Stenographer: (Shift-1)
Stenographer: (Shift-1)
Stenographer: (Shift-1)
1. In the following question, some part of the 3. In the following question, some part of the
sentence may have errors. Find out which sentence may have errors. Find out which
part of the sentence has an error and select part of the sentence has an error and select
the appropriate option. If a sentence is free the appropriate option. If a sentence is free
from error, select 'No Error'. from error, select 'No Error'.
I have (1) / checked this (2) / month calendar.
There were (1) / curtains over (2) / the
(3) / no error (4)
cracked glass. (3) / no error (4)
1) 1 2) 2
1) 1 2) 2
3) 3 4) 4
3) 3 4) 4
4. In the following question, some part of the
2. In the following question, some part of the sentence may have errors. Find out which
sentence may have errors. Find out which part of the sentence has an error and select
part of the sentence has an error and select the appropriate option. If a sentence is free
the appropriate option. If a sentence is free from error, select 'No Error'.
from error, select 'No Error'. The Roman Church of Catholics (1) / is one
The decoration (1) / on the wall (2) / were a of the (2) / precious institutions. (3) / No error
horse painting. (3) / no error (4) (4)
1) 1 2) 2
1) 1 2) 2
3) 3 4) 4
3) 3 4) 4
5. In the following question, out of the given 7. A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice.
four alternatives, select the one which is Out of the four given alternatives, select the one
opposite in meaning of the given word. which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/
Active Voice.
Who did this?
1) Regular
1) This was done by whom?
2) Irregular 2) Who has done this?
3) Isolated 3) By whom was this done?
4) Random 4) Who had done this?
6. In the following question, out of the given 8. A sentence has been given in Active/Passive Voice.
four alternatives, select the one which is Out of the four given alternatives, select the one
which best expresses the same sentence in Passive/
opposite in meaning of the given word.
Active Voice.
The carpenter is making furniture.
1) Legalise 1) The furniture is being made by the carpenter.
2) Forbid 2) The furniture was made by the carpenter.
3) Veto 3) The furniture was being made by the
4) Outlaw carpenter.
4) The furniture will be made by the carpenter.
9. A sentence has been given in Active/Passive 11. In the following question, the sentence is
Voice. Out of the four given alternatives, given with blank to be filled in with an
select the one which best expresses the same
appropriate word. Select the correct
sentence in Passive/Active Voice.
alternative out of the four and indicate it
Prem will teach the child.
by selecting the appropriate option.
1) The child would be taught by Prem.
2) Prem shall be teaching the child. Sohail carefully put the painting _________
3) The child will be taught by Prem. the wall.
4) The child was taught by Prem. 1) on 2) for
3) above 4) in
10. In the following question, the sentence is
given with blank to be filled in with an
12. In the following question, out of the given
appropriate word. Select the correct
four alternatives, select the one which best
alternative out of the four and indicate it by
selecting the appropriate option. expresses the meaning of the given word.
One should not question _________ does not Palpable
concern him/her. 1) Perceptible 2) Obscure
1) What 2) That 3) Intangible 4) Clear
3) Which 4) Whatever
13. In the following question, out of the given 15. In the following question, out of the given
four alternatives, select the one which best
four alternatives, select the alternative which
expresses the meaning of the given word.
best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/
1) Strong Phrase.
2) Robust Hear it on the grapevine
3) Sound 1) To hear screams from somewhere
4) Weak
2) To hear a secret from the third person
3) To hear some rumours about something
14. In the following question, out of the given
four alternatives, select the alternative which 4) To hear the rustling of a tree
best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/
Best thing since sliced bread
1) Happy when someone leaves
2) A good invention
3) A good food
4) None of the above
16. In the following question, out of the four 17. In the following question, out of the four
alternatives, select the alternative which alternatives, select the alternative which
will improve the bracketed part of the will improve the bracketed part of the
sentence. In case no improvement is needed, sentence. In case no improvement is needed,
select "no improvement". select "no improvement".
He was dressed in (bright clothes for the (Her companion was) her daughter and son-
funeral). in-law.
1) Plain clothes for the funeral 1) Her companions was
2) Bright cloth for the funeral 2) Her companion is
3) Bright clothes for the funerals 3) Her companions were
4) No improvement 4) No improvement
18. A sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect
20. A sentence has been given in Direct/
Speech. Out of the four given alternatives, select
the one which best expresses the same sentence Indirect Speech. Out of the four given
in Indirect/Direct Speech.
alternatives, select the one which best
"Have you got a computer?"
1) Where is your computer? expresses the same sentence in Indirect/
2) Do you have a computer?
Direct Speech.
3) He wanted to know about the computer
4) He wanted to know whether you had a Tom said, "I was playing cricket".
1) Tom said, who was playing cricket?
