General English Questions CHSL 2021
General English Questions CHSL 2021
General English Questions CHSL 2021
MCQs for SSC CHSL 2021
Q. 8 - In the following question, some part 3) The flame will extinguish if it runs out of
of the sentence may have errors. Find out oil
which part of the sentence has an error 4) Cause a situation to become worse
and select the appropriate option. If a Correct Answer: Cause a situation to
sentence is free from error, select 'No become worse
That summer, elections were(A)/held at Q. 12 - Select the antonym of
many a place(B)/without any untoward outlandish
incident.(C)/No error Options:
Options: 1) droll
1) A 2) kinky
2) B 3) common
3) C 4) grotesque
4) D Correct Answer: common
Correct Answer: B Q. 13 - In the following question, a
Q. 9 - In the following question, a sentence sentence has been given in Active/Passive
has been given in Direct/Indirect speech. voice. Out of four alternatives suggested,
Out of the four alternatives suggested, select the one which best expresses the
select the one which best express the same same sentence in Passive/Active voice.
sentence in Indirect/Direct speech. The Marathas surrendered their fort to
Sahil said, "Where will I be this time next the Mughals after the war. Options:
year!" 1) After the war the Marathas had to
Options: surrender their fort to the Mughals.
1) Sahil asked where he should be that 2) The Mughals after the war took the fort
time the following year. surrendered by the Marathas.
2) Sahil worried where he would be that 3) Their fort was surrendered by the
time the next year. Marathas to the Mughals after the war.
3) Sahil wondered where he would be that 4) The Marathas after the war surrendered
time the following year. their fort to the Mughals.
4) Sahil said where he would be that time Correct Answer: Their fort was
the next year. surrendered by the Marathas to the
Correct Answer: Sahil wondered where he Mughals after the war.
would be that time the following year.
Q. 14 - Select the word with the correct
Q. 10 - Improve the bracketed part of the spelling.
sentence. Virat bats very well, (didn't he)? Options:
Options: 1) femenism
1) isn't it 2) acesses
2) doesn't he 3) permuted
3) wasn't it 4) vacuols
4) no improvement Correct Answer: permuted
Correct Answer: doesn't he
Q. 15 - Rearrange the parts of the
Q. 11 - In the following question, out of the sentence in correct order.
four alternatives, select the alternative Amartya Sen lays claim
which best expresses the meaning of the P-to a history of writing
idiom/phrase. Q-some of the finest research papers
Add fuel to the fire R-that have been published
Options: Options:
1) Go from one bad situation to another 1) QRP
2) A cause becomes ber when more 2) PQR
people join 3) RQP
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
2) B 3) ease
3) C 4) satisfaction
4) D Correct Answer: ease
Correct Answer: C
Q. 51 - In the following question, a
Q. 47 - In the following question, out of the sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect
four alternatives, select the alternative speech. Out of the four alternatives
which is the best substitute of the phrase. suggested, select the one which best
things that have been discarded as express the same sentence in
worthless. Options: Indirect/Direct speech.
1) remains The preacher said, "May God grant peace
2) flotsam to the departed!" Options:
3) shambles 1) The preacher prays that God will
4) havoc grant peace to the departed.
Correct Answer: flotsam 2) The preacher prayed that God
would grant peace to the departed.
Q. 48 - Improve the bracketed part of the 3) The preacher said that God may
sentence. grant peace to the departed.
(I myself think) that this investigation is 4) The preacher said, God may grant peace
biased. to the departed.
Options: Correct Answer: The preacher prayed
1) I think myself that God would grant peace to the
2) I thought myself departed.
3) I myself thought
4) no improvement Q. 52 - Select the antonym of
Correct Answer: no improvement ingestion
Q. 49 - In the following question, some part 1) gulp
of the sentence may have errors. Find out 2) slug
which part of the sentence has an error 3) excrete
and select the appropriate option. If a 4) chug
sentence is free from error, select 'No Correct Answer: excrete
Each boy was given (A)/a toy as a parting
gift,(B)/which made them happy.(C)/No
error(D) Options:
1) A
2) B
3) C
4) D
Correct Answer: D
Q-is poor, our chances of being wrong Q. 58 - In the following question, out of the
R-and one in six urban Indians four alternatives, select the alternative
Options: which best expresses the meaning of the
1) PRQ idiom/phrase.
2) RQP Wear your heart on your sleeve
3) QRP Options:
4) QPR 1) a very bold person
Correct Answer: RQP 2) a noble pure person
3) make one's feelings apparent
Q. 54 - Improve the bracketed part of the 4) being overtly polite at all times
sentence. Fans (queue) for the concert Correct Answer: make one's feelings
tickets since early morning. apparent
1) has queued up Q. 59 - Select the word with the correct
2) have had queued spelling.
3) have been queuing up Options:
4) no improvement 1) comando
Correct Answer: have been queuing up 2) coolants
3) limphoid
Q. 55 - In the following question, out of the 4) permutted
four alternatives, select the alternative Correct Answer: coolants
which is the best substitute of the phrase.
become apparent through the appearance Q. 60 - Select the synonym of
of symptoms. Options: spartan
1) manifest Options:
2) distinct 1) garish
3) visible 2) forgiven
4) divulged 3) civilized
Correct Answer: manifest 4) brave
Correct Answer: brave
Q. 56 - Select the synonym of
splinter Q. 61 - In the following question, the
Options: sentence given with blank to be filled in
1) stub with an appropriate word. Select the
2) share correct alternative out of the four
3) chip and indicate it by selecting the appropriate
4) friction option.
