Unleash Your Dreams
Unleash Your Dreams
Unleash Your Dreams
By Joan Howes
All the material contained in this book is provided for
educational and informational purposes only. No responsibility
can be taken for any results or outcomes resulting from the use
of this material. While every attempt has been made to provide
information that is both accurate and effective, the author does
not assume any responsibility for the accuracy or use/misuse of
this information.
Hi, my name is Joan and I’m delighted to have you here.
Are you willing to change yourself so that you have the power to improve
your circumstances? Unleash Your Dreams has been written to open the
doorway of your heart and empower you with the knowledge on how to
experience your heart’s true desires.
Action is the key! Most people stay in their comfort zone because they
fear change. They want to avoid the pain of change, of trying something
different. However, your dreams are outside your comfort zone. You
must decide to get uncomfortable and break away from the daily habits
that have created the life you now live.
Follow the instructions in this book by taking definite action. This will
ensure that you are moving in the direction of self improvement, and
therefore moving toward a better life.
Many of us struggle to face the same hidden fears and buried dreams
that plague us for years and years. Our desires seem to point one way,
but our actions don’t lead to that. We sometimes know what we want,
but we don’t seem courageous and committed enough to achieve them.
We focus on the same, repeated actions that we think will bring us
happiness, but we never quite achieve what we set out to do.
Are you willing to change yourself so that you have the power to improve
your circumstances? Unleash Your Dreams has been written to open the
doorway of your heart and empower you with the knowledge on how to
experience your heart’s true desires.
Ask yourself: “If I had nothing holding me back, what kind of life would I
want to lead?” That will surely lead you in the right direction.
Ask yourself: “If I had a magic wand to make anything happen, what
would my life look like?”
As you visualize the life you want and follow the five steps above, you will
start to find your life reflecting your visualizations. Remember that many
people, including celebrities and motivational gurus who started without
much in their lives such as Jim Carrey and Bob Proctor, got to where they
are now by visualizations, too.
Trust the Universe, have faith and see where it takes you! Persistence is
much of what separates the successful from the pure wishful thinkers.
Distinguish yourself by staying motivated even in the toughest of
"Never be ashamed! There are some who will
hold it against you, but they are not worth
bothering with." - J. K. Rowling.
What are you really afraid of? What is holding you back to change? To
help you know yourself better, ask the following questions:
What is it that you totally hate to do?
Do you hate it because it triggers a deeper fear within you?
What makes you feel anxious? What are the triggers?
What are some of your biggest and rational fears?
Is there something you really want to do, but are holding back
because of fear? What is it that you are you scared of?
Are you afraid of what other people think of you?
Are you afraid to know the truth about yourself and/or your
Are you afraid of becoming successful? Does it scare you? Why?
Is there something you are ignoring? If yes, what is it?
For each of your fears, try to see if it is realistic. Does this fear make
sense? Is it rational? Is it logical? Is it factual? Is it true? Or is the fear just
an imagination in your head? After all, we know that FEAR stands for
“False Evidence Appearing Real.” You need to overcome them so that
they will no longer control you.
Once you identify your fears and the experiences that you associate with
them, you become more empowered to take action to change them.
Eventually, you will discover that your fears become smaller and smaller,
and you become stronger over time.
"Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds
confidence and courage. If you want to conquer
fear, do not sit home and think about it.
Go out and get busy." - Dale Carnegie
When you are experiencing difficult times in life, it’s easy to drop into
fear. Everything feels overwhelming. In that energetic space, it can be
hard to stay grounded. Developing a gratitude practice allows you to not
drown in fear. It doesn’t mean that you won’t still feel it, but the fear will
be alleviated, hence allowing you to see the positive side of your
Gratitude helps keep these limiting stories at bay. When you practise
gratitude, your brain shifts to what is currently working instead of what is
not. The next time that fear tries to fill your head, replace that thought
with an empowering one. Believe me, it works.
