Campus Journalism Syllabus

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Doctolero Avenue, Brgy. Magugpo East, Tagum City
Website: Tel.No (084) 216-3866

Course Code: EL119

Course Title: Campus Journalism

I. Institutional Outcomes:
1. Graduate Attributes
Leadership Skills:
Our graduates take leadership roles in their chosen careers and occupations. They demonstrate creativity and effective responses to
professional, intellectual and social challenges.
Lifelong Learners:
Our graduates are demonstrating professional behavior and responsive to change, to be inquiring and reflective in practice, through
information literacy and self-managed learning.
Critical and Analytical Thinking Ability:
Our graduates are curious, innovative and critical thinkers. They think and act critically and creatively to inspire, achieve and embrace
positive change.
Digital Competency:
Our graduates are well prepared and adept for learning, living and working in the digital global community.
2. Vision
A home for quality education where knowledge and character go together.
3. Mission
We, the members of the St. Thomas More School of Law and Business, community, commit ourselves to:
a. develop and form integrated individuals following the values of St. Thomas More; and
b. provoke transformative, liberating and relevant academic programs responsive to the growing and changing needs of the local, national and global
4. Goals
a. To develop socially responsible, competent, honest and effective professionals in the field of law and other allied courses.
b. To attain professional skills and competence necessary for the performance of the assigned tasks.
1. To strengthen placement programs to address the unemployment issues of our country.
II. Program Outcomes
a. Possess broad knowledge of language and literature for effective learning.
b. Use English as a glocal language in a multilingual context as it applies to the teaching of language and literature.
c. Acquire extensive reading background in language and literature.
d. Demonstrate proficiency in oral and written communication.
e. Show competence in employing innovative language and literature teaching approaches, methodologies, and strategies.
f. Use technology in facilitating language learning and teaching.
g. Inspire students and colleagues to lead relevant and transformative changes to improve learning and teaching language and literature.
Display skills and abilities to be a reflective and research- oriented language and literature teacher.
III. Course Information:
1. Course Number: EL119
2. Course Title: Campus Journalism
3. Course Description: This course promotes the development and growth of campus journalism as a means to strengthen ethical values,
encourage creative thinking, and develop moral character and personal discipline among the students. It encourages and train students on
how to produce and manage a school paper. This is also a practical course to students who are beginners in the journalism field and who
want to improve their journalistic skills.
4. Course Credit: 3 Units
5. Pre-requisites: EL118 – Technical Writing
IV. Course Outcomes:
1. Articulate the relationship of education to larger historical, social, cultural and political processes.
2. Pursue lifelong learning for personal and professional growth.
3. Act in recognition of professional, social, and ethical responsibility.
4. Articulate and discuss the latest developments in the specific field of practice.
5. Demonstrate basic and higher levels of thinking skills in planning, assessing and reporting.
6. Effectively communicate orally and in writing using both English and Filipino.
V. Course Outline/Learning Plan