19. A sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect 2) Tom was playing cricket.
Speech. Out of the four given alternatives, select
the one which best expresses the same sentence 3) Tom said that he had been playing
in Indirect/Direct Speech.
"Did you come by train?"
1) Have you come by train? 4) Tom said he was playing cricket.
2) When did the train come?
3) He enquired whether I had come by train.
4) He enquired about my train.
21. The question below consists of a set of labelled 23. The question below consists of a set of
sentences. Out of the four options given, select the
most logical order of the sentences to form a labelled sentences. Out of the four options
coherent paragraph.
given, select the most logical order of the
Life appears to me
P: too short to be spent sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
Q: or registering wrongs
Don't leave something good
R: in nursing animosity
1) PQR 2) PRQ P: because once you realise
3) RPQ 4) QPR
Q: to find better
22. The question below consists of a set of labelled R: you had the best, the best has found
sentences. Out of the four options given, select the
most logical order of the sentences to form a better.
coherent paragraph. 1) RPQ
No man, for any considerable period,
P: without finally getting bewildered 2) QPR
Q: as to which may be the true 3) PQR
R: can wear one face to himself and another to the
multitude 4) QRP
1) QRP 2) RPQ
3) PQR 4) QPR
24. Read the given passage carefully and select brain must process and combine multiple inputs
the best answer to each question out of the from different senses at once. Our experience of
four given alternatives. an orange, for example, is made up of sight, smell,
Is my yellow the same as your yellow? Does taste, touch, and the recollection of our previous
your pain feel like my pain? The question of experiences with the fruit.The brain merges all of
whether the human consciousness is subjective these inputs - photons, aromatic molecules, etc. -
or objective is largely philosophical. But the line into our subjective experience of the object in that
between consciousness and unconsciousness is a moment
bit easier to measure. A research suggests that
our experience of reality is the product of a I. How can consciousness be slipped away?
delicate balance of connectivity between neurons 1) Too much or too little connectivity
- too much or too little and the consciousness between neurons
slips away. "It's a very nice study," says 2) No connectivity between neurons
neuroscientist Melanie Boly at the University of
3) Too much connectivity between neurons
Wisconsin, Madison, who was not involved in the
4) Too little connectivity between neurons
work. "The conclusions that they draw are
justified." Previous studies of the brain have
revealed the importance of "cortical integration"
in maintaining consciousness, meaning that the
Read the given passage carefully and select the recollection of our previous experiences with the
best answer to each question out of the four given fruit.The brain merges all of these inputs - photons,
alternatives. aromatic molecules, etc. - into our subjective
Is my yellow the same as your yellow? Does your experience of the object in that moment
pain feel like my pain? The question of whether the
human consciousness is subjective or objective is
II. Which one is true, according to the passage?
largely philosophical. But the line between
consciousness and unconsciousness is a bit easier to 1) Whether the human consciousness is
measure. A research suggests that our experience of subjective or objective is largely
reality is the product of a delicate balance of philosophical
connectivity between neurons - too much or too little 2) Whether the human consciousness is
and the consciousness slips away. "It's a very nice subjective or objective is largely
study," says neuroscientist Melanie Boly at the
University of Wisconsin, Madison, who was not involved
in the work. "The conclusions that they draw are 3) Whether the human consciousness is
justified." Previous studies of the brain have revealed subjective or objective is largely
the importance of "cortical integration" in maintaining psychological
consciousness, meaning that the brain must process 4) Whether the human consciousness is
and combine multiple inputs from different senses at subjective or objective is largely
once. Our experience of an orange, for example, is psychological
made up of sight, smell, taste, touch, and the
Read the given passage carefully and select brain must process and combine multiple inputs
the best answer to each question out of the four from different senses at once. Our experience of
given alternatives. an orange, for example, is made up of sight, smell,
Is my yellow the same as your yellow? Does taste, touch, and the recollection of our previous
your pain feel like my pain? The question of experiences with the fruit.The brain merges all of
whether the human consciousness is subjective these inputs - photons, aromatic molecules, etc. -
or objective is largely philosophical. But the line into our subjective experience of the object in that
between consciousness and unconsciousness is a moment
bit easier to measure. A research suggests that
our experience of reality is the product of a III. What is "cortical integration"?
delicate balance of connectivity between neurons 1) The process of mixing subconscious and
- too much or too little and the consciousness conscious
slips away. "It's a very nice study," says 2) The process of combining multiples
neuroscientist Melanie Boly at the University of inputs of senses at different time
Wisconsin, Madison, who was not involved in the
3) The process of combining one input from
work. "The conclusions that they draw are
different senses at once
justified." Previous studies of the brain have
4) The process of combining multiple
revealed the importance of "cortical integration"
inputs from different senses at once
in maintaining consciousness, meaning that the
Read the given passage carefully and select brain must process and combine multiple inputs
the best answer to each question out of the four from different senses at once. Our experience of
given alternatives. an orange, for example, is made up of sight, smell,
Is my yellow the same as your yellow? Does taste, touch, and the recollection of our previous
your pain feel like my pain? The question of experiences with the fruit.The brain merges all of
whether the human consciousness is subjective these inputs - photons, aromatic molecules, etc. -
or objective is largely philosophical. But the line into our subjective experience of the object in that
between consciousness and unconsciousness is a moment
bit easier to measure. A research suggests that
our experience of reality is the product of a IV. How does our subjective experience of an
delicate balance of connectivity between neurons object form?