So, instead of saying “I am afraid of doing this because I might fail,” look
in the mirror and say to yourself, “I am ready to change. I will not fail. I
can take it.” The more you use positive affirmations, the stronger they
I want to encourage you to do one thing every day that scares you. It can
be something small, for example, speaking up in a small group of people.
Or, taking a walk on your own instead of seeking a companion. Challenge
yourself! All that matters is that you take action. Make it a habit to get
comfortable being uncomfortable.
The root cause is important to reflect on, but what’s more critical is
taking full ownership for these beliefs in your current reality. By taking
responsibility, you move out of victim mode and into empowerment
mode. Remember that your limiting beliefs are assumptions you make
about reality that aren’t true in your particular situation. They aren’t
helpful, and they certainly don’t serve you or the goals you want to
What will result if I carry on with this limiting belief in the short term
and the long term?
If I don’t change what I believe, how will they affect me emotionally,
spiritually, financially and socially?
How will all this make me feel?
Given all this, why is it important to make this change right now?
The more pain you can associate with holding onto this belief, the more
motivated you will feel to make a positive change in your life. To make it
more real, feel the anger, experience, the pain, think about the regrets of
not changing and allow yourself to grieve. The more emotions you feel,
the more motivation you will have to change.
To move forward, you must now choose a new empowering belief that
you would like to use. To unlock the new, you need to consider the goals
that you would like to achieve, the values that need be changed, the
person that you would want to become. Then, ask yourself these
After you have replaced an old belief, you must take immediate action
and get into the habit of using your new empowering belief as often as
possible. Initially, expect to feel a little discomfort and pain. That’s
normal. With persistence and commitment, you will get through it. Just
keep moving forward. Don’t lose your momentum. Be flexible. Revise
and refine your belief as and when the need arises in your journey.
It would be helpful to write down your new belief on a sheet of paper
and carry it around with you throughout the day. Read your new belief
as often as possible until it begins to feel comfortable and natural. As a
guide, you can use the prompts below to gain clarity in your writing:
Write down the situations in your life where you are not happy with
your reality
Write down limiting beliefs you have that either caused you to make
the decision to get there, or are keeping you stuck in the situation
Write down the type of reality you want to create
What kind of beliefs does the version of you who lives this reality
How would this version of you live out these beliefs. How would this
version of you act, speak, interact with others, walk into a room?
What kind of decisions would you make?
What can you choose to believe today to align with the reality you
want to create?
THE final step is to ask yourself what matters most to you in the short
time that you inhabit the earth. What are your most important priorities
in life? What matters to you more than your job, your car, your house, or
your bulging bank account? What would make you drop everything else
for? Is it your partner, religion, family, health or personal growth? How
can you make sure that you focus your attention on what truly matters
to you? The following are some of the most important goals that matter
to people:
From business to interpersonal relationships, when you live life with
honesty and commitment to ethical values, you’ll find that a rewarding
sense of wholeness awaits you. Integrity is a goal that will help you feel
like you’re making the world a better place with your presence.
Happiness is not really a destination as much as it is a state of mind. A
billionaire could be miserable about what they don’t have, while a
homeless dude could be happy to score a hot shower and a free meal at
the local shelter. Happiness is all about perspective. While goals relating
to tangible things like money can prove unsatisfying quests, the search
for genuine happiness is one that will help you gain a more fulfilled and
serene life.
IF you have read this far into the book, I suspect that you find
difficulty in following your dreams. Even after you’ve analysed
your fears and self-limiting beliefs and put them into perspective,
you may still be wondering how to move forward. So, if you are
still struggling with deciding what matters most, be good to
yourself and give yourself some time to sort through what may
be very challenging choices.
I want to thank you for going through the entire book. Many
people download or buy books but never really go through
them. It means a lot to me that you did.
Take care.
Yours Truly,
Joan Howes
Take Action!
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