Course Outline COE768: Introduction of Computer Networks
Course Outline COE768: Introduction of Computer Networks
Course Outline COE768: Introduction of Computer Networks
Course Outline
Compulsory “Computer Networks”, 5th edition, by Tanenbaum and Wetherall, Prentice Hall, 2011.
Reference none
Learning At the end of this course, the successful student will be able to:
Objectives 1. Uses the specialized core engineering knowledge in the field of computer networks to
understand and design a various types of communication links and networks. (1d)
2. Uses engineering knowledge to solve real world open-ended engineering problems (1c)
3. Uses numerical and analytical models to predict, control, and design component,
system, and processes behaviours (1b)
5. Writes and revises documents using appropriate discipline specific conventions (7a)
Note: Numbers in parentheses refer to the graduate attributes required by the Canadian
Engineering Accreditation Board. For more information, see:
Course Midterm exam 25%
Evaluation Project reports 12%
Lab Assignments 13%
Final exam 50%
Total 100%
Examinations Midterm exam in Week 7, two hours, open-book (covers Weeks 1-6).
Final exam, during exam period, three hours, open-book (covers Weeks 1-13).
Course Content
11-13 Study of Internetworking and Router and LAN switch configurations ENG412
(i) All the required reports will be assessed not only on their technical or academic merit, but also on the
communication skills of the author as exhibited through the reports.
(ii) All the lab assignments and project require programming in ‘C’.
(iii) Projects can be conducted by maximum a group of two students.
Important Notes
1. All of the required course-specific written reports will be assessed not only on their technical/academic
merit, but also on the communication skills exhibited through these reports.
2. Should a student miss a mid-term test or equivalent (e.g. studio or presentation), with appropriate
documentation, a make-up will be scheduled as soon as possible in the same semester. Make-ups should
cover the same material as the original assessment but need not be of an identical format. Only if it is not
possible to schedule such a make-up may the weight of the missed work be placed on the final exam, or
another single assessment. This may not cause that exam or assessment to be worth more than 70% of the
student’s final grade. If a student misses a scheduled make-up test or exam, the grade may be distributed over
other course assessments even if that makes the grade on the final exam worth more than 70% of the final
grade in the course.
3. Students who miss a final exam for a verifiable reason and who cannot be given a make-up exam prior to the
submission of final course grades, must be given a grade of INC (as outlined in the Grading Promotion and
Academic Standing Policy) and a make-up exam (normally within 2 weeks of the beginning of the next
semester) that carries the same weight and measures the same knowledge, must be scheduled.
4. Medical or Compassionate documents for the missing of an exam must be submitted within 3 working days
of the exam. Students are responsible for notifying the instructor that they will be missing an exam as soon as
5. Requests for accommodation of specific religious or spiritual observance must be presented to the instructor
no later than two weeks prior to the conflict in question (in the case of final examinations within two weeks
of the release of the examination schedule). In extenuating circumstances this deadline may be extended. If
the dates are not known well in advance because they are linked to other conditions, requests should be
submitted as soon as possible in advance of the required observance. Given that timely requests will prevent
difficulties with arranging constructive accommodations, students are strongly encouraged to notify the
instructor of an observance accommodation issue within the first two weeks of classes.
6. The results of the first test of mid-term test will be returned to students before the dead line to drop an
undergraduate course in good Academic Standing.
8. Students are required to adhere to all relevant University policies including the Student Code of Academic
Conduct ( and Non-Academic Conduct
9. Students are required to obtain and maintain a Ryerson Matrix e-mail account for timely communications
between the instructor and the students.
10. Any changes in the course outline, test dates, marking or evaluation will be discussed in class prior to being