Correct Answer: chip The Directors failed to understand the
..................behind the decision to suspend
Q. 57 - Rearrange the parts of the sentence the manager. Options:
in correct order. 1) belief
In that case, 2) politics
P-put together the best gender-just 3) ideology
Q-practices from all Personal Laws 4) rationale
R-a Uniform Civil Code would simply Correct Answer: rationale
1) RPQ
2) QRP Q. 62 - In the following question, out of the
3) RQP four alternatives, select the alternative
4) PQR which best expresses the meaning of the
Correct Answer: RPQ idiom/phrase.
When it rains, it pours
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
1) one getting much less than twenty shades of grey. They do not
what one expected ..................describe reality, they create it,
2) calamity always occurs in bad times giving it colour, depth, and form.
3) you always fall into trouble when you ..................all, what I am really interested in
are least prepared here is talking about just one word which
4) When something bad occurs, it usually reveals a great ..................about India. The
occurs more than once word tells us about its politics, its social
Correct Answer: When something self, and its communities. ...............................
bad occurs, it usually occurs more than , that word is not jugaad. It's close, but the
once word is matlabi.
Q. 63 - In the following question, a offering in twenty shades of
sentence has been given in Active/Passive grey. Options:
voice. Out of four alternatives suggested, 1) distinction
select the one, which best expresses the 2) nuance
same sentence in Passive/Active voice. 3) hint
Dark clouds have overcast the evening 4) implication
sky. Options: Correct Answer: nuance
1) By the dark clouds the evening sky was
overcast. Q. 67 - In the following passage, some of
2) The evening sky has been overcast by the words have been left out. Read the
the dark clouds. passage carefully and select the correct
3) Dark clouds overcastted the evening sky. answer for the given blank out of the four
4) The sky of the evening was overcasted alternatives.
by dark clouds. Words give reality to life. Some do better
Correct Answer: The evening sky has been than others, offering in
overcast by the dark clouds. twenty shades of grey. They do not
..................describe reality, they create it,
Q. 64 - Select the antonym of giving it colour, depth, and form.
horrify ..................all, what I am really interested in
Options: here is talking about just one word which
1) affright reveals a great ..................about India. The
2) petrify word tells us about its politics, its social
3) appall self, and its communities.
4) soothe ................................., that word is not jugaad.
Correct Answer: soothe It's close, but the word is matlabi.
They do not ..................describe reality
Q. 65 - Select the word with the correct Options:
spelling. 1) so
Options: 2) just
1) pillages 3) somewhat
2) spliter 4) whatsoever
3) palenes Correct Answer: just
4) bloting
Correct Answer: pillages Q. 68 - In the following passage, some of
the words have been left out. Read the
Q. 66 - In the following passage, some of passage carefully and select the correct
the words have been left out. Read the answer for the given blank out of the four
passage carefully and select the correct alternatives.
answer for the given blank out of the four Words give reality to life. Some do better
alternatives. than others, offering in
Words give reality to life. Some do better twenty shades of grey. They do not
than others, offering in ..................describe reality, they create it,
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
Vicky said, "I clean my teeth daily." Q. 77 - In the following question, out of the
Options: four alternatives, select the alternative
1) Vicky said he cleans his teeth daily. which best expresses the meaning of the
2) Vicky says he cleans his teeth daily. idiom/phrase.
3) Vicky said that he cleaned his teeth daily.
4) Vicky said that he used to clean his teeth Actions speak louder than words
daily. Options:
Correct Answer: Vicky said that he cleaned 1) Achievers are better than those who talk
his teeth daily. big
2) No action can compensate for saying bad
Q. 74 - In the following question, the words
sentence given with blank to be filled in 3) A pen is mightier than a sword
with an appropriate word. Select the 4) What someone does mean more than
correct alternative out of the four and what they say they will do
indicate it by selecting the appropriate Correct Answer: What someone does
option. mean more than what they say they will do
Q. 83 - Select the word with the correct Even if two horses may look ____________,
spelling. they may not be of the same age.
Options: Options:
1) sylabus 1) comparable
2) encroach 2) alike
3) coalesse 3) on par
4) adhetion 4) only same
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
Correct Answer: alike answer for the given blank out of the four
When the waters ___________ Q. 95 - Select the word with the correct
Options: spelling.
1) rush back Options:
2) recede 1) lassoing
3) flow away 2) psychik
4) ebb
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
Q. 104 - Rearrange the parts of the Hardly had she finished her
sentence in correct order. dinner (then) the doorbell rang.
This alone 1) than
P-should alert us to what 2) when
Q-is actually about 3) while
R-the demand for a Uniform Civil Code 4) no improvement
Options: Correct Answer: when
1) PRQ
2) PQR Q. 109 - In the following question, out of
3) QPR the four alternatives, select the alternative
4) RPQ which best expresses the meaning of the
Correct Answer: PRQ idiom/phrase.