Specific Learning Topics for Coverage Teaching/ Learning Activities Resources Assessment Tasks
1. Recite the STMS Course Orientation: 1. Class dialog: Sharing of STMS 1. Speech
Vision and Mission 1. STMS Vision and Mission Students’ experiences in Handbook advocacy
2. Identify the 2. Program Goals and previous semester. Feedbacking
program goals and Objectives 2. Presentation of STMS VMG
objectives Introduction to the Course – 3. Class discourse on the
3. Discuss the outcomes, outline, house rules, course outcomes, outline,
importance of the grading system, target outputs. house rules, grading
course to the systems, target outputs via
program open forum
4. Name the house Individual speech advocacy
rules to be presentation on his/ her
observed in the expectations and plans for the
class course.
Recognize the course
outline, grading system
and target outputs.
1. Define Campus A. Campus Journalism- A -Lecture Quiz: (Essay) Answer
Journalism. Better Understanding the following
2. Explain why a Campus a. Definition of Campus -Discussion questions in no less
Journalist should be Journalism than five sentences to
responsible in his/her -Brainstorming be posted on the online
writings. b. Responsibilities of a Campus class forum. (10 points
3. Enumerate the different Writer -Reading Assignment each)
Dos and Don’ts in 1. State one
Campus Journalism. c. The Dos and Don’ts in -Criticizing an article responsibility of a
4. Discuss the Journalism Campus Journalism Campus Journalist and
Creed. -Library research explain.
5. Reflect on the d. A review of the Journalism -Blogging/Online Forum 2. Define Campus
importance of Campus Creed Journalism in your
Journalism in the society. own point of view.
6. Describe the qualities a e. Killing of Journalists/ 3. Why do Campus
Campus Journalist should Journalism issues Journalists need to be
possess. responsible in their
7. Display interest in B. Types and Functions of writing?
writing as well as Campus Journalism
criticizing an article. 4. Explain the
8. Reflect on the C.. Convergence Journalism relevance of the saying
importance of campus a. Social Media “Pen is mightier than
journalism in schools and b. Blogs and Web Hosting the sword” in campus
society c. Podcasting/ Vlogging journalism
9. Explore different media
platforms (writing, photo, 5. How would
audio, video, etc.) used in journalists respond to
journalism online readers who
tagged all members of
the media as biased or
1. Define news and News Writing -Interactive Lecture and Quiz 1: Write a news
newswriting a. What is News Writing? Discussion story using different
2. Discuss the different b. Elements of News -Group Reporting news leads
elements that make a c. The pyramid structure in -Library Research Quiz 2: Write a news
material newsworthy. News Writing -Newspaper Review story about recent
3. Discuss the importance d. Types of News -News story writing events in school and
of Inverted Pyramid e. Types of News Leads Blogging/Online Forum society
structure in newswriting f. The LTQTQT format in
4. Introduce the different newswriting Publish news articles
types of news and news g. Basic rules in newswriting on Group Blog for
leads open critiquing
5. Discuss the format
commonly used in
6. Discuss the basic rules
to newswriting.
7. Write a news story
about a recent event in
1. Define Features and Feature Writing -Interactive Lecture and Quiz 1: Write a one
Feature Writing a. What is a Feature Story and Discussion paragraph-feature
2. Differentiate Features Feature Writing? -Group Reporting introduction using
and News b. Features vs. News -Feature Story Review different Feature Leads
3. Discuss the unique c. Feature Story Varieties -Feautre Story Writing
characteristics of each d. Data Gathering Techniques -Blogging/Online Forum Quiz 2: Write a
feature story type and Generating Story ideas -Interactive Lecture and Feature Story about a
4. Discuss what a feature e. The Structure of the Feature Discussion relevant topic/issue in
writer needs to get for the Story -Group Reporting the school or
feature story. f. Types of Leads for Feature -Exercises community
5. Discuss the structure of stories -Collaborative Learning
a Feature story g. Wordcraft: Rhetorical Acts for Publish Feature
6. Discuss the different Paragraph Development articles on Group Blog
types of leads used in for open critiquing
Feature writing
7. Discuss the different
techniques in Feature
8. Write a Feature story
1. Define headlining and A. Copyreading -Interactive Lecture and Quiz 1:
copyreading a. What is Copyreading? Discussion Edit manuscripts
2. Enumerate the b. Responsibilities of a -Group Reporting
responsibilities of a Copyeditor -Exercises
copyreader c. Copyediting symbols -Collaborative Learning Quiz 2:
3. Familiarize with d. Pointers in Copyediting Write catchy headlines
copyediting symbols
4. Identify the guidlines B. Headlining
in headline writing a. What is a headline?
b. Functions of a headline
c. Guidelines in Headline
1. Define the different Editorial Writing -Brainstorming Writing Test:
types of an Editorial a. What is an editorial? The following topics
2. Compare and contrast b. Parts of an Editorial - Criticizing articles are the hottest issues in
Editorial Writing from c. Different techniques in our country nowadays.
Opinion Writing writing an effective editorial -Debate Choose three topics
3. Enumerate the current d. Different types of Editorial - Discussion and write an opinion
issues locally and e. Controversial Issues in our article observing the
globally Country -Reading Assignment rules in opinion
4. Develop interest in   writing.. ( 50 points
writing opinionated for each article)
articles expressing their 1. China-Philippines
sides regarding a certain bilateral relations
topic 2. Pres. Duterte’s
5. Write an effective independent foreign
editorial article for policy
different audiences 3. Delima’s disbarment
6. Compare their ideas case
with other people’s ideas 4. Death Penalty in the
by including counter Philippines
arguments and
acknowledging multiple
perspectives on any topic.
1. Define Column Writing Column Writing, Op-Ed, -Interactive Lecture and Column Writing
2. Enumerate the qualities Letters to the Editor discussions 1. Local Issue
of a Columnist a. What is a Column? -Column Critquing 2. National Issue
3. Identify types of b. Qualities of a columnist -Reading assignment
columns and their c. Types of Columns and their
purposes Purposes
4. Write a Column d. Guidlines in Column Writing
regarding an issue in
school or community
1. Explain the importance Editorial Cartooning -Lecture Draw an editorial
of editorial cartooning in a. What is an editorial cartoon? cartoon on the
an editorial page b. Elements of Editorial -Brainstorming following topics: ( 50
2. Analyze the Cartoons points)
cartoonist’s motives in c. Symbols in Cartooning -Games 1. Duterte’s language
drawing an editorial 2. China in West
cartoon -Discussion Philippine Sea
3. Consider their 3. Duterte vs. US, UN,
audiences’ expectations -Ed.Cartoon review EU
and perspectives on their
4. Interpret the messages
of their drawings
5. Draw an editorial
cartoon regarding
important issues our
VI. Textbooks: Internet Links Provided
VII. References:
VIII. E-journal/s: Internet Links Provided
IX. Course Requirements:
1. Reviews
2. Column Write Up
3. Editorial
4. Editing Manuscripts
5. Blogging
X. Grading System
The students will be graded according to the following:
Prelim Examinations - 10%
Midterm Examinations - 10%
Final Examinations - 20%
Quizzes and Assignments - 30%
Research - 15%
Oral Recitation - 10%
Attendance - 5%

