffolding elements, netting) to physically prevent
people from passing (e.g. hole in a deck, heavy handling, etc.).

8.8. Working at height

Risk: falling person or object
Preventive measures:
• Wearing a safety helmet;
• Wearing a safety harness;
• Marking of the work area;

• Electrical lockout if working near potentially dangerous electrical installations.
• Ladder in conformity (presence of runners in good condition, rungs and
structure in good condition,...), hung (to be used only to access the work area);
• Platform, equipment and use in compliance;
• Authorisation to operate lifting equipment (permits will be issued prior to
handing over the work);
• Stable rolling scaffold with wheel lock;
• Use of stable stepladders equipped with a working platform surrounded by
• Authorisation to work at height;
• Recording in the work permit.
8.8.1. Scales
Ladders are primarily a means of access to equipment at a height and should not be
used instead of scaffolding, platforms or aerial work platforms, except for short-term
• Use ladders in good condition, adapted (length) to the work to be done,
equipped with anti-slip systems;
• Check that the ladder is clean. No grease (e.g. grease);
• Secure the ladder at the top or place a person to hold the bottom of the ladder
for the duration of the operation;
• Use a ladder that is one metre higher than where you are climbing;
• Install a ladder at approximately 70°;
• Always climb up and down facing the ladder and hold on with both hands;
• Mount the equipment in a bag with a rope;
• Respect the 3-point rule.

8.9. Storage
Materials, equipment and waste will be stored in dedicated and purpose-built facilities.
8.9.1. Storage of flammable products
The storage of flammable products shall be carried out exclusively in appropriate
places equipped for this purpose. These places must be secured and equipped with
all the necessary fire prevention and fire fighting equipment.
Safety data sheets for the products will be displayed and clearly visible.
Finally, the actions and knowledge to be taken in the event of a fire will also be

8.10. Loading and unloading
When loading or unloading, the truck must be stopped with the parking brake on and
the gear lever in neutral.
In case of slopes, chocks are used to complete the immobilisation. The engine is
Personnel involved in loading or unloading must have the necessary training and
8.10.1. Fuel distribution
The person responsible for the management of the station (distribution point) will
ensure strict compliance with the relevant safety and environmental management
8.10.2. Lighting
Each work area will be sufficiently lit to provide a sense of visual comfort for all

8.11. Electricity
Electrical installations are designed, installed and maintained by qualified personnel.
The personnel are trained and have the appropriate authorisations.
All electrical cabinets are locked and padlocked (or equivalent). All work on electrical
equipment is carried out by an electrician.
The metal grounds are earthed.
Only electricians are authorised to work on an electrical installation.
An examination of the conformity of the electrical installations is carried out by an
approved body at the time of commissioning. This initial verification is the subject of a

8.12. What to do in case of an accident on the project site

The right reflexes to cultivate in the event of an accident:
• In case of personal injury:
o Protecting the casualty;
o Call the first aider in the area, the nurse, the HSE manager who will call
for help;
o Helping the victim while waiting for help;
o After giving first aid, have the victim transported to hospital by the
competent services.
• In case of alarm:
o Do not panic;
o Take every precaution to ensure that the equipment is stationary and
o Go to the nearest assembly point.
Table 3 below shows the Health, Safety and Security Plan for the Adrar Emoles 3
Exploration Permit Project, which may be adapted to suit the activities at the project

Table 3 Health, Safety and Security Plan


Awareness-raising for all staff
Presence of emergency HSE points ;
by means of posters at the Mastering what to do in
Alert procedure procedure signage ; Monthly HSE report ; HSE Manager Monthly
safety reception, an emergency
Number of hosts Scoreboard
HSE Round
Gather staff in a specific Number of assembly
Putting up signs indicating location, count them points with signs in place,
Assembly point Findings HSE Manager Monthly
assembly points and evacuate them in an known to all staff and
Rescue and emergency visible
evacuation Training staff in first aid and Number of workers
First aid workers Giving first aid Attendance list HSE Manager Quarterly
arrangements rescue at work trained in first aid
Setting up the nurse and his Sick bay installed and
Infirmary First aid management Findings HSE Manager Monthly
or her medical equipment medical equipment set up
Awareness-raising for all staff
Evacuation Mastering what to do in Display emergency
by means of posters, during Findings HSE Manager Monthly
procedure an emergency procedure
the safety reception
Workers trained in Train workers in first aid in Carrying out the first fire Number of workers Attendance list for
HSE Manager Quarterly
firefighting case of fire response trained courses
Fire-fighting Place fire extinguishers in all Facilitating the first Fire extinguishers in all fire
List and findings HSE Manager Weekly
equipment fire risk areas firefighting response risk areas
Improvement of the HSE Manager
Workers' changing Provision of equipped Lockers available and
living environment of Findings Subcontracting Monthly
rooms changing rooms maintained
workers companies
Installation of toilets
consisting of showers, hand- Improvement of HSE Manager
Hygiene Sanitary facilities washing facilities, toilets hygiene conditions at Sanitary facilities available Findings Subcontracting Monthly
work companies