Q. 111 - Improve the bracketed part of the Politicians requested both the warring
sentence. communities to ___________________
In the housing society where I live there is a Options:
nice house (to let out). 1) depict
Options: 2) enforce
1) to let 3) show
2) for letting 4) exercise
3) to be let out Correct Answer: exercise
4) no improvement
Correct Answer: to let Q. 115 - In the following passage some of
the words have been left out. Read the
Q. 112 - In the following question, out of passage carefully and select the correct
the four alternatives, select the alternative answer for the given blank out of the four
which is the best substitute of the phrase. alternatives.
A person who applies for a job or is Sometimes the grand ____________ of the
nominated for election Left and the Right do not seem to have any
Options: relationship with the lived experiences of
1) Candidate ordinary Indians. For the past two
2) Elect decades, the Left has tried to expand
3) Volunteer social welfare programmes _________ the
4) Nominator poor in the country by highlighting the
Correct Answer: Candidate growing ____________ between the rich and
the poor. The Right, on the other hand,
Q. 113 - In the following question, a points to the growing ___________ of
sentence has been given in Active/Passive politically driven welfare policies and
voice. Out of four alternatives suggested, emphasises the need for economic growth
select the one which best expresses the to ___________ poverty and improve the
same sentence in Passive/Active voice. lives of the poor.
Mother filled dark filtered coffee in the Sometimes the grand ____________ of the
cup. Left and the Right
Options: Options:
1) The cup was filled with dark filtered 1) histories
coffee by mother. 2) plots
2) Mother filled in the cup coffee which was 3) versions
dark and filtered. 4) narratives
3) The cup was being filled by mother with Correct Answer: narratives
dark filtered coffee.
4) The filtered coffee which was dark was Q. 116 - In the following passage some of
filled into the cup by mother. the words have been left out. Read the
Correct Answer: The cup was filled with passage carefully and select the correct
dark filtered coffee by mother. answer for the given blank out of the four
Q. 114 - In the following question, the
sentence given with blank to be filled in Sometimes the grand ____________ of the
with an appropriate word. Select the Left and the Right do not seem to have any
correct alternative out of the four and relationship with the lived experiences of
indicate it by selecting the appropriate ordinary Indians. For the past two
option. decades, the Left has tried to expand
social welfare programmes _________ the
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
the growing ____________ between the rich Q. 119 - In the following passage some of
and the poor. the words have been left out. Read the
Options: passage carefully and select the correct
1) dissimilarities answer for the given blank out of the four
2) discrepancies alternatives.
3) disparities
4) disillusion Sometimes the grand ____________ of the
Correct Answer: disparities Left and the Right do not seem to have any
Q. 118 - In the following passage some of relationship with the lived experiences of
the words have been left out. Read the ordinary Indians. For the past two
passage carefully and select the correct decades, the Left has tried to expand
answer for the given blank out of the four social welfare programmes _________ the
alternatives. poor in the country by highlighting the
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
growing ____________ between the rich and and select the appropriate option. If a
the poor. The Right, on the other hand, sentence is free from error, select 'No
points to the growing ___________ of Error'.
politically driven welfare policies and The food basket contained(A)/ a dark
emphasises the need for economic growth chocolate, an eclair and a pastry(B)/neatly
to ___________ poverty and improve the wrapped in foil paper.(C)/No error
lives of the poor. Options:
1) A
need for economic growth to ___________ 2) B
poverty and improve the lives of the poor. 3) C
Options: 4) D
1) agitate Correct Answer: B
2) alleviate
3) aggravate Q. 123 Rearrange the parts of the
4) depress sentence in correct order.
Correct Answer: alleviate The arbitration
Pdented China's interests
Q. 120 In the following question, out of Qin multiple ways
the four alternatives, select the alternative Raward has, nevertheless, Options:
which best expresses the meaning of the 1) RPQ
idiom/phrase. 2) RQP
Practice makes a man perfect 3) PQR
Options: 4) QPR
1) Perfection demands patience Correct Answer: RPQ
2) Any problem can be solved if you are
willing to try many times Q. 124 Improve the bracketed part of the
3) Regular activity is the way to become sentence. Any bad habit must be nipped
proficient in it (on) the bud.
4) It takes a long time to form a good habit Options:
Correct Answer: Regular activity is the 1) on
way to become proficient in it 2) in
3) off
Q. 121 In the following question, some 4) no improvement
part of the sentence may have errors. Find Correct Answer: in
out which part of the sentence has an error
and select the appropriate option. If a Q. 125 In the following question, the
sentence is free from error, select 'No sentence given with blank to be filled in
Error'. with an appropriate word. Select the
A rate of growing is different(A)/for correct alternative out of the four and
different sectors, but the service sector(B)/ indicate it by selecting the appropriate
always grows faster than option.
agriculture.(C)/No error(D) At this critical juncture what the company
Options: needs is a strategy.
1) A Options:
2) B 1) creditable
3) C 2) adventurous
4) D 3) incredible
Correct Answer: A 4) credible
Correct Answer: credible
Q. 122 In the following question, some
part of the sentence may have errors. Find Q. 126 Select the antonym of
out which part of the sentence has an error mishmash
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
1) potpourri Q. 131 In the following question, out of
2) medley the four alternatives, select the alternative
3) organized which best expresses the meaning of the
4) haphazard idiom/phrase.
Correct Answer: organized Pull the plug
Q. 127 In the following question, the 1) Make a firm refusal
sentence given with blank to be filled in 2) Save a situation by acting in the nick of
with an appropriate word. Select the time
correct alternative out of the four and 3) To waste away somebody's effort
indicate it by selecting the appropriate 4) Prevent something from continuing
option. Correct Answer: Prevent something from
He is not a native speaker yet he has a good continuing
...........over German.
