Communication Behaviour 2012-13

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(b) What is consumer learning ?

Discuss its role in consumer Printed Pages—2 MBA034

decision making process.
(c) Discuss the various implications of perception on Consumer (Following Paper ID and Roll No. to be filled in your Answer Book)
Behaviour. PAPER ID : 7120 Roll No.

3. Attempt any two of the following : (2×10=20) MBA

(a) Explain the factors contributing to Integrated Marketing (SEM. III) ODD SEMESTER THEORY
Communication (IMC) and the challenges in IMC with EXAMINATION 2012-13
(b) “Consumer feels satisfied when value is more than cost.” COMMUNICATION
Explain with example.
(c) What is information processing ? Distinguish between the Time : 3 Hours Total Marks : 100
various activities that comprise the information processing Note :– (i) Attempt all questions.
(ii) The figure on the right indicates the marks.
1. Attempt any four of the following :– (5×4=20)
4. Attempt any two of the following : (2×10=20)
(a) “Marketing of any product requires knowledge of consumer
(a) Explain the Howard Sheth model of Consumer behaviour.
behaviour”– Explain with suitable example.
(b) What are the factors that a marketer should consider while
(b) Differentiate between ‘Personal Consumer ’ and
setting the Advertising Budget ? Discuss the various ‘Organisational Consumer’.
methods used in setting advertising budget.
(c) Describe lifestyle segmentation.
(c) Awareness advertising is done in Inroduction stage of PLC. (d) Discuss the situational factors in buying.
(e) Explain the role of E-Commerce in marketing
5. Attempt any two of the following : (2×10=20) (f) What is the importance of creativity in copywriting ?
(a) Testing of advertising effectiveness
(b) STP strategy for advertising 2. Attempt any two of the following :– (2×10=20)
(c) Objectives of media planning. (a) Describe the relevance of different stages of family life
cycle in consumer behaviour.

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