Total = 100%
XI. Classroom Policies:
1. Attendance sheet will be passed around and the student is responsible to sign to prove his/her presence for that sessions. This is to
monitor whether absences incurred by the student is still within the allowed number of absences for a course stipulated in the Student
2. Excuse from the class will only be honored if a Memo from the school is issued before the absence or valid excuse letter from
parents/guardians is presented after the absence. No other excuses will be entertained.
3. It is a part of your education to learn responsibility and self-discipline, particularly with regards to academic honesty. Cheating is defined
to include an attempt to defraud, deceive, or mislead the instructor in arriving at honest grade assessment. Plagiarism is a form of cheating
that involves presenting as one’s own work the ideas or work of another. Therefore, all portions of any test, project, or major examination
submitted by you for a grade must be your own work, unless you are instructed to work collaboratively. Cheating in a major course
examination by a student will entail a failing mark for the given course. Plagiarism in papers and other works will entail zero score for the
said requirement.
4. The use of multiple-choice questionnaire is used during the exams. Always bring pencil, black or blue pen and must be prepared in taking
the exam.
5. Unsatisfactory project will not be accepted. However, the student/group will be given a chance to improve their project.
6. Using headphones, texting and voice calls, and doing other requirements not related to this course during the class hour are strictly not
7. This class policy serves as our written agreement for the whole semester.


Reviewed by: NOLI V. LABIOS, JR., LPT.
Approved by: VINA M. ZARAGOZA, Ed.D.

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