Options: Q. 132 Improve the bracketed part of the
1) authority sentence. The patient died (of a wound and
2) hold not of) cancer.
3) command Options:
4) expertise 1) from a wound and not of
Correct Answer: command 2) of a wound and not from
3) from a wound and not from
Q. 128 In the following question, out of 4) no improvement
the four alternatives, select the alternative Correct Answer: from a wound and not of
which is the best substitute of the phrase.
match or surpass a person by imitation. Q. 133 In the following question, a
Options: sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect
1) parallel speech. Out of the four alternatives
2) emulate suggested, select the one which best
3) ditto express the same sentence in
4) impression Indirect/Direct speech.
Correct Answer: emulate I said, "My grandfather snored throughout
the night."
Q. 129 Select the word with the correct Options:
spelling. 1) I said my grandfather had snored
Options: throughout the night.
1) rootless 2) I said that my grandfather snored
2) xpanded throughout the night.
3) fulstop 3) I said that my grandfather had snored
4) griling throughout the night.
Correct Answer: rootless 4) I said that my grandfather had been
snoring throughout the night.
Q. 130 In the following question, out of Correct Answer: I said that my grandfather
the four alternatives, select the alternative had snored throughout the night.
which is the best substitute of the phrase.
lack of skill, ability, or competence
1) ineptitude Q. 134 Select the antonym of
2) dexterity generosity
3) proficiency Options:
4) prowess 1) altruism
Correct Answer: ineptitude 2) general
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
3) To circle 3) C
4) To hide 4) D
Correct Answer: To beat Correct Answer: A
Q. 162 - In the following question, the Instead of finding the root cause
sentence given with blank to be filled in of_________ of Indians, the British
with an appropriate word. Select the government took to more ____________
correct alternative out of the four and measures. Under the Defense of India Act,
indicate it by selecting the appropriate it gave more power to the police to arrest
option. persons to stop processions with
____________ movements and actions. The
Every evening a ____________ of wolves Act brought in the Central Legislative
descends into the valley to hunt. Assembly was defeated by one vote. Even
Options: then it was to be passed in the form of an
1) pack ordinance in the "interest of the public."
2) gang Bhagat Singh who was in hiding all this
3) company while, volunteered to throw a bomb in the
4) herd Central Legislative Assembly where the
Correct Answer: pack meeting to pass the ordinance was being
held. It was a carefully laid out _________,
Q. 163 - In the following question, out of not to cause death or injury but to
the four alternatives, select the alternative _____________ the attention of the
which best expresses the meaning of the government, that the modes of its
idiom/phrase. suppression could no more be tolerated. It
was decided that Bhagat Singh and
A drop in the bucket Batukeshwar Dutt would court arrest
Options: after throwing the bomb.
1) So much silence that even a drop can be
heard Instead of finding the root cause
2) A very small amount compared with of_________ of Indians
what is needed Options:
3) The final act before the task is done 1) discontent
4) A small favour is worth a lot to a person 2) problem
in trouble 3) sadness
Correct Answer: A very small amount 4) protest
compared with what is needed Correct Answer: discontent
Q. 164 - In the following question, out of Q. 166 - In the following passage some of
the four alternatives, select the alternative the words have been left out. Read the
which is the best substitute of the phrase. passage carefully and select the correct
answer for the given blank out of the four
Represent something as being less alternatives.
important than it really is.
Options: Instead of finding the root cause
1) discriminant of_________ of Indians, the British
2) stride government took to more ____________
3) underplay measures. Under the Defense of India Act,
4) imperious it gave more power to the police to arrest
Correct Answer: underplay persons to stop processions with
____________ movements and actions. The
Q. 165 - In the following passage some of Act brought in the Central Legislative
the words have been left out. Read the Assembly was defeated by one vote. Even
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
Q. 170 Select the word with the correct Q. 174 In the following question, out of
spelling. the four alternatives, select the
Options: alternative which best expresses the
1) pamflet meaning of the idiom/phrase.
2) montaage To bite off more than one can chew
3) illusary Options:
4) stroller 1) To take on a commitment that one
Correct Answer: stroller cannot fulfill
Q. 170 Rearrange the parts of the 2) A task which has unexpectedly become
sentence in correct order. very difficult
The Finance Minister, under 3) A greedy person will always suffer
Pwhose supervision this 4) To grab a share more than what is
Qhas not made any definite statement rightfully theirs
Rhas taken place, Correct Answer: To take on a commitment
Options: that one cannot fulfill
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
Correct Answer: PQR answer for the given blank out of the four
Q. 193 - Rearrange the parts of the In view of last year's H1N1 attack and
sentence in correct order. prevailing conditions, the
Your absence has health department officials ..............that
P-gone through me Q-through a needle R- the virus will turn more active by January
like thread end. In-charge, Integrated Disease
Options: ..............Programme (IDSP), Dr Shah, said,
1) PRQ "Virus is still active, but not in a major
2) PQR way. In coming months, it is likely to
3) QPR become more active. Last year too, virus
4) RPQ had claimed lives in January and February.