HSE Manager
Improving hygiene
Water points Availability of water points Presence of water points Findings Subcontracting Monthly
conditions at work


Improvement of the HSE Manager

Provision of waste bins and
Waste management living environment on Presence of bins and skips Findings Subcontracting
the site companies

Establishment of: A site

infirmary; An occupational Preventing occupational
health agreement; diseases and providing HSE points ;
Medical service in place
Medical service A team of trained permanent basic care and support Monthly HSE report ; HSE Manager Monthly
and functioning
first aiders; for victims of work- Findings
Means of evacuation in the related accidents
event of a serious accident
Raising staff awareness
Policy on alcohol, Visible display and security
Health through posters and during Fight against the use of
drugs and reception carried out Attendance list ;
safety meetings; Organisation alcohol, drugs and
unauthorised developing this aspect; Minutes of HSE Manager Monthly
of unannounced checks on unauthorised
substances Number of unannounced unannounced checks
alcohol and drug substances on the site
checks carried out
consumption on the site.
Management of
Hazardous Materials Controlling the risks of
Availability of safety data
and Substances in chemicals used on the SDS available Findings HSE Manager Monthly
sheets (SDS)
Service site

Raise the newcomer's Facilitate the HSE Attendance list ;

Number of awareness
HSE Home awareness of the HSE issues integration of the HSE points, HSE Manager Monthly
sessions conducted
on the site newcomer Monthly HSE report
Raise staff awareness of the Attendance list ;
Controlling risks and Number of safety minutes
Security HSE minutes risks and preventive HSE points, HSE Manager Monthly
prevention measures achieved
measures to be respected Monthly HSE report
Attendance list ;
Train workers to optimise Capacity building for Number of training
Specific training HSE points, HSE Manager Monthly
their skills and know-how workers courses carried out
Monthly HSE report

Installation of awareness and Awareness raising and Panels and boards
Staff information
information boards and information for staff and installed Findings HSE Manager Monthly
and communication
panels visitors
Setting up collective
protection against dangers Collective protection in
Protection of staff and
Collective protection (falling from heights, falling place
local residents Findings HSE Manager Monthly
objects, etc.), and of Presence of defence and
defensive forces and safety security forces on site
Equip operational staff with Equipped operational
Personal protection Protection of the worker Findings HSE Manager Monthly
PPE worker

Social security registration of Social security of the
Social security Social protection Registered workers Findings Subcontracting Monthly
workers worker

Coexistence of Eliminate the risk of

Traffic management on the Traffic control system in
pedestrians and machine/pedestrian Findings HSE Manager Monthly
site place
machinery collision
Compulsory wearing of seat
belts; dismounting from the Compliance with seatbelt
cabs of machines in use ;
Prevent accidents to
Vehicles and compliance with the 3-step Respecting the speed limit
people and possible Findings HSE Manager Monthly
Hazard machinery rule; speed limit for vehicles; ;
material damage.
prevention switching on flashing lights Flashing lights and code
measures and code lights at night and lights on.
in poor visibility.
Monitoring the condition of Conformity of the
Inspection report;
Subcontractors subcontractors' machinery material used Monitoring carried out HSE Manager Monthly
Monthly HSE report
and vehicles
Care and
Inspection of rolling stock Conformity of the Equipment and rolling Inspection report;
maintenanc HSE Manager Monthly
and equipment material used stock inspected Monthly HSE report

Installation of signage; Signs posted; access to
Limiting the risk of
Signage, access, Access to the workstation; workstation well laid out;
accidents and Findings HSE Manager Monthly
lighting Adequate lighting of the sufficient lighting of
occupational diseases
facilities facilities
Maintenance of electrical
installations by qualified and Entitlement available;
authorised personnel; Prevent accidents to Number of non-
Electricity electrical cabinets are closed people and possible conformities found; HSE Manager Monthly
and padlocked (or damage to property. Cabinets closed; Metal
equivalent); earthing of grounds grounded
metallic grounds
Freeing up traffic lanes
Correct storage of materials Well stored and tidy
Storage and reducing the risk of Findings HSE Manager Monthly
in dedicated areas equipment
Training in gestures and Safety of the worker Safety minutes, Provision Attendance list ;
Handling HSE Manager Monthly
postures; provision of PPE during handling work of PPE Findings


Despite the significant positive impacts associated with the implementation of the
Adrar Emoles 3 Exploration Permit, the project will be a source of potential risks to the
health, safety and security of workers and neighbouring populations. The present
Health, Safety and Occupational Health Plan developed within the framework of the
said permit has made it possible to define the conditions necessary to ensure the
implementation of activities in complete safety. It concerns the provisions for rescue,
health and hygiene measures, safety measures and measures to prevent dangers.
In order to monitor the indicators linked to the implementation of the planned
measures, a Health, Safety and Security Action Plan has been drawn up based on the
following points: components, areas of measures to be implemented, objectives to be
achieved, monitoring indicators, person responsible for monitoring and frequency.


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