- too much or too little and the consciousness 1) With the help of sensation
slips away. "It's a very nice study," says 2) The recollection of previous experiences
neuroscientist Melanie Boly at the University of with the help of sensory inputs
Wisconsin, Madison, who was not involved in the
3) With the help of our eyesight only
work. "The conclusions that they draw are
4) The recollection of experience as
justified." Previous studies of the brain have
dictated by other person
revealed the importance of "cortical integration"
in maintaining consciousness, meaning that the
Read the given passage carefully and select an orange, for example, is made up of sight, smell,
the best answer to each question out of the four taste, touch, and the recollection of our previous
given alternatives. experiences with the fruit.The brain merges all of
Is my yellow the same as your yellow? Does these inputs - photons, aromatic molecules, etc. -
your pain feel like my pain? The question of into our subjective experience of the object in that
whether the human consciousness is subjective moment
or objective is largely philosophical. But the line
between consciousness and unconsciousness is a
V. Our experience of reality is the product of
bit easier to measure. A research suggests that
our experience of reality is the product of a
delicate balance of connectivity between neurons 1) A delicate balance of connectivity
- too much or too little and the consciousness between both hands
slips away. "It's a very nice study," says 2) A delicate balance of connectivity
neuroscientist Melanie Boly at the University of between right hemisphere and left
Wisconsin, Madison, who was not involved in the hemisphere
work. "The conclusions that they draw are
justified." Previous studies of the brain have 3) A delicate balance of connectivity
revealed the importance of "cortical integration" between neurons
in maintaining consciousness, meaning that the 4) A delicate balance of connectivity
brain must process and combine multiple inputs between consciousness and
from different senses at once. Our experience of subconsciousness
25. In the following passage, some of the words III. Hats and left to ________.
have been left out. Read the passage carefully 1) Fry 2) Dry
and select the correct answer for the given 3) Soak 4) Wet
blank out of the four alternatives.
Interestingly, rice hats were used in the IV. Sesame were ______
old days when ______ were fought _________ and 1) Broken 2) Turned
there was ______ of being attacked without _______. 3) Converted 4) Fashioned
Khowpuk or rice cakes made of _______rice, salt
and _______ sesame were ______ into hats and left
V. Rice, Salt and _______
to ________. The ______ of this hat was _________
1) Powdered 2) Wet
known to the farmer.
3) Bown 4) Raw
In the following passage, some of the words IX. Were fought _________
have been left out. Read the passage carefully and 1) Mercifully
select the correct answer for the given blank out
of the four alternatives. 2) Relentlessly
Interestingly, rice hats were used in the 3) Beautifully
old days when ______ were fought _________ and 4) Splendidly
there was ______ of being attacked without _______.
Khowpuk or rice cakes made of _______rice, salt
X. Old days when ______ were fought
and _______ sesame were ______ into hats and left
to ________. The ______ of this hat was _________ 1) Quarreled
known to the farmer. 2) Squabbled
3) Battles
VIII. There was ______ of being attacked 4) Won
1) Danger
2) Interest
3) Ambush
4) Injury
Que. 1 Que. 9 Que. 17 Que. 24
Correct Option - 4 Correct Option - 3 Correct Option
Correct Option - 3
I - 1
Que. 2 Que. 10
Que. 18 II - 1
Correct Option - 3 Correct Option - 1 III - 4
Correct Option - 4
Que. 3 Que. 11 IV - 2
Correct Option - 3 Correct Option - 1 Que. 19 V - 3
Que. 4 Que. 12 Correct Option - 3 Que. 25
Correct Option - 4 Correct Option - 1 Que. 20 Correct Option
I - 3
Que. 5 Que. 13 Correct Option - 3 II - 3
Correct Option - 1 Correct Option - 4 Que. 21 III - 2
Que. 6 Que. 14 IV - 4
Correct Option - 2
Correct Option - 1 Correct Option - 2 V - 1
Que. 22 VI - 3
Que. 7 Que. 15
Correct Option - 3 Correct Option - 3 Correct Option - 2 VII - 1
VIII - 1
Que. 8 Que. 16 Que. 23
IX - 2
Correct Option - 1 Correct Option - 1 Correct Option - 2 X - 3