Correct Answer: PRQ Therefore, we are coming
months might
Q. 194 - In the following question, some ..............a challenge."
part of the sentence may have errors. Find In view of last year's H1N1 attack and
out which part of the sentence has an error prevailing .............. Options:
and select the appropriate option. If a 1) erratic
sentence is free from error, select 'No 2) weird
Error'. 3) dicey
This is the sportsperson(A)/whom I think 4) unstable
has won(B)/the much coveted prize.(C)/ Correct Answer: erratic
No error(D)
Options: Q. 197 - In the following passage some of
1) A the words have been left out. Read the
2) B passage carefully and select the correct
3) C answer for the given blank out of the four
4) D alternatives.
Correct Answer: B In view of last year's H1N1 attack and
prevailing conditions, the
Q. 195 - In the following question, a health department officials ..............that
sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect the virus will turn more active by January
speech. Out of the four alternatives end. In-charge, Integrated Disease
suggested, select the one which best ..............Programme (IDSP), Dr Shah, said,
express the same sentence in "Virus is still active, but not in a major
Indirect/Direct speech. way. In coming months, it is likely to
Abhay said to Veena, " Are you coming to become more active. Last year too, virus
the Reception?" Options: had claimed lives in January and February.
1) Abhay told Veena if she was coming to Therefore, we are coming
the Reception. months might
2) Abhay asked Veena if she will be coming ..............a challenge."
to the Reception. the health department officials ..............
3) Abhay asked Veena if she was coming to Options:
the Reception. 1) expect
4) Abhay asked Veena whether she was 2) expects
coming to the Reception. 3) were expecting
Correct Answer: Abhay asked Veena if she 4) are expecting
was coming to the Reception. Correct Answer: are expecting
Q. 196 - In the following passage some of Q. 198 - In the following passage some of
the words have been left out. Read the the words have been left out. Read the
passage carefully and select the correct passage carefully and select the correct
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
answer for the given blank out of the four answer for the given blank out of the four
alternatives. alternatives.
In view of last year's H1N1 attack and In view of last year's H1N1 attack and
prevailing conditions, the prevailing conditions, the
health department officials ..............that health department officials ..............that
the virus will turn more active by January the virus will turn more active by January
end. In-charge, Integrated Disease end. In-charge, Integrated Disease
..............Programme (IDSP), Dr Shah, said, ..............Programme (IDSP), Dr Shah, said,
"Virus is still active, but not in a major "Virus is still active, but not in a major
way. In coming months, it is likely to way. In coming months, it is likely to
become more active. Last year too, virus become more active. Last year too, virus
had claimed lives in January and February. had claimed lives in January and February.
Therefore, we are coming Therefore, we are coming
months might months might
..............a challenge." ..............a challenge."
In-charge, Integrated Disease coming months might ..............a challenge."
..............Programme (IDSP) Options: Options:
1) management 1) show
2) control 2) pose
3) surveillance 3) throw
4) eradication 4) put up
Correct Answer: surveillance Correct Answer: pose
Q. 199 - In the following passage some of Q. 201 - Rearrange the parts of the
the words have been left out. Read the sentence in correct order.
passage carefully and select the correct Technology for
answer for the given blank out of the four P-tracking droughts has
alternatives. Q-grown in leaps and bounds
In view of last year's H1N1 attack and R-forecasting and
prevailing conditions, the 1) RQP
health department officials ..............that 2) PQR
the virus will turn more active by January 3) RPQ
end. In-charge, Integrated Disease 4) QRP
..............Programme (IDSP), Dr Shah, said, Correct Answer: RPQ
"Virus is still active, but not in a major
way. In coming months, it is likely to Q. 202 - Improve the bracketed part of the
become more active. Last year too, virus sentence.
had claimed lives in January and February. If you are living in the crowded part of the
Therefore, we are coming city then you should be ready to (bear) the
months might noise.
..............a challenge." Options:
Therefore, we are .............. Options: 1) bear off
1) vigilant 2) bear away
2) open to 3) bear with
3) on toes 4) no improvement
4) impulsive Correct Answer: bear with
Correct Answer: vigilant
Q. 203 - Select the word with the correct
Q. 200 - In the following passage some of spelling.
the words have been left out. Read the Options:
passage carefully and select the correct 1) extoled
2) couscous
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
3) C
4) D Q. 215 - In the following question,
Correct Answer: C sentence given with blank is to be filled in
with an appropriate word. Select the
Q. 210 - In the following question, out of correct alternative out of the four
the four alternatives, select the alternative and indicate it by selecting the appropriate
which is the best substitute of the phrase. option.
to slap with one's hand or a flat object Crimes against women are ............of the
Options: deep rooted patriarchal systems of our
1) to spank society.
2) to clobber Options:
3) to whip 1) indications
4) to flog 2) manifestations
Correct Answer: to spank 3) demonstrations
4) explanations
Q. 211 - Select the synonym of Correct Answer: manifestations
Options: Q. 216 - In the following question, the
1) bane sentence given with blank to be filled in
2) banishment with an appropriate word. Select the
3) stationing correct alternative out of the four
4) strategise and indicate it by selecting the appropriate
Correct Answer: stationing option.
Three Indian ad agencies have
Q. 212 - Select the antonym of: ............awards at the International
to sue competition.
Options: Options:
1) to absolve 1) obtained
2) to litigate 2) attained
3) to indict 3) bagged
4) to solicit 4) procured
Correct Answer: to absolve Correct Answer: bagged
Q. 213 - Select the antonym of Q. 217 - Select the word with the correct
facade spelling.
