Carbon Monoxide Poisoning

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Air pollution

In the United States, the EPA determines the AQI for a particular area in any given time based on five
major types of airborne pollutants, which are stated under the Clean Air Act. These are ozone,
particulate matter, carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, and nitrogen dioxide.

 Particulate matter – PM refers to both solid particles and liquid droplets that are small and light
enough to be suspended in the air for long periods. Fine  particles known as PM2.5, are particles 2.5
microns in diameter or smaller. These are especially dangerous because they enter the recesses of
the lungs and cross into the bloodstream, increasing the risk of a wide range of diseases.
 Sulfur dioxide – SO2 is released mainly from burning fuels that contain sulfur, such as diesel and
coal. It can affect breathing and may aggravate existing hearth and lung conditions, making it
especially dangerous to asthmatics, individuals with emphysema, children, and the elderly. SO 2 is
also a primary contributor to smog and acid rain.
 Nitrogen Oxides – NOx is known to irritate the lungs and immune system, increasing the risk of
illnesses such as asthma and pneumonia. NOx also interacts with other pollutants in the
atmosphere to create ground-level ozone and PM.
 Carbon monoxide – CO is widely associated with air pollution produced by cars, trucks and
buses. Between 2000 and 2015, carbon monoxide poisoning accounted for 2,000 premature deaths
in the U.S.
 Ozone – While ozone is a naturally occurring gas in the upper atmosphere, at high levels at
ground level, it can help form smog. Its reactivity also means it can damage lung tissue and reduce
lung function.

The sequential oxidation of sulfur dioxide followed by its hydration is used in the production of
sulfuric acid.
2 SO2 + 2 H2O + O2 → 2 H2SO4

3. Removal of Sulphur after Combustion - FGD

Emissions of SO2 generated during the combustion of fossil fuels can be reduced by treating the flue gases
before they are emitted into the atmosphere via the stack; this is termed Flue Gas Desulphurisation (FGD).
Flue gas desulphurisation systems can be classified as either Regenerable or Non-regenerable.

Limestone/Gypsum System

This process is the most globally used FGD system. This system is relatively simple: crushed limestone /
lime is mixed with water to form a slurry which is then sprayed into the sulphur containing flue gases. The
sorbent reacts with the SO2 to form an aqueous slurry of calcium sulphite. Compressed air blown into the
slurry oxidises the calcium sulphite to produce calcium sulphate. This product is then treated to remove
excess water and either sold to the building trade or disposed of as landfill. SO 2 removal can be in the region
of 90%

Spray Dry System

Within the spray dry system, a slurry of alkali sorbent, usually slaked lime, is injected into the flue gases in
a fine spray. The heat from the flue gases causes the water to evaporate, cooling the gases as it does so.
The SO2 present reacts with the drying sorbent to form a solid reaction product, with no waste water.

Seawater Scrubbing Process

The seawater scrubbing process exploits the natural alkalinity of seawater to absorb acidic gases. Flue gases
are contained in an absorption tower where they flow counter current to seawater. The heat of the flue gas
causes the seawater to be heated and the gases cooled. During this process SO 2 is absorbed by the
seawater, before passing to a water treatment plant where further seawater is added to increase the pH. Air
is supplied to oxidise the absorbed SO2 to sulphate and to saturate the seawater with oxygen. The seawater
is then discharged to the sea. This system is a simple and inherently reliable one with low capital and
operational costs, which can remove up to 99% of SO2, with no disposal of waste to land. However, heavy
metals and chlorides are present in the water released to the sea.

Wellman-Lord Process

A third FGD process is the Wellman-Lord process, which can be divided into two main stages. 1) Absorption:
the hot flue gases are passed through a pre-scrubber where ash, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen fluoride and
SO3 are removed. The gases are then cooled and fed into the absorption tower. A saturated solution of
sodium sulphite is then sprayed into the top of the absorber onto the flue gases; the sodium sulphite reacts
with the SO2 forming sodium bisulphite. The concentrated bisulphate solution is collected and passed to an
evaporation system for regeneration. 2) Regeneration: the sodium bisulphite is broken down, using steam,
to release the sodium sulphite, which is recycled back to the flue gases. The remaining product - the
released SO2 - is converted to elemental sulphur, sulphuric acid or liquid SO2. This system offers a number
of advantages over alternative systems, the main one being that the sorbent is regenerated during the
combustion process and is continuously recycled.

Nitrogen Oxide Removal After Combustion

Emissions of NOX generated during the combustion process can be reduced, as with SO 2, by treating the flue
gases. There are a number of systems available, and a brief description of the following systems will be

 Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)

 Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR)
 Activated Carbon Process

Selective Catalytic Reduction (SCR)

Within the SCR, ammonia is injected into the flue gas. The nitrogen oxides present in the flue gases react
with the ammonia and are converted to nitrogen and water. This reaction takes place in the presence of the
catalyst, which is usually vanadium or tungsten oxide. The catalysis allows the reaction to take place at low
temperatures between 300 - 400�C. This process is suitable for fitting to existing plant and new build
applications, and can achieve a NOX reduction of up to 80 - 90%, with minimal waste production. The main
disadvantages with this system are the high costs involved; the cost of the catalyst can amount to between
40 - 60% of operating costs, and it is necessary to replace the catalyst every 2 - 3 years. This system is not
operational within the UK, although it is being used extensively in Japan.

Selective Non-Catalytic Reduction (SNCR)

Denitrification of the flue gas is achieved by a reaction with ammonia as with the SCR, however, within this
system there is no catalyst. As no catalyst is used higher operational temperatures are required, between
930 - 1030�C to ensure that a reaction between the ammonia and nitrogen oxides occurs. This process is
also suitable for fitting to existing plant and new build applications, and can achieve a NO X reduction of up to
50 - 60%, again with minimal waste production. This system is far cheaper than the SCR, but maintaining
the correct operational temperatures to ensure an adequate reduction of NO X is a drawback of this system.
Consequently, the NOX reducing capabilities of the SNCR are less than the SCR. This system is also not
operational within the UK but is being used extensively in Japan.

Activated Carbon Process

The Activated Carbon (coke or char) Process reduces NO2 produced during combustion to NO via a reaction
with carbon at about 80�C. Ammonia can then be added to reduce the NO to N 2 and water. NOX removal
can be in the region of 40 - 60%.

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