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Hostages , by Victoria Turner Scheme of work incorporating music, movement and text work .

This scheme is suitable for Year 10 + . Extensions, can be condensed or spread out over a period of several weeks. Extension 1 Aim To explore the use of movement in expressing emotions Stimulus Replay When asked how he spent His blindfold years, The released hostage said Hed heard the sounds And watched the pictures That played in his head. Favourite pieces of music, Incidents recalled, Their details so defined, He began to question What was real And what was in his mind, Though his greatest fear Was finding one day When he tried to switch it on, That his mind was empty And all the sounds And all the pictures had gone. When asked how he spent his time now, The released hostage said The worst times are when hes alone With the pictures in his head. Pat Moon

1) Read the poem and discuss the emotions involved including : What do you think are the hostages favourite pieces of music ? Why do you think he is scared of having an empty mind ? What are his fears ? What has he left behind ? 2) Groups of three Create three frozen images the hostage can see in his mind from verse 1

3) Create three frozen images of pictures that the hostage can see in his mind from verse 4. How have they changed ?

4) Working in pairs choose one of the following words and create three movements /gestures that could express that word /emotion . BOREDOM FRUSTRATION LONELINESS





You might like to consider ; a) b) c) d) Use of levels Use of space Contact with partner Use of tension

5) Choose one other emotion from the list (or any others that are suggested ), and create three movements that you think express this emotion, 6) Link the two sequences together . Pupils can repeat the gestures or change around the order but it is important to see the transition in emotions.

7) View the sequences . Can we guess from watching what the emotions are ? 8) In groups of four . Choose one verse and pick out what you consider to be key words. Combine words and movement together to either present your verse in a group or present a movement /choral piece based on the words and emotions involved . Consider ; a) How you could vary your voices b) How can movement help advance the plot c) How can you use contact with the other people in your group can you use it to show certain relationships ? d) How can you use different levels ? 9) View sequences and discuss

Extension 2 Aim to increase use and understanding of non verbal communication and develop idea of gestures being symbolic to certain characters.

1) Discussion and recap of the poem and work created in previous workshop 2) How could you express in movement the emotion of frustration ? What do you think it feels like to be trapped in the same room for three years ? 3) Working in pairs think of a short sequence of movements that could represent either Boredom or frustration. Start the sequence with a repetitious movement and end the sequence with a repetitious movement e.g swaying , hand wringing a tapping movement . Discuss ideas. 4) View work 5) With your partner think of a short sequence that could represent power - both of you are powerful characters. What movements could you make e.g strong arms , clenched fists etc . How are the movements different ? 6) View work 7) Working in pairs ( can change partner). Scenario Two hostages are kept in adjoining cells , occasionally they are allowed to be in the same room together but they are never allowed to speak and they are being watched all the time. One of the hostages is concerned about the other one as he thinks he may have been attacked by one of the guards. Create a scene where the hostage who suspects the attack wants to ask the other one whether he is alright. You are not allowed to speak but I want to see from your eyes, hands , body language and gestures that there is some sort of communication going on . Do you make your intentions understood ?. You are being watched so the gestures cannot be flamboyant . 8) Groups of four Create a sequence ( using no words), in which we see the two hostages and two guards Guards are very powerful and are always watching the hostages. How could we show the status and the difference in status of the characters ? Consider ; a) Use of level b) Use of space c) Contrasting movements

In your sequence we want to see the emotions that the characters are feeling (do they show any ? ), and their relationship to each other . Include a movement that is particular to each character e.g military salute for one of the guards that could be repeated . Each character should have a signature movement, that symbolises who they are or what they feel. End the sequence in a frozen picture . Include music see notes 9) View and discuss

Extension three Aim to increase understanding of character and background to character 1) Recap movement / status etc

2) Groups of four . show a frozen picture of hostage and his family before he was taken away 3) Show a frozen picture of family now show hostage apart from family in some way. 4) Frozen picture in group of emotion that the hostage feels are being apart from them 5) Groups of two recap to scene where two hostages were together . Show a scene in which they are not being watched and in which the two hostages can talk to each other for the first time . 6) Show a flashback scene of one of the hostages life before they were imprisoned. What did they do ? 7) Extending the above ideas incorporate above scenes into a split stage frieze showing the hostages family at home and the hostages in prison so we can see the contrast between their lives. Instead of giving a verbal cue between the two scenes - the students could give a physical movement cue of some sort that would link the scenes together.

Extension 4 Create a piece around the theme of the Hostage. Consider the use of Symbols Repetition in movement / vocals Tableaux Gesture Flashback Split stage frieze Voice Music

Obviously the Students do not have to use all of these but could incorporate them into the piece if it is suitable. Students should provide their own props , music and lighting / sound plot, and the finished results could be videoed.

Development This scheme of work could be developed in many ways, for example :

Ann Frank Text Stimulus Death and the maiden Ariel Dorfman Research into real life hostages Brian Keenan, John Mcarthy, Terry Waite Lead in to political theatre Idea of prisoners and the theme of guilt and innocence film stimulus The Shawshank Redemption Dance stimulus Ghost Dances, Christopher Bruce. Musical theatre stimulus Kiss of the Spider Woman

Music Some suggestions include : Enigma Variations Elgar Do what were told Peter Gabriel So Vangelis various film music Un bel di, Vedremo , Madame Butterfly Puccini John 19:41 Jesus Christ Superstar

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