Options: Options:
1) frontage 1) deseased
2) semblance 2) spedier
3) veneer 3) schemata
4) reality 4) unioniest
Correct Answer: reality Correct Answer: schemata
Q. 214 - Improve the bracketed part of the Q. 218 - In the following question, a
sentence. sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect
If you come across new words, you should speech. Out of the four alternatives
look (them up) in the dictionary. suggested, select the one, which best
Options: express the same sentence in
1) for them Indirect/Direct speech.
2) at them Sara answered, "The photographs are
3) them down under the drawer”.
4) no improvement Options:
Correct Answer: no improvement
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
Q. 231 In the following question, out of 3) To collect the payment the salesman had
the four alternatives, select the to work hard.
alternative which best expresses the 4) The hardworking salesman was able to
meaning of the idiom/phrase. collect the payment. Correct Answer: The
Run out of steam hardworking salesman collected the
Options: payment.
1) To lose impetus or enthusiasm
2) To work quickly like a machine Q. 236 In the following question, a
3) To give up easily sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect
4) no more money to spend speech. Out of the four alternatives
Correct Answer: To lose impetus or suggested, select the one which best
enthusiasm express the same sentence in
Indirect/Direct speech.
Q. 232 Select the word with the correct The client said to the ticketseller, "At
spelling. what time do the counters close?"
Options: Options:
1) haunchhes 1) The client asked the ticketseller at what
2) exulltant time the counters closed.
3) marketted 2) The client asked the ticketseller at what
4) transmit time did the counters always close.
Correct Answer: transmit 3) The client said to the ticketseller at what
time the counters close.
Q. 233 Select the antonym of 4) The client inquired to the ticketseller at
demure what time the counters usually close.
Options: Correct Answer: The client asked the
1) humble ticketseller at what time the counters
2) bold closed.
3) coy
4) sober Q. 237 Improve the bracketed part of the
Correct Answer: bold sentence.
This palace (has been belonging) to our
Q. 234 Select the word with the correct family since generations.
spelling. Options:
1) stumbal 1) has belonging
2) wrinkeled 2) has belonged
3) bristles 3) belonged
4) reasert 4) no improvement
Correct Answer: bristles Correct Answer: has belonged
2) PQR Options:
3) RPQ 1) An image of a subject conveys its
4) QRP meaning or essence more effectively than a
Correct Answer: RPQ description does
2) It is impossible to describe a beautiful
Q. 255 - In the following question, a sight
sentence has been given in Active/Passive 3) A painter can express his feelings better
voice. Out of four alternatives suggested, than a writer
select the one which best expresses the 4) A beautiful poem creates a mental
same sentence in Passive/Active voice. picture
The manager's bank account has been Correct Answer: An image of a subject
hacked. Options: conveys its meaning or essence more
1) They have hacked the manager's bank effectively than a description does
2) Hacking has been done to the Q. 259 - In the following question, the
manager's bank account. sentence given with blank to be filled in
3) Bank's account hacking has been done with an appropriate word. Select the
of the manager. correct alternative out of the four and
4) Someone has hacked the manager's indicate it by selecting the appropriate
bank account. option.
Correct Answer: Someone has hacked the The government allocated Rs 1,000 Cr for
manager's bank account. ...............of historical monuments. Options:
1) resurrection
Q. 256 - Select the word with the correct 2) revival
spelling. 3) resumption
Options: 4) restoration
1) deceased Correct Answer: restoration
2) choiciest
3) anglecan Q. 260 - In the following question, some
4) thankfull part of the sentence may have errors. Find
Correct Answer: deceased out which part of the sentence has an error
and select the appropriate option. If a
Q. 257 - Select the synonym of
sentence is free from error, select 'No
1) insubstantial He says that (A)/he has done
2) exceptional engineering(B)/besides an MBA./(C)No
3) nourishing error/(D) Options:
4) superlative 1) A
Correct Answer: nourishing 2) B
3) C
Q. 258 - In the following question, out of 4) D
the four alternatives, select the alternative Correct Answer: D
which best expresses the meaning of the
Q. 261 - In the following question, the
sentence given with blank to be filled in
A picture paints a thousand words
with an appropriate word. Select the
correct alternative out of the four and
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
confusing happiness with a complacent and computer screens and instead engage
way of life that could end up depriving in social activism and politics to create a
people of the ability to determine their more just world. ...............his speech with
own fates. ..............., the 79- year-old pope, despite a
" ..............." who retreats into video games long day of public appearances, addressed
and computer screens his eager audience with enthusiasm
Options: yesterday on a warm summer night. Pope
1) couch potato Francis spoke of a ...............that comes from
2) lazy tomato merely seeking convenience, from
3) loafer confusing happiness with a complacent
4) spectator way of life that could end up depriving
Correct Answer: couch potato people of the ability to determine their
own fates.
Q. 268 - In the following passage some of ..............., the 79-year-old pope, despite a
the words have been left out. Read the long day of public appearances, Options:
passage carefully and select the correct 1) contemporary lingo
answer for the given blank out of the four 2) modern linguistics
alternatives. 3) fashionable jargon
The preacher challenged hundreds of 4) common slang
thousands of young people who gathered Correct Answer: contemporary lingo
in a ...............Polish meadow to reject being
a "..............." who retreats into video games Q. 270 - In the following passage some of
and computer screens and instead engage the words have been left out. Read the
in social activism and politics to create a passage carefully and select the correct
more just world. ...............his speech with answer for the given blank out of the four
..............., the 79- year-old pope, despite a alternatives.
long day of public appearances, addressed The preacher challenged hundreds of
his eager audience with enthusiasm thousands of young people who gathered
yesterday on a warm summer night. Pope in a ...............Polish meadow to reject being
Francis spoke of a ...............that comes from a "..............." who retreats into video games
merely seeking convenience, from and computer screens and instead engage
confusing happiness with a complacent in social activism and politics to create a
way of life that could end up depriving more just world. ...............his speech with
people of the ability to determine their ..............., the 79- year-old pope, despite a
own fates. long day of public appearances, addressed
...............his speech with his eager audience with enthusiasm
Options: yesterday on a warm summer night. Pope
1) Showering Francis spoke of a ...............that comes from
2) Endowing merely seeking convenience, from
3) Glorifying confusing happiness with a complacent
4) Peppering way of life that could end up depriving
Correct Answer: Peppering people of the ability to determine their
own fates.
Q. 269 - In the following passage some of Pope Francis spoke of a ...............that
the words have been left out. Read the comes from merely seeking convenience
passage carefully and select the correct Options:
answer for the given blank out of the four 1) selfishness
alternatives. 2) panic
The preacher challenged hundreds of 3) paralysis
thousands of young people who gathered 4) calamity
in a ...............Polish meadow to reject being Correct Answer: paralysis
a "..............." who retreats into video games
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
Q. 271 In the following question, out of 4) Veer said that he had been playing
the four alternatives, select the football.
alternative which best expresses the Correct Answer: Veer said that he had
meaning of the idiom/phrase. been playing football.
To bite the bullet
Options: Q. 275 In the following question, some
1) Hatred should be nipped in the bud part of the sentence may have errors. Find
2) To do something difficult that one has out which part of the sentence has an
been hesitating over error and select the appropriate option. If
3) To punish someone who was later found a sentence is free from error, select 'No
to be not guilty Error'.
4) To prevent someone form getting killed At the party(A)/Rohit introduced me to his
Correct Answer: To do something difficult friend(B)/who is radio jockey.(C)/No
that one has been hesitating over error(D)
Q. 272 In the following question, out of 1) A
the four alternatives, select the 2) B
alternative which is the best substitute of 3) C
the phrase. 4) D
to shut a door, window, or lid forcefully Correct Answer: C
and loudly
Options: Q. 276 - In the following question, the
1) to clam sentence given with blank to be filled in
2) to strike with an appropriate word. Select the
3) to shutter correct alternative out of the four and
4) to slam indicate it by selecting the appropriate
Correct Answer: to slam option.
I return by the 3rd of the
Q. 273 Rearrange the parts of the month. Options:
sentence in correct order. 1) strategize
This too, is a classic 2) program
P"stock versus flow" problem, where 3) plan
Qfocusing only on the latter 4) project
Rcompletely distorts the picture Correct Answer: plan
1) QRP
2) RPQ Q. 277 - Improve the bracketed part of the
3) PRQ sentence. Einstein was one (of the wisest
4) PQR men) that ever lived.
Correct Answer: PQR Options:
1) of the wisest man
Q. 274 In the following question, a 2) wise man
sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect 3) wisest man
speech. Out of the four alternatives 4) no improvement
suggested, select the one, which best Correct Answer: no improvement
express the same sentence in
Indirect/Direct speech. Q. 278 - Select the word with the correct
Veer said, "I was playing football". spelling.
Options: Options:
1) Veer said he had been playing football. 1) oxidieser
2) Veer said he was playing football. 2) thespian
3) Veer said that, that he was playing 3) aproval
football. 4) secreetes
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
Correct Answer: thespian 4) The girl in the red dress asked me,
where the film studio was.
Q. 279 - In the following question, out of Correct Answer: The girl in the red dress
the four alternatives, select the alternative asked me, where the film studio was.
which is the best substitute of the phrase.
To sweep over something so as to Q. 283 - Select the synonym of
surround it completely. Options: sheath
1) engulf Options:
2) imbibe 1) weapon
3) drown 2) hide
4) plunge 3) encourage
Correct Answer: engulf 4) coat
Correct Answer: coat
Q. 280 - Improve the bracketed part of the
sentence. Q. 284 - Select the antonym of
Venezuelans (were being) deprived of food primed
and medicines for the past year. Options:
Options: 1) fit
1) were 2) able
2) are 3) unready
3) have been 4) prepped
4) no improvement Correct Answer: unready
Correct Answer: have been
Q. 285 - Rearrange the parts of the
Q. 281 - In the following question, out of sentence in correct order
the four alternatives, select the alternative Aggregate levels of under nutrition in
which best expresses the meaning of the India
idiom/phrase. P-remain shockingly high, despite the
Turn a blind eye impressive
Options: Q-stunting in the last decade
1) Not able to see the obvious truth R-reduction in
2) Hide the ugly truth from someone Options:
3) Pretend not to notice 1) PRQ
4) Stay away from bad habits 2) QPR
Correct Answer: Pretend not to notice 3) RPQ
4) QRP
Q. 282 - In the following question, a Correct Answer: PRQ
sentence has been given in Direct/Indirect
speech. Out of the four alternatives Q. 286 - In the following question, a
suggested, select the one, which best sentence has been given in Active/Passive
express the same sentence in voice. Out of four alternatives suggested,
Indirect/Direct speech. select the one which best expresses the
The girl in the red dress said to me, same sentence in Passive/Active voice.
"Where is the film studio?" I had to stop all my work to complete this
Options: project.
1) The girl in the red dress inquired me, Options:
where the film studio is. 1) All other work had to be stopped to
2) The girl in the red dress asked me, complete this project by me.
where is the film studio. 2) For completing this project all other
3) The girl in the red dress asked me, work must be stopped.
where the film studio is. 3) For completing this project I had to stop
all my work.
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
4) To complete this project all other work which best expresses the meaning of the
had been stopped by me. idiom/phrase.
Correct Answer: To complete this Up a blind alley
project all other work had been stopped Options:
by me. 1) hiding something intentionally from
another person
Q. 287 - Select the antonym of 2) not warning a person who is in danger
pilferer 3) one can enjoy thrills only if one
Options: takes risk
1) sniper 4) following a course of action that is
2) punk certain to lead to an undesirable outcome
3) lifter Correct Answer: following a course of
4) police action that is certain to lead to an
Correct Answer: police undesirable outcome
Q. 288 - In the following question, out of Q. 292 - Select the word with the correct
the four alternatives, select the alternative spelling.
which is the best substitute of the phrase. Options:
To take someone somewhere suddenly 1) tapestry
and quickly 2) emannates
Options: 3) insissted
1) rush 4) coalese
2) whisk Correct Answer: tapestry
3) fly
4) flit Q. 293 - In the following question, the
Correct Answer: whisk sentence given with blank to be filled in
with an appropriate word. Select the
Q. 289 - Rearrange the parts of the correct alternative out of the four and
sentence in correct order indicate it by selecting the appropriate
Imagine the government option.
P-were an investor, His success is worthy of ................. Options:
Q-trying to maximize India's long-run 1) copying
R-economic growth 2) aping
Options: 3) simulation
1) PRQ 4) emulation
2) PQR Correct Answer: emulation
3) QRP
4) RPQ Q. 294 - In the following question, some
Correct Answer: PQR part of the sentence may have errors. Find
out which part of the sentence has an error
Q. 290 - Select the synonym of and select the appropriate option. If a
genre sentence is free from error, select 'No
Options: Error'.
1) celebrity My younger sister (A)/is much
2) common man smarter(B)/then me.(C)/No error(D)
3) category Options:
4) pleasant 1) A
Correct Answer: category 2) B
3) C
Q. 291 - In the following question, out of 4) D
the four alternatives, select the alternative Correct Answer: C
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
Q. 295 - In the following question, some European Union (EU) in the referendum
part of the sentence may have errors. Find held on June 23.
out which part of the sentence has an error virtually everyone seemed ................
and select the appropriate option. If a Options:
sentence is free from error, select 'No 1) satisfied
Error'. 2) positive
Those sort of people (A)/are always 3) presumptuous
nice(B)/to you on your 4) confident
face.(C)/No error(D) Correct Answer: confident
1) A Q. 298 - In the following passage, some of
2) B the words have been left out. Read the
3) C passage carefully and select the correct
4) D answer for the given blank out of the four
Correct Answer: D alternatives. long ago, virtually everyone
Q. 296 - In the following passage, some of seemed ................that a sizeable majority
the words have been left out. Read the of British voters ................ reaffirm their
passage carefully and select the correct faith and confidence in a united Europe.
answer for the given blank out of the four Unfortunately, what was considered to be
alternatives. a remote possibility has actually become a long ago, virtually everyone very ................reality. A small majority of
seemed ................that a sizeable majority voters ................ to take Britain out of the
of British voters ................ reaffirm their European Union (EU) in the referendum
faith and confidence in a united Europe. held on June 23.
Unfortunately, what was considered to be a sizeable majority of British
a remote possibility has actually become a voters ................reaffirm
very ................reality. A small majority of Options:
voters ................ to take Britain out of the 1) would
European Union (EU) in the referendum 2) will
held on June 23. 3) should long ago, 4) surely
Options: Correct Answer: should
1) Not
2) Far Q. 299 - In the following passage, some of
3) So the words have been left out. Read the
4) Nor passage carefully and select the correct
Correct Answer: Not answer for the given blank out of the four
Q. 297 - In the following passage, some of long ago, virtually everyone
the words have been left out. Read the seemed ................that a sizeable majority
passage carefully and select the correct of British voters ................ reaffirm their
answer for the given blank out of the four faith and confidence in a united Europe.
alternatives. Unfortunately, what was considered to be long ago, virtually everyone a remote possibility has actually become a
seemed ................that a sizeable majority very ................reality. A small majority of
of British voters ................ reaffirm their voters ................ to take Britain out of the
faith and confidence in a united Europe. European Union (EU) in the referendum
Unfortunately, what was considered to be held on June 23.
a remote possibility has actually become a a remote possibility has actually become a
very ................reality. A small majority of very ................reality. Options:
voters ................ to take Britain out of the 1) ominous
500 English Comprehension Questions for SSC CHSL 2021 Free ebook
2) grim
3) dire
4) haunting
Correct Answer: ominous